Lecture Notes 1-Consumer Protection

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Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance

2nd Semester, Academic Year 2023-2024


I. STATE POLICY a) to develop and provide safety and quality

standards for consumer products,
It is the policy of the State to protect the including performance or use-oriented
interests of the consumer, promote his general standards, codes of practice and
welfare and to establish standards of conduct methods of tests;
for business and industry. Towards this end, the b) to assist the consumer in evaluating the
State shall implement measures to achieve the quality, including safety, performance
following objectives: and comparative utility of consumer
a) protection against hazards to health and products;
safety; c) to protect the public against
b) protection against deceptive, unfair and unreasonable risks of injury associated
unconscionable sales acts and with consumer products;
practices; d) to undertake research on quality
c) provision of information and education improvement of products and
to facilitate sound choice and the proper investigation into causes and prevention
exercise of rights by the consumer; of product related deaths, illness and
d) provision of adequate rights and means injuries;
of redress; and e) to assure the public of the consistency of
e) involvement of consumer standardized products. (Art. 5)
representatives in the formulation of
social and economic policies. (Art. 2) Implementing agencies
The following are the government agencies
II. CONSUMER PRODUCT QUALITY AND tasked to implement the provisions of the
Consumer Act of the Philippines:
1. The Department of Health (DOH) with
respect to food, drugs, cosmetics,
devices and substances;
A natural person who is a purchaser, lessee,
2. the Department of Agriculture (DA) with
recipient or prospective purchaser, lessor or
respect to products related to
recipient of consumer products, services or
agriculture, and;
credit. (Art. 4(n))
3. the Department of Trade and Industry
(DTI) with respect to other consumer
Consumer products and services
products not specified above. (Art. 6)
Goods, services and credits, debts or
obligations which are primarily for personal,
The implementing agencies shall establish
family, household or agricultural purposes,
consumer product quality and safety which
which shall include but not limited to food,
shall consist one or more of the following:
drugs, cosmetics, and devices. (Art. 4(q))
a) requirements as to performance,
composition, contents, design,
Duty of the State
construction, finish, packaging of a
It shall be the duty of the State:
consumer product;

1Unless otherwise indicated, all references to articles pertain to the Consumer Act of the Philippines, while references to sections pertain to the
Philippine Lemon Law.

b) requirements as to kind, class, grade, and hearing, make the appropriate order for its
dimensions, weights, material; recall, prohibition or seizure from public sale or
c) requirements as to the methods of distribution.
sampling, tests and codes used to check
the quality of the product; In the sound discretion of the department it may
d) requirements as to precautions in declare a consumer product to be imminently
storage, transporting and packaging; injurious, unsafe or dangerous, and order is
e) requirements that a consumer product immediate recall, ban or seizure from public
be marked with or accompanied by clear sale or distribution, in which case, the seller,
and adequate safety warnings or distributor, manufacturer or producer thereof
instructions, or requirements respecting shall be aYorded a hearing within 48 hours from
the form of warnings or instructions. such order.

Prohibited acts, in general The ban on the sale and distribution of a

It shall be unlawful for any person to: consumer product adjudged injurious, unsafe
a) manufacture for sale, oYer for sale, or dangerous, or imminently injurious, unsafe or
distribute in commerce, or import into dangerous shall stay in force until such time
the Philippines any consumer product that its safety can be assured or measures to
which is not in conformity with an ensure its safety have been established. (Art.
applicable consumer product quality or 10)
safety standard promulgated in the
Consumer Act; Amendment and revocation of declaration of
b) manufacture for sale, oYer for sale, the injurious, unsafe or dangerous character
distribute in commerce, or import into of a consumer product
the Philippines any consumer product Any interested person may petition the
which has been declared as banned appropriate department to commence a
consumer product by a rule in in the proceeding for the issuance of
Consumer Act; (1) an amendment or revocation of a
c) refuse access to or copying of pertinent consumer product safety rule, or
records or fail or refuse to permit entry of (2) an order declaring a consumer product
or inspection by authorized oYicers or injurious, dangerous and unsafe.
employees of the department;
d) fail to comply with an order issued under In case the department, upon petition by an
Article 11 relating to notifications of interested party or its own initiative and after
substantial product hazards and to due notice and hearing, determines a consumer
recall, repair, replacement or refund of product to be substandard or materially
unsafe products; defective, it shall so notify the manufacturer,
e) fail to comply with the rule prohibiting distributor or seller thereof of such finding and
stockpiling. (Art. 18) order such manufacturer, distributor or seller
Ban on injurious, dangerous, and unsafe a) give notice to the public of the defect or
products failure to comply with the product safety
Whenever the departments find, by their own standards; and
initiative or by petition of a consumer, that a b) give notice to each distributor or retailer
consumer product is found to be injurious, of such product.
unsafe or dangerous, it shall, after due notice

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The department shall also direct the Philippine territory shall be refused
manufacturer, distributor or seller of such admission if such product:
product to extend any or all of the following 1. fails to comply with an applicable
remedies to the injured person: consumer product quality and safety
a) to bring such product into conformity standard or rule;
with the requirements of the applicable 2. is or has been determined to be
consumer product standards or to repair injurious, unsafe and dangerous;
the defect in order to conform with the 3. is substandard; or has material defect.
b) to replace the product with a like or b) Samples of consumer products being
equivalent product which complies with imported into the Philippines in a quantity
the applicable consumer product necessary for purposes of determining the
standards which does not contain the existence of any of the above causes for
defect; non-admission may be obtained by the
c) to refund the purchase price of the concerned department or agency without
product less a reasonable allowance for charge from the owner or consignee thereof.
use; and The owner or consignee of the imported
d) to pay the consumer reasonable consumer product under examination shall
damages as may be determined by the be aYorded an opportunity to a hearing with
department. respect to the importation of such products
into the Philippines. If it appears from
The manufacturer, distributor or seller shall not examination of such samples or otherwise
charge a consumer who avails himself of the that an imported consumer product does
remedy as provided above of any expense and not conform to the consumer product safety
cost that may be incurred. (Art. 11) rule or its injurious, unsafe and dangerous,
is substandard or has a material defect,
EBectivity of amendment and revocation of such product shall be refused admission
consumer product safety rule unless the owner or the consignee thereof
Any amendment or revocation of a consumer manifests under bond that none of the
product safety rule made by the concerned above ground for non- admission exists or
department shall specify the date on which it that measures have been taken to cure them
shall take eYect which shall not exceed ninety before they are sold, distributed or oYered
days from the date of amendment or revocation for sale to the general public.
is published unless the concerned department
finds, for a good cause shown, that a later Any consumer product, the sale or use of
eYective date is in the public interest and which has been banned or withdrawn in the
publishes its reasons for such finding. The country of manufacture, shall not be
department shall promulgate the necessary imported into the country.
rules for the issuance, amendment or
revocation of any consumer product safety rule. c) If it appears that any consumer product
(Art. 12) which may not be admitted pursuant to
paragraph (a) can be so modified that it can
Imported products already be accepted, the concerned
a) Any consumer product oYered for department may defer final determination
importation into the customs of the as to the admission of such product for a
period not exceeding ten days, and in

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accordance with such regulations as the Food, drugs, cosmetics and devices are
department and the Commissioner of prohibited when:
Customs shall jointly promulgate, such 1. Unregistered,
product may be released from customs 2. Unsafe
custody under bond for the purpose of 3. IneYicacious, or
permitting the owner or consignee an 4. Of doubtful therapeutic value. (Art. 21)
opportunity to so modify such product.
Also, under Art. 40, the following are prohibited,
d) All modifications taken by an owner or among others:
consignee for the purpose of securing 1. the manufacture, importation,
admission of an imported consumer exportation, sale, oYering for sale,
product under paragraph (c) shall be subject distribution or transfer of any food, drug,
to the supervision of the concerned device or cosmetic that is adulterated or
department. If the product cannot be so mislabeled
modified, or if the owner or consignee is not 2. the adulteration or misbranding of any
proceeding to satisfactorily modify such food, drug, device, or cosmetic
product, it shall be refused admission and
the department may direct redelivery of the Hazardous Substance
product into customs custody, and to seize The State, through the DOH, shall adopt
the product if not so redelivered. measures designed to protect the consumer
against substances other than food, drugs,
e) Imported consumer products not admitted cosmetics and devices that are hazardous to his
must be exported, except that upon health and safety. (Art. 42)
application, the Commissioner of Customs
may permit the destruction of the product if, "Banned hazardous substance" means:
within a reasonable time, the owner or (1) any toy or other articles intended for use
consignee thereof fails to export the same. by children, which are hazardous per se,
or which bear or contain substances
f) All expenses in connection with the harmful to human beings; or
destruction provided for in this Article, and (2) any hazardous substance intended or
all expenses in connection with the storage, packaged in a form suitable for use in the
cartage or labor with respect to any household, which the implementing
consumer product refused admission under agency by regulation, classifies as
this Article, shall be paid by the owner or “banned hazardous substance”
consignee and, in default of such payment, notwithstanding the existence of
shall constitute a lien against any future cautionary labels, to safeguard public
importation made by such owner or health and safety: Provided, That the
consignee. (Art. 15) implementing agency may, by regulation,
exempt from the Consumer Protection
Food, drugs, cosmetics and devices Act, articles which by reason of their
The State, through the DOH, shall ensure safe functional purpose require the inclusion
and good quality of food, drugs, cosmetics and of the hazardous substance involved and
devices, and regulate their production, sale, which bear appropriate labels giving
distribution and advertisement to protect the adequate directions and warnings for
health of the consumer. (Art. 20-21) their safe use.

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If the DOH finds that the distribution for deteriorated, altered, reconditioned,
household use of the hazardous reclaimed or second-hand state;
substance involved presents an d) a consumer product or service is
imminent hazard to the public health, it available to the consumer for a reason
may publish in a newspaper of general that is diYerent from the fact;
circulation a notice of such finding and e) a consumer product or service has been
such substance shall be deemed to be a supplied in accordance with the
“banned hazardous substance” pending previous representation when in fact it is
the issuance of regulation formally not;
banning such substance. (Art. 4(g)) f) a consumer product or service can be
supplied in a quantity greater than the
g) a service, or repair of a consumer
The State, through the DTI, shall promote and product is needed when in fact it is not;
encourage fair, honest and equitable relations h) a specific price advantage of a consumer
among parties in consumer transactions and product exists when in fact it does not;
protect the consumer against deceptive, unfair i) the sales act or practice involves or does
and unconscionable sales acts or practices. not involve a warranty, a disclaimer of
(Art. 48) warranties, particular warranty terms or
other rights, remedies or obligations if
A deceptive act or practice by a seller or supplier the indication is false; and
in connection with a consumer transaction j) the seller or supplier has a sponsorship,
constitutes a violation whether it occurs before, approval, or aYiliation he does not have.
during or after the transaction. (Art. 50)

When sales act or practice is deemed Unfair or unconscionable sales act or

deceptive practice
An act or practice shall be deemed deceptive An unfair or unconscionable sales act or
whenever the producer, manufacturer, supplier practice by a seller or supplier in connection
or seller, through concealment, false with a consumer transaction constitutes a
representation or fraudulent manipulation, violation whether it occurs before, during or
induces a consumer to enter into a sales or after the consumer transaction. (Art. 52)
lease transaction of any consumer product or
service. (Art. 50) When sales act or practice is unfair or
Examples of deceptive sales act or practice An act or practice shall be deemed unfair or
a) a consumer product or service has the unconscionable whenever the producer,
sponsorship, approval, performance, manufacturer, distributor, supplier or seller, by
characteristics, ingredients, taking advantage of the consumer's physical or
accessories, uses, or benefits it does not mental infirmity, ignorance, illiteracy, lack of
have; time or the general conditions of the
b) a consumer product or service is of a environment or surroundings, induces the
particular standard, quality, grade, style, consumer to enter into a sales or lease
or model when in fact it is not; transaction grossly inimical to the interests of
c) a consumer product is new, original or the consumer or grossly one-sided in favor of
unused, when in fact, it is in a

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the producer, manufacturer, distributor, for subsequent sales that said buyers
supplier or seller. (Art. 52) has helped the seller enter into. (Art. 59)

In determining whether an act or practice is IV. PRODUCT SERVICE AND WARRANTY

unfair and unconscionable, the following
circumstances shall be considered: The DTI shall strictly enforce the provisions
a) that the producer, manufacturer, governing consumer product and service
distributor, supplier or seller took warranties. (Art. 66)
advantage of the inability of the
consumer to reasonably protect his Warranties in addition to the Civil Code
interest because of his inability to provisions on sale with warranties (Art. 68)
understand the language of an
agreement, or similar factors; Any seller or manufacturer who gives an express
b) that when the consumer transaction was warranty shall:
entered into, the price grossly exceeded 1. set forth the terms of warranty in clear
the price at which similar products or and readily understandable language
services were readily obtainable in and clearly identify himself as the
similar transaction by like consumers; warrantor;
c) that when the consumer transaction was 2. identify the party to whom the warranty is
entered into, the consumer was unable extended; state the products or parts
to receive a substantial benefit from the covered;
subject of the transaction; 3. state what the warrantor will do in the
d) that when the consumer transaction was event of a defect, malfunction of failure
entered into, the seller or supplier was to conform to the written warranty and at
aware that there was no reasonable whose expense;
probability or payment of the obligation 4. state what the consumer must do to
in full by the consumer; and avail of the rights which accrue to the
e) that the transaction that the seller or warranty; and
supplier induced the consumer to enter 5. stipulate the period within which, after
into was excessively one-sided in favor of notice of defect, malfunction or failure to
the seller or supplier. (Art. 52) conform to the warranty, the warrantor
will perform any obligation under the
Other prohibited sales acts or practices warranty.
1. Chain distribution plans or pyramid
sales schemes (Art. 53) Express warranty
2. Home solicitation sales when All written warranties or guarantees issued by a
conducted without obtaining DTI permit manufacturer, producer, or importer shall be
(Art. 54-58) operative from the moment of sale.
3. Referral sales, except when the seller
executes in favor of the buyer a written 1. Sales report
undertaking that will grant a specified
compensation or other benefit to said All sales made by distributors of
buyer in return for each and every products covered by this Article shall be
transaction consummated by said seller reported to the manufacturer, producer,
with the persons referred by said buyer or or importer of the product sold within 30
days from date of purchase, unless

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otherwise agreed upon. The report shall

contain, among others: The warranty rights can be enforced by
i. the date of purchase, presentment of a claim. To this end, the
ii. model of the product purchaser needs only to present to the
bought, immediate seller either the warranty
iii. its serial number, card or the oYicial receipt along with the
iv. name and address of the product to be serviced or returned to the
buyer. immediate seller. No other documentary
requirement shall be demanded from
The report made in accordance with this the purchaser. If the immediate seller is
provision shall be equivalent to a the manufacturer's factory or
warranty registration with the showroom, the warranty shall
manufacturer, producer, or importer. immediately be honored. If the product
Such registration is suYicient to hold the was purchased from a distributor, the
manufacturer, producer, or importer distributor shall likewise immediately
liable, in appropriate cases, under its honor the warranty. In the case of a
warranty. retailer other than the distributor, the
former shall take responsibility without
2. Failure to make or send report cost to the buyer of presenting the
warranty claim to the distributor in the
Failure of the distributor to make the consumer's behalf.
report or send them the form required by
the manufacturer, producer, or importer 5. Record of purchases
shall relieve the latter of its liability under
the warranty: Provided, however, That Distributors and retailers covered by this
the distributor who failed to comply with Article shall keep a record of all
its obligation to send the sales report purchases covered by a warranty or
shall be personally liable under the guarantee for such period of time
warranty. For this purpose, the corresponding to the lifetime of the
manufacturer shall be obligated to make product's respective warranties or
good the warranty at the expense of the guarantees.
Stipulations contrary to Article 68 shall be
3. Retail without legal eYect.

The retailer shall be subsidiarily liable Designation of warranties

under the warranty in case of failure of A written warranty shall clearly and
both the manufacturer and distributor to conspicuously designate such warranty as:
honor the warranty. In such case, the 1. “Full warranty” if the written warranty
retailer shall shoulder the expenses and meets the minimum standards for
costs necessary to honor the warranty. warranties.
Nothing therein shall prevent the retailer 2. “Limited warranty” if the written warranty
from proceeding against the distributor does not meet such minimum
or manufacturer. requirements.

4. Enforcement of warranty or guarantee Minimum standards for warranties

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For the warrantor of a consumer product to within 30 days by either the

meet the minimum standards for warranty, he warrantor or his representative.
1. remedy such consumer product within a The 30-day period, however, may
reasonable time and without charge in be extended by conditions which
case of a defect, malfunction or failure to are beyond the control of the
conform to such written warranty; warrantor or his representative.

2. permit the consumer to elect whether to In case the refund of the purchase
ask for a refund or replacement without price is elected, the amount
charge of such product or part, as the directly attributable to the use of
case may be, where after reasonable the consumer prior to the
number of attempts to remedy the discovery of the non- conformity
defect or malfunction, the product shall be deducted.
continues to have the defect or to
malfunction. 2. In case of breach of implied warranty, the
consumer may:
The warrantor will not be required to a. retain in the goods and recover
perform the above duties if he can show damages, or
that the defect, malfunction or failure to b. reject the goods, cancel and
conform to a written warranty was contract and recover from the
caused by damage due to unreasonable seller so much of the purchase
use thereof. price as has been paid, including
Duration of warranty
The seller and the consumer may stipulate the Guaranty of service firms
period within which the express warranty shall Service firms shall guarantee workmanship and
be enforceable. If the implied warranty on replacement of spare parts for a period not less
merchantability accompanies an express than 90 days which shall be indicated in the
warranty, both will be of equal duration. pertinent invoices. (Art. 71)

Any other implied warranty shall endure not less No warranties in professional services
than 60 days nor more than one year following Warranty shall not apply to professional
the sale of new consumer products. services of:
1. certified public accountants,
Breach of warranties 2. architects,
1. In case of breach of express warranty, 3. engineers,
the consumer may elect: 4. lawyers,
a. to have the goods repaired, or 5. veterinarians,
b. its purchase price refunded by 6. optometrists,
the warrantor. 7. pharmacists,
8. nurses,
In case the repair of the product in 9. nutritionists,
whole or in part is elected, the 10. dietitians,
warranty work must be made to 11. physical therapists,
conform to the express warranty 12. salesmen,

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13. medical and dental practitioners, and The following may be required by the concerned
14. other professionals engaged in their department in accordance with the rules and
respective professional endeavors. (Art. regulations they will promulgate:
70) a) whether it is flammable or inflammable;
b) directions for use, if necessary;
V. LABELLING AND PACKAGING c) warning of toxicity;
d) wattage, voltage or amperes; or
The State, through the DTI, shall enforce e) process of manufacture used if
compulsory labeling, and fair packaging to necessary.
enable the consumer to obtain accurate
information as to the nature, quality and Any word, statement or other information
quantity of the contents of consumer products required by or under authority of the preceding
and to facilitate his comparison of the value of paragraph shall appear on the label or labeling
such products. (Art. 74) with such conspicuousness as compared with
other words, statements, designs or devices
A. Label or labelling therein, and in such terms as to render it likely
It means the display of written, printed or to be read and understood by the ordinary
graphic matter on any consumer product, its individual under customary conditions of
immediate container, tag, literature or other purchase or use.
suitable material aYixed thereto for the purpose
of giving information as to the identity, The above requirements shall form an integral
components, ingredients, attributes, directions part of the label without danger of being erased
for use, specifications and such other or detached under ordinary handling of the
information as may be required by law or product. (Art. 77)
regulations. (Art. 4(aq))
The label may contain the Philippine Product
Minimum labeling requirements Standard Mark if it is certified to have passed the
1. its correct and registered trade name or consumer product standard prescribed by the
brand name; concerned department. (Art. 78)
2. its duly registered trademark;
3. its duly registered business name; Additional labeling requirements may be added
4. the address of the manufacturer, by concerned departments. (Art. 79)
importer, repacker of the consumer
product in the Philippines; Additional labeling requirements for food
5. its general make or active ingredients; The following additional labeling requirements
6. the net quality of contents, in terms of shall be imposed by the concerned department
weight, measure or numerical count for food:
rounded of to at least the nearest tenths a) expiry or expiration date, where
in the metric system; applicable;
7. country of manufacture, if imported; and b) whether the consumer product is semi-
8. if a consumer product is manufactured, processed, fully processed, ready-to-
refilled or repacked under license from a cook, ready-to-eat, prepared food or just
principal, the label shall so state the fact. plain mixture;
c) nutritive value, if any;
d) whether the ingredients use are natural
or synthetic, as the case may be;

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e) such other labeling requirements as the

concerned department may deem Grounds for seizure and condemnation of
necessary and reasonable. mislabeled hazardous substances
a) Any mislabeled hazardous substance
Additional labeling requirements for when introduced into commerce or
cosmetics while held for sale shall be liable to be
a) expiry or expiration date; proceeded against and condemned
b) whether or not it may be an irritant; upon order of the concerned department
precautions or contra-indications; and in accordance with existing procedure
c) such other labeling requirements as the for seizure and condemnation of articles
concerned department may deem in commerce: Provided, That this Article
necessary and reasonable. (Art. 87) shall not apply to a hazardous substance
intended for export to any foreign country
Labeling of drugs if:
The Generics Act shall apply in the labeling of 1) it is in a package labeled in
drugs. (Art. 86) accordance with the specifications
of the foreign purchaser;
Labeling requirements of cigarettes 2) it is labeled in accordance with the
All cigarettes for sale or distribution within the laws of the foreign country;
country shall be contained in a package which 3) it is labeled on the outside of the
shall bear the following statement or its shipping package to show that it is
equivalent in Filipino: "Warning" Cigarette intended for export; and
Smoking is Dangerous to Your Health". Such 4) it is so exported,
statement shall be located in conspicuous
place on every cigarette package and shall b) any hazardous substance condemned
appear in conspicuous and legible type in under this Article shall after entry of
contrast by typography, layout or color with order of condemnation be disposed of by
other printed matter on the package. Any destruction or sale as the concerned
advertisement of cigarette shall contain the department may direct, and the
name warning as indicated in the label. proceeds thereof, if sold, less the legal
cost and charges, shall be paid into the
Exemption on labeling requirements treasury of the Philippines; but such
If the concerned department finds that for good hazardous substance shall not be sold
or suYicient reasons, full compliance with the under any order which is contrary to the
labeling requirements otherwise applicable provisions of this Act: Provided, That,
under the Consumer Protection Act is after entry of the order and upon the
impracticable or is not necessary for the payment of the costs of such
adequate protection of public health and safety, proceedings and the execution of a good
it shall promulgate regulations exempting such and suYicient bond conditioned that
substances from these requirements to the such hazardous substance shall not be
extent it deems consistent with the objective of sold or disposed of contrary to the
adequately safeguarding public health and provisions of this Act, the concerned
safety, and any hazardous substance which department may direct that such
does not bear a label in accordance with such hazardous substance be delivered to or
regulations shall be deemed mislabeled retained by the owner thereof for
hazardous substance. (Art. 92) destruction or for alteration to comply

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with the provisions of this Act under the The concerned department may establish
supervision of an oYicer or employee standards for the special packaging of any
duly designated by the concerned consumer product if it finds that:
department. The expenses for such a) the degree or nature of the hazard to
supervision shall be paid by the person children in the availability of such
obtaining release of the hazardous product, by reason of its packaging, is
substance under bond. such that special packaging is required
to protect children from serious personal
c) all expenses in connection with the injury or serious illness resulting from
destruction provided for in paragraphs handling and use of such product; and
(a) and (b) of this Article and all expenses b) the special packaging to be required by
in connection with the storage and labor such standard is technically feasible,
with respect to such hazardous practicable and appropriate for such
substance shall be paid by the owner or product. In establishing a standard, the
consignee, and default in such payment concerned department shall consider:
shall constitute a lien against any 1) the reasonableness of such a
importation by such owner or consignee. standard;
(Art. 93) 2) available scientific, medical
and engineering data
B. Package or packaging concerning special packaging
It means any container or wrapping in which any and concerning accidental,
consumer product is enclosed for use in the ingestions, illnesses and
delivery or display of that consumer product to injuries caused by consumer
retail purchasers, but does not include: product;
1) shipping containers or wrappings used 3) the manufacturing practices
solely for the transportation of any of industries aYected; and
consumer product in bulk or in big 4) the nature and use of
quantities by manufacturers, packers, or consumer products. (Art. 80)
processors to wholesale retail
distributors thereof; VI. PRICE TAG REQUIREMENT
2) shipping containers or outer wrappings
used by retailers to ship or deliver any It shall be unlawful to oYer any consumer
product to retail costumers if such product for retail sale to the public without an
containers and wrappings bear no appropriate price tag, label or marking publicly
printed matter pertaining any particular displayed to indicate the price of each article
product; and said products shall not be sold at a price
3) The wrappers or containers of consumer higher than that stated therein and without
products sold in small quantities by discrimination to all buyers: Provided, That
small retail stores to the consumer lumber sold, displayed or oYered for sale to the
which by tradition are wrapped with public shall be tagged or labeled by indicating
ordinary paper. (Art. 4(az)) thereon the price and the corresponding oYicial
name of the wood: Provided, further, That if
Special packaging of consumer products for consumer products for sale are too small or the
the protection of children nature of which makes it impractical to place a
price tag thereon price list placed at the nearest
point where the products are displayed

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indicating the retail price of the same may 6. trolley cars,

suYice. (Art. 81) 7. street sweepers,
8. sprinklers,
Price tags, labels or markings must be written 9. lawn mowers and heavy equipment such
clearly, indicating the price of the consumer as, but not limited to,
product per unit in pesos and centavos. (Art. 82) a. bulldozers,
b. payloaders,
10642) d. forklifts,
e. amphibian trucks,
Lemon Law provides protection to the rights of f. cranes, and
consumers in the sale of motor vehicles against 10. vehicles which run only on rails or tracks,
business and trade practices which are and tractors, trailers and traction
deceptive, unfair or otherwise inimical to engines of all kinds used exclusively for
consumers and the public interest. agricultural purposes.

Consumers covered Trailers having any number of wheels, when

Any person, natural or juridical, who purchases propelled or intended by attachment to a
a brand new motor vehicle either by cash or motor vehicle, shall be classified as
credit from an authorized distributor, dealer or separate motor vehicle with no power rating.
retailer in the Philippines. (§3(d))
Defects covered
Motor vehicles covered Defect or condition that substantially
Only brand new motor vehicle which is a self- impairs the use, value or safety of a brand
propelled, four-wheeled road vehicle designed new motor vehicle which prevents it from
to carry passengers may be covered by the conforming to the manufacturer’s or
Lemon Law. (§4, §3(j)) distributor’s standards or specifications,
which cannot be repaired.
A motor vehicle is considered brand new if:
a) constructed entirely from new parts Exceptions under §3(k) in relation to §4:
b) covered by a manufacturer’s express 1. conditions resulting from
warranty at the time of purchase that it noncompliance by the consumer of his
has never been sold or registered with or her obligations under the warranty
the Department of Transportation and 2. modifications not authorized by the
Communications (DOTC) or an manufacturer or distributor
appropriate agency or authority, and 3. abuse or neglect
c) it has never been operated on any 4. damage due to accident or force
highway of the Philippines, or in any majeure
foreign state or country. (§3(a))
Lemon Law rights period
Excepted motor vehicles 12 months from the date of the original delivery
1. motorcycles, of the motor vehicle, or for as long as the motor
2. delivery trucks, vehicle has not run more than 20,000 km after
3. dump trucks, such delivery, whichever comes first.
4. buses,
5. road rollers, Lemon Law rights

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It shall be the duty of the manufacturer,

1. Repair attempts distributor, authorized dealer or retailer,
upon receipt of the motor vehicle and the
At any time within the Lemon Law rights notice of nonconformity required under
period, and after at least four separate repair Section 6 hereof, to attend to the complaints
attempts by the same manufacturer, of the consumer including, as may be
distributor, authorized dealer or retailer for necessary, making the repairs and
the same complaint, and the nonconformity undertaking such actions to make the
issue remains unresolved, the consumer vehicle conform to the standards or
may invoke his or her rights. specifications of the manufacturer,
distributor, authorized dealer or retailer for
The repair may include replacement of parts such vehicle.
components, or assemblies. (§5)
In case the nonconformity issue remains
2. Notice of availment of rights/notice of non- unresolved despite the manufacturer,
conformity distributor, authorized dealer or retailer’s
eYorts to repair the vehicle, pursuant to the
Before availing of any remedy under the consumer’s availment of his or her Lemon
Lemon Law, and subject to compliance with Law rights, the consumer may file a
the provisions of Section 5 (i.e., repair complaint before the DTI as provided for
attempts), the consumer shall, in writing, under this Act: Provided, however, That if the
notify the manufacturer, distributor, vehicle is not returned for repair, based on
authorized dealer or retailer of the the same complaint, within 30 calendar
unresolved complaint, and the consumer’s days from the date of notice of release of the
intention to invoke his or her rights within the motor vehicle to the consumer following this
Lemon Law rights period. repair attempt within the Lemon Law rights
period, the repair is deemed successful:
The warranty booklet issued by the Provided, finally, That, in the event that the
manufacturer, distributor, authorized dealer nonconformity issue still exists or persists
or retailer shall clearly state the manner and after the 30-day period but still within the
form of such notice to constitute a valid and Lemon Law rights period, the consumer may
legal notice to the manufacturer, distributor, be allowed to avail of the same remedies
authorized dealer or retailer. It shall also under Sections 5 and 6 hereof.
clearly state the responsibility of the
consumer under this section. (§6) Compensation for non-usage (reasonable
daily transportation allowance)
3. Availment of Lemon Law rights
To compensate for the non-usage of the
After filing the notice of availment, the vehicle while under repair and during the
consumer shall bring the vehicle to the period of availment of the Lemon Law rights,
manufacturer, distributor, authorized dealer the consumer shall be provided a
or retailer from where the vehicle was reasonable daily transportation allowance,
purchased for a final attempt to address the an amount which covers the transportation
complaint of the consumer to his or her of the consumer from his or her residence to
satisfaction. his or her regular workplace or destination
and vice versa, equivalent to air-conditioned

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taxi fare, as evidenced by oYicial receipt, or does not conform to the standards
in such amount to be agreed upon by the or specifications set by the
parties, or a service vehicle at the option of manufacturer, distributor,
the manufacturer, distributor, authorized authorized dealer or retailer;
dealer or retailer. Any disagreement on this (4) Upon failure of the negotiation or
matter shall be resolved by the DTI. mediation between the
manufacturer, distributor,
Nothing herein shall be construed to limit or authorized, dealer or retailer and
impair the rights and remedies of a the consumer, the parties shall
consumer under any other law. (§7) execute a certificate attesting to
such failure; and
Dispute resolution (§8) (5) At any time during the dispute
The DTI shall exercise exclusive and original resolution period, the
jurisdiction over Lemon Law rights disputes. All manufacturer, distributor,
disputes shall be settled by the DTI in according authorized dealer or retailer and
with the following dispute resolution the consumer shall be encouraged
mechanisms: to settle amicably. All disputes that
have been submitted for mediation
a) Mediation shall be settled not later than ten
working days from the date of filing
(1) The principles of negotiation, of the complaint with the DTI.
conciliation and mediation towards
amicable settlement between the b) Arbitration
manufacturer, distributor,
authorized dealer or retailer and In the event there is a failure to settle the
the consumer shall be strictly complaint during the mediation
observed; proceedings, both parties may
(2) In the course of its dispute voluntarily decide to undertake
resolution eYorts, the DTI shall arbitration proceedings.
endeavor to independently
establish the validity of the c) Adjudication
consumer’s outstanding
complaint. The DTI shall likewise (1) In the event that both parties do not
retain the services of other undertake arbitration proceedings, at
government agencies or qualified least one of the parties may
independent private entities in the commence adjudication
ascertainment of the validity of the proceedings, administered by the
consumer’s complaint. Any cost DTI. The DTI shall rely on the qualified
incurred in establishing the validity independent findings as to
of the consumer’s complaint shall conformity to standards and
be borne jointly by the consumer specifications established herein. In
and the manufacturer, distributor, no case shall adjudication
authorized dealer or retailer; proceedings exceed 20 working days;
(3) The complaint shall be deemed
valid if it is independently (2) In case a finding of nonconformity is
established that the motor vehicle arrived at, the DTI shall rule in favor of

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the consumer and direct the

manufacturer, distributor, authorized Appeal process
dealer or retailer to grant either of the An appeal may be taken from a final judgment or
following remedies to the consumer: order of the Adjudication OYicer which
completely disposes of the case within 15 days
(i) Replace the motor vehicle from receipt thereof.
with a similar or comparable
motor vehicle in terms of How appeal is taken
specifications and values, By filing a Memorandum of Appeal with the DTI
subject to availability; or Secretary with:
(ii) Accept the return of the motor 1. Notice of Appeal to the Adjudication
vehicle and pay the consumer OYicer, and
the purchase price plus the 2. A copy duly furnished the adverse party
collateral charges. or parties

In case the consumer decides to Period of appeal to DTI Secretary

purchase another vehicle with a Within 15 days from receipt of the final
higher value and specifications from judgment or order of the Adjudication OYicer.
the same manufacturer, distributor,
authorized dealer or retailer, the Grounds of appeal
consumer shall pay the diYerence in Appeal may be based on any of the following
cost. grounds:
1. Grave abuse of discretion;
In both cases of replacement and 2. The decision/order is in excess of
repurchase, the reasonable jurisdiction or authority of the
allowance for use shall be deducted Adjudication OYicer
in determining the value of the 3. The decision/order is not supported by
nonconforming motor vehicle; and the evidence or there is serious error in
the findings of facts.
(3) In case a nonconformity of the motor
vehicle is not found by the DTI, it shall Period for DTI Secretary to decide
rule in favor of the manufacturer, The Secretary of the DTI shall decide on the
distributor, authorized dealer or appeal within 30 days from receipt thereof.
retailer, and direct the consumer to
reimburse the manufacturer, Judicial remedy in case of adverse decision
distributor, authorized dealer or by the DTI Secretary
retailer the costs incurred by the Petition for certiorari to the Court of Appeals
latter in validating the consumer’s under Section 4, Rule 65 of the Revised Rules of
complaints. Court.

Reasonable allowance for use

It mean 20% per annum deduction from
the purchase price, or the product of the
distance traveled in kilometers and the
purchase price divided by 100,000
kilometers, whichever is lower.

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