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Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Skyler Ramp Date: 2/19/24

Group Size: Whole Class Allotted Time: 30 minutes Grade Level: 2nd
Subject or Topic: Science- weather unit

Common Core/PA Standard(s)

S3.D.2.1.2 Describe how weather variables (i.e., temperature, wind speed, wind direction, and
precipitation) are observed and measured.

Learning Targets/Objectives
● Students will be able to identify different weather instruments
● Students will be able to identify the weather instruments and what their purpose is
● Students will be able to answer questions based off the scavenger hunt cards they find
around the room
Formative Assessment Approaches Evidence observation or method of collection
1. Students will watch a video and 1. Students will be able to read the
review slides based off different temperature on the slide and identify if
weather instruments it is hot or cold weather
2. Students will walk around the room to 2. The cards will have different
complete a scavenger hunt thermometers as well as weather
instruments and facts they will need to
fill in on their answer sheet
Assessment Scale for any of the assessments above if needed

Summative if applicable N/A

Subject Matter/Content to be taught in the lesson

Weather is the different conditions that happen every day
Natural Disasters
Types of clouds

New Key Vocabulary

Thermometer- An instrument for measuring and indicating temperature. Could read Celsius or
WindMill- A machine that is driven by the force of wind
Snow Gage- Measures the amount of snow that has fallen over time
Meteorologist- A physical scientist who observes, studies, or forecasts the weather

Satellite- Carries television cameras that take pictures of the earth

Students will look at slideshow based off different weather instruments
Students will look at a thermometer and be able to tell the temperature and if it is hot or cold
Students will watch a video on how to use a thermometer to tell the temperature
Students will walk around the room to complete a scavenger hunt based on weather
instruments and clouds

Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies
Students will get out their weather journal to copy down the weather for the day
After putting their journal away in a safe place teacher will have them come up to the carpet
Once all students are all on carpet teacher will start going over the presentation

Development/Teaching Approaches
1. “Today we will be talking about different weather instruments.”
2. Teacher will ask students if they know what the tool is based off the definition
3. “Does anyone know what an instrument for measuring and indicating temperature.
Could read Celsius or Fahrenheit is?
4. Student will answer and say “Thermometer”
5. Teacher will say “wow i'm so glad you already know a little of what we will talk about
today! Remind me to give you an X on your chart when you go back to your seat.”
6. Teacher will continue to go over the presentation
7. Students will then watch a video based on thermometers and how to use them to tell
what the temperature is
8. Once the video is over students will have the opportunity to come up to the board to
tell what the temperature is on the image of the thermometer
9. Teacher will pick sticks in order for the student to come up
10. Once the presentation and video are over teacher will tell students to head back to their
11. Once all students are back teacher will explain next instruction
12. “Now we are going to complete a scavenger hunt.”
13. “You will work on your own but if there are other people at the card you may talk with
them to figure out the answer. You will move around the room to find different cards
with numbers on them that correspond with the number on your answer sheet.”
14. So If I am in Eli,Caroline, Jett and Janiyahs group we will go over here first and read
the card and then as a group talk about what the answer could be. Once you are done
with the answer you may go to a different number without waiting for anyone else.
Once we think we know the answer we will write it down on our answer sheet by the
number that is on the card.”
15. “When your group is finished with one station you may find another card you need but
if there are alot of people at one station find another one to go too.”
16. “ I will give you about 7 minutes for the whole hunt giving about 45 seconds at each
17. “I will be around going to each station helping if you need and asking questions about
what you are learning.”
18. “Okay put your thumb up if you understand what you should be doing.”
19. Students will put hands up
20. “Okay perfect then we can start! Everyone stand up and go to the station you see
closest to you.”
21. Teacher will walk around to make sure all students are staying on track and knowing
what they are supposed to do/ know what they are reading
22. Once the 7 minutes is up the teacher will say “If you are not finished it is okay but we
are almost out of time so if everyone can go back to their seats now.”
23. As a class we will then go over some of the answers the students have on their papers

Closure/Summarizing Strategies
1. Once we are done going over the scavenger hunt papers the teacher will collect them
for a class participation grade
2. Students should all get a 100% if they were following along and engaged in the
scavenger hunt
3. Once I collect all papers I will ask the students if they liked the activity
4. Teacher will ask students what their favorite thing they learned about today was
5. Once some students share, the teacher will say “I’m glad we all enjoyed the lesson and
learned more about weather instruments and different weather fun facts.”
6. “Now please get out your handwriting books for today's writing.”


- Follow all IEPs and 504 plans

- Chunking material
- Preferential seating
- Repetition of directions
- Allow extra time if needed
- Show images with each scavenger hunt card so students can visually see what they are
being asked about

Materials and Resources:

- Weather instruments presentation
- PBS Thermometer video
- Scavenger Hunt cards
- Answer sheet for each student
- Pencil
- Clip board if needed
- Smart Board

Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

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