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Type of animal science: Fields of study

Fields of study: Conservation biology, ecology, environmental science, invertebrate biology, marine
biology, oceanography, zoology

Marine biology is the study of the plants, animals, fungi, protists, and microbes that live in the oceans. Because hu-
mans are not well adapted to marine environments, it is difficult to observe and study marine organisms in their nat-
ural surroundings. However, with modern technology such as scuba, submarines, and remote cameras, marine biolo-
gists are gaining considerable information about marine organisms.

their disposal, only 250,000 of approximately 1.8

Principal Terms
million described living species (14 percent) are
AurorRorHs: primary producers; organisms marine. While the oceans may lack diversity at the
that are self-feeding; includes photosyn- level of species, they are home to members of
thetic and chemoautotrophic organisms thirty-one of thirty-four animal phyla, about
BENTHIC: the area of the ocean floor; organ- twice the number of phyla that are found on land
isms associated with the sea bottom or in freshwater.
EPIFAUNA : animals that live on the sea floor Because of its vastness and humans’ inability
HETEROTROPH: consumers; organisms that to easily visit deep waters, the oceans remain the
must acquire energy by consuming or- least studied habitats on earth. For example, sci-
ganic material entists know that giant squid eighteen meters in
INFAUNA: animals that live in the sea floor length, larger than any other invertebrate, exist
INVERTEBRATES:&IIXI~S~~~ lackbackbones because they have been found in the stomachs of
LITTORAL : the area in the intertidal zone; or- sperm whales and washed up on beaches. How-
ganisms that live in the intertidal ever, no human has ever seen one of these crea-
NEKTON : organisms that are strong swim- tures living in their natural habitats. If this sheet of
mers and can move against ocean cur- paper represented the area of the ocean, the area
rents directly observed by people would be smaller
P E L A G I C : the area of open water in the than the period at the end of this sentence. Despite
oceans; organisms that occur in the the small amount of study in marine biology, re-
water column search in these systems has contributed greatly to
PLANKTON : organisms that drift in the ocean the understanding of living systems.
currents because they have limited Oceanographers divide the ocean into zones
power of locomotion that have distinct physical characteristics. These
physical conditions, in turn, select for different or-
ganisms that are adapted to the set of conditions.
he earliest known life forms were marine. The The benthic realm refers to the sea floor and ex-
T oceans cover 71 percent of earth’s surface and
have an average depth of 3,800 meters, which
tends from the high intertidal zone, where ocean
meets terrestrial land, to depths of eleven kilome-
means that they represent 99 percent of the living ters at oceanic trenches, the deepest parts of the
space on the planet. Marine biology is the study of ocean where the ocean floor slowly sinks back in
all the organisms that occupy this space. Despite to the interior of the earth. Organisms that live in,
having 99 percent of the planet’s living space at on, or near the ocean floor are appropriately called

Marine biology ?? 1001

benthic organisms, and represent 98 percent of all dark depths during the day to avoid being eaten.
marine creatures. The pelagic realm of the ocean In the aphotic zone, there are only hetero-
refers to the open ocean, basically the space be- trophic organisms that are supported mostly by
tween the benthos and the sea surface. Pelagic or- organic material that rains down from the lit envi-
ganisms, representing the remaining 2 percent of ronments above. These animals live in darkness,
marine species, live in the water column. The pe- with the exception of light produced by the ani-
lagic zone can be divided into the photic and mals themselves, called bioluminescence. It is
aphotic zones, a distinction that is especially im- common for sea creatures (especially ones at inter-
portant for photosynthetic organisms. The photic mediate depths) to house luminescent bacteria
zone is the shallow part of the ocean that receives within their tissues, which are able to produce
enough sunlight to support photosynthesis, light for communication, as a lure to attract prey,
which is about two hundred meters deep in the or to light their bottom surface to conceal their sil-
clearest waters, and as shallow as three meters in houette against the dimly lit background from
turbid coastal waters. The aphotic zone is where above. Anglerfish are deep-sea predators that
there is not enough light to support photosynthe- attract prey near their mouths by dangling a
sis, and extends from the bottom of the photic bioluminescent lure in front of their head.
zone to the ocean floor. The density of organisms in the deep sea is low.
Because of this low density, a long period of time
Organisms of the Open Ocean can pass between meals, or between encounters
Pelagic creatures can be further categorized into with the opposite sex. To deal with the problem
plankton, which drift around in the ocean cur- of infrequent meals, deep-sea creatures are often
rents, and nekton, which are capable of swimming gigantic compared to shallow-water relatives.
against currents. Photosynthetic plankton live in Large size allows for storage of food reserves that
the photic zone and are called phytoplankton. sustain the animals between meals. Predatory fish
These algae form the base of the food web in also have large mouths and stomachs that allow
the open ocean and are eaten by zooplankton them to take full advantage of any meal, regard-
(heterotrophic plankton including protists and less of size. To overcome the problem of rare
small crustaceans such as copepods). Zooplank- mates, the miniature males of some anglerfish
ton are eaten by small fishes, which are eaten by have the unusual adaptation of attaching them-
larger fishes, which are eaten by sharks, birds of selves to the female, where they live the rest of
prey, and people. The open ocean food web is one their lives as parasitic sperm producers.
of the longest food webs known, partly because it
starts with the smallest photosynthetic organ- Organisms of the Bottom
isms. Most marine species are found at the ocean floor.
The largest animal migrations on earth occur They occur in such familiar marine habitats as
every day in the open oceans, in a process called mud flats, sand flats, beaches, coral reefs, kelp for-
die1 vertical migration. Zooplankton, midwater ests, and the rocky intertidal. The main primary
fish, squid, and krill migrate to shallow waters producers in benthic habitats are macroscopic
at night and then return to the dark depths dur- seaweeds that grow attached to the bottom or mi-
ing the day. The main reason for this daily migra- croscopic algae that grow within the tissues of ani-
tion is probably to feed, and to avoid being eaten. mals such as corals, sponges, and bryozoans. Ben-
Food densities are highest in the shallow pro- thic animals include mobile creatures such as fish,
ductive waters, so these predators move to the crabs, shrimp, snails, urchins, sea stars, and slugs.
shallows to feed at night. Because they would be Additionally, there are numerous animals that,
susceptible to their own visually oriented preda- unlike familiar terrestrial animals, never move
tors in the well-lit shallows, they return to the around as adults. These sessile animals include
1002 ?? Marine biology

Oases on the Deep Ocean Floor

Although animal life exists on the ocean floor, the vent. Similar hydrothermal vents, each with a
much of that zone is barren, with relatively few ani- population of animals surrounding it, have since
mals distributed at large intervals. One of the most been discovered at other sites in the Atlantic and Pa-
exciting discoveries in marine biology during the cific Oceans.
last quarter of the twentieth century occurred in 1977 The largest animals located at these vents include
with the discovery of abundant animal life in the re- large clams and mussels and several species of tube
gions immediately surrounding four hot water gey- (vestimentiferan) worms. Other species include
sers on the ocean floor. These hydrothermal vents, crabs, snails, segmented w orms and spaghetti
located in the eastern Pacific Ocean at a depth of ap- worms, so called because of their appearance. Many
proximately 2,700 meters, boasted a spectacular va- of these species had not been previously observed or
riety of species all located within a few meters of the described. All vent communities appear to have sim-
vent. The geyser is caused when water is heated by ilar types of organisms in association, but not always
Earths mantle and rises rapidly through the cooler the same species. Current estimates indicate that the
waters above. Water in the geyser reaches tempera- life span of the vents is quite short (probably in the
tures of 8 to 16 degrees Celsius, as opposed to the tens of years) and that when the vent dies, so do the
surrounding water, which is about 2 degrees Cel- animal communities surrounding it. How these
sius. This warm water is also rich in dissolved hy- vents are located and colonized by organisms living
drogen sulfide gas, which serves as a source of en- on the deep ocean floor is just one of many interest-
ergy for bacteria at the vent. The bacteria, in turn, act ing questions concerning these deep-sea oases that
as food for the various animal species in the area of remain to be answered.

barnacles, sponges, oysters, mussels, corals, tion, predator avoidance, and mating. Sessile ani-
gorgonians, chrinoids, hydroids, and bryozoans. mals feed by having symbiotic algae and by
The commonness of sessile animals in the ma- filtering organic particles from passing water cur-
rine benthos suggests that it is a successful way of rents. Like plants, sessile animals use structural
life. These animals’ lifestyle combines facets of and chemical defenses against predators, and
plant and animal lifestyles. Sessile invertebrates have tremendous regenerative abilities to recover
are plantlike in that they obtain some of their en- from partial predation events. Most benthic ani-
ergy from sunlight (the animals themselves do not mals mate via external fertilization: Sperm and
photosynthesize, but they house photosynthetic eggs are spawned into the water column and fer-
symbionts), they are anchored in place, and they tilization occurs outside the body of the female.
grow in a modular fashion just as the branches of a Amazingly, sessile barnacles must copulate to
tree do. They are animal-like in that they capture achieve internal fertilization. These animals in-
and digest prey and they undergo embryonic de- crease their reproductive success by being her-
velopment, often involving metamorphosis. In maphroditic, thus assuring that any neighbor is a
fact, nearly all benthic animals start life in the pe- potential mate; being gregarious to assure a high
lagic realm, drifting around as planktonic larva, density of mates; and by having a penis long
dispersing to new habitats as they develop and enough to deliver sperm to an individual seven
feed. After a few hours to weeks of pelagic living, shell lengths away.
they sink to the ocean floor to complete life as
adults. Trophic Cascades and Keystone Predators
Being stuck in one place presents special chal- Marine organisms live in environments that are
lenges for sessile animals, including food acquisi- foreign to humans, and they have lifestyles that
1004 ?? Marine bio lo gy

The Problem of Ocean Navigation

The epipelagic environment is essentially a fea- Other astonishing examples of animals making
tureless one, without many of the landmarks or precise migratory movements are known. Green sea
other indicators that might serve as directional indi- turtles (Cheloniu mydus) from the Caribbean and
caters for migratory ocean species. Yet many animal North and South America are known to accurately
species are known to make long and highly accurate navigate to Ascension Island in the middle of the At-
migrations through the apparently trackless regions lantic Ocean to lay their eggs. American and Euro-
of the world’s oceans. pean eels leave their freshwater homes in streams
The best-known example of oceanic migration is and ponds upon reaching sexual maturity and mi-
probably in salmon, which as young animals move grate out to sea. Upon reaching the marine environ-
from the freshwater streams in which they hatched ment, these animals transform from freshwater eels
out to the open ocean in which they mature. Upon to marine deep-sea eels of strikingly different ap-
reaching sexual maturity, the salmon return to their pearance, and navigate to a region in the North At-
natal freshwater streams, where they spawn and die. lantic known as the Sargasso Sea, where they spawn
The later portions of this return migration, when the and die.
animals are moving up the river system and locating The cues that are used by these animals in their
the precise stream in which they were born, has been migrations are unknown. Although it is tempting to
the most intensely studied, and the sense of smell call this instinctive behavior, instinct is merely a la-
appears to play an important role. However, the sal- be1 for mechanisms that are unlearned and innate.
mon are also faced with the difficult navigational These animals are clearly making choices of which
task of locating the mouth of their home river from direction to proceed in order to reach their goal, but
the vast expanse of the open ocean. How they ac- the manner in which those choices are made remain
complish this task is completely unknown. mysterious and fascinating.

Cousteau, Jacques-Yves. The Ocean World. New York: Abradale Press, 1985. Virtually an
encyclopedia of the undersea world, this comprehensive volume covers several as-
pects of marine biology by the famous explorer who first strapped on a scuba cylin-
der to enter the aquatic world. It contains over four hundred photographs, maps, and
Earle, Sylvia A. Sea Change: A Message offke Oceans. New York: G. l? Putnam’s Sons, 1995.
A fascinating autobiographical book by an accomplished marine biologist and deep-
sea explorer who shares a passion for exploration of the sea and warns of looming
dangers to these vast systems.
National Geographic Society. Ocean Drifters. Washington, D.C.: Author, 1993. This vid-
eotape follows a loggerhead sea turtle into the open ocean and examines the wonder-
ful creatures it encounters. Incredible cinematography.
Nybakken, James Willard. Marine Biology: An Ecological Approach. 5th ed. San Francisco:
Benjamin/ Cummings, 2001. An undergraduate textbook that covers marine organ-
isms, their oceanic environment, and their interactions with their biotic and abiotic
Sumich, James L. An Introduction to the Biology of Marine Life. 7th ed. Boston: WCB/
McGraw-Hill, 1999. A comprehensive, colorful introductory textbook that is geared
toward high school and undergraduate students.

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