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Name _______________________Grade____ Section___ Week____ Date____________

Activity results sheet

nvestigating Dimmer and Brighter Sources of Light

Objective: To explore how different light sources affect the brightness of the

Materials Needed:

 Flashlight
 Candle
 Lamp
 Light bulb (different wattages if possible)
 Light meter (optional)

Independent Variable: The type of light source (flashlight, candle, lamp, different
wattage light bulbs).

Dependent Variable: The brightness of the light source.


 Distance from the light source to the wall.

 Darkness of the room.


1. Identify the Variables:

 Independent Variable: Type of light source.
 Dependent Variable: Brightness of the light source.
2. Set Up the Experiment:
 Set up a darkened room where you can conduct your investigation.
 Place the light meter at a fixed distance from the light sources.
3. Conduct the Experiment:
 Begin by turning on the flashlight and shining it on the wall. Note the brightness
reading on the light meter.
 Light the candle and place it in a holder. Place it next to the flashlight and
compare the brightness readings on the light meter.
 Turn on the lamp and note its brightness reading on the light meter.
Name _______________________Grade____ Section___ Week____ Date____________

 Replace the light bulb in the lamp with a different wattage bulb (if available) and
note the new brightness reading on the light meter.
4. Record Your Data:
 Record the brightness readings for each light source.
5. Analyse Your Results:
 Compare the brightness readings of the different light sources.
 Determine which light source produced the brightest light and which produced
the dimmest light.
Light source Brightness (Lux)

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