Unnatural Selections

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An Expandable Collection of Post-Apocalyptic Monsters

Cover Art: Santiago Iborra Editing: Emily G. Brown
Monster Art: Santiago Iborra Divider Art: Christopher Tupa
Cartography: Louis Hoefer Writing/Layout: Louis Hoefer
Special Thanks: My family, Eddie Bartlett, Levi Combs, Frog God Games, Joseph Goodman,
Bernie Hoefer, Edwin Nagy, Matt Robertson, Ed Russell, Brian Shutter, Jonathan Sullivan, Jim
Wampler, Jim Ward, Cory Welch, Frank Wishart, and All our “Monster Sponsors!”
Copyright 2022 all rights reserved
I’m dedicating this one to Sammy Terry and all the late-night, creature-feature
hosts from the 70s and 80s!
This product is based on the Mutant Crawl Classics and Dungeon Crawl Classics
Role Playing Games published by Goodman Games. This product is published
under license. Mutant Crawl Classics (MCC RPG) and Dungeon Crawl Classics
(DCC RPG) are trademarks of Goodman Games. All rights reserved.
For additional information, visit: www.goodmangames.com or contact info@
Alien Observer
Unnatural Selections Vol. 1
Ground Urchin Reptile, Giant
Amoeboid, Atomic Basic Urchin Bush Generic Giant Reptile
Ye Random Toxic Blob The Searchin’ Urchin Giant Iguana
Vannella Lacunas Hellhound Giant Snapping Turtle
The Tripple-M Folley Holo-Gone Giant Chameleon
Azzeenon-Teevay Dissolver Hook-Handed Bandit Robot, Deadly
Ant-Men Insect, Giant Robot, Service
Atomic Specter Land Shark Roxen
Bandit Mammal, Giant Sand Wyrm
Barbarian Generic Giant Mammal Sandiform
Barkolisk Giant Ape Screamer
Bear-Ant Giant Hamster Conscious Screamer
Beast Thing Giant Elephant Screaming Monstrosity
Clan Champion G. Saber-Toothed Tiger Shape-Shifter
Giant Skunk Snake, Giant
Bird, Giant
Generic Giant Bird Manimal Sphincterror
Giant Eagle Mantis-Man Swarm
Giant Owl Mindbender Generic Swarm
Phorusrhacos (Terror Bird) Mollusk, Mutated Swarm of Bats/Birds
Giant Seagull Mount, Mutated Swarm of Stray Cats
Brain Cauliflower Centaurgration Sw. of Insects/Arachnids
Cactacea Rex Centisteed Swarm of Piranhas
Chicken of the Sea Cyber-Stallion Swarm of (Rad) Rats
Concretion Pegasaurus Terror-Wing
Mushroom Cap Greater Terror-Wing
Corrupt Bits Mirror-Wings
Croachling Mutant
Mutant’s Bane Tibbar
Crustacean, Giant An Unnatural
Cyborg Mystic
Tiny-sized Unnatural
Dragon Nanites, Hostile Medium-sized Unnatural
Average Dragon Ningyo Large-Sized Unnatural
Young Dragon (Wyrmling) Nuke Fluke Watcher-Wood
Ancient Dragon (Gr. Wyrm) Paradox Hound Wretch from the Reach
Draper Plant, Deadly Yvox
Drill Maggots Strangle Weed Zayarian
Dust Monster T-N-Teacup Plant
Dehydrangea Frog God Games Presents:
Electric Eel
Aloe Urchin Arcanoplasm
Eye-Bomination Giant Venus Flytrap Brass Man
Giant The Shudder Bush
Common Terran Giant Death Dog
Plantient Dragon, Cloud
Giant Mutant Plasmasite Dragon, Smoke
Glazkin Psycho-Weasel Draug
Grab-Bag R.O.M.ummy Snake, Fire

This product is based on the Mutant Crawl Classics Role Playing Game, published by Goodman Games. This product is
published under license. Mutant Crawl Classics and MCC RPG and the creatures: Beast Thing, Cactacea Rex, Croach-
ling, Glazkin, Plantient, Roxen, Screamer, Tibbar, and Yvox are trademarks of Goodman Games used with permission,
all rights reserved. All other entries Copyright 2022, Dandyline Games, all rigths reserved.
so as to avoid cross-referencing of other
books. Therefore the powers function
more simply and often run off a very
truncated power chart listed within the
write-up. Also note that certain player
character genotypes appear in this book
as NPC encounters (such as mutants,
plantients, etc.) and have slightly
different stats than they would have
as PCs. Again, this design is meant to
simplify the judge’s use of these sorts
of characters without the need to do an
entire character creation process.

About the Cover

If you purchased the “deluxe” version
of Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 you will
have a fantastic retro 3-ring binder and
A Monster Book... a slip-in background for the front cover.
In the pockets of this binder you will
At the outset, this project was designed find 2 sheets of static cling stickers.
to create an ever-expanding array of These are designed for you to cut out
monsters for your post-apocalyptic and the elements you want (using a sharp
weird fantasy role playing campaigns. pair of scissors) and layer them onto the
These monsters have been tooled to fit background. Once you’ve created the
well (mechanically) in both the MCC display you want, slide this back into
and DCC game systems, but can easily the clear cover pocket to show off your
be ported over to any of the B/X style work! Stickers can be gently peeled off
RPGs that share those systems’ DNA. and reused or rearranged-so have some
We look forward to future releases of fun with it!
monsters building up on this collection,
but also offer a blank form with full
permission for the judge to copy and use Building Good
it to generate creatures of his/her own!
Further, if you are a small publisher, we
Though we all did something similar as
have released the InDesign project files
youngsters, it is a wasted opportunity
for this product out into the wild so that
its layout may be copied for your own to take a collection of monsters like this
products without license. Contact us atand think of them just as “fights” that
dandylinegames@gmail.com if you need could be had with the PCs.
more information. Hopefully this allowsTo get the most from your monsters, ask
all the wonderful monsters everybody yourself not just, “What can they do?”
creates to have a place to come together
but, “How do they do it?” Think about
at the gaming table! it: “A giant spider bites your rover.”
When reading this book you will note Umm, ok...
that certain powers given to the monsters
“The giant spider sinks its fangs into
function differently than the mutant your rover’s leg, filling it painfully full
powers listed in the MCC rule book. of a venom that then sears its way out,
This was done as a design element in andissolving some flesh from around these
attempt to simplify the monster write-ups
horrid teeth.” YIKES!
Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 4 4
Both mechanically are a hit roll and add some possible interactions beyond
damage, but the second description just combat. If the beast things your
makes the spider bite thematically players are encountering have been out
different than the bite of a terror-wing setting animal traps, they may try to
for example. This description of “how” lead the PCs back through one. If they
can apply to every act a creature is are returning from a raid on an ancient
taking. Whether you are explaining the site, they may be willing to give the
three stooges-like antics of a group of seekers directions if the seekers can
beast things vying to be the first to drag help them figure out some new techno
off the body of an unconscious seeker device they found (of course they will
or describing the cold precision of a double cross the PCs down the line,
cyborg as it types in access codes at a mugging them for anything they were
security console. able to recover as they emerge from
Another point of advice is to always the ancient ruins later). This context
make your scenery an “actor” in the helps you think of how a creature
encounter. Have something there would react, what it might have on it,
amid the interactions that is of note- and what mood it would be in.
even if it’s just a hollowed out tree
A Monstrous Challenge
or a pile of rubber tank treads. The
simplest set article can work its way MCC is NOT a game of balance. PCs
into the encounter to such marvelous might possess an ancient weapon that
outcomes. These little tidbits can even can disintegrate a 12 Hit Dice monster
help explain what the monster was in a single hit, or they may run into a 12
doing in that location-it was trying to Hit Dice monster at 0-level and have to
get the honey from a beehive up in the have the sense to make an expeditious
hollow, or it was chewing up the tank retreat. All things equal, judges often
treads trying to form a nest... hope to offer a few rounds of action-
packed combat into an adventure and
Next, keep in mind that mixing need worthy and equal adversaries to do
more than one monster type into an so. Here are some thoughts:
encounter can drastically change
Lower Levels: Parties of 0 to 3rd level
things for the PCs. Go back to that
are well-matched when the monsters
giant spider we talked about. What if
they face have combined Hit Dice
its web included a freshly captured
equal to the party’s combined
terror-wing? It could be set free if the
levels +1. If they have powerful
characters tear up the web too much!
mutations/technology, this equation
It might help fight against the spider.
may need to be raised by +2 to +7
It might just become another mouth
Hit Dice.
trying to make the PCs into dinner...
Many humanoid creatures (especially Higher Levels: Beyond 3rd level
if encountered in the wild) may be part most PCs are going to have powers
of a mixed party like the players or and artifacts granting great leverage
might have with them some form of toward defeating enemies. These
creature they have caught on a hunt or monsters should have (combined)
domesticated long ago. almost x2 the party’s Hit Dice to
provide a challenge. Of course,
Finally, try to always answer the monsters with interesting special
question, “Why was this monster powers and abilities (that go beyond
there?” Knowing what the creature simple hp loss) are quite useful in
was doing just before the seekers creating a challenge as well.
encountered it or where it was trying
to go can help flesh out the game and

5 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 5

Save: Roll as a free action.
Terms Used Luck Check: Roll as a free action.
Make sure to familiarize yourself with Other Checks: Roll as an action.
the way the monsters are described Melee Engagement/Withdraw: A
in this book. Here’s a list of common character has either attempted a
abbreviations and terms we will be melee attack against a foe or had one
using: attempted on them. Once engaged,
leaving the fight grants adjacent
actors a free parting attack action.
Str: Strength (a physical attribute trait) Surprise Attack: One side is allowed
Agil: Agility (a physical attribute trait) to take actions for a round before any
Sta: Stamina (a physical attribute trait) initiative roll is made.
Per: Personality (a mental attribute trait)
Int: Intelligence (a mental attribute trait) Considerations
Init: Initiative Hitting: Outside of special powers, a
AC: Armor Class critical roll always hits the target.
HD: Hit Dice Damage: Any successful hit does a
hp: Hit Points (given as an average) minimum of 1 point of dmg.
Atk (Me): Melee attacks Morale Checks: Made at the first death
Atk (Mi): Missile attacks in a group of creatures and when
Crit: Critical Table and die used half or more have been slain. Roll
Act: Number and type of Action Dice a DC 11 Will save (+/- up to 4 for
Fort: Fortitude saving throw conditions). If the creatures fail, they
Ref: Reflex saving throw will flee or surrender
Will: Willpower saving throw Firing into Melee: On a miss, there is
Org: Organization a 50% chance of hitting an ally, reroll
attack vs. the ally’s AC.
Dis: Disposition of the creature
Subdual Damage: This damage is fully
Sz: Size category
recovered after certain conditions are
Mv: Distance for one move met-such as a full day’s rest. At 0 the
Sv: Saving throws target is knocked unconscious.
Treas: Treasure chart type
vs.: Versus
DC: Difficulty Class
dmg: Damage
AI Recog: Artificial Intel. Recognition
TL: Tech Level
CM: Complexity Modifier
PC: Player Character
hrs: Hours

Round: is 10 seconds.
Turn: is 10 minutes.
Encounter: A particular meeting/
exchange with a monster.
Action: Characters/monsters have a #
of actions equal to their action dice.
Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 6 6
Grappling: Creatures that are twice the Societies: Breaching the thousands,
opponent’s size gain a +4, triple is +8, these are highly complex groups with
and quadruple is +16. This action is traditions, laws, and social castes.
based off Str or Agil; monsters may use Societies tend to have many divergent
their # of HD for their grappling bonus. groups within them.

Disposition Type
Understanding Antagonistic: For no greater purpose
the Monster than a desire to conquer, acquire
Write-Ups power and wealth, or appease a
sadistic personality, these creatures
There are several designations created will attack and harass others.
for this book to help a judge understand Benevolent: Some “monsters” will
a monster and quickly figure out how actually come to the aid of other
it plays into his/her game world. What creatures or offer protection.
follows are more specific details on Benevolent creatures are likely to
these designations... have a higher level of intelligence or
a power level that leaves them un-
Organizational Type threatened by the likes of a party of
Solitary: The creature is almost always seekers.
encountered alone; either it is not Dominating: This beast has the desire to
social, or it is very rarely seen. take over, enslave, or act mercilessly
Family: If encountered with others, toward others outside its race. Most
they are likely to be mates or dominating creatures will attempt
offspring to the creature. These tend to rule over territories and push out
to be rather small groups. former inhabitants as they proliferate.
Pack: A unit similar to a family but Skittish: This monster has very low
made mostly of adults and forged morale (checks are DC 15), and
together for a purpose such as hunting. looks to avoid direct confrontation
Clan: These creatures have banded into whenever possible. Some of these
small groups, sometimes made of creatures are timid from perpetually
several interrelated families. These being marked as prey.
formations tend to have a primitive Grazer: This monster feeds upon
feel to them. vegetation or slow moving organisms,
Tribal: This is a larger grouping, allowing it to patiently move from
sometimes reaching 50 members and site to site in search of its food needs.
often formed from allied clans. These Scavengers also fit this category.
formations have more organization Insouciant: An insouciant creature
than at the clan level, but groups has little concern for the presence of
sometimes disagree and fight within others so long as they do not interfere
the tribe. with the creature’s routines. They
Herds: These are massive groups of largely ignore the world around them
creatures that wander together using provided it does not concern their
their numbers for safety. Herds can own needs and ambitions.
reach several hundred members and Opportunistic: An opportunistic
have little organization. monster is looking for an easy meal
Colonies: A somewhat sophisticated or has adapted to setting traps for
structure, colonies have hundreds of its prey. These creatures tend to be
members but are organized to the point patient and cunning-waiting for the
of working toward some shared goals. perfect situation to arise that places
an advantage in their hands.
7 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 7
Parasitic: This monster lives on or in This book presents a list of random
its host, or it drains a host of some treasure for each of these categories,
facet of energy/life from a hidden or but judges are always encouraged to
hard to get at location. alter the list based on the monster’s
Predatory: The creature is on the hunt surroundings and the items it is likely
and needs to track or chase down to have come across. Creatures encoun-
prey to satisfy its food needs. tered in a deserted waste will not, for
Primitive: A primitive creature has some example, be likely to have much in the
intelligence but lives still with great way of manufactured goods, or other
instinctual drives, little empathy for earmarks of civilization.
Carcass: While the monster doesn’t
other species or outsiders, superstitious
regulations, and simple ways of eking typically keep anything of value
out life within its domains. around it, the creature’s carcass offers
Submissive: A submissive creature is a valuable stock of meat, leather, or
docile to the point of making itself a other commodity if the seekers take
victim. Submissive creatures often fill the time to harvest it. Harvesting
the roll of serving a more powerful/ takes hours of work and successful
intelligent being and harbor dreams Int rolls.
of gaining food, shelter, and safety in Hoard: The motherlode of treasure
return. finds! Hoards are large, longstanding
Territorial: The monster resides in a collections of things seen as valuable
particular area. It gathers resources or interesting to the monster. Mon-
there, beds down there, and defends it sters with hoards often have a plan
from threats or guards it as part of its for defending them-such as traps,
vocation. guards, or minion monsters.
Personal Effects: This creature has only
Size Category the items it needs to live/survive or
some random trinkets it has collected.
Very Tiny: From insect to microscopic
None: Most likely the creature doesn’t
in size
take anything from their victims,
Tiny: The size of a rat or rabbit digests it all on the spot, or moves
Small: Dog to child-sized around too much to accumulate piles
Medium: These are man-sized beasts of refuse.
Large: Roughly the size of a horse Refuse: While having no real treasure,
Huge: Around the size of an elephant the filth and detritus the monster
Massive: Things comparable to blue surrounds itself with sometimes has
whales fill this category objects of interest or moderate use.
Gigantic: These creatures span the Special: This creature keeps a particular
space of a medium-sized village stock of items described in its write-up.
*NOTE: the word “giant” is left to Techno-Trove: This monster has weak-
denote anything that is bigger than its ness for wanting high-tech and sci-fi
common form and is not in itself a size oriented gear. It saves these up and
category for this book. will likely use any it has to defend it-
self. These creatures may even have a
Treasure Category talent for operating or repairing these
sorts of goods.
Below are the types of useful things
commonly held or collected by different Trade Goods: The creature travels
creatures. These items are most likely to with items it knows to be of value for
be stored within the creature’s den or at exchanges with other cultures. If fair
the spot it eats or disposes of prey. deals are offered, it will be quite will-
ing to exchange some of these items.
Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 8 8
There is a good chance that these such a proposition nonetheless.
creatures have only a few different Climb: This creature can move across
types of items, but a good supply of any surface provided some form of
each. handhold is available.
Victims’ Effects: This creature either Fly: Flying creatures can split their
takes things from its victims to serve movement between both vertical and
as trophies or kills its victims in a horizontal planes. Most flying crea-
particular area, providing piles where tures can only go up to twice their
dropped items and the remains of speed upward before reaching their
pervious victims intermingle. “flight ceiling.”
Hover: Hovering characters move just
Movement a small distance off of the ground
Typically monsters (like char- and are much more limited than fly-
acters) get a move action and ing ones.
can take an additional Jump: In a single bound
move as one of their this creature can move a
regular actions (so total distance both up and
as to double their over equal to their jump.
listed movement). Roll: In the post-
Most creatures apocalyptic world
have their speeds some creatures
listed in feet and AIs actu-
(denoted with a ’ ). ally roll around on
Some exceptionally wheels or ball-like
small or slow crea- bases. This form
tures will move only of movement is of-
inches each action ten fast, but can be
(denoted with a difficult in uneven
”). Base moves terrain.
are implied as a Swim: This is
walking or crawl- movement be-
ing across a typical ground. low or on top of
Treacherous terrain, downhill the water’s surface.
movement, and other surfaces may
alter this total movement if the judge Monster Crits
desires it. Aside from ground move-
ment, monster may have some alter- Monsters can land a critical attack
nate movement styles listed: just as PCs do. Like PCs, they have
tables to access based on what type of
Humanoids: Most humanoids move creature they are and how many hit dice
30’ per round. they have. These tables are part of the
Plantients: Plantients have a slower judge’s screen or found in the main rule
move based on 20’ per round. book on pages 127-135.
Brachiate: These creatures move
quickly by swinging on and running Special Properties
across overhead vines/cables.
Special powers may have the judge roll
Burrow: Some creatures can dig
to determine an exact type of sub-power
through the ground at breathtaking
within the general power’s explanation.
paces. Even burrowing creatures may
For example, a creature might have a
not be able to tunnel through solid
breath weapon, and then the judge has
bedrock-or will be slowed down by
to roll to find out if it is a fire, frost, or
9 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 9
acid type of breath weapon. Once this to foliage, the remains of a meal). This
is determined the creature will keep that is especially wise to do when you’ve
result for the rest of the session. rolled a powerful monster encounter for
Other write-ups may have powers listed a lowly group of 1st level seekers!
with an (A), (B), (C), ... These powers
are specifically meant to be picked by Judge's Special
the judge to create a creature that fol- Encounter rolls may include the phrase
lows a design concept. These choices “Judge’s Special.” This is placed
often come in the generic write-ups for there to give the judge a chance to
things like giant reptiles, insects, etc. use creatures from other published
If a power requires the target to make sources, monsters they have created, or
a Luck check and the target is another a monster from a different habitat with a
creature without a Luck score, their Ref interesting reason for being displaced.
save +8 will often suffice, or the judge
could pick a percent chance instead. Anthropic Encounter
Finally, some creatures have powers that These encounters involve run-ins with
can affect things like equipment, muta- humanoids outside the PCs’ tribe.
tions, wetware, etc. Effects like these When this result is rolled, consult the
should be applied randomly (unless logic following charts to determine what
would dictate otherwise). Therefore, a sort of cultural activity or exchange is
judge should consider the possible items happening.
affected, assign them a number,
then roll a die to see which was
affected. For example, a charac- Anthropic Type (roll 1D100)
ter that’s losing one of their 15 1-15) A pure strain 76-80) A group of manimals
pieces of equipment might have human group and plantients
to roll a 1D16 to see which piece 16-30) A mutant group 81-85) A group of mutants
31-40) A manimal group and plantients
was lost (using the order they are
listed on their character sheet). 41-45) A plantient group 86-90) A group with a wide
46-60) A group of mix of genotypes
mutants and humans 91-95) Another band of
Random 61-75) A group of
mutants and manimals
96-100) Members of an
Encounter Archaic Alignment

Charts Anthropic Activities (roll 1D100)

The following tables
include random 1-10) Herding animals 64-66) Bathing/swimming
encounters for the 11-17) A hunting party 67-70) Escaped slaves
different habitats currently 18-21) Refugees from a 71-73) Victims of bandits
used in the monster political coup
22-24) Refugees displaced 74-78) Establishing a camp
write-ups. Judges should from war 79-81) A scouting warband
never balk at the thought 25-35) Harvesters/gatherers
of just picking a monster 82-87) Lost travellers
36-40) Trappers
from the list that would fit 88-90) Funeral procession
41-47) Traders/merchants
well for the current game 91-92) Parade
session or skipping an 48-54) Explorers
93-95) Religious Pilgrims
actual encounter and just 55-58) Slavers
96-98) Religious Ceremony
replacing it with evidence 59-63) Constructing make-
of the monster’s presence shift weapons, boats, or 99-100) Constructing a path/
carts road
in the area (scat, damage
Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 10 10
1) Alien Observer
A ncient Ruins
35) Giant
R o ll
68) Ningyo

2-3) Amoeboid, Atomic 36-37) Glazkin 69) Nuke Fluke

4-10) Anthropic Encounter 38) Grab-Bag 70-73) Plantient
11-12) Ant-Men 39) Holo-Gone 74-75) Plasmasite
13) Atomic Specter 40-41) Hook-Handed Bandit 76) R.O.M.ummy
14-16) Bandit 42-44) Insect, Giant 77-81) Robot, Deadly
17-18) Beast Thing 45-48) Judge’s Special 82-86) Robot, Service
19-20) Bird, Giant 49-52) Mammal, Giant 87) Sandiform
21) Concretion 53-55) Manimal 88-90) Screamer
22) Corrupt Bits 56) Mantis-Man 91) Shape-Shifter
23-26) Croachling 57) Mindbender 92) Sphincterror
27-28) Cyborg 58) Mount, Mutated 93-94) Swarm
29) Dragon 59) Mushroom Cap 95-96) Terror-Wing
30-31) Draper 60-64) Mutant 97) Tibbar
32) Drill Maggots 65) Mutant's Bane 98) An Unnatural
33) Dust Monster 66) Mystic 99) Wretch from the Reach
34) Eye-Bomination 67) Nanites, Hostile 100) Yvox

1) Alien Observer
A quatic Z one
39) Giant
R o ll

76-80) Plant, Deadly


2-5) Amoeboid, Atomic 40-42) Grab-Bag 81-83) Plantient

6-9) Anthropic Encounter 43-45) Ground Urchin 84-86) Reptile, Giant
10-12) Bandit 46-48) Insect, Giant 87) Robot, Service
13-15) Bird, Giant 49-53) Judge’s Special 88-89) Sandiform
16-19) Chicken of the Sea 54-58) Mammal, Giant 90-92) Screamer
20-21) Croachling 59-61) Manimal 93-95) Swarm
22-28) Crustacean, Giant 62-68) Mollusk, Mutated 96-97) Terror-Wing
29) Dragon 69) Mushroom Cap 98) An Unnatural
30-32) Draper 70) Mystic 99) Wretch from the Reach
33-37) Electric Eel 71-73) Ningyo 100) Yvox
38) Eye-Bomination 74-75) Nuke Fluke

11 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 11

1) Alien Observer
30-31) Hellhound
R o ll

77-79) Sand Wyrm


2-4) Anthropic Encounter 32-37) Insect, Giant 80-82) Sandiform

5-7) Ant-Men 38-42) Judge’s Special 83-86) Screamer
8-11) Barbarian 43-47) Land Shark 86-88) Snake, Giant
12-14) Bird, Giant 48-53) Mammal, Giant 89) Sphincterror
15-16) Cactacea Rex 54-56) Manimal 90-92) Swarm
17-18) Concretion 57-58) Mantis-Man 93-94) Terror-Wing
19) Dragon 59-60) Mount, Mutated 95-96) Tibbar
20-21) Dust Monster 61-64) Mutant 97-98) An Unnatural
22) Eye-Bomination 65-66) Mystic 99) Wretch from the Reach
23-24) Giant 67) Plant, Deadly 100) Yvox
25) Grab-Bag 68-69) Plantient
26-29) Ground Urchin 70-76) Reptile, Giant

1) Alien Observer
G rasslands
33-35) Land Shark
R o ll

65-66) Robot, Deadly

2-6) Anthropic Encounter 36-38) Mammal, Giant 67-69) Roxen
7) Ant-Men 39-41) Manimal 70-72) Sand Wyrm
8-9) Bandit 42) Mantis-Man 73-79) Screamer
10) Barbarian 43-44) Mollusk, Mutated 80-84) Snake, Giant
11-12) Bird, Giant 45) Mount, Mutated 85-87) Sphincterror
13) Croachling 46) Mushroom Cap 88-90) Swarm
14) Dragon 47-49) Mutant 91-92) Terror-Wing
15) Eye-Bomination 50) Mutant’s Bane 93-94) Tibbar
16-18) Giant 51) Mystic 95-97) An Unnatural
19) Grab-Bag 52) Nuke Fluke 98) Wretch from the Reach
21-23) Ground Urchin 53-55) Paradox Hound 99) Yvox
24) Hellhound 56-59) Plant, Deadly 100) Zayarian
25-28) Insect, Giant 60-62) Plantient
29-32) Judge’s Special 63-64) Psycho-Weasel
Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 12 12
1) Alien Observer
33-34) Grab-Bag
68) Nuke Fluke
l 1D10

2-7) Anthropic Encounter 35) Hellhound 69-70) Paradox Hound

8-9) Ant-Men 36-38) Hook-Handed Bandit 71-75) Plant, Deadly
10-11) Bandit 39-43) Insect, Giant 76-78) Plantient
12-13) Barkolisk 44-48) Judge’s Special 79) Psycho-Weasel
14-16) Bear-Ant 49-51) Mammal, Giant 80-84) Reptile, Giant
17-19) Beast Thing 52-54) Manimal 85-86) Roxen
20-22) Bird, Giant 55) Mantis-Man 87-89) Snake, Giant
23) Brain Cauliflower 56) Mindbender 90-92) Swarm
24) Cactacea Rex 57-58) Mollusk, Mutated 93-94) Terror-Wing
25-26) Croachling 59) Mount, Mutated 95-96) An Unnatural
27) Dragon 60) Mushroom Cap 97) Watcher-Wood
28-29) Draper 61-65) Mutant 98) Wretch from the Reach
30) Eye-Bomination 66) Mutant’s Bane 99) Yvox
31-32) Giant 67) Mystic 100) Zayarian

1-7) Anthropic Encounter 37) Grab-Bag
R o ll
69) Nuke Fluke

8-9) Ant-Men 38) Hellhound 70-71) Paradox Hound

10-11) Barkolisk 39-41) Insect, Giant 72-75) Plant, Deadly
12-14) Bear-Ant 42-47) Judge’s Special 76-79) Plantient
15) Beast Thing 48-54) Mammal, Giant 80-82) Sandiform
16-20) Bird, Giant 55-58) Manimal 83-86) Snake, Giant
21-23) Concretion 59) Mantis-Man 87-90) Terror-Wing
24-25) Croachling 60) Mindbender 91-94) An Unnatural
26-28) Dragon 61-62) Mollusk, Mutated 95-96) Watcher-Wood
29-30) Draper 63-66) Mutant 97) Wretch from the Reach
31) Eye-Bomination 67) Mutant’s Bane 98-99) Yvox
32-36) Giant 68) Mystic 100) Zayarian

13 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 13

1) Alien Observer
32) Hellhound
R o ll
68) Plasmasite

2-4) Amoeboid, Atomic 33) Holo-Gone 69) Psycho-Weasel

5-6) Ant-Men 34-37) Insect, Giant 70-71) R.O.M.ummy
7) Atomic Specter 38-42) Judge’s Special 72-76) Reptile, Giant
8-9) Bear-Ant 43) Land Shark 77-79) Robot, Deadly
10-11) Beast Thing 44-47) Mammal, Giant 80) Robot, Service
12-13) Concretion 48-49) Manimal 81) Sand Wyrm
14-15) Croachling 50-52) Mindbender 82-84) Sandiform
16) Crustacean, Giant 53-54) Mollusk, Mutated 85-86) Screamer
17-18) Dragon 55-56) Mushroom Cap 87-88) Shape-Shifter
19-20) Draper 57-60) Mutant 89-90) Snake, Giant
21-22) Drill Maggots 61-62) Mystic 91-93) Swarm
23-24) Dust Monster 63) Nanites, Hostile 94) Tibbar
25-27) Eye-Bomination 64) Ningyo 95-96) An Unnatural
28) Glazkin 65-66) Nuke Fluke 97-98) Wretch from the Reach
29-31) Grab-Bag 67) Plantient 99-100) Yvox

1) Alien Observer
35) Giant
ll 1D10

64) Paradox Hound


2-4) Amoeboid, Atomic 36-37) Grab-Bag 65-69) Plant, Deadly

5-6) Anthropic Encounter 38) Ground Urchin 70-73) Plantient
7) Ant-Men 39) Hook-Handed Bandit 74-77) Reptile, Giant
8-10) Barbarian 40-42) Insect, Giant 78-79) Screamer
11-13) Barkolisk 43-47) Judge’s Special 80) Shape-Shifter
14-17) Bird, Giant 48-49) Mammal, Giant 81-84) Snake, Giant
18-19) Brain Cauliflower 50-51) Manimal 85-89) Swarm
20) Cactacea Rex 52) Mindbender 90-91) Terror-Wing
21) Chicken of the Sea 53-55) Mollusk, Mutated 92-94) An Unnatural
22-24) Croachling 56) Mushroom Cap 95-96) Watcher-Wood
25-27) Crustacean, Giant 57-59) Mutant 97) Wretch from the Reach
28) Dragon 60) Mutant’s Bane 98) Yvox
29-30) Draper 61) Mystic 99-100) Zayarian
31-33) Electric Eel 62) Ningyo
34) Eye-Bomination 63) Nuke Fluke
Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 14 14
Random Treasure Does this make my
Butt look big?
Tables Use this chart if answering the question,
And here we go with the “rich stuff!” “Will this fit my character?”:
The random treasure tables are not
meant as a guarantee that every creature
listed as having treasure does so in fact. Does it Fit? (roll 1D14)
In reality, most monsters’ treasure is in 1) Yes, until it gets washed/wet.
a specific location (a den, a spot they 2) Only part of it; functions/AC are diminished.
frequent to bury partially eaten prey, etc.) 3-4) The articles are loose; -1 to Ref saves.
and not necessarily in the spot where 5-6) The article is too tight; on the next
the PCs will encounter the monster. So, physical action that rolls a 20 the item rips
and is ruined.
judges should only use these charts if
7-9) It could fit with some tailoring; DC 12.
they think there might be a chance of the
10) It fits, but you look ridiculous in it (-1 Per).
creature having treasure in the location
11-13) Yeah, it fits OK...
of the encounter.
14) Yes, and you look marvelous, baby! (+1
For each table, roll a 1D10 for a bestial Per).
creature. Roll a 1D14 if it has low to
average intelligence. And bring out
those 1D16s if it has a high intelligence. Coins of the Realm
Any rolls below 4 yield no treasure. Many of the treasure lists contain
entries such as “eCurrency,” “Precious
In Need of Repair Coins,” “Ancient Bank Notes,” and
For complex items (CL 3+) recovered “Local Fiat Currency.”
from the dens of lowly beasts-or any eCurrency: Held on memory sticks,
item taken from the “Victims’ Effects,” swipe cards, and finger implants,
“Carcass,” or “Refuse” lists- there is these digital sums are worthless until
a 30% chance of it being broken and you run into a still-functioning auto-
requiring a DC 12 repair roll. kiosk of the ancients.
Precious Coins: From a variety of
Dead Batteries. . . lands and nations (fallen and concur-
Use this table for items that normally rent), these coins were minted in
require a power source: electrum, silver, gold, platinum, and
even basic metals like copper and
What's its Charge? (roll 1D30) nickel. Regardless, the metal itself
1-5) Power pack has 21-23) Has an F-Cell is of great value for trade.
overheated and fused that’s 50% charged. Ancient Bank Notes: These are
to the item; 1D7 uses 24-25) Has an F-Cell both highly flammable and good
left; DC 18 to fix. that’s 70% charged. for patching holes in clothes, and
6-8) Runs off an 26-27) Has a Q-Cell! just look at all those interesting an-
antiquated battery- 28-29) Is connected to
has 1D4 uses left; cient portraits! Some believe these
a Q-Cell (but the core notes denote religious figures and
DC 15 to convert to is unstable and gives
“modern” cells. off 1D6 radburn if a 1 are given out as a mark of piety
9-13) Has a C-Cell is rolled during use). and righteousness to an old god
that’s 30% charged. 30) Power source has called “Capitalism.”
14-17) Has a C-Cell been replaced with a Local Fiat Currency: These are
that’s 60% charged. cosmic shard of alien
18-20) Has a C-Cell origin with infinite
pieces of tradable coin, worked
that’s 80% charged. power. leather, carved beads, braided cord,
or other trinkets particularly valued
in trade by a nearby village.
15 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 15
Treasure Charts


Personal Effects 1D
Result Reg. Tech. Trade Valuables Misc.
Equip Equip Goods
4-7 2 Items None 1 Item None 2 Items
8-9 2 Items None 1 Item None 2 Items
10-11 2 Items None 2 Items None 2 Items
12-13 3 Items 1 Item 2 Items 1 Item 2 Items
14-15 3 Items 2 Items 3 Items 1 Item 3 Items
16 4 Items 2 Items 3 Items 2 Items 4 Items


Techno-Trove 1D
Result Reg. Tech. Trade Valuables Misc.
Equip Equip Goods
4-7 1 Items 1 Item None None 1 Item
8-9 2 Items 2 Items 1 Item None 2 Items
10-11 2 Items 2 Items 1 Items 1 Item 2 Items
12-13 3 Items 3 Items 2 Items 2 Items 3 Items
14-15 3 Items 4 Items 2 Items 2 Items 3 Items
16 4 Items 5 Items 3 Items 3 Items 4 Items


Hoard 1D
Result Reg. Tech. Trade Valuables Misc.
Equip Equip Goods
4-7 2 Items 1 Item 4 Items 3 Items 3 Items
8-9 2 Items 2 Items 5 Items 4 Items 3 Items
10-11 3 Items 3 Items 5 Items 4 Items 4 Items
12-13 4 Items 3 Items 5 Items 6 Items 4 Items
14-15 5 Items 4 Items 5 Items 6 Items 4 Items
16 6 Items 5 Items 5 Items 7 Items 5 Items

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 16 16

Treasure C harts


Victims’ Effects 1D
Result Reg. Tech. Trade Valuables Misc.
Equip Equip Goods
4-7 1 Item None 1 Item None 1 Item
8-9 2 Items None 1 Item 1 Item 2 Items
10-11 2 Items 1 Item 1 Item 1 Item 2 Items
12-13 3 Items 1 Item 1 Item 1 Item 2 Items
14-15 3 Items 2 Items 2 Items 2 Items 3 Items
16 3 Items 2 Items 3 Items 3 Items 3 Items


Trade Goods 1D
Result Reg. Tech. Trade Valuables Misc.
Equip Equip Goods
4-7 2 Items None 2 Items 1 Item None
8-9 2 Items None 2 Items 2 Items 1 Item
10-11 3 Items 1 Item 3 Items 2 Items 1 Item
12-13 3 Items 2 Items 3 Items 3 Items 2 Items
14-15 4 Items 2 Items 4 Items 3 Items 3 Items
16 5 Items 2 Items 5 Items 4 Items 4 Items


Result Meat Byproducts Trophy
4-7 Inedible Glue or Lard None None
Hormonal Gland
8-9 Inedible None 1 Misc. Item
(+1 to either Str or Agil)
Necklace of Claws or Teeth
10-11 1 Day’s Food Poison Coating (+1 dmg) 1 Misc. Item
(+1 Luck)
1 Day’s Food Horns, Antennae, or
12-13 (Nourishing +1 Hide/Fur (+2 AC) Decoration for Helm 1 Reg. Equip
hp recovery) (+1 Per)
Waterproof Boots, Bag, or
14-15 3 Days’ Food Bone Blade (1D5 dmg) 1 Valuable
Tarp from Hide
Beautiful Hide/Carapace
16 5 Days’ Food Scent Gland (+1 Per) 1 Tech. Equip
(Pleasing for trade)

17 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 17

Treasure Charts


Tech. Trade
Result Equip Equip Goods Valuables Misc.
1-3 None None None None None
4-5 None None None None None
6-8 1 Broken None None None 1 Item
1 Item 1 Item Needs
9-10 1 Broken None 2 Items
Ruined Cleaned
1 Item Needs 2 Items Need
11-12 2 Broken 1 Broken 3 Items
Cleaned Cleaned
1 Broken 1 Broken 1 Item Needs
13-14 1 Item 4 Items
and 1 Item and 1 Item Cleaned and 1 Item

Item Lists
Trade Goods
(roll 1D100)
1) Homeopathic Crystals & Incense (TV 70) 48) A Nice Piece of Furniture (TV 30)
2-3) Clay Pottery (TV 30) 49-51) A Cart of Hay or Straw (TV 4)
4) Idols, Statues, and Gewgaws (TV 200) 52) 2D7 Bottles of “Snake Oil” (TV 20)
5-6) Bolt of Fabric (TV 20) 53-54) Cooking Gear (TV 20)
7-8) Basket of Ripe Fruit (TV 10) 55-56) Coffee/Cocoa Beans (TV 5)
9) Bag of Tubers (TV 5) 57-60) Sack of Sugar or Flask of Syrup (TV 8)
10-11) Bag of Feed/Seeds (TV 15) 61) Blocks of Ice (TV 20)
12-13) Wheel of Cheese (TV 15) 62) Barrel of Crude Oil (TV 15)
14) Pickled Fish (TV 5) 63) Ancient Books (TV 100)
15) Rolls of Papyrus (TV 20) 64-65) 1D20 Songbirds (TV 15)
16) Case of 12 Spices (TV 15) 66-68) Jug of Roxen Milk (TV 1)
17) 1D3 Live Chickens (TV 3) 69-73) 1D12 Loaves of Bread (TV 1)
18) 1D3 Sacks of Coarse Salt (TV 5) 74-76) Cask of Wine/Ale (TV 5)
19) Small Pail of Butter (TV 2) 77-80) 2D5 Blankets (TV 5)
20-21) Barrel of Salted Meats (TV 10) 81-82) 2D3 Pots of Honey (TV 5)
22) Metal Shovel/Hoe Heads (TV 50) 83-84) 1D3 Truffle Piglets (TV 8)
23) Bag of Coal (TV 5) 85) 3D7 Knife Blades (no handles) (TV 80)
24-25) Jarred Jellies (TV 2) 86-87) Cart of Milled Lumber (TV 15)
26-27) Bale of Wool (TV 3) 88-90) Cured Meat 10 lbs (TV 5)
28-30) Packet of Furs/Hides (TV 30) 91-93) Bag of 1000 Ceramic Beads (TV 30)
31-37) Bag of Ground Meal (TV 2) 94) Aged Liqueur (TV 15)
38) Hand Cart with Iron Ore (TV 100) 95) 1D30 Spools of Thread (TV 4)
39) Bags of Used Ancient Clothing (TV 150) 96-97) Bucket of 2D8 Fresh Fish (TV 2)
40-45) Cart of Firewood (TV 2) 98-99) Bale of Tea, Tobacco, or Cotton (TV 7)
46-47) 1D4 Flasks of Inks and Dyes (TV 35) 100) 1D5 10’x10’ Canvas Sheets (TV 10)
*TV=Trade Value in Credits

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 18 18

I tem Lists
Regular Equipment
(roll 1D100)
1) 2D4 Arrows (1D6) 35) Spool of Thin Wire 69) Useful Map
2) Flint Knife (1D4) 36) Box of Survival Matches 70) Jerky (3-day supply)
3) Ancient Canned Meat 37) 1D12 Plastic Zipper Bags 71) Chalk
4) 25’ of Nylon Cording 38) Personal Flotation Device 72) Emetic Meds
5) Roadside Tool Kit 39) Parachute in Pack (Extra save vs. poison)
6) Bow 40) Cowboy Boots 73) Tobacco & Pipe
7) Deflated Rubber Raft 41) Roller Skates 74) Spear (1D6)
8) Dead-Blow Hammer (1D5) 42) Fire Axe (1D7) 75) Goggles
9) 20’ Extension Cord 43) 5-Gal Bucket 76) Powdered Drink Mix
10) Hand Saw 44) Super Glue (2 uses) 77) Snow Suit
11) Fine Leather Pack 45) Informative Journal 78) Inc. Plate Armor (AC+5)
12) Durable Vinyl Bag 46) Paint Set 79) Snorkel & Flippers
13) Collapsible Cookware 47) Antiseptic Wipes 80) Compass
14) 1D3 Torches 48) Propane Tank 81) Grappling Hook
15) Musical Instrument 49) Tool Belt (empty) 82) Muscle Ointment
16) Bird Cage 50) Binoculars (1D3 Atrib. Recov.)
17) Blow Darts (1D3 +Effect) 51) Shaving Kit 83) Sled
18) Fishing Net 52) Bottle of Perfume 84) 3-Ton Bottle Jack
19) Willow Bark (Heal 1D2 hp) 53) Leather Jacket (AC +1) 85) Tube of Grease
20) Ancient Pesticide 54) Sleeping Pills (x4; DC 12) 86) Rat Poison (DC 12)
21) Lighter 55) Ball of Yarn & Needles 87) Rubber Mask
22) Oil Can 56) Sleeping Bag 88) Barbecue Tongs
23) Pry Bar (+2) 57) 20’ Rope Ladder 89) Can of Expanding Foam
24) Sporting Equipment 58) Fire Extinguisher (2 uses) 90) Canteen
25) Bulletproof Vest (AC +3) 59) Telescope 91) Lock Picks
26) Can of Spray Paint 60) Shield (+1 AC) 92) Insulated Lunch Box
27) Collar & Leash 61) 1D12 Scented Candles 93) 10’ Telescoping Pole
28) Measuring Tape 62) Makeup Kit 94) Manacles
29) Heavy Blanket 63) Box of Gelatin 95) Fishing Pole
30) Signal Flare 64) Small Live Trap 96) Small Strongbox w/ Key
31) Fireproof Gloves 65) Thermos 97) 1D8 Glow Sticks
32) 10’ of Heavy Chain 66) Holster w/ Bandoleer 98) Oxygen Tank
33) Long Sword (1D8) 67) Amazing Tennis Shoes 99) Rubber Waders
34) Pup Tent 68) Rain Poncho 100) Chisel & File

Gem Stones (roll 1D30)

Type Color T. Credit Type Color T. Credit
1) Alexandrite Green 4D7 16-17) Jade Green 5 x1D30
2-3) Amber Yellow-Orange 2D10 18) Moonstone White 2D16
4) Amethyst Purple 4D20 19) Obsidian Black 3D7
5) Apatite Cat’s eye 3D20 20) Onyx Black 3D3
6) Aquamarine Blue-Green 4D20 21-22) Opal White 2D6
7) Aventurine Green 3D7 23-24) Pearl White 4D6
8-9) Carnelian Red 2D16 25) Pearl, Black Black 4D12
10-11) Citrine Yellow 3D6 26-27) Quartz Pink 1D10
12) Diamond Clear 100 x3D10 28) Ruby Red 100 x1D20
13) Emerald Green 10 x1D100 29) Sapphire Blue 100 x1D5
19 14-15) Garnet Red 3D8 30) Topaz Blue-Green 4D7 19
Item Lists
Tech Equipment
(roll 1D100)
1-2) Pistol (Roll 1D10: 1-3 Dazer, 4 Fazer, 41) Holographic Disguise Hat (C-Cell 8hrs,
5-6 Gauzer, 7-9 Lazer, 10 Mazer) F-Cell 2 Days; TL4 CM3)
3-4) Rifle (Roll 1D10: 1-2 Fazer, 3-5 Gauzer, 40) Portable Teleportation Plates (100 mile
7-8 Lazer, 9 Mazer, 10 Neutron) range; TL4 CM4)
5) Grenade (Roll 1D8: 1-2 EMP, 3-4 Photon, 42-43) Accelershot (+1D4 Agil)
5-7 Stun, 8 Quantum) 44-45) Cureshot
6-7) Force Baton (+2; 2D8) 46) Cybernetic Implant (Roll 1D20: 1 Head,
8) Plasma Sword (+4; 2D12) 2-5 Eye, 6-10 Arm, 11-15 Leg, 16-17 Heart,
9-10) Zapper Glove (+1; DC 18) 18-19 Lungs, 20 Brain)
11) ’Lectro Whip (+1; 10’; 2D4; TL4 CM2) 47-48) Medipac (Heal 3D8)
12) Rotary Plasma Rifle (+2D16 action dice, 49) Voice Modulator (C-Cell 50)
120’; 5D4; TL4 CM4; F-Cell 10) 50-53) Medishot (Heal 2D8)
13) Chainsword (+2; 1D10; TL2 CM2; 54) Neuroshot (+1D4 Int)
C-Cell 20; F-Cell 20) 55) Spray-On Reflecto-Coating (Reflects up
14) Flamer (20’x5’ cone; 2D6; TL3 CM3; to 30 hp of energy weapon attacks)
tank holds 1D20 uses) 56-57) Radshot (Heal 1D6 Rad dmg)
15-17) Archaic Pistol (40’; 1D8; TL2 CM2; 58-59) Stimshot (+1D4 Str)
1D16 ammo) 60-63) Com-Badge
18-21) Archaic Rifle (100’; 2D5; TL2 CM2; 64) GPS Mapping AI
1D30 ammo)
65-67) Fusion Torch
22) Wrist Lazer Gauntlet (LoS; 3D3; TL4
CM4; C-Cell 5) 68) Nanite Repair Spray (DC 10 to repair 1
tech item; TL4 CM1)
23) Photonic Rocket Launcher (200’, r=40’,
3D20; DC 7 Str check to use; TL3 CM3; 69) Telepathic Headband (Make check +3 vs.
1D3 rockets) Will; range 100’; F-Cell 10; TL5 CM2)
24) Inerto-Axe (+2; 1D8 +2; TL4 CM3; 70) Energy Cloak
C-Cell 10; F-Cell 20) 71-73) Grav Clamp
25-26) Bubble Helmet (+1 AC) 74) Holo-Encyclopedia (TL3 CM3)
27-28) Environ Belt (+1 AC) 75) EMP Wave Generator (DC 12 save for
29) Force Field Belt (+3 AC; 25 hp) tech items, if failed they turn off for 1D4
rounds; F-Cell 5; TL4 CM3)
30) Plasteel Mesh (+5 AC)
76) Holo-Cloak
31) Scout Power Armor (+8 AC; 25/50 hp;
fly 50’) 77-80) Multitool
32) Attack Power Armor (+10 AC; 50/75 hp; 81) Atomic Variance Girdle (Can shrink/grow
+6 Str; fly 75’; Lazer & Gazer; Rebreather) by 75%; C-Cell 5, F-Cell 10; TL4 CM4)
33) Assault Power Armor (+12 AC; 75/100 82) Sensor Pad
hp; +8 Str; fly 150’; Life-Support; Lazer, 83) Sonic Spanner
Gauzer, & Grenade Launcher) 84-97) Power Source (Roll 1D20: 1-10
34) Orbital Defense Drone (Make a DC 12 C-Cell, 11-15 F-Cell, 16 Q-Cell, 17 F-Pack,
roll to block any missile attack; F-Cell 18 Solar Cell, 19 Solar Recharger, 20
1D20; TL4 CM4) Q-Pack)
35-36) Grapple Launcher & Nano Cord 98) Jetpack (fly 70’; 30 rounds; TL3 CM3)
(200’; TL2 CM2) 99) Hover Device (Roll 1D16: 1-4 Bubble
37) Gravity Mine (15’ radius; DC 18 to Car, 5-10 Grav Ped, 11-16 Grav Sled)
escape; lasts 5 rounds; TL3 CM2) 100) Ultra-Rare Tech (Roll 1D12: 1-2
38-39) Universal Translator (C-Cell 7 days, Cortexin Cylinder, 3-5 Force Field
F-Cell 1 month; TL4 CM3) Projector, 6-8 Gene Resequencer, 9-10
Stasis Booth, 11-12 Rejuv-Chamber)

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 20 20

I tem Lists
Valuables (roll 1D24)
Type T. Credit Type T. Credit
13) Stacks of Ancient Bank Notes
1) Large Sack of Precious Coins 20 x1D30 8
($100 x1D10)
14) Large Bag of Gems
2) Medium Sack of Precious Coins 10 x1D30 (Roll 6 times on chart) ?

3) Small Sack of Precious Coins 10 x1D10 15) Medium Bag of Gems ?

(Roll 5 times on chart)
4) Chest of Precious Coins 100 x3D5 16)(Roll Small Bag of Gems ?
(Locked) 3 times on chart)
17) Loose Gems
5) Loose Handful of Precious Coins 3D20 (Roll 1D3 times on chart) ?
6) eCurrency 18) Ancient Artwork
1 20
(Credit Stick; $100 x1D10) (Gallery/Classical Painting)
7) eCurrency 19) Ancient Artwork
2 40
(Swipe Card; $100 x1D4) (Amateur/Abstract Painting)
8) eCurrency 20) Ancient Artwork
0 25
(Implant; $1,000 x1D20) (Sculpture/vase)
9) eCurrency 21) Sack of Leather Tokens
1 *5D5
(Credit Stick; $100 x1D4) (Local Fiat Currency)
10) eCurrency 22) Pouch of Porcelain Beads
2 *10D4
(Swipe Card; $10 x1D30) (Local Fiat Currency)
11) eCurrency 23) Bundle of Carved Sticks
0 *3D6
(Implant; $100 x1D7) (Local Fiat Currency)
12) Loose Ancient Bank Notes 24) Necklace of Beastly Teeth
2 *1D100
($1 x3D30) (Local Fiat Currency)
*Fiat currency has this value in the village of its origin, otherwise its trade value is 1D4

Miscellaneous Goods (roll 1D100)

1-2) Ancient Concert T-shirt 30) Bed Pan 60) Well Preserved Body
3) Pack of Adult Diapers 31) 5 Press-On Fingernails 61-62) Bizarre Egg Sac
4) Inflatable Holiday Decor 32-33) 5’ of Hardware Tape 63-64) Whistle
5-6) Nice Ink Pen 34-36) Wrapped Snack Cake 65) Worn-Out Stuffed Animal
7) Floaties 37) Wig/Toupee 66) Pencil Sharpener
8-9) Condiment Packet 38) Single Sequinned Glove 67-70) Holo Disk (Movie)
10) Color Changing Hair Gel 39) Mannequin Head 71-73) Holo Disk (TV)
11) Bath Robe 40-41) Ancient Music Recording 74) Holo Disk (Instructional)
12) Ancient Photo Album 42) Ancient School Time Capsule 75) Spray Tan
13) Self Developing Camera 43-44) Pack of Tissues 76) Adhesive Name Tags
14) Notebook of Bad Song Lyrics 45) Ancient Movie Poster 77-79) Novelty Mug
15-16) Roll of Toilet Paper 46) Dentures 80-82) Ancient Activity Book
17) A Kazoo 47-48) Joke Novelty Item 83-85) Deflated Sports Ball
18-19) Empty Tin Can 49) Aerobic Outfit 86) Squirt Gun
20-21) Empty Plastic Bottle 50-51) Pack of Gum 87-88) Mirrored Compact
22-23) Empty Glass Bottle 52-53) Broken Eyeglasses 89) Ceremonial Dance Attire
24) Wrapped Piece of Candy 54) Shrunken Head 90-92) One Red Shoe
25-26) Single Zip Tie 55) Friendly Cockroach 93-95) Mouse Trap
27) Baggy of Pop Tabs 56) Roll of Dental Floss 96-98) 4’ Bungee Cord
28) Interlocking Toy Bricks 57-58) Cardboard Tube 99) A Few Nails, Screws & Bolts
29) 1D12 Used Crayons 59) Heavy-Duty Garbage Sack 100) Fake Flowers or Fruit

21 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 21

Organization: _____________________
Disposition: _______________________
Size: ______________________________
Move: ______________________________
Armor Class: _____________________
Hit Dice: ___________________________
Initiative: ________ Crit: ___________
Atk Melee: _______________________
Atk Missile: ______________________
Act Dice: _________________________
Saves: Fort _____, Ref _____, Will _____
Treasure: ________________________ e
Special Properties P ict
– _____________________________________________
Permission to Copy this page Granted, Dandyline Games 2022


– _____________________________________________

– _____________________________________________

– _____________________________________________

Unnatural Selections 22
– ____________________________________________

– ____________________________________________

E xposition: _______________________________________________

Permission to Copy this page Granted, Dandyline Games 2022


Ex t r
Unnatural Selections 23
Organization: Solitary/Family
A lien O bserver
Disposition: Insouciant
Size: Small/Medium
Move: 20’
Armor Class: 9 +Force Field
(AC 13, 15 hp)
Hit Dice: 3D4 (7 hp)
Initiative: +1 Crit: M/D8
Atk Missile: Fazer +4
(DC 18 Stun, 3D6 Heat,
or DC 15 Disintegrate)
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort -3, Ref +1, Will +6
Treasure: Techno-Trove
Special Properties
Mutant Power – Many of these extraterrestrial trespassers have other-worldly
powers, roll 1D8 to see what this species can do: (1) beastmaster (the alien can
make a +2 mutation check against a non-sentient creature’s Will to control its
actions for the round); (2) ESP (if the alien’s +2 mutation check beats the target’s
Will save, the alien is able to read their mind); (3) mind-numbing (all selected
targets within sight must make a Will save vs. DC 12 or temporarily lose 1D6
Int-falling unconscious at 0); (4) teleportation (as a move action, the being can
teleport anywhere within 100’); (5) life-leaching (on a +2 touch attack the alien
deals 1D4 dmg and gains this amount as temporary hp); (6) mind control (on
a -4 mutation check, if the creature beats a target’s save the alien may control
their actions for 1D14 rounds so long as they remain within sight); (7) binary
domination (the alien can control technological devices/AIs with a +2 mutation
check that beats the item’s Tech Level +Complexity Modifier +1D6); (8) illusion
projection (the alien can create mental illusions that may trick viewers if they
fail a DC 12 Int check. These illusions last for an entire encounter so long as the
alien wills it. Events that would question the reality of the illusion will
instantly allow targets to reroll their Int checks at +2.
Technologically Advanced – Almost all alien observers carry with them
protective items such as a force field projector (+4 AC, absorbs 15 hp
of dmg) and fazer pistol (80’, DC 18 Stun for 1 unit, 3D6 heat dmg
for 2 units, or disintegrate on failed DC 15 Fort save for 3 units, 20
charges). They gain a +10 to Artifact checks, and +7 to rolls for repairing
technological items. Most of these “little green men” carry a strange
multi-device capable of simulating many common tools. These devices
have a 30% chance of simulating any common item and a 15% chance
of simulating a rare one. Alien observers carry around 1D6 pieces of
equipment that would each be analogous to a standard ancient artifact or
item off the list below.

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 24 24

xposition: As if Terra didn’t have ENOUGH of a mess going on, it
to be a prime specimen for sociological, technological, and ecological
edge-case research. Many intelligent life forms (some perhaps descendants of
the Ancient Ones themselves) go on expeditions across the galaxy to Terra A.D.
for the purpose of field work. Luckily, most extraterrestrials operate under prime
directives that limit their interaction with the native lifeforms. This may require
them to observe but not intervene. Then there are the more nefarious aliens, who,
if given the chance, would use the whole of the planet to cultivate weapons,
experimental medicines, and extreme social theories (not to mention the probing!).
Alien observers and their quirky research can make a great plot-base for an entire
adventure. Typically, they do not make for sensible random encounters, however.
Still, if the PCs uncover some big invasion or terraforming plot on behalf of these
intruders, you could then have lots of alien encounters as this meta-plot boils to a
climax in the background of your game world.

Random Alien Artifacts (roll 1D14)

1) Transmatter Alterator 6) Psycho-Emotive Inducer (on 10) Wrist Remote (connected to
(changes one type of nonliving a failed DC 12 Will roll the a fazer-firing hover-sphere,
matter into another, 5 ft , once
target can be made to feel spaceship, slave-beast, etc.)
A lien O bserver

per day) rage, love, pity, or fear toward 11) Mutagen Canister (DC 8 Fort
2) Antigravity Belt (fly 20') save or roll 1D4:1=lose a mu-
7) Intellect Implant (boosts a tation, 2=gain a defect, 3=gain
3) Combustion Ray (DC 12 save
creature's Int by +10 and can a physical mutation, 4=gain a
or object bursts into flames)
make them sentient) mental mutation)
4) Energy Syphon (all powered
objects within 20’ must make 8) Hard Light Trap (flying imple- 12) Pain Ray (30', deals 1D12
ment projects an AC 22, 80 hp subdual dmg)
a DC 7 save or their charges
prison of hard light)
get transferred to this unit) 13) Time Displacer (rewinds to a
5) Dehydrated Minions (2 rounds 9) Memory Wiper (DC 13 Will previous part of the encounter,
save or lose 1 permanent Int 2 uses)
after adding water, 1D6 min-
point and all memory of the 14) Hover Chair (fly 30', +1 AC,
ion monsters appear)
last 24 hrs) 20 hp)

Alien Research Motives (roll 1D12)

1) An Experiment in Love (What happens to mental and emotional challenges?)
cultures when socially important creatures from 8) Induction of Weather Phenomenon as a Means
adverse societies fall in love?) of Terraforming (Can massive weather phenom-
2) The Effects of Technology in War (When one ena change ecological outputs by more than
society is given incredibly advanced weapons 10% within a 30-day trial?)
how does that affect their position in war?) 9) Performance Rating of Engineered Apex
3) The Psychology of Power Loss (If a creature Predator (Will the aliens’ genetically designed
is drained of its extraordinary abilities, can it monster dominate the local food chain?)
maintain happiness?) 10) Chemical Dependency Rates within Virgin
4) Specimen Collection Trip (The aliens are at- Populations (When exposed to an addictive
tempting to collect and preserve examples of all mutagen, how fast do addiction rates rise within
living things within this biome.) a previously unexposed population?)
5) Survey of Flora on an Early-Stage Recovery 11) Nutritional Survey of Terran Tribes (Through
Zone (What plants begin to grow after a planet capture and probing: what is the standard diet
has been through a catastrophic event?) and nutritional intake of these primitives?)
6) Survey of Fauna on an Early-Stage Recovery 12) Cover-Up Mission (Because their technological
Zone (What animals take over after a planet has trade goods were partly to blame for the destruc-
been through a catastrophic event?) tion of the Ancient Ones, the aliens must recover
these items before the Inter-Galactic Council
7) Intelligence Testing on Newly Evolved Sentients
finds out.)
(How will subjects respond to various

25 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 25

A moeboid, A tomic
Ye Random Toxic Blob
Organization: Solitary
Disposition: Territorial
Size: Large/Huge
Move: 15’, Climb 10’
Armor Class: 10
Hit Dice: 3D10 (16 hp)
Initiative: -2 Crit: M/D8
Atk: Cascade +1 (Based on SP)
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort +3, Ref -1, Will +2
Treasure: Victims’ Effects
Special Properties
(Choose 1D4)
Disintegrating Fragmentation
Intelligent Invulnerable Odorous Poisonous
Pseudopods Radioactive Stalking Slick Sticky Vulnerable
Disintegrating – Just its touch dissolves certain materials; dealing 3D6 dmg
(or completely destroying objects not assigned hp if the owner fails a Luck
check). Roll 1D6: on a (1) it dissolves metals; (2) organic matter; (3) only
plastics; (4) only plant fibers and cloth; (5) just hair, feathers, toenails, and
horns; and on a (6) it destroys everything but stone/silicate with 5D10 dmg!
Fragmentation – Each time the amoeboid is hit, it splits into two forms
with identical stats to the original but at 50% (rounded up) of their
“parent’s” hp. This effect does not take place if the attack is from (roll
1D8): (1) bludgeoning attacks; (2) energy attacks; (3) attacks made with
inert metals (gold, silver, etc.); (4) fire-based attacks; (5) cold-based attacks;
(6) electrical attacks; (7) acid/poison attacks; or (8) explosions.
Intelligent – This slime has evolved some executive functioning. Roll a
1D4: on a (1) it has an Int of 7 (-1) and can communicate non-verbally;
on a (2) it has an Int of 13 (+1) and will use its environment to get the
better of intruders; on a (3) it has an Int of 20 (+4), can use telepathy to
communicate (DC 12 to resist), and is able to use technology; at (4) the
blob has a random personality trapped within it that it will swap with any
creature touching it on a failed DC 10 Will save.
Invulnerable – This jellied thing CANNOT be harmed by (roll 1D14): (1)
bladed weapons; (2) bludgeoning weapons; (3) energy weapons; (4) fire; (5)
cold; (6) electricity; (7) physical attacks; (8) psychic attacks; (9) poisons/
acids; (10) anything while in sunlight; (11) less than 7 dmg; (12) roll twice
on this list; (13) roll three times on this list; or (14) anything, merely resting
at 0 hp for 1d4 rounds before regaining 1D6 hp and returning to action.

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 26 26

Odorous – The stench of this goober extends in a 10’ radius and is (roll 1D4):
(1) vomit-inducing (Fort save vs. 10 each round or lose an action); (2) noxious
(-1D to actions); (3) poisonous (-1D3 Stamina for the next 24 hrs if breathed);
or (4) is a “taint” that transfers to those exposed (-1D6 Per until thoroughly
washed away with soap).
Poisonous – If touched, the affected creature (roll 1D5): (1) must make a DC 15
Fort save or take 2D5 radburn; (2) suffers an additional 3D4 from a blistering
agent; (3) contracts a chronic disease (if failing a DC 13 Fort save) that will
reduce their physical attributes by a total of 1D10 each day until cured (dying
if a score reaches 0); (4) absorbs a contact poison that deals 1D4 dmg each
hour for 4 hours; (5) is dosed with a psychotropic drug (if failing a DC 17 Will
save) making them (pick one at random) hallucinate, become unintelligible and
apathetic, become severely masochistic, or become aggressive toward everyone
around them.
Pseudopods – The blob can make +3 melee attacks up to 10’ away dealing 2D4
dmg. If landed, the creature can forego the dmg to instead grapple the target
(requiring a DC 14 to escape).
A moeboid, A tomic

Radioactive – the slime emits a 5’ radius radioactive cloud. Those entering this
space must make a DC 14 Fort save or take 1D4 radburn. Non-PSH characters
are further affected, roll 1D6 modified by Luck: (0-1) all of their powers are
lost for the day; (2) one of their powers (random) is lost for the day; (3) the goo
absorbs one of their powers and can use it for the next hour-the power returns at
that time or if the goo is destroyed; (4) they automatically gain a defect; (5) one
of their powers is permanently swapped with a random new one; (6+) they gain
a new mutation for the next 24 hrs.
Stalking – The goo moves at 40’ per round, fits through tight spaces (taking 1 to
2 actions), and has a +6 to both moving silently and tracking its target.
Slick – This oily pudding cruises at 40’ per round, has a +2 Ref save, and can
spend 1 to 2 actions to pour through almost any opening. Further, PCs walking
on it must make a Ref save vs. 13 or fall down, and failed melee attacks against
it may hit adjacent targets (if they fail a Luck check).
Sticky – The blob can climb at 20’ per round and anything that touches it
requires a DC 12 Str check to remove. For every 4 items stuck in the ooze it
gains +1 to AC and +1 to its melee dmg. Roll 1D30 -4 when first encountered to
see how many objects it currently contains.
Vulnerable – The creature is vulnerable to certain attacks and suffers (roll
1D5): (1) double dmg from fire or acids; (2) -1D for every round it’s exposed
to water; (3) paralyzation for 1D4 rounds when exposed to extreme cold;
(4) death if it fails a DC 10 Fort save after being hit with a sonic attack; (5)
1D14 dmg from drying agents (such as flour, chalk, sawdust, etc.).

xposition: The irradiated world of the post-apocalypse produces
types of near-sentient sludge. Some of this is toxic waste,
some results from the union of pond scum and nuclear fallout, still others are
the fell ancestors of ruinous biological experiments dating back to before the
cataclysm. Each of these oozes are unique in character, having one or more
of the above special traits.

27 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 27

Vannella Lacunas
Org: Solitary Dis: Opportunistic Sz: Massive Mv: 10’
AC: 11/13/5/20 HD: 10D16 (85 hp) Init: -1 Crit: M/D16
Atk (Me): Pseudopod +3 (1D4) Act: 3D20
Sv: Fort +4, Ref -5, Will +2 Treas: Victims’ Effects
Special Properties
Cyst-Forming – The vannella lacunas can (by taking 5 consecutive actions) pull
up into a lump and form a defensive crust around itself (AC 20). While poised
such, it cannot take any movement/combat actions (it can release this condition,
over the course of one round).
Organelles – Inside this pooling atrocity are: 2D3 acid bladders that can make
touch attacks at +3, dealing 1D3 acid dmg each round until washed off. The
bladders move at 15’ per round. These bladders have an AC 11 and account
for 8 hp of the creature’s overall hp. There are also 3D4 green globules

A moeboid, A tomic
floating on the creature’s cytoplasm that can swim at 50’ per round. They
will attempt to wrap around/immobilize a target (a melee attack +3, DC 12
to escape). Each globule is AC 13 and represents 3 hp of the creature’s total.
These globules are immune to the acid of the floating bladders and hold prey
while those organelles dissolve them. Finally, the amoeboid has a bluish
nucleus sunken deep at its center. The nucleus is AC 5 and can only take 15
hp (coming out of the creature’s total). It has no actions. If the nucleus is
specifically targeted for destruction, the creature will cease to function.
Phygiatic Grasp – If struck by a pseudopod, a target must make a DC 10 Str
or Agil roll or be pulled into the creature’s main body (see plasmatic below).
Plasmatic – The creature’s body is like a lake of gel. For any non-energy dmg
scored on the creature (and not its organelles), this amoeboid can make a Fort
save vs. 5 +the dmg amount, ignoring the dmg if successful.

xposition: In nature, the vannella lacunas is easily mistaken for a
pond, roughly 40’ in diameter. If inspected (DC 12), seekers
may notice a few large bubbles floating about (acid bladders) and strange
green patches of algae skimming the top (globules). Underneath its surface
usually rests a treasure trove of non-organic goods (left by previous owners
it has dissolved) and a strange blue-hued, glossy sphere (the nucleus). If
entered, this amoeboid feels just a little thick for being water (like syrup).
The vannella lucanus is a sit-and-wait predator that will usually attempt
to capture a prey only when they have entered its cytoplasm or neared its

The Tripple-M Folley

Org: Solitary Dis: Grazer Sz: Large/Huge Mv: 5’, Climb 5’
AC: 8 HD: 6D8 (27 hp) Init: -4 Crit: M/D8
Atk: none Act: 1D20
Sv: Fort +4, Ref -8, Will +5 Treas: Victims’ Effects
Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 28 28
Special Properties
Sticky – Anything touching it can only be pulled free on a DC 16 Str check.
Fumous – This blob gives off noxious petrol fumes. Those within 15’ of the
creature must pass a DC 12 Fort save or lose consciousness within 1D5 rounds.
Further, any exposed flames or sparks within 5’ of the creature will cause a 30’
diameter explosion (3D16 dmg to all inside this range including the blob).

xposition: Created by an ancient chemical manufacturer, the tripple-M
is an extremely slow sentient putty that absorbs organic materials
(especially bacteria) over the course of months. It is relatively sticky and can
hang from walls and ceilings.

Azzeenon-Teevay Dissolver
Org: Solitary Dis: Territorial Sz: Large Mv: 20’
AC: 11 HD: 6D6 (21 hp) Init: -2 Crit: M/D16
Atk (Me) : Cascade +2 (3D4 Acid) Act : 1D20
A moeboid, A tomic

Sv: Fort +3, Ref -2, Will +2 Treas: Refuse/Special

Special Properties
Acidic – The creature deals 3D4 acid damage to the things it flows over; metals
are especially susceptible, dissolving at a rate of 8 in3 per round.
But Wait There’s More! – At its defeat, have the character with the lowest Luck
make a check. If they fail, a second dissolver (a budded offspring from the
original) is within 200’ of this space.
Caustic Reactions – When dissolving plutonium, uranium, and other heavy
metals (like those in F-Cells) the blob gains +1D and a random physical
Intelligent – Having almost human-level intelligence, the dissolver will plan its
attack/ambush whenever possible.
Metal “Urgy” – The creature somehow senses all metal within a 100’ and
will be drawn toward the largest sources first. It prefers rare metals over more
common ones, seeking out characters carrying fusion cells and quantum cells
with vigor! This trait can be used to lure the creature at a -1D to its Will save.
Money Back Guarantee! – After destroying it, all the items it was dissolving
fuse together into a single molten chunk. On a successful Luck check this is
a usable item, combining properties from whatever it is made of (e.g., a com-
badge and a dagger may fuse into a sonic-dagger). The judge should create a
fun item or special artifact from this setup. Remember, other ruined artifacts/
items may have been lingering in the blob from previous encounters...

xposition: At the special low price of $19.99, if you act now, you
TPK your party with this amazing offer! It slices, it dices-well actually
no, it doesn’t... It just sort of creeps around trying to get at and dissolve metal
objects. Though, it does strategize, learn, ambush, and wait-all traits that can
make it a dangerous adversary.

29 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 29

Organization: Colonies
A nt-Man
Size: Medium
Move: 40’
Armor Class: 14
Hit Dice: 1D10 (6 hp)
Initiative: +2 Crit: M/D8
Atk Melee: Spear +2 (1D10)
Atk Missile: Spear +2 (1D10)
Atk Melee: Bite +2 (1D6)
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will -1
Treasure: Hoard
Special Properties
Caste Morphology – When unsure of what an ant-man’s caste should be, roll a 1D20:
(1-10) worker (a mid-sized ant-man, these females busy themselves mostly with
construction and food gathering tasks-they have the base stats given in this entry);
(11-15) soldier/major (this robust female is designed for protecting the colony, she
has 3D8 +6 hp, a 16 AC, and a +3 to both melee and missile attacks-some have
phragmotic heads that are so long and flat they can stoop over to create AC 18 “shield
barriers” for those behind them); (16-19) drone (these smaller, winged ant-men are
the males of the colony, kept around to proliferate the species and act as personal
servants to the queen and her court of “queens to be,” they have only 1D6 hp
and gain no bonus to combat rolls); (20) queen (a colony will have one true
queen-who is likely to be of an ancient age-but many other sizable females
in her court-who will be readying themselves to spread out and create new
satellite colonies, this caste has 4D8 +6 hp, a 14 AC, a -1 to combat rolls, +3 to
Fort saves, +1 to Ref saves, and +4 to Will saves).
Hive Intelligence – A myriad of sensory organs are used by the ant-men
to communicate the great edicts of the queen. This process is carried out
through pheromones detectable between ant-men up to 1,000’ away from
each other. For this purpose, what one ant-man knows is likely to be
immediately known by the rest. This trait makes them formidable in war.
Additionally, through the use of chemical secretions in their saliva (see
below), ant-men can mark an area they have passed, revealing a great
deal of information to the next ant-man that enters. Such marking is often
their last mortal act when killed by a band of seekers.
Trophallaxis – The spit of these bug-men carries an entire conversation
worth of information coded into chemical strata. By swapping saliva
with each other or lapping up saliva left by other ant-men, these creatures
come to know exactly what each other is thinking. Ant-men can even

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 30 30

spit this concoction into the faces of other organisms, causing them to react with
perfect obedience toward 1 command so long as it is not self-injurious. This
“mind control” can be avoided on a Will save vs. the ant-man’s +2 mutation
check. Sometimes (10% chance), even saliva left on surfaces by the ant-men
will get accidently absorbed by a character, forcing them (on a failed save) to
follow the instructions contained therein.

xposition: Ant-men may resemble insectoid manimals, but their
nature and adherence to bestial instincts make them a dreaded
denizen of the ruined world. Of all the “devils” that plague Terrans, ant-men are
perhaps the most common, for they have engineered several methods for passing
the northern radiation barrier which cuts off most of the arthopodic megafauna
from the “civilized” jungles of the midlands. The creatures are often equated to
“bogymen” for their frequent raids-taking not only resources but captives for their
labor camps (and worse yet, as foodstuffs). It is perhaps a misnomer to call these
creatures ant-MEN, for almost 85% of their species is female. In fact, most of
the males live a very stunted life and spend most of it within the depths of their
colony caves. The females of the species have dramatic caste morphology-with
varying shapes and sizes denoting their job. Amid their colonies, there is a queen
of greater size whose protection is guaranteed by the life of every ant-man in the
colony. The queen’s wishes are always carried out. Nay, her thoughts seem to be
transmitted through some strange medium, becoming the compulsions of the rest
A nt-Man

of the colony. Broken from this contact, a worker ant-man simply goes about the
last task they were given ad infinitum or shuts down like a power-drained robot.

Sample encounter 4) Captive - An unfortunate being has been

burried alive to their neck in compacted dirt.
1) Garage Entrance - There are 2D3 +3
5) Nursery - 2D4 mix of “workers” and “soon-
“soldiers”-Three are dragging in a small banana
to-be” queens look after the eggs. 30% chance
tree for food stock.
per PC that a larva will erupt from an egg for a
2) Trash Tunnel - Lots of waste packaging and 1D16 surprise attack; 1D3 dmg).
broken plastic artifacts of the ancients are
6) Queen’s Chamber - Queen and 1D3 drones
compacted into the end of this tunnel.
take up this space, the queen is particularly
3) Tunnel Work - Here 2D3 “workers” pile attached to the idea of eating the captive in
dirt in a torn-up car that is being used as a her area.

31 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 31

Organization: Solitary
A tomic Specter
Disposition: Antagonistic
Size: Medium
Move: Fly 30’
Armor Class: 12
Hit Dice: 4D7 (16 hp)
Initiative: +2 Crit: M/D10
Atk Melee:
Atomic Touch +4 (3D6)
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +3
Treasure: Personal Effects
Special Properties
Atomic Aura – The specter
is surrounded by a 10’ cloud
of radioactivity-this makes
them detectable (even when invisible) with the right powers/equipment. When
encountered, creatures inside this space must make a DC 10 Fort save or take 1
dmg from radburn per round for the rest of the encounter.
Atomic Touch – Reaching its hand into a target, the specter can disrupt their
very atoms. This attack deals a nasty 3D6 dmg AND the target must make a
Fort save verses the value of that dmg or age that many years. Characters that
age over +20 years in an encounter find themselves at -1D, at +40 years they
are at -2D and pick up a random defect (MCC rule book pg 22), thereafter there
is a 20% chance of dying from this touch. If they survive, the -1D/2D
penalty will subside 24 hours after the encounter.
Energy Being – Atomic specters have no mass. They can move through
most materials (although metals like lead and uranium cause them trouble-
taking 1D5 rounds to move through). They can float (up to 15’ off the
ground). Physical attacks pass completely through them, while energy
attacks (except for fazers and quantum-based powers) will sometimes heal
them instead of causing dmg (30% chance). The energies of the specter
cannot penetrate most force fields (which is another way they can be
contained), and products that deter radburn (such as radshots) provide a
DC 12 Fort save against taking dmg from the specter. As an energy being,
the specter can shift from the visible energy spectrum at will (+2 AC).
Horrific – Up close, the form of an atomic specter is terrifying-
expressing all the horror of an agonizing death. When seen, a PC must
make a DC 8 Will save or lose 1D10 temporary Int points (at 0 the PC is
insane and unable to take meaningful action until rested and recovered).

xposition: The planet’s pulsating release of gamma
coupled with the fact that many Terrans are carrying about

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 32 32

quantum-contrived devices can lead to some curious effects. Sometimes when
a being is disintegrated amidst these polarizing forces, a creature of pure atomic
energy is born. Atomic specters are more or less energy “ghosts.” They have little
connection to the life they once had and maintain spite toward every living being
they encounter. Their very nature allows them to pass through most surfaces,
become invisible, and destroy things with a simple touch. It is no wonder they
are feared, and ruins where they are known to lurk are avoided by even the most
hardened of seekers. Some shamans claim the specters are in a tortured state and
seek to be laid to permanent rest.

ample encounter: Eons ago, as a mass extinction event grew
Ancient Ones scuttled to their spacecraft hoping to escape. One such pilot
suffered trouble in his quantum engine. Though he tried to repair it, his ship did not
escape the atmosphere; it crashed back to Terra, the engine and atomic power pile
exploding in a strange reaction. These transformed the man into an atomic specter.
Now, he haunts the ship and the crash site around it. As the PCs explore the area
and ship, there is a 1 in 6 chance the specter will appear in a location to give them
trouble. It will only stay for 4 rounds then disappear to pester the PCs again later.
1. Hull Breach – A massive rip through the bulkhead reveals the darkness of this
A tomic Specter

bridge. From these blinking controls, an anti-radiation foam can be released in

the engine room (TL 3, CM 4).
2. Air Lock – Heavy doors separate a chamber
with a space suit racked on the wall. (The suit is
+3 to armor but -2 to Agil rolls and Ref saves;
it has 8 hrs of air and has a gas jet that will
allow 5 rounds of 50’ flight, PCs must have a
Str of 7+ to use this suit.)
3. State Rooms – Two bedchambers complete with
spray-gel showers rest down the main hall. One
shower is now occupied by an atomic amoeba.
4. Cargo! – Sealed cargo containers (some locked)
rest here holding a house-worth of personal goods
including clothes, keepsakes, kitchen appliances,
entertainment devices, and valuables.
5. Gun Well– A ladder leads up to a cracked
bubble above the ship where a gunner
could fire the ship’s massive lazer blasters
(missile -6, 3D16 dmg, 500’ min. range,
2 shots).
6. Engine Room – This door is under emergency
seal (DC 10 to override, the room behind
is irradiated: 1D6 radburn, DC 8 to save
for half). The engine room has a backup
fission pile that is still operable, otherwise
it is trashed out. Under some debris lie
the partial remains of an ancient human.
The atomic specter often comes here to
reenergize (appearing now if it hasn’t been
defeated yet).
33 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 33
Organization: Family/Clan
B andit
Disposition: Opportunistic/Territorial
Size: Medium
Move: 30’
Armor Class: 12
Hit Dice: 3D6 (10 hp)
Initiative: +3 Crit: III/D8
Atk Melee: Knife +2 (1D4)
Atk Missile: Lazer Pistol +2 (3D6)
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2
Treasure: Personal Effects/Hoard
Special Properties
Ambush – The arrangements for
springing upon and overtaking a
mark are made with such careful
planning that any irregularities can only be spotted with a DC 16 roll of
Int. If unspoiled, the ambush grants the bandit(s) a free round of action at
+1D prior to the roll of Initiative.
Con Game – Bandits make great liars. They fabricate fabulous tales that
quickly bring the listener under their spell of sympathy and cooperation.
All skills and equipment that might help determine the bandit’s true
intentions have a 35% chance (to be rolled in secret) of abject failure.
Further, a bandit’s use of persuasion is rolled at +3.
Untraceable – When fleeing to safety, the bandit rolls at a +3 vs. the
tracking skills of a follower. For every round the bandit succeeds, the
pursuer suffers a -1D (cumulative) on their tracking rolls.

xposition: In a world replete with dangers, thin on civilized
and wanting for rare objects, even a humanoid of good heart
might fall into the dregs of banditry should times get tough. Make no
mistake! Bandits are not common thugs or tribal warlords. These men and
women make their skin by cleverly planning when and how to ambush
targets. They select their targets carefully, sizing them up for how big of
a threat they might be should things go bad AND how likely it is they
may have something on them worth that kind of risk. On a perfect day,
the bandit’s mark will turn over their most prized possessions without the
slightest resistance-having been placed in a situation where leaving with
their life (or the lives of their loved ones) would be slim otherwise.

Common targets: Bandits are often trying to acquire: artifacts

(especially weapons and medicine), energy cells, food, industrial metals, data orbs,
robots, mounts, healers/shamans, livestock, and/or objects of entertainment.

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 34 34

Common Possessions (roll 1D16 x3)
1) Holographic Projector 6) Lazer Pistol (3D6, 7 shots) 11) Com-Badge
(3 uses) 7) Steel Knife (1D4) 12) Smoke-Pot (50’ radius)
2) Dazer Pistol (4 uses) 8) Thruster Bikes 13) Live Mount
3) Weighted Net (DC 11) (20 hp, fly 90') 14) Grav Mine
4) Sleep Darts (1 dmg, DC 13) 9) Lock Picks (20’ rad, DC 15)
5) Gauzer Rifle (20 shots) 10) Stimshot 15+) Forcefield
(+3 AC, +25 hp)

Example Ploys: Here are a few common setups a bandit might use to
out-leverage a mark:
ྊྊ The PCs come upon a whimpering natural monstrosity (like a bear-ant or
giant reptile) with its leg caught in a trap not far off into the wilderness from
the trade route. If they go to help it, the bandits have disguised a pitfall in
front of the beast. Come-to-find-out, the beast is actually a trained pet of the
bandits and the trap is a fake.
ྊྊ On their voyage, the seekers come across a burnt down bridge once
spanning a river. Only partial arches are left of this structure on each river
bank. Luckily, a well-worn path leads down to the river’s edge where the
shallowness of the waters permits it to be forded. What the PCs don’t know
is that a team of bandits hide on the remains of the opposing portion of the
B andit

bridge. Once the PCs near the halfway point, a horn will be blown telling
some of the bandits upstream to release the flood gate of an abandoned dam.
Rushing water is likely to strand the party on a few tall rocks at the river’s
center as its current rushes dangerously downstream. The bridge bandits
offer to throw ropes to the PCs only after they throw over their goods and
disarm themselves.
ྊྊ The PCs (while traveling with mounts or a on a wagon) encounter a broken
cart pulled by a lowly muskmule-an obvious victim of a pothole-like trap
in the road. A pitiful old woman stands beside the cart’s broken wheel,
pleading to these passing heroes to save her daughter, who was taken
off by the bandits that broke her cart and stole her crate of mireapples. If
questioned, she describes a group of 5, lightly armed bandits that came
and went via a rugged footpath leading up into the hillside. If explored, a
hut is found partially buried in the higher portion of the hill. Inside, gruff
voices hold a bawdy conversation while light whimpering can be heard
in the undertow. This hut is trapped, and the only occupant is a com-
device broadcasting the distant bandits’ attempt at “theater.” Meanwhile,
the old lady is actually a notoriously tough rapscallion, leader of these
highwaymen. A meaty mate hides in the broken wagon, and several
others perch in the opposite woods. Once the PCs are up the path too far
to see, her gang will lift their mounts/wagon and abscond further down
the road. If PCs hang behind, her hidden dazer pistol and the strong-
armed friend will try and take them out without drawing back the others.
ྊྊ Two young hooligans work together to operate a suit of power armor and
demanding childish whims from passersby (candy, self-humiliation, etc.).

35 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 35

Organization: Clan/Tribal
B arbarian
Disposition: Primitive/Dominating
Size: Medium
Move: 30’
Armor Class: 15
Hit Dice: 4D7 (16 hp, 23* hp)
Initiative: +3 Crit: M/D10
Atk Melee:
Sword/Axe +4 (1D8 +2)
Atk Missile: Bow +2 (1D6)
Act Dice: 1D20 (2D20*)
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2
Treasure: Personal Effects/Hoard
Special Properties
*Battle Glory – Every barbarian seeks to have
tales of their battle prowess told long after they have died
just like their ancestors. To this goal, when in the fray of a large battle (10+
individuals total), they are consumed with ardor, gaining an additional 1D20
action die and +7 hp. The extra hp will subside 30 minutes after the combat
is over. If the brute is taken to 0 or below when these subside, they will then
die from the wounds they received back on the battlefield.
Named Weapon – It is common among the barbarian tribes to have sacred
weapons passed generationally to the greatest warriors/leaders of the tribe.
These weapons seem to have some special properties-some Terrans even
say they are outright “magical.” For every 10 warriors in a barbarian tribe
they may have one such weapon-which always has a name, known and
chanted by the tribesmen. The weapon is often a sword or great axe, but
may be of any simple melee type. Examples of special properties include
(roll 1D8): (1) indestructible (the weapon cannot be harmed by physical
means, always makes needed saves, and shatters the weapon or shield of
an opponent when rolling max-dmg); (2) avenging (gilded with poison-
infused metal, the weapon will infect any creature bloodied by it-victims
must make a DC 13 poison save every day for 3 days or die from the
weapon’s bite); (3) living metal (the weapon seems to change shape at
times as it is held aloft in a 1-action ceremony-a dagger grows into a long
sword, an axe into a bladed throwing disk, etc.-this new form lasts for
2D3 rounds and grants a +1D5 mighty deed bonus-as per DCC rules, pg
40); (4) fiery (at the start of combat, the weapon ignites, dealing +1D4
dmg and setting combustibles ablaze); (5) sentient (the barbarian seems
to be hearing a voice from the weapon-it tells the wielder of dangers
and alerts him/her to opportunities in battle-this barbarian cannot be
surprised/ambushed and can take a +8 to hit once per combat); (6) many-
edged (this weapon has a very unique design meant to fight multiple
Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 36 36
opponents at once, when attacked by more than one melee combatant, the user can
return a blow against each with a 1D20 action die); (7) legendary (the weapon is
so impressive or its legend so well known that opponents must make a DC 8 Will
save or be at -1D when attacking its wielder); (8) transformative (while holding
this weapon in battle, the wielder is imbued by the spirits and power of all who
have mastered it before-these specters surround the warrior, giving them a unique
look and extraordinary vitality-when hit they may make a DC 14 Fort save to
reduce the dmg to half, when hitting they may make a DC 14 Fort save to deal
max dmg); (9) inseparable (the weapon seems to only allow its owner to fight
with it-others always miss when attacking with it, it cannot be disarmed without
the owner’s consent, and if thrown or otherwise separated it will through a series
of strange coincidences return within grasp of the owner the following round; or
(10) powerful indeed (roll for 2 attributes for this named weapon).
NOTE: Anyone one who picks up one of these named weapons must make a Per
check to see if they are worthy of wielding it. On a (1-8) the user is injured by
the weapon as they try it out (1D5 dmg); (9-11) the weapon falls apart in their
hands and is lost forever; (12-14) the weapon can be used for the remainder of
this battle or the next encounter but beyond that, further practice (a new roll) is
needed; (15+) the weapon has found a new master!
Tech, No! – Most barbarians have a distrust of ancient machines and outright
hatred for smart metal beings. They are at a -1D for handling the artifacts of the
B arbarian

ancients and Artifact checks in general.

Wilderness Skills – Barbarians are trained from youth to hunt, build shelters and
fire, fix weapons, and use natural remedies to fight disease. They gain a +4 to
such rolls and can (after a lengthy preparation) concoct homeopathic treatments
that will relieve 1D5 hp of dmg (and have a DC 14 chance of curing disease/
poison) once per week.

xposition: “Barbarians” is a rough term thrown out to describe the
hordes who inhabit the fringes of the settled lands. These tribes are
spoken of in fear, for their unpredictable nature and lust for battle threaten what
little peace and order civilizations have mustered up. In truth, there are as many
barbarian tribes that would respect a peaceful settlement-even helping defend
it from invasion-as there are those that would eye such a place with plans for
There are many “low” practices held by the barbarian tribesmen seen as
inhuman or even despicable by gentler folk. Despite this outward criticism, the
majority of these brutish beings find these traditions acceptable even when
on the receiving end of the brutalities and cannot fathom the objection of the
“softer” tribes living in the lands of plenty. This being said, the barbarians do
not tolerate treacherous acts. Things like cold-blooded murder, burglary, and
lying are seen as shameful practices while dueling, pillaging, and boasting
pass without scrutiny.
The great fighting skills of the barbarians are a benefit of their constant training
for battle. Mechanically, these men and women have exorbitantly high armor
classes hardly due to the scraps of hide they wear, but assigned because of their
obdurate and awe-inspiring physicality. Further, they strike at +4 to all common
melee weapons with a knack for hitting the “kill zone,” dealing +2 dmg.

37 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 37

Organization: Solitary/Family
B arkolisk
Disposition: Predatory/Territorial
Size: Huge
Move: 25’, Climb 15’, Swim 30’
Armor Class: 16
Hit Dice: 5D12 (34 hp)
Initiative: +1 Crit: M/D10
Atk Missile:
Splinter +4 (1D4 +special)
Atk Melee:
Bite +2 (3D4 +eEffect)
Atk Melee: Claw +4 (1D7)
Act Dice: 1D20, 1D16
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +0, Will +3
Treasure: Victims’ Effects
Special Properties
Bark up the Wrong Tree – The barkolisk’s skin looks virtually the same as bark,
and its long trunk-like body only adds to this effect. While lying in wait within a
forest, the creature can only be detected with a DC 15 roll.
Splinter Breath – The creature’s long splintery teeth can be jettisoned a handful at
a time with a mighty cough from the creature. They shoot out (along with a lot of
phlegm) up to 60’, dealing only 1D4 dmg but infecting animal targets (plantients
are immune) with a rapid gene-altering virus that (on a failed DC 12 Fort save)
transforms the victim’s hair and skin into stiff wood (within 1D8 rounds they
can no longer move or speak but may take mental actions; after that, they
lose 1 point of Sta per round from suffocation until they reach 0 and die). The
results are so pervasive only gene resequencers have a hope at restoring these
victims. The barkolisk can do 4 of these attacks per encounter. These lost teeth
are regrown within a few days’ time.
Wooden Skin – The skin of this menace is not only tough (AC 16)
but deflects most blunt attacks (taking no dmg) and is impervious to
electricity. However, its dense lignin content allows it to be set on fire
(if the creature takes more than 6 points of dmg from a single fire-based
attack). While on fire, the barkolisk suffers 1D6 dmg each round and
must seek a water source to extinguish itself.

xposition: There are woods, not too distant, where the
tribes speak of “The Barokolisk,” a creature who
dominates these dark stands of hardwood and is so dangerous as to make
passing through them taboo.
In tuth, there are dozens of such patches of forest and probably only few
are actually inhabited by one of these creatures. But make no mistake!
The barkolisk is a wretched thing, a reptilian mammoth whose skin is so
Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 38 38
tough and groove-riddled as to match perfectly with tree bark. While lying in a
death-like slumber, the beast is easy to mistake for a fallen timber. It is only too
late that seekers attempting to climb over the brute realize their mistake.
The barkolisk has 6 appendages, each capable of acting as both arm and leg.
The limbs each end in clawed digits capable of pulling apart most soft woods.
The creature itself, though looking tree-like, is flesh and bone on the inside.
However, most of its surface is covered in lignin-producing glands. Whereas
most animals grow feathers or hair, the barkolisk’s skin produces splinters and
bark. The creature’s very teeth are actually fast-growing spikes of wood! What’s
worse is that these slivers are coated in a mutagen that causes a creature’s
keratin to quickly transform into cellulose. Thus, getting hit by a barkolisk’s
“teeth” (which it can also spit out at prey) can transform a target into a static
statue of wood. These stiff forms can easily be broken open by the creature, who
loves to eat their “gushy” insides...

ample encounter: A dark forest precedes the approach to a tall silo
untold goods, visible across the treeline! But seekers have attempted for
many generations to explore this feature, and none have returned.
1. Forest Path – Game trails open onto an unnaturally wide path. A rotten tree
stump looks oddly like a pair of
B arkolisk

2. Brook – A brook, 4’ deep,

runs toward the seekers’ village.
It is menaced by a giant water
3. Tree Fall – 4 massive trees
lie toppled into this clearing (one
is actually a barkolisk waiting to
strike; its mate is nearby).
4. Sandbar – A sandbar fronts
this 10’ embankment. A few of
the dead trees along its edge
appear humanoid in shape.
5. Gourd Patch – Large,
thorny vines are braided to
massive gourds all about. An
odd plantient has recently
“awoken” here and will be
awkward to deal with.
6. Ruined Farm – The barn
is a complete loss, but a hefty
concrete and metal silo still
houses... (grain? well fermented
mash? a swarm of rad-rats? a
makeshift fallout shelter?).

39 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 39

Organization: Family
B ear-A nt
Size: Large
Move: 35’, Climb 25’
Armor Class: 12
Hit Dice: 5D10 (27 hp)
Initiative: +1 Crit: M/D10
Atk Melee: Claws +2 (1D6)
Atk Melee: Mandibles +1 (1D4)
Act Dice: 1D20, 1D16
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +2
Treasure: Refuse
Special Properties
Bear-Like Strength – In all feats of strength
and grappling, the bear-ant gains a +3 bonus to its rolls.
Marking Secretions – If bitten, a prey is coated in a tracking pheromone,
granting the beast a +4 to pursue them across up to a mile of terrain.

xposition: A bear-ant is truly an aberrant mammal (see what we
there?) having the burly torso of a bear and insectoid extremities.
Males, while more aggressive, tend to have smaller mandibles and thinner
builds. Meanwhile, female bear-ants grow to over 1,000 pounds and sport
massive chalicerae-curved and sharp such that some natives harvest them
for use as sickles.
Bear-ants remain mated for 2 years. Males largely spend their time out
capturing food for the female and her brood of bear-maggots. He will
hunt and graze over a 3-mile range while trying to provide in this fashion.
Common foods include berries (of which they commonly drag away the
entire bush), fish from shallow waters, and many less powerful animals
that provide an easy kill. Bear-ants are known for stalking the transition
zone between the woodlands and humanoid settlements-ambushing those
who venture into them at dawn or dusk.
These creatures make their den in a massive cone (15’+ tall) of piled
boulders, which they take from the surrounding area. These mounds
have a single “chimney” down their center that opens into a rounded
space often made lush with grasses. Sometimes these mounds give off an
incessant buzzing sound which is actually produced when the maggots
within are crying for food. Beware! “Mother” bear-ants are radically
defensive of their dens when nurturing bear-maggots. Trespassing is
a capital offense, and the challenging brays of one bear-ant parent are
likely to call forth the other in a matter of rounds.

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 40 40

The bear-maggots are several feet long and sport a hairy ant-head attached to
their writhing, translucent larval bodies. They themselves are defenseless until 10
months of age, when they undergo a multi-week metamorphosis changing into a
half-scale version of their adult self (15 hp, +1 to hit, 1D4 dmg). It is then only a
matter of months before they will have gained their full height and weight-eating
voraciously throughout this period.
At temperatures below 40° F, the bear-ant comes to a metabolic pause. This weird
hibernation leaves the creature in the middle of activity. Observers find this state
eerie as the creature’s glossy eyes stare off while its massive frame remains mid-
stride. It is as if the creature will spring forth any second (and as more seekers enter
the space adding their body heat, that fear may come true!) To this design, many of
the polar regions of Terra are absent of bear-ants, and few mountain-dwelling ones
travel above the subalpine level.


ྊThe PCs’ tribe is feuding with a distant settlement. Accusations have
it that the PCs’ village stole dozens of the other tribe’s guwanga stones
(hefty rocks set at the village’s edge with carvings used to denote debt and
currency between villagers). Meanwhile, two moons ago, the PCs’ tribe’s
fepple-corn crop (grown in a nearby clearing) was ravaged. As you could
guess, a bear-ant is to blame for both, but the quarrel is sullied by the fact
B ear-A nt

that one of the PCs’ tribesmen did in fact steal a guwanga stone (in a plot
to rid herself of debt owed to one of those villagers), leaving a slight trail.
Further, the other tribe’s ambassador appears to have been murdered on his
way to peace talks (in actuality, he was injured by the bear-ant and taken to
its den as foodstuff for its maggots).
ྊ travelling circus comes to the PCs’ village only to unleash chaos when
their dancing bear-ant goes ballistic. The PCs must help the handler
recapture the animal before other townsfolk destroy it. The handler cannot
figure out what has disturbed the creature’s usual pleasant demeanor. Come
to find out, a fellow performer (who is in a love-triangle with the handler)
has brewed a faint smelling “perfume” that lathers the beast up for carnage
and had doused the crowd with it during his/her comedy performance...

ar-Thor Stew-It's Survival Advice: Them bear-ants
the best-tasting critters and the likelihood of being mauled to death
make few folks see any worth in them as far as fur trade. Still, those seekers
who find themselves stuck out in the wastes, struggling to survive, will find the
bear-ant a might bit helpful.
🌲🌲 The meat of a bear-ant is greasy but nourishing. Even more, the acrid fat
helps to preserve the meat from becoming rancid.
🌲🌲 Burning bear-any grease leaves a stench that wards off most felines (DC 12
Will save for a feline to approach within 50’ of the flames).
🌲🌲 The bear-maggots produce a coating of medicinal slime that can heal 1 point
of damage per wound.
🌲🌲 Bear-ants have a fur that, even when cured, retains more heat the colder it
gets (wearers gain a +1D10 defensive bonus vs. cold temperature effects).

41 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 41

Organization: Clan
B east Thing
Disposition: Antagonistic/Dominating
Size: Medium
Move: 30’, Climb 25’, Brachiate 50’
Armor Class: 12
Hit Dice: 1D10 (5 hp)
Initiative: +1 Crit: III/D6
Atk Missile:
Blow Dart +1 (1D3 +Poison)
Atk Melee/Missile:
Spear +0 (1D6)
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +1, Will -1
Treasure: Hoard or
Victims’ Effects

Special Properties
Animal Telepathy – A beast thing can maintain a telepathic link with a non-
sentient animal-usually doing so for great lengths of time (adopting them as
sort of a pet). To initiate this, they must make a +0 mutation check against
the creature’s Will save. The mutation check suffers a -1D for every hit die
the animal has above the beast thing’s. Thus a 1 HD beast thing attempting to
mind-link with a 4 HD giant vulture would be rolling at -3D (1D12). These
animal mates will take any action given them by their new “masters,” save
for those that are outright self-destructive. If a PC’s pet is compelled in this
way, they may have an additional saving throw for every round that the PC
spends a move action calling to them, trying to break this “mind fog.”
Beast Companion – Through their animal telepathy powers, a beast thing
may have a beast companion. Generate a random companion; roll a 1D20:
(1-5) None (this beast thing has not recently bonded with an animal
and is companionless).
(6-9) Feral Cat: Int +2; Atk claws +2 (1D4), bite +2 (1D8); AC 12;
HD 2D6; hp 7; Mv 45’, jump 15’; Act 1D20, 1D14; SP heat vision;
SV Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +0.
(10-11) Horse-like Steed: Int +1; Atk hoof +2 (1D4 +2); AC 14; HD
3D8; hp 13; Mv 60’; Act 1D20; SV Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +1.
(12-14) Dog-sized Beetle: Int +2; Atk mandibles +1 (1D7); AC 15;
HD 1D10; hp 5; Mv 30’, fly 40’; Act 1D20; SP pinchers-DC 12 to
escape; SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +0.
(15-16) Raptor: Int +3; Atk claws +2 (1D3), bite +2 (1D4); AC 12;
HD 1D5; hp 3; Mv 15’, fly 100’; Act 1D20; SP dive bomb-gain +3 to
claw attack once per encounter; SV Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +1.
Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 42 42
(17-18) Large Constrictor: Int -2; Atk constrict +2 (1D3 per round), bite +2
(1D6); AC 13; HD 2D5; hp 6; Mv 20’; Act 1D20; SP constrict-1D3 dmg
and -1 temporary Sta each round, DC 12 to escape; SV Fort +2, Ref +1,
Will +2.
(19-20) Metridiochoerus (Dire Warthog): Int +2; Atk tusks +2 (1D7),
bite +2 (1D3); AC 14; HD 2D6; hp 7; Mv 40’; Act 1D20; SP tracking-the
creature’s excellent sense of smell gives it +3 to tracking; SV Fort +4, Ref
+2, Will +1.
Clan Champion – In larger groups, there is usually an “alpha” beast thing,
who acts as a de facto leader: Int +1; Atk axe +2 (1D12), or darts +1 (1D3
+poison); AC 12; HD 1D10 +2; hp 7; Mv 30’, climb 25’, brachiate 50’; Act
1D20; SP animal telepathy; SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +1.
Poisoned Darts – On a failed DC 13 Fort save, the poison triggers muscle
seizures for 1D4 rounds, preventing any intentional movement.

xposition: Even among the manimal tribes, there is insinuation that
beast things of the deep jungles are something less than sentient, but
given their clan structures, manufacture of weapons and clothes, and primitive
lingual system, the argument is fully up-hill. What can be proven is that this
primate species has a biologically rooted drive for violence and selfishness.
B east Thing

This drive dominates their creation of social strata, division of labor and
resources, and even selection of mates and leaders.
Aside from their aversion to civility, these primates are set off from most
of the other ape-like humanoids of Terra through their drooping brow
lines, fanged lower jaws, thin clawed feet (which they never cover), and
burnt-orange fur. There is a long-held belief that the beast things are direct
descendants of the Ancient Ones: that, somehow, this is what became of those
who didn’t flee the planet during the onset of the final apocalypse. On the
other hand, it is perhaps just their tendency to inhabit the Ancient Ones’ ruins
that lends to this impression.
A beast thing clan can grow up to 50 members deep-though few do, thanks
to infighting. Males, females, and weaned children are treated indifferently,
and any member of the clan that cannot fulfill the task he/she is given suffers
great abuse and even abandonment. Each clan is headed by an ever-changing
champion, a position won by ferocity and constant brutal dueling. These
creatures commonly use wickedly-crafted wooden spears for hunting and
warfare, but it is their infamous poisoned darts that paint their name with
terror. These darts are covered in a substance brewed from a variety of
toxins including the beasts’ own dung. In addition to these traditional
armaments, beast things will take and use any items scavenged from
defeated opponents. While this sometimes includes ancient artifacts, they
rarely can master such devices. Even if they figure out how to activate
them, they are likely to cause as much harm to themselves and their clan as
to put them to gainful use. The final component that makes them so feared
by most seekers is their ability to create mind-links with animals. Whether
this power is effective across the entire animal kingdom is doubtful, but
beast things have been seen riding and hunting with all manner of predators
and pack animals, leaving the possibilities to question.

43 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 43

Generic Giant Bird
B ird, G iant
Organization: Solitary
Disposition: Predatory
Size: Huge
Move: 30’, Fly 120’
Armor Class: 11
Hit Dice: 3D10 (16 hp)
Initiative: +3 Crit: M/D8
Atk Melee: Talons +3 (2D6)
Atk Melee: Beak +5 (3D4)
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +2
Treasure: Personal Effects
Special Properties
(Choose 1D3)
Beak Bird’s Eye Calls Feathers Flight Style Omens Talons Thieving
Beak – Don’t pigeonhole yourself with just any old beak! Birds have dozens of
beak-related adaptations that play out marvelously at a giant scale... (A) Sword-
billed: the bird’s beak is extremely long and pointed. Not only can it make piercing
attacks into tight spaces (ignoring any defensive bonuses given by terrain or
vehicles), but these attacks can reach up to 10’ out from the bird’s position. (B)
Gular pouch: the lower portion of the avian’s bill has a flexible membrane of
skin that allows it to “net items”-usually large fish and other aquatic catches. A
successful beak attack can imprison a target in this fold of skin, requiring a DC 8
to escape, though it is likely the creature will have already taken to the sky with
its prey. (C) Flat-billed: less harmful that most beaks, these birds can still give
an opponent a good “pinch,” dealing 1D3 dmg. (D) Chisel-beaked: designed for
working into the trunk of a tree, a chisel-beaked bird can break through the walls of
shelters and other barriers on a DC 10 roll-modified up or down the die chain based
on the ruggedness of the material. (E) Nutcracker: this bird’s beak is designed
to crack open hard shells. When landing an attack on a target wearing
armor, figure the dmg, then have the creature roll again. If this second roll
succeeds, the armor has been rent from the target changing the target’s AC
and requiring a repair roll to fix. (In a case where there are multiple types of
armor being used, determine randomly which is affected each time.)
Bird’s Eye – Birds are known for their marvelous eyesight-much of this
is reflected in their attack bonus. A giant bird may have one of these
additional ocular features: (A) low-light vision (the bird does not suffer
any penalties when operating in the dark of night); (B) peripheral vision
(seeing in almost 360°, the bird gains a +1D10 defensive bonus against
attempts to sneak up on it or surprise it); (C) nictitating membrane (the
bird’s eyes are protected against factors that would typically blind it);

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 44 44

and/or (D) extreme acuity (this animal’s near-telescopic eyesight grants it a +4
when trying to locate hidden/hard to find prey, and increases to a target’s AC
based on camouflaging powers, skills, or equipment are negated).
Calls – Some giant birds generate calls that have pretty interesting effects. These
calls can be made as a move-equivalent action and produce one of the following
effects... (A) Call in others (on the round proceeding this action, there is a 25%
chance that 1D4 additional giant birds of the same type will arrive to see what
delicious morsel this one has found!). (B) Sonic warble (the call of this avian is
earsplitting. Every PC within 50’ must either forfeit an action to cover their ears
or suffer 1D3 dmg). (C) Fear-inspiring (whether a mournful hoot echoing from a
moonless night or the scream of a diving raptor, some bird calls will fill a listener
with fear, -1D for the encounter, if they fail a DC 8 Will save). (D) Melodic (the
chorus of some birds provides a great deal of inspiration and calm; listeners
may-once per month-recover 2D8 points worth of mental attributes that have
been temporarily lost). (E) Entrancing (some bird songs can lull a listener into a
hypnotic state; when hearing this trill, the listener must make a DC 10 Will save
or fall into a trance, desiring only to continue to listen to the creature’s melody-
if the roll is made, the listener cannot be affected again during the encounter;
affected listeners can attempt new save rolls each round to get free from this
power OR will automatically exit this trance if harmed in any way). (F) Parroting
(the creature can immitate voices its heard-done as a +7 mutation check). (G)
B ird, G iant

Imitating the call (conversely, many birds can be duped by imitations of their own
call; imitating the call requires an Int check with the DC based on how strange a
sound it is and whether the PC has equipment to aid in its production; the right call
can summon a flock of giant birds, warn them to fly away, scare away creatures
commonly seen as prey-such as giant rats, insects, etc.-cause them to perform a
mating dance, or challenge them to a fight).
Feathers – The downy feathers of a giant bird reduce dmg from cold based
attacks by half and protect it against things that have to make contact with their
skin to harm them (like acids or contact poisons).
Flight Style – The design of a bird can allow it to fly in different ways, such
as: (A) glider (the bird moves into wind thermals to continue to stay aloft-
in some cases for days at a time!-reduce the bird’s flight speed to 100’); (B)
sky drop (this hawk-like avian can move over 200’ per round when dropping
down from above, its AC is +3 so long as it makes a full move each round);
(C) flightless (not evolved for actual flight, this specimen has slightly faster
ground speed, 45’, and can push with its wings to either get a bit of a speed
boost, or even do some minor gliding increasing this speed to 75’ during a
single round of an encounter; (D) waterfowl (in addition to basic flight, this
bird’s feathers are water resistant allowing it to dive down as far as 100’ and
swim at 35’ per round).
Omens – Even in the times beyond the apocalypse, various birds are seen as
omens-both fortuitous and ruinous in demeanor. Common omens come with
sightings of owls, cranes, doves, ravens, cardinals, albatrosses, eagles, and
crows, just to name a few. To issue an omen, the creature must simply take a
move action to look a PC in the eyes, triggering a free DC 12 Per check. If the
check succeeds, the character is either blessed with the benefits of a good omen
or avoids the fate of an ill one. As an aside, any time harm is unjustly done to
a bird of good omen, the perpetrator will automatically suffer one of the listed

45 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 45

bad omens as some form of cosmic punishment. Good Omens may include
things like: (A) fortune (within 24 hrs the PC will find or be given some item(s)
worth a substantial amount, random rolls for treasure or item value are made
with a +1D10 bonus); (B) love/friendship (the PC gets to make all Per rolls with
a +1D10 bonus die until the next time they see their own reflection); (C) good
health (all rolls against poisons, disease, or other bodily harm are made at +1D10
and the character’s daily hp recovery is doubled until the next time they touch
something that belonged to a dead person; or (D) good travels (the PC should be
given a token or paper slip that they may trade for one of the following effects:
they may double their daily traveling distance for this day, they may find a useful
path through hazardous terrain, they may avoid a bad turn of weather, or they can
dismiss a randomly encountered obstacle. Ill Omens might be curses such as: (A)
death (the PC suffers a -2D to all saving throws until either they or one of their
allies dies; (B) misfortune (each day the character faces a 30% chance of losing a
valuable possession or having it break until the PC is reduced to a “starting level”
of possessions); (C) jinxed (the character must roll Luck checks at +1D until they
gain a lucky charm); (D) fated trip (on their next substantial voyage, the PC will
get unexplainably lost, doubling the time the trip takes and requiring passage
through a dangerous encounter). Aside from the listed methods, ill omens can be
removed through a specially assigned quests usually foretold to the PC by a witch
doctor or oracle of some form.

B ird, G iant
Talons – The giant bird’s talons are not just dangerous (as demonstrated by their
melee attack value), but they can opt to deal a mere 1D3 dmg and instead grip
an opponent with a force equal to DC 14. From there, it is likely the PC will be
carried skyward and off to the creature’s nest.
Thieving – Many avians just can’t help their attraction to certain things-be it
bread, colorful yarns, or shiny objects. When these creatures are presented
with this enticement, they must make a DC 15 Will save or spend an action
each round attempting to get the object. If snatched, they will fly it off to their
nest hoping to protect it from being taken away. This habit may lead to many
interesting side quests for the players.

Exposition: Ornithology holds such a diverse assortment of life

forms, it is impossible to read about some of these birds and NOT come
up with a cool RPG encounter. While often perceived as both beautiful and
harmless, most avian creatures are quite shrewd when it comes to getting
prey, and at a giant scale their habits can be devastating to PCs. What’s
more, the judge can add insult to injury by serving up a dangerous giant bird
encounter in the form of some lampooned creature like giant geese, a giant
penguin, or even giant chickens. The elements above can be used to bake up
about any variety of giant bird.

Giant Eagle
Org: Solitary/Family Dis: Predatory Sz: Huge Mv: 25’, Fly 160’
AC: 12/15* HD: 4D10 (22 hp) Init: +3 Crit: M/D10
Atk (Me): Talons +4 (2D7) Atk (Me): Beak +5 (3D4) Act: 2D20
Sv: Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +4 Treas: Victims’ Effects

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 46 46

Special Properties
Eagle-Eye Feathers Omens Snatch Up Talons
Eagle-Eye – A giant eagle’s eyesight is so incredible it can pick out a target
no bigger than a rabbit from almost a mile away. It gains +6 to all perception
rolls based on vision. AC bonuses based on blending into the scenery or being
hidden are negated for its opponents. Further, it can only be surprised by
characters trying to sneak up on it on a DC 18 roll.
*Snatch Up – Eagles have a routine of grabbing prey and sailing off with it to
a safe perch where they can rend into it undisturbed. They will spend only one
round swooping down at level with their prey (AC 12) before soaring away again
(AC 15) for a round. On these attack rounds, they will attempt to exclusively grab
the prey (melee attack +4, but dealing 1D3 dmg and grabbing the target with a DC
14 grip instead of dealing their normal dmg). They will save their beak and regular
talon attacks for when they have this target isolated to feed on it.

xposition: The giant eagle is both a noble creature and horrific
Some say sightings of this creature were what inspired the first
wave of survivors to leave their shelters and take up residence on the fallen
earth. Though it may require months of intense training, giant eagles have been
known to be used as mounts-mostly by tribes of telepathic mountain mutants...
B ird, G iant

Einagle Mounts: A giant eagle mount provides an incredible edge

travel, warfare, and maintaining that “gonzo-metal-baller” swagger MCC
characters are so wanting of. If players roll their eyes at the high price of having
specialized barding made so that this bird might be mounted, simply remind them
that falling dmg is 1D6 per 10’! While mounted on an eagle, a PC gains its +3 Init
and may add +2 to their AC so long as the creature is in flight.
Roll an Agility check on the following chart when attempting a maneuver:
1 Maneuver fails; rolls for handling this beast drop by -1D; rider must roll on
the Riding Mishaps table.
2-11 Maneuver fails. Roll on the Riding Mishaps table.
12-15 Maneuver is successful.
16-18 Maneuver is well executed and all actions for the rider and the mount are
at +1D for the next round.
19-20 Maneuver is dramatically successful and buys the rider an immediate use
of a single bonus 1D16 action die.
21+ Maneuver is a complete success. Rider gains immediate use of a bonus
1D20 action die, and the giant eagle may make use both of its action dice
without reducing its movement rate.
Eagle Riding Mishaps Roll 1D4: (1) Rider falls from the eagle potentially
to their death, though they may attempt a Ref save vs. DC 10 to grab a talon
or clutch of tail feathers-it requires a DC 12 Str roll to maintain a hold on the
bird as it continues in flight; (2) loose feathers pepper the rider’s face taking
out their vision for 1D3 rounds; (3) the creature flies 2,000’ in the wrong
direction; (4) annoyed with the rider, the eagle makes a single warning peck
at them, striking for 1D5 dmg and requiring them to make a DC 10 Fort save
to maintain their grip this round.

47 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 47

Giant Owl
Org: Solitary Dis: Predatory/Insouciant Sz: Huge Mv: 20’, Fly 130’
AC: 11 HD: 4D10 (22 hp) Init: +2 Crit: M/D10
Atk (Me) : Talons +5 (2D10 +Impale) Atk (Me) : Beak +4 (2D6)
Act: 1D20 Sv: Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4 Treas: None
Special Properties
Death Grip Feathers Harbinger of Night Silent Attack
Death Grip – The owl’s talons are especially deadly. In an attack, they are
dually purposed to both crush and pierce through their quarry. A successful
strike by the giant owl deals the listed dmg and has a 30% chance to pierce
the target, holding them with a DC 14. Freeing oneself from the owl’s clutch
under this circumstance deals an additional 1D3 dmg. Furthermore, an owl
can use its next proceeding actions to tighten down on a grasped target
inflicting 1D5 dmg and increasing the difficulty to escape by +2 each time
(DC 14 becomes 16, then 18...to a max of 20).
Harbinger of Night – The owl’s wondrous eyes are unaffected by natural darkness
(suffering no penalties for it on rolls). Its morose hoots send shivers down the

B ird, G iant
spine of most travelers (a failed DC 5 Will check drops a listener’s Per score by
1D4 until they rest). It is further seen as an omen from the world of the dead.
Those who make eye contact with the owl (failing a free DC 12 Per check) will
have their dreams haunted by the spirits of the recent dead for 3 nights (allowing
them no recovery of stats/hp) AND will, within those 3 nights, have a physical
encounter with an “undead” entity (or at least come to believe they have). This
omen can only be nullified by paying homage at the grave of an acquaintance.
Silent Attack – It is when a character ceases to hear the hooting of a giant owl
that they must be most on guard, for the creature becomes deathly silent when
it takes to hunt. Flying in a vacuous glide, the giant owl can make a surprise
attack before it is seen at a +1D. Only characters with special sensory powers
are likely to avoid this surprise, and even then, they must roll against the
owl’s stealth ability, a +4.

Eitxposition: Giant owls make for very atmospheric encounters. Though

is presented here as a foreboding presence, many cultures perceive it
as quite the reverse, celebrating a run-in with an owl as a sign of change and
heightened intuition-seeing the animal as a majestic bearer of wisdom.

Phorusrhacos (Terror Bird)

Org: Family Dis: Territorial Sz: Large Mv: 90’
AC: 13 HD: 3D12 (19 hp) Init: +3 Crit: M/D8
Atk (Me): Feet +3 (2D7) Atk (Me): Beak +4 (3D5)
Act: 1D24* Sv: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2 Treas: None
Special Properties
Feathers Flightless Speedy

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 48 48

Flightless – The phorusrhacos, though completely covered in brilliant feathers,
cannot even glide given the underdeveloped size of its wing appendages. Instead
the creature has uniquely proportioned legs that allow for incredible land speeds.
*Speedy – This terror bird can not only outrun most prey, but it’s “programmed”
to use its claws and stately beak in a fast flash of combinations, granting it an
additional attack at -1D for every attack it lands. Thus, if it hits with its 1D24
attack, it can immediately make a 1D20 attack. If that hits, it gets to follow
through with a 1D16 attack and so on. These attacks can be directed at separate
targets but cannot be interrupted by non-combat actions (including movement).
Kick – The hulking legs of this raptor can side kick at attackers. This defensive
move is rolled at +3. If connecting, the victim takes 2D4 dmg and is flung 4D7
feet back from the bird.

xposition: Across the Dayglo grasslands of Terra run herds of giant
birds, genetic retreads of the prehistoric terror birds that hunted the
continents in its primordial state. These birds present a ridiculous visual-with
their giant heads, lanky bodies, and undersized wings. But this comedic look
gives way to true terror as the efficiency of this form is revealed in its serrating
beak-grabs and dominating foot attacks.

Giant Seagull
B ird, G iant

Org: Colony Dis: Opportunistic/Skittish Sz: Medium

Mv : 25’, Fly 120’’ AC: 11 HD: 2D8 (9 hp) Init: +3 Crit: M/D8
Atk (Me): Beak +3 (2D5) Atk (Me): Snatch +5 (Grapple +3)
Act: 1D20 Sv: Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +0 Treas: Victims’ Effects
Special Properties
Feathers Snatch Team Up Thieving
Snatch – Seagulls, even giant ones, are known for making a nuisance of
themselves. They pester a mark, surrounding him/her with their oppressive
numbers. Then, when the moment is ripe, they quickly snatch whatever has
drawn their eye-food, shiny bits, sometimes even just objects swaying in the
breeze-and head skyward. They gain a +5 when attempting these snatches. The
grab does little damage, but if resisted, the bird can make its grapple roll at +3.
Team Up – Groups of seagulls are known to work in unison to swipe food
from larger animals or fend off their beachfront territory. Whenever 3 or more
seagulls are present they may take coordinated actions with a bonus +1D4.
Oftentimes, this represents one bird creating a distraction while another
makes its snatch attack.

xposition: Giant seagulls have become abundant with the rise of
levels across Terra A.D. With 5’ tall bodies, their wingspans can cast
shadows across entire sand dunes, quickly putting seekers on edge. Seagulls
often appear in groups exceeding 30 members. Sure, they can easily be
distracted with a bit of food, but moments later they will return to harass the
source of this gift, flying off with anything they can pilfer!

49 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 49

B rain Cauliflower
Organization: Solitary/Family
Disposition: Opportunistic
Size: Small
Move: nil (2’ rumored...)
Armor Class: 8
Hit Dice: 3D5 (9 hp)
Initiative: +1 Crit: M/D8
Atk Melee:
Lasso +5 (Memory Swap)
Atk Missile:
Brain Blast +2 (-1D3 Int)
Act Dice: 2D20
Saves: Fort +1, Ref -4, Will +8
Treasure: None
Special Properties
Brain Blast – The brain cauliflower can
send out a bolt of teleplasm (+2 missile attack) across 50’ (unblocked by cover). If
struck, the target suffers a 1D3 temporary Int loss. If, however, the target is reduced to
0 Int, he/she becomes permanently brain dead and is effectively unplayable.
Empathy – Creatures within 20’ of the brain may be affected by its empathetic field.
It rolls a +4 mutation check against their Will save. If it succeeds, it can force the
targets into one of these emotional states: (A) hysterics (the targets laugh loud and
uncontrollably for 1D5 rounds); (B) dysphoria (targets lose 1D5 Per for 1 hr and
desire nothing more than to sit and mope); (C) rage (PCs must constantly
roll DC 8 Will saves to avoid attacking those they disagree with); (D) love
(the PCs must pick a character they are with or have recently seen and act
totally enamored by them-either in a romantic capacity or with idolization);
(E) bliss (the characters gain 1D5 Per for the next hr but have little desire to
fight or go adventuring).
Memory Swap – If the brain cauliflower hits with a lasso attack, the
target must roll a DC 12 Will save. If they succeed, there is no effect
and the tendril can be removed with little effort. If they fail, the player
must divulge one of the seeker’s emotional memories (embarrassment,
pain, love, loss...). The memory given is then completely forgotten by
the seeker. The judge then gives the PC one drawn out of the brain’s
collection. The received memory can be played out as a sequence or
simply described. Afterward, the PC will need to make another Will save
(DC 8) or suffer a temporary 1D3 Int loss as the implanted memories
push them toward a schizoid state. So long as the character stays within
touch of a tendril, the brain will continue to try and make these exchanges
each round. Incidentally, the brain cauliflower can also perform memory
collections on deceased organisms whose brain tissue has not yet decayed.

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 50 50

Psychic Mirror – The brain is quite aware of incoming mental attacks. It can
make a +4 mutation check versus any offending mental mutation to direct the
power back at the user. This creature will win on tied mutation rolls.
Telepathy – While touching a target, the brain cauliflower can attempt primitive
conversation with it. Targets can try to block this with a DC 12 Will save.

xposition: In a world of mutant humanoid vegetables, should I waste
time explaining the origins of a telepathic cauliflower?
The brain cauliflower is a creature of bizarre intellect and inhuman rationale. It
has almost the demeanor of a child, with its passion for emotion-laden memories
blinding it to the wants and interests of other organisms. It, for an unknown
purpose, delights in the memories of other species. Consequently, it believes
other creatures must as well. Therefore, it spends its existence “gifting” exotic
memories it has collected to passersby in return for new memories from their
past. Memories are like a cross between currency and language to the brain
cauliflower. With a touch of its tendrils, it can absorb the teleplasm of such
thoughts and implant new ones. Without consent it makes this transaction,
believing this to be a standard exchange between sentients.
B rain Cauliflower

From the receiving end, a PC is suddenly dropped into an experience from some
other creature (sometimes humanoid, sometimes not), living out this moment like
a dream. This sequence may seem to go on for hours, but this is an illusion of the
mind. Outside their own headspace, the character exhibits a few minor seizures,
lasting only a handful of seconds, and is then conscious once again. These memory
sequences may be horrific, comical, or give enlightenment to the lives of the locals.

Thanks for the Memories: For random memories given out by

the brain cauliflower, consult the following table. Play them out if you like!
(roll 1D10)
1) Their heart full of suspicion and greed, the character brushes mounds of dirt on top of a white metal
box and clambers off to the main trail, trying hard to count their steps and memorize the treeline
(perhaps similar to the ones nearby).
2) A gloom-draped monster floats out from a hollow tree. Dozens of hooked tentacles flail from its
cloak-like body as it chases the character through the jungle (perhaps the tree lies ahead).
3) The character sits amid a prestigious ceremony meant to bestow holy orders upon them. An esteemed
elder approaches with the sacred headdress but bursts into bouts of flatulence; she scrambles only to
discharge into a torch, creating a massive flame-up that lights the headdress on fire.
4) The character is at the graveside of someone that, while unrecognizable, seems to have been a close
friend. A sacred song is being sung while attendees pile rocks on top of the wrapped body.
5) The character is confined in some form of shell-like suit and falling through the sky as heat from the
passing air creates brilliant reds and yellows across the glass dome in front of their face.
6) The character seems panicked. They activate a precise sequence of buttons upon a belt forged by
the ancients and suddenly their molecules expand-growing them to 15’ tall. Now they are eye to eye
with a giant ape! (Someday, maybe, they will run across a corpse wearing this fabled belt.)
7) The character stands, imploring their tribe about the possibility of war with another clan. Tribes-
people are giggling. Looking down, the character realizes they forgot to gird their loins that morning.
8) The character is anguishing upon a thick tic mattress. Sweat pours from their brow while a strange
manimal encourages them to howl through the pain. Soon, there is a great relief, and several slick
pups are raised from the mattress’s edge-the sight fills the character with great joy.
9) The character feels hot and sweaty-they are low to the ground and breathing hard as they charge
through painful bushes-THEY ARE A BEAST! A hunter is closing in on them with arrows flying
overhead, but not far off they can smell what they know to be their burrow; safety waits for them, IF
10) The skyline is bleak. Large explosions fill the air, and each breath stings your lungs from toxins.
But moving through a bright threshold into the confines of a sterile ancient vessel, the air becomes
clean and tolerable. Controls of all types surround you. You seem to be an Ancient One, on a
mission to leave Terra...

51 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 51

Organization: Solitary
Cactacea Rex
Disposition: Predatory
Size: Huge/Massive
Move: 60’
Armor Class: 17
Hit Dice: 25D6 (87 hp)
Initiative: +6 Crit: M/D30
Atk Melee:
Bite +6 (6D6 +Swallow)
Act Dice: 2D20
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +3
Treasure: Victims’ Effects
Special Properties
Diurnal – At sundown, the cactacea
becomes sluggish and weaker. During this
cycle, they often seek to rest in areas where
they might blend in with other foliage, affording themselves
some protection. In this state, they are DC 12 to passively notice. Meanwhile,
they are at -1D to their action die and do not gain their regenerative abilities.
Glochids – The C. rex’s skin is made of fibrous cambium covered in spines that
break off on touch, inundating the victim with pain and irritation. Any soft-skinned
creatures making contact with the cactacea take 1 dmg and must roll a DC 8 Fort
save or suffer intense inflammation for 1D3 hours. This inflammation reduces
the victim’s action die by -1D. Each touch will present new dmg, but
the inflammation effect is not cumulative. Further, any foolhardy seeker
engaged in melee with the beast has a chance of accidently brushing
into it on a miss. For each miss, roll a Luck check. If the check fails, the
combatant will suffer these effects. For creatures without a Luck score, roll
under their Ref save +8.
Regeneration – While in sunlight, the C. rex regenerates 1D5 hp per
round. In the case of limbs severed during critical hits, photo reactivity
can allow for their regrowth within 24 hours.
Resilient – The C. rex is able to absorb enough water in its tissues to
survive for a week within arid lands without concern. Further, while
preferring carnivorous meals, the cactacea gains a sufficient amount of
energy from sunlight to get by with minimal activity. These two facts
coupled grant the creature a chance to survive in a near-inert state for
unbelievable stretches of time. The mineral and water content of C.
rex flesh make it a favorable resource for characters surviving in the
wastelands-if they can survive its harvesting.
Wilt – Fire attacks severely drain the succulent tissues of this monster. All
fire-based attacks are rolled at x2 dmg.

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 52 52

xposition: Only in the nightmare-evolution of Terra’s hothouse jungles
such a monstrosity be born! The Cactacea rex, or C. rex, is an abomination
of the plant kingdom. Perhaps the apex of genetic lines such as the Venus flytrap,
the C. rex attains most of its food through predation, relying on photosynthesis as
a secondary source reserved for bodily recovery and growth. This massive tangle
of spiny vegetation maintains a mouthful of tooth-like thorns used to shred their
prey before dumping it into the pit-like hollow of the creature’s stomach, where the
remains are dissolved and reabsorbed down to the atom. In light of this digestive
process, many loose inorganic objects can be found in the beast’s belly-not that
this is an award worth the danger of chasing. Most C. rex are a brilliant crimson,
though green and even teal versions have been sighted. More curious, some of
these monsters sport great plumages made of gaudy flowers. Whether this is a
sexual dimorphism, sub-species, or just a part of its gametophyte stage is yet to be
For a plant-based life form, the C. rex has blinding speed and uncanny reaction time.
At night, however, when the sun is low, the herbaceous nature of this behemoth
comes to the forefront, and it falls into a sedentary pause.

ample encounter: Crawling back to the village, the chief’s
struggles to hold on to life. He indicates that he lost the mystical tribal
Cactacea Rex

war axe “Oleman” in the hide of a mighty beast (a C. rex) while hunting in the
jungle near the “Great Flat.” The seer declares anyone who brings back the
sacred axe has the blessing of the fates to one day rule the tribe.
1. Path into the
Jungle – DC 10
allows a seeker to
pick up on the son’s
path into the jungle to
area 4.
2. Spider Gorge – 3
giant trapdoor spiders
hunt around this
3. The Lagoon –
An ancient cargo
plane rests beneath.
30% chance the C.
rex approaches for a
drink. Waterfalls are
40’ high.
4. Twin Falls –
(70’) The tribesman’s
rope is still attached,
+3 to Str check.
5. Riverside – A beast thing troop hunts the nearby foliage.
6. C. Rex – These are the resting grounds of the C. rex. This girl has an axe
in her thigh and a giant owl nesting in her back.

53 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 53

Organization: Clan
Chicken of the Sea
Disposition: Territorial
Size: Large
Move: Swim 50’
Armor Class: 12
Hit Dice: 4D8 (18 hp)
Initiative: +2 Crit: M/D10
Atk Melee: Bite +2 (2D5)
Atk Missile:
Sonar Blast +3 (1D8 +special)
Act Dice: 1D20, 1D16
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +0
Treasure: Refuse
Special Properties
Curious Eater – The Chickens of the
Sea (CotS) are known for their desire to eat almost anything strange that makes its
way into their territories. From precious jewelry to spindles of duracord to still-
functioning lazer pistols, there are not many items that escape the creature’s curious
taste buds. This trait makes them easy to dupe (Will save vs. DC 12 or they will
chase after items tossed into the surrounding waters), but it also keeps them chasing
PCs who happen to swim by with illuminated or reflective equipment. Anytime an
item is dropped during a CotS encounter, have the owner roll a Luck check. On a
failed roll, the fish has incidentally swallowed up the item.
Sonar Blast – This fish can release a devastating underwater crow that projects out
over 100’ and expands to a 20’ diameter wall of sound as it nears maximum range.
Not only do organisms caught in this space take dmg (1D8), but they must roll a
DC 10 Fort save or become deafened and disoriented for 1D10 rounds. Disoriented
characters cannot tell up from down and function at a -1D to all physical tasks
while under this duress. Furthermore, this sound wave is used by the chicken of
the sea to help locate things in the briny deep. It may roll this attack against the
skill or mutation check of any hidden target to see if it perceives them. Thus
located, attacks against these targets are made at a +2 for the following
round. Lastly, this crowing will attract 3D4 other CotS (unless a large group
is already present) to the area within 2D4 rounds.
Spiny-Finned – The CotS is replete with spines both throughout its fins
and draping off of its hackles. These needly protrusions defend against
creatures trying to attack this fish. A flex of these spines can be oriented
toward any engaged melee attacker as a +2 attack for 1D4 dmg.

xposition: In some of the last great “civilized” moments of the
Terrans, benevolent scientists did what they could to bring
back a species of ocean fish thought to have been driven extinct through
overharvesting. “The Chicken of the Sea Program” used government

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 54 54

funding to recreate this species through various gene-splicing experiments. After
many botched results, a specimen was created and deemed “identical” to the
artist’s rendition of this lost mackerel. Released back into the seas with great
success, these new hybrids became a terrifying tenant of the ocean. A 15’ monster
when fully grown, the chicken of the sea is a voracious scavenger, eating almost
all forms of sea life. These creatures menaced the reefs, ate up great amounts of
krill, and devastated schools of fish that dared to enter their periphery.
The thunderous “cock-a-doodle-do” that can be produced by these fish has been
known to create small tidal waves in shallow waters. The call seems not only
to be a challenge to meddling trespassers, but also a call for social exchanges
such as mating or food sharing. Meanwhile, the meat of a CotS is renowned for its
good flavor and healthy qualities. Even in the A.D., brave fishermen actually make
a living trading this hard-fought delicacy to well-established tribes who give them
quite favorable terms for it.

The seekers have come
Chicken of the Sea

to learn that an ancient

school lies submerged
in a nearby saltwater
lake. This building may
contain unprecedented
information about the
ancients-depending on
how well-preserved
things are. But to get into
the school, the PCs must
first maneuver through
a sunken playground
inhabited by a flock of
chickens of the sea...
1. Mounding Reef – This impressive mound of sand contains 5 buried school
buses. A few small entry tunnels give access to their interconnected interiors
where 4D3 CotS have made their roost.
2. Spiral Slide of Doom – Buried in the seabed at the end of the sunken slide
is a giant scallop (mollusk). It frequently uses its inhalant valve to suck those
that approach the slide’s entry down its turning passage to their death.
3. Playground Pieces – This barnacle-encrusted playground is in rough shape.
It includes monkey bars, carousel, teeter-totters, tire piles, swings and more.
4. Geodesic Dome – Still in rather sturdy condition, the dome can be squeezed
through with a DC 8 Agil check and may protect PCs from larger predatory fish.
5. Front Awning – Partially collapsed and likely to get worse if the columns
underneath are molested (Luck check!). Front doors are located beyond.
6. Side Entrance – One turn of excavating will allow a PC to dig up enough of
this side entrance to progress into the school’s hallway.
7. School Roof – The maintenance hatch is surrounded by a clutch of aquatic
strangle weed.
55 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 55
Organization: Family
Disposition: Predatory
Size: Medium
Move: 25’
Armor Class: 17
Hit Dice: 3D6 (10 hp)
Initiative: -2 Crit: M/D8
Atk Melee:
Grinder Tusks +2 (2D5 +special)
Atk Missile:
Cement Spew +4 (special)
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort +4, Ref -1, Will +3
Treasure: Victims’ Effects
Special Properties
Cement Spew – The concretion can
expel a continuous stream of mineral sludge across a 20’ expanse for up to
4 consecutive rounds. This +4 missile attack yields no dmg, but any
creature in the targeted 5’ diameter space must roll a Ref save at DC 13
or find themselves stuck in a quick-drying cement. Even if they make the
save, the target will have enough of this rocky coating clinging to them
to be slowed down by -10’ per round and lose 2 points from their AC. If
the save is failed, the target’s action die (dice) drop to a max of 1D14.
If they can succeed in some clever way of escaping this mixture (simply
wrestling out of it requires a DC 15 Str roll), they may return to their
regular action die after discarding their saturated clothes, etc. Otherwise,
this mixture hardens to stone in the second round (DC 25 or 40 hp to
break free). If the target is lucky (Luck check!), their mouth is free of the
cement and they may be able to live for a while. If failed, they suffocate
in a number of rounds equal to their Sta score. The concretion’s clever
instincts also allow it to use this stream of concrete to build dens and
form barriers for defense (14 AC, 40 hp to destroy).
Rock Ravaging – The mouth of a concretion is surrounded by tusks
comprised of a silicate carbide that twitch back and forth at high speeds,
allowing the creature to grind through most mineral types. Within a
round, a concretion can bore a 2’ hole through 10” of material. When
these adaptations are used successfully against an opponent in armor, the
armor gets a DC 8 save. If failed, the armor is destroyed.
Rocky Hide – The concretion’s hide is so tough any dmg from mundade
weapons less than 5 is ignored.

xposition: Leave it to Terra A.D. to fashion a creature with
an odd set of habits as the concretion. This animal, though

Sponsored by Ben barsh 56 56

roughly the size and shape of a traditional earth aardvark, weighs well past
1,000 pounds. In its adult life the creature is able to draw sustenance from
the minerals in rocks that it eats. These heavy elements not only give it
nourishment, but form deposits in its skin, giving it an outer membrane with the
properties of granite. Deep within the creature’s innards is a sizable bifurcated
gland containing a thick stony sluice and a watery catalyst. When the creature
expels from this gland, combining the contents, they form a fast-drying cement
that can be used to both trap prey for their young and build their dens.
A concretion’s den is often mistaken for ancient ruins. With arching halls
connecting larger antechambers, dens belonging to multiple families can sprawl
for acres. Often the remains of victims protrude here and again from these
structures as well as items half-covered in the concretion’s disgorgement. These
dens are likely to contain 3 to 6 sealed-off spaces were one of the creature’s
young (a soft, mucus-coated infant with skin no harder than cow hide) is
berthed. This area always contains a captive organism (living or dead) on which
the infant feasts for 16 months as it develops to maturity, gaining its adult
grinding tusks and transitioning to a mineral diet.
Though lithotrophic, even adult concretions enjoy the occasional chewing of
calcium-rich bones. Hefty portions, such as a femur or hip, might serve as a
great enticement to distract a concretion from its lair.

ar-Thor Stew-It's Survival Advice: Most folk take
look at the rock-like outside of a concretion and just think, “uh-UH!”
But them nasty varmints have a lot of tricky little parts that can come in a might
helpful out in the wastelands.
🌲🌲 Grinder Tusks – If you can sweat the work it takes to separate them from
the jaw and muscle line, these small blades can be fashioned into knives
that penetrate many types of tough hide and are in fact very handy for
skinning the concretion. (The knives are +2 to hit and deal 1D3 dmg.)
🌲🌲 Rocky Skin – With untold labor (-1D4 temporary Sta), the hide of a
concretion can be fashioned into armor (-5’ of move due to heft, +4 AC,
1D16 fumble die) or even just made into protective pads or stretched on a
shield frame (+2 AC, 1D8 fumble die).
🌲🌲 Throat Stones – As minerals get stuck along a fold in the creature’s upper
esophagus, mineral deposits actually build up into flat, salty stones. All
repulsiveness aside, these throat deposits are a useful source of needed
minerals for those travelling great distances. Further, cooks swear by
them as “one step” spices for soups and other bland meals.
🌲🌲 Bifurcated Concretion Gland – Unless the beast has already barfed
out its contents, you’re gonna’ be surprised just how large this thing is.
When full, the concretion gland is stretched to the size of a small child
and weighs three times as much. If handled carefully, whatever amount
of material is left in the glands will stay separate and stable for around
48 hours after the creature’s death. Once the gland is squeezed a bit, the
two chambers will mix, creating a concrete solution that hardens within 3
rounds (30 seconds). If left to sit more than 2 days before being used, the
gland’s properties wear off, creating either brittle plaster-like cement or
failing to mix altogether.

57 Sponsored by Ben barsh 57

Organization: Solitary
Corrupt B its
Disposition: Antagonistic
Size: nil
Move: special*
Armor Class: as per host
Hit Dice: as per host
Initiative: +3 Crit: as per host
Atk: as per host but at +2
Act Dice: 2D20
Fort & Ref as per Host, Will +7
Treasure: None
Special Properties
Backup Copy – The virus can make
a +5 mutation check to copy itself,
creating an additional opponent. Check against these
results: (0-11) data glitch (no copy was made and the corrupt bit is now
-1D to everything it does); (12-16) hourglass icon (the copy will take 1D6
rounds to complete); (17+) fast copy (the copy is ready in 1D3 rounds).
BIOS-Jacking – Once a device is infected, the virus gains some control of it.
Any special power or function it has can be operated by the bits using their
action die. To take over technology, the corrupt bits must roll a +5 mutation
check against the object’s security protocol (its Will save OR, if the object
doesn’t have a Will save, the judge can roll 1D6 +Tech Level & Complexity
Modifier). Further, characters with applicable skills, wetware, spells, or
mutant powers may fight against this infection so long as their proposed
means seems reasonable to the judge. For each attempt roll the virus’
mutation check vs. this defense and compare outcomes on this chart:
Corrupt Bits’ +5 Mutation Check Results
0-11 12-14 15-17 18-20 21-25 26+
Defender's Will Save, Mutation Check, Spell

System Syntax Virtual Sys. Protocol Priority Total OS

Check, or Wetware Check Results

Error! Change Partition Override Change Overwrite

12-14 Syntax Syntax Virtual Sys. Protocol Priority

Compiling Partition Override Change
Change Change

15-17 Virtual Sys. Syntax Syntax Virtual Sys. Protocol

Partition Compiling Partition Override
Change Change

18-20 Additional Virtual Sys. Syntax Syntax Virtual Sys.

Firewall Partition Compiling Partition
Change Change

21-25 Priority Additional Virtual Sys. Syntax Syntax

Change Firewall Partition Compiling
Change Change

26+ Sector Priority Additional Virtual Sys. Syntax

Quarantine Change Firewall Partition Compiling

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 58 58

System Error! Everything shorts out. Additional Firewall The defense has
The device ceases to function and the added an extra buffer of security, the
virus is locked in its memory core until virus' mutation check suffers a -1D
the device gets repaired (DC 12 to fix). for the remainder of the encounter.
Compiling... The string of commands has Priority Change Either the defense
bogged down the processor: no results suffers a -1D to its rolls for the
this round. remainder of the encounter and the
Syntax Change The winning side gains virus takes temporary control OR the
a +1D5 to their next roll for system virus temporarily loses any control it
control/defense. has, having to roll on the chart at a
Virtual System Partition The virus -1D to regain it. This penalty lasts for
takes control of 1 of the device's the remainder of the encounter.
functions (judge's call) until a Sector Total OS Override ALL properties of
Quarantine is rolled OR the defense the device are now controlled by the
blocks control of 1 function (player's virus indefinitely.
call) until a Total OS Overwrite is Sector Quarantine Virus is partitioned
rolled. in the device’s memory and unable to
Protocol Override The virus has escape on its own. It cannot attempt
temporary control of the device. further control of the device.
Corrupt B its

*Transmission – If physically connected to another device, the corrupt bits can (as
a free action) move into it to attempt infection (BIOS-jacking). The virus can also
jump (up to 1000’) between devices with wireless capabilities, taking 1D5 actions to
complete the transfer of data. Once it has left a device (unless it has copied itself) it
will no longer be able to control it.

xposition: Corrupt bits are strange fragments of deviant AI
that desire to proliferate into any and all operating systems
they come across. Their origin is lost, but those that posit such things claim
everything from them being the remnants of a nearly-erased Patron AI (perhaps
an espionage intelligence or military server gone awry) to the idea that they
are lingering code from ill-tempered Ancient Ones who digitized their neuro
networks in a bid for “immortality.” Honestly, the origin of these nasty digital
viruses is inconsequential to the horrific destruction they provoke! Once
corrupt bits work their way into a system-be it the targeting AI on a fazer rifle,
the navigation system on a magna rail, or the chip-architecture of a quantum
core power station-they seek to threaten all surrounding intelligent life. They
create havoc and death for no greater purpose than the hate that plagues their
programing kernels.
Game-wise, corrupt bits are almost simply a story factor. Most of their
physical stats are taken from the object they have infected. The program
is quite duplicitous, scanning its host’s hardware, then devising ways
to implement its features to produce maximum mayhem! E.g., corrupt
bits imprinted on a medipac might use it to perform devastating body-
modifications on a patient or even cook them with intense X-rays. PCs may
fight against the object itself, striking for its AC and chipping away its hp,
but so long as there remains power within its circuits, the corrupt bits still
function. Since most devices have wireless transmitters built in, the bits
often play a deadly game of “whack-a-mole”-jumping from one electronic to
another and harassing their victims.

59 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 59

Organization: Tribal
Disposition: Territorial
Size: Small
Move: 20’, Fly 25’
Armor Class: 14
Hit Dice: 2D6 (6 hp)
Initiative: +2 Crit: III/D8
Atk Melee: Bite +2 (1D4)
Atk Missile: Spear +4 (1D5)
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +1
Treasure: Hoard or Refuse
Special Properties
Clinging – The specialized feet/hands
of a croachling allow it to walk on walls and
ceilings without distinction.
Disassemble – With a successful touch attack, a croachling can (in lieu of any dmg)
attempt a DC 12 roll to partially disassemble any mechanical or technological
device such that it ceases to function. It is not unheard of for a croachling to part out
a lazer pistol that is still being held in a seeker’s hand.
Group Think – A croachling, left by itself, is -3 to Int checks. However, for
every croachling that joins it, the group’s bonus goes up by 1. Thus, a group
of 5 croachlings has a +1, for example. This feature levels off at a +3. In these
larger groups, they use tactics that are coordinated to the point of synchronicity.
Croachlings can telepathically exchange thoughts so long as they are within 50’
of each other.
Mental Blast – The croachling’s mental blast can stretch to a 20’ range. Targets
can reduce these affects with a Will save. Roll a +2 mutation check: (1-11)
failure, loss of power for the encounter; (12-15) target takes 1D4 dmg (save for
half); (16-17) target takes 1D6 dmg and is stunned for 1D3 rounds (save
for half); (18-19) target takes 2D6 dmg, is stunned for 1D3 rounds, and
permanently loses 2 Int (save for half dmg and no Int reduction); (20+)
target takes 3D6 dmg, is stunned for 1D5 rounds, and loses 3 Int points
permanently (save for half dmg and no Int loss).

xposition: These short, cockroach-esque tribes are among
plague of barely sentient arthropods invading from beyond the
northern radiation barrier. They act ferine when separated from the group,
but around their kin, they grow increasingly more intelligent.
Croachlings are most hated for their love of dismantling items and making
off with parts. They are held as gremlin-like figures and blamed often for
any ancient technology that suddenly fails to function. Croachlings do
not seem to have any purpose for the components they pilfer, as they are
Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 60 60
almost always able to be recovered lying about the clutter of their nests (though
finding their secret nesting chambers is another task altogether).
Croachlings have some latent psychic abilities. These powers not only allow them
to process their thoughts as a group, but also grant them the ability send a stinging
mental blast at their opponents.


ྊThe seekers are using a still-active magnarail system to travel across
dangerous lands toward a point of interest on an old map they found.
Crossing the plains, the train moves through a cloud of swarming
croachlings. Now some have infested the train. A group of them have
disassembled a power regulator and made off with a crucial part. Without
it, the train is gathering more and more speed to the point that it will derail
within an hour’s time. The PCs are now in a bind. If they get off the train
they are in the middle of a territory dominated by giants. If they stay on,
the train is doomed to crash. Their biggest hope lies in doing a car-by-car
search for the croachlings in hopes of recovering that regulator coupler!
ྊ derelict cruise ship runs aground not far from the seekers’ village. The
boat may be full of wonderful ancient artifacts, but it is also home to a
croachling army that would happily make off with the village’s food stores

if they learned this resource was out there. What will the PCs do about
this impending threat? And what else will they find within the sprawling
corridors of the cruise ship?
ྊ malfunctioning lumber-bot rolls through the jungle on its cyclopean treads
leaving a path of wanton destruction. This brute seems nigh-impossible to
stop... But-if the pestering croachlings that live in a distant set of ruins could
be parleyed with-perhaps their expertise at disassembly may save the day.

ྊThe clan’s chief has gotten grumpy since his vat of “Secret Sauce” ran dry.
Luckily there’s another set of “Burger Clown” ruins just on the other side
of the jungle-choked overpass. Surely there will be more tubs of this magic
condiment there! The seekers are close to getting on the chief’s good side,
but a dozen croachlings and a faulty animatronic clown stand in their way...

Random Croachling Possessions (roll 1D30)

1) Dried Out Rubber Band Ball 11) Solid State Hard Drive 21) Laser Sight (+1)
2) Set Of Grease Markers 12) Bag of Greasy Rags 22) Kevlar-Weave, No-Run
Nylons (AC +1)
3) Butcher Knife (1D4) 13) Dashboard Ornament
(Projects old highway maps) 23) Can of Spray Nacho Cheese
4) Huge Wheel of Firecrackers
14) Jar of Rotten Pickled Eggs 24) Atomic Cigarette Lighter
5) 3 Sets of Groovy Sunglasses
15) 6-Pack of Beer/Cola 25) Novelty Foam Cowboy Hat
6) Pillbox of Dehydrated Meals
16) Automated Tap Dance Shoe 26) Universal Remote with an AI
7) Cybernetic Foot
17) 13' of Linked Sausages 27) Frame Projecting a
8) Small Tiki Idol Priceless Holo-Artwork
18) Lazer Gun (missing a
9) Various Lengths of Various trigger) 28) Unreliable Plasma Sword
19) Gas Mask 29) A Single Speck of Dark
10) Left Half of an Augmented Matter Preserved in a Case
Reality Goggle Set 20) Ear/Nose Ring with
Integrated Music Player 30) Electric Toothbrush

61 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 61

Crustacean, G iant
Organization: Solitary/Colonies
Disposition: Territorial/Opportunistic
Size: Medium/Large
Move: 30’
Armor Class: 16
Hit Dice: 3D10 (16 hp*)
Initiative: +2 Crit: M/D8
Atk Melee: Chelipeds +2 (1D10)
Act Dice: 1D20, 1D16
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +0
Treasure: Carcass or Hoard
Special Properties
(Choose 2D3)
Ambush! Cl-awful Improved Move
King Crab! Molted Perceptive
Regeneration Shellacious! Sonoluminescence
Ambush! – Many times, a crustacean’s shell coloration will help it blend into its
surroundings. Other times, these creatures will actually decorate themselves
with objects from their environment (including stationary organisms such
as urchins and anemones). Some forms of giant crayfish and crabs actually
burrow into mud and spring out from under passing prey. Either way,
noticing a hidden crustacean before an ambush attack is a DC 14 task.
*Cl-awful – Many crustaceans have (A) both a “cutter” claw (1D10)
AND a much beefier “crusher” claw (2D8 dmg +6 to grapple, DC 16
to escape). Some have (B) elongated arms which allow their claws to
strike out 10’ from their bodies. Others (C) grab onto things with their
chelipeds, using natural objects like weapons (+2 to atk/dmg) and even
other organisms (such as jellyfish)! On a final note, most crustaceans can
“shed” their claws and regrow them later. Mechanically, instead of taking
dmg from an attack, the creature can choose to forfeit a claw (losing one
of its action dice).
Improved Move – This power allows it to move: (A) in quick, short bursts (60’
every other turn); (B) swim (50’); (C) climb (18’); and/or (D) burrow (20’).
King Crab! – Yes, there have been reports of crustaceans 15’ tall or larger.
Such a monstrous monster would have +3D10 hp and claws (chelipeds)
that deal 4D6 dmg.
Molted – To grow even “gianter,” the decapod must shed its old shell and
wait for the new, tender one underneath to harden up. During this phase,
the creature’s AC is 12. Defenseless, it can be scared away quite easily
(DC 7).
Perceptive – Between things like eyestalks, sensory organs on their
feet, and multiple sets of antennae, a crustacean is often very aware of
Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 62 62
its environment. They can sense even invisible creatures (usually by “tastes”
floating in the air/water) and have a +3 to perception-based activities.
Regeneration – Lost limbs and other wounds are quickly healed by some
crustaceans. The crustacean receives 1D3 hp back on its round. Even with this
talent, if taken to 0 hp the creature will permanently die.
Shellacious! – Some crustaceans have (A) inordinately thick shells (AC 18).
Others, like hermit crabs, (B) adopt foreign objects as their shells (granting them
+2D8 hp representing hits on this object). Finally, many crustacean shells are
covered in (C) spiny protrusions; characters in melee with these critters must
roll a Luck check after each successful attack to avoid scraping themselves (1D3
dmg) during the fracas.
Sonoluminescence – Some of these arthropods (like pistol shrimp) have longer,
bloated-looking chelipeds with only tiny claws built onto them. But don’t be
deceived! These claws can make a supersonic SNAP! with such force as to knock
creatures out (DC 13 Will save to resist, lasts 1D8 rounds). This resonance can
reach up to 30’ away, affecting all the targets within a forward line.

xposition: Giant crustaceans are quite the varied lot! Some live in
Crustacean, G iant

surrounds amid total isolation. Others are part of huge casts made of
millions of migrating specimens. Some are only as big as a dog, while others
can dwarf a roxen. And think of all the species! This category includes crabs,
lobsters, shrimp, barnacles, and even woodlice! Some dwell in the water, some
live on land, and a great many carry on their routines between the two.
For this entry, we have parted out the best abilities of these creatures, giving
the judge a chance to custom-build a monster that fits his/her needs. These
abilities were designed in respect to some of the more curious entries in the
crustacean world, such as spider crabs, hermit crabs, pistol shrimp, remipedes,
mantis shrimp, dresser crabs, and boxer crabs (all worth looking up if you’re


ྊThere’s been a drop in the village’s fishing. The seekers are sent to solve
the mystery, only to learn that a giant crawfish now inhabits their lake.

ྊThe “across the jungle” migration of 1,000 massive red crabs is heralded
by a refugee of a distant tribe who warns of the coming crab-pocalypse.
Can the PCs figure out a way to circumvent these ocean-bound invaders?

ྊThe seekers have discovered a sunken shipping container full of ancient
novelties-but beware: a dresser crab has made this cargo vessel its home!
ྊ about time for that ancient spring holy week known as “Lob-Star-
Fest.” The chief calls for the seekers to procure enough giant crab meat
to feed the village. A nomadic tribe of crustacean-based manimals enter
the picture making this whole ordeal awkward to say the least...
ྊ enormous crab guards the only safe harbor for a mysterious island
full of ancient ruins. The PCs are hot to explore it, but can they defeat
this guardian?

63 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 63

Organization: Solitary/Clan
Disposition: Dominating
Size: Medium
Move: 30’
Armor Class: 18
Hit Dice: 10D10 (55 hp)
Initiative: +10 Crit: A/D4
Atk Melee/Missile: +5 (varies)
Act Dice: 2D20
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +4
Treasure: Personal Effects
Special Properties
(Choose 1D5)
Cyb. Arm Cyb. Head Cyb. Leg
Cyb. Organ Cyb. Torso
Cybernetic Arm – Roll 1D10: (1) power
clamp (arm’s pincher claw can hold an object/target with a +5 force or squeeze
for 2D3 dmg per round); (2) fazer rifle (arm cannon can expend 10 energy points
per encounter, 1 charge for a DC 18 stun blast, 2 for a heat ray of 3D6 dmg, and
3 charges for a DC 15 disintegration ray-Ref save for 3D6 dmg instead of death);
(3) lifter arm (+4 to Str related rolls); (4) extendo-arm (arm can ratchet out to 15’);
(5) construction arm (rotary saw dealing 2D5 dmg, nail gun for 1D2 dmg, blow
torch dealing 1D7 dmg, laser measurer, and adhesive nozzle, adhesive is +1 Str and
DC 10 to escape); (6) bladed (1D5 dmg); (7) flame thrower (4 uses per encounter,
creates a 15’ long by 5’ wide cone of fire, 2D5 dmg); (8) rapid-react (arm moves
so quickly the cyborg gains a +1D to action dice); (9) ascension (hand is launched
forward connected to unit by 100’ of duro-cording, +4 to grapple a target); (10)
nanite assembly (the nanobots that make up this arm can-as a full action-shift
forms, providing the cyborg with any of the above features and many more).
Cybernetic Head – Well, perhaps just parts of a head... Roll 1D6: (1) cochlear
interfaces (com-badge compatable, language translator, wireless capability,
noise suppression, low decibel amplification, echo location); (2) scopic
implants (X-ray, heat vision, telescopic vision, targeting reticle +1, lazer
blast up to 100’ for 2D6 dmg); (3) vocalizer (megaphonic amplification,
voice mimicry, radio wave transmission, sonic blast in a 10’ wide by 30’
long cone for 2D4 dmg); (4) chemical spectrograph (can analyze smells in
the air to locate things and identify residual chemicals with +5 precision);
(5) binary brain (Int rolls +7, has access to encyclopedic-level knowledge,
can interface with weather and broadcast satellites, and maintains eidetic
memory); (6) robotic head (immune to mind control, +1D16 bonus action
die, infrared and microscopic vision, capable of wireless link-up to other
systems, and +4 hp).

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 64 64

Cybernetic Leg – Roll 1D8: (1) jet boots (fly 50’); (2) improved speed (40’); (3)
springy (jump 20’, kick for 1D8 dmg); (4) magnetized (can walk up metal surfaces
at 20’ per round, can cling to them with a +4 to resist being moved); (5) prehensile
feet (have arm-like leg appendages, granting a +1D12 action die); (6) stomper
(wide-based foot prevents being knocked down/prone, can make an earth-quaking
stomp that drops targets in a 10’ radius if they fail a DC 8 Ref save); (7) roll out!
(rolling base moves at 60’ but cannot navigate certain terrain); (8) centaur (cyborg
has been designed with 2 sets of robotic legs-roll twice on this chart).
Cybernetic Organs – Roll 1D6: (1) heart (+15 hp); (2) lungs (immune to most
gas effects, breath can be held for 5 hrs); (3) liver (immune to most poisons); (4)
fusion energy core (requires no food, if destroyed there is a 70% chance the core
will explode for 6D6 dmg across a 20’ radius); (5) synthetic adrenals (can gain Str
+2, Agil +2, Sta +2 or Per +2 for 1 hour).
Cybernetic Torso – Roll 1D8: (1) armored (AC 20); (2) Gatlin gut (covers up
to 10 adjacent targets up to 100’ away for 1D8 dmg-50 shots); (3) magnetically
shielded (stun weapons and electrical attacks have no effect); (4) chromato-
plated (all beam weapons bounce off, 20% chance of hitting the shooter); (5)
jetpack (fly 70’); (6) extra limbs (+1D20 action die); (7) built-in missile pods
(200’ range, 10’ radius, 2D4 dmg-5 rockets); (8) super magnet (pulls all small
metal objects less than 10 pounds 20’ toward it with +3 Str).

xposition: At the height of ancient Terran civilization, cybernetically
prostheses offered to turn the tables for those who were differently-

abled. Designer parts-upgrades-really became a hot trend, and some citizens of

that age fell to dark desires, seeking to replace themselves inch by inch with the
latest in mechanical gadgetry.
Those beings are long perished in the dust of the cataclysm, but the gamut of
cybernetic parts they constructed remain behind-many of them still functioning
from their original quantum cells.
Now, entire cults have risen up to curate the biomechanical parts. These range
from large-scale fraternities such as The Curators, The Holy Medicinal Order,
and the Technorabble to much smaller sects making their home in abandoned
ruins or deserted ships. These cults often see themselves as the next heirs to the
world and have a “become one of us or serve under us” mentality.
A single cyborg can be more than a challenge for some seeker parties, but when
found in groups, they pose a very dangerous challenge!

Other Utilities (roll 1D30)

1) Fire Suppressant 11) Emergency Klaxon 21) Bolt Cutters
2) Ice Machine 12) Spotlight 22) Soldering Gun
3) Blade Sharpener 13) UV Sanitizer 23) Hand Dryer
4) Fire Sparker 14) Multitool 24) Lock Picks/Security Cheat
5) Secret Drink Flask 15) Ink pen with Variable Colors 25) Personal Life Coach
6) Laser Pointer 16) Mini Trash Incinerator 26) Automated Dry Cleaner
7) Thermal Printer 17) Roller Skates (Roll 35’) 27) Shrink Wrapper
8) Toaster 18) Retractable Pet Leash 28) C-Cell Recharger (12 hrs)
9) Ambient Music Player 19) Refrigerated Compartment 29) Food Processor
10) Thermal Probe 20) Hologram Projector 30) Sporting Equipment

65 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 65

Average Dragon
Organization: Solitary/Family
Size: Massive
Move: Fly 100’, 50’ (Move, Swim,
Burrow, Climb)
Armor Class: 22
Hit Dice: 8D12 (52 hp)
Initiative: +8 Crit: M/D14
Atk Melee: Claw +8 +1D4 (1D8)
Atk Melee:
Bite +8 +1D4 (1D12)
Atk Melee:
Tail Slap +8 +1D4 (1D20)
Atk Missile: Breath Weapon
+5 +1D3 (see below)
Act Dice: 4D20, 1D20 +4*
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +5 Treasure: Hoard
Special Properties
Breath Weapon Shape – Dragons vary in the type and formation of their breath
weapons. First, pick or roll for the dragon’s breath weapon’s shape (roll 1D10):
(1) short bolt (the energy is discharged in a “beam” 10’ wide and 60’ long);
(2) long bolt (this blast is 10’ but travels 150’ out); (3) wide cone (this
attack moves out 40’ and ends in a 50’ diameter base); (4) narrow cone (the
blast rolls out 60’ where it ends in a 30’ diameter base); (5) flying ball (the
creature chokes out a 15’ diameter ball of material/energy that travels 100’
out affecting everything in its path and dealing +2D10 dmg); (6) small cloud
(the beast discharges a cloud of energy/material 40’ in diameter at a spot
up to 60’ away that remains for 1D3 rounds); (7) large cloud (the cloud of
material/energy is 60’ in diameter and can be blown out up to 90’ away and
remains for 1D6 rounds); (8) target-selecting paths (the energy or material
actually seeks out 2D4 targets, tracing a line or lines of distance totaling no
more than 80’, including moving around obstacles); (9-10) varying formats
(the wyrm is talented in its projections of energy/material and can form 1D3
of the above shapes).
Breath Weapon Type – In the ruins of earth, a given dragon may have one
of a dozen different breath weapons-including things not even listed below.
The save against an average dragon’s breath weapon is DC 18. These beasts
can muster this ability twice per day. Choose or randomly roll (1D12): (1)
fire (Ref save for ½ dmg, 8D6 +1D6 dmg per round until extinguished); (2)
frost (Fort save to negate freeze effect, 8D4 dmg and frozen in place for 1D5
Dragons provided by Mark Bruce 66 66
rounds); (3) lightning (Ref save for ½ dmg, 8D8 dmg, +4 bonus to hitting targets
with metal armor, electronics must save vs. DC 8 or be shorted out); (4) acid (Fort
save for ½ dmg, 2D16 +1D16 per round until neutralized, all exposed items/
clothes must save vs. DC 8 or be ruined); (5) poison gas (Fort save to avoid effect,
failed saves result in instant death); (6) sleep gas (Fort save to avoid effect, failed
saves result in 1D6 hours of unnatural slumber); (7) steam (Fort save for ½ dmg,
4D6 dmg); (8) smoke (-2 to sight-based actions, diameters for this breath weapon
are increased by 10’, obfuscation lasts for 1D6 rounds); (9) arcane energies (Will
save to avoid effect, roll a 1D4: 1-transforms targets into giant rats for 1D3 turns,
2-rots the targets’ flesh and temporarily takes away 1D6 in physical attribute
points, 3-teleports targets 2,000’ in selected direction, 4-target is the victim of a
forget spell and remembers nothing of what happened in the last 1D30 turns); (10)
bubbles (Ref save to avoid effect, failed saves result in the target being trapped in
a bubble and levitated 10’ per round, the bubble can be broken with a force equal
to DC 12 or 5 hp of dmg); (11-12) multiple breath weapons (this dragon has 2 of
the above-mentioned breath weapon types).
Distinguishable Features – Roll a 1D12 to see what makes this dragon so different
from others encountered: (1) chromatic (the dragon’s scales have a vibrant color
to them, from chalky white to a vibrant purple, the color is often made part of
the dragon’s official name: “Rupeardric the Ochre Menace of the Western Debris
Fields”); (2) metallic (this monster’s scales seem to be forged from actual plates
of brass, iron, silver, or even uranium! +2 AC); (3) crystalline (the creature’s body
appears to be made from fragmented bits of gemstone-causing it to glare in torch

light and diffract ray weapons); (4) stone (the dragon’s skin is a dead ringer for
marble, sandstone, obsidian, or some other rocky substance-in that environment
they can hide and sneak with a +4 mutation check); (5) multiple heads (the dragon
has 1D7 heads, each with a potentially different breath weapon, the monster has
an additional action die for each head and is +1 for each head to perception-based
rolls); (6) surrounded by weather (the wilderness within 2,000’ of this dragon always
maintains the same weather, such as rain storms, wind storms, relentless heat, fog,
etc.); (7) serpentine (this wyrm is very thin but very long with legs that have all but
become vestigial, it can command and will be accompanied by 1D5 giant snakes);
(8) anthropomorphic (with limbs more or less formed like the legs and arms of a
humanoid, this dragon seems less bestial than most); (9) cybernetic (the dragon
houses various robotic implants and has the equivalent of 5 artifactual devices built
in for use at its discretion); (10) toad-like (with a squat head and large back legs, this
dragon is very toad-like; it can make 30’ long +10 grapple attacks with its tongue);
(11) of the sea (gilled and lined with shiny scales, this dragon is fully aquatic); or
(12) spiky (jagged horns grow out around its head, back, shoulders, and tail-these
bits add +1D4 to its physical dmg and make mounting it quite dangerous.
Legendary Ability – To determine the dragon’s extraordinary power, roll a
1D12: (1) poisoned bite (on a bite attack, the defender must make a DC 12
save or die within the round); (2) permanent levitation (this dragon never
touches the ground, hovering several feet above it even in slumber); (3) mind
master (this dragon can make +4 mutation rolls to perform mental shield, mind
blast, mind control, telekinesis, and/or telepathy); (4) immunity (this dragon is
immune to either poison, fire, cold attacks, mental powers, electricity, beam
weapons, ordinary melee weapons, sleep, gas attacks, paralysis, all magic,
or all mutations); (5) shape change (the dragon can form into another shape,
taking on all its physical qualities); (6) third sight (able to see by “sensing”
67 Dragons provided by Mark Bruce 67
things around it, this dragon is never confused by visual trickery nor suffers any
penalty for darkness or blindness); (7) charm (on a +4 mutation check vs. the
target’s Will save, the dragon can take over a victim, having it completely under
its service for 1D4 days); (8) poisoned presence (the world within 2 miles around
the dragon takes on an ominous, bleak look-all waterways become black and
stinky, all plants wilt and suffer-plantients take 1D3 dmg each day); (9) curing
touch (creatures that touch the living dragon’s scales are cured of all disease and
curses); (10) invisibility (creature becomes completely invisible with +10 to its
AC); (11) point of singularity (time within 1,000’ feet of the creature experiences
a dilation where for every hour spent inside this effect halo, an second passes
outside of it); or (12) uplinked (the dragon can make +8 mutation checks against
the AI recog of computers and robots to take them over for its bidding).
*Magical Influence – The dragon has the use of wizard spells such as those listed
in the DCC rule book. For casting, the wyrm rolls a 1D20 +4 spell check. It can
cast 2 first level spells and 1 second level spell. Commonly, a dragon may know 1st
level spells such as: Animal Summoning (pg 129), Cantrip (pg 130), Charm Person
(pg 131), Choking Cloud (pg 134), Color Spray (pg 135), Force Manipulation (pg
143), Magic Missile (pg 144), Read Magic (pg 152), Sleep (pg 155), or Ward Portal
(pg 161). The most common 2nd level spells for a dragon are: Detect Invisible (pg
165), ESP (pg 166), Forget (pg 170), Invisibility (pg 172), Locate Object (pg 178),
Monster Summoning (pg 184), Phantasm (pg 187), or Shatter (pg 193).
Martial Powers – When landing a melee attack, a dragon can replace the dmg

result with a “martial power” as described below.

Dragon Martial Powers (choose or roll 1D10)

1) Target is pinned underfoot for 1D4 6) Target is thrown 100’ in a random
dmg and an additional -1 Sta each round direction for 1D8 dmg.
(recovers upon escape), DC 15 to get free. 7) Tail throws the target into a random
2) Attack lands at 1D6 dmg but kicks up adjacent figure; both take 1D7 dmg.
dust, making all proceeding actions by 8) Dragon beats its wings, sending medium
opponents -1D for 1 round. or smaller creatures within 20’ sailing back
3) Target is clutched by dragon’s jaws or 30’ and landing prone.
claws, needing a DC 15 Agil or Str check to 9) Dragon deals 1D4 and releases a
escape/take action. terrifying roar! All within 300’ must make a
4) The dragon spits upon the opponent, DC 12 Will save or retreat for 2D3 rounds.
covering them with a snot that makes them 10) Dragon’s tail swipes a load of debris
-1D until washed off. from the ground, dealing 1D4 dmg to all
5) Target only takes 1D3 dmg, but any items targets within 20’ of either the dragon’s left
they were holding (weapons, shields, etc.) side or right side arc. A DC 12 Ref save
are swallowed by the creature. nullifies this dmg.

xposition: Poets recount that it happened on a warm spring night-an
moonless one. The “star spawns” fell in beautiful prismatic arcs
down to the earth; a few at first, rattling up inside those ancient Terrans a sense
of awe, wonder, and mystery. By midnight the falling radiant stones were coming
down in droves. All the grandeur and allurement were quickly repressed with
cautionary fear. Later, these meteorites were seen to contain life: robust, reptile-
like hatchlings. Many were destroyed in a fit of xenophobia-perhaps that WAS
the right thing to do? A new creature had immigrated to the planet: DRAGONS.
These beasts of mythical strength, genius intellect, mystical energies, and
immortal lifespans took hold on Terra. They sought to dominate areas, using them
Dragons provided by Mark Bruce 68 68
to feed their gluttonous appetites, fill their greed-driven treasuries, and exact their
wrath against the weaker organisms that crawl about the world before them.
While most dragons are evil in nature, there are said to be a (dying) few of noble
mind, who are conscientious about the lives of other organisms. Regardless of
their demeanor, the long-reaching memory of the dragon may give it knowledge
about things passed down from generations before the final cataclysms of Terra-
knowledge PCs may be seeking. Dragons range in age from a few years old to
thousands of years old. Each decade of life gives the creature greater magical
affluence and almost exponential growth.
While not afraid of taking a lair up in the middle of a re-inhabited city, most
dragons prefer to make home far from the day-to-day toilings of humanoids. Deep
in the forbidden stands of a forest, miles into a bog, underground in a government-
sanctioned fallout shelter: these are all pleasing options to the reclusive nature of
a dragon. Within its lair, a dragon will arrange its hoard. Some lay the goods out
in decorative fashion to flaunt their conquests should they meet up with a fellow
wyrm. Others stash the items haphazardly around, nearly losing all interest in
them once they have been collected. Finally, there are those that take such a strong
interest in these “foreign” relics that they make almost museum-like arrangements
of them and spend a great deal of time in study and research over just what each
item is and why it is seen with such value by the humanoids who once held it.

Young Dragon (Wyrmling)


Org: Solitary Dis: Territorial Sz: Huge Mv: 30’, Fly 60’
AC: 14 HD: 4D12 (26 hp) Init: +5 Crit: M/D10
Atk (Me): Claw +5 +1D3 (1D8) Atk (Me): Bite +5 +1D3 (1D12)
Atk (Mi): Breath Weapon +5 +1D3 (see below) Act: 2D20, 1D20+2*
Sv: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4 Treas: Personal Effects
Special Properties
Breath Weapon Shape Covetous Developing Breath Weapon
Distinguishable Features *Lesser Magics
Covetous – It is in its fledgling years that a dragon is first struck with their
curiosity over and lust for cultural splendors. Sure, gold and silver, art and items
of beauty are purloined by the wyrmling, but also statues and fountains, parts of
buildings, ancient vehicles, even the burial vessels of the great leaders of that
fallen world may be taken-not out of revere, but because the young drake sees
how the lesser sentients pay homage to it and it desires this same veneration.
The offering of a unique item or valued article grants +1D10 to rolls against
a young dragon when dealing with persuasion or trickery.
Developing Breath Weapon – Young dragons can rally only a single use of their
breath weapon each day, but it’s still a force to be feared. The save against a
young dragon’s breath is DC 14. Choose or randomly roll 1D8; (1) fire (Ref save
for ½ dmg, 4D6 +1D6 dmg per round until extinguished); (2) frost (Fort save to
negate freeze effect, 4D4 dmg and frozen in place for 1D3 rounds); (3) lightning
(Ref save for ½ dmg, 4D8 dmg, +4 bonus to hitting targets with metal armor,
electronics must save vs. DC 6 or be shorted out); (4) acid (Fort save for ½ dmg,
1D8 +1D8 per round until neutralized, all exposed items/clothes must save vs.
DC 6 or be ruined); (5) poison gas (Fort save to avoid effect, failed saves result in
69 Dragons provided by Mark Bruce 69
death within 2D6 rounds); (6) sleep gas (Fort save to avoid effect, failed saves result
in 1D3 hours of unnatural slumber); (7) steam (Fort save for ½ dmg, 2D6 dmg); or
(8) smoke (-2 to sight-based actions, diameters for this breath weapon are increased
by 10’, obfuscation lasts for 1D3 rounds).
*Lesser Magics – The wyrmling has only started its exploration in magic. It casts
wizard spells from the DCC rule book with a 1D20 +2 spell check. Young dragons
can cast 1 first level spell. Common “first” spells include: Cantrip (pg 130), Charm
Person (pg 131), Color Spray (pg 135), Force Manipulation (pg 143), Magic
Missile (pg 144), Read Magic (pg 152), or Sleep (pg 155).

xposition: A wyrmling is a dragon only a handful of years into its
life. Soon after hatching, dragon youths are left to fend for
themselves. By their 10th year of life, they are considered fully matured by their
culture and given no special treatment if their actions transgress against an older
wyrm. Some regard young dragons to be the most dangerous of all, for they spend
their youth guided by an incredible amount of ambition-waging war upon the
inhabitants of the land and scheming to build magnificent lairs far beyond the
reach of mortal existence. Yes, it is a century or more before a dragon’s appetite
for power and dominance culls under the onset of lethargy. So, wyrmlings are
often encountered scheming to take over kingdoms, drive off other life forms,
and amass a prestigious collection of goods as fast as possible. This makes the
occasional raids of their elder kin seem far more tempered. Worse, their plotting
often makes the young dragon willing to align themselves with despots from

other cultures to do things like push against certain settled areas or locate a sought
after treasure. It is in dealing with these ne’er-do-wells that a young dragon (not
yet rich in foresight) is sometimes used as a tool of destruction.

Ancient Dragon (Great Wyrm)

Org: Solitary Dis: Territorial Sz: Gigantic Mv: 60’, Fly 120’
AC: 30 HD: 12D12 (120 hp) Init: +12 Crit: M/D20
Atk (Me): Claw +12 +1D6 (1D8) Atk (Me): Bite +12 +1D6 (1D12)
Atk (Me): Tail +12 +1D6 (1D20) Atk (Me): Crush +12 +1D6 (3D12)
Atk (Me) : Wing Buffet +12 +1D6 (2D12)
Atk (Mi): Breath Weapon +12 +1D6 (see below) Act: 5D20, 1D20+10*
Sv: Fort +12, Ref +12, Will +12 Treas: Hoard
Special Properties
Breath Weapon Shape Sovereign Breath Weapon Distinguishable Features
Elder-Yeared Legendary Ability *Magical Erudition Martial Powers
Sovereign Breath Weapon – Ancient wyrms may dispatch their mighty bouts of
breath up to 4 times each day. Creatures caught in this path must save against a
DC 22. Choose or randomly roll 1D12: (1) fire (Ref save for ½ dmg, 12D6 +1D6
dmg per round until extinguished); (2) frost (Fort save to negate freeze effect, 12D4
dmg and frozen in place for 3D4 rounds); (3) lightning (Ref save for ½ dmg, 12D8
dmg, +6 bonus to hitting targets with metal armor, electronics must save vs. DC
12 or be shorted out); (4) acid (Fort save for ½ dmg, 3D16 +1D16 per round until
neutralized, all exposed items/clothes must save vs. DC 12 or be ruined); (5) poison
gas (Fort save to avoid effect, failed saves result in instant death); (6) sleep gas
Dragons provided by Mark Bruce 70 70
(Fort save to avoid effect, failed saves result in 1D12 hours of unnatural slumber);
(7) steam (Fort save for ½ dmg, 6D6 dmg); (8) smoke (-2 to sight based actions,
diameters for this breath weapon are increased by 20’, obfuscation lasts for 2D5
rounds); (9) arcane energies (Will save to avoid effect, roll a 1D4: 1-transforms
targets into giant rats for 1D6 turns, 2-rots the targets’ flesh and temporarily takes
away 1D10 in physical attribute points, 3-teleports targets up to a mile in selected
direction, 4-target is victim of a forget spell and remembers nothing of what
happened in the last 1D3 days); (10) bubbles (Ref save to avoid effect, failed saves
result in the target being trapped in a bubble and levitated 30’ upward, the bubble
can be broken with a force equal to DC 15 or 10 hp of dmg); (11-12) multiple breath
weapons (this dragon has 2 of the above-mentioned breath weapon types).
Elder-Yeared – This arenaceous serpent has been around for so long as to have
contrived many possible defenses for a broad assortment of attacks. Further,
it has contingency plan upon contingency plan for dealing with uprisings,
wars, and conflicts within even its own council of dragon-kin. That as the case,
the judge may forfeit two of the dragon’s next attacks to (at any point in an
encounter) roll or choose from the following contingencies:

Dragon Contingencies (choose or roll 1D8)

1) This dragon has an artifactual device 5) The dragon activates a device that
(magic or technological) that repairs it to full will cancel out one of the abilities of an
health, removing all dmg/penalties. opponent for the rest of the encounter.

2) The dragon’s lair (and everyone in it) 6) The lair can be triggered by the dragon
is able to be jettisoned into space, time, or to collapse onto its opponents. Make a DC
another dimension... 15 save or take 3D8 dmg and be buried
3) A group of powerful minions (totalling under debris by a force of DC 12.
20HD), loyal to the dragon, draw in from 7) The dragon has long-established fidelity
behind its opponents, surrounding them. with one of the PCs, PCs’ closest allies, or
4) The dragon reveals a doomsday device important personality in the realm.
(mystical or mechanical) set in motion to 8) The dragon activates a great call or
destroy the surrounding countryside-only signal, and within 1D6 rounds another 1D4
the dragon has the ability to stop it. younger dragons come to its aid.

Magical Erudition* – A great wyrm rolls a 1D20 +10 spell check when casting its
wizard spells (such as those found in the DCC rule book). It can cast 4 first level
spells, 3 second level spells, and 2 third level spells. Spell lists often include first
level spells such as: Animal Summoning (pg 129), Cantrip (pg 130), Charm Person
(pg 131), Choking Cloud (pg 134), Color Spray (pg 135), Force Manipulation
(pg 143), Magic Missile (pg 144), Read Magic (pg 152), Sleep (pg 155), or Ward
Portal (pg 161); second level spells like: Detect Invisible (pg 165), ESP (pg
166), Forget (pg 170), Invisibility (pg 172), Locate Object (pg 178), Monster
Summoning (pg 184), Phantasm (pg 187), or Shatter (pg 193), and third level
spells such as: Consult Spirit (pg 204), Dispel Magic (pg 208), Gust of Wind (pg
219), Planar Step (pg 225), Slow (pg 228), or Write Magic (pg 236).

xposition: Ancient wyrms spend far more time in slumber than they
moving about-sometimes sleeping for decades. Unconceivably big,
they make their lairs in the most forgotten of landmarks or most desperate of
environments. While their hoards contain entire dynasties of human wealth, the
chance of defeating their near-petrified scales and outwitting their guile makes
gaining these baubles a humorless joke.

71 Dragons provided by Mark Bruce 71

Organization: Solitary/Pack
Disposition: Predatory/Territorial
Size: Medium
Move: 20’, Fly 35’
Armor Class: 12/16*
Hit Dice: 2D7 (8 hp)
Initiative: +2 Crit: M/D8
Atk Melee: Wrap-Up +4 (special)
Atk Melee:
Bite +2 (2D6 +special)
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +2
Treasure: Victims’ Effects
Special Properties
Blood-Sucking – From the instant a
draper lands its wrap attack, it will bear down with its
merciless jaws. The creature commonly ravages a target’s neck, suckling
out the warm ichor of its life. This begins with an initial dmg of 2D6. If
the creature’s wrap attack is not defeated, it will continue to drain 1D6
from the target each round. Additionally, between suffocation and blood
loss, the target drops by -1D each round. If freed from this menace, the
target will regain these lost action dice levels after 1 hour of rest.
Crypsis – The draper is a master of camouflaging both in color and form.
It takes just a single action for it to shift these elements. When blending
in, the creature may roll a +6 mutation check vs. the observers’ Int rolls.
If the monster wins, it will gain a surprise attack against a target prior to
the Initiative roll.
Limited Flight – This ambush predator can muster flight by beating its
thick membranes as if they were wings. This accounts for 35’ of movement
with a 30’ flight ceiling. Movement in this fashion can only be maintained
for 3 rounds at a time (requiring 3 “grounded” rounds as the draper
recovers some stamina).
*The Wrap-Up – The most fearsome thing about a draper is its ability to
encapsulate a target within its stretchy lateral membranes. These features
can be pulled across an opponent’s frame so tightly as to suffocate them.
If a draper lands this attack, it holds the creature with a clutching force of
DC 13. While confining prey, attacks against the draper that land between
the 12 and 15 AC deal dmg to BOTH the monster and the target it has
wrapped (half to each rounded up). Special effects (such as life force drain
or molecular disruption) will apply to both predator and prey while others
(like sonic generation or symbiotic touch) may affect the two unevenly-this
is all left to the judge’s discretion.

Sponsored by Robinson Mason 72 72

xposition: Debate circles around whether the draper is some
relative of a squid or bat, or is it something born anew through
genetic experimentation? There is no question, however, that the draper is a
deadly menace to those traversing ancient ruins.
The draper’s biological mastery of crypsis makes it a dangerous predator
indeed. It has been gifted specialized chromatophore cells, allowing it to shift
between a vast palette of skin tones. This is coupled with unique fiber-like
cells within its skin called papillae. The papillae can give the draper a variety
of surface textures from glossy-smooth to a warty orange peel. Between these
two biological tricks, this beast can disguise itself as all sorts of wasteland
junk: garbage bags, feed sacks, tattered curtains, moldering hotel towels, shop
rags... The ability is almost purely used to pick off unsuspecting prey with a
surprise attack.
Larger drapers often strike out all alone, but (more often than not) smaller,
younger specimens hunt in packs of 3 to 10. While not sentient, one must
hand it to these beasts, for they are quite clever in their camouflaging. Packs
have been known to take up residence within the clothing stores of bombed
out malls, littering themselves across the landscape of a ancient landfill, or
hanging in groups backstage at a once swanky theater house.


ྊThe chief’s wife has a deep passion for a dress he procured for her long
ago when he was a seeker. It is nearly one of a kind, made by an ancient
designer named “Chan’El.” Unfortunately, one of the PCs (or perhaps a
close NPC friend) has ruined the dress in an incident involving a clumsy
trip and a vat of tomato-berry paste. Both the chief and his wife are furious.
But there is a shot at redemption! The mystical scribblings on the small tag
inside the dress match a code on an old city map. Perhaps a cross-country
voyage to the fallen city of “I♥NY” may take the seekers to the very seam
shop where the dress was made? Of course along the way there will be
many overland encounters. Passage into the city will be fraught with peril
as the rat manimals that now inhabit it have a stringent dislike of outsiders.
Beyond that, the dressmaker’s high-rise “seam shop” is home to a pack
of drapers that will need to be evicted. Finally, there is not another dress
like the chief’s wife’s on the premise, but there is some matching fabric-
will the PCs dare to try to fake a “Chan’El”? And can that woman tell the
difference between the real thing and a knock off?
ྊ kooky inventor believes she can make the ultimate “sneak suit” if she
can just get her hands on the hides of 3 drapers. She explains the habits
of these dangerous ambush predators to the PCs, who are likely to travel
to different locales they’ve heard about (seeded into the adventure by the
judge) where they might stake out the capture. But how do you ambush
an ambusher? And the wily inventor was very clear that the hides cannot
be slashed up or burnt through by lazer fire! This setup allows the judge
to have some fun throwing together some crazy encounters (like a bat
manimal couple who fly into the area for some “alone time” only to be
surprised by the PCs, or a flying squid that’s got a trash bag stuck on its

73 Sponsored by Robinson Mason 73

Organization: Swarm
Drill Maggots
Disposition: Parasitic
Size: Very Tiny
Move: 20”
Armor Class: 13
Hit Dice: 2D6 (8 hp)
Initiative: +1 Crit: M/D6
Atk Melee: Bore +3 (1D3 +2, +special)
Act Dice: 1D20; 1 action roll for every
target within 5’x5’ space
Saves: Fort +1, Ref -1, Will +4
Treasure: Victims’ Effects
Special Properties
Swarm – With dozens in each clutch, the drill maggots are most often dealt with
as a “swarm.” As a swarm, they will make two attacks upon every creature within
their 5’ space. Attacks against them are dealt with using the following chart:
Attack Against Drill Maggot Hits AC...
0-8 9-12 13-18 19+
No effect No effect No effect Half dmg
Piercing If on a host, host If on a host, host If on a host, host If on a host, host
takes the dmg takes half dmg takes 2 dmg takes 2 dmg
No effect No effect Half dmg Regular dmg
Cutting If on a host, host If on a host, host If on a host, host If on a host, host
takes the dmg takes half dmg takes 2 dmg takes 2 dmg
Half dmg Regular dmg
No effect No effect
Bludgeoning Maggots scurry, Maggots scurry,
If on a host, host If on a host, they losing 1 of their losing 1 of their
Attack Types

takes 2 dmg take 2 dmg next actions next actions

Regular dmg
Most Energy No effect Half dmg Regular dmg
Maggots scurry,
Weapons If on a host, host If on a host, they If on a host, they losing their next
takes the dmg take half dmg take 2 dmg round of actions
Regular dmg
Area of No effect Regular dmg Regular dmg
Maggots are
Effect If on a host, host If on a host, they If on a host, they driven 5’ back
takes the dmg take half dmg take 2 dmg from host/target

Radiation/ Regular dmg Regular dmg

No effect No effect
Magnetic Maggots scurry, Maggots are
If on a host, host If on a host, host losing their next driven 5’ back
Attacks takes the dmg takes 2 dmg round of actions from host/target

Acute Sensors – Each drill maggot has a miniaturized sensor suite that
specializes in the location of electrical pulses (so acute as to pick up most
brainwaves) and magnetic resonance. Equipped such, they can locate
needed resources (energy and metal goods) within 200 of their position.
As a power, they can roll with +7 to perform this sensor sweep.

Sponsored by Joe George 74 74

Driller-Killers – The tiny drill-heads of these vermin are quite accomplished at
penetrating all sorts of materials. In fleshy creatures, the pain is indescribable.
Organic lifeforms lose 1D4 Sta points for each round they are drilled into (on
top of any hp loss). If their Sta reaches 0, they will pass out from the pain for 1D5
rounds or until the drill maggots are removed (whichever is longer). Once the
drill maggots are removed, the victim will regain this lost Sta after a night’s rest.
Synthetic items (including certain artifacts, AIs, computers, robots, etc.) must
make a DC 8 save (use Fort if available) or lose 1 random function. A repair roll
(based on the device’s complexity, etc.) is needed to reestablish this function.
Self-Replicating – Given materials and power, the drill maggots will create more
maggots to add to their colony. They can produce up to 5 new worms per day.
Mechanically, this amounts to regaining 1D3 hp each day.

xposition: The sight alone brings most seekers to a cold sweat:
metallic slugs with diamond-hard rotating bits at their
anteriors. With that slinking rasp as they crawl across a surface punctuated by
the occasional whine of their drills, it’s no wonder many wayfarers suggest these
buggers were invented for the purpose of torture! Drill maggots are completely
synthetic fauna set loose on Terra with the simple program to infest the world
and replicate themselves. Thankfully, the seasonal flux in radiation often
Drill Maggots

dispatches a great number of their kind, or else they might have already subdued
most of the habitable portions of the globe.
A drill maggot colony operates off the scutwork of each individual worm. As
a colony, they seek to generate energy from the processing of carbon-heavy
materials (including the flesh of most animals) or (and this seems to be more
preferred) direct induction from a power source, such as a C-Cell, etc. So long
as energy is in abundance, the colony’s secondary design is the procurement of
more materials for the production of new members. By drilling their way through
robots or other machines, the maggots individually collect these needed bits-
storing most internally. Once the colony confirms its stock of metal, wiring, and
microprocessors they converge into a space (usually a chest cavity or open portion
of a robot’s chassis) where they will writhe about, building new drill maggots in a
ballet of coordinated effort. The armatures, solderers, and laser cutters used in the
process are of mirco-scale, making this event almost hypnotic to view. Heightened
synchronicity allows the swarm to produce a new member within 5 hour’s time. If
in reach of energy and materials, a drill maggot colony can grow by as much as 30
units each week.
The biggest danger presented by these parasites is often the threat of them
ravaging pieces of ancient technology-ruining artifacts. A close second is the
chaos that ensues when a functional smart metal being is driven into a deadly
malfunction due to the damage these worms have caused to its circuit boards.

Examples of Malfunctions (roll 1D14)

1) Device is stiff/hard to operate 6) AI becomes malicious toward 10) Use results in a small fire.
(requires DC 12 Str check). owner. 11) Use activates other functions or
2) Device’s effects are weakened. 7) Device emits a persistent other devices.
3) Shocks user for 1D2 dmg. screeching sound when on. 12) Can’t be turned off.
4) Effect is quadrupled, but 8) Can only be used when held in 13) Device activates 1 round later.
energy is drained after 1 use. a special way (DC 8 Agil roll).
14) Use results in a blinding spark
5) Device is stuck in “demo 9) Device affects unintended (Ref save vs. 14, blindness lasts
mode.” target. 1D3 rounds).

75 Sponsored by Joe George 75

Organization: Family
Dust Monster
Disposition: Territorial
Size: Medium
Move: 35’
Armor Class: 12
Hit Dice: 4D6 (14 hp)
Initiative: +2 Crit: M/D10
Atk Melee:
Bite +1 (1D7 +1D4 Acid)
Atk Missile:
Discharge +4 (2D8 Subdual)
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +1
Treasure: Refuse
Special Properties
Charged – The dust monster is
always generating an ionic field. This property can cause power flux within
20’ of the creature. In that space, lights may dim, electronics may
malfunction and (on a failed Luck check) a seeker’s energy cells may lose
1D3 charges (this effect is dealt with only once per encounter). As the
electrons accumulate, the dust monster may discharge them every other
round as a 30’ bolt of high voltage/low amperage electricity. The bolt is
+4 to hit and deals 2D8 subdual dmg.
Dust Cloud – The ionic field of the dust monster causes all manner of
dust, dander, hair, and paper scraps to be drawn from up to 20’ away onto
the creature. These materials form almost a coat of “fur” for it. When
feeling threatened, it can, however, shake a layer of this up into the air,
creating a 10’ diameter cloud of dust. Characters inside this cloud must
make a DC 12 Fort save or begin to suffer. Their eyes become inflamed
and tear-filled, their skin becomes itchy, and they fall into a fit of hyper-
allergenic sneezing and coughing. All this amounts to a -1D penalty
until they leave the area and have had time to wash away this coat of
lint. Worse yet, any exposed electronics must make a DC 12 save. If
unsuccessful, roll on the following chart:

Electrical Problems (roll 1D8)

1-2) Shorts Out (device is unusable until 6) Overload! (item is getting extremely
a DC 12 repair can be made). hot and will explode across a 3’ radius
3-4) Overheats (a Luck roll is needed for 3D3 dmg in 1D4 rounds-DC 12 to
for the device to be usable). stabilize).
5) Glitch (device doesn’t quite work 7) Shocking Hazard (device deals 1D8
right, is only ½ effective, if subdual dmg then ceases to function).
possible). 8) Running HOT! (handling the item
deals 1 dmg per round).
Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 76 76
Fire Hazard – The lint-coating surrounding a dust monster can be set a blaze,
causing the creature 2D8 dmg and removing its “dust cloud” special property.
Metabolize Metal – At the origin of the dust monster’s “static charge issues”
is its propensity for metabolizing metals. The creature is able to bite off
and dissolve thinner metals-especially taking a liking to circuit boards and
component cables. Its rough teeth act like shears against these leaner metals
(1D7 dmg), and its saliva is quite caustic-dealing 1D4 acid dmg for 3 rounds.
This enables the dust monster to digest a good bit of technological trash,
keeping the ions flowing across its skin. A dust monster’s love for metals
might be an exploitable proclivity. This does unfortunately mean that its lair
almost never contains any useful artifacts or intact metal weaponry.

xposition: The dust monster spends its days trying to maintain a
state of electric charge. This ionic condition is needed for it to
perform most of its life functions. The creature itself has perhaps never been
seen, for its charge draws unto it a great confluence of debris-anything light
and able to be static-riddled: hair, dander, fibers, thin bits of plastic-you
name it! All this accumulates across its body until only a portion of its tail,
legs, and eye peduncles can be seen sticking out. A mystery prevails over
what this creature would look like without its lint. Even its young are kept
Dust Monster

(presumably) in a pouch until old enough to emerge from the parent borrowing
their own first coat of dust. Mother nature just doesn’t allow for a peak...
While typically harmless, if its living space is invaded, the dust monster
will defend itself-mostly with static discharges and dust clouds. Though in
a fight, its metal-chawing bite isn’t off the table. Dust monsters will often
direct themselves toward a target that has a nice collection of technological
goods (they are aroused by the smell of the soldering in such items). They will
attempt to snatch away techno artifacts for a quick snack and may even chase
down a seeker laden with these “goodies.”

ྊ still functioning hydro-electrical dam has quit porting water. Now the
swell behind it grows dangerously high, while the tribe’s fresh water
resources are scant. Can the seekers enter the facility and take care of
the dust monsters that incidentally caused the dam’s control computer to
malfunction? Even if successful, will they be able to figure a way to get the
computer banks back online?
ྊ smart metal being has approached the seekers wanting to strike a deal
for their help. If the PCs can exterminate the dust monsters that plague
the futuristic ruins it calls home, it will gift them a rather sweet piece of
ྊ strange old shaman who lives deep in the jungle has put up a bounty
for any seekers who can bring him back 2 living dust monsters, such that
he might perform an experiment using their static powers.
ྊ seemingly impenetrable robotic kaiju threatens to devastate the entire
valley unless it can be stopped. The village magi suggests a dust monster
could thwart this menace, and there are rumors of ruins where such
creatures have been making homes...
77 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 77
Organization: Solitary/Pack
E lectric E el
Disposition: Territorial
Size: Medium
Move: Swim 45’
Armor Class: 13
Hit Dice: 2D6 (7 hp)
Initiative: +3 Crit: special
Atk Melee:
Bite +2 (1D3 +2, +special)
Atk Melee:
Shock +3 (1D4, +special)
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +2
Treasure: None
Special Properties
Electro-Location – Electric eels radiate a constant variance of low-voltage
electrical current that is picked up by sensing pits along their heads and bellies,
giving them an “electrical scan” of the area (15’ diameter). This detection
method grants them a +5 roll to locate prey even when hidden. Insulated
barriers may protect against this detection.
Electric Shock – Evolved from their ancient counterparts, the post-apocalyptic
eel can deliver shocks rated over 1,000 volts. This talent is used to stun prey,
readying them for the beast’s bite. The shock attack is directed at a primary
target (who has to be within 10’ of the eel) as well as any other targets
touching the primary or floating within 5’ of it. All affected targets take
1D4 electrical dmg and must make a Fort save against a DC 10 or be
incapacitated for 1D6 rounds (during which they are considered helpless
and prone). If the target cannot breathe water and remains stunned for
more rounds than their Sta score, they will drown. These eels can only
make this attack once every 4 rounds.
Pack Hunters – Electric eels are known to work in groups to hunt schools
of fish and larger prey. Whenever 3 or more eels are in communion, they
can amplify each other’s shock, causing the dmg to raise to 1D6, the DC
of the effect to move to 12, and the length of the stun to go to 1D10. Each
eel can make one such amplified attack every 4 rounds.
Electrical Interference – The electric eel can actually send out lower-
voltage currents that cause a target to: either convulse for a round (roll a
DC 10 Fort save, failure puts the target at -2D to actions for 1D3 rounds)
or experience unilateral muscle stimulation (DC 10 Fort save or the target
moves ½ their speed, veering in a direction selected by the eel).

Sponsored by Michael G. Palmer 78 78

Severing Bite – Beyond the increase in size and electrical power, these
new-era eels have also developed teeth designed to sever parts from prey for
easy swallowing. The teeth deal 1D3 +2 dmg, but on a crit roll, instead of
referencing a chart, the creature has dismembered part of the prey. Roll 1D10:
(1) hand (the target has lost a hand and is -3 to their Agil score); (2) foot (the
victim is -15’ to their movement and -1 to their Agil score); (3) facial damage
(the eel has scarred the victim’s face, leaving them -1 to their Per score); (4)
muscular damage (the eel took a big bite out of one of the victim’s muscles,
they permanently lose 1 Str point); (5) scalp (part of the target’s skullcap
is gone, they take an additional 1D8 dmg); (6) joint damage (the prey loses
mobility and is at -1D until this dmg can be repaired by a gene resequencer or
equivalent level of artifact); or (7-10) blood in the water (the target takes an
additional 1D3 dmg and the bloodied water brings the eel(s) to a +1D frenzy).

xposition: Both in the murky waters of Terra’s swamps and in
cheerful reefs of its seas, the electric eel lurks to take on prey. A
descendant of common electric eels, these beasts pack a great wallop of
electrical discharge and have evolved teeth for the explicit purpose of parting
out some of the larger life forms that roam the ruined waterfronts.
“Electric eel” is but a folk name, for this slimy beast is actually just an oddly
shaped gymnotiform (a relative of the catfish or knife fish). These specimens
E lectric E el

grow almost 10’ long and weigh upwards of 300 pounds. They can be found
hunting alone but are most deadly when stumbled upon in packs. In these
groups they not only have the desire to take down larger creatures, but they
possess the means to do it as well! This is due to an interesting voltage spike
created by the positioning of the eels and their finite control of the electrical
fields they discharge.

MIar-Thor Stew-It's Survival Advice: Now, dumplin’,

hope you don’t plan to eat that thar eel yer draggin’ about. Oh, I’m sure
you done tired yer self out fightin’ that thang, but you about to go fo’ another
round of battle if you want to get any meat off it. Why’s them ‘lectric eels got 4
ribs between every bite of meat-and it ain’t all that tasty neither! Oh, don’t pout!
Thar’s a few good things you can get off ’em...
🌲🌲 “F”-Cells – Ever wanted a fish-powered artifact? With some spare wire and
a DC 15 Int roll the eel’s main electric organ can be integrated into a device
serving 1D6 charges of power.
🌲🌲 Waterproof Sack – The tubular body of an eel can be easily cured into a
nice waterproof bag, or even several small ones (DC 10 Int check to build).
🌲🌲 Waders – The skins of 2 eels can be conjoined as to make a pair of
wading pants-waterproof and somewhat insulated from shock (DC 12 Int
check to build).
🌲🌲 Insulated Mitts – If you make sure you have the outer skin on the
outside, the electric eels protective layer will form a barrier which allows
the wearer to handle fairly powerful electrical devices without fear of
being shocked (DC 12 Int check to build).
🌲🌲 Eel-Toothed Saw – It takes a lot of patience, but setting a couple sets of
eel teeth into a slat of wood can create a fine saw that quickly cuts both
meat and timber (DC 8 Int check to build).

79 Sponsored by Michael G. Palmer 79

Organization: Solitary
E ye-B omination
Disposition: Antagonistic
Size: Large
Move: Hover 30’
Armor Class: 19/17/14*
Hit Dice: 5D12 (62 hp +special)
Initiative: +3 Crit: III/D10
Atk Melee: Bite +5 (2D5)
Atk Missile:
Eye Beams +5 (see below)
Act Dice: 1D24, 1D20, 2D16
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +10
Treasure: Hoard
Special Properties
Eye Beams – The eye-bomination’s most pronounced trait is a series of 3D6
eyestalks that radiate from its body. These are in addition to a giant eye centered
above its unforgiving jaws. Its central eye (while open) projects an eternal beam of
cosmic radiation moving out in front of it for 200’ in a 90° arc. Any creature, item,
or artificial being within that pathway will find their mutant powers, technological
effects, mystical powers, and even wetware programs completely disrupted. In
fact, even effects from such things are negated by simply passing through this field.
Meanwhile, the smaller stalked eyes fire direct beams in a 160’ range, each with a
different ability (select or roll 1D20):
1) Illuminate (beam charges the target with 13) Mutation Ray (roll: 70% of the time
an ionic field, making them glow bright for target suffers a defect, 30% of the time they
1D12 hours, -2 to AC) gain a mutant power-PSH are unaffected)
2-3) Telekinetic Ray (is Str 20 granting +4) 14) Electrical Bolt (2D5 dmg, AIs or AI
4) Hypno-Beam (the target faces a DC equipped artifacts must make a DC 10 save
12 Will save or must follow 1 psychic or short out)
command from the creature each round) 15) Hard Light Projection (beam can
5) Fear-Frequency (a flashing luminescence construct a hologram of another creature
triggers fear if the victim fails a DC 12 with typical stats but an AC of 18-requires
Will save; they now suffer -1D against the one action per round to maintain)
creature and must flee for 1D5 rounds) 16) Force Field Projector (creates an
6-7) Lazer Ray (6D6 dmg) energy wall blocking attacks with an
AC 25, requires 1 action to maintain)
8) Dazer Ray (DC 16 vs. stun for 1D6 rounds)
17) Disintegrater (DC 10 Fort save or
9) Mind Ray (Will vs. DC 10 or be die, success reduces to 3D6 dmg)
telepathically linked to the creature)
18) Absolute Zero Ray (on a failed DC
10) Time Warp (target vanishes for 3 rounds, 12 Ref save, the target’s molecules are
keep a record of their intended actions, they held in place for 2D3 rounds)
perform them simultaneously upon return)
19) Chrono Ray (target ages 3D14
11) Shrink Ray (target shrinks to 3’, gaining years; loses 1D3 pts of physical stats)
+2 to AC, but -2 to Str for 1D3 turns)
20) Reality Warp (DC 12 Ref save or be
12) Enfeeblement Beam (target loses 3D6 transformed into a random animal or
temporary points from Str and/or Sta) sentient object for 1D3 turns)

Future nightmares sponsored by Brian Hanrahan 80 80

Hover – The eye-bomination maintains an anti-gravity field allowing it to float
about at will up to 10’ off of the ground. Even in unconscious slumber, the
monster never touches the ground.
*The Many-Eyed Monster – Because of its great many eyes, the eye-
bomination almost never suffers from an ambush or surprise attack. The
powers of each of its eyes (save for its central eye) can be turned on and
off at will. Destroying these oculi will by result shut down their powers. Of
the creature’s total hit points, its central eye represents ⅓ (rounded down).
If attacks are directed at it (AC 14) dealing this amount, its cosmic ray
projection will shut off. Likewise, a particular eyestalk can be targeted (AC
17), and if more than 5 points of dmg are delivered, the stalk and its power
are eliminated (note: these hp are in addition to the creature’s listed hp and do
not subtract from it as attacks on the central eye do). The destroyed eyestalks
will regrow within 1 week’s time. However an eye-bomination that has lost its
central eye will remain maimed in this respect for the rest of its days.
Minions – An established eye-bomination will have collected a decent troop
(2D6) of minions taken from the surrounding cultures to serve it in a capacity
that nears slavery. These minions will be stout, sentient creatures under the
E ye-B omination

threat of the eye-bomination’s wrath, held by its mind control power, or

promised a share of its collected wealth.
Psychic Shield – The mind of an eye-bomination is almost as “iron clad”
as the thick outer skin that sheathes its body. All mental attacks against the
creature are at -1D.

xposition: Lumpy orbs covered with eye designs are captured in the
paintings of early tribes known to be at least 1,000 years old. Who
knows if these beasts, which most seekers call “eye-bominations,” are invaders
from another dimension, experiments from the hands of some ancient scientist,
or perhaps some remnant of the ancient ones themselves. The creatures are
abundantly deceitful-so even the claims they make based on their multi-century
lifespans can’t be trusted.
Eye-bominations are the pinnacle of villainy. Their patient, perceptive nature
combined with their abundance of mutant powers and lack of any moral restraint
make them horrific masters to the creatures that stumble into their path. These
wretches seek opulence and adulations from lesser creatures. Unlike some
avaricious beasts, the eye-bomination’s drive to collect has a form and format to it.
One of these orbs may be seeking to put together a library of scientific acumen.
Another may delight in a collection of ancient aircraft. Yet a third seeks to hold
the most complete array of beam weapons comprised from the planet. All these
pursuits are aimed to generate some fame amid their contemporaries and stroke
their egos. Eye-bominations will (if approached right) parley with the seekers-
but beware: they are master liars and will do all they can to put the PCs in a
position from which they might be captured and subdued.

Names of Eye-Bominations
1) Mortigar the Vengeful 5) Pogorn the Blinded 9) The Cannibal Raddengrantz
2) Ludrahocs of the Dark 6) Lady Sasscarot 10) Borafas, Knower of Magics
3) Stalliganz D’Gammary 7) Jorgurdle and his Zoo 11) Cindripple of Ice & Frost
4) Seedur, Who Never Rests 8) Petriszar, Jungle Lord 12) Mogrick the Glass Eyed

81 Future nightmares sponsored by Brian Hanrahan 81

G iant
Common Terran Giant
Organization: Solitary/Family
Disposition: Territorial/Primitive
Size: Huge/Massive
Move: 40’
Armor Class: 15
Hit Dice: 5D10-8D10 (27-44 hp)
Initiative: +1 Crit: IV/D14
Atk Melee: Club +15 (2D8 +8)
Atk Missile: Stone +6 (1D8 +6)
Act Dice: 1D24
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +6
Treasure: Hoard or Personal Effects
Special Properties
20-24 Crit – On an attack roll of 20 through 24, a giant gets to roll a critical hit.
Acute Smell – Most giants can sense intruders (within 50’) just by smell. This
powerful olfactory sense grants them +3 to locating hidden creatures. However,
intensely BAD smells may place them at a -1D.
Giant-Sized Actions – When landing an attack, a giant can replace the dmg result
with a “giant-sized action” as described below.
Giant-Sized Actions (choose or roll 1D10)
1) Target is pinned underfoot for 1D4 dmg 6) The blow shatters the target’s weapon
and -1 Sta each additional round (recovers or armor.
upon escape), DC 13 to get free. 7) Swipe throws target into a random
2) Target is buried from the impact, 2D6 adjacent figure; both take 1D7 dmg.
dmg and 1 action to dig out. 8) Target takes ½ dmg but is “hooked” on
3) Target is dazed by head bash (-1D to the giant’s weapon (DC 10 to escape).
actions for encounter; accumulates for 9) Giant pummels ground; all within 10’
each hit). must make a DC 8 Ref save or be knocked
4) Target is thrown 100’ in a random prone.
direction for 1D8 dmg. 10) A ferocious near-miss deals 2D4 and
5) Target is grabbed up by the giant, DC requires the target to make a DC 12 Will
15 to escape. save or flee.

xposition: It is befitting that the extreme landscape left after the
of Terra’s old populace is now inhabited by equally exteme
humanoids-the proverbial “giants.” As you will learn below, giants can
actually include many different humanoids of varying stock, intelligence, and
civility. The size of these creatures can likewise vary, spanning around 10’ all
the way up to 70’ tall colossi.

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 82 82

Almost all giant humanoids are capable of turning random environmental items
into clubs or thrown missiles. And most hold little back, crushing opponents
with the brutality of a human stomping out a spider.


ྊThe villagers assigned to send “tribute” to the neighboring warlord have
disappeared WITH THE TRIBUTE! Inspection reveals a giant has moved
into the area and taken them. Can the PCs parley with either the giant or the
warlord to eliminate the other side?
ྊ amnesiac giantess is found wounded in a nearby valley. Will the PCs help
her? And what will her father think when he traces her trail to their village?

ྊThe PCs observe a group of young giants playing with a neat new toy:
POWER ARMOR! Can they steal this possession from the clan’s long house,
or could a trade be made?

ྊThe typically reclusive giants living in the western crater fields have suddenly
begun raiding villages and stealing artifacts. But why? Perhaps something in
the crater now controls these behemoths!

Org: Clan Dis: Insouciant Sz: Huge Mv: 40’
AC: 17 HD: 10D10 (55 hp) Init: -1 Crit: IV/D16
G iant

Atk (Me) : Club or Pickaxe +5 (2D5 +8) Act : 1D24

Sv: Fort +12, Ref +3, Will +8 Treas: Personal Effects
Special Properties
Cold Tempered – Living amongst the snow-capped peaks, these giants take no
dmg from cold effects and only ½ dmg from heat-based effects.
Frost Breath – A snowlander can, once per encounter, breathe out a 10’ blast of
cryogenic air (+3 missile attack), dealing 1D12 dmg and freezing the target in
place for 1D4 rounds on a failed Ref save (vs. the attack roll).
Generate Avalanche – Making a calculated strike in the snow, this giant can trigger
small avalanches (when reasonable). This can be done once per encounter. Roll an
action die +3: (1-11) no effect; (12-15) rolling snow pushes all creatures (large
or smaller) within 30’ of the strike 50’ down the slope and buries them in snow
requiring a DC 8 Str roll to escape; (16-20) the avalanche contains boulders and
debris, dealing 3D4 to all creatures large sized or smaller within 30’ of the strike
and pushes them 100’ down the slope and buries them in snow, requiring a DC
12 Str roll to escape; (20+) all creatures within 30’ of the strike that are smaller
than “huge” are dropped down the slope, taking 3D6 dmg becoming buried in the
snow. They lose 1 Sta per round until they make a DC 15 Str check, are rescued
by others, or die at 0 Sta.

xposition: Snowlanders are roughly human-looking giants clearing
in height. They have oddly blue-tinted faces and shockingly white hair
that thickly covers their skin. Their families live in small settlements upon
the moutainsides, inhabiting caves and blockhouses built from rock slabs.

83 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 83

They are highly paternal and memorize great lengths of family lineage which
are used in greetings to establish esteem. Aside from their steel-hard skin,
snowlanders fashion cloaks of bear, moose, and elk hides. They have additional
skills in metal craft and the rearing of goats. While not outright aggressive,
they take great offense to trespassing and theft-to the degree that they will not
abide others passing through their vales as it is sure to bring future travelers if
tolerated in the moment.

Giant Mutant
Org: Solitary Dis: Dominating Sz: Large/Huge Mv: 40’
AC: 14 +Armor HD: 10D6 (35 hp) Init: +1D7 +7
Atk (Me): By weapon +4 (dmg +8) Act: 1D24
Sv: Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +12 Treas: Personal Effects
Special Properties
(Choose 1D3)
Create Illusion Energy Projection Force Field Interesting Physique
Mind Control Multimetric Nega-Field Generation Regeneration
Strange Skin Telepathy
Create Illusion – These mental projections can be disbelieved on a roll of Will vs.
the mutation check. Roll a +2 mutation check: (1-11) failure, power is lost for

G iant
the day; (12-15) the mutant projects a static, silent illusion; (16-19) the illusion
can be complex, moving, and have auditory components; (20+) the illusion is
“real” within the target’s mind and can cause up to 3D5 subdual dmg.
Energy Projection – Requires a +4 missile attack. Roll 1D6: (1) sonic (may
make 4 blasts up to 30’ away dealing 1D6 sonic dmg); (2) microwave (the
energy beam will ignore artificial armor up to 40’ away for 2D6 dmg); (3)
gravity beam (targets weighing less than 700 lbs can be moved anywhere within
500’ of the mutant); (4) quantum ray (on a failed DC 10 Fort save the target is
made 3D4 years younger and must lose 1D3 between their mental stats); (5)
gamma beam (Fort save vs. DC 15 or take 3D5 radburn); (6) multi-lazer (the
mutant can target up to 10 shots at any target(s) in sight for 2D6 dmg).
Force Field – The giant can create an energy dome with a 10’ radius that will
block all physical and energy attacks, absorbing up to 30 points of dmg.
Interesting Physique – Roll 1D10: (1) two-headed (+1D20 bonus action die, +4
to rolls involving perception); (2) tail (gains a 1D16 +4 action die for tail use, can
make a +2 Melee attack that deals 1D8 +4 dmg, and attempt to grip items and
opponents); (3) extra arms (gains 1D3 bonus action dice (1D20 each) representing
extra sets of arms); (4) extra legs (cannot be knocked down/prone, may make a
bonus 1D16 +4 kick attack each round dealing 1D8 +4); (5) stretchy (can extend
body parts up to +15’, including melee attacks); (6) extremely blubbery (+10 hp,
unharmed by blunt weapons and not affected by stun attacks); (7) ice-covered (+2
AC, creatures touching the giant take 1D3 cold dmg per round); (8) cybernetic (+4
AC, has complete life-support system, jet-boosters to fly 100’, and a guazer-cannon
arm with 280’ range, up to 10 shots per round dealing 1D16 dmg); (9) tentacles
(+2D16 bonus action dice, +0 melee, 1D5 dmg); (10) roll for 2 of these mutations.

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 84 84

Mind Control – Roll a +2 mutation check: (1-11) failure, power is lost for the day;
(12-15) if the target fails a Will save vs. this mutation check he/she must complete
the commanded action so long as it does not go against the target’s morality; (16-
19) if the save is failed, the target must conform to a commanded action so long
as it doesn’t result in immediate self-harm; (20+) on failed saves, the mutant can
command up to 10 HD of creatures, ordering them to take any action desired.
Multimetric – Through disjointing ligatures, quantum mass-shifting, or mystical
energies, the giant is able to grow or shrink. Roll a +2 mutation check: (1-11)
failure, power is lost for the day; (12-15) grows to 12’ (+3 to Str rolls, +25% hp,
but -1 to AC) OR shrinks to 4’ (+3 to Agil rolls, +1 to AC, -25% hp); (16-19)
grows to 30’ (+6 to Str rolls, +50% hp, but -3 to AC) OR shrinks to 2’ (+6 to Agil
rolls, +4 to AC, -50% hp); (20+) the mutant can now grow to 80’ (+10 to Str rolls,
+100% hp, but -5 to AC) OR shrink to 2” (+10 to Agil rolls, +8 to AC, -75% hp).
Nega-Field Generation – The giant projects a 30’ radius field. Any opponent
using a mutation or patron AI program within that space must make a Luck roll
(40% chance of success for creatures without Luck) or lose that power for the
remainder of the encounter.
Regeneration – Roll a +2 mutation check: (1-11) failure, power is lost for the
day; (12-15) mutant heals 1 HD in dmg; (16-19) gains 3 HD back and effects
of poisons/radiation/disease are dismissed; (20+) as per 16-19 effect AND lost
limbs are regrown within 1D3 rounds.
Strange Skin – Roll 1D7: (1) chameleon-like (+3 to AC, +3 to hide/sneak);
G iant

(2) toxic coating (Fort save vs. 15 if touched or lose 1D6 temporary physical
attribute points each hour); (3) covered in prehensile hair (after each successful
melee strike-by the giant or its opponents-the opponent must make a DC 9 Ref
save or become entangled at a DC 12 to escape); (4) steel-like (AC 20); (5)
maintains a radioactive fire (creatures within 5’ take 3D3 heat dmg and must
make a DC 12 Fort save or suffer an additional 1D7 in radburn); (6) sticky
(anything touching the skin has a 40% chance of getting stuck to it, DC 12 Str
check to pull free); (7) prismatic (skin is a diffusion of crystal surfaces-all beam
weapons shot at the creature result in a 10’ radius explosion of light dealing
3D4 dmg, Ref save for half, the giant is unaffected by this burst).
Telepathy – The creature can carry on telepathic conversations with a visible
creature or one that is known to him/her (within 100’) OR transmit a single
thought to all sentient beings within 100’.

xposition: Calamity awaits any foolhardy seeker bold enought to
a fight with one of these 15’ tall mutant humanoids! Giant mutants
have the sort of physicality and quixotic powers to keep an entire band of
seekers in check throughout an encounter. Socially, most mutant giants see
themselves as outcasts-their size making them dangerous for daily life in their
original village. Others have gained their extraordinary size through exposure
to chemicals/radiation found in the very ruins they guard (now jealously
hoping to keep others from gaining this might). Though not pervasive, there
are many examples of giant mutants on Terra that have taken to slaving.
Seeing themselves superior to the “little ones,” these tyrants force captives to
serve them and lavish them with food, drink, and entertainment and enforce
strict work cycles for the collection of resources and building of fortifications.

85 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 85

Organization: Clan
G lazkin
Size: Small
Move: 15’
Armor Class: 14
Hit Dice: 2D10 (10 hp)
Initiative: +5 Crit: III/D8
Atk Melee: Fist +5 (1D4)
Atk Melee: By weapon +5
Act Dice: 1D20 +5
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +6
Treasure: Hoard
Special Properties
High-Minded – As a free action
on their turn, they may make a
+6 mutation check: (1-11) the glazkin sees something in the target’s mind that
confuses/disgusts it-it loses its next action; (12-17) it uses precognition-the target
must declare its next action and the glazkin is allowed to interject a bonus counter-
action just prior; (18+) through the use of tech or uncanny planning, the glazkin
has nullified one of the target’s pieces of equipment or genotype abilities for the
remainder of the encounter.
Project Mirages – As an action on their turn, a glazkin can attempt to cloud the
mind of any target in sight, creating a mirage that will last for 5 rounds
or until disproved or disbelieved (Will vs. mutation check). Illusions are
created on a +6 mutation check as follows: (1-11) the glazkin’s rapidly
firing synapses have overheated, causing itself 1D4 dmg; (12-17) the power
generates a static image well-matched to the surrounding reality within
the mind of the target; (18+) the generated illusion presents both sight and
sound and can deal 1D6 in psychosomatic subdual dmg.
Small Stature – The glazkins are only two-feet in height, and, though hard
to hit, they suffer -1D to rolls testing their strength and the use of items
that would be considered unwieldy for their stature.
Tech Savvy – The glazkin gains a +6 to all Int-based rolls including Artifact
checks and automatically succeeds on Artifact checks up to Tech Level 4.

xposition: Likely the genetic experiment of some deranged
glazkins are dough-colored, hairless, male dwarfs-each a clone
of the other. Analytical in thought and preemptive in action, glazkins do little
without secondary and even tertiary contingencies. These knee-high creatures
are savants with ancient technology and deftly use it to defend the areas
housing the gene-banks from which they were sequenced. Even their language
is a string of sharp binary hymns.
Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 86 86
Glazkins have such evolved cerebral networking that they sometimes appear to
have precognitive abilities and have been known to project illusions into the heads
of weaker-minded species. They seek out technological artifacts with ravenous
envy but are sometimes in the begrudging service of cunning humanoids that have
taken their gene banks hostage.

ample encounter: Warehouses, laboratories, and deserted
make ripe environments for glazkin enclaves. Here we have a
portion of a vintage bubble car factory. Let’s say the glazkins brutally raided
a shrine of the Curators, taking a great many artifacts. The seekers, hired to
recover this lot, have tracked the little men to this location...
1. Employee Entrance (DC 10 to unlock) – The glazkins have arranged a
half-dozen optical-lasers (taken from old factory automations) along the walls
creating a complex net of beams (DC 14 Agil to pass)-any interruption in these
beams triggers a bubble car horn component they have rigged up.
2. Locker Room – The lockers contain mundane items (jumpsuits, ever-hot
thermoses, spray deodorant, comlinks, makeup, etc.). Some also contain
glazkins guards (~3) who use the lockers as dormitories.
3. Showers – The fusion element for this water has been set to high (2D4 dmg),
and the glazkins have rigged controls and a tiny escape door (leading out to
area 1) to allow this area to become a trap during a chase.
4. Offices – Two offices act as a security center (with video/comlink feeds and
G lazkin

control of factory components). One is used as a “war room” where they have
hacked into an ancient spy satellite from which they can target new acquisitions.
5. The Gauntlet – A gallery of
6 robot paint arms have been
fitted with fusion cutters.
Moving through requires three
DC 12 Ref saves. Failure
causes 1D8 dmg and requires
a Luck roll to see if any of the
PC’s exposed equipment has
been cut through. (3 glazkins
hide to the sides here).
6. The Trove – Beyond this
bubble car chassis (off map)
lies the factory floor where the
glazkins keep their tech hoard
(5 glazkin guards).
7. Kiln – From the office control
space, the car chassis mover
can be activated to ram
characters into this space (Ref
vs. DC 8). The door seals
(DC 16, AC 14, hp 40), and
the burners raise the room to
1200oF (1D8 dmg increased by
1D8 every round, max=5D8).

87 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 87

Organization: any Disposition: any
G rab-B ag
Size: Large/Huge
Treasure: Victims’ Effects
xposition: In the later days
the ancients, “genetics by
design” became a popular hobby,
and competitions among cavalier
biologists to create the wildest, most
idiosyncratic lifeform were quite the
rage even long after gene laws drove
these conventions underground. The
grab-bags are the eternal evidence of the
gene pool pollution caused by these
experiments. Patchworks of various
animals, disfigured and instilled
with abilities beyond purpose or
reason, the grab-bags’ loathsome
state of unnatural existence drives
their ferocity just below the point of
overtaking their sense of self-preservation.
While some retain codes meant to make them docile-and even trainable-most are a
force to be avoided. The grab-bag’s stats are built as body portions. Their qualities are
rolled/chosen. A blank monster sheet may be handy...

Torso (roll 1D8)

(1) Ape-like: Base AC=12; Base hp=3D8 (13 hp); Crit M/D8; Fort save +2
(2) Dinosaur: Base AC=13; Base hp=3D12 (19 hp); Crit M/D8; Fort save +2
(3) Horse-like: Base AC=11; Base hp=4D8 (18 hp); Crit M/D10; Fort save +2
(4) Shark-like: Base AC=11; Base hp=3D6 (10 hp); Crit M/D8; Fort save -1
(5) Crab-like: Base AC=15; Base hp=3D10 (16 hp); Crit M/D8; Fort save +3
(6) Porcupine: Quill shot +1 missile, 1D5 dmg, 20’ range; Base AC=12; Base
hp=3D6 (10 hp); Crit M/D8; Fort save +1
(7) Larval: Base AC=8; Base hp=4D8 (18 hp); Crit M/D10; Fort save +2
(8) Raptor: Base AC=11; Base hp=2D10 (11 hp); Crit M/D6; Fort save +0

Lower/Hind Limbs (roll 1D8)

(1) Panther-like: Claws +2 melee, 1D5 dmg; Mv 40’, jump 15’; Ref save +3
(2) Gecko-ish: Mv 25’; climb 25’; Ref save +2
(3) Talons: Claw +4 melee, 1D4 dmg; Mv 20’; Ref save +1
(4) Kangaroo: Kick +3 melee, 1D7 dmg; Mv 25’, jump 35’; Ref save +3
(5) Fishtail: Slap +1 melee, 1D12 dmg; Mv 5’, swim 50’; Ref save -2
(6) Webbed Feet: Mv 20’, swim 25’; Ref save -1
(7) Insectoid: Mv 60’, climb 35’; Ref save +3
(8) Frog-like: Trounce +2 melee, 1D4 dmg; Mv 20’, jump 40’; Ref save +5

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 88 88

Upper/Front Limbs (roll 1D10)
(1) Bear-like: Claw +3 melee, 1D6 dmg; Grapple +2 melee, 1D3 per round, DC
14 to escape; Act 1D20; +1 to AC
(2) Tentacles: Slap +2 melee, 1D3 dmg; Grapple +6 melee, DC 16 to escape;
Act 2D20
(3) Wings: Buffet +2 melee, 1D3 dmg; Act 1D20; fly 40’
(4) Elephant-like: Smash +2 melee, 1D12 dmg; Act 1D20; +1 AC
(5) Flippers: Slap +3 melee, 1D4 dmg; Act 1D20; swim 20’
(6) Snakes!: Bite +4 melee, 1D4 dmg +DC 12 Fort save vs. 3D8 poison dmg;
Constrict +2 melee, -1D3 Stamina per round until death (otherwise
recovers after encounter), DC 13 to escape; Act 2D20
(7) Pincers: Clip +2 melee, 1D6 dmg +DC 11 Ref save or remain trapped; Act
1D20, 1D16; +2 AC
(8) Mole-like: Claw +1 melee, 3D3 dmg; Act 1D20; burrow 20’; +1 to AC
(9-10) Multiple Limbs: Roll 2 additional times; include all action dice (reroll
this result if rolled again)

Head (roll 1D10)

(1) Alligator: Bite +3 melee, 2D6 dmg; Init +1; Will save +1
G rab-B ag

(2) Whale: Sonic Burst, 15’ radius, 2D4 dmg, Ref save for ½ dmg; Init -3; Will
save +3
(3) Lion: Bite +2 melee, 2D7 dmg; Init +3; Will save +2
(4) Stag: Headbutt +2 melee, 1D5 dmg; Init +2; Will save +0
(5) Baboon: Init +2; Will save +4
(6) Slug-like: +4 to perception-type rolls; Init -4; Will save +2
(7) Wild Turkey: Peck +4 melee, 1D3 dmg; Init +4; Will save -1
(8) Aardvark: Suction +4 missile, draws a target to its position, range 25’; Init
+2; Will save +2
(9) Vampire Bat: Bite +2 melee, 1D4 dmg +1D3 temporary Stamina loss; Init
+3; Will save -2
(10) Multiple Heads: Roll 2 additional times (reroll if this result is rolled again)

Special Powers (roll 1D5)

(1) Giant!: Double the creature’s hp and Fort save, reduce its AC by 3,
improve all melee dmg by +5
(2) Gas Generation: Roll a +3 mutation check: (1-11) the power fails and
cannot be used again that encounter; (12-17) all within a 20’ radius
must roll a Fort save vs. the check result or be blinded for 1D8 rounds
and take 3D6 dmg; (18+) the gas surrounds a 50’ radius and failed
saves cause permanent blindness and 4D4 poison dmg)
(3) Lazer Eyes: +2 missile, 5D6 dmg, range 200’, 6 uses per day
(4) Intelligent: The creature communicates/reasons. It has an Int of between 5
and 7 and gains +3 to Init; if logical, it will have equipment and weapons
(5) Pyrokinesis: +2 missile, 1D8 dmg per round until extinguished (DC 13
Agil roll to extinguish), range is sight

89 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 89

Basic Urchin Bush
G round Urchin
Organization: Clan
Disposition: Grazer
Size: Medium
Move: 10’, 70’*
Armor Class: 14
Hit Dice: 2D10 (11 hp)
Initiative: -3 Crit: M/D8
Atk Melee: Bite +4 (1D5)
Atk Melee/Missile:
Spine +2 (1D3)
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort +3, Ref -2, Will +2
Treasure: Victims’ Effects
Special Properties
Spines – The urchin bush generates tough, woody spines that grow out
of the pores on its exoskeleton. The spines can be flexed to ward off
adjacent “predators,” or they can be launched out 15’ in a desperate
attempt to drive unfamiliar organisms away.
*Wind-Driven – If given exceedingly powerful winds, the urchin bush will
actually retract its tube feet, allowing it to be blown about. Under these
conditions, if PCs do not position themselves cautiously, the urchin will use
the wind to “bowl” them down by moving 70’ in one round with a +4 attack
and 3D5 dmg. If multiple characters are adjacent to each other, all of them
can be targeted with a single attack. Each urchin bush can make this sort of
blitz only once in an encounter and only if the weather permits.

xposition: An urchin bush is one of the most common forms of
urchins. As the seas of the ancient world boiled away, urchins
evolved into these brush-like forms, able through their seafloor habits
to now survive in the vastness of deserts, leaching nutrients from the
lichen covering rocks. Not intentionally aggressive, urchin bushes are
always on the defense, and the density of their groups makes crossing
the land they inhabit a deadly gamble.

The Searchin’ Urchin

Org: Solitary/Family Dis: Predatory Sz: Medium Mv: 20’
AC: 14 HD: 2D7 (8 hp) Init: -2 Crit: M/D8
Atk (Me): Bite +3 (2D3 +2) Atk (Me): Skewer +4 (1D3 +special)
Atk (Me): Cnidoblast +4 (special) Act: 1D20/1D16
Sv: Fort +2, Ref -2, Will +2 Treas: Refuse
Sponsored by Ed & Beth Russell,
who have been known to feed * on occasion
90 90
Special Properties
Ascend Sheer Surfaces – This echinoderm’s tube feet end in a suction cup
adaptation which allows them to climb walls and even move across ceilings
indifferently. When on an alternate plane from prey, the urchin will sometimes
make a +5 melee attack by dropping on their target. The target can avoid this
falling ball of spines with a DC 12 Ref save, otherwise they take 3D3 dmg and
must save for poison (see below).
Cnidoblasts – Placed at odd intervals, this creature has 3-5 translucent bulbous
appendages that fit more with the form of a jellyfish than here on this hard-
skinned urchin. These pseudopods are flush with stinging cells (cnidoblasts).
If the cnidoblasts make contact with a target, the victim must roll a Fort save:
(1-8) cardiac arrest (the PC loses 3D6 hp, slumps over and cannot do more
than move ¼ of their base move each round-without intervention, they remain
like this for 1D12 rounds); (9-12) stun (the victim’s heart rate suddenly drops,
leaving them unresponsive for the next 1-2 rounds); (13+) no effect.
Excellent Stalker – The searchin’ urchin operates mostly at night when the deep
green-blacks of its spiny exterior are hard to see. Its soft tube feet work through
a near-soundless hydrostatic exchange. The end result is a creature who can
G round Urchin

sneak up on prey with a +10 check.

Poisoned Spines – The spines of the searchin’ urchin are tipped with a strange
anesthetic that transforms even the most severe injury into a soothing, pleasure-
inducing sensation. As a result, many seekers that have been pierced by these
lancets give little struggle as the creature mutilates them with its quivering
5-fanged mouth. The poison can be resisted with a DC 16 Fort save. If failed, the
PC must then succeed at DC 10 Will rolls to take any action or make any call in
distress (lasting for the next 1D10 rounds). Judges enjoying drama might even
falsely describe the actions of the urchin to the player as it begins to eat their PC
with words like “tickling,” “playfully licking,” “nuzzling,” or “gently caressing.”

xposition: The searchin’ urchin is a lone predator that hunts at night
has evolved with a taste for meat. Like most urchins, its mouth faces
down toward the ground as it moves, but this allows it to use its ultra-keen sense
of taste to pick up on trails with all the expertise of a bloodhound. When times
are lean, a searchin’ urchin will take to feasting on carrion (and even plants)
to fend off hunger-but pray you don’t find yourself in the territory of an urchin
forced on that diet, for taste is perhaps the only thing this creature lives for.


ྊThe seekers are paid to escort a caravan through a rocky pass only to
find it choked with urchin bushes. Can they protect the merchant, her
family, and the mounts from these “easily triggered” obstacles?

ྊThe PCs run across a tribe taking up residence in the ruins of a quaint
ancient building (similar to a state house). However, the tribe is plagued
by a serial killer that likes to mutilate his victims, saving parts as a
trophy. During a bit of investigation the PCs find a forgotten spot in
the sprawling complex where a family of searchin’ urchins have taken
residency-their hunt for meals having left the gruesome crime scenes
mentioned above.
Sponsored by Ed & Beth Russell,
91 who have been known to feed * on occasion
Organization: Solitary/Pack
H ellhound
Disposition: Territorial/Dominating
Size: Medium/Large
Move: 45’, Jump 15’
Armor Class: 15
Hit Dice: 3D10/2D10* (16/11 hp*)
Initiative: +4 Crit: M/D10
Atk Melee:
Claws +6 (1D7 +Radburn*)
Atk Melee:
Bite +6 (2D6 +Radburn*)
Atk Missile:
Fire Belch +3 (3D6)
Act Dice:
1D24, 1D20/1D20*, 1D16*
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +10
Treasure: Personal Effects
Special Properties
*Double Headed – A strange creature to run as a judge, the hellhound is
like two separate monsters fused together. Each hound has a dominant head
(with higher hp and better action dice) and a submissive one. Each half gets
to make attacks/actions independently, but only the dominant side gets to
take a movement action. Players can specify which side of the beast they are
attempting to affect, or it can be assigned randomly. Effects that can only
target a single creature (mutations, spells, wetware...) likewise will only
affect one side or the other (judges may have to be creative on how that
works out). Any damage that is simply done to the “creature” should
be equally split between the two sides. Finally, if the dominant side is
destroyed or incapacitated, the submissive head will gain full control and
begin to act as the dominant one (though it will maintain its lesser stats).
For rolls dependent on willpower, intelligence, or perception, both heads
should be given a chance of success independently.
Flame Belch – The hellhound is able to release a dense cloud of
radioactive plasma. Attempting this strike requires both a successful
missile attack and a +5 mutation check for the following results (note:
each head is treated independently for these results): (1) misfire (attack
cannot be attempted again this encounter and radiation explodes in the
beast’s mouth, dealing 2D8 dmg to it); (2-11) drained (the hound has not
built up enough energy to create the blast; it cannot be attempted again
this encounter); (12-15) tongues of flame (radiation travels 5’ out and
deals 3D6 dmg to a single target); (16-19) flame belch (the blast travels
10’ out and erupts in a 5’ radius, affecting those around the target with
3D8 dmg; DC 12 Ref save for half dmg); (20+) hellfire (a massive jet of
Sponsored by David McGuire 92 92
fiery energy moves up to 15’ out and explodes into a 10’ radius blast affecting
the target and those around them for 3D10 dmg; DC 14 Ref save for half).
Gating – Hellhounds are the nomads of the “megaverse.” They have the innate
ability to “gate” between dimensions and across planar space. This power is
rolled as a +5 mutation check; it will affect the entire hellhound as follows:
(1) dimensional abrogation (disharmonic realities place the hound partially
inside a foreign body such as a boulder, tree, wall, chair... The creature takes
3D10 dmg, is considered held and unable to move for the round, and cannot
attempt this power again until the next round); (2-11) paradoxical anomaly
(the creature gates out just as another dimensional version, in its identical
condition, gates in; this result continues to happen anytime the power is used
throughout this encounter); (12-15) teleportation (the hound and up to 300
lbs of matter it wishes to move are teleported a maximum distance of 2,000’);
(16-19) planar doorways (the hellhound and up to 300 lbs of material can
move into any location within the prime world it is standing on regardless of
distance or position); (20+) gated (the creature and up to 500 lbs of material
can move to any location, dimension, or time stream).
Other Dimensional – Shifted from an alternate reality, these creatures do not
need to eat, breathe, or metabolize while on this prime world. In light of this,
they cannot be suffocated, poisoned, or starved. The judge should consider if
certain mutations, artifacts, or spells would be as affective against a creature
H ellhound

that is “straddling worlds” and perhaps grant the hellhound a Will save against
the offending check result to “phase out” of any relevant effects. For example,
“illusion generation” might be detected via its extra-dimensional sight, granting
it a Will save against the mutation check to disbelieve the image.
*Unholy Fire – Some metaphysical reaction occurs any time a portion of this
extra-dimensional hound makes contact with the prime world (Terra). This
reaction is a great release of radiation, appearing to bystanders as a slightly
green-tinted flame. Mechanically this accounts for an extra 1D8 of radiation
dmg during melee attacks if the victim fails a DC 12 Fort save. As a form of
radburn, PSH characters are immune to this part of the attack’s dmg. Remember
critical results on these rolls may add mutations and/or defects to a character
(see pg 42 of the MCC rule book). Furthermore, any cutting or piercing object
that wounds a hellhound will become imbued with this same property for 3D4
hours. The radiant discharge will affect even the wielder of the weapon and will
directly affect a creature that used its own natural claws, fangs, etc. to bloody
the hound. In these cases the wielder or character possessing the affected
natural weapons will have to make the save each day until decontaminated
(judge’s discretion).

xposition: Hellhounds are the roughly canine-shaped, double-
guardians of other dimensional space. It seems that they are
consigned by some powerful unseen beings to prevent dimensional rifting
and thwart meddlers in the time stream. However, many times these vicious
wardens have been pulled by less ambivalent individuals to be used as
personal bodyguards and defenders of their temples. There is great variance
in the physical look of a hellhound, and even size seems to range from chest
height on a seeker to those that tower above them.

93 Sponsored by David McGuire 93

Organization: Solitary
H olo-G one
Disposition: any
Size: any
Move: Hover 30’
Armor Class: 20/16
Hit Dice:
nil (4 hp, 4 hp, 4hp, and 8 hp)
Initiative: +4 Crit: A/D4
Atk Melee/Missile:
+4 (see below)
Act Dice: 1D24
AI Recog: 18
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +2
Treasure: None
Special Properties
Divergent Software – Many holo-gone units have been repurposed over and
over, burying their ROM with various skins and behaviors. A happy-looking
pink bunny may have formerly been a holo-gone unit from a live action zombie-
themed arcade game. These units can shift back and forth, gaining +3 to rolls
associated with their designated purpose (i.e., a security guard skin gets +3 to
perception while a nurse holo-gone gets +3 to healing checks). Furthermore,
based on their designation they may present as having weapons, natural features,
or special powers. These items function as if they were 100% real, but are limited
to 25’ in range. Holo-gones are also capable of using regular items (at a
-1D) and gain a +5 to their Artifact checks when attempting to work with
other tech.
Explosive Core – The gas matrix used to solidify this hologram’s photons
is an alloy comprised mostly of rubidium-39. This element, housed in
its central unit, is highly reactive with both oxygen and water before
being interlaced with the other gases of the alloy. Any dmg specifically
directed at the holo-gone’s central unit (and/or any killing blow made by
an opponent) has a 15% chance of rupturing the rubidium tank, releasing
a shrapnel-filled 20’ diameter fireball dealing 4D8 dmg. If in a particularly
wet environment, the area of the blast will continue to burn (1D6 dmg) for
1D6 rounds.
Limited Invulnerability – The hard light shell created by the trio of light-
bugs (which form this AI) is impervious to most weapon effects (dmg, stun,
cold, etc.). However, an opponent may strike one of the light bugs or the
central unit (in a nano-second gap of their rendering) should they land an
AC 20 attack. Other shortcomings include vulnerability to radio jamming
and heat. Concentrated radio waves interfere with the unit’s light-bugs
(-1D, AC falls to 16). At 120oF a holo-gone’s rubidium cloud becomes
unstable, its image grows translucent, it faces a 10% chance per round of
Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 94 94
shutting down, and its internal mechanisms become vulnerable (AC drops to 16).
Furthermore, the physical dmg wrought by its holographic weapons is shifted into
subdual dmg.
System Complexity – One reason the “modern” hard light hologram replaced
the holo-gone is the holo-gone’s reliance on a very complex orchestration of
parts and functions. The system is composed of the 3 RGB photonic emitters
(hp 4) and a central core unit (hp 8). If struck by an opponent, roll a D5:
(1-4) a light-bug was hit; (5) the central unit was hit. Each time a light-bug is
destroyed the holo-gone suffers a -1D to actions and -2 to AC (and changes
colors turning purple, brown, teal, red, green, or blue). If all 3 emitters
are destroyed the central unit is defenseless (AC 16). Depending on the
twistedness of the unit’s AI, it may close in on the seekers hoping to take them
out with a rubidium explosion, or scurry back to some repair dock where new
light-bugs may be available. In some instances, the central unit maybe taken
out first. The remaining light-bugs will then continue to trace out a frozen
image of the holo-gone’s last pose until they lose power 1D6 hours later.
Terrifying – Even an elegantly dressed holo-gone, once a host in a 5-star
restaurant, will generate fear with its blocky form and inhuman movements.
Couple this with glitching software, ratty speakers, and an AI driver that’s a
few syllables off in intonation and the whole esthetic becomes unnerving. On
the first round of a holo-gone encounter the PCs must make a Will save vs. 10
H olo-G one

or suffer a -1D to all actions for 1D3 rounds.

xposition: Hard light constructs were not an easy accomplishment
the ancient Terrans. Across 100 years this technology saw failures,
false starts, and limited realization. Some of these bygone formats-whether for
nostalgia or investment’s sake-were maintained long after becoming antiquated.
One of these formats, derided as a holo-gone, was so prevalent at the time of the
Omega-Disaster, that it is still native to the ruins of the ancients.
Holo-gones use an early “light-bug” technology, featuring 3 blindingly fast,
tear-shaped orbs that emit photons in red, green, and blue wavelengths.
Meanwhile, hidden in the center of the projection is a football-shaped floating
mechanism housing a CPU and a rubidium alloy gas generator. It is in the cloud
of this gas that the discharged photons obtain temporary mass. As the emitters
traverse exact paths through the cloud the graphic they produce comes to life,
redrawn at such speeds as to make it “material” for all intended purposes.
Being a complex system, the hologram’s overall appearance was limited in
scope. Most of these early animations have a vector-polygonal structure.
This structure, though adorned with surface rendering (digital texture
across the polyhedral faces), is an obvious fabrication of life, though
horrific nonetheless. Holo-gones move with a certain unnatural shuddering
and “speak” with omnidirectional sound. They maintain corrupted work
parameters based on the functions they once served. This may be anything:
a role in a live-action arcade game, a mascot of a theme park, a tour guide
for an attraction, or even crowd management at a spaceport. The failed data
sets that drive these digitized beings often present the PCs with danger. A
holo-gone that once was part of a video game may now seek to capture or
kill using real weapons. Amusement park attendants may be compelled to
force intruders to ride the now defective roller coaster. The possibilities are
95 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 95
H ook-H anded B andit
Organization: Tribal
Disposition: Opportunistic/Skittish
Size: Small
Move: 25’, Climb 30’, Brachiate 60’
Armor Class: 12
Hit Dice: 1D5 (3 hp)
Initiative: +5 Crit: M/D6
Atk Melee: Hooks +3 (1D7)
Atk Missile:
Hurled Objects +2 (1D2)
Act Dice: 1D20, 1D16
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +2
Treasure: Hoard/Refuse
Special Properties
Heckle N’ Holler – In unison, a troop of hook-handed
bandits can create such a jarring ruckus that those listening become
personally offended by the noise and manner in which it seems directed at
them. This hullabaloo can be maintained for 3 rounds (each encounter), during
which listeners must make consecutive DC 7 Will saves or suffer -1D as their
frustrations overwhelm them. This condition will subside once the PC has had a
full turn of peace and quiet.
Master Climbers – This animal’s thickset hook appendages are dense enough
to pierce wood and sharp enough to find even small crags running across a
rockface. With four of these hooks and a prehensile tail, this primate can
scale about any barrier and gains a +7 to such rolls.
Poor Morale – Hook-handed bandits flee on any roll less than 15.
The No-Fingered Discount – Swooping down on flexible limbs and
draping vegetation, the hook-handed bandits are experts at swiping goods
right off a band of jungle explorers. These hairy little thieves have a +7
skill roll to grab items from unsuspecting passersby. The difficulty for
this maneuver is 10 +the target’s Agil bonus. Once the target is aware
of these affronts, they may protect against the theft with a full-on Agil
roll (versus the bandit’s roll). The judge should consider what items
are most “easy” for the critters to take (hats, bags, and handheld items
ranking the highest) and offer a random roll to determine which was
targeted. Stolen items are (roll a 1D6): (1) still being carried by the
bandit; (2-3) discarded among higher limbs, allowing the hook-handed
pest to return to pilfer more; (4) dropped to the forest floor hundreds
of feet in a random direction; (5-6) carted off at top speed toward the
troop’s secret “hall.” If these bandits ever fail a morale save, they will
immediatlye leave the area (moving toward their hall) with anything
they are currently carrying.

Sponsored by Allen Westenbarger 96 96

xposition: These lemur mutations have curled, yellow, beak-like
where their hands and feet would be, long prehensile tails, and a
mind for anarchy and sport. They love to spring in upon seekers, pilfer their
goods, and swing out mocking them with their insane calls. Their predilection
toward collecting random man-made artifacts is a puzzle to most naturalists.
Perhaps the accumulation of these items purchases them status within their
troops. Maybe they are part of a gifting ritual for attracting a mate. Some even
claim they do it to simply draw attention from the vexed humanoids like a child
playing keep-away.
Their rapacious behavior culminates in massive piles littering their common
“halls.” These halls are most typically very ancient ruins-temples, castles,
abandoned landlocked ships... And most often they require grave climbs to
access (being staged on a cliff face, skirted by impenetrable timbers, or sunken
at the bottom of a crater, for example). A single hall might include more than 50
members. Sometimes these creatures will placate a larger beast, kept happily fed
within their hall in hopes that it would defend the space should other creatures
H ook-H anded B andit

try to move in on the bandits. There are reports of things like giant macaws,
bear-ants, and even grab-bags sharing space with these pests.
While a bandit hall may contain a great swath of stolen goods, the haphazard
way in which they are piled (totally exposed to the elements) often leaves the
bulk of the items ruined. Judges are encouraged to roll on both the “Hoard” and
“Refuse” treasure charts and combine the results in equal portion.
Hooked-handed bandits are not aggressive in the “deadly” sense. While they
will attempt to defend themselves if directly attacked, they much rather use their
hooks to hurl fruits and other debris at offenders and will always scatter if facing

In pursuit of their stolen goods,
the PCs must cross a chasm to
this ruined shrine.
1. Rope Bridge – It is
treacherous at best (DC 12 to
cross, the bandits may try to
bounce it or cut it loose).
2. Refuse Piles – Lots of junk
(including the PCs’ equipment)
is piled around here.
3. Ritual Bath – Users gain
1D3 Luck.
4. Door to Lower Storage
– The bandits trapped a giant
python in here days ago. Old
pottery, rotted rope, and some
petrified tools lie inside as well.
5. Forgotten Tomb – This upper room is a
mausoleum to a great ancient mystic.
97 Sponsored by Allen Westenbarger 97
Organization: Solitary/Colony
I nsect, G iant
Disposition: Predatory/Grazer
Size: Large/Huge
Move: 40’, Climb 20’
Armor Class: 14
Hit Dice: 3D8 (13 hp)
Initiative: +2 Crit: M/D8
Atk Melee: Maxillae +2 (1D8)
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +1
Treasure: Carcass
Special Properties
(Choose 2D4)
Alternate Move Bigger
Brood Colonized Die-Hard
Exothermic Extra Senses Larval
Mouth Parts Pinchers Shell from Hell Smaller Spray Sting
Alternate Move – This creature may have abilities such as: (A) flight (35’), (B)
swimming (25’), and/or (C) burrow (20’).
Bigger – The size of a building, this creature has an additional 3D8 hp, is AC 16,
and has maxillae that deal 2D8 +5 dmg.
Brood – Its young nymphs hang off of it, scurrying about on its exterior. When
hit, it may make a Fort save (vs. the combat roll) to subtract 1D4 dmg simulating
some of the young absorbing the blow. Also, any opponent within 5’ rolls at -1D
as they are pestered by nyphs scurrying off the parent insect and onto them.
Colonized – The insect is part of a colony with polymorphic forms (workers,
soldiers, drones, queens, etc.). It has a unique tie to its colony and may (as a free
action) signal for help. Roll 1D6, on a 5 or 6, a hive-mate (perhaps with different
abilities) will arrive within 1D4 rounds-tracking any target the original insect had
interacted with.
Die-Hard – These bugs can operate with missing limbs (including their head)
without much effect. When a “die-hard” bug is struck for fatal dmg, have the
attacker roll Luck. If failed, the bug only lost a body part (and any associated
SP), is -1D, but suffers just 1 hp of dmg. These effects are cumulative.
Exothermic – Cold-based effects slow it to a move of 10’ and drop its
action die by -1D.
Extra Senses – The creature gains +1D4 to Init and perception-style rolls.
It may see into the infrared spectrum, sense vibrations (including sound
and movement), or detect carbon dioxide emissions.
Larval – It is worm-like and slow moving (15’). Attacks are made at -2
and only deal 1D3 dmg. Most larval forms can burrow at 15’ per round.
Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 98 98
Mouth Parts – A wide variety of mouth designs are found within the insect
order. These include ones that: (A) stab (stylet +3 melee attack, 1D6 dmg);
(B) cut (mandibles +2 melee attack, 3D7 dmg); (C) suck (labellum +5 melee
attack, 1D3 dmg +temporary loss of 1D3 stamina); and/or (D) lick (proboscis
+5 melee, no dmg, target must make a Luck check or have 1D4 items knocked
loose during the “attack”).
Pincers – Called chelipeds, these organs are often attached near the creature’s
mouth or as part of a leg appendage. The insect can make +4 melee attacks
with these, dealing 2D8 dmg and (if the target fails a Luck check) grappling the
opponent, dealing an additional 1D4 dmg each round until they break free (DC
12 to escape).
Shell from Hell – The chitinous cover of this bug might be: (A) thicker (AC 17);
(B) covered in contact irritants (2 dmg for 5 rounds or until washed off); (C)
covered in trichobothrium hairs (+4 to Init and perception-style rolls, +1 to AC);
(D) able to roll into a defensive ball (AC 19, but unable to take actions); (E)
mimicking items in the environment or otherwise camouflaged (+2 to AC, +4
to sneaking/hiding); (F) freshly molted (-5 to AC); and/or (G) designed to look
like the face of a ginormous monster (DC 11 Will save or spend the next round
startled and unable to take action).
Smaller – Only dog-sized, these bugs have but 1D8 hp, and deal a measly 1D3
I nsect, G iant

dmg on an attack. However, if facing more than 3, the target is harried for -1D.
Spray – With a +2 missile attack, the insect projects: (A) a 40’ jet of goo doing
1D4 dmg and causing the target to be -2D until it is removed; (B) a 8’ diameter
cloud of stinking gas up to 15’ away (targets are at -1D and lose 1D4 mental
attribute points-their pick-until washed away); (C) a pheromone marker that
grants this insect and its colony a +4 to hit the target; (D) a silk material that can
be used to build structures (at 5 ft3 per round, with AC 12 and 2 hp per round of
construction); (E) a webbing that traps a target (35’ range with a Str of 3D10-
flame or acid instantly dissolves these bonds); (F) luciferin (not really a spray-
unless eviscerated, can be used as a flash attack that blinds for 1D4 rounds if a
DC 7 Ref save is failed, illuminates a 5’ square for 4 hours after the creature’s
death); and/or (G) a thistle-like hair barb (30’ range, 1D5 dmg).
Sting – The poisonous bite or stinger of this creature acts as a +3 melee attack
and: (A) deals 3D4 dmg; (B) delivers a poison that will paralyze prey on a failed
DC 12 Fort save; (C) injects the prey with a venom dealing 1D6 dmg and making
them -1D for the next 3 rounds; and/or (D) kills the prey in 3D6 rounds on a
failed DC 7 Fort save.

xposition: Bugs, spiders, centipedes and other creepy crawlies are
enough for some people as is, but size them up to an “atomic”
scale and almost everyone’s a solid, “Nope!” This entry gives the judge an a
la carte menu to construct whatever sort of bug-like critter they may want-be
it a huge version of a naturally occurring arthropod or something that came
to exist after the world was baked in radiation. While many people have an
extensive idea of common insects to create, a judge may be inspired by such
real-world oddities as bombardier beetles, mole crickets, scorpionflies, bullet
ants, blister beetles, hellgrammites, whip scorpions, trapdoor spiders, and
rhinoceros beetles. While not all of these are insects, they can all be created
through the use of this entry.

99 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 99

Organization: Solitary/Family
Land Shark
Disposition: Territorial/Predatory
Size: Large
Move: 20’, Burrow 15’ to 50’
Armor Class: 18
Hit Dice: 7D7 (28 hp)
Initiative: +2 Crit: M/D12
Atk Melee: Claw +4 (1D8 +2)
Atk Melee: Bite +6 (2D8 +2)
Act Dice: 1D20, 1D16
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +4
Treasure: Refuse
Special Properties
Pursuit – The land shark chases down
its prey using the following chart. It rolls
its tunneling mutation check at +6 while the creature it is pursuing rolls an Agil
check (default to Ref save if needed). Some conditions may hurt or help the prey by
granting them (or the land shark) a bonus +1D3 “chase” die. If multiple benefits are
present, the bonus die will grow by +1D for each point of advantage. For example:
Prey Get a 1D3 Bonus If:
• If they have a faster base move or a Luck modifier of +2 or more.
• If there are other sources of movement/vibration in the area of the encounter.
• If they have performed some “trick” that might confuse the land shark.
The Land Shark Gets a 1D3 Bonus If:
• If the landscape on the surface is confining (ruins, bushes, etc.).
• If the prey has extra legs, is heavy, encumbered, or particularly noisy.
• If the prey is taking actions OTHER than running, or if their speed is 20’
or less.
Land Shark’s +6 Tunneling Roll Result
1-13 14-16 17-19 20+
Land shark
Land shark closes; Land shark: +1D3
surfaces on target
1-13 Chase continues! gains +1D3 bonus bonus and can
and gets a free
Target’s Agil/Ref Roll Result

for the next round. make 1 attack.

round of attacks.
Target grows lead; Land shark closes; Land shark: +1D3
14-16 gains +1D3 bonus Chase continues! gains +1D3 bonus bonus and can
for the next round. for the next round. make 1 attack.
Target: +1D3 Target grows lead; Land shark closes;
17-19 bonus and can gains +1D3 bonus Chase continues! gains +1D3 bonus
take 1 free action. for the next round. for the next round.
Target escapes;
Target: +1D3 Target grows lead;
land shark must
20+ bonus and can gains +1D3 bonus Chase continues!
spend 2 rounds to
take 1 free action. for the next round.
catch up.

Sponsored by Nicolas Roark 100100

Surprise Surfacing! – If the land shark has not been seen for a round or more
(i.e., it spent the last round burrowing below the surface), it can emerge
anywhere within reason and gain a surprise attack round. Initiative should be
rerolled afterward. PCs trying to determine where the beast will pop up (so as
to avoid this surprise) must make a DC 18 Int roll.
Tunneling – The land shark’s most wondrous anatomical structure allows it
such intense burrowing abilities that in softer earth it can achieve speeds of 10
mph and even in a rocky subsoil can push up to 2 mph. Its torso is thoroughly
jointed, allowing for its concentric rings of clawed arms to dig at various angles.
Meanwhile, its modified back plates can be flexed individually, helping the
creature to deflect backfill into its wake. A land shark’s tunneling can be felt as a
small tremor in the ground, but most land sharks dig at depths between 8’ to 15’
below the topsoil. So, unless it chooses to beak the surface with its “fins” (back
plates), its path is often hard to determine.
Vibration Sense – A land shark has limited sight (60’ underground and 30’
above) but can sense motion up to 1,000’ away. Stealthy moves and powers that
do not account for this vibration sense will not escape the land shark’s detection.

xposition: Very few Terran eyes have ever beheld the creature they
a “land shark.” Typically, it stays mostly concealed beneath the ground
Land Shark

and even when attacking will bring up just its carnivorous jaws and the first
few clawed arms that ring its body. Unobscured, it is a strange creature that
can only be described through the qualities of half a dozen animals. It has a
sort of stout posture and grizzled muzzle like a wolverine. Its body is hinged
in segments with chitinous coverings like a isopod. It has sharp back plates
that run down its spine all the way along a lengthy tail that might suggest
something like a stegosaurus. Like some form of centipede, the thing has row
after row of clawed appendages grouped in fours-with two facing down from
its body and two that jut over its head and allow greater movement through
tunnels and tight spaces. Then there are its eyes and teeth, which have all
the soulless malignity of a shark. The design of the creature makes it quite
awkward outside of the confining space of a tunnel-luring it on to the surface
may be the only way to draw an advantage against it. Because the creature has
such a lengthy tail and can hold its back plates at varying angles, it is often
hard to tell just how many land sharks are moving in for an attack while their
bodies are submerged.
Land sharks spend their time in either complete dormancy or tunneling for
prey. Only on the rarest of occasions (some believe it is linked to solar
eclipse cycles) does a land shark surface in the space of others of its species
and vie for a mate (a bloody competition at that).
These burrowing devils slumber for days at a time and hibernate completely
if temperatures drop to near-freezing. This is usually done in a den
constructed deep underground with its entry backfilled to provide seclusion.
Here, the land shark will often drag away prey they wish to continue
feasting on. Between those remains and the materials left undigested by the
land shark, their dens likely contain an item or two of value.

101 Sponsored by Nicolas Roark 101

Generic Giant Mammal
Mammal, G iant
Organization: Family/Pack
Disposition: any
Size: Large/Huge
Move: 40’
Armor Class: 12
Hit Dice: 5D7 (20 hp)
Initiative: +2 Crit: M/D10
Atk Melee:
Bite/Claw/Kick +2 (1D6 +2)
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2
Treasure: Victims’ Effects
Special Properties
(Choose 1D6)
Bite Claws Defensive Extra Senses Ginormous! Gore/Head Butt
Herbivore Hibernation Scare Tactic Special Movement Strong as an Ox
Claws – This animal has razor-edged claws! It gains an extra 1D16 action die and
can make +4 melee attacks for 2D6 dmg each.
Defensive – The mammal has protective adaptations such as: (A) spiny quills
(1D4 dmg to attackers that fail a Luck check after a melee strike, can be shot out
at +2 across 200’ for 1D4 dmg); (B) a heavy hide (AC of 14); (C) thick blubber/
fur (½ dmg from blunt attacks, grants +7 against cold-based effects); (D) protective
coloration ( +3 to hide rolls); and/or (E) scent glands (+3 spray attack across 50’, if
the target fails a DC 12 Will save, they are -1D until washed off).
Extra Senses – Mammals gain a +5 to perception-like rolls for having extra sensory
adaptations such as: panoramic vision, low-light vision, independently movable
ears, impressive scent identification, and even sonar/echo location methods.
Ginormous! – This beast is truly a sight to behold (massive to gigantic sized)!
They have +5D7 hit dice (with a total average of 40 hp) as well as
gaining a +8 to their dmg rolls. Look out, King Kong!
Gore/Head Butt – With a thick skull, tusks, or perhaps a rack of horns,
this animal can make a +4 attack after moving at least half of its regular
speed and deal 3D5 dmg while knocking the target 3D5 feet backward.
Herbivore – This animal is quite timid and built for avoiding predators.
Its attacks only muster a 1D4 dmg die. Its base move, however, is 60’
per round.
Hibernation – Some mammals go through seasonal bouts of reduced
metabolic function. In these weeks/months the creature remains in a near-
sleep state with -1D to all its actions for the first 2 rounds of an encounter.

Dedicated to Stormy Danger 102102

Jowls – The great jowls of this predator attack at +4 and deal 2D5 +2 dmg.
Scare Tactic – When threatened, many mammals perform a routine to “show off”
their feral side. This often includes intimidating postures, baring of the teeth, and
the most wicked growls, sequels, or grunts it can produce. This display requires
the PC to make a DC 10 Will save or lose 1D3 Luck.
Special Movement – Mammals may have all sorts of specialized movement
modes such as... (A) quick footed (base speed is 70’); (B) swim (30’ per round);
(C) jumping (15’ in a single move); (D) burrow (through regular ground at 25’ per
round); (E) some mammals are know for being lethargic (top speed of only 15’
per action); and finally there are mammals adapted to (F) fly/glide (in the range of
40’ per round).
Strong as an Ox – Many of these animals have incredible strength even for their
giant size! These giant mammals gains a +5 to all rolls involving Str.

xposition: Tonight on, “Boy do they grow big around here!” we
MAMMALS... Mammals have such crazy adaptations as to live almost
everywhere on the planet. From frigid climates to below desert sands, to ocean
currents, and even taking command of the air. With the options above you can
giant-size just about any normal beast, making them a noteworthy adversary amid
Mammal, G iant

all this post-apocalyptic mayhem. Most mammals have a strong urge to defend
their families and a hunger that drives them to do desperate things in desperate
times. On Terra one of the worst events is a drought, for it wipes out many of the
herbivores and drives some of these mega-sized predators into the settled parts
they would otherwise avoid. Many giant mammals make good mounts.

Giant Ape
Org: Solitary Dis: Territorial Sz: Massive
Mv: 50’, Brachiate 60’ AC: 13 HD: 6D12 (39 hp) Init: +4
Crit: IV/D12 Atk (Me): Pummel +5 (3D7)
Atk (Mi): Thrown Objects +4 (2D6) Act: 1D20
Sv: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4 Treas: Personal Effects

Special Properties
Almost Human Beauty Killed the Beast Scare Tactic Strong as an Ox
Almost Human – Apes have an incredible sense of self, reflected in actual
personalities. They can learn quickly and are fond of exploring their
surrounds. Apes gain a +1D4 to rolls that would be associated with Int/Per.
Beauty Killed the Beast – Beautiful displays such as dance, art, music, and
such tend to settle the primitive heart of a giant ape. Such conditions drop its
Will save by -2D.

xposition: This 40’ primate may be the mythical king of its own lost
or just another freak roaming your friendly local hothouse jungle.
Giant apes always inspire stories whose undertones question what it means
to be human and whether mankind has dominion over nature, or whether that
is just a lie we tell ourselves to mollycoddle our egos. Run well, the giant ape
should dance between being a savage destructive force and a curious and noble
103 Dedicated to Stormy Danger 103
Giant Hamster
Org: Solitary/Clan Dis: Opportunistic Sz: Large Mv: 65’
AC: 12 HD: 4D6 (14 hp) Init: +4 Crit: M/D10
Atk (Me) : Claws +2 (1D5) Atk (Me) : Bite +3 (2D6)
Act: 2D20 Sv: Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +1 Treas: Refuse
Special Properties
Cheek Pouches Climb Extra Senses Hibernation Scare Tactic
Cheek Pouches – The giant hamster can store items (up to half the size of its
own body) in small flaps of tissue inside its cheeks. When a PC is overpower
and placed in this space, he/she must make a DC 10 roll to escape (Str or Agil).
Climb – Hamsters are great climbers and can move across most rough surfaces
regardless of their slope with the same ease as scurrying across a flat floor. They
have +6 to any related rolls.

Etoxposition: Descended from a child’s pet, these super-sized rodents grow

over 10’ in length and reach weights that would make a cattle rancher happy.

Mammal, G iant
They’re abhorred for their tendency to chew up structures and raid grain bins. Their
curious nature has them collecting both treasure and trash to pad their dens with.

Giant Elephant
Org: Pack Dis: Grazer/Insouciant Sz: Massive Mv: 45’
AC: 14 HD: 12D12 (78 hp) Init: +2 Crit: M/D20
Atk (Me): Tusks +5 (1D20 +special) Atk (Me): Trample +3 (6D6)
Act : 1D20 Sv : Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4 Treas: Carcass
Special Properties
Mammoth/Mastodon Strong as an Ox Tusks Water Blast
Mammoth/Mastodon – If the judge wants to simulate these prehistoric beasts,
he/she can raise the AC to 16, give it 14D12 HD (91 hp), grant it 1D24 on a
tusk attack, and allow it a +6 bonus whenever rolling against cold effects.
Tusks – A giant elephant can make up to a 10’ move and use their tusks to
gore an opponent for 1D20 dmg. If this attack lands, the target is additionally
thrown from their space 3D10 feet backwards, landing prone.
Water Blast – If it has recently taken in water, the giant elephant can spray out
this load (nearly 20 gallons). Generally used to cool themselves, this blast can
sometimes act as a warning to those who get too close. This deluge of water
may ruin equipment and dampen a PC’s pride, but more than that, it requires a
DC 10 Ref save or the target will be knocked prone to the ground. They may
even have trouble getting back up if the surface remains slick.

xposition: The giant Terran elephant is a monument of a creature
60’ in height. They are normally docile, oftentimes not even
acknowledging the presence of a seeker in their midst. But, if given reason
to be alarmed (or stirred up by a fast-movement), their trampling and goring
behaviors are quite fatal.
Dedicated to Stormy Danger 104104
Giant Saber-Toothed Tiger
Org: Solitary Dis: Predatory Sz: Huge Mv: 70’, Jump 35’
AC: 12 HD: 5D8 (22 hp) Init: +4 Crit: M/D10
Atk (Me) : Claws +4 (2D6) Atk (Me) : Bite +4 (3D7)
Act: 1D20, 1D16 Sv: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2 Treas: Victims’ Effects
Special Properties
Extra Senses Pounce Attack Scare Tactic
Pounce Attack – This massive cat can clear 20’ vertically and almost 35’
horizontally in a single bound. They often use this to spring in on prey,
gaining a +1D for their attacks immediately after they land.

xposition: The giant saber-toothed cat (or smilodon) is a ferocious hunter
patrols areas heavily travelled by prey. Just its body alone spans over 12’
in length. Their canines protrude almost 2’ from their upper gums. These beasts are
scrappers when it comes to a fight but are just as well known for making a kill and
bounding away with it into hard to reach locations.
Mammal, G iant

Giant Skunk
Org: Solitary Dis: Grazer/Territorial Sz: Medium Mv: 30’, Burrow 5’
AC: 11 HD: 3D6 (19 hp) Init: +1 Crit: M/D8
Atk (Me): Bite/Claws +2 (1D6) Atk (Mi): Spray +4 (special)
Act: 1D20 Sv: Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +3 Treas: None
Special Properties
Extra Senses Spray
Spray – This yellow, oily discharge can hit a target up to 50’ away and disperse
into a 20’ diameter cloud of noxious stink. If a target is struck, they lose 2D3 Per
points (losing all non-movement actions if they reach 0 Per due to nausea) until
the spray can be thoroughly washed off (a process that requires a minimum of
48 hours of time). Even if a target is not struck, the liquid will land within the
space nearby and affect all within its radius (note that a struck target will be the
center of this radius even if they move). Those (unprotected) within the cloud
are at -1D to all actions due to reflexive gagging and the tearing up of their
eyes. This effect continues a full turn after they have left the cloud. Skunks
can make 2 spray attacks per encounter.

xposition: Giant skunks are crepuscular-acting mostly in the
hours. They are opportunistic eaters that focus on digging up
giant insect hives when this food source is available. Wary of predators, a
giant skunk is far more likely to spray first than wait and see if an unfamiliar
creature is friend or foe.

105 Dedicated to Stormy Danger 105

Organization: Clan
Disposition: Territorial
Size: Medium
Move: 30’
Armor Class: 11 +Armor
Hit Dice: 3D7 (14 hp)
Initiative: +2 Crit: III/D8
Atk Melee: Bite/Claws +3 (1D4)
Atk Melee: By weapon +2
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +2
Treasure: Personal Effects
Special Properties
(Choose 1D4+1)
Claws Extra Limbs Extra Senses
Horns/Spines Jaws Mobility
Pack Mentality Special Hide Venomous

Claws – Choose: (A) savage claws (+4 melee attack, 1D6 dmg); (B)
talons (+3 melee attack, 1D5 dmg or grappled and held with a DC14 to
escape); (C) clawed feet and hands (+3 melee attack, 1D5 dmg, +1D16
action dice); or (D) pinchers (+3 melee attack, 1D5 dmg, crits on a 18+).
Extra Limbs – The manimal includes: (A) extra legs (+1D to climbing,
cannot be knocked down/prone by normal means); (B) extra arms (gain
an additional 1D20 action die); (C) tentacles that can wrap up a target
on a successful melee attack (+2D14 action dice, DC 10 to escape); (D)
elongated neck (can make bite and headbutt attacks against targets up to
10’ away); and/or (E) prehensile tail (grants a bonus 1D12 action die).
Extra Senses – This creature has exceptional: (A) sight (almost telescopic
vision, +3 to sight-based perception rolls, they gain +10’ to most ranged
attacks); (B) smell (can determine things like species, diet, health, and
distance just from smell, +3 to tracking rolls); (C) hearing (can use echo-
location to avoid penalties for being blinded or having an invisible target,
enemies are at -1D to sneaking up on this creature); and/or (D) feeling
(creature is attuned to subtle vibrations in the water/air/ground, and they
gain a +7 to sensing ambushes or sneak attacks).
Horns/Spines – The manimal has: (A) porcupine-like quills (AC 13) that
deal 1D3 in melee and can be fired off (+2 missile attack, 15’ range); (B)
1D3 horns that can be used for headbutts (+2 melee attack, 1D3 dmg +1
per horn); (C) heavy tusks (+2 melee attack, 1D3 dmg-1D5 on charge);
and/or (D) spur-riddled flesh (AC 14) that adds +1 to unarmed attacks.

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 106106

Jaws – Choose: (A) ferocious fangs (+3 melee attack, 1D8 dmg); (B) blood-
sucker (+1 melee attack, 1D4 dmg-results are absorbed as additional hit points
up to 2x starting amount); (C) lock-jaw (+3 melee attack, 1D3 +grappled and
held with a DC 14 to escape); or (D) sharp tusks (+3 melee attack, 1D6).
Mobility – Most manimals have some prodigious mode of locomotion. Choose:
(A) fast (+15’); (B) faster (+30’); (C) burrow (15’); (D) swim (25’, may hold
breath for an hour or breathe water, immune to pressure change); (E) flight
(60’); (F) brachiate (30’); (G) climb (25’, sticks to any non-slick surface); and/
or (H) slower (base of 15’).
Pack Mentality – Manimals (even of differing species) can instinctually work
together. For each manimal in a group of attackers there is a cumulative +1 (up
to a +5 max) given to their individual attack rolls.
Special Hide – The creature is covered in: (A) heavy fur (AC 12, +2 protection
from cold-based attacks); (B) hardened scales (AC 14); (C) thick plates/shell
(AC 16); (D) feathers (provides +3 protection against cold-based effects);
(E) blubber (all bludgeoning attacks are reduced to ½ dmg); or (F) discreet
coloration (+5 to hiding/sneaking actions).
Venomous – This creature has: (A) a venomous bite (Fort save vs. 8 or suffer
1D4 per round until save is made); (B) poisonous spines/skin (take 1D4 dmg
from touching the creature-a missed melee attack will lead to contact on a failed
Luck check or 20% of the time); (C) infectious claws/bite (Fort save or lose

1D3 temporary Sta each day until cured); and/or (D) blinding spit (Ref save or
become blinded for 1D12 hours, -2 to all sight-based actions).

xposition: Ancient records hold that scientists exploring the
of evolution proposed the experimental gene therapy known
as “Cortexin.” The gas, when used in sequenced therapy with animals, seemed
to accelerate the growth of their prefrontal lobes and often led to unexplained
bipedal locomotion and other anthropomorphisms. The multitude of manimal
orders present on Terra largely trace their origins back to those lab tests. Still,
there are some rad-formed versions of the genotype, set apart by their less-than-
human composition and unpleasant tumors that seemed to have come about
through nature’s own science fair projects.
Most humanoids of Terra hold prejudice against the manimals, believing them to
be savage, instinct-driven, and beyond reasoning with. While these claims may
be true of some of the lesser-evolved clans, many manimals have lived in formal
societies since the days before the cataclysms. Some are even rather attuned
to technologies and live in cities with much of the grandeur of their ancient

Tribal Qualities (roll 1D30 & 1D6)

1-4) Ape/Monkey 17-18) Hog 1) Stone-Age Hunters & Gatherers
5-8) Canine 19-22) Rodent 2) Nomadic Merchants
9-11) Feline 23) Amphibian/Reptile 3) Dark Age Warband
12-13) Bear 24-25) Bird 4) Utopian Monastery
14-15) Buffalo 26-29) Insect 5) Technologically Advanced Isolationists
16) Rhino/Elephant 30) Fish 6) Cannibalistic Mystics

107 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 107

Organization: Tribal
Size: Large
Move: 40’, Climb 35’
Armor Class: 13 +Armor
Hit Dice: 4D6 (14 hp)
Initiative: +3 Crit: M/D10
Atk Melee: By weapon -1
Act Dice: 2D20
Saves: Fort -1, Ref +3, Will +6
Trade Goods/Techno-Trove

Special Properties
Ambidexterous – Mantis-men
(Skruvs) have extreme articulation
in their arm and wrist joints and a great deal of coordination. This allows them
to direct actions and posit a defense in any direction without penalty nor favor
to their foes. Further, they utilize both hands equally well and can take 2 actions
each round (2D20 action dice).
Fast Logic – Skruvs think fast and can coordinate an amazing number of details
in their mind while considering decisions or interpreting a situation. In support of
this fact, they are always +6 for Int checks dealing with discernment/gullibility.
Infrared Vision – Seeing into the infrared spectrum allows them to notice
creatures that are normally hidden or invisible, but at the same time opens
them up to being duped by methods that block infrared light or otherwise
dampen heat signatures. This vision is far more acute during evening
hours, and Skruvs out during the heat of the day will often wear goggles to
compensate for this short-coming. When appropriate, infrared vision will
either grant the mantis-person a +1D or -1D to their “perception” rolls.

xposition: Spuriously considered as insect “devils” by the
of Terra, their outward appearance is the only thing a
mantis-person has in common with those dreaded pests from beyond the
radiation barrier. Mantis-men (or Skruvs as they call themselves) are yet
another off-world intelligence that has come to take advantage of the
unique conditions on Terra. These arthropodal aliens hail from a planet of
great industry and technology. Called Jan’Kar, the planet is a beehive of
metallic buildings and infrastructure conduits, with little to no organic
space left upon its surface. Having invented faster-than-light travel early
in their evolution, the mantis-people off-set this deficit by traveling the
galaxy to make deals with other civilizations and harvesting resources
from backwater worlds.

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 108108

Skruvian social currency is tied heavily into occupation and corporate esteem.
Five companies make up 80% of all holdings within their empire. Their world
is run by high-ranking executives from within those organizations. A mantis-
person introduces itself first by the company for which it works, then by its
position, and last by its personal name: “I am of the Kar-Da’Jor corporation;
manager of aggregate acquisition; employee Teera-Gee’Tin.” And if addressed
by only their personal name, it is taken as a great insult-belittling their
company and position. The 5 big companies contain an incredible diversity of
interests, and it is customary that if one company begins a new venture into a
yet untapped industry, the other companies should follow suit. To not provide
competition in this manner is seen as a despicable insult to the other company,
as if saying that their venture is pointless and they are foolish for pursing it.
By this manner their imprint on Terra has grown quite a bit over the years.
In fact, large Skruvian vessels land and take off nearly monthly-a sight that
fills neighboring tribes with wonder and superstition. These creatures come in
work teams to seize any opportunity that might be found. Their activities range
from scavenging the high-grade dura-metals of the bombed-out ancient cities,
to mining for diamonds and other precious materials found in the upturned
strata of the ruined world, to production of a cellulose nutrient gel made from
the pulped fibers of the hothouse jungles (a substance they call “T’arefadda”

and consume for most meals). Business is good for them on Terra-though the
impacts on the planet are far from that.
Not “slavers” in their own minds, the mantis-people often convince native
populations to work grueling hours under tough conditions in support of their
interests. These deals are often struck for low-end technologies or the promise
of allegiance. Skruvian law puts no restriction on interactions with foreign
intelligences. Making friends with a group of these mantis-people (though it
will have its price) is a surefire way to borrow firepower against the hostilities
of other tribes. Truthfully though, the mantis-men are physically weak, and
need the natives for some of the more rigorous endeavors. But what they lack in
strength, they make up for in speed and engineering.

he Company: The following chart can help discern what company a
works for, what their position is, and what they’ve come to
Terra to do.

Company Assignments (roll 1D16, 1D8 & 1D8)

Employed by... Position... Current Assignment...
1-2) T'Grat and Associates 1) Custodial Services 1) Product test center for virgin
3-6) Kar-Da'Jor Intergalactic 2) Head of Human Resources
Holdings 2) Increasing output for a
3) Quality Assurance Agent material mining operation
7-8) Za'Te-Jak Consolidated 4) Special Project Accountant 3) Reclamation of scrap metals
9-12) Jeel-Tret Inc. 5) Design and Implementation and recyclable resources
13-14) Koll'Jen-Tak & Kin'Zadri 6) Head of Security 4) Production of “T’arefadda”
15) Tren'Jer (a middle-weight 7) Director of Operations 6) Establishment of a remote
company) warehouse
8) Customer Relations Rep.
16) Zor-Zar'Jex (a little-known 7) Privately run penal colony
8) Establish a new labor force

109 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 109

Organization: Solitary
Disposition: Dominating/Antagonistic
Size: Tiny
Move: 5’
Armor Class: 14
Hit Dice: 2D4 (5 hp)
Initiative: +4 Crit: III/D8
Atk Melee: Grab +6 (special)
Act Dice: 2D20
Saves: Fort -2, Ref +1, Will +7
Treasure: Victims’ Effects
Special Properties
Commandeer Control – After
scoring a grab on the target’s head,
the mindbender makes a +4 check
each round (until successful) on the following list. Victims are allowed a Will save
against this roll to negate it for the round. (1) The creature flails about twisting its
neuro filaments or getting caught within the target’s clothes/body features.
The mindbender takes 1D3 dmg and cannot attempt this power again this
encounter. (2-11) The creature’s filaments are pinched or twisted; sore, it
cannot attempt this power again this encounter. (12-14) Neuro filaments are
inserted (target takes 1D3 subdual dmg). Half the creature is commandeered.
The mindbender (on its own initiative) may use half the creature’s action
dice. If the creature only has 1 die (or an odd number), the (remaining) die
is split (rounding up) and both the creature and the mindbender may take an
action at half this die. Thus, a creature with a 1D20 action die gets to make
a 1D10 action roll on its turn while the mindbender rolls a 1D10 to use the
creature’s body on the mindbender’s turn. While in this state, the mindbender
must forfeit one of its own actions to maintain control. Its other action can
be used to attempt a better roll of this ability (ignore results less than 15).
(15-19) Neuro filaments are inserted (target takes 1D6 subdual dmg). The
mindbender has complete control over the subject. They may take up to
2 actions with the creature, having all access and understanding of the
target’s abilities, equipment, and powers. Alternately, the mindbender can
take one action with their captive and one action using their own abilities
(and action dice). The target may attempt a new Will save each round to
wrestle control from the fiend. If successful, the target may take one action
(using their best die) on their turn (regardless of how many action dice
the mindbender has used up). (20+) Neuro filaments are inserted (target
takes 1D6 subdual dmg). The fiend has such deep and total control over
the subject that they may only make additional Will saves every 12 hours of
domination. The mindbender is still limited to taking two actions per round
even if the target has more action dice (any extra dice are just wasted; no one
gets to use them).
Sponsored by Cory Welch 110110
Grab – The mindbender positions itself in a place where it might get a quick
“grab” attack on a creature’s head. This might be a drop from a ceiling,
doorway, low-growing limb, or even by hiding itself within a helmet. This
attack is made at +6. If unsuccessful, it can use its second action to make a
grab somewhere else on the creature (at -1D), after which things go into normal
initiative. Should the fiend succeed, it then extends out its neuro filaments to
insert them into the subject’s facial cavities in pursuit of their brain.
Obtuse Technology – A mindbender is likely to have any one of these
miniature pieces of technology on it. Each is operated by commands given
in the mindbender’s high-frequency tones. Roll a 1D6: (1) similar tech (the
mindbender has 1D3 pieces of technology similar to artifacts found in the
MCC rule book); (2) neuro wave jammer (with a touch attack, the device shuts
down the victim’s nervous system and leaves them comatose on a failed DC
13 Will save); (3) energy lasso (this weapon has an 8’ range, deals 1D7 dmg,
and can entrap a target on a failed DC 8 Ref save); (4) slave system (after
commandeering a creature, this implant will allow remote control of them later-
use the same rolls and saves as the commandeer check); (5-6) extra devices (roll
to get 2).
Probability to the 10th Decimal Place – Mindbenders have uncanny precognition.
When a turn of events goes against them, they may roll this ability with a +2. (1)

THIS IS NOT THE FUTURE THEY FORESAW! The mindbender is -1D for
the rest of the encounter and cannot use this ability again during it. (2-11) The
seekers have surprised and befuddled the mindbender. It cannot use this ability
for the rest of the encounter. (12-14) The mindbender has a special piece of
equipment in place that will negate the situation during their next round. (15-17)
The mindbender has 2D3 other mindbenders waiting in the wings for just such a
situation, and you should see what creatures they’ve commandeered... (18-19) It
has been a trap all along! The PCs must make a DC 16 Ref save or fall victim to a
trap that requires a DC 12 to escape (using whatever skill the judge assigns based
on his/her concept for the trap). (20+) In some way the seekers’ actions have been
turned against them. Not only is their triumph negated, but the mindbenders gain a
+1D advantage for their next round of actions.
Screech – The mindbenders communicate in ultrasonic calls that are harmful
to most creatures’ ears. Those hearing it suffer 1-2 points of subdual dmg
(unless they make a DC 10 Ref save to cover their ears).
Suction Cup Feet – The mindbender’s tentacled base gives it the ability to walk on
walls and ceilings, and cling to things with a +3 skill.

xposition: The mindbender is an odd being shaped almost like a
shell with dozens of small translucent tentacles underneath. The
feet are extremely sticky and even end in suction-cup-like concavities. With
them, the creature is able to slowly move across almost any surface. The
mindbender is highly intelligent (Int 22) and sees lesser lifeforms as mere
beasts. It has 4 filament arms that it can use to connect to other organisms’
brains, controlling them while affixed to the back of their necks. These
fiends see humanoids in the same light many of us might think of a horse
or pet dog. Their culture builds great kingdoms in remote areas where these
other lifeforms are imprisoned for the sake of labor and luxury. Yes, many
mindbenders love to show off their stables full of dominated beings.

111 Sponsored by Cory Welch 111

Mollusk, Mutated
Organization: Solitary
Disposition: Grazer/Predatory
Size: Large/Huge/Massive
Move: 20’, Climb 20’, Swim 40’
Armor Class: 11 (or special)
Hit Dice: 3D12 (19 hp)
Initiative: -3 Crit: M/D8
Atk Melee: +2 (see below)
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort +3, Ref -1, Will +1
Treasure: Carcass
Special Properties
(Choose 1D4)
Appendages Mucus Protection
Wildcard Mutations
Appendages – Mollusks may have a weird assortment of
limbs. Choose all that apply: (A) tentacles (creature gains another 1D20 action
die for every 3 tentacles, +2 to gripping and holding targets); (B) eyestalks
(creature cannot be surprised or “backstabbed”); (C) stomach foot (the
mollusk crawls on a pad upon its belly or a tongue-like hunk of meat, it cannot
be knocked back or prone); (D) water siphon (this mollusk can vent out water,
moving itself 60’ every other round); (E) beak (tough beak-like mouth: +2
to attack and deals 2D7 dmg); (F) harpoon (barbed tongue can shoot out
30’ at a +4 attack, deals 1D7 dmg and target is grappled, DC 14 to escape);
(G) radula (this tooth-covered tongue can swing out like a sword with +2 to
attack and 1D8 +2 dmg); (H) rhinophores (these sensory “horns” can detect
the scent of a creature up to 100’ away with +5 to perception-style rolls); (I)
inhalant valve (creature can make a +4 action roll to suck in all objects within
20’-seekers may make a Str check vs. this result to prevent themselves from
being dragged into the mollusk’s space).
Mucus – A mollusk is typically covered in a slime-coating that facilitates
movement and protects it from drying out. The mucus may have any of the
following properties. Roll 1D10: (1) stinking (characters with Per scores
over 6 are at a -1D penalty while within 10’ due to stench); (2) sticky
(anything that makes contact with the mucus requires a DC 8 Str check
to pull free); (3) flammable (if lit, the slime burns hot, 1D8 dmg, harming
the creature and anything that has been coated through touch); (4) slippery
(while in melee with the beast, characters must make DC 8 Ref saves or
fall prone at the end of their actions); (5) acidic (contact with the slime
deals 1D3 dmg, +1 dmg per round until washed off); (6) glowing (the slime
has neon properties that illuminate 5’ out from anything it has coated-lasts
2D4 hours); (7) nauseating (roll a DC 12 Fort save-if failed the character
loses 1 action while retching for 1D3 rounds); (8) hunger-inducing (aside

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 112112

from the mollusk itself, carnivorous creatures that smell the pheromones of the
mucus must make a DC 10 Will save or direct all their attacks upon anything-
perhaps a PC?-coated in the substance); (9) poisonous (make DC 8 vs. Fort save
or target will die in 1D20 rounds-successful saves still take 1D12 dmg); (10)
collective properties (roll to get 2 properties for this mucus).
Protection – Aside from the mucus above, different mollusks have a collection
of adaptations for protecting themselves. Choose: (A) back shell (AC 15); (B)
bivalve (has shells that clasp over it, giving it an AC 19); (C) exhalent valve
(kicks up a jet of water and sand, pushing target back 50’ on a failed Ref save
vs. +2 mutation check); (D) ink (clouds up a 20’ radius of water, -2D to all
sight-based actions) (E) squirt (the mollusk can make a +3 ranged squirt attack,
if successful target is blinded for 1D4 rounds); (F) mantle plate (a chunk of shell
is hid beneath the creature’s flesh, bringing them to AC 13); (G) thick-skinned
(physical dmg is taken at -1D); (H) pearl (the creature’s defensive enzymes
have formed a pearl of tremendous size worth 3D30 in “trade value”).
Wildcard Mutations – The mollusk has a unique power. Roll 1D10: (1) lazer eyes
(eyes drift about, constantly shooting off beams-all within 70’ must make a Ref save
Mollusk, Mutated

vs. 7 or take 3D4 dmg); (2) chimeric (creature is double-facing, having a “front
side” both in front and back-actions are doubled and perception-type rolls are at
+1D); (3) teleportation (on a 12+ mutation check the creature can move anywhere
within 500’); (4) intellectual (Int 19=+3, Per 14=+1, 50% chance of speaking Nu-
Speak); (5) rubberized (melee attacks deal ½ dmg and send the attacker bouncing
back 1D16 ft); (6) cybernetic shell (the mollusk’s shell has 2D3 pieces of built-in
equipment randomly generated from the “Robot, Deadly” entry); (7) magnetic
shell (pulls/holds metallic items to it from up to 15’ away with a DC 15 force); (8)
bioluminescent (creatures within sight must make a DC 8 Will save or just stare at
this vibrant display for 1D3 rounds); (9) matter-mimicking (the mollusk can make
a DC 14 mutation check to take on the form of whatever it touches-wood, metal,
water, etc.-the judge should assign benefits and vulnerabilities for this material); (10)
veggie-rot (the creature exudes an invisible cloud that rots plant material-plantients
must make a DC 12 Fort save or take 3D4 dmg and lose 1D4 temporary Sta points).

xposition: Even before they had mutated to car-sized menaces,
were held in disgust by most Terrans. Something about their
mucus-coated flesh, their ochre colors, their quailing, tentacled appendages...
Such odd and pliable body designs seem foreign to even the lowest of mutants.
Mollusks pervade everywhere! Whether it’s a giant clam tempting tribal skin
divers to snag its pearl, a massive squid harassing a PC’s outrigger, or a 10’
slug emerging from the detritus of a fallen redwood to sample the taste of a
passing seeker party-they can be found in the least suspected environment
at the least suspected moment. Use the options above to build your desired
mollusk. Remember this category includes oversized slugs, snails, oysters,
scallops, clams, squids, cuttlefish, octopi, and nautili-and all their highly-
mutated descendants!

ar-Thor Stew-It's Survival Advice: Despite their
them mollusks make dang swell vittles! I don’t care how slimy it
was-you fetch me some garlic and butter sauce, and we gonna’ eat good!
🌲🌲 Armor and Shields – The shells of giant mollusks make good armor
(AC +2, 1D7 fumble die) and perfect shields (+1 AC).

113 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 113

Mount, Mutated
Organization: Solitary
Disposition: Parasitic
Size: Large
Move: 80’
Armor Class: 18
Hit Dice: 3D8 (13 hp)
Initiative: +5 Crit: A/D3
Atk Melee: Hoof +2 (1D6)
Atk Missile:
Photon Blast +2 (3D4)
Act Dice: 1D20
AI Recog: 16
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +4
Treasure: None
Special Properties
Bio-Photonic Fusion – When the centaurgration module is activated, the wearer’s
mitochondrial energies are tapped into to provide for the creation of a hard light
structure around their legs and hips tailored to look something like a horse’s
body. In total, this gives the operator an almost centaur-like esthetic and allows
them, through sheer thought, to take off at an amazing gallop. The movement is
effortless to the user but drains them from a biological standpoint nonetheless.
Users must temporarily sacrifice 1 point of physical stats (Str, Agil, Sta) to initiate
this process and give up an additional point for every hour of use thereafter. The
module can be disengaged as a free action. While in this mode the operator gains
+1D5 to melee attacks and rolls connected to jumping or speed.
Loiter Mode – By bequeathing the module extra energy (subtracting another
temporary point of a physical stat from the user), the unit can fire out a light-bug
to display itself as a full-blown, brightly colored holographic horse. This creature
is considered a hard light hologram and can interact with the surroundings
in a rather normal way. It has its own AI but is constantly communicating
with the user’s mind wirelessly. (When the device is first activated, it
implants sensors and remote signaling transponders into the user to
synergize with their biometrics.)
Invulnerability – Only heat-generating attacks can outright damage these
constructs. Other attacks bounce harmlessly off. While in “centaurgration
mode,” any undeclared attacks have simply a 50% chance of hitting the
holographic horse portion instead of the user’s upper body.

Eisxposition: “But why would they-” AW SHUT UP! This

heavy-metal-concept-album type stuff; don’t question it! The
centaurgration is a high-tech girdle that integrates with a single user,

Sponsored by The Long Con 114114

creating a symbiotic connection to them. Though it has its own AI and can
project itself as a separate, digital horse, its most fantastic form is a hard light
construct forming around the wearer and giving them centaur-like properties. In
this mode the wearer becomes part of the hard light creature, gaining access to
its insane speed! However, this device has a drawback. Using it requires energy
from operator’s own body, draining them slowly of their strength.

Org: Clan Dis: Territorial/Dominant Sz: Large Mv: 45’
AC: 15 HD: 4D8 (18 hp) Init: +0 Crit: M/D10
Atk (Me): Hoof +4 (1D5 +4) Act: 1D20
Sv: Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +3 Treas: None
Special Properties
Hold Ground – The eight legs of a centisteed are well designed for travel over
uneven ground and across loose soils and sand and even for climbing rocky
hillsides. For any skill checks due to issues of “footing,” the centisteed gains a
+1D8 bonus die. This die can also be applied as a modifier against creatures trying
Mount, Mutated

to push or move the mount. A centisteed never suffers from falling prone while
alive and conscious.
Trample – If charging into the same space as a target, the centisteed can make
a +6 trample attack dealing 3D5 dmg. Targets can make a Ref save against the
attack roll for half dmg.
Tremor Sense – Even slight vibrations in the ground from the approach of a large
creature or army or from creatures digging below sets off the steed’s apprehension,
and it will begin to neigh and stomp. It can detect such things with a +5 skill.

xposition: The centisteed is a broad, eight-legged horse whose
have a certain “spidery” look to the way their joints move.
The creature has a low point of gravity but is very heavy and long compared
to a traditional horse. They are stubborn creatures and very hard to break/train
(requiring weeks’ worth of DC 15 Per checks). The arrangement of the steed’s legs
and their extra wide hooves place them at the top of the list for all-terrain travel.

Centisteed Mounts: Though hard to domesticate, centisteeds

make for great mounts across most terrains. Their many limber legs make
them highly maneuverable if not a little slow. Mounted PCs are +1 to attack/AC.
Roll an Agility check on the following chart when attempting a maneuver:
1 Maneuver fails; rolls for handling this beast drop by -1D; rider must roll
on the Riding Mishaps table.
2-5 Maneuver fails. Roll on the Riding Mishaps table.
6-8 Maneuver fails but may be attempted again next round.
9-15 Maneuver is successful.
16-20 Maneuver is dramatically successful; rider is in a great position and
receives +1D to all actions next round.
21+ Maneuver is a complete success. Rider may make an attack with a +1D5
mighty deed of arms die (as described on page 88 of the DCC rule book),
while the centisteed can make a double move.

115 Sponsored by The Long Con 115

Centisteed Riding Mishaps Roll 1D4: (1) rider slides off side and is an
incidental target of the beast’s trample attack; (2) the steed bucks, requiring
the rider to make a DC 15 Str test or be thrown 3D6 feet randomly and take
1D4 dmg; (3) the steed moves for the highest point of elevation within sight and
begins to climb it; (4) centisteed pauses in exhaustion, giving opponents +1D to
actions against the steed and its rider.

Org: Solitary Dis: Submissive Sz: Large Mv: 60’, Fly 80’
AC: 16 HD: 4D10 (22 hp) Init: +3 Crit: A/D4
Atk (Me): Kick +4 (1D8) Atk (Mi): Lazers +4 (6D6) Act: 2D20
AI Recog: 14 Sv: Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2 Treas: None
Special Properties
A Trick Pony – A cyber-stallion comes complete with some built-in equipment.
Roll a 1D12: (1) nano-cord winch (150’ of cord pulled with a +8 Str rating); (2)
environmental field (this energy field can be activated to provide 1 hr of life support

Mount, Mutated
and temperature control to the rider); (3) radio communication array (the steed’s
equipment can send and pick up com-badge signals and holo-transmissions across a
100 mile radius); (4) solar charger (hooked up to a cell, this recharger can-while in
sunlight-recharge 1 unit of energy each hr); (5) transform: rocket sled (the horse’s
mechanical side can fold in, replacing its legs with cycle wheels and allowing
for travel at 300’ per round for 2D4 rounds); (6) transform: aqueous (the robotic
portions fold into fins and a turbine-oxygen masks are extended out for the rider
and the horse so that it can swim and dive at 40’ per round); (7) spy satellite uplink
(the horse’s console can receive detailed overhead pictures of the surrounding area);
(8) distraction/signal strobe (immensely bright flashes of light broadcast the steed’s
position while blinding those within 20’ for 1D3 rounds if they fail a DC 10 Ref
save); (9) force shield (can be directed in any one arc from the creature creating
a wall of force that blocks up to 3D10 dmg from every incoming attack for 2D4
rounds before having to recharge for a day-rider can change the arc’s direction as
a move-equivalent action); (10) regular tech (the mount can be considered to have
1D4 items from the MCC rule book built in to it); (11) anti-theft system (when
turned on, if the owner hasn’t given the command word, anyone touching the steed
takes a 3D4 electrical shock); (12) extra tech (roll to get 3 results from this listing).

xposition: A cyber-stallion is a cyborg horse created by some mad
during the end of the ancient epoch. Like other cyberware, the
cybernetic components are self-grafting and capable of transforming an
otherwise “lame” steed into a useful mount once more. Cyber-stallions have
built-in jet thrusters for clearing great obstacles. A cyber-stallion’s AI system is
quite accepting of new “masters,” making them one of the easier mounts to use.

Cyber-Stallion Mounts: A bit jerky and less of a

symbiotic experience as riding a natural mount, the cyber-stallion’s array of
equipment makes it a fair trade for some. Mounted PCs are +1 to attack/AC.
Roll an Agility check on the following chart when attempting a maneuver:
1 Maneuver fails; steed goes into powered-down system check of for 1D3
rounds; rider must roll on the Riding Mishaps table.

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2-7 Maneuver fails. Roll on the Riding Mishaps table.
8-11 Maneuver fails but may be attempted again next round.
12-18 Maneuver is successful.
19-20 Steed’s robotic upgrades make an easy execution of the maneuver. Rider
or steed may make a bonus action this round using a 1D16 action die.
21+ Maneuver sets the mount up for the use of a “one time” piece of equipment
inaccessible after this scene. This piece of equipment can act with an effect equal
to 1D20+5 (use this as a skill roll, a DC for the target to overcome, dmg, a save...
whatever seems to fit with the situation as described by the judge/player).
Cyber-Stallion Riding Mishaps Roll 1D4: (1) Overexerted servos release
static feedback dealing 1D5 to rider and requiring a DC 10 save for them to stay
on the mount; (2) accidental engagement one of the horse’s built-in equipment
pieces causes some complication for the rider (a grapple gun misfires entangling
the creature with a bit of terrain, onboard lazers strike at an ally, etc.); (3) system
glitch!-the stallion comes to a sudden stop throwing the rider 1D3 x10’ if they
fail a DC 12 Str roll-mount activates again next round; (4) broken component-
stallion’s move drops to half until a DC 15 repair can be made.
Mount, Mutated

Org: Family Dis: Skittish Sz: Large Mv: 60’, Fly 100’
AC: 15 HD: 3D10 (16 hp) Init: +2 Crit: M/D8
Atk (Me) : Hoof +3 (1D4 +2) Atk (Me) : Tail Spikes +3 (1D6)
Act: 1D20, 1D16 Sv: Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +1 Treas: None
Special Properties
Downwash – The pegasaurus can spend an action stirring up debris with its wings.
It makes a +6 skill roll and all characters within a 50’ radius must make a Ref save
against that result or lose their next action (bonus action dice may still be used).

xposition: The pegasaurus is a scaly black horse with pterodactyl
It can fly with up to 500 lbs on its back and has a 30’ wingspan.

egasaurus Mounts: Skittish and therefore hard to control,
the brave would take to the skies with this mount! +1 to PC’s attack/AC.
Roll an Agility check on the following chart when attempting a maneuver:
1 Maneuver fails; beast tries for 3 actions to throw rider. Roll on the Riding
Mishaps table.
2-7 Maneuver fails. Roll on the Riding Mishaps table.
8-11 Maneuver fails but may be attempted again next round.
12-17 Maneuver is successful.
18-19 Breathtaking maneuver! AC of rider/mount are +3 for the next round.
21+ Maneuver is a complete success. Rider gains a +1D16 bonus action;
mount may double its speed this round, both gain +3 AC.
Pegasaurus Riding Mishaps Roll 1D4: (1) rider falls from steed, DC
12 Ref save to grab leg; (2) gusts of wind randomly blow away a piece of the
PC’s equipment; (3) pegasaurus slaps rider with tail (1D6 dmg); (4) steed
goes into a dive/climb and rider must roll DC 10 Fort save or pass out from
G-forces for the next 1D3 rounds.
117 Sponsored by The Long Con 117
Organization: Solitary
Mushroom c ap
Disposition: Parasitic
Size: Tiny
Move: nil
Armor Class:
11 (or +1 to wearer’s)
Hit Dice: 1D3 (2 hp)
Initiative: +1 Crit: M/D4
Atk Melee:
Secretion (see below)
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort +6, Ref -2, Will +10
Treasure: Victims’ Effects
Special Properties
Dulcet – Upon first sight, this
creature appears as a “darn spiffy” hat. PCs must (if not already interested in
wearing it) make a DC 7 Will save against its psychic luring or seek to place it
on their heads. Once worn, the wearer will refuse to take it off under any
condition, requiring a DC 17 Will check to do so. If the hat is pulled from
their head against their will, the wearer will suffer 1D2 hp of dmg. The
mushroom cap fits so perfectly (adjusting itself to the target’s skull) that
it has no chance of falling or being blown off and only a 30% chance of
coming off while underwater. Immediately after losing the cap, the former
wearer temporarily loses 2D3 from their Per (which they instantly regain if
they put the “hat” back on; otherwise it is regained with rest and time).
Mental Succor – The mushroom cap grants an additional +1 to all Int and
Per rolls. Further, the wearer can “sense” all sentient (Int 4+) lifeforms
within 60’ regardless of sight (making the wearer hard to ambush).
Psychic Mediatrix – The cap actually boosts psychic and mental powers.
The judge is encouraged to elaborate on mutation check results for
characters wearing the creature, but at a very base level all associated die
rolls (including the checks themselves) are made at +1D.
Skull Rot – The creature is always secreting a low-grade acid upon the
wearer’s scalp and absorbing in the nutrient slush this creates. Effectively
this amounts to 1 hp of dmg every day (normally taken while asleep).
In a few weeks, the character loses the topmost portion of their hair. A
couple months pass, and their scalp is bloody and raw. Next thing you
know, the cap has worked its way down to their skull. By the time a
year has passed, the creature has turned the victim’s crown to jelly and
is working its way down to the brain. This visible damage is rarely seen
though, for the wearer never wishes to be without this hat (explaining
this predicament to the player may be a way to invite them to do some
fun and comical role playing).
Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 118118
Eisxposition: Rarely found outside of a host, the mushroom cap
a flexible fungi growth that largely looks like headwear. Many are
shaped like a knit skull cap of ancient design. PCs will find them warm and
comfortable when tried on. Not long after placing the creature on their head,
a seeker will have an overwhelming feeling of mellow content. They may find
this “hat” actually grants them the ability to detect the minds of others and
even augments any psychic ability they already have.
What they will not realize (while under the mushroom cap’s influence) is that
this thing is quite alive and slowly digesting their hair, scalp, skull, and brain
over the course of many months.
The cap is most commonly found on the dried husk of its former host. Here
it will appear dusty and dry (as it will have entered a dormant state). Once
a sentient being has touched it, it will awaken its mental powers and place a
certain desire to have and wear it within the seeker’s mind; once the cap is
placed upon their head, this influence only multiplies.
After multiple cycles of dormancy and active feeding, the mushroom cap
will mature, burst open in a display of white cottony material, and release
thousands of spores-a few of which will actually grow into mushroom caps
Mushroom Cap

after landing in damp, warm areas.

While the sock-cap shape is most notable, some varieties of this menace grow
in shapes more reminiscent of ball caps, hoods, motorcycle helmets, toupees,
and even sombreros.

ar-Thor Stew-It's Survival Advice: Mushroom
Oh, honey, didn’t yur mother ever teach you not to share headgear
with strangers? Could be worse though-at least it’s not demento-lice or
rabie-scabies. If you need to remove a mushroom cap here are some good ol’
🌲🌲 Miraculous Whip – This white, oily unguent was used by the ancients
for all sorts of head and scalp issues-sometimes they even ate it to
prevent indigestion. If you can find a jar of this (common among ancient
kitchens), smearing it upon the cap will cause it to turn dung-brown
overnight and smell horrific (the wearer will instantly be released of the
cap’s dulcet powers).
🌲🌲 “Onion Sweat” – After eating 3 fistfuls of marsh onions, if the affected
individual is made to run for 20 minutes or more, the creature will
sluff right off the top of their head-drunk off of the onion sweat this
🌲🌲 Talc – Fine dry powers such as talc, flour, or chalk can be applied 3
times a day for 3 to 4 days (dealing 2 hp of dmg to the creature each
day). At the end of this sequence the mushroom cap will have withered
and died.
🌲🌲 Electric Shocks – (1 point of dmg or more) These often clear the mind
of a wearer (for 1D5 rounds) and help them break the habit of wearing
the mushroom cap.

119 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 119

Organization: Tribal
Disposition: Apprehensive
Size: Medium
Move: 30’
Armor Class: 10 +Armor
Hit Dice: 3D5 (11 hp)
Initiative: +1D3 +1 Crit: III/D8
Atk Melee/Missile: By weapon +1
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +1
Treasure: Personal Effects
Special Properties
(Choose 1D4)
Claws Dermal Issues
Elemental Control Energy Projection
Extra Limbs Extra Senses
Meta-Movement Mind Control Mind Reader Telekinetic
Claws – This creature’s gnarled claws are the perfect tool for climbing (+5),
grappling (+3), and making unarmed attacks (+3, 1D6 dmg).
Dermal Issues – Roll a 1D7. (1) The mutant has tough, metal-like skin; -5’ to
movement, +6 to armor. (2) The creature is covered in a thorny exoskeleton; +4 to
armor, +2 to melee attacks. (3) The skin of this being is of odd color and covered
in a syrup-like perspiration. They are able to climb flat surfaces and have a +4 to
grappling a target. Weapon strikes may result in a “disarm” if the attacker fails a
Luck check. (4) This recluse brandishes thousands of boils and sores. They cause
viewers to retreat in fear (on a failed DC 8 Will save) and can infect those who
get within 5’ with a skin rash that drops their Per by 1D3 until cured. (5) The
mutant’s skin is camouflaged or perhaps translucent. They gain +3 to their AC and
rolls involving “sneaking/hiding.” (6) The mutant’s skin may be reactive toward
sunlight, water, oxygen, or certain types of metals. Exposure places a -1D penalty
on them and deals 1D3 dmg per round. (7) Their floppy skin allows them to
reach 3D6 ft away and flatten down to less than 3” of thickness. They take
only ½ dmg from bludgeoning attacks and are +2 to AC and attack rolls
when in melee.
Elemental Control – This being can produce or command either (roll 1D5)
(1) water, (2) air, (3) fire, (4) earth, or (5) all elemental forms. They can
bring into existence 5 ft3 of the substance each round, or fire it at a target
for 3D4 dmg. Lastly, they can improve melee dmg and produce special
effects with it using a 1D6-similar to the use of a DCC mighty deed die.
Energy Projection – Roll 1D8. Dense beams of (1) light, (2) radiation,
(3) sound, (4) electricity, (5) heat, (6) cold, (7) gravity, or (8) maybe just
kinetic force can be fired from part of this mutant’s body. This 30’ missile
attack is +3 to hit and deals 3D6 dmg.
Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 120120
Extra Limbs – Roll a 1D6: (1) The mutant has 2 heads and gains +4 to Init,
perception, Will saves, and Int checks; (2) the mutant has extra legs (move and
climb at +10’ per round and cannot normally be knocked back or down); (3)
extra arms (+1d16 action die); (4) the mutant has several grotesque appendages,
like squid tentacles, fish fins, lizard claws, or ectopic jowls (each usable for a
+1D5 effect-similar to the mighty deed die from DCC); (5) this mutant has extra
organs (+5 to hp and Fort saves); (6) roll for 2 of the above outcomes, double
the effects if a result is repeated.
Extra Senses – Extra senses will grant +1D5 to applicable situations. Roll
1D5: On a (1) it is heightened smell; on (2) it is sub-sonic hearing; on (3) it is
telescopic or microscopic vision; on (4) they have heat-vision; and on (5) they
can detect and interpret life-force auras.
Meta-Movement – With oddities like wings, fins, or other obtuse additions, the
mutant can (roll 1D6): (1) fly 50’; (2) burrow 20’; (3) swim 40’; (4) glide 25’;
(5) teleport 500’; (6) move under their own projection of gravity 30’.
Mind Control – The mutant can direct a +3 mind control action against a
creature forcing them to make an opposed Will save or perform actions under
their direction. New saves may be attempted each round as the target struggles
to get free.
Mind Reader – The mutoid can roll a +2 mutation check against a target’s
Will save. If the mutant rolls higher they may read the target’s mind and share

thoughts/ideas. If they beat the target’s roll by 10+, they may bend the target’s
perception of reality causing them to see things that aren’t real or feel intense
emotions toward something that weren’t previously felt, or the mutant can
trigger an involuntary emotional response (laughing, crying, shaking with anger,
etc.) for 1D3 rounds.
Telekinetic – This mutoid’s mind powers can move up to 1D8 x50 pounds worth
of material through the air (to a height of 20’) with a Str of 16 (+2).This power
may be directed as a 1D20 bonus action each round.

xposition: The radioactive ruins of this planet have birthed a multitude
beings cursed with malformations yet blessed with powers that approach
godhood. The mutants of Terra fit within the “snowflake” paradigm of diversity.
Above are some common powers and setbacks. While not exhaustive, this entry
is designed to help the judge put together a quick band of mutants without a lot
of flipping through source materials.

Common Possessions (roll 1D16 x3)

1) Hairpipe Chestplate (AC +1) 6) Wicker Pack 11) Rustic Enviro Suit (AC +3)
2) Ancient Coffee Table Book 7) 30’ of Vine Rope 12) Thermo-Sword (1D12 dmg)
3) Force Field Belt (AC+3, 25 hp) 8) Cured Meat Sticks 13) Crossbow (80’, 1D6 dmg)
4) Walking Stick (1D4 dmg) 9) Medicinal Herbs 14) Portable Spotlight
5) Cybernetic Implant (+1D3) 10) Jar of Animal Fat 15+) Flint Dagger (1D4 dmg)

121 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 121

Organization: Swarm
Mutant’s B ane
Disposition: Parasitic
Size: Tiny
Move: nil
Armor Class: 9
Hit Dice:
1D7 to 4D7 (4 to 16 hp)
Initiative: +0 Crit: nil
Atk Melee:
Radiant Field (special)
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort +4, Ref -4, Will +2
Treasure: Victims’ Effects
Special Properties
Ascendent – These vegetative
lifeforms have a disembodied
consciousness that seeks to hijack the minds of more physically
complex organisms. Mutant’s bane can project its thoughts into any “natural
mind” (pure strain humans, unaltered animals, etc.). Whenever such a being
is within the plant’s 15’ radiant field it may roll a +2 psychic attack against the
being’s Will save. If successful, the being loses 1D3 Per points and the mutant’s
bane can take one round of actions through them. If the target’s Per ever drops
to 0 from such influence, the mutant’s bane gains full control of them.
Both the Poison and the Cure – Strangely, eating the ground-up petals of
a mutant’s bane flower can expel the cosmic consciousness from a PC’s
mind. Have the PC roll a DC 10 Fort roll. If failed, they take 1D2 points
of dmg from stomach cramps. But, if they succeed, the mutant’s bane’s
psyche is driven back into its own dimension for a minimum of 13 days.
Devolution – While in the radiant field, a mutated character (mutant,
manimal, or plantient) must roll a Fort save against the following outcomes
on the first round of exposure and every round thereafter. These effects
subside 24 hours after exposure has ended. Roll a Fort save: (1-2) complete
devolution (gradually over 3 rounds, mutants become normal powerless
humans, manimals become savage beasts, and plantients turn into simple
growing vegetation); (3-14) partial devolution (mutated characters lose
1 element such as a bodily feature, mutant power, or anthropomorphism
and the character is at -2D to their next roll on these outcomes); (15-19)
no effect (the radiant field has not yet affected the character’s evolutionary
adaptations but they are at -1D to their next opposed roll); or (20+) currently
immune (for the rest of this encounter the PC is immune to the devolutionary
effects of the flower and does not need to roll on this list).
Radiant Field – The shimmering glow of the mutant’s bane flower is
an effect of the para-dimensional radiation it gives off. This radiation
Well, slap my fanny and call me Manny! 122122
field (which extends 15’ out from the flower in all directions) has the odd
consequence of negating atomic mutations. Mutants, manimals, and plantients
find themselves sapped of powers, facing a -2D to their mutation rolls while
in the presence of mutant’s bane. They must also roll against “devolution”
as described above. Lead and certain other heavy metals deflect this strange
Slow-Dying – This plant can be cut from the bulb and still maintain radiance
(but not sentience) for 2D4 days.
Swarm – Each mutant’s bane bulb supports dozens of flowers. In fact, there
are fields of this plant found high on mountain plateaus a hundred bulbs thick.
Destroying a single flower is nothing of consequence, so attacks may be rolled
as if against a swarm on the following chart:
Attack Against Mutant’s Bane Hits AC...
9-12 13-16 17-19 20

Piercing No effect No effect No effect Half dmg

Cutting or Half dmg and 5’ Reg. dmg and 5’

1 pt of dmg Half dmg
Bludgeoning space is cleared space is cleared
Attack Types
Mutant’s B ane

Energy No effect No effect Half dmg Regular dmg

Reg. dmg and 5’ Reg. dmg and 10’

Area of Effect Half dmg Regular dmg
space is cleared space is cleared
Double dmg Full array
Herbicide/ Reg. dmg and 5’ Reg. dmg and 10’
and 10’ space is of flowers is
Acid space is cleared space is cleared
cleared devastated

xposition: Mutant’s bane appears as an herbaceous plant with metallic
and intensely glowing flowers. Some have nicknamed it the “space lily.”
This plant creates a field of para-dimensional radiation projected from its glowing
petals. Any unnatural mutation within that space “devolves.” That is, mutant powers
subside, features retract into more natural formations, manimals slowly turn back
into beasts, and plantients find themselves losing consciousness. In and of itself this
is a fantastic thing. So much that those thin-few that know of this plant (for it grows
only in the hardest to reach places) often cultivate it and use its clippings to defend
against or even subjugate the mutant humanoids that thrive on Terra.
What is even more of a secret is that these perennials-whose bulbs are sometimes
centuries old-have an actual consciousness. Yes, they maintain an otherworldly
sentience hidden in a fold of dimensions somewhere between the curvature of
time and the sound of sharp cheddar cheese. This sentience is always bored and
gravely jealous of more mobile beings. It can try to hitchhike inside of the mind
of a “natural” creature (such as a pure strain human or some unaltered animal).
Inside this space it works to wear down their personality and replace it with its
own. Thus, it is quite common that these great chiefs and kings that surround
themselves with mutant’s bane (so as to nullify challengers with “super powers”)
often appear to go slowly mad. The mutant’s bane can only keep up this demesne
so long as the victim is bathed in the flower’s radiant field. Once the flowers have
been removed, possessions of this type stop. Unfortunately, one of the mutant’s
bane’s favorite things to do while in control of another being is to take clippings
from bulbs and plant more of the flower all about the victim’s dwelling.
123 Well, slap my fanny and call me Manny! 123
Organization: Solitary/Clan
Size: Medium
Move: 30’
Armor Class: 11 +Armor
Hit Dice: 4D6 to 8D6 (14 to 28 hp)
Initiative: +1 Crit: III/D10
Atk Melee: Staff +2 (1D4)
Atk Missile:
Arcane Bolt +3 (special)
Act Dice: 1D20, 1D16
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5
Treasure: Personal Effects
Special Properties
(Choose 1D5)
Arcane Bolt Arcane Protection
Arcane Sight Arcane Transformation Critical Failures Curse Imbue
Magic Magical Staff Rite of Summoning Weaver of Illusions
Arcane Bolt – This warlock can throw energy from his/her finger tips in the form of
a: (A) magic meteorite (able to roll to hit a target up to 100’ away even if a non-linear
path is required to reach them and regardless of “sight”-this deals 2D4 dmg); (B)
beam of annihilation (projects a 30’ long beam dealing 5D6 energy dmg); (C) freeze
ray (produces a 100’ long ray that deals 1D6 cold dmg and will hold a target
in place for 1D3 rounds if they fail a DC 10 Ref save); (D) fire blast (a jet of
fire shoots out 15’ and covers a 5’ space with a cone of flame, dealing 2D6);
(E) ectoplasmic rot (a plasmatic death tendril stretches up to 25’ and will rob a
target of 1D4 points of physical stats-player’s choice-if they fail a DC 15 Fort
save); (F) telekinetic bombardment (This 5’ radius area-of-attack spell can be
triggered up to 50’ away from the warlock-those in that space take 4D4 dmg
unless they make a Ref save vs. the mystic’s attack).
Arcane Protection – Powerful sorcerers can enchant themselves or others
with spells of warding. Unless otherwise stated, arcane protections last 1D3
turns. These magical defenses often emanate from some fetish or a marking
placed on the target and fail to work if either is eradicated. Protection spells
include things like: (A) ghost armor (a translucent magical armor faintly
appears around the target of the spell-which may be the mystic themself-
raising the target’s AC by +2D3 for 3D3 rounds); (B) ward against evil
(this spell creates a protection rating of 1D20 +4 such that any malicious
creature must make a Will save against this rating or be unable to touch
or enter melee against the protected target for the spell’s duration or until
the target touches or enters melee with them); (C) missile defense (the
enchantment results in exact beams of magic emanating out from the
Sponsored by Frog God Games 124124
target and destroying incoming physical projectiles on a 1D20 +4 roll against
the opponent’s attack roll); (D) bane of the benevolent (good hearted or heroic
beings find they are given to fits of gagging and convulsion, dropping action rolls
by -2D and draining 1D3 temporary Sta points anytime they are within 8’ of the
protected target and fail a Fort save vs. a rating of 1D20 +4); (E) magic dome (this
casting produces a 15’ sphere around the target that negates all forms of energy
attacks and can block up to 20 points of physical dmg before collapsing); (F)
aegis against detection (devices and powers used to find/view the protected target
operate at a -2D if based on a rolled result or just fail outright 75% of the time if
not requiring a roll-this enchantment lasts for 1D24 hrs); (G) redress of health
(all saves against disease or poison are rolled with a +1D7 bonus die for the next
1D24 hrs); (H) psychic barricade (the enchanted target has a pool of 20 points
for absorbing mental attack dmg and places a -2D burden on any roll to affect the
target’s mind within the spell’s duration).
Arcane Sight – Shamans perform various rituals allowing them to see beyond the
physical realm. They may have spells such as: (A) true sight (roll a 1D20 +4 spell
check, on a 14+ the mystic can see all creatures/objects without regard to things like
camouflage, magic, or other dimensional shifting); (B) farsight (roll a 1D20 +4 spell
check, on a 12+ the mystic can see current events from the perspective of people he/
she knows who are up to 100 miles away-the “surrogate viewer” may prevent this
with a Will save vs. the roll result); (C) precognition (roll a 1D20 +4 spell check, on
a 16+ the mystic can foretell a possible future-this allows them or others they have

shown to enter into the situation they viewed with +1D to all actions); (D) commune
with the dead (roll a 1D20 +4 spell check, on a 14-16 the mystic can see the last 24
hours of life experienced by a dead humanoid they are in physical contact with, on
a 17-19 they can pull memories from up to a full year before the creature’s demise,
and on a 20+ they can view things from throughout its entire lifespan).
Arcane Transformation – This wizard’s powers can bend reality so as to change him/
herself or others into new forms (choose): (A) transmute self to animal (the mystic
after one round of metamorphoses becomes an animal or mutated animal, gaining
all of its normal attributes/abilities and one of its extraordinary powers but retaining
his/her hit points, intelligence, and saves for up to 1D3 turns); (B) transmute others
to vermin (the mystic rolls a 1D20 +4 spell effect against the target’s Will save-if
greater, the target is transformed into some tiny vermin such as a rat, snake, frog, cat,
etc.-they are stuck with only the abilities of this creature for 2D10 rounds but retain
their hit points, intelligence, and saves); (C) disguise self (the mystic must make a
12+ on a 1D20 +4 spell check-the result is their ability to disguise themselves as
someone specific or no one in particular for the next 1D6 hrs as challenged by
an onlooker’s Int check); (D) alter object (roll a 1D20 +2 spell check-on a result
of 12-14 an object can have 2 minor qualities changed about it, on a 15-19 it can
have 2 major qualities changed, and on a 20+ it can be changed in whole to a very
different object-these changes last for 2D10 rounds); (E) terraform environment
(roll a 1D20 +4 spell check and for every point of result up to ton of non-sentient
material around the mystic can be shifted, altered, or eradicated to suit their
design-for this purpose a ton of rock is about 13ft3, a ton of water is 35ft3, a ton of
steel is about 4ft3, and a 8” diameter 30’ high tree is about a ton); (F) enlarge spell
(roll a 1D20 +4 spell check: at a 12-13 result the target gains 50% more height,
+2 Str and +5 hp but -1 AC, at a 14-16 it gains 100% more height, +4 Str and +10
hp but -2 AC, at a 17-19 it gains 200% more height , +6 Str and +15 hp but -4
AC, and at a 20+ it is 400% of its height, +8 Str and +20 hp but -6 AC all for the
125 Sponsored by Frog God Games 125
next 1D2 turns-Will save negates); (G) shrink spell (roll a 1D20 +4 spell check: at
a 12-13 result the target shrinks to 50% of its height and loses -1 Str but gains +2 to
AC and Agil, at a 14-16 result the target shrinks to 25% of its height and loses -3 Str
but gains +4 to AC and Agil, at a 17-19 result the target shrinks to 10% of its height
and loses -4 Str but gains +6 to AC and Agil, and at a 20+ result the target shrinks
to 1% of its height and loses -6 Str but gains +8 to AC and Agil-all for the next 1D2
turns-Will save vs. spell check negates this).
Critical Failures – Anytime a mystic critically fails (rolling a natural 1) in the
use of any of their magic, they cannot use that spell/power again that day and
take 1D6 dmg from magical feedback.
Curse – These magi can hex an opponent with various odious curses that can
only be lifted with the completion of a special quest (known to the caster at the
time of the cursing) or at the whim of the caster. The strength of the curse (against
which the target rolls their save) is generated by a 1D20 +4 spell check. Curses
may include a variety of effects: (A) festering wounds (on a failed Fort save the
target’s wounds and lost attribute points never heal naturally and only gain half
the usual aid from magic and technological healing devices); (B) bumbling (on
a failed Will save the target is at -2D to any actions requiring coordination); (C)
unquenchable thirst (with a failed Will save the PC must consume four times the
water a character normally would or suffer a -1D3 temporary Sta loss each day);
(D) fell-fated (with a failed Will save on any missed combat roll the PC must pass
a Luck check or roll an accidental attack against the most sensible friendly target);

(E) blight (after a failed Fort save each morning for 3 days the PC loses 1D3 Per
points as they amass more and more warts, blisters, boils, and liver spots-if they
lose all of their Per they become unplayable and run off into the wilds to hide
their hideous reflection-lost points are restored when the curse is lifted).
Imbue Magic – The magician can cast their mystical energies into an object, giving
it or its user special powers. The ritual for doing this permanently drains 1D3 of
physical attributes (hp for NPCs) from the enchanter or their sacrificial victim.
Items remain enchanted until consumed (in the case of potions, scrolls, etc.) or
for 1 week per point given up in this process. If these drains result in the death
of the enchanter or a sacrificial victim (by bringing them to 0 in an attribute), the
enchantment will be permanent. This includes things like: (A) magic potions/scrolls
(able to raise, lower, or replenish 2D4 attribute or hit points or mimic one of the
mystic’s other magic powers for one use); (B) enchanted weapons (the weapon
gains a bonus equal to 1D4 for attacking and dmg or has a power that mimics one
of the mystic’s other magical abilities-this power is usable only once per encounter);
(C) arcane traps (the sorcerer inscribes an area with magical words/symbols that
are set off under predetermined conditions-the trap is DC 10 to notice and deals
5D6 when set off); (D) animated objects (an object is brought to life-roll a 1D20 +4
spell check: at 12-13 object has Mv 20’, AC11, HD 1D8, Act 1D16 and zeros for
all other modifers, at 14-16 the object has Mv 30’, AC 12, HD 2D8, Act 1D20 and
+1 for all other modifiers, at 17-19 it has Mv 30’, AC 13, HD 3D8, Act 1D20 and
+2 for all other modifiers, and at 20+ is has Mv 40’, AC 14, HD 4D8, Act 1D20 and
1D16, and a +3 for all other modifiers).
Magical Staff – Many a sorcerer maintains a wicked staff topped with some
mysterious gimcrack laden with magical enchantments and suited for a melee
exchange. The power of this staff can only be used by its creator (the warlock)
and instantly leaves it upon his/her death...or so they say. Pick from the following
Sponsored by Frog God Games 126126
or roll a 1D12 for this staff’s powers: (1) crackling with power (deals an
additional +2D6 energy dmg); (2) strength drain (those hit lose 1D7 points of Str
until the end of the encounter); (3) blocker of blades (as a move action the mystic
can drop their current or next attack die by -1D in order to gain +2 to their AC as
they defend with this staff); (4) kinetic blast (if hit, the target flies back 2D12 feet,
taking a point of dmg for every foot of distance that can’t be completed due to an
obstruction); (5) serpent staff (the staff becomes a snake under the control of the
sorcerer); (6) multi-weapon (the staff can magically transform into any archaic
melee or missile weapon three times per encounter); (7) quake maker (when
struck on the ground, the staff can create a 1D20 +2 ground shudder that everyone
within 30’ must make a Ref save against or fall down, starting their next turn
prone-this can be done 3 times per encounter); (8) dispeller (roll a 1D20 +2 roll
against the roll of any incoming spell, wetware, or mutant power effect-if greater,
the effect is negated); (9) ray of pain (the staff can fire off a 15’ long purple energy
beam that deals 3D6 subdual dmg); (10-11) many faceted (roll to get 2 powers for
this staff); (12) a mighty enchantment (roll to get 4 powers for this staff).
Rite of Summoning – After a ritual lasting at least 3 rounds, the mystic can attempt
to summon things. The summoned items are pulled temporarily from a tangent
universe and will pop back there after 2D10 rounds. For this effect, roll a 1D20 +4
spell check. DCs are as follows: (12-14) any desired normal piece of equipment;
(15-16) any technological artifact or specific item-like a key to lock or queen’s
jeweled ring; (17-18) animals or mutant animals of up to 8 combined HD; (19-23)

a specific artifact or enchanted item OR a particular person OR creatures with up

to 15 combined HD, (24+) almost anything thing from anywhere.
Weaver of Illusions – The mystic can project a tapestry of magical light capable
of dazing the viewer or fully convincing them of a false reality. These trappings
can be set to last for either 1D3 rounds or until the caster stops using an action
to work and maintain the illusion. The extent of this power is determined by
a 1D20 +4 spell check rolled against the following DCs: (12-14) the spell
creates colorful enchanting lights, and viewers must roll a Will save each round
against the spell result or remain mesmerized until they succeed; (15-17) the
spell creates a convincing sight or sound requiring an opposed Will save to
disbelieve; (18-19) a complete illusion (sight and sound) is erected-Will save
to disbelieve; (20+) the illusion now fools even the sense of “touch”-dangerous
elements of the illusion may cause up to 2D6 subdual dmg and illusory
opponents will fight as if they are +2 to all rolls and have 15 hp.

Eisxposition: There is no clear winner in the debate over which

more potent: the high tech artifacts of the ancient Terrans or the
mercurial magics that rose up in the darkness after the apocalypse. The
practitioners of this dark art are an execrable lot. Most mystics have had
their conscience poisoned by the powers arcane, and they trod the broken
earth looking to exploit, rule, and destroy. It is not unknown, though, for
there to be more altruistic mystics who wield this power with a respectful
restraint. These men and women are commonly found in hermitage and
have to be plied with great persuasion to intervene with their magics.
A well-made mystic foe can serve as a great foil within an MCC or DCC
campaign. Surround them with some mutant-powered toadies and a rustic
robot or two. Place them in a dangerous and moody fortress. Now you have
something on par with the greatest of Saturday morning cartoons!
127 Sponsored by Frog God Games 127
Organization: Swarm
Nanites, H ostile
Disposition: Territorial
Size: Very Tiny
Move: Fly 25’
Armor Class: 13
Hit Dice: 5D6 (17 hp)
Initiative: +4 Crit: A/D4
Atk Melee: Smother +3 (special)
Act Dice: 1D20; 1 action roll for
every target within 20’x20’
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2
Treasure: Victims’ Effects
Special Properties
Appropriate – The nanite swarm can
make a +4 mutation check against an AI’s Will
save (or 1D6 +Tech Level +Complexity Modifier for objects without a Will
save) to take over the function of a technological object/being. While inhabiting
the device, the nanites can roll the +4 mutation check to alter how the device
works with the following results: (1-11) the attempt fails and the nanites
overexert their energy, dropping their numbers (-1D8 hp); (12-15) the little bots
are able to either repair the device to full-function, or disable it (requiring a DC
12 to bring it back online); (16-18) the nanites are able to add a new function
to the device that mimics a piece of ancient technology (an artifact)-this feature
can be used 1D4 times; (19-21) the nanites can create changes in the device
that mimic a wetware program or spell, but this effect can only be used
once; (22+) the nanites are able to give the device abilities that mimic
wetware programs or spells that can be used 1D4 times OR feature 1D4
different abilities.
Encapsulate – After landing their smother attack, the nanites can attempt to
imprison a target. The nanite swarm can only do this with 3 targets before
being stretched too thin for further action. Targets face an increasing DC
as they fight the nanite wave crawling over them. After the initial hit, the
target may (as an action) use some means of resistance (Str, Agil, mutant
power, etc.) against a DC 12 or suffer the loss of a move action. On the
second round (so long as the nanites have not been thwarted), the DC
goes up to 15, and failure takes away a move action and the victim’s next
regular action. In round three, the DC goes up to an 18 (if the PC even
has an action die left to struggle), and if failed, the nanites have totally
immobilized the character (though they may still take mental actions).
Whenever the PC succeeds at one of these rolls, the DC moves back to the
previous number for the next round (simulating nanites being removed). If
the DC drops below 12, the PC is completely free.

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 128128

En Masse – In desperation, these synthoids can clamber together to form
a sinuous column, so dense it is capable of lashing (+3 melee, 1D5 dmg),
grabbing, or pushing against things-even operating simple devices (including
weapons with a +3 to melee and -1 to missile attacks).
Fighting Nanites – The speck-like nanites are near impossible to destroy using
standard weapons. Energy weapons have a slight chance, but fields and area
of effect approaches are ultimately the most effective against a nanite swarm.
Whatever means the PCs use to attack, if landed, use the following chart to
determine what damage is done:
Attack Hits AC...
13-15 16-17 18-19 20
No effect No effect No effect Half dmg
No effect No effect Half dmg Full dmg
Full dmg, x2 dmg, nanites
Magnetic/ x2 dmg, nanites
nanites suffer suffer -1D to
Electrical Full dmg are stunned for
-1D to actions actions this
Nanites, H ostile

Attacks 1D7 rounds

this encounter encounter
Attack Types

Nanites suffer Nanites suffer Nanites suffer

Cold Attacks No effect
-1D next round -1D next round -2D next round
Full dmg Full dmg x2 dmg x2 dmg
Entangle/ “Half” of Incapacitated by
No effect Normal effect
Web Attacks normal effect effect
Full dmg, loss of Full dmg, loss of x2 dmg, loss of
En Masse and En Masse and En Masse and
Sonics Full dmg
Encapsulate Encapsulate Encapsulate
abilities abilities abilities
All Other
Area of Full dmg Full dmg Full dmg Full dmg
Smother – With a successful +3 attack, the nanites can fly into a target’s
airways, attempting to suffocate them. This attack steals away 1D5 Sta points
each round (DC 12 Fort save to reduce to 1-2), and kills any PC brought down
to 0 Sta. The lost Sta points return immediately after the encounter has ended-
should the PC survive it.
Self-Repairing – Instead of taking actions against targets, the nanite swarm
can make a 1D6 hp repair measure, where the nanites attempt to bring each
other to optimal condition once again.

xposition: Nanite technology was a staple of the third epoch. Less
versions included small, flying robots about the size of a
breakfast cereal flake. As things progressed, nanites became the size of a
pin head, then eventually were derived from bacteriological computers too
small to see until gathered by the thousands.
Hostile nanites are likely under the direction of some security AI or perhaps
imbued with an ancient, digitized intelligence hoping to realize immortality.

129 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 129

Organization: Solitary/Clan
Size: Large
Move: 15’, Swim 40’
Armor Class: 11
Hit Dice: 4D8 (18 hp)
Initiative: +2 Crit: III/D10
Atk Melee:
Trident +4 (1D6 +2)
Atk Missile: Trident +1 (1D6)
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +8
Treasure: special
Special Properties
Communion with Sea Life – The ningyo can telepathically link with most
animals of the sea. Roll a 1D20 +2 mutation check. Will saves negate this effect.
(1) Abject Failure (creature takes offense and does one action that serves
to complicate the ningyo’s plans, power cannot be used again during the
encounter). (2-11) Failure (mutation cannot be used again this encounter).
(12-14) Communication (the ningyo can talk to the animal but must persuade
it for any help by common means). (15-17) Minor Command (the ningyo can
direct the actions of up to 6 HD of sea life for 2D3 rounds). (18-19) Major
Command (the ningyo can direct the actions of up to 10 HD of sea life for the
remainder of the encounter). (20) Master of the Seafloor (the ningyo can direct
the actions of up to 15 HD of sea life or any one sea creature until the next
changing of the tide).
Godsend – If treating the ningyo as servants of a godly court, coming in
peaceful contact with them will grant a PC a +1 to their overall Luck score
(once in their lifetime). However, harming a ningyo or preventing it from
guarding its sacred ruins brings damnation upon a character-causing their
Luck score to permanently drop by 1.
Master of the Sea – These creatures can call the ocean around them to
move at their will using a 1D20 +2 mutation check. (1) Misfire (the power
gets beyond their control and slams them down dealing 1D4; they cannot
use this effect for the remainder of the encounter). (2-11) Failure (effect
cannot be attempted again for this encounter). (12-16) Command Current
(the ningyo can call forth a current that pushes or pulls up to 500 pounds
of material with a force equal to Str +4). (17-19) Create Gyre (the ningyo
can create a water spout that spins with such force as to trap everything
within a 15’ radius-escaping this vortex requires a Str or Agil check vs.
this result. Items held or loosely worn by a character have a 20% chance
of being stripped away and lost in this funnel-including weapons and
Sponsored by Cianan Sims 130130
SCUBA gear). (20+) Tidal Wave (a wave 60’ wide and 20’ high breaks the
surface of the water, smashing through vessels and ravaging any beach it breaks
upon for 3D20 dmg; this wave can travel up to 3,000’).
Storm Breaker – These spirits of the water can (with a DC 14 on a +2 mutation
check) cause a storm to settle for 1D3 hours across a 3 miles radius OR cause a
squall to form within this space/time that puts vessels in danger of sinking and
places all handling of a ship at a -1D.

Eofxposition : The ningyo (n’n•yo) are discussed in those rare circles

Terran seafarers. And even amongst such a small covey there is great
division on what these creatures are and how they came to dwell amid the
sunken lands. What’s not of debate is their existence, for almost any seasoned
sailor has had a chance encounter with one or had a shipmate that did. Those
who follow “The Collectors of the Ancient Tellings” claim these simian fish
people to be of great cosmic importance. Meanwhile, those that proclaim
themselves “Heralds of the Theory and Law” dispel this significance, purporting
that these beings are just another fantastic mutation in a world over-filled with
such. The truth is unknown, even to your present author, so perhaps it would be
prudent to examine both of these proposed natures...
Apparently, even before the cataclysms, there were tales of ningyo living along
the continental shelf-dwelling in structures sunk there in eras going back beyond
the ancient writers. It is said these lost cities and temples were places visited
by other-dimensional beings (perhaps heavenly, perhaps extra-terrestrial) who

had favored the ancients with their blessings, knowledge, and/or technology.
There was, however, a falling out and the celestial beings sunk these prosperous
lands, hoping to wash the effects of their influence free from this obviously
“too primitive planet.” To assure that those early Terrans couldn’t recover any
of the wondrous secrets in the ruins, the visitors imparted a race of sentinels
to guard them-the ningyo. In these tales, the ningyo possess mystical powers
allowing them to summon gyres, calm seas, and command the beasts of the
deep. In this version, they are a mostly benevolent group-wishing the best for
mankind’s moral and intellectual development but implacable in their oath to
keep the secrets hidden in these “underwater tombs” from getting into the hands
of any dark-hearted humanoid. Ningyo are quick to help humanoids in distress.
Seeing a ningyo is very much a divine encounter and a portent of great fortune.
Conversely, ill treatment of a ningyo (such as capturing or killing one) can curse
an entire land!
Then you have the opinions of those more stoic-minded folk who have given
up on the possibilities of omnipotent beings intervening and all that-those
who keep the books of formulas and tables. They look toward the ningyo as
just another example of evolutionary comedy, the queer mixing of a fish and
a primate. These folk suggested that ningyos have limited intelligence and
like some jungle-bound primates, love to collect refuse for play. Thus they
jealously guard their territorial dwellings (commonly ruins of the ancients
that have sunken). Still, being of a curious nature, they will interact with
humanoids that come into their path-even helping the proverbial “drowned
sailor.” Whatever “godly powers” they might have (such as command of
the weather and sea) are but coincidence or some form of mutation as many
organisms of Terra have come to possess. And any “blessings” or “curses”
from them are just the self-fulfilling fantasies of the observer.
131 Sponsored by Cianan Sims 131
Organization: Solitary
Nuke Fluke
Disposition: Parasitic
Size: Very Tiny
Move: 3”
Armor Class: 20
Hit Dice: 1 hp
Initiative: +0 Crit: M/D4
Atk Melee:
Bite +2 (1 dmg, see below)
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +1
Treasure: None
Special Properties
Microscopic – The nuke fluke is not
much bigger than a bacterium. Even with
amplification, the creature is fast enough that
fighting it with micro-scale implements still requires an AC 20 to hit. In most
instances the host must take a cureshot or ingest a poison that the fluke cannot
survive (i.e. it fails a Fort save against it while, hopefully, the host succeeds on
theirs). Medipacs and medishots only have a 30% chance per use of killing this
menace. Nanobots can fight the fluke if they can find it. For that purpose, the
fluke has a +2 bite attack it can make in defense, dealing 1 dmg. Note, this attack
never applies to regular scale creatures, only microscopic (leaving some room for
great “Fantastic Voyage” inspired adventures).
Gene-Altering – Upon first infection, roll the fluke’s mutation check +4
against the host’s Fort save. If the host succeeds, the fluke is killed off.
However, if the fluke survives the host’s primary defenses, it will create one
of the following alterations within 1D3 weeks. Roll 1D10: (1) weight gain
(the host quickly puts on an additional 200 pounds of fat that they cannot
get rid of-the fat accumulates in specific and odd spots like ankles, face,
thighs, upper torso...); (2) featureless (the character’s traits become muted,
their skin tones grow dull, all hair falls out, body parts become smoother and
rounded and slowly their eyes, ears, and mouths reduce down to very small
opennings, giving them an alien appearance (-5 to Per); (4) sound sensitivity
(without any ear protection, ambient noises create headaches which cost the
PC 1D4 temporary Per points each day); (5) devolve (primordial genomes
come to the surface-manimals and plantients become -1D3 less intelligent
and lose some of their anthropomorphic qualities, mutants and PSH lose
1D6 Int, grow protruding brow ridges, and become coated in thick hair);
(6) bone growth (the host’s bones form knobby bits that protrude through
their skin-they gain +1D4 to their AC but lose -1D4 to their Per); (7) mind-
expanding (the PC evolves a larger brain, growing by +1D3 Int each week-
however they are frequented by massive migraines (controlled by daily
Luck checks and resulting in -1D), and if their Int reaches a score of 25,
Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 132132
their brain has expanded against their skull and pushes them into a life-threatening
coma; (8) size change (the host shrinks or grows by 1D6 feet over the course of
each week-shrinking characters gain +2 to AC and lose -2 to Str scores, growing
characters lose -2 to AC but gain +2 to Str scores-the pattern continues until they
have reached 0 in AC or Str-in which case the following week they will disappear
from existence or become too large to maintain their food needs); (9) molting
(once a month the PC becomes covered in dead skin, sheds after a day, and reveals
a completely different version of their former self -reroll their Ability scores each
time); and/or (10) mutating mutations (once a month the PC sleeps for 2 days,
loses all mutations they once had, and awakens with a new set of 1D3 mutations-
pure strain genotypes lose all class abilities and become the mutant genotypes
when this happens).

xposition: In a world filled with megafauna and glowing atomic
sometimes the most dangerous creature is the one unseen. Nuke
flukes are a bizarrely evolved parasitic flatworm preying upon the multitude of
Terran lifeforms and generating strange changes within their DNA.
The fluke begins its life cycle as a tiny cluster of eggs-small enough to be
sweated out through a creature’s pores (this element makes the nuke fluke
unlikely to inhabit creatures without sweat glands). These eggs stick to fur,
clothes, and items worn by the creature. If these items are transferred to another
Nuke Fluke

creature or continued to be worn by the host, the body heat triggers the eggs
into hatching, moving the fluke into its next stage of life. What puts seekers
most at risk is that if the infested item is dropped or discarded, the eggs can
stay viable for up to 10 years. Thus when a new owner comes along to claim a
discarded article, their body heat will trigger the dormant eggs into hatching.
In the second stage of its life the nuke fluke competes for ownership of the
host. All the flukes hatched from the eggs fight an imperceptible battle upon the
host’s skin-sometimes giving them a slight itch. This war takes but an hour or
two until a single fluke-having devoured its brood mates-makes its way through
the host’s pores and into its blood stream. Here it enters its third and most
devastating phase.
The parasite now lodges itself into fatty tissues surrounding important organs
such as endocrine glands, the brain, the heart, or the intestines. There, the
creature begins to feast on the nucleic acids of the cells, damaging them and
altering the DNA of the organism. The effects of this damage become apparent
in a few weeks’ time. It is in this phase that the host experiences the first
concerning symptoms. Sometimes the results of this gene-altering gluttony
are simple things like weight gain or sensitivity to light. Other hosts are less
fortunate and begin a transformation of horrific proportions. For 2 years the
fluke remains in this stage before moving to its last stage: reproduction.
After its years of feasting, the fluke actually amasses a size that can be
seen by the naked eye: a gross curled ribbon of mottled worm, a quarter to
three-quarters of an inch in length. Its gut now contains thousands of eggs,
fertilized with chromatic material borrowed from the host itself. On its final
days, the nuke fluke releases these eggs into the blood stream where they
eventually get absorbed by sweat glands and sweated out, and the process
begins anew.

133 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 133

Organization: Solitary
Paradox H ound
Disposition: Predatory
Size: Small
Move: 50’
Armor Class: 14
Hit Dice: 2D8 (9 hp)
Initiative: +4 Crit: IV/D14
Atk Melee:
Bite +3 (1D6 +Displacement)
Atk Missile: Stone +6 (1D8 +6)
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +2
Treasure: Victims’ Effects
Special Properties
Prey Displacement – Any victim bitten by a paradox hound can themselves
become time-displaced. With each bite a target must make a DC 10 Will
save or become quasi-dimensional and unable to interact with their
environment-yet still accessible to the hound. This quantum state can
only be exited through the induction of high levels of energy (judge’s
discretion) or the destruction of the original paradox hound.
Quantum Copy – Each round the paradox hound can (as a move action)
“borrow” a time-displaced version of itself, acting like an entirely new
opponent but sharing hit points and suffering a limited 1D16 action
die. These forms must stay within 100’ of each other. These extensions
disappear as the hound wills it. When a new copy is introduced, the
judge should roll 1D20. If the result is LESS than the total number of
hounds (including the original), this paradox collapses space and time
around these creatures, destroying them in an explosion that also deals
1D3 points of energy dmg to anyone within 5’ of a hound.
Stealthy – The nature of this creature grants it a +6 to rolls related to
sneaking and hiding.
Vulnerable to Energy – Electricity, radiation, sonic blasts, and chronal
energy attacks on the hound will not only damage it but remove one of
its “copies” for each hit-excluding the original.

xposition: A paradox hound (called a “quantum wolf” by
is a quantum-entangled canine of great size and lupine
features. This predatory nightmare blinks between realities, giving
it a sort of “static-riddled” appearance. It draws on its future and
past existence to bring duplicates into its current reality, appearing
anywhere within 100’ of the prime version. This essentially makes the
creature a pack hunter of 1. For an animal, it is cunning and will devise
tactics to give it the upper hand. The wolf almost always has a den or
Sponsored by the Sanctum Secorum 134134
hollow to which it brings prey for supping upon. The most common tactic
leveraged by this expert hunter is to move with great silence toward a group
of prey. If undetected, it next engages the group while pulling in duplicates to
block their escape. As it attacks it will drag off any downed targets to its den
while leaving duplicates to help ensure the hound’s retreat. The beast needs an
excessive amount of energy to survive, and it’s not unheard of for it to take 2
or 3 quarries from a single hunt.
Aside from being rent by its toothy jaws, there is great fear in being
“temporally displaced” by its bite. This effect essentially makes the victim an
immaterial ghost, lightly moving through the space of their former dimension.
Like the wolf, they appear somewhat translucent and reverberating. In this
state the victim can make DC 10 Sta checks to move through solid surfaces
but suffer a -1D to any manipulation of a solid object. Energy can affect them
directly however, and can even energize them enough to bring them back
into phase. Untangling the original hound’s quantum state (most commonly
by destroying it) will further untangle the victim’s state, returning them to
full dimensionality. Unfortunately, the cunning of this canine is quite high,
and often the “true” copy orchestrates attacks from the distance allowing its
quantum-borrowed minions to do the dirty work.
Paradox H ound

ྊ the village, a young couple whose parents forbade them to be together
have run off to elope in a nearby settlement-but their path (taken through
the forest to avoid being seen on the main road) has brought them into
a territory commonly patrolled by paradox hounds. A confidant who
expected to witness their marriage at the other settlement has come back
to the village and exposed this plot for fear something has happened to
the young couple. Will the seekers aid the parents in finding the fate of
these two star-crossed lovers? Is it too late? And is there more afoot here
than the devilment of a hungry predator? Some say the chief’s son had
eyes for the missing young lady.
ྊ wealthy merchant arrives at the village having survived an attack by a
quantum wolf. Displaced, the merchant is willing to give a good sum of
trade goods to any seeker who can hunt the prime wolf down and kill it,
freeing the merchant from this purgatory. The hunt provides a difficult
task in and of itself, but the merchant has opened this offer to everyone,
and there is a competing team of seekers who maybe aren’t above a
little sabotage to come out on top...

ྊOutside the ruins of an ancient nuclear power plant, the PCs are
assailed by a truly terrible deviation: a pack of paradox hounds. These
8 wolves quickly diverge into 24, and the players may find taking
refuge in the plant’s office building the best chance of survival. In this
space the players can explore survival and defensive tactics as the
wolves begin scratching at every egress to have at this tasty group of
PCs. The alpha wolf of this pack is a bizarre creature to be sure, not
only is it considerably bigger than the others, but it has some of the
weird features of a “grab gag” (use elements from that entry) as well.

135 Sponsored by the Sanctum Secorum 135

Organization: Solitary/Family
Disposition: Benevolent
Size: Medium/Large
Move: 20’
Armor Class: 13
Hit Dice: 3D7 (14 hp)
Initiative: +0 Crit: III/D8
Atk Melee: Natural +2 (1D4)
Atk Melee: By weapon +2
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +3
Treasure: Personal Effects
Special Properties
Botanical Effects – Roll a 1D10:
(1) entrancing pheromones (target
must make a DC 14 Will save or become
completely docile for 1D4 rounds); (2) coated in irritant (those touching or
being touched by the plantient must roll a DC 10 Fort save or break out in bright
red marble-sized hives, suffering a -1D for 1D8 hrs); (3) hallucinogenic spores
(the plantient makes a +2 mutation check against a target’s Int roll, if successful
the target will see illusory terrain, creatures, or events as the plantient wishes
for up to 2D3 rounds-all of the target’s senses are affected); (4) rapid growth
(this creature trades 2 hp to grow 5’, gaining a +1 to all melee attacks and dmg
each time they grow, severed parts are also regrown with this power); (5)
pain killer (this creature’s sap grants a 1D8 recovery to hp or stats that
have been temporarily lowered for any non-plantient that drinks it); (6)
pollen puff (the plantient can blast a puff of fine, sticky pollen into the air
covering a 10’ radius-those inside must roll a DC 12 Ref save or suffer
blindness for the rest of the encounter); (7) full of pitch (the tarry fluids
of this creature grant it a +3 to grapple-type attacks and can be secreted
to afford the creature the ability to climb sheer surfaces); (8) noxious
odor (the leaves of this plantient give off a stench comparable to rotting
meat, those within 10’ of it suffer -1D to all actions and must make a DC
8 Fort save each round to act within an adjacent space); (9) foul fruit (the
veggie-thing is typically flush with over-ripe fruit, and it can hurl them
with a +2 missile attack, causing them to splatter on contact for 1D3 dmg
in chemical burns to the target and 1 hp of dmg to all adjacent characters);
(10) multiple effects (roll for 2 special effects from this listing).
Photoreactive – With a moderate amount of water and some measure of
sunshine, a plantient has all they need to survive and thrive. Plantients do
not require food and have far slower respiratory systems than most animal
lifeforms. Additionally, while in the sun a plantient can heal 1D4 hp per day.

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 136136

Strange Anatomy – Roll a 1D10: (1) lumbering (the creature stands a good
17’ tall, gains +3 to Str rolls, has +10 hp, and deals a +1D3 to their dmg rolls
for melee attacks); (2) extendable limbs (roll 3D7-this is how many feet the
plantient can stretch their limbs to take an action out of their current space); (3)
thigmotropic roots (a mess of roots are always flowing out from the creature-
they have 2D16 action dice and on a hit they entangle a target-DC 12 to
escape); (4) hardwood (+3 to AC, 10% chance of primitive weapons breaking
on a successful attack); (5) flammable (the creature’s dry, cellulose fiber sets
ablaze quickly-x2 dmg from fire); (6) spiny (+1D3 dmg from melee attacks);
(7) many a branch (the plantient has +2D20 bonus action dice to use for their
extra limbs); (8) where’s its head? (the plantient is so bizarre in form, crits are
ignored on it); (9) spongy (melee hits against the plantient only deal ½ dmg);
(10) say hello to my little friend (the plantient’s branches contain a mutant bird
or mammal that will try to aid it).
Trees from the Forest – Moss, vines, ferns, bushes, grasses, cacti, trees, dead
logs-just about anything you might find growing in nature could be a plantient.
When standing still, there is a 60% chance a plantient will go unnoticed,
possibly giving them a surprise action.
Xenic – Such a new evolutionary development, most ancient technology cannot
identify a plantient as a “person.” They “auto-fail” AI recognition checks.
Further, their strange anatomy makes many artifacts useless to them.

xposition: Something in the irradiated aftermath of the Great Disaster
evolutionary change within the plant kingdom. Now, in seemingly
random patterns, various vegetation will suddenly “awaken” with sentience.
Unlike other inhabitants of Terra, plantients have no innate culture, no familiar
connections-no traditions. They seem to spring to life with some unexplained
kernel of understanding. They have an instinct for rudimentary speech, and
they have a deep communion with nature (giving them a pretty profound
scientific grounding). Why this consciousness is triggered and where it comes
from is baffling for sure. Luckily, most plantients seek to belong to the greater
“community” of the planet and approach most other sentients with a gentle
Plantients from their “awakening” seek to fill their minds like an over-dry
sponge. They are burdened with such an inquisitive nature that they often make
for awkward companions and terrible conversationalists. Their odd physiology
can be terrifying even though their demeanor seems serene. Though rare, there
are seekers who have found themselves clashing with dark-hearted plantients.
In fact, often wayfarers avoid the more polluted forests out of the belief that
the plantients that grow there “just ain’t right.”

Plantient Details (roll 1D30 & 1D6)

Based on... 15-16) Fruit Tree 1) Has radiant fruit that acts as sensory organ.
1-2) Fern 17-18) Lettuce 2) Roots double as arms.
3-4) Palm 19-20) Thorn Bush 3) Shaped like a fallen trunk.
5-6) Moss 21-22) Mushrooms 4) Looks like a man-shaped mound of various plants.
7-8) Cacti 23-24) Evergreen 5) Is a rolling bulb that bursts open to reveal inside
9-10) Flytrap 25-26) Pineapple Bush tendrils and sensory organs.
11-12) Lily Pad 27-28) Gourde Vines 6) Has leathery petals that make up a torso-like center.
13-14) Mangrove 29-30) Grass Clumps 7) Torso sits upon a giant melon it uses to roll around on.

137 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 137

Plant, Deadly
Strangle Weed
Organization: Pack
Disposition: Opportunistic
Size: Medium
Move: 0’ (Vines can stretch 18’)
Armor Class: 10
Hit Dice: 1D6 to 3D6 (3 to 9 hp)
Initiative: -1 Crit: M/D8
Atk Melee:
Grab +2 (1 +Strangle)
Act Dice: 4D20
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +0
Treasure: Victims’ Effects
Special Properties
Fragrant Nectar – The strangle weed’s
base produces a blossom once per year (lasting 3 weeks) whose petals are
coated in a fuchsia-colored dew smelling of ripe strawberries. This nectar
is sought after by many tribes and has high trade value. Further, wearing it
grants +2 to Per rolls for 12 hrs. However, the nectar is also irresistible to
megafauna birds and insects.
Grabby – When missing on an attack, strangle weed can make a
secondary roll. If successful, it has not grappled the target, but has
grappled something of the target’s (a boot, a helmet, a weapon, a piece of
equipment). This item is held with a DC 14 strength.
Strangle – With a successful melee attack, the vines begin to garrote the
target. Victims suffer 1 point of dmg each round and a loss of 1D3 Sta
(that will return 1 turn after the target has been released). If the target
runs out of Sta it will faint-losing all actions. The vine can be escaped on
a DC 14 (using Str or Agil) or can be cut off by dealing 3 points of dmg
(reducing the plant by 1 action die).

xposition: Strangle weed is one of the most prolific of the
plants growing on Terra. It can be found in a variety of
climates and has quite a multitude of species, each with their own visual
nuances (hanging strangle weed, glowing strangle weed, aquatic strangle
weed...). Its strangulation adaptation is used to gather dead, nutrient-rich
carcasses around the leafy base of the plant. Many Terran naturalists
love to identify new varieties of this plant-doing so in a sort of gambit to
gain notoriety among other enthusiasts. So far, some of the weirder ones
include varieties that can instantly grow 2 vines for each one cut off, ones
with a rash-inducing oil coating, and even a strangle weed that can uproot
its base and crawl about using its tendrils like spider legs.
Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 138138
T-N-TeaCup Plant
Org: Solitary Dis: Opportunistic Sz: Medium Mv: 0’
AC: 7 HD: 1D6 (3 hp) Init: nil Crit: nil
Atk (Me): nil Act: nil Sv: Fort -3, Ref nil, Will nil
Treas: Refuse
Special Properties
Land Pearls – Nestled in the T-N-Teacup’s herbaceous trunk are a series of 1D4
-1 lemon-hued pearls. These jewels are very valuable to most tribes on Terra.
Parasite – If a victim of a T-N-Teacup survives, they will be inundated with a
multitude of its seeds buried deep into their flesh. If untreated (use of a healing
device, soaking in acidic or basic liquids, or covering the skin with tar for 3
days), these seeds will begin to grow inside the host, randomly decreasing one
of their physical stats by 1 point each day. By the 4th day of the infection, 1D6
small green shoots begin to grow out from the skin. These shoots can be treated
(as above) or physically plucked causing 1 hp of dmg each.
Reactive Nectar – The plant produces dozens of cup-like petals filled with binary
chemicals. Any touching of the plant requires a Luck check with a +4 penalty (a
Plant, Deadly

1 auto-succeeds). If the check is failed, a few of these cups are dumped into each
other and an explosive reaction ensues. The explosion covers a 20’ area, dealing
3D7 dmg from the combination of heat and the hard, thistly seeds that are propelled
into the victims.

xposition: The T-N-Teacup plant is a wide, low shrub producing very
flowers of yellows and reds once every 3 years. This flourishing signals
the end of the plant’s life cycle as the cups contain explosive chemicals that burst
open its branches. The explosion sends out seeds (which it keeps in its interior) deep
into the flesh of bungling interlopers. From there the seeds grow to maturity, killing
their host and taking final root in the soil where they land.

Org: Family Dis: Opportunistic Sz: Small Mv: 0’
AC: 10 HD: 2D6 (6 hp) Init: -2 Crit: nil
Atk (Mi): Spray +2 (Toxin) Act: 1D20
Sv: Fort -1, Ref -3, Will +3 Treas: Victims’ Effects
Special Properties
Toxic Discharge – The dehydrangea shoots out a stream of hygroscopic powder
that, if inhaled (Ref save vs. DC 12 to avoid) causes the target to become
violently dehydrated, losing 1D7 hp (subdual) each round and sending them into
coughing fits for the remainder of the encounter. These coughs push remnants
of the powder back into the air within a 5’ radius where it might affect others on
a failed DC 6 Ref save. The dehydration dmg can be treated medicinally or by
the consumption of vast amounts of water (2 gallons within a turn). If a target is
brought to 0 hp through the dehydration, they fall to the ground in a coma-like
state, continuing to cough out clouts of the pollen for the next 1D3 turns. After
that, they remain unconscious until they are given fluids or die (approximately the
next day). The dehydrangea can make 4 such attacks within an encounter.
139 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 139
Eaxposition: The dehydrangea’s pollen is used by the plant as both
dispersion adaptation and a defense. The plant can detect approaching
animals through vibration-sensing organs in its root system. Realizing it is
being approached, it can spray out pollen through specialized stamens in its
flowers. This pollen triggers fits of coughing within its victims that redisperse
the material-all the while sucking out fluids from its body. In practice, the
flailing, coughing victim will stumble about onto other dehydrangeas (which
always grow a short distance from one another) pollinating them and (after
death) providing the soil with nutrients for future generations.

Aloe Urchin
Org: Tribal Dis: Grazer Sz: Small Mv: Roll 25’
AC: 11 HD: 1D7 (4 hp) Init: -2 Crit: M/D8
Atk (Me): Thorn Flail +3 (1D4) Act: 1D20
Sv: Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +0 Treas: Victims’ Effects
Special Properties
Flammable – The gelatinous innards of this plant are highly flammable. If ignited,

Plants, Deadly
the creature bursts into flame (dying) but rolls about in its death throes for 3 rounds
dealing 2D6 fire dmg to anything it bumps into. To determine its target, assign a
number for every creature in the encounter and any object that might be interesting
if lit on fire, add 4 to this (these four outcomes represent it not coming in contact
with anything), and roll a die that will accommodate these outcomes. When
randomly targeted, the victim may make a DC 14 Ref save to avoid contact.
Healing Sap – The succulent leaves of the aloe urchin contain a clear sap capable of
accelerating healing. If applied before sleep, the jelly-like goo will boost the daily
recovery of hp to 1D3 points for regular rest and 2D4 points for a full day’s rest.

xposition: The aloe urchin is a rolling plant looking like dozens of green
tongues coming out from a central source. It rolls about, wildly
flailing these leaves, hoping to lash a warm-blooded animal. The blood spray of its
victims is collected through specialized stomata that pull out the blood’s mineral
and carbon dioxide content. If you want a really chaotic scene-light one on fire...

Giant Venus Flytrap

Org: Solitary Dis: Opportunistic Sz: Large Mv: 0’ (7’ reach)
AC: 13 HD: 4D8 (16 hp) Init: +0 Crit: M/10
Atk (Me) : Bite +2 (2D7) Atk (Me) : Tendril +2 (1D3)
Act: 3D20 Sv: Fort +3, Ref -1, Will +0 Treas: Victims’ Effects
Special Properties
Intoxicating Smell – The slime excreted by this fiend’s tongue has a sickly
sweet smell. Those within 40’ of the plant must make a DC 10 Will save or be
drawn to investigate it-walking up to its petal-like maw. Further, a failed roll
puts these characters in a -1D stupor while around the plant.
Swallow – On a successful attack by the plant, the target must make a DC
13 Ref save or be swallowed. Swallowed characters are held with a +4 Str,

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 140140

completely restricted from actions other than wiggling free (Agil check) or
muscling their way out (Str check). Meanwhile any general attacks on the flytrap
will result in half dmg to the plant and half dmg to its captor. While inside the
plant, the victim will slowly suffocate (-1D3 Sta per round, death occurs at 0
Sta-these points will return after 1 turn of uninhibited breathing).

xposition: It came from the late, late show and landed on a gaming
near you... The Giant Flytrap from Mars! This massive veg-a-
mutation attacks with both its whipping tendrils (it has a half-dozen) and its
thorn-ridged mouth. No trek through a hothouse jungle would be complete
without encountering one of these at least once...

The Shudder Bush

Org: Clan Dis: nil Sz: Medium Mv: 0’
AC: 10 HD: 1D6 (3 hp) Init: nil Crit: nil
Atk (Me): nil Act: nil Sv: Fort nil, Ref nil, Will nil
Treas: None
Special Properties
Plants, Deadly

Shudder – The bush has evolved special scent glands that, when detecting new
aromas in the air, cause the organism to shake its leaves-flipping them back
and forth between their carmine-tinted tops and their silvery-white bottoms.
To passersby this is often startling and suggestive of a large beast rousing
within. Characters failing a DC 8 Will roll will be panicked by such and face
a -1D for the next 1D4 rounds. The shudder only lasts a couple rounds and
cannot be affected again for 1 hr.

xposition: Totally harmless on its surface, the shudder bush is used by
woodland creatures as a “security” check for ne’er-do-wells that would
like to sneak into their villages/homes and make off with their possessions. The
combination of noise and flashing leaf patterns is a dead giveaway that a thief-
no matter how well hidden (even invisible)-is near.
Random Foliage (roll 1D10, 2D10 and 1D7)
Design... Aspects... Interesting Qualities...
1) Grassy with waxy blades 1) Neon colored 1) Fragrance makes eyes water (-2 to
sight-based actions).
2) Smooth-bark deciduous 2) Massive leaves or needles
tree 2) Leaves/needles are razor sharp (DC
3) Enormous in scale 14 Ref save or take 1D2 dmg).
3) Dense bush with sticky 4) Bendable like rubber 3) Produces SMALL amounts of nectar
5) Heavy root system is that turns things invisible when
4) Climbing vines with coated with it (8 in3).
mostly above ground
6) Leaks glowing sap 4) Is sentient and can talk (Int=4D4).
5) Scaly-needled coniferous 5) Creates allergic reaction that swells
tree 7) Sprouts/limbs are visibly one body part and causes it to hang
6) Sprawling thorny vine limp for 2D16 hours (-1D).
8) Bears attractive fruits/nuts 6) Deposits briars on clothes that
7) Seta-covered liverwort
9) Covered in what seems make a rattling noise while moving.
8) Shrub rife with nodules like faces/arcane symbols 7) Cupped leaves/knots retain
9) Stalks bearing seed pods rainwater that becomes medicinal
10) Appears nearly
10) Cabbage-like cruciferous translucent under the moonlight.

141 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 141

Organization: Solitary
Size: Medium
Move: 20’
Armor Class: 10
Hit Dice: 3D6 (10 hp)
Initiative: -2 Crit: III/D8
Attk Melee: By weapon +2
Attk Melee: Cnidoblast +2 (1D3)
Attk Missile: By weapon +2
Act Dice: 1D20, 2D16
Saves: Fort +6, Ref -2, Will +3
Treasure: Techno-Trove
Special Properties
Morphic – Plasmasites can alter their shape in extreme ways. They can stretch or
compress their form up to 4’ and grow or retract up to 6 “limbs” all within
the space of 3 rounds. Their limbs can be as simple as a base pseudopod
or as complex as an imitation of a working human hand. For this purpose
they have 3 action dice (1D20 and 2D16) representing their ability to have
multiple limbs performing simultaneous tasks. Beyond this, given a full
turn, the Plasmasite can flatten itself to a 2” thick puddle, allowing it to
pass through many restricted spaces.
Tech Savvy – These ship-wrecked extraterrestrials have a 6th sense about
mechanical and electrical devices. They gain +7 to Artifact checks and
repair rolls. While AIs do not identify the Plasmasites as “humans,” the
Plasmasite’s flashing of their sensory organ can disseminate binary-
like code which is often received and appreciated by the smart metals
of the world, allowing for direct interaction. In light of their technical
proficiencies, there have been stories of ne’er-do-wells capturing
Plasmasites to force them to rebuild ancient structures and weapons.
Tough as Jell-O – The gelatin-like composition of a Plasmasite can reattach
to itself, sealing up cuts and damaged tissues. The creature can (as an action)
make a 1D3 hp recovery immediately after taking dmg from sharp, blunt, or
piercing weapons. Further, the rays of a beam weapon have a 20% chance of
passing harmlessly through them while fire/cold dmg is dealt at +2D effect.

xposition: Not too many years after Terra regained biological
a massive colony ship from a distant system fell through
its atmosphere in distress. Of immeasurable proportions, the ship broke
apart, scattering amid all the oceans and continents. These otherworldly
visitors were called the “Plasmasites.” A strange sight for sure, these
beings were like upright amoebas, with translucent gray skin and bright
Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 142142
green nerve cells branching all about inside. They can form themselves into
almost any shape and often project extra arms or legs to suit the needs of the
moment. A Plasmasite contains several clumps of cnidoblast-enabled cells.
These “stingy bits” are usually relegated to the creature’s arms where they can
be used defensively if needed. A complex control center (shaped something like
a star) rests within them. This organ not only houses much of their intellect, but
it seems to receive visual stimuli and can emit quick flashes of bioluminescence
upon which these aliens’ language is based.
Now generations past, most of these survivors still look for a means to escape
Terra, though a debate lingers as to what the original ship’s destination was-and
whether the trip was a voluntary or forced relocation.
Plasmasites are known for their great technological capability and often carry about
refurbished ancient devices. Sometimes groups of these “blob-men” will restore the
ruins of an ancient town to full working order and live among it in contented repose.

What' s it up to ?: Use this chart if you need a quick reference for

what a Plasmasite is doing when it is first encountered...

Plasmasite Purpose (roll 1D10)

1) Testing a rebuilt ancient food replicator 6) Morphing down into a small ball to roll quickly
2) Looking for the final screw it lost while to another location

repairing an indoor climate control device 7) Playing an addictive retro arcade game on an
3) Making sophisticated observations of a star in ancient computer network
the sky or on a stellar map 8) Disconnecting hover-valences from a wrecked
4) Hooking up a bush-engineered F-Cell to a bubble car to use on its escape-ship project
fazer rifle 9) Attempting a very confusing conversation with
5) Trying to restore an ancient automatic doorway a damaged, blinking light fixture
or turbolift 10) Unknowingly reactivating an assassin bot

Cool Plasmasite
might be carrying...
tech: Here’s something fun these tech-savants

Random Plasmasite tech (roll 1D20)

1) Hover Skateboard ( Mv 45') 9) Prototype “Copter” Pack 14) Portable Signal/Spotlight.
2) Ancient Data Tablet (with old (backpack that can fly 15) AI Multitool (AI Recog 10)
maps and geocaching info) 120’-Luck roll each turn 16) Spray Container of Anti-
determines if it malfunctions)
3) A Lazer Discus (80’ range, Electrons (shuts down an
4D10 dmg, 4 charges) 10) 4th Dimensional Viewer electrical device on a failed
(depleting an entire F-Cell, DC 12 save)
4) Extendo-Ladder (telescopes
this device can show you
from a 1’x1’ shape to a 17) Com-Badge w/ Holographic
the events that took place in
1.5’x12’ ladder) Display
the space viewed through
5) Force Field Belt (+3 AC, its lenses up to 5,000 years 18) Magnetic Override Chip
shields 25 hp of dmg) previously) and Controller (control an
6) Plasma Axe (3D5 dmg) AI/robot on a failed DC 15
11) Cybernetic Hand (has +3 to Will save)
7) Dimensional Rifter (can gripping actions, 1D5 +Str
create a portal between 2 bonus dmg, self-grafting) 19) Missile Launcher (200’
spaces up to 500’ away from range, 3D10 in a 15’ radius, 2
12) A Better Mouse (smart metal
each other, 3 charges) missiles left)
mouse, hp 3, scurry 25’, AI
8) Dispenser of Repair Nanites Recog 13) 20) “X-Ray” Goggles (can
(can fix any single techno see through 8” of material
13) Miniature Synthesizer
item within 2D20 rounds) up to 12’ away for 1 turn, 5
Keyboard charges)

143 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 143

Organization: Solitary/Family
Disposition: Territorial/Antagonistic
Size: Tiny
Move: 25’
Armor Class: 13
Hit Dice: 1D4 (2 hp)
Initiative: +8 Crit: M/D4
Atk Melee: Bite +5 (1D2)
Act Dice: 1D20, (3D20)*
Saves: Fort -1, Ref +4, Will +5
Treasure: Personal Effects
Special Properties
Little Thieves – Psycho-weasels get
a +6 bonus to all acts of stealth,
stealing, and hiding.
Neural Nickelodeon – Often, before
they are even seen, a psycho-weasel emits a klaxon of nonsense noises that
confuses the listener and activates a certain primal anxiety within them. If
precaution isn’t taken, the listener must make a DC 14 Will save or find
themselves impaired from taking action (having to succeed at this save
in subsequent rounds to take action). If this sound is somehow blocked
or overpowered, the effect will end. Characters suffering from the neural
nickelodeon are more prone to the psycho-weasel’s zombiac zoetrope power.
*Not to Be Underestimated – If threatened, the weasel is known to
latch itself onto the offender with its tentacled forearms and make rapid
bites from a position that is hard to defend. Roll a +5 grab attack for its
tentacles (no dmg). If landed, the target must make a Ref save vs. DC 12.
If the target succeeds, the psycho-weasel has latched onto the target in
an accessible spot. If the target fails the roll, the weasel is in a position
(back of neck, between shoulder blades, etc.) where the target (aside from
special powers/equipment) cannot make a normal attack against them
(attacks are at -2D). While latched this way, a psycho-weasel can make 3
bite attacks (3D20 +5) each round against the target.
Zombiac Zoetrope – A psycho-weasel can project a cavalcade of random,
mind-bending images into the minds of sentient creatures (within a 30’
radius). Creatures finding themselves within these bounds must make
a DC 10 Will save (DC 16 if already affected by the creature’s “neural
nickelodeon”) or find themselves brainwashed. Roll 1D10: (1) dazed and
confused (beyond taking action for 2D4 rounds); (2) inspired to dance (uses
the next 2D6 actions to dance like nobody’s watching); (3) in a shouting
match (yelling at the top of their lungs at the character with the lowest Per
score within 1,000’); (4) seeking therapy (compelled to dramatically relive a
childhood trauma, after at least 1 round the target may attempt a Per roll of
Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 144144
DC 10 to “suppress” these emotions and begin normal actions again); (5) raring
to rumble (for every character within sight, the target must make a Will save vs.
DC 10, on the first one they fail they are compelled to express a deep hatred for
something about that character or just the character themselves and will proceed
to make unarmed attacks against the character until they score at least 3 points of
subdual dmg or take 3 points of dmg); (6) having a snack-attack! (must consume
1D3 days’ worth of rations-attempting to steal from others if they don’t have
enough of their own to satisfy this hunger); (7) in the grips of pyromania (must
set 1D5 combustible objects ablaze for the sole purpose of watching them burn);
(8) covered in bugs! (under the belief they are covered in bugs and must take 3D3
different actions to try and remove them before being satisfied they’re gone); (9)
New Years at the trailer park (must gleefully expend 3D5 rounds of ammunition
from an artifact weapon (or primitive one if none are present) shooting harmlessly
into the air before regaining their sensibility); or (10) getting artsy (desires nothing
more than to shed some clothes and adorn their body with designs made from
paint, mud, charcoal, or any other marking-medium).

xposition: The psycho-weasel is a dog-sized mustelid with double-
tentacles growing from their forearms and a set of 3 heteroclite

eyes that project telepathic rays toward everything it views. Its origin is
unknown; it seems to serve the simple purpose of pilfering food and other items
from those that enter its breeding grounds. It’s believed that the creature takes
a certain delight in the chaos of its powers and will harass strangers for this
pleasure alone.
These creatures do serve some benefit to the ecology of Terra. Psycho-weasels
are known to predate upon many of the “devil” insectoids that wander down
from the north. Their powers also allow them to take out many of the deadly
mutant horrors that pose a greater threat to local villages.

ྊ reoccurring antagonist of the PCs has recently added some new flair.
They are wearing an oversized metallic helmet of ancient Terran design,
and are carrying a strange plastic box. The box contains their new pet
psycho-weasel, whose effects are cancelled by the odd headgear they wear.
ྊ guard an immense treasure, a warlord has placed their spoils in a
tall tower and surrounded the tower with topiary gardens filled with
ྊྊA bit of crazed super-tech has shrunk the PCs to doll-size, affording
them several amazing 1/6th scale adventures. Can they navigate the
burrows of a psycho-weasel and face this relative “giant” to get back the
computer punch card they need for resetting this size-altering machine?
ྊ distant king has sent for the seekers, hoping the healer of the bunch
may be able to help with his adolescent daughter. The girl seems to
be taken with bouts of insanity. Upon an investigation they learn that
the daughter recently acquired a new pet, a baby psycho-weasel. Too
young to use its neuro nickelodeon power, the creature has been silently
affecting the child’s mind without her being the wiser. Now, was the
weasel an honest gift or an attempt at treason?

145 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 145

Generic Giant Reptile
Reptile, G iant
Organization: Solitary
Disposition: Predatory/Territorial
Size: Large/Huge
Move: 40’, Climb 15’
Armor Class: 12
Hit Dice: 4D10 (22 hp)
Initiative: +3 Crit: M/D10
Atk Melee: Bite +2 (2D5)
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4,
Will +0
Treasure: Victims’ Effects
Special Properties
(Choose 2D3)
Aquatic Camouflaged Claws Diurnal Exothermic Extra Senses
Hard-Skinned Herbivore Slow-Moving Speedy Spiny Snappy
Startling Sticky Towering Venomous
Aquatic – The lizard moves with grace in the water (35’) and gains a +1D
when facing non-aquatic foes in its “natural element.”
Camouflaged – Coloration and body texture gives this creature a +3 to
sneaking and hiding.
Claws – This reptile has claws designed for attack! It gains an extra 1D16
action die and can make +3 melee attacks for 2D6 dmg.
Diurnal – Sleeping at night, the creature is at -2D if roused.
Exothermic – The reptile is ineffective in cold climates or on rounds
following the effects of a cold-based attack. It is -20’ to move and -1D to
its action die.
Extra Senses – With independently functioning eyes, sensory organs that
can detect body heat, and tongues that can taste the air for prey, reptiles
gain +3 to perception and can often find invisible and otherwise obscured
creatures as if they were in plain sight.
Hard-Skinned – (A) This reptile has extremely heavy scales (AC 16).
(B) Like a tortoise, the creature is sheltered in a rock-hard shell (AC 18).
When scoring a hit, the attacker must make a Luck roll or glance off the
shell for a mere 1D2 dmg. (C) Slashing weapons only deal ½ dmg to this
beast. And/or (D) it can detach its writhing tail creating a DC 8 tripping
Herbivore – Without the menacing teeth of a carnivore, the creature is far
more docile; it only deals 1D4 dmg on a bite and has a base move of 30’.

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 146146

Slow-Moving – This beast’s land speed is reduced to 20’ per turn; it is -1 to
Initiative and has a base AC of 10.
Speedy – For short bursts (5 rounds) the reptile can move at 75’ per round. The
creature may have such blinding speed as to move across water as if it were a
solid surface.
Spiny – (A) The reptile is covered in osteoderms (bony spikes). These allow it to
make a +2 melee ram or tail attack for 1D6 dmg. (B) The creature has large fins,
dorsal sails, or spiny hoods it can puff out. All adjacent figures must make a DC
10 Ref save or take 1D4 dmg. And/or (C) the beast has actual horns on its head
or tail. It gains an additional 1D16 action die and can make an attack with these
protrusions at +3 for 2D6 dmg.
Snappy – (A) The beast’s bite attack becomes +4, deals 3D5, and targets must
make a DC 13 Ref save or be held by the creature’s jaws (DC 13 to escape). (B)
The creature can make a -1D attack, and if successful, it swallows the target whole
(2 dmg each round while in the gullet, -1D to actions, DC 14 to escape, 6 hp worth
of dmg to cut a way out). And/or (C) once per round the beast can make a free
counter melee attack against a target that failed to strike it-if successful it destroys
the attacker’s weapon.
Startling – By expanding its neck frills, crests, or dewlap, rattling its tail, or
Reptile, G iant

making a threatening call, this reptile can send a target into panic (DC 10 Will
save or lose the next 1D2 actions).
Sticky – (A) The creature’s adapted scaly foot-pads give it a +4 to grappling and
allow it to climb (30’) sheer surfaces. And/or (B) the thing’s tongue can make
a +4 missile attack (20’ range), stick to the target (DC 12 to escape), and pull it
into its mouth (2D5 dmg).
Towering – A reptile of this magnitude is fit for a Japanese monster movie! It is
several stories tall, has +3D10 hp and deals +2D10 to all dmg rolls.
Venomous – Through poisonous saliva glands or colonies of really nasty
bacteria, the reptile doses any creature it bites. (A) The venom requires a DC 8
Fort save or deals +1D12 dmg. (B) On a failed DC 10 Fort save the venom puts
the target to sleep for 1D5 rounds. (C) If a DC 12 Fort save is failed, the venom
causes erratic heart rates, inflicting -1D to all actions and increasing by -1D
every minute (6 rounds) until the target reaches 1D0 and dies. (D) The venom is
spat/sprayed at the target (+2 missile attack, 15’ range). If the target fails a DC
12 Ref save they are blinded for 1D4 hours.

xposition: Welcome to another episode of “Do It Yourself Monster-
I’m your host... This entry allows the judge to quickly assemble
any kind of giant lizard, turtle, croc, or even dinosaur (yeah, I know they’re not
reptiles-but it feels disrespectful to call them birds). Just roll 2D3 and select
from the above features...

Giant Iguana
Org: Solitary Dis: Grazer/Territorial Sz: Large
Mv: 25’, Swim 30’, Burrow 15’ AC: 13 HD: 4D10 (22 hp) Init: +3
Crit: M/D10 Atk (Me): Bite +3 (2D4) Act: 1D20
Sv: Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +2 Treas: None
147 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 147
Special Properties
Aquatic Finesse – While in the water, the giant iguana is quite agile. They can
swim and dive at 30’ per round and hold their breath for up to 1 hr.
Blitz – Once per encounter the giant iguana can force a reroll of Init (for which
it gains a +8), take a 70’ move, and roll its actions for that round with a 1D24.
Burrowing – While not going very deep, giant iguanas are known to burrow
lengthy tunnels to act as dens. These creatures can excavate the earth at
around 15’ per round.
Herbivore – Iguanas are voracious eaters of plant leaves and soft fruits. Do
not be mistaken though: they will strike out against those that interrupt their
eating, come into their dens, or approach their eggs (if female). Furthermore,
these hulking creatures can be trained (through the consistent offering of food)
to defend an area. The offering of luscious fruits or large quantities of leafy
vegetation can reduce an iguana’s morale check by 5.
Spiny-Backed – A giant iguana’s dorsal and caudal spines grant it one free
melee attack (1D20 +2, 1D3 dmg) against all adjacent assailants either to its
left or right as it thrashes its body in that direction.

xposition: The giant iguana is a creature that is better avoided when

Reptile, G iant
Despite having an intense look, these reptiles are rather docile and
only attack when their lives or resources are threatened. Nonetheless, many
native tribes hunt these creatures for their meat, skin, or to train as mounts.
Iguanas make advantageous mounts as their sure-footedness and abilities
to swim and climb present them as the ultimate in off-road transportation.
However, normally a giant iguana is not very fast and cannot carry much of a
load beyond the rider and their possessions.

guana Mounts: Even without a saddle, if the iguana is well-
a rider may position themselves between its dorsal fins and ride it as
a mount. From its back all polearm and spear-like weapons gain +1D3 to dmg.

Roll an Agility check on the following chart when attempting a maneuver:

1 Maneuver fails; rolls for handling this beast drop by -1D; rider must roll on
the Riding Mishaps table.
2-8 Maneuver fails. Roll on the Riding Mishaps table.
8-11 Maneuver fails but may be attempted again next round.
12-17 Maneuver is successful.
18-20 Maneuver is dramatically successful and buys the rider an immediate
use of a single bonus 1D16 action die.
21+ Maneuver is a complete success. Rider gains immediate use of a bonus
1D20 action die, and iguana may make a free tail thrash attack.
Iguana Riding Mishaps Roll 1D4: (1) rider slides off side, either falling
for 1D6 dmg or must drop held items and attempt a Ref save vs. DC 10 to grab
a dorsal spine and hold on; (2) the iguana begins to burrow or dives into the
nearest water source, Str test vs. DC 16 to hold on; (3) the iguana turns 180°
from intended direction; (4) the iguana rolls on its side, making the equivalent
of a thrashing attack on its rider (1D20 +2, 1D3 dmg).

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 148148

Giant Snapping Turtle
Org: Solitary Dis: Predatory Sz: Large Mv: 20’, Swim 25’
AC: 18 HD: 4D12 (26 hp) Init: +0 Crit: M/D10
Atk (Me) : Bite +3 (2D7) Act : 1D20 Sv : Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +2
Treas: None
Special Properties
Ambush – Giant snapping turtles use their slow movement and mucky
countenance to blend in with the environment. They have a +4 to sneaking up
on targets (vs. their Int), granting them a surprise attack round if successful.
Oh Snap! – The quick bite of a giant snapping turtle not only deals impressive
dmg but can hold on to a target with a DC 17 force. While the creature’s head
and neck are exposed in this way its AC drops to 16.
Shell – The heavy shell and plastron of the giant turtle cause many melee
weapons to slide off with little effect. When a melee weapon attack is landed,
the attacker must pass a Luck check or their dmg is reduced to 1D2.

xposition: Found in deeper backwaters, giant snappers are often
Reptile, G iant

by their fishy smell long before being seen. They are frequently
mistaken for hefty rocks thanks to their patience and slow-moving demeanor.
These beasts have a reputation for sinking smaller boats that enter their
territorial waters.

Giant Chameleon
Org: Solitary Dis: Predatory/Opportunistic Sz: Large
Mv: 25’, Climb 25’ AC: 12 HD: 3D10 (16 hp) Init: +4
Crit: M/D8 (Me): Bite +2 (1D5 +Swallow) (Mi): Tongue +4 (1 +stick)
Act: 1D20 Sv: Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +2 Treas: None
Special Properties
Bite – The chameleon’s bite attack gains a +1D10 attack bonus against prey
stuck on its tongue. Any landed bite gives it a chance to swallow the target if it
can best them in Str roll (for this roll it has a +2 and the +1D10 bonus effect, if
applicable). When swallowed the prey is totally constricted, takes 1D3 dmg
each round, and can only force their way back out against a DC 15.
Color Change – The chameleon can blend into its environment such that it
is DC 15 to spot once hidden. It often strikes its prey from this cover.
Independent Eyes – Able to see in an almost 360° arc, chameleons are
DC18 to sneak up on.
Tongue Lash – This beast’s tongue can make attacks up to 30’ away.
Victims take 1 point of dmg and are drawn back to the chameleon where
they can be targeted for a bite attack the next round (at +1D10). The tongue
holds the target with a force of DC 12.

xposition: A hidden predator, chameleons make for great random
while traversing the hothouse jungles of Terra A.D.
149 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 149
Organization: Solitary
Robot, Deadly
Disposition: Territorial
Size: Medium/Large
Move: 30’
Armor Class: 18
Hit Dice: 20D6 (70 hp)
Initiative: +8 Crit: A/D12
Atk Melee:
Armaments +8 (see below)
Atk Missile:
Munitions +8 (see below)
Act Dice: 3D20
AI Recog: 18
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +4
Treasure: Personal Effects
Special Properties
Armaments – Roll 1D7: (1) titanium axe (2D8 +8 dmg); (2) plasma blade
(2D12 +12 dmg, disintegrates most material, ineffective against energy fields,
and does half dmg against duralloy and permaglass); (3) buzz saw (4D4 dmg);
(4) shock prod (3D5 subdual dmg); (5) carbon fiber flail (1D8 dmg, DC 12
Ref save or entangled-DC 15 to escape); (6) clamp hand (3D5 dmg +1D3 per
round-DC 18 to escape); (7) roll for 2 armaments.
Energy Core – The robot runs on some form of power core-be it an atomic
pile, a quantum construct, or a rechargeable battery that requires daily
attendance. For every hit dealing over 10 pts of dmg, each critical hit,
and any special attack focusing on this feature, roll 1D10: (1) power
interruption (robot shuts down for 1 round); (2) processor offline (-1D20
action dice); (3) ammo depletion (one weapon requiring ammo or energy
ceases to function); (4) underpowered servo (locomotion drops to 20’);
(5) sensor overload (-1D to all actions); (6) hard reboot (robot resets as
if oblivious to prior circumstances); (7-8) running hot (the smart metal’s
coverings are red-hot, +1D3 dmg to its unarmed attacks, 1D3 dmg to any
PC touching it, and there is a 40% chance to ignite flammable objects);
(9-10) possible critical mass (reroll; if this result is rolled again, the robot
begins to glow with pulsing radiance for the next round then explodes
across a 20’ radius for 3D10 dmg).
Immune to Mind Control – Most mental powers have little effect on the
robot’s positronic brain.
Munitions Array – Roll 1D10: (1) mazer beam (disregards armor and
force fields, range 120’, dmg 3D6); (2) fazer beam (140’ range, settings
for DC 20 Fort save vs. Stun blast, 5D6 heat ray, or DC 18 Fort save
vs. disintegration ray, save=5D6 dmg); (3) riot gun (100’ range, up to
Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 150150
5 adjacent targets, 2D6 subdual dmg); (4) stun grenade launcher (70’ range,
20’ radius, DC 15 Fort save vs. Stun, lasts 1D6 rounds); (5) plasma-disk
blaster (80’ range, targets all objects/organisms in its line of fire, 3D10 dmg);
(6) chain gun (140’ range, up to 10 adjacent targets, 2D4 dmg); (7) plasma
thrower (30’ long by 10’ wide cone of plasma, 3D10 dmg, Ref save vs. DC 15
for half dmg); (8-9) roll for 2 munitions; (10) roll for 3 munitions.
Scanning Suite – The smart metal is equipped to detect things up to 200’ away
using infrared, thermal, UV, microscopic, and telescopic sensors. It gains +6
to detection and may make out most hidden and invisible targets (+6 roll vs.
mutation checks).
Special Features – This cyberform was designed for some special protocol.
Roll 1D16: (1) auger in chest (4D8 dmg, burrow 25’); (2) gravity gun (can
project a 10’ radius spot of intense gravitons up to a distance of 100’-this
requires creatures in that area to make a DC 16 Str check to escape and
those within 20’ of the spot to make a DC 10 Str check or be pulled within
10’, lasts 2D4 rounds); (3) jet propulsion (fly 70’); (4) psychic-discordance
beam (directed as a beam weapon, target must make a DC 12 Will roll or
lose any mental mutations or Patron AI wetware they have for the rest of the
encounter); (5) compliance chip (on a successful melee attack the robot has
Robot, Deadly

injected a microchip under the target’s skin, they must make a DC 12 Fort
save or have the device supplant their nerves. The robot can direct them to
take one action each round, any failure to comply deals 1D3 subdual dmg);
(6) chemical sprayer (may select between a 10’ radius release of pesticide-
dealing -3D3 temporary Sta dmg to manimals or herbicide-dealing -3D3
temporary Sta dmg to plantients; targets may make a DC 15 Fort save to avoid
the effects); (7) force field generator (5’ radius bubble, +2 AC, absorbs 25
hp of dmg); (8) tread base (robot cannot be knocked back, down, or prone);
(9) mecha (the robot is actually a battle suit currently functioning on auto-
pilot; if defeated and worn it is TL 5, CM 8, grants AC +10, +4 to Str, and
has its remaining hp for dmg absorption); (10) magnetically shielded armor
(all beam weapons deflect from surface); (11) weather sat-link (can expend
an action to call for windstorms, lightning storms, snow, or fog, which take
place in 2D4 rounds with effects based on judge’s discretion); (12) hover
base (fly 35’, 5’ ceiling); (13) cloaking (invisible for 1D4 rounds); (14) siren
(lights and klaxon are startling, DC 10 Will save or be at -1D for 1D4 rounds,
can be heard up to 3,000’ away); (15) breaching system (has diamond cutoff
wheels and fusion torches to allow it to cut though most surfaces within 1D3
rounds); (16) roll for 3 features.

xposition: Nothing deflates the glee a seeker feels when
an unspoiled stretch of ancient ruins like the sound of smart
metal footfalls. Robots dominated the ancient culture of Terra AD. For
every citizen there was an entire cadre of robots designed to support them,
serve their needs and pleasures, and protect them from those that would
mean them harm. The “deadly” robot entry encompasses robots designed
for security, war, and sanctioned fighting games. Occasionally a robot from
other sectors of service may be considered “deadly” due to faults in its
programming or the retrofitting of military features onto its unsuspecting
frame. Most deadly robots can over-match a party of seekers, let alone an
opponent faced in single combat.

151 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 151

Organization: Solitary/Family
Robot, Service
Disposition: Territorial/Submissive
Size: Small/Medium
Move: 30’
Armor Class: 16-18
Hit Dice: 10D6 (35 hp)
Initiative: +3 Crit: A/D4
Atk Melee: Unarmed +2 (2D4)
Atk Missile:
Lazer Cutter +4 (3D6)
Act Dice: 1D20, 1D16
AI Recog: 16
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +2
Treasure: None
Special Properties
Energy Core – The robot runs on some
form of energy core requiring occasional recharging or replacement of an
Immune to Mind Control – Most mental powers have little effect on the unit.
Quirky AI – Roll 1D12: (1) failing R.O.M chips (bot loses information after
1D30 minutes); (2) prestigious (the bot was once assigned to some famous/
powerful person, or was of great notoriety for its design-it constantly reminds
others of this fact); (3) perfectionist (the bot will stop in the middle of a task,
tear everything completely apart and start over 1D3 times before being satisfied
with the results); (4) fearful (the terrible experiences of the apocalypse have left
this cyberform shaky and suspecting the worst-the slightest startle sends this bot
scrambling to hide); (5) raunchy (the mechanoid’s owner must have been a tough
character, the bot uses all sorts of foul language, knows every salty joke, and is
totally irreverent to those it meets); (6) con artist (the robotoid will play “nice” to
the PCs but ultimately plans to make off with their battery packs when the
chance occurs); (7) bubbly (designed for customer relations, this AI is way
too cheerful!); (8) glitchy (the bot randomly replaces certain words with
random ones, starts and stops activities without cause, and has unprovoked
shutdowns); (9) overwritten (the AI’s personality was replaced previously,
but the old version sometimes seeps through like a dissociative disorder);
(10) mournful (often talks about and is looking for their “lost master”);
(11) extreme dialect/accent (has a Hollywood-style accent-southern,
British, French, Australian, Slavic, Chinese, Cajun, Swedish, Canadian,
valley girl, etc.); (12) ominous (does weird things like staring at a PC
while mumbling “he might do,” refers to itself in the 3rd person, asks
awkwardly about whether certain injuries would be more painful for the
PCs than others, speaks poetically about carcasses they find...).

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 152152

Service Equipment – Dependent on its prescribed job, a service robot might
be equipped with any of the following items (pick or roll 1D24): (1) drink
dispensers; (2) scary-looking armatures designed for polishing household
goods; (3) a light-up chest display featuring a menu, merchandise catalog, a
picture assessment of emotional wellness, a lost item with reward, religious
revelations tied to a nearby temple/church, etc.; (4) the equivalent of a
mobile beauty salon (hair trimmers, dye sprays, hair washer/dryer, nail
filer/painter...); (5) welding guns (1D6 dmg) and vice-grip arms (DC 17 to
escape); (6) mechanic tools; (7) medical implements (heal 1D7 dmg); (8)
holoprojector; (9) built-in gambling mechanism (Luck check +8 to win) and a
strong box with coins; (10) diaper changing station; (11) cleaning array for a
house, a street, public toilets, a horse stall, a murder scene, etc.; (12) designed
as character for a kiddie party-has built in party games; (13) sleek-looking
outer design that bodes well as a public defender; (14) painting supplies
and applicators; (15) chest-mounted bottle feeding mechanisms and blanket
warmer for NICU operation; (16) fire extinguishing equipment; (17) heated
message appendages (recover 2 lost attribute points); (18) chemical sprayer
for weeds, insects, rodents, ice buildup, grease buildup, etc. (DC 14 Fort
save vs. effect); (19) plumbing equipment; (20) tailoring instruments (shears,
Robot, Service

sewing machine, iron, digital measurement scanner...); (21) built-in kitchen

(grill, mixer, refrigerated compartment, suite of chef knives...); (22) all the
robot’s useful equipment has been stripped away (roll again to indicate what
it once had); (23) powerful digging and ground-drilling devices (burrow 10’);
(24) retrofitted for new purpose (roll again on this or any other robot entry
chart to determine original design, then reroll on this chart to determine what
new purpose they have been configured to do).

xposition: The far-flung techno-society of the ancients produced
in such quantities that they out-numbered their meat-laden masters 20
to 1. Every industry and every personal need had some bot ready for the task.
Judges should think creatively about what services robots were designed for
and how an apocalypse might have affected those that survived. These bots
might have been designated for social therapies, household repairs, grief-
relief purposes, food services, medical services, traffic directing, prisoner
rehabilitation, shipping and delivery, sales and promotion, historic or wildlife
simulations-the list is nearly infinite!
As the descent toward the apocalypse accelerated, the duties these robots
may have filled would be strangely affected. A companion bot may be
chumming around with its assigned master-long dead from the last great
plague. A crew of fix-it bots may be reconstructing a pristine city that’s
now eerily vacant. Medical automatons may accost mutant PCs, insisting
on treating them for the “cancers” they are obviously diseased with. Traffic
regulators may demand the PCs stay infinitely poised at a deactivated
stoplight waiting until it turns green to proceed. The paradoxes and timeless
obligations of these creatures make these encounters special-something
more than just a chance for combat. No, this “monster” is best savored as a
match of wits and logic puzzles.

153 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 153

Organization: Solitary
Disposition: Dominating/Territorial
Size: Medium
Move: 25’
Armor Class: 13
Hit Dice: 3D10 (30 hp)
Initiative: +3 Crit: A/D3
Atk Melee: Fists +4 (1D7)
Atk Missile:
Lazer +6 (3D6, 10 Shots)
Act Dice: 1D24, 1D20
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +8
Treasure: Hoard
Special Properties
Nanite Repair – A system of internal
nanites attempt to keep both halves
of this creature functioning. This upkeep grants
the R.O.M.ummy a 1D4 repair each round-and can raise it from having
been “destroyed” (though its action dice decrease by -1D each occurrence).
This system can be negated by the presence of strong magnetic fields.
On-Board Devices – The R.O.M.ummy can activate 3 of the following
devices once per encounter each: (A) fusion torch (can cut through most
barriers in 1D3 rounds); (B) extendo-hand (can reach/attack up to 10’
away); (C) cloaking device (DC 17 to spot, +4 to AC, lasts 1D6 rounds);
(D) alternate locomotion (can fly, burrow, or swim up to 30’ for 3 rounds);
(E) targeting system (gains an additional +3 to all attacks for 1D3 rounds);
(F) deflection field (all missile attacks bounce back-roll a 1D16 attack
action die to see if they hit the attacker); (G) static field (anyone landing
a melee attack takes 1D5 dmg); (H) restraining filament (on a successful
melee attack, target is restrained-DC 14 to escape); (I) missile attack (on a
successful +2 missile attack, the target and everything within a 5’ radius
takes 3D4 dmg); (J) multi-scanner (the R.O.M.ummy can see in the dark
and locate most hidden targets within 15’ for the rest of the encounter);
(K) strength boost (+6 to all Str related rolls for 1D4 rounds); (L) speed
boost (+6 to all Agil related rolls, and move increases to 60’ for 1D4
rounds); and (M) compulink (may wirelessly uplink to any computer-
controlled or AI device and has +4 to related security rolls).
Recharge – These cyberforms require a burdensome amount of energy
(once supplied through biological means). Now they must acquire new
power cells on a regular basis or return to their charging station once per
24 hrs of operation.

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 154154

Undead – R.O.M.ummies cannot be mind-controlled, poisoned, or affected by
disease. They take only ½ dmg from slashing and piercing weapons.

xposition: Even with cybernetic parts, a creature cannot live forever,
R.O.M.ummies come close to breaking that rule. As a cyborg’s internal
systems discern the ultimate degradation and failure of their human half, their
positronic logic dictates the preservation of and dominance over this weaker
portion. The cyborg finds their nutrition altered to dehydrate, preserve, and
even plasticize their biological half. A shadowy reminiscence of their human
“consciousness” is digitized into the R.O.M. banks of the creature, and soon
it ceases to truly be alive. This mockery of life carries out tasks in perpetuity
trying to appease the last strong inclinations held by its human side. This may be
guarding its possessions, seeking revenge, or searching for something that was
lost to it-including abstract feelings such as love, dignity, or glory. Of course its
cybernetic understanding of these things is often faulty to begin with and falls
into further paradox over time.

ྊ thing’s faulty algorithms have misidentified one of the seekers as a

past love-lorn acquaintance. Now, the creature seeks to protect them from
functional death by “helping” them achieve a new cybernetic existence.
ྊ member of the Curators has unearthed a R.O.M.ummy and is offering it
energy cells in payment for stealing various coveted artifacts from other
traders-occasionally ending in murder. Can the PCs uncover this plot and
find the hidden location of the R.O.M.ummy’s power-down station?

ྊThe PCs are desperate for a bit of information dealing with the
whereabouts of a fabled ancient laboratory. Is its location one of the many
random memories of an old and terrifying R.O.M.ummy inhabiting some
nearby jungle ruins?
ྊ terminally ill cyborg enlists the aid of the seekers to find a holo-
resurrection facility where the human part of its mind might find solace
before its cybernetic side takes actions to “preserve” the biological portion.
The struggle between these halves places the PCs in danger as they make
their legendary expedition to this holy site.
ྊ misguided zeal, a neighboring tribesman is attempting to gather parts
and power cells to help rebuild an extremely wicked R.O.M.ummy that
has him convinced it is a god.

ྊThe final impulses recorded by a R.O.M.ummy have driven it to unlock
the secrets of AI patronage. It is attacking digital cloud storage facilities
and attempting to overwrite its AI over the likes of a PC’s patron. The
disruptions are only intermittent currently, but the patron is calling on
the seeker to put an end to this heresy!

155 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 155

Organization: Herd
Disposition: Grazer/Domesticated
Size: Huge
Move: 25’
Armor Class: 13
Hit Dice: 4D12 (26 hp)
Initiative: -1 Crit: M/D10
Atk Melee: Gore +3 (2D10)
Atk Melee: Trample +1 (4D4)
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +0
Treasure: Carcass
Special Properties
Docile – Even wild roxen are
obdurate and can be approached calmly
without reaction. This trait allows them to be tamed rather easily (2 weeks’ worth
of work/captivity and 3 Per rolls at DC 14, 12, and 8). On top of this, roxen are
hard to startle and gain +3 on rolls vs. fear and surprise.
Hearty – The roxen can store nearly 7 days’ worth of water and nutrients with the
fat caps across its shoulders. These grant it a +6 on all rolls and saves associated
with surviving adverse climates and lack of food/drink.
Trumpeting – Almost foghorn-like in resonance, the roxen’s call is so deafeningly
loud that those within 50’ of the creature must make a DC 10 Ref save to protect
their ears lest they go deaf for 1D3 hours. Thankfully the roxen only
sounds this alarm when under duress-a rare occasion at most.

xposition: In the time of rebirth, the roxen is one of the most
domesticated beasts found on Terra. Almost 8’ to its shoulder,
the creature makes for an excellent beast of burden, but is tame enough
to also serve as a mount. Though tribes have differing taboos about such
things, many find the roxen to be a most excellent source of meat, leather,
and a plethora of crafting goods. The saying goes that, “Every part of the
roxen has use-right down to its shadow.”
About the only thing unappreciated by tribes is the roxen’s musky smell.
For that reason most villages have towering bamboo pens on the outskirts
of their settlements where these oafs are kept.
Interestingly, roxen are very selective in their breeding and often tribal
seekers are sent out into the wilds to find new roxen in hopes that they
will be a match for one raised in the village.
Roxen can live for nearly 40 years and have a good memory for calls,
signals, and routines.

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 156156

ide that Roxen!: Easily trained and powerful in battle, the
is used by many primitive societies as their go-to for mounted
travel and warfare. The drawback on this is that its great size makes the beast
cumbersome to mount/dismount. It takes a DC 8 Agil roll to do so. Falling
from the beast deals 1 point of dmg. Long shafted weapons (such as spears and
halberds) gain +1D5 dmg when wielded from on top of a roxen.
Roll an Agility check on the following chart when trying to maneuver the
1 Maneuver fails; rolls for handling this beast drop by -1D; rider must roll on
the Riding Mishaps table.
2-8 Maneuver fails. Roll on the Riding Mishaps table.
9-12 Maneuver fails but may be attempted again next round.
13-17 Maneuver is successful.
18-20 Maneuver is dramatically successful and buys the rider an immediate use
of a single bonus 1D16 action die.
21+ Maneuver is a complete success. Rider gains immediate use of a bonus
1D20 action die, and roxen may make a free gore attack.
Roxen Riding Mishaps Roll 1D4: (1) rider is thrown from roxen, landing
2D4 feet away and taking 1D4 dmg; (2) the roxen comes to a sudden halt
and will not move again unless injured or persuaded with a DC 14 Per roll;

(3) the roxen begins bucking as it runs, DC 12 Str to stay on each round for
the remainder of the encounter; (4) the roxen moves 90° from the direction

ar-Thor Stew-It's Survival Advice: Roxen, roxen...
can’t cha’ do with roxen? Did ya’ happen to know that roxen meat is
so high in iron, when made into jerky it can become magnetic? Well, here’s ya’ a
host of fun things to make from the critter:
🌲🌲 Knitted roxen fur (though a bit odorous) is water resistant and maintains
heat under almost all conditions (+1D to related checks when worn).
🌲🌲 Thick and chewy, roxen milk has near-fatal levels of calcium. Each time
a character with permanent mutations related to bones, growth, or density
drinks a glass of fresh roxen milk they have a 2% chance of increasing this
mutation (reroll the mutation check at +1D, take the result if BETTER
than the character’s current power).
🌲🌲 There’s an old wives’ tale that the dung of a roxen is repulsive to
reptiles! If the judge holds this belief, reptilian creatures would need to
make a DC 10 Will save to get within 5’ of the excrement.
🌲🌲 With some mastery (a DC 17 Int check), the preserved horns of a roxen
can be rattled together to make a noise that will attract 1D3 females (if
within 2,000’).
🌲🌲 The roxen’s small intestines can be cleaned and boiled to create 70’
to 100’ of durable rope that stretches (up to 150%) like that ancient
“bungee” cording.

157 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 157

Organization: Solitary
Disposition: Opportunistic
Size: Huge
Move: 30’
Armor Class: 16
Hit Dice: 7D6 (24 hp*)
Initiative: +3 Crit: IV/D12
Atk Melee:
Bury +3 (1D6 +special)
Atk Missile:
Sand Blast +3 (2D6 +3 +special)
Act Dice: 2D20
Saves: Fort +6*, Ref +3, Will +5
Treasure: Victims’ Effects
Special Properties
*Animated Sand – The sandiform’s dual nature (an energy being matrixed
with loose materials) makes physical attacks on it less damaging (dmg is
halved) and provides immunity to poisons, diseases, and effects such as
suffocation. Its interaction with things such as fire and acid are dependent
upon what materials the sandiform is made up of (most are silicate and
have immunity to all but the most intense fire, yet are damaged by some
acids). In most cases these constructs always pass their Fort saves.
Sandiforms drop to a 15’ move and suffer -2D to actions if waterlogged.
Bury – When attacking opponents in an adjacent space the sandiform
often simply unleashes dozens of gallons of sand right on top of them.
This deals 1D6 dmg to the target but also begins to smother them with
earth. Have the target roll whatever ability or power they are using
against the sandiform’s attack and consult the chart below. Levels of
“buried” stack from round to round, and at “5 levels” the target cannot
escape on their own. From levels 3 to 5 the target is suffocating and will
automatically die after a number of rounds equal to their Sta score (half
that if they are taking physical actions).
Sandiform’s Attack Roll Result
0-11 12-15 16-19 20+
Target’s Skill/Power Roll

No change in +1 Level of +2 Levels of +3 Levels of

“Buried” levels “Buried” “Buried” “Buried”
-1 Level of No change in +1 Level of +2 Levels of
“Buried” “Buried” levels “Buried” “Buried”
-2 Levels of -1 Level of No change in +1 Level of
“Buried” “Buried” “Buried” levels “Buried”
-3 Levels of -2 Levels of -1 Level of No change in
“Buried” “Buried” “Buried” “Buried” levels

Sponsored by Mark Phagan 158158

Contain/Barricade – The sandiform is composed of nearly 1,500 ft3 of
material and can commit about 1,000 ft3 of that to form shapes, barriers, and
dwellings (like giant sand castles) through the use of a move action. A typical
wall will be about 20’x20’x2’, be AC 16, and require at least 4 HD (14 hp)
to break through. Alternately, the creature can keep shifting its mass to block
or surround a target; under these conditions the sandiform should just make a
1D20 +6 mutation roll against the target’s most applicable skill roll.
Sand Blast – This elemental can jettison a blast of sand (nearly 10 gallons)
over a space of 50’. This missile attack is made at a +3 and deals 2D6 +3 dmg.
Judges should consider what effect a this will have on the target and their gear.
The target may need to make a DC 10 Fort roll to remain standing after the
hit. Torches and other flame sources are likely to be extinguished and delicate
items are likely to be saturated by sand and potentially ruined.
*Energy Dependent – At its core, the sandiform is an other-dimensional
creature of pure energy. To maintain its projection in our world, the being
must continue to consume energy and does so as a matter of “life” or death.
This need has attuned them to detect energy sources (especially charged
energy cells) with perfect accuracy up to 1,000’ away. Under the pressure to
consume or perish, the sandiform will attack those carrying these supplies
hoping to steal them away, break them open, and consume the discharged
power. This aggression is done with little malice, and often these attacks deal

only subdual dmg. The sandiform’s energy needs sometimes puts them in the
service of an evil being-who uses smaller lithium cores as “treats” to train
the monster to do their bidding. Energy based attacks can actually heal this
creature if at subtle levels. Any dmg from an energy attack that deals less than
11 points of dmg will instead give the creature +1 hp (even pushing it beyond
its starting value, capping off at 100). The use of energy in persuading or
distracting this monster grants a +2D to the skill roll.
Fluid Form – This being can change shape into any form or thickness allowed
by its material, sometimes using shapes to trick others (mutation check +3).
Further, it can fit through many small spaces, pouring through a little at a time.
Other Aggregates – “Sandiform” is a generic term used to cover all of these
elemental creatures, even though some are comprised of soil, pebbles, even
dried grain or fluids. This is due to the fact that most encountered will be made
of sand as most of Terra A.D. is comprised of irradiated deserts. The judge
should consider bumping up or down the creature’s speed, AC, hp, and dmg
based on the aggregate that makes them up.

xposition: Not long after the dimensional correlates were first
less savory scientists began to probe them for elements and
life forms that could be exploited toward their own prosperity. Sandiforms
are likely a result of that. Drawn into our world from a realm of solid
energy states, these creatures are unable to communicate, lost, scared, and
in a constant state of energy drain. They have learned to polarize small
materials-aggregates like sand, ash, dirt, and rocks. Bonding ionically with
these mediums, they create a body with which they can at least interact in
this world. On a whole, these elementals are obtuse to the Terran mind, with
values, needs, and expressions that make no sense in this realm. Still, their
thirst for energy and desire to be gated back to their home dimension has a
sort of universal translation.
159 Sponsored by Mark Phagan 159
Organization: Solitary/Family
Sand Wyrm
Disposition: Predatory/Territorial
Size: Massive
Move: 20’, Burrow 60’
Armor Class: 10
Hit Dice: 20D8 (88 hp)
Initiative: +2 Crit: M/D30
Atk Melee:
Bite +4 (3D8 +Swallow)
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +3
Treasure: Victims’ Effects
Special Properties
Collateral Damage – If somehow
stuck partially or fully above ground,
the wyrm begins to flail about, incidentally
smashing and slashing things at random with its razor-finned sides. Creatures
within 20’ of it must make DC 10 Ref saves each round or suffer 3D6 dmg.
Hard-Scaled – The scaly exterior of the sand wyrm has the feel of sun
heated rocks. Many of these scales are serrated and angled to tear at
the world around the beast during excavation. These scales are all but
impenetrable to most common melee weapons (only critical hits and
weapons made of artifactual/mythical metals may score dmg). Even beam
weapons are often dispersed by the clumps of silicate that cling to the
creature’s hide (a 15% chance).
Quake-Maker – When the wyrm rummages through the upper crust,
the ground around it is thrown about, simulating a massive but shallow
earthquake. This effect is simulated through a +4 mutation check.
Characters within 100’ of the beast must make a Ref save vs. this result or
be knocked prone for a round. The fall of a character is likely to catch the
attention of this beast as it hunts for targets. The use of this ability may
also cause structures and landscape to collapse, move, or sink.
Seismic Detection – With truly alien biology, the wyrm’s eyes, which are
shielded behind translucent nictitating plates, see vibrations in almost a
sonar quality. Any movement by surface creatures make them fair game
for attacks. The creature gains a +4 to such detection. This sensitivity,
however, can be exploited both by baiting the creature to move toward
a false target or by attempting to minimize movement while touching
the ground. The wyrm cannot move through rock very quickly, so if it
determines there is prey taking refuge on large boulders (15’ diameter or
larger) it will resort to its quake-making abilities to try and roll the target
off. In this way, the wyrm is a patient and conniving hunter.

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 160160

Swallow – On a successful attack, the target must make a Ref save vs. the
result or be swallowed by the wyrm. Once swallowed, the target takes 1D5 acid
dmg each round as they are moved down its digestive tract. The target can cut
themselves out if they can score 12 dmg in a single hit. Meanwhile, once its
prey is captured, the wyrm descends hundreds of feet to digest the quarry in
peace (usually spending 2 turns or more below before returning to the hunt).
Characters swallowed by a sand wyrm are often irrevocably lost.

xposition: The sand wyrm is designed to be more of a terrain hazard
a combat encounter. The beastly thing spends 10 years of its life on
constant patrol of a desert or open plain, hunting perpetually without need for
rest. Its scales match the rocky subterranean world it moves through. There,
thousands of feet below the surface, it drills itself through strata and across
caves. Its eyes are able to “see” vibrations as soft as a dog’s paw touching grass
and as distant as 300’. For seekers moving through its hunting grounds, there
is commonly a set of tremors that proceed its attack. At first small and distant,
soon these grow to ground-shaking events, and not long after, the wyrm’s
violent jaws break the surface.
After a cycle of perpetual hunting, the sand wyrm descends deep into the earth.
Down there, in the heat and pressure, it is believed to either molt and grow or
perhaps reproduce and die. With this pattern, areas cursed by the wyrms may
Sand Wyrm

enter long dormant states where optimistic and ignorant seekers may believe the
creature to be gone. While down in the depths of the mantle, crystals often get
lodged between the beast’s scales, and some even grow on it during its years
of slumber. Could a sand wyrm be defeated-oh, and hauled out of its burrow-a
close search might yield 2D14 trade-grade gemstones of varying types.

ample encounter: An ancient lighthouse now sits upon a bluff
the desert of corals. This feature is distinguished not just because
its ancient beacon still grazes miles and miles across the broken landscape, but
because it is known that a benevolent AI runs this magical tower. Named “K3PR,”
the service robot is a master at repairing technologies, and the PCs could use its
help in the repair of an important artifact. The drawback is that the desert of corals
is plagued by 2 sand wyrms. For the map, start with a desert. Draw a large rock
mesa across from the player’s starting point and set it up with the lighthouse. This
mesa is 110’ tall; DC 13 to climb. In between, place a few small reefs of coral (the
sea was boiled away, now the reefs are exposed to the air) and a large band of it
close to the mesa. Place the following site locations on this map:
1. The Giant’s Backbone – These sandstone boulders stretch out halfway
across the map with 5’ to 12’ gaps between. Some of the rock is
2. Hunting Grounds – Imagine 2 big circles that overlap a good deal in the
center. They represent the active hunting grounds of the sand wyrms.
3. The Great Coral Wall – A 7’ wall of petrified branching coral blocks
passage ¾ of the way across the desert (DC 10 to climb). Failures result in
cuts (1D2). The wyrms can demolish parts of this with their quake power.
4. Terror-Wing Nest – Terror-wings (2D3) nest in this part of the coral and
will make trouble for any PCs trying to fly about this space.

161 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 161

Organization: Solitary/Pack
Disposition: Predatory
Size: Medium
Move: 20’
Armor Class: 9
Hit Dice: 3D6 (10 hp)
Initiative: -4 Crit: M/D8
Atk Melee:
Slam +1 (1D4 +Radiation)
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort +4, Ref -4, Will +2
Treasure: None
Special Properties
Irradiated – Touching or being touched
by a screamer exposes the PC to
radiation. They must make a DC 15 Fort
save or suffer 1D3 radburn.
Undead – Screamers cannot be mind-controlled, poisoned, or affected by
disease. They take only ½ dmg from bludgeoning and piercing weapons.

xposition: Between their banshee-like scream and the neon-glow
their infected skin, you’re not likely to be surprised by the undead
menace casually dubbed “The Screamer.” Truly, this grotesque corruption
is the work of a radioactive fungus sustaining the tissues of a corpse and
using its own simple intelligence to “animate” the body for the purpose of
Screamers are shambling, goiter-laden zombies with glowing skin. The
fungus inhabiting the corpse uses chemical reactions to activate the nerves,
creating muscle response and flooding its cells with a solution that fights
rigor mortis. The gases of these exchanges, along with those given off with
the breakdown of the host’s necrotic tissues, build up in the cavities of the
creature, whistling out any perforation like a high-pitched shriek.
When a screamer kills a victim, the fungal spores transferred in the attack
will propagate and gain control of this new cadaver within a 24-hr cycle.
Thus, in confined communities, screamer attacks can quickly convert the
entire town into an undead horde.

Variants: While few can substantiate these claims, there have

been rumors of variants to the standard screamer. Aside from changes
in glow-colors, deforming effects of the fungi, and the range of decay
at which the creature can still be “viable” (there are tales of completely
skeletal hosts) there are a multitude of special distinctions found
throughout Terra.

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 162162

Conscious Screamer
Org: Solitary+ Dis: Antagonistic Sz: Medium Mv: 30’
AC: 9 +Armor HD: 3D8 (13 hp) Init: -2 Crit: M/D8
Atk (Me): Slam +1 (1D4 +Radiation) or By weapon -2 Act: 1D20
Sv: Fort +4, Ref -2, Will +2 Treas: None
Special Properties
Irradiated Mimic Undead
Mimic – For every round a “conscious” screamer attempts an action, it may
gain a +1 up to a maximum total bonus of +5. This includes rounds spent
fighting PCs. This bonus resets between encounters.

xposition: The “conscious” screamer has a higher state of
(4-6) and possesses the ability to learn from observing the
behavior of other humanoids. This lends to dangerous situations as they
memorize the actions needed to unlock locations, use weapons, and bypass
certain obstacles. It is unknown if spores from this evolved version likewise
can generate other, more sentient screamers, but “conscious” screamers are
often seen leading packs of regular ones, so perhaps not.

Screaming Monstrosity
Org: Solitary Dis: Predatory Sz: Medium/Large Mv: Base -15’
AC: Base -2 HD: 2D8 to 8D8 (5-36 hp) Init: -4
Crit: M/D6-D12 Atk (Me): Base -1 Act: Base
Sv: Fort +4, Ref -2, Will +0 Treas: None
Special Properties
Death-Breath Irradiated Pertinent Trait Undead
Death Breath – A charge of irradiated gases builds up in these ghouls. This
blast is able to be released in an +2 missile attack, 12’ long and spreading to 5’
in width by its end. This attack deals 1D8 radburn dmg on a failed DC 12 Fort
save. It deals only half dmg on a successful save.
Pertinent Trait – Based on its living abilities, the screaming monstrosity
usually retains at least 1 special, natural function of its host creature.

Eaxposition: Sometimes the atomically charged fungi that create

screamer find their way onto a non-human organism. Luckily, this
compatibility is rare, lest the hothouse jungles become overrun with
monstrosities that have been made even more dangerous through “un-
death” and radiation. Still, it is plausible that almost any creature may be
grounds for the infection. Use the host monster’s stats as the “base” for the
formulas given above. Select hit dice that are most appropriate for the size
of the chosen creature.
Screaming Monstrosities can make for both easier and much harder
challenges than the standard screamer when applied to different monster

163 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 163

Organization: Solitary
Size: “Medium”
Move: 25’
Armor Class: 9 +Armor
Hit Dice: 3D7 (12 hp)
Initiative: +2 Crit: III/D8
Atk Melee:
Faux Weapon +4 (1D3)
Atk Melee/Missile:
+2 (By weapon)
Act Dice: 1D20, 1D16
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +4
Treasure: Victims’ Effects
Special Properties
Aversion to Water – The shifter’s chemical make-up is slightly water soluble.
Thus, being sprayed with water reduces the creatures ability to maintain
coherence (-1D to all rolls and an immediate mutation check to keep
in form-see “metamorphic” below). Submerging the creature in water
deals 1D3 dmg per round unto death-where it dissipates into the liquid
as sediment. Beware-some theorize the creature can be distilled out and
become viable again!
Faux Weapon – The changeling can morph its body into equipment and
weapons and detach them for use. Though painless, this detachment deals 1 hp
of dmg to the shape-shifter.
Metamorphic – This creature can shape itself into anything-be it a natural
element, an organism, or a man-made item. This power also allows it to
change color and shape (when used in defense it is +2 to AC and +4 to
hide). Changing into things can be difficult. In its base form the changeling
is a medium-sized creature. For every step up or down from that category
it tries to imitate, its mutation check suffers a -1D. Additionally, the
creature sometimes has flaws in its portrayal of the intended target. With
examination the changeling’s deception is revealed on an Int check vs. the
mutation check result. When assuming a form, roll a +3 mutation check:
(1) power fails, changeling instantly pours down into a slithering puddle
and cannot use this power again for the encounter (see “mutable” below);
(2-11) cannot hold the form, the form appears to be melting, bubbling, or
stretching in random ways; (12-14) it has almost duplicated the form but
with a single error such as mirroring of identifying features, slight change
of size, slight coloration variation, or unmatched vocal patterns; (15-17)
the desired form is perfectly matched, but mannerisms and demeanor
are off a bit; (18-19) all aspects of the form are matched exactly and
Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 164164
mannerisms are well adopted; (20+) the shape-shifter not only looks the part but
has discovered a way to simulate a single special property of the target (mutant
power, combat maneuver, wetware program, etc.).
Mutable – In its neutral form, the changeling is a gooey brown sludge. As such
it can fit through 1”x1” or larger spaces. It can shoot pseudopods out, attacking
with similar skill and effect as faux weapons. Lastly, changing from this neutral
form to another or back (1 action) grants a 1D3 healing roll for the shape-shifter.
Switcheroo – When imitating a PC, the judge should take the player aside and
create a way to randomly assign who is playing the real PC and who is the
shifter each round. Swapping frequently will leave the party guessing.
Telepathic – When first encountered, PCs must make a Will save vs. the shifter’s
+4 mutation check. If the shifter succeeds it can read their thoughts.

xposition: It is argued that there is no such thing as a “shape-shifter”
That, in fact, every shape-shifter is a unique being brought into its
putty-like state through a variety of tragedies and coincidental happenings. In
almost every case the ability to become “anything” it desires eventually fuels its
envy of those around it and liberates its inhibitions toward immorality. For one
shifter it may be a drive to obtain the wealth and renown of others. For another

it comes down to wanting to belong to a tight-knit group (though this never

lasts, for its personality and emotional framework is only suited for hermitage).
As stated, changelings feel no compunction for lawlessness. Killing, stealing,
lying-none of these even form a wrinkle in the conscience of the creature. In
fact, over time, many changelings actually delight in these derelictions-as they
remind it just how “free” it really is.
Changelings have a keen sense of tactics when it comes to deception. When first
encountered the shape-shifter is likely to be hidden in plain sight-morphed as a
greasy puddle, a harmless animal, or empty cabinet. After telepathically observing
a group, the shifter will follow them using its mind reading abilities to know what
the different members want, what they plan to do, and if they have any suspicions
of being followed. It will attempt to use this information to set up an ambush
where it can take out a single party member and then replace them. Alternately, it
may just wait until a character gets separated from the others and it simply comes
in to take their place. The shape-changer has a lot of tools at its disposal to play its
“parts.” Like clay, it can detach pieces of itself, which it mutates into the items it
saw on the person it is replicating. Its telepathy helps it to know the expectations
of those around it and the answers to things that would normally only be in
memory. Still, it is not perfect, and sly seekers may be able to out it through
attention to detail. For example, there are many times the shape-shifter’s
duplicate form is slightly off (scar on the wrong side, slightly taller, wrong
color eyes...).
Additionally, though the creature can visually mimic tools and equipment, these
pieces (especially technological ones) do not have any complex functions. Sure,
a mimicked sword can make rough cuts and a mimicked club can bash stuff,
but its imitation of a fazer rifle cannot shoot. It may not even know how the
device should be used.
Self-preservation is a strong instinct for changelings. If discovered (or
otherwise under attack), it does not take much to convince the creature to flee.

165 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 165

Organization: Solitary
Snake, G iant
Disposition: Predatory/Territorial
Size: Large/Huge
Move: 40’, Climb 15’, Swim 20’,
Burrow 5’
Armor Class: 14
Hit Dice: 4D8 (18 hp)
Initiative: +6 Crit: M/D10
Atk Melee: Bite +6 (2D4 +special)
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +2
Treasure: Victims’ Effects
Special Properties
(Choose 2D3)
Biggin Camouflaged
Constriction Digestive Pause
Exothermic Macrostomatan Jaw Mesmerizing Pit Organs Pit Viper
Quick-Strike Slow-Moving Two-Headed Venomous
Biggin – This is a giant snake of a whole other magnitude! It’s so large it
has 4D16 for Hit Dice (34 hp), has a Fort save of +6, and deals a bonus
+1D5 to all rolls associated with dmg.
Camouflaged – The snake’s coloration gives it a +3 to activities like
sneaking and hiding and brings its AC to 16.
Constriction – On a successful +6 melee attack, the target must roll a
Ref save vs. DC 10 or be constricted. The constriction deals 1D4 dmg
per round with the escape DC (base 10) increasing by this dmg amount
each round as well.
Digestive Pause – This beast has eaten recently. It moves only at 25’, has
AC 12, and its Ref save is only +2.
Exothermic – Cold-blooded, the snake is +3 to saves against heat effects
and -3 to fire dmg. However, exposure to cold-based effects slows it to a
move of 20’ and drops its action die by -1D.
Macrostomatan Jaw – The snake’s unfused chin allows it to eat/swallow
things almost twice its size. On a bite attack, the target must succeed at
a DC 12 Ref save or be drawn in for 1D3 dmg each round. Targets can
escape with a DC 16 Str or Agil roll. The snake can only succeed with one
of these attacks each encounter.
Mesmerizing – On a failed DC 8 Will save, those within sight are either
entranced or scared stiff for the next 1D3 rounds. Further, these dancing/
rattling reptiles are believed to live until sundown. If a killing blow is
struck in the day time, the snake can make a DC 14 Fort roll to remain

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 166166

alive with 1D3 hp.
Pit Organs – The snake’s pit organs allow it +6 to perception against warm-
blooded foes and allow it sight even under pitch-black conditions. It is at a -2 to all
sight-based rolls against plantients and other cold-blooded targets.
Pit Viper – The viper has a 20’ ranged spit attack (+4) from its eyes that can
either blind a target for 1 hr on a failed DC 12 Ref save or deal 2D3 acid dmg
for 1D3 rounds (or until washed off).
Quick-Strike – Initiative is +8, bite attacks can reach 15’ away, the snake gains a
bonus 1D16 action die, and its base speed is increased to 60’.
Slow-Moving – As a slow-moving ambush predator, the snake’s speed is reduced
to 20’, but it gains +6 to attempts to sneak up on targets unheard/seen.
Two-Headed – This snake has a second head (possibly with different SP), has 2
more HD (+5 hp), and has a second 1D20 action die for use each round.
Venomous – On a bite attack the target must make a DC 12 Fort save or: (A)
die from poisoning in 2D10 rounds, (B) lose 1D6 Stamina for the next 3 hours
(temporary, though 0 Stamina=death), or (C) be bed-ridden for 4D12 hours.

xposition: Giant snakes fall roughly into 3 categories: constrictors
squeeze their prey to death), vipers (which inject prey with poison),
Snake, G iant

and colubrids (which clamp onto prey with a quick, venomless bite). These
differences can be modelled by the judge’s selection of special properties.

ar-Thor Stew-It's Survival Advice: As dangerous
they are, crossin’ paths with a giant snake can leave the victor with a
heap of goodies! Now, thar ain’t no doubt snake meat makes good fixins-be they
grilled or stewed-but it’s what cha’ do with all them other parts that makes it
wurth yer sweat and blood...
🌲🌲 Giant snake eggs make hearty meals (+1 hp recovery for that day).
🌲🌲 Giant constrictor eggs can make for big trade for those wanting to raise one
as a domesticated pet or temple guardian.
🌲🌲 Giant snake skin is waterproof and makes rugged yet flexible armor (AC
+2, 1D6 fumble die).
🌲🌲 The venom of the snake can be painted on (3D3) tipped weapons dealing an
extra +1D8 dmg if the target fails a Fort save (or having poisonous qualities
as given above).
🌲🌲 Giant snake fangs make excellent daggers (1D4 dmg) and may carry
poisonous effects (see above).
🌲🌲 The ribs of these giants are light weight and great for fashioning small
portable tents.
🌲🌲 A wise healer can brew (DC 16 Int check) a powerful anti-venom using
the poison gland of a giant viper.
🌲🌲 Most giant snakes found near civilization are known to have a glut
of jewelry and other undigested trinkets stuck in their digestive tracts
(make a Luck roll!).

167 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 167

Organization: Solitary
Disposition: Predatory
Size: Large
Move: 40’
Armor Class: 11
Hit Dice: 8D10 (44 hp)
Initiative: +3 Crit: M/D14
Atk Melee:
Roll Over +5 (2D6)
Atk Missile:
Bite +5 (2D10)
Act Dice: 2D20
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +5
Treasure: None
Special Properties
Gas Pores – The sphincterror’s surface
is covered with dozens of various gas-producing pores. These gasses can be
released in a 10’ jet and expand to a 10’ diameter within a round. Those
caught in this space are equally affected. The creature can select from the
following gasses or the judge can roll randomly (a 1D12). (1) Knockout
Gas (Will save vs. DC 14 or fall asleep for 2D10 rounds). (2) Acid Mist
(all within the cloud take 3D14 dmg minus their AC). (3) Fear Inducing
Gas (Will save vs. DC 12 or flee at top speed in a random direction for 2D4
rounds). (4) Haze (this purple cloud obscures sight, +2/-2 to actions). (5)
Static Dissipative Gas (this gas absorbs charges from electrical circuitry,
nullifying devices; give each item a save plus its TL vs. 12 to avoid
becoming inert for 1D6 rounds. AIs may use their Will save). (6) Cryo Gas
(those in the cloud take 2D3 cold dmg and must make a DC 12 Fort save or
be frozen for 2D3 rounds). (7) Nerve Agent (those caught in the cloud lose
1D4 Sta; a Fort save vs. 12 makes this loss temporary). (8) Stink Cloud (DC
10 Will save or begin retching for 2D3 rounds during which the character
is at -1D). (9) Herbicide (kills off plants; plantients take 4D8 dmg, DC 12
Fort save to reduce the dmg to half). (10) Neon Scented Mist (target glows
in the dark and gives off a powerful scent; +8 to track them and they are
at -2 AC until this marker spray is washed off). (11) Laughing Gas (Will
save vs. DC 14 or begin laughing hysterically, losing a move equivalent
action each round for 1D8 rounds). (12) Oily Mist (for the remainder of the
encounter, those affected must begin their round with a DC 12 Ref save or
fall prone. The residue is also highly flammable and will ignite with any
open flames, causing 1D6 dmg for 1D3 rounds to those coated in it).
Rolling, Rolling, Rolling – The sphincterror is a massive ball of muscular
flesh able to obtain speeds of 40’ per turn while on somewhat level ground.
If positioned on a hill this speed can be adjusted another 20’ per round up
Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 168168
or down (depending on which direction the creature is headed). Difficult terrain
and evasions made by the PCs might require the sphincterror to make DC 12
Ref saves or become stuck. Many of the creature’s gasses are helpful in escaping
certain situations (freezing mud pits, killing off bushes it is caught in, etc.).
Finally, the creature has been seen using its very mouth to crawl through terrain
when hung up.
Sense by Taste – A sphincterror has no eyes, but can “see” by tasting the air. Its
long, wormy tongue lashes about picking up particles in the air that give it the
equivalent of 60’ of vision. This vision detects almost all creatures regardless of
their powers to conceal themselves, except those who have disguised their scent
with something undesired by the monster.

xposition: As with many of Terra’s mutations, the sphincterror’s
is lost to time. A roughly 8-foot tall ball of sphincter-covered muscular
tissue, the creature is as loathsome looking as it is horrific. The sphincterror is
an omnivore, requiring a variety of foods to allow for the complex chemical
inputs needed by its gas-generating glands. Even so, its consumption of meat
is astounding-as the dense muscle of the beast (it weighs over 1,200 pounds)
requires a constant supply of protein to maintain. On the hunt, the creature will
steam roll targets, backing over them after they are crippled to allow its great maw

a chance to act. If the target is in the least bit wiley, the creatuere will use its gas
pores to neutralize it. Sphincterrors have a 2-way digestive tract and cough up a
tightly compacted mass of undigested plant fibers, bones, and animal skins. These
3’ diameter pellets litter the ground near the hollow or cave where a sphinterror
takes nightly refuge. Finding these pellets in a meadow or stuck in the sand of a
desert suggests that you have entered the creature’s hunting grounds...
Little is known about the habits of the sphincterror. It appears to have
exceptional intelligence for an animal, or perhaps low-intelligence for a
being. Reproduction is handled though budding, taking only 2 weeks from
the formation of the nodule to its separation. Young sphincterrors are only
about beach-ball sized and spend a good part of their days hidden from other
predators. After a few months of dining on small mammals and vegetation, the
budling grows to a respectable size and takes on open hunting.

ar-Thor Stew-It's Survival Advice: I ain’t a’ saying
things are true, mind you. But, I heard plenty of talk about all the
crazy things ya’ can do with a sphincterror once it’s been done in.
🌲🌲 There’s a chance, if done carefully (DC 14 Agil check), that the beast’s
gas glands can be removed without triggering them. The glands can then
be squeezed to activate them elsewhere-though they seem to emit the
gas just locally, so you don’t want to be at ground zero when it goes off.
Many of its glands will be empty (a 30% chance), and the chemicals of
the gas seem to break down after just a few days of decay.
🌲🌲 The creature’s nerve agent can be boiled with equal parts water to make
a potent painkiller (effectively gives the drinker an additional +3 to Will
and Fort saves and an additional 2D5 hp for 24 hours).
🌲🌲 The slick oil the creature can spray out will burn even when wet, making
it a great fuel for torches and lanterns.

169 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 169

Generic Swarm
Organization: Swarm
Disposition: Territorial
Size: Very Tiny/Tiny/Small
Move: 5’ to 40’
Armor Class: 11
Hit Dice: 4D8 (18 hp)
Initiative: +4 Crit: M/D10
Atk Melee: Bite (1 +special)
Act Dice: 1D20; 1 action roll for
every target within 20’x20’
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +6, Will -2
Treasure: Refuse
Special Properties
Fighting a Swarm – It can be easy
to hit the individual creatures of a swarm, but taking out enough to cause the
group to flee-well, that’s a challenge. Use the chart below for determining the
effects of certain types of attacks on a swarm. The “special” attack represents
the use of some agent (fire, bug spray, water, hi-frequency sound, mutant
power...) that is particularly disliked by the creatures in the swarm.
Attack Against Swarm Hits AC...
11-13 14-16 17-19 20

Piercing No effect No effect No effect Half dmg

Half dmg and 5’

Cutting No effect No effect Half dmg space is cleared
for 1D3 rounds
Half dmg and 5’ Reg. dmg and 5’
Bludgeoning No effect Half dmg space is cleared space is cleared
Attack Types

for 1D3 rounds for 1D3 rounds

Reg. dmg and 5’
Energy No effect Half dmg Regular dmg space is cleared
for 1D3 rounds
Reg. dmg and Reg. dmg and
Reg. dmg and 5’
Area of swarm shifts 10’ space is
Regular dmg space is cleared
Effect 5’ in random cleared for 1D3
for 1D3 rounds
direction rounds
Reg. dmg and Reg. dmg and
Reg. dmg and 5’ Swarm is
swarm shifts 10’ space is
Special space is cleared instantly
5’ in random cleared for 1D3
for 1D3 rounds dispersed
direction rounds

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 170170

Special Effect – Most creatures that form swarms present certain nasty hazards
beyond their bites or stings. (A) Some of these creatures may carry disease;
the bitten PCs must roll a DC 10 Fort save or suffer a 1D3 Sta loss each day
until cured (death=0 Sta). (B) Other pests have poisons; those injected with this
will develop shakes that cause them to lose a move-equivalent action, suffer
an additional 1D3 dmg, or lose 1D3 hp per turn until they get an antigen. (C)
Some pests begin to slow down or otherwise grapple the target on each attack;
successful attacks drain -1D from the target’s action dice and -5’ to their move.
(D) Also, a pest’s attack may set the victim up for additional attacks from the
swarm; here each landed attack allows for an additional roll on that target by the
swarm. Finally, (E) sometimes the swarm attacks are just annoyances dealing
only subdual dmg that subsides 1 turn after extracting oneself from the swarm.
Swarm Attack – Swarms can make attacks against every creature within the
20’x20’ space that they occupy. These attacks are maintained right down to the
last hp of the swarm (at which point the swarm is considered to have dispersed
such that they are not affecting the PCs anymore).

xposition: If nothing more, an encounter with a swarm of creatures
players in a state of unease-for the image of being surrounded by some
small, creepy things is never a pleasant one. Judges are encouraged to think up all
sorts of critters that might be dangerous when present in huge quantities. Imagine
a pond surrounded by thousands of hissing geese-instantly the geese become
menacing! What about mosquitoes or little jellyfish? And of course you have the

classic “phobia” creatures like spiders, snakes, rats, bats, and piranhas. Encounters
with swarms are often about burdening the PCs’ travel, but when placed in
conjunction with other environmental effects (moving across a brittle stone bridge
in a cave teaming with bats) or as part of another monster encounter (a swarm of
snakes and a giant cobra, for example), they can pose a true challenge.

Swarm of Bats/Birds
Org: Swarm Dis: Territorial Sz: Tiny Mv: 40’
AC: 10 HD: 2D8 (12 hp) Init: +4 Crit: M/D6
Atk (Me): Bite/Peck +1 (1D3 +special)
Act: 1D20; 1 action roll for every target within 20’x20’ space
Sv: Fort +0, Ref +10, Will +2 Treas: Refuse
Special Properties
Fighting a Swarm – (See generic entry.) Bats and birds are particularly
sensitive to sound and nets.
Disease Riddled – Bats and birds may carry untold diseases. Roll 1D10 when
encountered: (1) “the Tusu-Tasi shakes” (DC 8 to avoid flu-like symptoms for
2 days, leaving the PC at ½ movement and -1D); (2) “dread tummy” (DC 14 to
avoid horrible stomach-retching cramps, causing 1D4 dmg that can’t be healed
for a week); (3) “Mungo’s fatigue” (DC 16 to avoid a deadening of the nerves
that temporarily takes away 1D3 Str and Sta); (4) “hangman’s hands” (DC
10 to avoid a feeling of coldness around the neck and shoulders that precedes
death by 1 turn); (5) “vertagalis” (DC 20 to avoid a vertigo that causes a 1D4
temporary Agil loss); (6) “thew-rot” (DC 12 to avoid a permanent loss of 1
Str); or (7-10) disease free! (only regular dmg is taken from this swarm).
171 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 171
Swarm Attack – (See generic entry.) Bats and birds also occupy the space 20’
above the encounter.

xposition: In a landscape of ruined cities and cave bunkers, vicious
creatures like bats and rad-pigeons are a frequent nuisance. While bat
swarms are typically only encountered in enclosed, dark spaces, bird swarms can
be found in almost any outdoor location and even in some of the ancient buildings
such as “shopping clubs” with their warehouse-like ceilings.

Swarm of Stray Cats

Org: Swarm Dis: Antagonistic Sz: Tiny Mv: 30’
AC: 12 HD: 3D8 (14 hp) Init: +6 Crit: M/D8
Atk (Me): Bite +2 (1 +Fracas) Atk (Me): Claw +2 (1D3 +Fracas)
Act : 1D20; 1 action roll for every target within 20’x20’ space
Sv: Fort +2, Ref +6, Will -1 Treas: None
Special Properties
Fighting a Swarm – (See generic entry.) Stray cats hate water and the sound of
canines barking.
Fracas – Whenever a stray cat lands an attack on a target it may immediately
make another against the same target.

Nine Lives – Cats can ignore dmg after making a successful DC 12 Fort save.
Swarm Attack – (See generic entry.) Additionally, the swarm of strays will follow/
track any group they have drawn blood from, any group with open wounds, or
any group carrying meat. They gain a +2 to locating their quarry by smell.

xposition: Dwelling amid the ruined streets of most burnt-out Terran
are thousands of stray cats-many mutated to horrific design. These
felines often form a pack to take down prey, but quickly turn to back-biting and
side quarrels once a target has been downed.

Swarm of Insects/Arachnids
Org: Swarm Dis: Antagonistic Sz: Very Tiny Mv: 20’, Fly 40’
AC: 11 HD: 4D8 (18 hp) Init: +5 Crit: M/D10
Atk (Me): Bite +1 (1 +Sting)
Act: 1D20; 1 action roll for every target within 20’x20’ space
Sv: Fort +0, Ref +10, Will -2 Treas: None
Special Properties
Fighting a Swarm – (See generic entry.) Insects and arachnids are often
susceptible to smoke, fumes, and poison sprays.
Sting – When stung by a bug or scorpion or even when bitten by a spider, the
victim may have to roll a DC 5 Fort save or take an additional 1D4 dmg
Swarm Attack – (See generic entry.) Insect and arachnid swarms often affect
3-dimensional space as the critters fly, crawl, or dangle from every surface.

Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 172172

xposition: Now those long hallways won’t be so boring! Swarms
these little arthropods (hey you could put crabs and centipedes in there
too) can make for quite the “gross out” moment. Though they typically have
no treasure of their own, having a useful item just lousy with critters on and
around it tests how bad those PCs really want the thing.

Swarm of Piranhas
Org: Swarm Dis: Predatory Sz: Tiny Mv: Swim 60’
AC: 12 HD: 3D8 (13 hp) Init: +3 Crit: M/D8
Atk (Me): Bite +1 (1D3) Act: 1D20 per target in space
Sv: Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +1 Treas: Victims’ Effects
Special Properties
Fighting a Swarm – (See generic entry.) Piranhas are often agitated by
chemicals released in the water, they are also easily distracted by commotion
and blood elsewhere in the waters.
Frenzied – For every wound a PC takes, the piranhas gain an additional +1 to
their bite attacks (up to a max of +5).
Swarm Attack – (See generic entry.) As piranhas hedge in on PCs, the PCs will
have a harder time swimming. Checks for such things should be made at a -1D.


xposition: Many of the rivers cutting through Terra’s hothouse

are infested with a species of bloated piranha.

Swarm of (Rad) Rats

Org: Swarm Dis: Territorial Sz: Tiny Mv: 40’
AC: 9 HD: 4D8 (18 hp) Init: +4 Crit: M/D10
Atk (Me) : Bite +1 (1 +Disease/Rad-Dose)
Act: 1D20; 1 action roll for every target within 20’x20’ space
Sv: Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2 Treas: Victims’ Effects
Special Properties
Fighting a Swarm – (See generic entry.) Rats (even rad-rats) dislike fire.
Rad-Dose – If the creatures are rad-rats, instead of disease they cause (roll 1D4):
(1) radburn (1D6 dmg, DC 10 Fort save for half dmg); (2) mutation drain
(DC 8 Fort save or lose 1 random mutation or wetware for the rest of the
day); (3) lycanthropy (DC 10 Fort save or gain 1D4 bite attack, Extra Senses,
Heightened Agility, and Shorter mutations with Devolved and Enmity defects);
(4) extra dimensionality (DC 12 save or the target is shifted into a parallel
dimension-they still can see and communicate with the current reality but
appear ghost-like and cannot make physical contact with things for 1D3 hours).
Swarm Attack – (See generic entry.)

xposition: Rats and their mutant cousins, rad-rats, are a common
to PCs wandering through sewers and ruins.

173 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 173

Organization: Pack
Disposition: Opportunistic/Skittish
Size: Large
Move: 15’, Fly 90’
Armor Class: 9/11
Hit Dice: 1D7 (4 hp)
Initiative: +2 Crit: M/D4
Atk Melee: Bite +2 (1D4)
Atk Melee: Scythes +2 (2D4)
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort -2, Ref +3, Will -1
Treasure: Personal Effects
Special Properties
Downwash – Any character acting after
a terror-wing’s attack in the same combat
round suffers a -1D to physical actions due
to the tremendous rush of wind from their flapping wings. Torches may be
extinguished; loose items blow free, and arrows disarmed-only a Luck check
will tell.
Hook N’ Drop – If the terror-wing deals more than 5 points of dmg, it has
hooked one of its scythes into the target (DC 12 to escape and 1 hp dmg per
attempt). If the target is less than 300 lbs, the beast will use any remaining
movement to lift it into the air. Once it is 30’ or higher it will then retract the
scythe, letting the prey fall to its death (1D6 per 10’). If the beast does not have
movement left or hooks a prey heavier than 300 lbs, it will be stuck in position
(AC 7) until its next round-taking to flight then or having to use a full-action to
free itself.

xposition: The terror-wing is a segmented flying beast with mid-
shaped like bone scythes. At distance, its flight and overall form
might be mistaken for a pterodactyl’s, but the sheen of its thin, chitinous
membranes and terrifying growl (like the chop of a diesel engine)
quickly give it away.
The creatures are carnivores to be sure, savoring warm-blooded meals.
The terror-wings hunt in packs of 3-15 (3D5). Their common tactic is
to down their prey with heavy beats of their wings, creating a bluster
of wind-driven refuse to blind and confuse the target. Meanwhile, their
wicked scythes stab into the prey, they quickly ascend, then drop the
prey from heights of 30’ hoping to immobilize or kill it before dragging
it off a second time to devour it leisurely at its nest. When grounded
these creatures move far slower (AC 9) than in flight (AC 11).
Terror-wings often nest in the broken windows of abandoned
skyscrapers, inside the confines of thick-growing giant ivy, or even
Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 174174
amid the rusted out remains of vehicles parked along a forgotten overpass.
They hatch and raise their young as a community and stay mated for life.
Terror-wing hatchlings have only vestigial winged forearms that could almost
go unnoticed. These young look more worm-like, crawling about with their
mid-limbs and feet. Within 3 month’s time the young will go through a
molting session, revealing full-blown wing membranes and long forearms. It
is at this point they leave the nest to join the pack on hunts.

Variants: While terror-wings seem most prolific throughout the lands of

Terra AD, there are a few anomalous versions reported to exist.

Greater Terror-Wings
Org: Family Dis: Opportunistic Sz: Huge Mv: 25’, Fly 120’
AC: 9/10 HD: 2D7 (8) Init: +3 Crit: M/D8
Atk (Me): Bite +3 (1D8) Atk (Me): Scythes +4 (2D7)
Act: 1D20 Sv: Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +0 Treas: Personal Effects
Special Properties
Downwash Hook N’ Drop

E xposition: Exceeding 30’ in wingspan, these massive versions of the

terror-wings can lift entire roxen off of the ground and create near-tornadic
gusts when assailing their prey (-2D). Unlike regular terror-wings, these giants
are usually found living a solitary life within a short flight of a perfect food
reserve. Sometimes, however, they remain with a mate and/or fledglings.
These families are typically all of unusual size.

Org: Pack Dis: Opportunistic/Skittish Sz: Large Mv: 15’, Fly 90’
AC: 10/12 HD: 1D10 (5) Init: +2 Crit: M/D6
Atk (Me): Bite +2 (1D4) Atk (Me): Scythes +2 (2D4)
Act: 1D20 Sv: Fort -1, Ref +3, Will +0 Treas: Personal Effects
Special Properties
Downwash Hook N’ Drop Reflective Coating
Reflective Coating – Beam weapons have a 70% chance of bouncing off of
a mirror-wing if fired from below. Have the characters below roll a Luck
check. The character that most excessively failed this check is hit by the
attack. If no checks were failed (or if it was a tie) the beam impacts the
scenery around the attacker.

xposition: Found largely in deserts, mirror-wing packs can be
for miles as glistening orbs in the sky. This twinkle is produced by
the silvery scales that protect their under wings. Many wayfarers mistake
these reflections of light for airships or other ancient wonders until they are
too close to avoid regret. The glassy scales of a mirror-wing are legendary
for their ability to deflect many forms of lazer fire.

175 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 175

Organization: Tribal
Disposition: Antagonistic
Size: Small/Medium
Move: 35’, Jump 25’
Armor Class: 12 +Armor
Hit Dice: 2D10 (11 hp)
Initiative: +3 Crit: III/D8
Atk Melee: Bite +3 (1D4)
Atk Melee: Spear +3 (1D6)
Atk Missile: Spear +3 (1D6)
Act Dice: 1D20+3
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +0, Will -1
Treasure: Personal Effects
Special Properties
Energy Sap – Powered items that
touch or are touched by a tibbar may be drained
by a its energy sap power. Tibbars roll this mutation at +3. Note: affected
devices can avoid this drain by rolling a save +TL against the tibbar’s
mutation roll. (1-12) No effect. (13-15) 2D3 charges are drained from the
device; devices with dedicated energy cells are completely drained. (16-19)
4D7 energy units are lost; items with dedicated energy cells are destroyed.
(20+) All energy is drained from the device, including Q-Cells; items with
internal power sources are destroyed.
Life Force Drain – When landing a touch attack, the tibbar can activate
this mutant power with a +3 roll. Targets can make a Fort save to reduce
losses to half. (1-13) Power fails. (14-15) 1D3 hp are drained from the
target. These points are added to the tibbar for 1 turn. (16-19) 1D6 hp are
transfered for 1 turn. (20+) 1D8 hp is transfered for 1 hour.

xposition: Only in hushed tones, safely in the confines of their own
would a seeker dare to call these creatures “bunny men.” For
tibbars are a rancorous people with predispositions to conquest and drudgery.
Tibbars dread to be found wanting for a weapon, so most carry three or four-
often tucked in secret. Slight in stature (ranging from 3’ to 4.5’), they make
up every inch in moxie. Tibbars also possess the dreaded ability to drain
away energies from both biological and technological sources. A simple
touch from this mutant can empty a lazer rifle’s C-Cell or leave its owner
comatose on the ground.
Their leaders (often the tallest in the warren) can leverage their group against
opponents many times their size through slick military maneuvers and caches
of artifacts taken during their raids. A typical war party has the synchronicity
of a special ops team. Most seekers will encounter these hares when exploring
newly uncovered ruins because tibbars are always seeking territory to lay
Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 176176
claim to and will provide a strong rivalry for the resources found within.
One might presume tibbars to be a form of manimal, but those with mutations
that can sense energy auras know better. Tibbars seem to be both temporally and
dimensionally rifted from an alternate version of Terra A.D. They were born through
interference in a maniacal plot by the chronal-warlock Glipkerio. The intervening
seekers became pawns in a time-displaced plot, forever pushing leporidae up the
evolutionary echelons in what seemed like an inconsequential misstep. Thus, tibbars
(in this splintered timeline) are leftover inhabitants from some of the final days of
the ancients...

earing up: A tibbar war party can be outfitted through the following chart.
2 times for each tibbar:
War Gear (roll 1D24 x2)
1) Wooden Spear (1D5 dmg) 10) Modified Body Armor 17) Duffle Bag
(+3 AC)
2) Chemical Glow Rod (1hr) 18) Spare C-Cell
11) Gauzer Pistol
3) Com-Badge 19) Zap-Trap
(1D8 dmg, range 140’) (5D8 subdual dmg)
4) Bow and Arrows (1D6 dmg) 12) Lazer Rifle 20) Sling (1D2 dmg, range 60’)
5) 30’ Snaking Camera (3D6 dmg, range sight)
21) Stimshot
6) Steel Dagger (1D4 dmg) 13) Stun Grenade (DC 18)
22) Braided Rope (50’)
7) Riot Shield (+2 AC) 14) Bolas
(1D2 dmg, DC 8 escape) 23) Medishot
8) Portable Laser-Trip Alarm
15) Weighted Net (DC 12) 24) Jetpack

9) Battle Axe (1D10 dmg) (fly 30’ for 5 rounds)

16) Marine Flares (3D5 dmg)

hat's Up, Doc?: Roll on the following chart for a random indication
what the tibbars are up to when first encountered:

Tibbar Activity(roll 1D20)

1) Trying to capture a spider- 8) Having a dagger throwing 15) Trying to figure out the
goat that has made off with competition operation of a kitchen
an artifact 9) Participating in a holo-vid appliance they assume to be
2) Loading looted items onto a “Sweatin’ to the Oldies” a weapon
grav sled exercise routine 16) Sorting found items into
3) Interrogating a captured 10) Preparing to burn the piles of junk and things to
mutant immediate area to the ground keep
4) Arguing about the division of 11) Disciplining a reckless mate 17) Consulting a map to get
food rations for not following orders back to their private weapon
5) Creating a distraction for the 12) Discussing a plan for taking
larger group that is sneaking down the next group of 18) Hastily making a latrine
up on the seekers from behind seekers they run into under the dark cloud of food
poisoning (-1D)
6) Trying to shut off a triggered 13) Getting drunk on fermented
security alarm/trap 8-blend vegetable juice 19) Searching and piling up
half-incinerated humanoid
7) Making a trade with a 14) Fighting off a smart metal bodies from a recent combat
powerful entity hulk guarding a briefcase
20) Trying to defeat the security
code on a heavy door

eactions: Elect a PC to make a Personality check to see how the
may treat the seekers:
1-15 16-19 20+
Tibbars see the PCs as Tibbars may be open to Tibbars are interested in
annoying vermin that ought bribery or settling territorial trading for a PC’s items or
to be exterminated. disputes through single gleaning information from
combat. the PCs.

177 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 177

A n Unnatural
Tiny-sized Unnatural
Organization: Solitary/Family
Disposition: Varies
Size: Tiny/Small
Move: 15’, Fly 50’, Burrow 10’,
Climb 15’
Armor Class: 13
Hit Dice: 1D3 to 2D4 (1-5 hp)
Initiative: +2 Crit: M/D6
Atk: Bite +1 (1D3)
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort -2, Ref +3, Will -2
Treasure: None
Org: Solitary/Family Dis: Varies Sz: Small/Medium
Mv : 40’, Swim 40’, Burrow 15’ AC : 11 HD: 1D6 to 2D6 (3-7 hp)
Init: +1 Crit: M/D8 Atk (Me): Bite/Claw +2 (1D4)
Act: 1D20 Sv: Fort +0, Ref +2, Will -1 Treas: None
Large-sized Unnatural
Org: Solitary/Herd Dis: Varies Sz: Large/Huge
Mv : 35’, Swim 40’ AC: 12 HD: 4D6 (14 hp)
Init: +0 Crit: M/D10 Atk (Me): Bite/Claw/Gore +2 (1D7)
Act: 1D20 Sv: Fort +2, Ref -1, Will +0 Treas: None
Unnatural Special Properties
Animal Magnetism – Unnaturals, somehow, seem to attract a following of
animals from their species. These creatures will act to aid and protect the
unnatural so much as an animal of that type would naturally be able. Each
unnatrual attracts a crowd of 5 to 100 of its kind (unless a solitary specimen).
Gamma Corruption – Unassuming from a distance, close-up you can tell
there’s something just not right with these animals. Roll 1D8: (1) bursae
(water sacks grow out of the creature’s skin-if popped they may contain:
acid, adhesive, oil, noxious vapor, sweet syrup, or a grotesque larval version
of the creature); (2) curious dentia (the creature has the teeth and mouth
of another animal-piranha teeth, human teeth, beaver teeth, warthog tusks,
etc.-these double the creature’s bite dmg); (3) conjoined (the creature has
Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 178178
an extra face, body, or set of limbs-it gains a bonus 1D16 action die); (4) mucus
covered (a constant run of snot drips from every orifice of the creature-contact with
this slime makes hands slippery, decreasing Agil by 1D3 until washed with a strong
detergent); (5) strange pupils (slitted, split, golden, glowing, oversized, bloody,
etc.-the creature’s eyes require a Will save vs. 8 to turn away from, otherwise the
PC is mesmerized by them); (6) strange coloration (this creature has a skin tone
that is-translucent, green, pink, glowing, white, vantablack, striped, polka-dotted, or
constantly shifting, etc.; (7) size change (this anomaly is one size category bigger
or smaller than the standard for the species-add or subtract 6 hp with a minimum of
1 hp); or (8) weird texture (the creature’s skin is not right, it appears to be made of
jelly, made of crusty rock, covered in thorns, extremely bloated, hanging in draping
folds, burning with atomic fire, or covered in an icy frost, etc.).
Unnatural Power – The animal is capable of one of the following powers. Roll
1D12: (1) breathes fire (+2 to attack, 12’ long by 5’ wide cone of fire dealing
2D6 dmg); (2) blister-agent flatulence (1D4 dmg, -2 temporary Per, -1D to action
dice-lasts for 3x the dmg in hours, DC 12 Ref to avoid); (3) lazer eyes (+3 to hit,
3D6 dmg, 3 uses per encounter); (4) mind-melding (a target within 20’ must make
a Will save vs. the animal’s 1D20 mutation roll-on a failure the target will behave
as if they were that animal type for 1D10 rounds); (5) metallicized (the animal’s
densest parts-horns, teeth, hooves, tusks, shells-are formed of metal giving them
A n Unnatural

+1 to AC and +1D3 to dmg); (6) the “Banner” effect (when agitated by PCs, the
creature swells to double its size, gains +2D6 hp, and deals +2D4 dmg as it goes
into a berserk “beast mode”); (7) teleport (the unnatural can teleport itself or any
creature of large or smaller size up to 300’ in any direction-including straight
up-targets get a DC 12 Will save to avoid); (8) wolf in sheep’s clothing (when first
engaged in combat, it will peel out of its own skin to reveal a slime-coated new
form-replace the unnatural with another monster and continue the encounter); (9)
static discharge (creatures within 10’ must make a DC 13 Ref save or take 3D4
electrical dmg-usable 3 times per day); (10) synthoid (the creature is actually a
still-working robotic duplicate-it has an AC of 18, +3D6 to its hp, and 4 pieces
of artifactual technology built in); (11) cnidoblast tentacles (+2D16 bonus action
dice, +2 touch attack for 5D6 subdual dmg-Fort save vs. 15 to reduce by ½); (12)
triple threat (creature has 3 powers-keep rollin’, champ!).

xposition: It is easy to imagine that Terran landscapes are filled with
but homicidal monsters and otherworldly encounters, but the vast
network of tribes that thrive in its timbers can verify that the gentler veldts
and plains are filled with game. Dozens of legacy species-slightly evolved
from their ancestors-fill in the bulk of the planet’s life forms. They are
hunted, herded, domesticated, and preyed upon. But every now and again
the irradiated hands of mother “unnature” take an odd turn with one of
these simple creatures. An unnatural is one of these common animals that
has inherited certain mutant traits/powers. Woe to the hunter that accidently
traps one of these!
Tiny unnaturals represent animals in the vein of rabbits, squirrels, raccoons,
geese, dogs, and the like. Medium unnaturals may represent fauna similar to
deer, tortoises, buffalo, apes, or tuna. Large ones are derivatives of the most
majestic animals such as elephants, hippos, and whales.

179 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 179

Organization: Solitary/Clan
Disposition: Territorial/Benevolent
Size: Massive
Move: 10’
Armor Class: 15
Hit Dice: 15D10 (82 hp)
Initiative: -2 Crit: V/2D10
Atk Melee: Branches +3 (2D8)
Atk Melee: Roots +6 (special)
Act Dice: 1D20, 4D16*
Saves: Fort +10, Ref -2, Will +10
Treasure: Personal Effects
Special Properties
Ancient – Even the youngest of
the watcher-woods has grown for
a thousand seasons. In this time, they
have heard and seen a great deal of things. Cultures have
flourished and fallen. Discoveries were made and forgotten. Wars waged
and peace pronounced. In any matter of history or natural science, the
watcher-wood has a 60% chance of knowing some detail about it. If the
first check is successful, roll a 1D6. (1) The tree has just trivial facts
about the subject in question. (2-4) The tree has some important relevant
information to give. (5-6) This watcher-wood is extremely well-versed in
the subject matter and able to answer most questions about it.
Commune with Nature – The watcher has a psychic connection with all
the natural life in its forest. Roll a 1D20 +2 mutation check; Will saves can
negate these effects. (1-11) Failure (mutation cannot be used again this
encounter). (12-14) Communication (the tree is able to telepathically talk with
the organism, but any aid is only gained through persuasion). (15-17) Minor
Command (the watcher can direct the actions of up to 6 HD of forest life for
2D3 rounds). (18-19) Major Command (here it can direct the actions of up
to 10 HD of organisms for the remainder of the encounter). (20) Elder of the
Forest (the watcher can direct the actions of up to 15 HD of creatures or any
one woodland organism until the rising of the next moon).
Photosynthetic Healing – While bathed in sunlight, the watcher-wood
can regenerate 1D3 hp per hour and regrow limbs within a week’s time.
*Rooting Roots – Unseen below the PCs is an ever-spanning system
of tangled roots. The watcher can raise these tendrils out of the ground
and use them as hands to manipulate things or as bindings to capture
and subdue trespassers. After being hit with a root attack, the target is
considered held, suffers a -1D, and must roll a DC 10 Agil or Str check
to escape. Each additional strike adds to the penalty of being held. Thus

Sponsored in honor of S.E.K.I. 180180

at 3 hits, the target is at -3D. The watcher-wood has 4D16 action dice to use
for the attacks/actions of its root system.
Radiation Immunity – Over centuries, the tree’s cambium layer has evolved
to become radiation resistant. The watcher-wood does not suffer from radburn
effects nor radiation attacks (those listed with “radiation” in their title).

xposition: Throughout the hothouse jungles of Terra A.D. there
many a site held sacred to veggie-mutations and wilderness beings.
Many of these places are the ruins of ancient chemical and nuclear facilities.
Some are abandoned research stations, while others are rifts in the fabric of
the universe where dimensional energies soak out onto the Terran landscape.
Amid these chaotic stretches proliferate an abundance of new wildlife-with
plantients awaking under those conditions almost weekly. To some, such a
“mutation-generating” spot would be viewed as accursed and deserving of
demolition, but to the extremely wise members of the watcher-woods these
glades are the origin of life and the voice of natural selection. It is poetry in
motion and something these tree people take an oath to protect.
A watcher-wood is a massive, sentient tree. Akin to the Earth’s redwoods, these

species can grow to heights of 100’+. Yet, they feature a diversity of types,
including both deciduous and coniferous orders. As a people, the watchers are
quiet and perhaps overly patient. They find communication with humanoids
to be an exhausting task. Yes, the speed at which the “fleshy ones” talk and
frequency at which they diverge from their ideas hurts the stoic minds of the
watchers. Further, these tree people are quite suspicious of humanoids. They
have seen a great deal of destruction, pollution, and carelessness delivered
from those creatures. Able to converse with all the living things of the forest,
they have heard of the cruelness of some hunters-the laxed attitudes held
as vegetation was picked or lumber was harvested. This does not mean that
watchers will not aid a humanoid PC, but simply that gaining this aid is an
uphill endeavor.
The “sacred” spots which the watchers keep vigil over were deemed such long
ago. Though new areas may be selected for protection, such a process calls for
a council of watchers to agree-and this is a long process, for birds and other
swift organisms have to be relied upon to carry the conversations between the
groups of watchers all across a continent. There are few circumstances under
which these tree people would allow an outsider to enter on sacred ground. Even
plantients (who when travelling with other seekers have a mark of suspicion
about them to begin with) are not often allowed back into these portions after
being “awakened” there at the start of their sentience.

ྊ ancient dragon has come ashore near the PCs’ homeland. The elder
prophecies have spoken of this day and give hope that a protector
exists, a woodland yvox who will rise up to defend this space against
the marauder. But where does this messianic yvox rest? And how can
it be awoken? Perhaps a grove of watcher-woods knows the answer.
Maybe they are the ones keeping this beast in hibernation, and the PCs
must convince them the time for its awakening is at hand...

181 Sponsored in honor of S.E.K.I. 181

W retch from the
Organization: Solitary/Clan
Disposition: Antagonistic/Dominating
Size: Medium/Large
Move: 30’, Fly 75’
Armor Class: 13 +Armor
Hit Dice: 6D6 (21 hp)
Initiative: +3 Crit: IV/D12
Atk Melee: By weapon +3
Atk Missile:
Hellfire +6 (3D6)
Act Dice: 1D24, 1D20
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +6
Treasure: Hoard
Special Properties
Critical Failures – Anytime a wretch
critically fails (rolling a 1) the use of a power, they cannot use it again for the rest of
the day and take 1D6 dmg from a sudden burst of infernal flames.
Damnation – These demonic beings can place a curse upon a target that will last
until they have completed some altruistic act or placated the demon such that it
wishes to lift the curse. The power of this malediction (against which the target rolls
their save) is generated by a 1D20 +6 spell check. Damnation may include a lot of
different effects: (A) demonic transformation (on a failed Fort save the target loses
2D3 Per points as their countenance is altered in a grotesque way-commonly
by the addition of horns, animal eyes, fangs, scaly skin, goat’s feet, or a
coating of scars in the shape of infernal sigils-if the target’s Per drops to
0, they become a wretch themselves); (B) pestilence (on a failed Will save
the target becomes a jinx-each time they enter a settlement they must pass
a Luck check or the town will be sieged by 3D10 swarms of vermin such
as rad-rats, spiders, locust, snakes, etc.); (C) unrighteousness (if they fail
a Will save, the character regresses into excessively poor behavior. They
permanently lose 1 Per point each time they...-roll 1D7: (1) are challenged
by someone in anyway and do not kill the challenger; (2) see something of
high value and do not make it theirs; (3) do not spend sixteen or more hours
a day sleeping; (4) do not spend six or more hours a day feasting; (5) do not
spend six or more hours a day courting a love interest; (6) do not have the
killing blow in combat; or (7) do not successfully steal one item of great
value from someone that day).
Hellfire – By a simple hand gesture, the wretch can shoot out a 12’ long, 4’
wide cone of flame dealing 3D6 to any target in its path.
Infernal Protection – When initiated, the wretch (and anyone with them)
is surrounded by a 10’ pentagram of magical fire. Any creature trying to
cross into this space must first make a DC 16 Will save. Even with the
Brought to you by Michael Nusbaum 182182
save out of the way, if the creature is of a good nature or heroic heart they take
1D3 dmg while inside this circumference. Objects thrust, lobbed, or shot into
this space suffer a -2D for hitting those protected inside.
Infernal Sight – These demons are never tricked by illusions, invisibility, or
other powers, magic, or technology meant to fool one’s vision-natural sneaking
and hiding rolls can still be rolled against them but suffer a -1D. Further, a
wretch can (after spending 3 rounds in a horrid ritual) roll a 1D20 +6 mutation
check. On a 12+ they can see the present happenings for a named target as if
they were in its midst. When this begins, the target will get an eerie sensation
“as if bugs are crawling in thier skull” and can make a Will save vs. the demon’s
mutation check to block this power.
Infernal Transport – A wretch can make a 1D20 +6 mutation check to do any
of the following: (12-14) walk through solid surfaces/barriers; (15-17) instantly
teleport themselves and/or another creature up to 666 miles away; (18-19)
gate themselves and/or another creature into any other dimension in which the
Wretch from the Reach

wretch has been welcomed by an inhabitant; (20+) gate up to 15 HD of creatures

(with known names) to/from another dimension or anywhere on the surface of
the planet they are on. For uses that affect unwilling targets, they are granted a
Will save (vs. the mutation check) to remain where they are.
Rite of Summoning – After a 3-round infernal ritual, the demon may make a
1D20 +6 summoning roll to bring forth: (12-15) any non-unique item; (16-18)
any beast(s) totaling 6 HD; (19-22) any beast(s) totaling 10 HD; (23+) any single
creature or item including specific personalities and artifacts.
Weaver of Illusions – The wretch gains a +3 to rolls dealing with persuasion and
bluffing. They may will into existence an illusion composed of sight and sound
taking up 200 ft2 of space and lasting for as long as they concentrate on it (giving
up one of their action dice each round). Roll a 1D20 +6 check for the wretch. The
result is the base DC for disbelieving this illusion.

xposition: The rifts first appeared during the last days of the apocalypse.
were tears in the fabric of reality, looking inward on a world of ash-
pregnant plasma and radioactive fires. It was called the reach: a domain of interest
to the handful of surviving scientists but a place of fear for those that still clung
to the religions of old. Words like “Hell,” “Sheol,” “Hades,” and “Tartarus” were
thrown around to the great ridicule of the science-minded. First contact was made
with its terrifying inhabitants. Those beastly creatures offered reprieve from the
terrors of the apocalypse if only mankind would invite them through the reach
on to Terra and pledge service to them. In those days of famine and death
their display of power was enough to convince many. Once let loose, these
wretches cured the famines through cannibalism and ended bloody wars with
the institution of slavery. With their powers they resurrected entire cities but
twisted them into temple complexes, offering themselves for worship in trade
for shelter amid these havens.
Now after the atomic rebirth, these demonic carbuncles still function-fully
powered cities sitting on hills overlooking the wastes of the civilizations
that refused to serve them. The wretches might just be the devils spoken
about in ancient texts, or perhaps just extra-dimensional beings that bear a
coincidental resemblance. Without question, their hedonistic ways and sadistic
temperaments make the term “demon” a proper fit all the same.

183 Brought to you by Michael Nusbaum 183

Organization: Solitary (thankfully)
Disposition: Territorial/Dominating
Size: Massive/Gigantic
Move: 60’
Armor Class: 22
Hit Dice: 30D12 +6 (200 hp)
Initiative: +9 Crit: M/D30
Atk Melee: Claws +9 (1D10)
Atk Melee: Bite +9 (1D12)
Atk Missile:
Breath Weapon +9 (Varies)
Act Dice: 5D20
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +12
Treasure: Hoard
Special Properties
Breath Weapon – Roll 1D6. (1) Atomic Breath (140’ range, 15’ wide blast, dmg
is equal to yvox’s current hp, DC 20 Fort save for half dmg). (2) Lava Spew
(50’ range, forms 20’ radius pools dealing 3D20 dmg for 5D10 rounds). (3)
Projectile Teeth (150’ range, 3D3 dmg +infection, DC 18 Fort save or lose 1D4
temporary Sta each day until the save is made). (4) Sonic Projection (70’ range,
2D6 dmg, 30% chance per item of jamming electrical devices for 1D6 rounds).
(5) Frost Breath (100’ cone covering 15’ radius, 2D16 dmg, DC 15 Ref save or
be frozen for 2D3 rounds). (6) Lightning Discharge (200’ range, 5D16 dmg to
target and those within 5’-all electrical equipment must make a DC 10 save or be
Extra Movement – Roll 1D10: (1-3) fly 120’; (4-5) burrow 60’; (6) teleport 1,000’;
(7) swim 100’; (8) jump 100’; (9) extra-orbital flight 8,000’; or (10) roll for 2.
Extra Special Features – Roll 1D7. (1) Robotic: the yvox is in part or whole
cybernetic. It’s immune to most mental mutations, can roll a +4 mutation check
against DC 15 to have access to any single, non-unique artifact for one
round, and rebuild itself (healing all hp loss) out of scrap metal in 5 hours.
(2) Regenerative: the beast gains 2D6 hp back each round. (3) Invisible:
the yvox is completely translucent, granting +6 to its AC and +4 to acts
of hiding/sneaking. (4) Magical: the yvox knows 3D3 random spells from
the DCC rule book. (5) Shape Changing: the creature can (as an action)
shift to and from any living form, retaining its hp, saving throws, and
intelligence. (6) Harbored by... a tribe of giants, beast things, mutants,
alien visitors...
Genius Intelligence – These creatures have roamed the ruined earth for
perhaps centuries on end, all the while accumulating knowledge. Able to
read and understand many ancient languages and quick to learn the proto-
dialects of surrounding villages, there is much the yvox has learned the
Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 184184
seekers may want to know. Yvoxen can automatically use all artifacts of TL 6
or less and know how to repair devices of level 4 or less. The cunning of these
ancient ones grants them +5 to all Int based rolls.
Melee Finisher – An yvox maintains a practiced devastating attack it can make
in lieu of 2 normal actions. These melee/ranged attacks are performed at +9
unless otherwise stated. Roll 1D12: (1) tail slap (1D20 dmg); (2) wing buffet
(2D12 dmg, 30’ radius); (3) tail spikes (1D30); (4) charging ram (+5 attack on
everything lined up within 60’ in front of it, 2D16 dmg); (5) skull rattler (picks
up smaller opponents by their heads on a +2 attack, then flails them against the
ground for 3D10 dmg, DC 12 to escape this grasp); (6) seismic wave (tears up a
20’x50’ chunk of ground, dealing 2D5 to those on it and knocking them prone if
they fail a DC 16 Ref save); (7) improvised weapon (3D16 dmg); (8) the squeeze
(target is squeezed tighter and tighter, DC 9 Fort save each round or instant
death, DC 16 to escape); (9) flying kick (40’ move +2D12 dmg); (10) body throw
(target is picked up and thrown 50’ for 4D6 dmg and starts next round prone);
(11-12) roll for 2 finishers.
Mental Powers – Over the years the yvox’s fertile brain has evolved the use of
one or more mental mutations. Roll 1D7. (1) Mind Over Matter: the yvox can
atomically deconstruct a target through shear thought. Roll a +4 mutation check
against a target’s Fort save. The target takes twice the difference in dmg and
suffers a +1D crit on table II. (2) Techno-Telepathy: the creature can integrate its
mind wirelessly with digital devices and is capable of controlling them remotely
(including the seekers’ gear). As a free action the yvox can elicit an action from

these devices on a DC 12 mutation check (at +4). (3) ESP: the yvox can read
minds and project its thoughts. Creatures attempting to block this must make
a Will save vs. a +4 mutation check. (4) Telekinesis: moving objects through
simple willpower, the yvox rolls 1D20 x100 representing how many pounds
it can manipulate with this power. (5) Time Stop: this monster can freeze time
on a whim. Make a +4 mutation check against DC 12. If successful, the result
is the number of rounds time has stopped. This power only affects the time-
space continuum within a 50’ radius of the yvox. (6) Mental Blast: the beast
can permeate a wave of mental pain (4D6) out to a radius of 30’. Those within
the range may make a DC 14 Will save to reduce this dmg by ½. (7) Roll for 2
mental powers on this list.

xposition: Almost every inhabited corner of Terra speaks in hushed
of an “yvox” living in the dark hollow, cloud-shrouded mountain,
or inky ocean nearby. Yvoxen (plural), are unique lifeforms of world-
ending size and substance. Luckily, their existence verges on hermitage, for
whenever two meet, there is a struggle for dominance and recognition of
sublimity. These battles scar up entire countrysides, level ecosystems, and
purge most local organisms from existence.
Few have ever seen an yvox, so descriptions often are just embellishments of
the same old tales told by a handful of survivors. Beware, these behemoths
come in such a variety of shapes and abilities that counting on these rehashed
rumors is a dangerous gambit. How the yvox came into existence is a
mystery unto itself. Some claim they have been on Terra since its inception-
having slumbered through most of the pre-disaster days. Others claim their
heraldry is from outer space or another dimension.

185 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 185

Organization: Family
Z ayarian
Disposition: Insouciant
Size: Medium
Move: 25’, Climb 20’, Glide 40’
Armor Class: 10 +Armor
Hit Dice: 2D10 (11 hp)
Initiative: +2 Crit: III/D8
Atk Melee: Barzong +4 (2D4)
Atk Missile: Barzong +4 (2D4)
Act Dice: 1D20, 1D16
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +0
Treasure: Personal Effects
Special Properties
Advanced Culture – Zayarians
enjoy much the same degree of
technological wonder that the ancient
Terrans once did. That being said, they are unfamiliar with the specifics of
Terran tech and its operation. Thus they must still make Artifact checks to
use Terran items but gain a +6 to this roll. Furthermore, their faster-than-light
spacecrafts are usually full of tech that any seeker would love to drag back to
the tribe.
Elevated Senses – Zayarians have enormous gold-tinted eyes that allow them
to spot movement easily, see in dim light, and determine fine details at over
400’. On top of this, they have well-refined ears that can hear both high- and
low-pitched sounds much better than a human. The ears can be positioned
independently, keeping them alert across multiple facings. These sensory gifts
grant the creature +4 on all applicable rolls and give them a chance (40%) to
avoid ambushes. On the other hand, they are at -1D when in full sunlight or
exposed to loud noises and take x2 the effect from sonic or blinding powers.
Gliding Membrane – Connecting between a Zayarian’s arms, torso,
and calves is a thin membrane of skin that allows them to glide. When
dropping from a 20’ height or more, the creature can move at 40’ per
round and stay aloft for as long as 30 minutes. These membranes give the
Zayarian a Ref save vs. DC 10 to avoid falling dmg.
Prehensile Feet – Using their feet as hands allots the Zayarian a bonus
D16 action die each round.

xposition: Zayarians may look like some squirrel-derived
but they are in fact a highly evolved race from a world
beyond Terra’s solar system. These aliens come to Terra in their bizarre
spacecraft (shaped like glossy white eggs) for a chance to hunt amid its
megafauna. The popularity of safaris on their planet drives a steady trade
of such visitors. And while their laws dictate they should not have any
Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 186186
interactions with less technically evolved lifeforms, there have been more than
enough interactions between seekers and these interstellar voyagers.
Most Zayarians arrive in groups of 2 to 5. They land amid vivacious spots on the
planet chosen by their probes, which are sent weeks in advance to do scouting.
Focused only on the hunt, Zayarians are admirable in their choice to use
weapons and tactics that give their prey an even chance. Though technologically
capable of producing beam weapons, most Zayarians hunt with a ceremonial
weapon called a barzong. The barzong is a medium-sized sword-like device
capable of being thrown in a boomerang-like manner. In expert hands the blade
can travel 60’ and is allotted 2 chances to hit (one on the approach and one on
the return). The barzong requires a DC 8 Ref save to catch as it returns.
As diverse in personality as the pure strain humans, these aliens have sometimes
helped Terrans stuck in deadly situations. Conversely, there have been horrific
rumors of Zayarian safaris directed toward the hunting of manimals! Many
seekers try to get Zayarians to break protocol and converse with them, hoping
to find out what they know about the fate of the Ancient Ones; however, this is
often seen as an annoyance-disturbing their hunt.

unting Gear and Prey: Zayarians almost always carry their
with them. Beyond this there are several techno-gadgets they may
employ. Here, too, are examples of their favorite Terran game.
Z ayarian

Gear and Prey (roll 1D12 & 1D6)

1) Remote-Action Lazer Netting (DC 7) Wrist Computer (Acts as 1) Terran Elk
8 to see, DC 15 vs. Ref to avoid, communicator, camera, information 2) Terran Buffalo
DC 14 vs. Fort or stunned for 2D4 source, and wireless control of
rounds-DC 16 to escape) personal technological devices) 3) Terran
2) Dosage Bomb (DC 12 vs. Fort or 8) Multi-Goggles (infrared, night
-2D to actions) vision, telescopic, X-ray, and UV 4) Giant Beetle
imaging) 5) Giant Hermit
3) Gyrostatic Rifle (+3 bonus to hit, Crab
400’ range, 2D7 dmg, 10 shots, -5 9) Portable Lodge (Cabin-sized
to hit if used at less than 30’) techno-tent that is made 6) Terror-Wing
exceptionally durable by energy 7) Bear-Ant
4) Vibronic Knife (1D4+2 dmg, 20 fields conducted through the silvery
charges) 8) Giant Slug
cloth it is made of-AC 18)
5) Holo Screen (10’x10’ netting 9) Giant Snake
10) Medikit (TL 4, CM 2-heals 2D3
that will adjust to look like 10) Giant Turkey
surroundings-DC 18 to notice)
11) Tracking Dart Gun (120’ range, 1 11) C. Rex
6) Enviro Pack (Backpack for dmg, inserts chip that links to a data 12) Paradox Hound
equipment wiht built in personal tablet allowing tracking of a target 13) Great White Ape
temp regulator, fold-out pup tent across 10 miles)
and containing emergency gear 14) Land Shark
such as basic medicines/bandaging: 12) Skein Armor (+3 AC, physical
+1D4 healing, fishing line/hook, weapons have a 30% chance of 15) Giant Raptor
water purifications tablets, smoke bouncing off, uses a charge for each 16) An Unnatural
canister, and fire-starter sticks) hit, 20 charges)


ྊThe Gene Police have erroneously captured a few Zayarians while they
were sleeping. A young Zayarian was able to flee and has come to the
PCs with a plea for help.
ྊ Zayarian criminal stole a charter ship destined for Terra. He has
taken over a Curator temple to arm himself and is recruiting a gang.
Meanwhile, a bounty hunter arrived and needs the PCs’ help as guides.

187 Unnatural Selections Vol. 1 187

Organization: Solitary/Family
A rcanoplasm
Disposition: Territorial/Primitive
Size: Huge/Massive
Move: 10’
Armor Class: 11
Hit Dice: 5D8* (22 hp)
Initiative: -3 Crit: M/D10
Atk Melee:
Slam +4 (2D4 +1D6 acid)
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +6
Treasure: Victims’ Effects

AC 8 [11], HD 5*** (22hp),

Att 1 x slam (2d4 + 1d6 acid)
or magic, THAC0 15 [+4],
MV 30’ (10’), SV D10 W11
P12 B13 S14 (5), ML 12, AL
Neutral, XP 550, NA 1 (1d4),
TT None

Special Properties
► Immunities: Immune to paralysis, poison, polymorph and sleep
► Magically attuned: Detect magic-users within 100’.
► Spell mimicry: Can mimic any magic-user spell of 5th-level or
lower cast within 30’ on its next action.
► Absorb spells*: Arcane spells that target the arcanoplasm are
automatically absorbed healing 1 point for every dice of damage
rolled. Non-damaging spells heal 1 point per level of the spell.
Spells that affect an area are not absorbed, but do not affect the
arcanoplasm. Cleric spells function normally.

xposition: Arcanoplasms resemble giant pale yellow amoebas
“veins” of dark gray striping.

The Glass Menagerie

The hallway opens into a 30’ by 30’ room melted from within.
The walls, floor and ceiling bow outward as if a pressure wave
of heat slammed into them. Wall sconces droop like melted wax,
the metal lanterns attached to them nothing more than molten

DOnated by Frog God Games (All Rights Reserved) 188188

puddles running in gray streaks down the stone walls.
Glass statues of cats, dogs and other wildlife sit on shelves or stand freely
about the room. Some of the life-size sculptures are incredibly detailed,
showing matted fur and antler scarring. The room gleams with reflected
light from the hundreds of statues, which range from small glass tree frogs
glued to the wall to a massive moose that dominates one corner of the
chamber. All of the glass animals are incredibly detailed sculptures, but
nothing more. A fine layer of dust collects on all of the animals.
Floating in the center of the room is a 5’ diameter glass sphere whose
interior roils with yellows and grays. The sphere floats a foot off the
floor, and can be pushed around the room with ease. There is a 1-in-6
chance that anyone pushing on the glass shatters it accidentally. The
yellow mass inside the sphere twists and turns wildly whenever a
magic-user comes within 5’. This wild thrashing has a 1-in-20 chance
of shattering the glass. Anyone tapping the glass with a weapon shat-
ters it instantly.
Trapped inside the sphere is an arcanoplasm that has been held
captive for nearly a year. The creature melted the room, but was then
A rcanoplasm

trapped in the sphere by a magic-user named Chripat the Green.

The effort cost the magic-user dearly; he fell sick and died of his
injuries before he could get rid of the creature permanently. The
arcanoplasm is folded tightly upon itself inside the glass sphere, and
twists and turns unable to escape. It expands to fill a 10’ square if

189 DOnated by Frog God Games (All Rights Reserved) 189

Organization: Solitary
B rass Man
Disposition: Dominating/Territorial
Size: Medium/Large
Move: 20’
Armor Class: 16
Hit Dice: 10D8 (45 hp)
Initiative: -2 Crit: A/D4
Atk Melee: Slam +8 (3D6)
Atk Melee: By weapon +8
Atk Missile: Breath Weapon +8 (6D6*)
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +8
Treasure: Victims’ Effects

AC 4 [15], HD 10****
(45hp), Att 1 x slam
(3d6) or by weapon
(3d6), breath weapon
(6d6), THAC0 11 [+8], MV 60’ (20’), SV D6 W7 P8 B8 S10 (10), ML
12, AL Neutral, XP 3,700, NA 0 (1), TT None

Special Properties
► Mundane damage immunity: Can only be harmed by magical
► Breath weapon*: Once every 1d4 rounds can spit a 30’ stream
of molten brass (save versus wands OR DC 10 Ref save for half).
► Immunity: Immune to acid and blunt weapons.
► Spell immunity: Immune to all spells except lightning-based
effects which slow a brass man (as the spell) for 2d6 rounds and
fire based spells that heal the brass man for 1hp per damage
dice rolled.
► Magical origins: Created by powerful wizards and clerics.

xposition: A brass man is an 8’ tall humanoid composed
brass and weighing about 900 pounds. Its facial features are
exquisitely and delicately worked. Some brass men have ancient runes
and symbols carved into their bodies. Many are constructed with
weapons, though the average brass golem relies on its fists.

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Head Games:
An abandoned shrine sits deep in the Kriegh Forest, its flaking
stucco columns entwined with clinging ivy. The stone portico rises
above a marble entryway. Ornate double doors bordered in brass are
closed but not locked.
The interior walls of the 20’ by 20’ shrine are lined with 10 1’ deep
niches that run the length of each side of the structure. These
shelves start at floor level and rise to the ceiling 15’ overhead. Each
20’ long niche houses a row of carved stone heads, about 20 in a
row (around 200 stone heads per wall). Some are representations of
influential leaders, while others are gods and goddesses. Nestled
among the heads are bird nests and other debris carried in by
forest creatures. A shattered skylight lets rain in, creating standing
pools of stagnant water where mosquitos buzz in swirling clouds. A
rope hangs down through the skylight to coil on the floor. Engrav-
ings on the walls of prancing satyrs and reveling druids are cov-
ered with green mold.
The heads are enchanted so that they all turn in unison to “watch”
people who enter the shrine. The heads always turn to follow the per-
B rass Man

son closest to them as they walk about the chamber. The effect is like
being on a stage in the middle of a gallery of spectators. The heads
are harmless, but disconcerting.
Against the wall opposite the brass entry sits a basalt altar, its sides
decorated with idyllic pastoral scenes. A three-inch-thick glass top on
the altar shields a depression in the stone that contains a shining gold
ring carved with images of ivy and a scroll sealed with a wax signet.
The burned body of a tomb robber lies in a heap of charred remains
at the base of the altar. His armor is decayed and melted through, with
obvious burn spots marring the leather. A crowbar in one of his skel-
etal hands is bent and twisted, the metal running like wax on the floor
tiles. One corner of the glass atop the altar is scratched and chipped.
One of the heads behind the altar actually belongs to a brass man
kneeling inside a space covered by a phantasmal force. The golem’s
entire body – except its head – is hidden by the spell so that it appears
to be just one of the many moving heads lining the shelves. The brass
man’s features are coated with a thin patina of plaster to blend in with
the stone heads beside it. It rotates to watch PCs, just like the rest of
the heads in the gallery. The golem is tasked with protecting the altar
and its contents. The brass man kneels in its niche and doesn’t bother
PCs unless they touch the altar or harm the other carvings. If that hap-
pens, it spits a stream of molten brass at the closest PC then rises out
of the phantasmal stone wall to attack. When it does so, a wall of fire
ignites across the doorway, blocking the room’s only entrance. The
golem returns to its post after PCs are driven off.
The ring is a ring of regeneration, while the scroll contains three
magic-user spells of the Game Referee’s choosing.

191 DOnated by Frog God Games (All Rights Reserved) 191

Organization: Solitary
Death Dog
Size: Medium
Move: 50’
Armor Class: 15
Hit Dice: 2D8 (9 hp)
Initiative:+4 Crit: M/D8
Atk Melee: Bite +5 (1D6 + rot)
Act Dice: 1D20, 1D20
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +2
Treasure: None

AC 4 [15], HD 2* (9hp), Att 2 x bite (1d6 + rotting death),

THAC0 18 [+1], MV 150’ (50’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML 10, AL
Chaotic, XP 25, NA 2d6 (3d6), TT None

Special Properties
► Rotting death: Targets successfully hit make a save versus poison (DC 10 Fort
save) or be affected by rotting death, losing 1d6 points of constitution each day. A
new save at -5 penalty can be made every day. Victims that lose all their constitu-
tion die. Constitution can be restored by magic or complete bed rest, with 1 point
of constitution returning with each week.

► Territorial: Death dog packs have been known to share territory with little
friction, although they do engage in dominance battles in leaner times when
hunting is difficult.

xposition: Death dogs are two-headed, mastiff-like hounds; nocturnal
machines that hunt their prey without hesitation across the desert sands
and wastelands.

Killer Packs
While crossing the amber sands of the great desert you come across
a lonely tower of sandstone that almost blends into the landscape. The
tower shows some weathering, and appears to be quite ancient. The
picked over bones of a horse lies half-buried in the sands near the tower.
A sturdy iron door, scalding to the touch, blocks entry, and the tower has
no windows, though a trap door allows access through the roof. The walls
of the tower are five feet thick, and the circular rooms within measure 8
feet in diameter.

The ground floor is empty save for an old, dry straw mattress, some
broken crockery and a longbow, the string snapped. The third floor is
likewise empty, save for a dusty skull and a few empty wine bottles. The
second floor, however, is inhabited by a maiden, beautiful but flushed

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and desperate, and her love, a young knight of the desert sands, his face hag-
gard, his robes torn and a terrible wound on his right leg. The wound has been
bound, but needs proper cleaning, for it looks septic. The knight is not long for
the world, having perhaps two or three days before he dies unless given some
powerful magical healing.

The maiden will explain that they were fleeing across the desert from her
wicked uncle when they were attacked by a pack of 2d6 black, two-headed
hounds. The knight was wounded by one of the dogs and they were fortunate
to outrun them and find this tower. They’ve been trapped here for three days
now, the dogs surrounding the tower each night and the knight too ill to walk,
the horse having died from exhaustion after their race across the desert.
Death Death

193 DOnated by Frog God Games (All Rights Reserved) 193

Organization: Solitary/Family
Dragon, Cloud
Disposition: Territorial
Size: Massive
Move: 30’, fly 80’
Armor Class: 20
Hit Dice: 14D8 (63 hp)
Initiative:+4 Crit: V/2D10
Atk Melee: Claws +9 (1D8)
Atk Melee: Bite +9 (3D6)
Atk Missile:
Breath Weapon +9 (special)
Act Dice: 1D20, 1D20
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +10
Treasure: Personal Effects

AC -1 [20], HD 14** (63hp), Att 2 x

claws (1d8), 1 x bite (3d6), magic or
breath weapon (icy cold air), THAC0 9 [+10], MV 90’ (30’) / 240’
(80’) flying, SV D4 W5 P6 B5 S8 (14), ML 10, AL Neutral, XP 3,250,
NA 0 (1d2), TT None

Special Properties
► Breath weapon: 120’ long, 30’ cone of icy cold air. Creatures
smaller than the cloud dragon make a Save versus breath or be
knocked down and blown back 7d12’. Flying creatures are blown
back twice the distance. Creatures takes damage equal to the
dragon’s current hit points If the save is successful they take half
damage and remain stationary. Can be used up to three times per
► Language: 100%. All cloud dragons can speak a stilted form of
► Cloud form: At will. As gaseous form. While in cloud form, can
still use spells but cannot use breath weapon or make physical
► Magic powers: Each can be used twice per day:

a. Create water: The water falling from the sky in the form of
b. Call lightning: 360’ range, 10’ radius. All creatures in the
area take 8d6 electricity damage; save versus spells for half.
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c. Control weather: As spell except with 10 mile radius, 4d12
hours duration.
d. Obscuring mist: Creates a cloud of misty vapour 10’ high, 90’ diam-
eter. Blocks normal vision and infravison. Creatures that can see invis-
ible can see faint shapes. Lasts for 9 turns, 3 turns if in a strong wind.
e. Stinking cloud: Range 120’, 20’ x 20’ x 20’ area. Save versus poi-
son or become nauseated and unable to attack while inside the
cloud and 1d4 rounds afterwards. The cloud last 1 turn, 1 round if
in a strong wind.
►Arrogant: Cloud dragons have a great disdain for non-flying crea-
tures and creatures that must use non-natural means to fly.
► Territorial: Cloud dragons are not highly aggressive, but dislike
interlopers and attack them on sight.

Exposition: Cloud dragons are the most reclusive of all

dragons, rarely leaving the safety and sanctity of their cloudy
lairs. They have fringed and frilled heads and wings that sweep
Dragon, CLoud

back from shoulders to tail. Large, piercing rose colored eyes

dominate their somewhat triangular heads. A cloud dragon
wyrmling’s scales are silvery-blue with a slight hint of red at the
tip of each scale. As the dragon ages, its color slowly changes to
a bright sunset orange. The oldest cloud dragons resemble gold
dragons, save for the large bony plates on their heads and backs.
Their tails trail off becoming misty and translucent near the tip.

Head in the Clouds

A good millennia ago, a magic-user spent many years ensorcel-
ling dozens of glass spheres with permanent levitate spells. These
orbs were used to fill the hold of a large treasure junk, its bow carved
in the shape of a grimacing gold dragon and its timbers flecked with
gold paint. Through the use of these orbs, a dozen large casks and a
wand that allowed him to create water, the magic-user had a (barely)
functional flying ship. Taken with his own genius, he gathered his ap-
prentices, friends and retainers and took the ship up for its maiden
voyage. Having never been to so great a height, the poor magic-user
did not realize how powerful the wind can become in the upper
atmosphere, and he and his crew were blown clean off the deck.
The ship still floats in the upper atmosphere, slightly beaten and
battered, its lateen rigging in shreds. It serves as the lair of 1d2
cloud dragons, the kegs now holding their treasure and the ship
slowly being dragged closer to the earth and, therefore, closer to
the path of a range of jagged peaks. From these peaks, on certain
days of the year, one can make out the ghostly ship emerging
from the clouds, promising adventure to any who can find a way to
reach it.

195 DOnated by Frog God Games (All Rights Reserved) 195

Organization: Solitary/Clan
Dragon, Smoke
Disposition: Territorial
Size: Medium
Move: 30’, fly 80’
Armor Class: 16
Hit Dice: 5D8 (22 hp)
Initiative:+3 Crit: III/D10
Atk Melee: Claws +4 (1D4)
Atk Melee: Bite +4 (2D8)
Atk Missile:
Breath Weapon +4 (special)
Act Dice: 1D20, 1D20
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4
Treasure: Personal Effects

AC 3 [16], HD 5** (22hp),

Att 2 x claws (1d4), 1 x
bite (2d8), or breath weapon
(smoke), THAC0 15 [+4], MV 90’ (30’)
/ 240’ (80’) flying, SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (5), ML 10, AL Neutral,
XP 425, NA 2d4 (2d4), TT I

Special Properties
► Breath weapon: 20’ long, 20’ cone of smoke. Save versus breath
or choke and cough for 1d6 rounds.
► Language: 30%.

► Smoky form: 1/day. As gaseous form.

xposition: Smoke dragons are small, 8’ long, black
with grayish underbellies and are often mistaken
for immature black dragons. Smoke dragons have smoke-
gray talons and red-tinged wings. Their eyes are gray or,
in some rare instances, blue. Small under-curved horns
protrude from their heads.

Fire in the Sky

A waterfall’s deep rumble in the underground network of
caverns thrums across a shallow lake filling this 60’ diameter
grotto. Ripples bounce across the surface of the water with each
bass thump of falling water that echoes through the darkness. A
10’ wide underground river opens under the lake, forcing PCs

DOnated by Frog God Games (All Rights Reserved) 196196

to swim a 60’ waterfilled tunnel to surface in the center of the room. A
pall of black smoke drifts over the water, the vapor wafting throughout
this chamber. The stone ceiling is 15’ overhead, and a rocky 5’ wide
path runs around one side of the lake. The bottom of a brick-lined
chimney cuts a square hole in the center of the ceiling. This chimney
cuts through 400’ of rock and dirt and opens in the middle of a surface
lake. Iron rungs set into one side of the brick chimney go all the way to
the surface. Purple mushrooms provide a soft phosphorescent light in
the underground cavern. The room smells of sulfur and rotten eggs.
Two wings of 2d4 smoke dragons live in small caves just above the wa-
terline of the underground lake. It’s mating season for these dragons,
and the males are fighting for the affection of the females (which are
also vying to be with the top males). Half of the dragons encountered
are male. The smoky blasts of the dragons’ breath float about the room
like small clouds, causing PCs to choke and cough. The dragons enter
and leave the grotto through the chimney.
The purple mushrooms are a rare species that emit a flammable gas.
This gas floats along the ceiling and fills the brick-lined chimney. The
Dragon, Smoke

gas ignites in a fireball if a flame is lighted in the room. The flash fire
does 5d6 points of damage (save versus breath for half). The smoke
dragons dart into the caves to avoid the flames that roil along the up-
per part of the room. The fire erupts up the chimney as a column of fire
that rises nearly 75’above the land above. There’s a 2-in-6 chance that
the column attracts the attention of nearby flying creatures, including
griffons and dragons. It takes a full month for the gas to build up again.
The smoke dragons pour out of their holes to finish off anyone who
disturbed their courtship.

197 DOnated by Frog God Games (All Rights Reserved) 197

Organization: Solitary
Disposition: Antagonistic
Size: Medium
Move: 40’, Swim 120’
Armor Class: 17
Hit Dice: 6D8 (27 hp)
Initiative:+3 Crit: IV/D12
Atk Melee: Claws +5 (1D4)
Atk Melee: Cutlass +5 (1D6)
Act Dice: 1D20, 1D16
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4
Treasure: Trade Goods/Hoard

AC 2 [17], HD 6* (27hp), Att 1 x

cutlass (1d6) or 2 x claws (1d4),
THAC0 14 [+5], MV 120’ (40’) / 120’
(40’) swimming, SV D10 W11 P12
B13 S14 (6), ML 12, AL Chaotic, XP
500, NA 0 (1), TT I

Special Properties
► Undead: Make no noise, until
they attack. Immune to effects that affect living creatures (e.g.
poison). Immune to mind-affecting or mind-reading spells (e.g.
charm, hold, sleep).
► Fire resistance: Half damage from fire.

► Call storm: 1/day. Can summon inclement weather to harass its

opponents. As control weather except duration is 1 turn.
► Control ship: A draug has full control over its vessel (wind
notwithstanding) so long as it remains at the wheel or within 20’
of the helmsman. Should it leave the area, its ship meanders in a
random direction until the draug regains control.
► Transform ship: When a ship sinks beneath the waves and a
draug is created the ship itself is transformed by the evil sur-
rounding it and gains the following abilities:
a. Seaworthy: Regardless of the condition of the hull, a draug
piloted ship remains afloat in any weather conditions. Strong
waves may toss the ship about, but will not capsize it as a result.
b. Wind resistance: It is not affected by wind of any type
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(though the draug can still use the wind to maneuver and sail the ship)
and can even sail against gale-force winds.
c. Immunity: A draug ship is so waterlogged that it is completely
immune to all fire effects.
d. Fly: A draug can command his ship to leave the waves and take
to the air as long as the draug remains on board. This functions as the
fly spell (1d6+6 turns duration).
► Crew: A draug ship is normally crewed by skeletons, brine zombies
or zombies.

xposition: The draug is the vengeful spirit of a ship’s captain
died at sea, thus being denied a proper burial. If an entire
ship sinks at sea with the loss of all hands, the ship itself and its entire
crew may return as ghostly wanderers. The captain usually rises as a
draug and his crew rises as brine zombies (see that entry). A draug
looks as it did in life, wearing the same clothes and bearing the same
possessions it held at the moment of death. The arrival of a draug
is often taken as a death portent, for even if it does not attack, some
dire circumstance is likely to befall the witness. A draug often acts as
a death token, rising out of the sea and staring at or pointing a bony
finger at a sailor fated to drown.

Dead Men Tell No Tales, Or Do They?

For the past fifteen years, the ship of a terrible pirate has sat in the
midst of a grand harbor, a prison hulk for members of its former crew.
The ship was taken by a fleet of galleons after a storm had deprived it
of masts and sent the ship’s captain over the side, a dirk lodged in his
spine. As members of his former crew died, they were tossed over the
side, their ankle chains attached to an iron band around the remains of
the main mast, their bloated bodies steeping in the brine. For all these
fifteen years the captain, now a vengeful draug, has trod the sea floor
on a direct course for his ship. He is now very close, and the bodies
of his expired crewmen are responding to his presence, their water-
logged (1d6+5 brine zombies) or skeletal (2d4 skeletons) remains
shifting gently. Soon, they will climb their chains and their old master
will again command his ship and cut a crimson road of blood and
plunder across the silvery waves.

199 DOnated by Frog God Games (All Rights Reserved) 199

Organization: Family, Pack
Snake, Fire
Disposition: Territorial
Size: Small
Move: 40’, climb 20’
Armor Class: 17
Hit Dice: 2D8 (9 hp)
Initiative:+2 Crit: M/D8
Atk Melee: Bite +1 (1D4)
Act Dice: 1D20
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +2
Treasure: None/Special

AC 2 [17], HD 2** (9hp), Att 1 x bite (1d4 +

paralysis), THAC0 18 [+1], MV 90’ (30’) / 120’
(40’) climbing, SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2),
ML 7, AL Neutral, XP 30, NA 1d4 (1d8), TT U

Special Properties
► Surprise: On 1-3. Hides within natural fires and attacks.

► Fire immunity: Unharmed by fire.

► Cold vulnerability: Takes double damage from cold based attacks.

► Paralysing bite: Save versus paralysis (DC 12 Fort save) or be

paralysed for 1d6 rounds.
► Burning Lair: Fire snakes make their homes in fires and rarely
journey more than 30’ from such an open flame.

xposition: A fire snake resembles a normal snake with
scales and stark white eyes. They range in size
from 2’ to 6’ feet in length.

Ayesha of the Flames

In the black mountains that serve as the border of Jinnistan,
there is a miles long tunnel. The entrance to the tunnel is faced
with blue jade carved in the shape of a mass of dancing apsaras,
the eyes of several of them hiding poisoned darts that are trig-
gered when one places a foot upon various of the 101 marble
steps that lead up to the portal.
The tunnel is fairly straight and level, and appears to have been
melted through the mountains rather than excavated. Every 100’,
the tunnel is blocked by a coruscating curtain of flame. Lining
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the tunnel are hundreds of red marble statues of dancing fire nymphs
surrounded by roaring pits of flame.
About 1-in-6 of these pits contains a pack of 1d4 fire snakes.
In roughly the midpoint of the tunnel there is an especially tall statue,
the base engraved with the name Ayesha. This statue is surrounded by
a shallow pit of white flames 30’ in diameter containing three especial-
ly nasty fire snakes (maximum hit points) that will strike any creature
entering the flames with a charisma score below 16. Any who dare
to throw a piece of gold into the pit may attempt to walk across the
flames to the statue of Ayesha to retrieve a small sphere of rose quartz
from those resting on the pedestal.
The individual attempting the walk must possess supreme concentra-
tion (i.e. roll wisdom/Per score or less on a 1d20). Every traveler to
Jinnistan knows anyone exiting these tunnels without a quartz sphere
will discover themselves violently unwelcome.
Snake, Fire

201 DOnated by Frog God Games (All Rights Reserved) 201


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