Present Perfect - Past Simple

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When? for a year, since June, just, already, yet ( ? -) , recently, lately,
so far, this week, today, in my life, never, ever
last week, 2 years ago, when , in 2005, yesterday

when I was 10

I washed my car. umyłem I have visited England twice. - odwiedziłem

She drank ( II forma) wine. wypiła He has lost his wallet. zgubił

She has had this watch for a year. - ma

Did you wash_? Have you ever painted a portrait?

Did she drink? What has he done?

I didn’t wash. I haven’t seen her yet?

She didn’t drink She hasn’t watched this

be – was/were

I Experience, achievements of a living person

(without specifying the time)

Shakespeare wrote many plays. a writer: I have written 10 novels so far.

I played in Avengers last year. an actor: I have played in many films.

I was in New Zealand in 2012 an explorer : I have been to 100 countries.

I never saw him when I was on holiday. I have never seen him.

So far I have made a lot of profit.

a. Have you ever watched ‘Avengers’ ?

b. Yes, I have. I watched it in 2018. ( past simple)

a. Have you ever seen Donald Trump?

b. Yes, I have. I saw him in 2018. ( past simple

II Result in the present
John has bought a car.

The ball has just got into the room.

I have already sent that email. (+)

She hasn’t watched that yet. (-)

Have you finished the call yet? (?)


III How long? ( non-action ( state) verbs)

1.I have a cat. - mam 1. I have had (I’ve had) my cat for 2 years. - mam
2. I know Mary. – znam 2. I have known her since 2020 -znam
I am a paramedic I have been a paramedic for 7 years ( since 2013)
I like bananas. - jestem ratownikiem
I want to learn dancing I have ( always) wanted to learn dancing for two years
I live here. zawsze chcialem
I work in Microsoft I have lived here since I was born. mieszkam tutaj

for ( a period of time) : a month, a week, 2 days, a long time, 4


since ( a point in time): January, Monday, 12:00, I was in Berlin,

last year

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