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UNIT 11 oninanEssoys 1 Discuss the good and bad points of using the Internet. Listen to the cassette and match the viewpoints with the reasons. ‘Who speaks in favour of using the Internet and who speaks against it? ‘A. great way of communicating with people from all over the world B_ people should be more careful about how they use it different places ‘saves time going to libraries; is fast and cheap to send messages have conversations with people from some of the information you can access is not suitable, especially for children ‘Opinion essays are formal in style. They require your opinion on a topic which must be clearly stated and supported by reasons. Itis necessary to include the ‘opposing viewpoint in another paragraph A successtul opinion essay should have: a) an introductory paragraph in which you state the topic and your opin ) amain body which consists of two or more paragraphs. Each paragraph should present a separate viewpoint supported by your reasons. Another paragraph Giving the opposing viewpoint and reasons may be included; and ¢) a conclusion in which you restate your opinion using diferent words. Points to consider © First decide whether you agree or disagree with the subject of the topic and make alist of your points and reasons. ‘© White well-developed paragraphs consisting of more than one sentence. ‘© Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence which summarises what the paragraph is about. ‘© Linking words should be used throughout your composition. ‘© Use the techniques shown on p. 66 to begin and end your essay. Useful Language To express opinion: | believe, In my opinion, | think, In my view. | strongly believe, The ‘way | S29 it, It seems to me (that) To list points: In the first place, first of all, to start with, Firstly, to begin with To add more points: what is more, another major reason, also, futhermore, moreover, in ‘addition to thisthat, besides, apart ftom this, not to mention the fect that To introduce contrasting viewpoints: It is argued that, People argue thet, Opponents of this view say, There are people who oppose, Contrary to what most people believe, ‘As opposed to the above ideas To introduce examples: for example, for instance, such as, in particular, especially To conclude: To sum up, All nail, Allthings considered, Taking everything into account another major reason why Support my Opinion: is that. Paragraph 7 state the tople and your pinion clearly Main Body Paragraph 2 viewpoint 1 and reason Paragraph 3 * viewpoint 2 and reason Paragraph $ give the opposing viewpoint ‘and reasons Conclusion Fal Paragraph restate your opinion, using dtiferent words N Unit 11 Opinion Essays 3 Read the model composition and write down the topic of each paragraph. Underline any linking words or phrases and replace them with other similar ones. How else could you start this essay? “Ase you in favour of or against exams being abolished?” nein Pa Is t00 much emphasis placed on examination results today? In my ‘and jour opin) ve, their role needs to be reexamined if they are to continue to play a part in the educational system. In the frst place, exams do not actually test a person’s knowledge of a subject but rather how much they can remember on the day of the exam. In addition, facts such as students feeling unwell or suffering fiom a case of nerves on the day of the exams are not taken into consideration. Furthermore, the exam system is unkir to people who have studied hard but have a poor memory for facts and figures. Also, itis often the «ase that people who have not studied! can copy from someone else who has. {tis argued that exams are the most efficient way of comparing the abilities of a group of people and that an exam will often encourage people to compete to get better grades. Making grades and exam results the main point of learning though, gives students the wrong idea of what education is all about. In conclusion, it seems to me unfair to give a person only one chance to show what they are capable of. I think that the whole Ce ‘educational system needs to be changed so that exams are not the only ‘way of assessing a stucent’s knowledge. 4 “Cars are the greatest danger to human life today.” Give your opinion with reasons. Then read what these people think about cars and we match their viewpoints with their reasons, Suggest various ways to in my opinion, cars begin and end this opinion essay as shown on p, 66. Finally, write a are responsible for composition on this topi X banat eee in my vew, ‘As | see it, cities ‘ars are by no mean’ would be less polluted if J as life-threatening as DPS cars were banned. wars or violent acts 1 think that cars give us more Itis people themselves, who cause the greatest harm We can decide for Sacre te eins) Every day we hear Exhaust fumes are fl) ourselves where and , about fetal car accidents, one ofthe major causes fl when we want to travel 3 Pos Sa congerous tay ce Increasingly often people of airpoltion and as ail without having to rely driven with care and attention are killed or seriously result, our heath is at ‘on anyone else. injured on the roads. risk as well as the environment n

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