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08108897466, 07033077843, 07060488891

Primary Two (2) Examination for 1442/1443AH Session English Language

Time: 45mins
Answer all questions

1) Fill in the Sentences under each picture with correct noun plus the correct use of the

The cake belongs to Akpezi.

It is ________________________________.

The shoes belong to the worshippers.

They are the _____________________.

The bags belong to the women.

They are the_____________________.

2) Pronounce the nouns in each picture.

2a) 2c)

Two ____________________ One ____________________________

2b) 2d)

One ________________________ Two___________________________

3) Fill in the missing letter in the words below

___________eaf _________________room

__________ook __________________outh

__________our ___________________ar

___________gg ___________________oor

4) What do we use the following materials to do? Fill the answer below

I. We use a broom to_____________

II. We use a cutlass to ___________
III. We use an incinerator to__________

5) Fill in the gaps with the possessive forms of the nouns

I. The boy has a toy. It’s the boy’s toy.
II. Olu has a book .Its ____________
III. Our friends live in the house. Its ________
IV. Abdullahi has a brother, Segun. Segun is _____________
V. This school is for girls only. It’s a ____________

6) Say each word in the box with claps then divide each word into two syllables by putting a
plus (+) symbol after the second letter
a) motter = mo+ther
b) actor = ac+tor
c) en+ter
d) fe+ver
e) to+day
f) ba+con

7) Use the words in the box to fill in the gap in the sentences

need please afraid

little had together

I. __________ , can i have some food?

II. Children ________ love and care from their mother.
III. The hen _____ three bags of maize.
IV. The hen and her chicks ate ____________.
V. My sister is ________ of going out at night.

8) Fill in the gaps in the sentences below:

a) I saw _______ of rice.

b) I saw _______ of milk.
c) I saw three _______.
d) I saw _______ mangoes.
e) I saw a bottle of _______.

9) a. Read the poems aloud

To market, to market, to buy a big log.

Home again, home again, Jiggety jig;

To market, to market, to buy a big dog

Home again, home again,

Jiggety jog.

b) Which words rhyme with

‘dog’ and ‘dig’

10) Say the sounds. Then fill in the missing letters.

Br__ck S_t L_ck

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