Lec 01 Introduction and Objectives

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Teacher: Dr. Muhammad Saleh Jumani
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Maintenance concept relates to the area of repair philosophies it
• Manpower for maintenance
• Time required for maintenance and
• The costs associated with maintenance.
It serves two purposes:
• It creates the basis for maintainability requirements in
equipment/system design.
• It establishes the basis for the requirement for total maintenance
support which is important to complete the task.
Maintenance Evolution
• The traditional breakdown maintenance system can no
longer maintain the economic lifeline of an industry.
• With the introduction of modern machinery the failure
based “fix it”, approach has been replaced by,
• Condition based maintenance (CBM)
• Total Productive maintenance (TPM)
• Reliability centred maintenance (RCM).
Maintenance definition
• British standard (BS 3811-1984)

The combination of all technical and associated

administrative actions intended to retain an item in or
restore it to a state in which it can perform its required
function. This required function might be defined as
stated condition.
• Availability can be defined as two stated of a machine or
service namely working and failed.
A= UT / (UT+DT)
A= availability of the machine over a specified time.
UT= machine’s uptime during the specified time.
DT= machine’s downtime during the specified time.
Uptime of a machine/service is thus the time for which it is
actually available to complete the desired function. Downtime or
outage of a machine is the period of time during which it is not in
an acceptable working condition.
Maintenance objectives
• The most important objectives of the maintenance
function is the maximization of availability of equipment
or facilities so as to extend help in achieving the ultimate
goals of the organization. And establishment of safe
working conditions both for operating and maintenance
• Maintenance objectives can be drawn up o provide
guidelines within which he maintenance actions can be
carried out effectively and judiciously without wastage of
A general model of a maintenance system can be
represented through a block diagram:

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