500 Technical Questions Safety&fire

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1) Define:
i. Accident
ii. Injury
iii. Hazard
iv. Incident
v. Risk
vi. Near miss
vii. Reportable accident
viii. Non reportable accident
ix. Loss Time injury
x. Total disablement
xi. Permanent disablement
xii. Partial disablement
xiii. Temporary disablement
xiv. Loss Time injury
xv. Dangerous Occurrence
xvi. Unsafe Act
xvii. Unsafe condition
2) What is Job Safety Analysis?
3) What is safety policy?
4) What is safety tag?
5) What is confined space?
6) What is excavation?
7) What is scaffolding?
8) What is welding?
9) What is gas cutting?
10) What is LEL?
11) What is UEL?
12) What is BLEVE?
13) What is VCE?
14) What are the pre cautions for welding?
15) What are the pre cautions for gas cutting?
16) What are the hazards in construction?
17) Describe different types of hazards?
18) How many types inspection?
19) What is accident investigation?
20) How to investigate accidents?
21) What are advantages of JSA? ( Job safety Analysis)
1. It helps to identify hazards and prevent accident
2. It helps to establish safe work method, working conditions and suitable plant
safety rules
3. It helps to assess the safety training four heading can be used for JSA.
4. It helps to inspection the plant
a) Name of operation for JSA
b) Description of the operation
c) Hazards
d) Precautions
22) Give brief note about fork lift truck?
1. Check breaks, lift tilt and tires.
2. Check the stability of load before moving it
3. Never leave your fork lift truck un-attend with motor running
4. Never park fork lift truck on passage way
5. Never drive with wet or greasy hands
6. Always drive with a safe speed and slow down at turning point
7. When driving without load forks about 6 inches above the floor or ground
8. Never operate trunk in gaseous area
9. Never carry a load so high that you cannot head, If necessary operate truck in reverse
10. Avoid carrying lose materials on forks
11. Never allow one to go under elevated loads
12. Warn other employees to stand clear when staking or removing materials
13. Exhaust pipe should have flame arrestor
14. Fork should be lowered to the floor when the truck is unattended
15. Stay alert t all times
23) Safety rules when using ladders?
1. The foot wear is not greasy, oily and muddy and has a good grip on the rungs.
2. When climbing or coming down a ladder should be face the ladder side and had
on with both hand.
3. Carry light tools in pockets in a shoulder bag.
4. Hold on with at least new hand if use of both hands then, use safety belt
5. Never climb higher than the third rung from the top on straight or second tired
from the top on extension ladder.
6. Step ladder must be fully open and the divider locked
7. Metal ladder shall not be used near electrical equipments.
8. Metal ladder shall not be place on firm footing and at angle of 75
9. Any ladder found defect in any way should be marked do not use
10. Ladder shall not be placed on a box or drum.
11. Rubber protection on head and heel of a ladder is necessary.
24) What control measures area necessary in confined space?
1. Enter with air line BA sets
2. Use 24v flame proof hand lamps
3. A hole watch to be kept near man hole
4. Keep fire fighting equipment ready
5. Gas test to be done to check for oxygen level
6. Provide blowers
7. Don’t smoke in confined space
8. Use ropes and harness
9. The spaces clean before entry
10. Use non sparking tools it there is any risk of flammable vapors being present.
25) How to prevent accidents of “power tools”?
1. The operators should wear face shields or safety glasses
2. Power tools should be placed in the store room after use
3. Power tools should have protected by guards
4. Pneumatic hoses or electric cables of power tools should not pass through passage
5. The electrical power tools should be properly earthed
6. Never horse play with hose of pneumatic tools
7. Power tools machines should be maintained and operated properly.
26) How to care and maintenance of hand tools?
1. Tools must be kept clean and free from corrosion
2. Keep metal parts lightly oiled
3. Remove burrs from edges of tools and heads of chisels.
4. Tools which are not in used must be stored separately
5. A good worker regularly inspects his tools
6. Do not use tools without handles
27) Write causes of accidents?
Direct cause: Unsafe act and unsafe condition.
Indirect Cause: 1. Lack of knowledge or skill
2. Improper attitude
3. Physical or mental deficiency
28) Give some examples about unsafe act?
1. Operating any equipment without properly authority
2. Failure to warning
3. Operating at unsafe speed
4. Failure to use PPE
5. Using hands instead of tools and equipment
6. Unsafe loading or placing or stacking
7. Unsafe position/ posture
8. Working on moving equipment’s
9. Wearing loose clothes while working on running machine
10. Working at height without safety belt
29) Give some examples about unsafe conditions?
1. Un guarded machine/ equipment
2. Poor lighting
3. Narrow road
4. Improper stacking
5. Oil on floor
6. Unsafe ventilation
7. Unsafe defective construction
8. Defective condition of tools and equipment
9. Unsafe method or procedure
10. Bad housekeeping
30) What is work permit system?
31) How many types of PPE?
There are two types of PPE
1. Respiratory 2. Non respiratory
32) How many types work permit?
There are two types of work permit
1. Cold work permit
2. Hot work permit
33) What is blanket permit?
A blanket permit is a permit issued on the basis of location where the multiple jobs are to
be carried out at safe location.
34) . What is delegated work permit?
Delegated work permit used for areas requiring light control. Ex : Fabrication, yards – valid
– 30 days.
35) What do you mean by ventilation & what are the types of ventilation?
36) An area of the factory is defined as a „Hard Hat‟ area where everyone must wear a safety
helmet. Most people ignore this even though there is a safety notice. If someone is
injured by something falling on their head and they are not wearing a safety helmet, who
is responsible?
a) The worker because s/he ignored the notice.
b) The employer for not enforcing the rules.
c) Both the worker and the employer are responsible.
d) No-one, it was just bad luck.
37) Which of the following categories of materials handling equipment does
a ‘counterbalanced type’ belong to?
(a) Gravity Conveyor
(b) Fork lift Trucks
(c) Picking Robot
(d) Warehouse Trolley.
38) What is the maximum allowable free fall of person when he uses full body harness?
a) 1.2 mts
b) 3 mts
c) 1.8 mts
d) 2.5 mts
39) IS Code for safety helmet?
A. IS 6519:1971-
B. IS 4501:1981-
C. IS 2925:1984-
D. IS 4770:1991-
40) If a person is heavily splashed with corrosive liquid .What will you
do? (Get him quickly under running water and remove clothing)
41) What would you do before working on a pipeline?
(Isolate it. Drain and purge it of fume or liquid)
42) What are the basic requirements to prevent build-up of highly flammable or toxic gases?
(Adequate ventilation)
43) What type of tools should be used on drums containing flammable
liquids? (Non-sparking tools)
44) What is acute toxicity?
(Acute toxicity is defined as that which is manifest on short exposure)
45) What is chronic toxicity?
(Chronic toxicity is defined as that which is manifest over a long period of time)
46) Where there is dust or fumes given off, where should the exhaust hood be placed?
(Where the dust or fume originate)
47) Why we use barrier cream?
(To prevent direct contact of chemicals with skin)
48) What is the well-known property of Hydrogen Sulphide?
(Odor of rotten egg)
49) What is an explosion?
(Explosion is a sudden release of pressure regardless of the source)
50) What is an autogenous ignition temperature?
(The autogenous ignition temperature is the temperature at which a small amount of a
substance will spontaneously ignite in a given atmosphere and burn without further heat
51) What are aerosols?
(Aerosols are substances present in the as minute particles (dusts) as fumes (metal fumes)
or as mists (chromic acid mists)
52) Describe ISO 9001 for Safety?
53) . Vapor of LPG is------------than air.
54) Which is the correct method in manual handling?
(1. Straight back)
(2. Bent leg)
55) For lifting the machined components--------------rope must be used.
56) Gas cylinders can be stacked one over the another as pyramid to the height of ------
(4 cylinders)
57) Give a brief note about act related with Safety, health & environment.
The factory Act – 1948 Petroleum Act – 1934– 1962 Air Act – 1948
Indian electricity Act – 1910
Indian boilers Act – 1884
Workmen compensation Act – 1948
Employee’s state insurance Act – 1948
Environment Protection Act
Explosive Act
Petroleum Act
58) What is the boiling Point of LPG?
59) What do you mean by tool box talk?
60) What is Dust Fire?
61) What is HAZOP?
62) Write about the different types of and parts of scaffolding?
63) Discuss the hazards of static electricity in industries.
64) Difference between grounding & bonding.
65) Which Section of Factories Act 1948 covers your Safety officer?
66) Which Section of Factories Act 1948 covers your Safety Committee?
67) Define worker.
68) Define factory.
69) Define manufacturing process.
70) Define occupier.
71) Difference between unsafe act & unsafe condition.
72) Difference between safety audit & inspection.
73) What are the duties & responsibilities of safety officer?
74) Who is a competent person as per Factory Act 1948?
75) What are the benefits to insured person as per Employee’s State Insurance Act 1948?
76) What is the role of ILO for safety, health & welfare?
77) What are the main activities of ILO in the field of Safety, Health and welfare?
78) How many notifiable occupational diseases are there as per Factory Act?
79) How hydraulic test of boiler is done as per Indian Boiler Act?
80) What are the classes of explosives as per Schedule I (Rule 3) under Indian Explosive Rules?
81) What are the main objectives of Environment Protection Act 1986?
82) Explain about color coding of pipeline.
83) What are manual handling tools?
84) Define accident. What are the types of accident?
85) What is noise? What are the types of accident?
86) What is the difference between guarding & fencing?
87) What is the difference between use of hook & use of jack?
88) What are the reasons of fall of person while working at height?
89) Explain difference between built in guard & safety devices.
90) What do you mean by ergonomics?
91) What checks to be done before the use of ladder?
92) What do you understand by MAH?
93) What is the difference between on-site & off site emergency plan?
94) What do you mean by mock drill?
95) What is OHSAS 18000?
96) What is ISO 14000?
97) Explain the types of Explosives and also list out any four Class of Explosives.
98) What safety precautions you will observe for sumps, pits & opening in the floor?
99) Which are the places where fencing of machinery is essential as per Factory Act 1948?
Mention the section.
100)What is occupational diseases & how it differs from other diseases?
101)What is biological monitoring?
102)What are the roots of entry of hazardous dust into human body?
103)Whether occupational disease are communicable or not?
104)What is the nature of CO gas? And its effect on human body?
105)What is pre-employment medical examination?
106)What is the difference between bonding & grounding?
107)Explain LD50 & LC50.
108)What is IDLH?
109)What is shut down period?
110)What is blasting?
111)What is demolition?
112)What is earth piling?
113)What is static electricity?
114)What is caisson?
115)What is cofferdam?
116)What is shaft sinking?
117)What is shoring?
118)What do you mean by tunneling?
119)What is boatswain’s chair?
120)What is fall arrestor?
121)What is flame arrestor?
122)What is flash back arrestor?
123)What is lighting arrestor?
124)What is the importance of a vent pipe & overflow pipe?
125)Difference between full body harness & safety belt.
126)How much dB of noise is reduced by using ear muffs in high noise area?
127)Difference between LPG & CNG.
128)What are 5 E’s of accident prevention?
129)What is OSHAS-18001?
130)Difference between Act, Rule & Standard.
131)What are different types of wire rope?
132)What is HAZCHEM code?
133)What is flame? What is the classification of flame?
134)What gases are used in welding & gas cutting?
135)What is NDT? Name two methods how NDT to be tested.
136)What is the difference between adequate & uniform lighting?
137)What are the various sources of noise?
138)What are the effects of electric current or voltage on human body?
139)What are the methods of reducing noise?
140)What is the difference between onsite & offsite emergency plan?
141)What are different types of soil?
142)Difference between airline respirator & SBA.
143)Difference between air purifying and supplied air type respirator.
144)Difference between respiratory & non respiratory PPE.
145)What is the difference between safety of running plant & construction site?
146)What do you mean by housekeeping?
147)What are the 5’S of Housekeeping?
148)What is the importance of housekeeping?
149)What is the importance of color coding of pipeline?
150)What is the difference between safety inspection & audit?
151)What is forklift?
152)What are the types of forklift trucks?
153)Which of the following material has the highest melting point
(A) Copper.
(B) Aluminum.
(C) Tungsten.
(D) Gold.
154)Which of the following hazards can be encountered during the welding process?
a. flying sparks
b. electric shock
c. toxic fumes
d. all of the above
155)At what angle should you hold the striker to the torch when you are ready to start welding
with fuel gas?
a. straight in front
b. 30 degrees
c. 60 degrees
d. a right angle (90 degrees)
156)The covers of electrical machines are made of
(A) soft magnetic materials.
(B) hard magnetic materials.
(C) super conductors.
(D) semiconductors.
157)Wearing specially tinted goggles during welding operations protects eyes from
a. ultraviolet/infrared light
b. perspiration
c. sparks
d. direct sunlight
e. both a and c
158)Which of the following is not a procedure for relieving heat stress associated with welding?
a. drinking plenty of fluids to replace lost liquids
b. removing protective clothing to allow for cooling and continue working
c. take frequent breaks if the heat is too much to bear
159)The main differences between types of hand saws relate to their:
a. handles.
b. blades.
c. frames.
d. teeth.
160)A screwdriver is identified by:
a. the length of its handle.
b. its torque.
c. the type of screw it fits.
d. the width of its tip.
161)What would you do before working on a pipeline?
(Isolate it. Drain and purge it of fume or liquid)
162)If a person is heavily splashed with corrosive liquid .What will you do?
(Get him quickly under running water and remove clothing)
163)What must be provided where corrosive fluids are being used?
(Means of drenching persons with cold water. Eye wash bottles)
164)What type of tools should be used on drums containing flammable liquids?
(Non-sparking tools)
165)Give four precautions when storing flammable liquids?
(Fire proof building, Fire proof electrical fitting, Means of escape, Fire appliances, Warning
166)Can we use Petroleum-based Cleaners to clean Helmet? Justify your answer?
(No, The Petroleum-based Cleaners can weaken the chemical composition of the helmet
shell. So it is always safe and better to use the soap water solution for cleaning the
167)Mention 5 common causes of domestic accident death?
(Fall, fire, burn and death associated with fire, poisoning by liquid or solid, suffocation-
ingested objects, due to electrical shock)
168)What is the minimum TV viewing distance?
(Five times the width of the screen should be the minimum viewing distance)
169)Three pins used in single phase plugs are to contact-----------, ---------,-----------.
(Phase, Neutral, Earth)
170)For lifting the machined components--------------rope must be used.
171)Periodical inspection of lifting tackles should be done by-----------------.
(Competent Authority)
172)What is the gas produced during storage battery charging?
a. Hydrogen
b. Nitrogen
c. Oxygen
d. None
173)For which of the purpose charcoal is used in a ear-thing system?
a) To dry the earth electrode.
b) To restore moisture near earth electrode.
c) To protect electrode from corrosion.
d) None of the above.
174)Respiratory tract constricts while inhaling and this constriction is called spasm. Spasm
may not lead to death. (True/False)
175)Carbon monoxide combines chemically with hemoglobin to form carboxyl hemoglobin.
So it is called chemical asphyxiate. (True/False)
176)Respirators are the best solution to avoid inhaling irritants. (True/False)
177) Never use a ladder in the horizontal position as a scaffold or work platform. (True/False)
178)It is acceptable to use a metal ladder for electrical work if the floor area is dry (True/False)
179)Noise does not represent a risk below about 90dB. (True/False)
180)If you have supplied an employee with safety glasses and subsequently the employee
suffers an eye injury because they have not worn the glasses, your company has no further
liability (True/False).
181)By law you must first consider the possibility of eliminating a risk like noise e.g. by
changing your equipment rather than by supplying the best quality ear defenders.
182)Approved safety glasses must be worn at all times in areas where there is a risk of eye
injuries such as punctures, abrasions, contusions, or burns. Protective goggles or face
shields must be worn where there is a danger of flying particles or corrosive materials.
183) Only those employees who have been trained in the proper use of forklifts are authorized to
operate them. (True/False).
184) When lifting items from below arm level, you should bend your knees, not your back, to
lower your body to the object. (True/False)
185)Flameproof & Explosion proof equipment’s are the same. (True/False)
186)Flameproof equipment does not allow outside gas/vapour to enter the equipment.
187)What is laughing gas?
A: Nitrous Oxide
188)Where do you find pull chord switch?
189) Why the large pin of a 3 – pin plug is longer in size than the other two?
a) As it ensures the ear-thing connection first before phase connections, for safety.
b) As it ensures the more current to flow before phases are connected for increased
power factor.
c) All the above.
d) None of the above.
190)Expand LOTO
a) Lock Out & Tag Out
b) Log Out & Tag Out
c) Locked Out & Tagged Out
d) Logged Out & Tagged Out
191) The lowest temperature at which the flammable liquid gives off sufficient vapor to
continue to burn when once ignited is called:
a) Flash point.
b) Fire point.
c) Auto ignition temperature.
d) Combustion temperature.
192)Which of the following fire extinguishing media is normally used in a sprinkler system?
a) Carbon dioxide
b) DCP
c) Water
193)Smoke detector operates:
a) When flame and illumination are produced
b) When radiation is generated.
c) When visible smoke is being produced.
d) When light emanates
194)Guards are used on machine to:
a) Protect the operator from coming in contact with moving parts.
b) Prevent flying particles from machine.
c) To arrest splashing of fluid e.g. coolant, cutting oil etc.
d) All the above.
195)What is the permissible noise level for 8 hours?
a) 90 dB
b) 120 dB
c) 50 dB
d) 70 dB
196) What is the minimum oxygen required for carrying out activities in confined space?
a) 10.5 %
b) 16.5%
c) 19.5%
d) 20.5 %
197)Silicosis is an occupational disease caused by silica & it affects?
a) Nose
b) Wind pipe
c) Intestine
d) Lungs
198)Fire extinguisher should be hanged at height above the ground?
a) 1 mtrs
b) 2 mtrs
c) 1.5 mtrs
d) 0.5 mtrs
199)LPG is a mixture of two main gases.
a) Propane & Butane
b) Butane & Hydrogen
c) Butane & Oxygen
200)LPG is odorless, to detect LPG leak, a chemical is added to it. This chemical is
a) Carbon Dioxide
b) Methyl Mercaptan
c) Hydrogen Sulphide
d) Propane
201)Portable fire extinguishers are First Aid devices & are suitable for use on fires
a) Only in their initial stage
b) That have already spread over a large area
202)The Bureau of Indian Standard (IS) divides fire into
a) 4 classes
b) 2 classes
c) 5 classes
203)What are the duties & responsibilities of Safety Officer?
204)Which Section of Factory Act 1948 covers the following?
i. Safety Officer
ii. Fencing of machinery.
iii. Precaution in case of fire.
iv. Hazardous Process
205)What is fire?
206)What is fire triangle?
207)What is tetrahedron of fire?
208)What is starvation?
209)What is smothering?
210)What is cooling?
211)What are the classifications of fire?
212)What are the types of firefighting equipment?
213)What are the types of fire protection equipment?
214)What is flash point?
215)What is fire point?
216)What is ignition temperature?
217)Define LEL.
218)Define UE.
219)Difference between Combustible & flammable material.
220)What is spontaneous heat?
221)What is the acronym of RACE stands for?
a) Rescue, Alarm, Confine, Extinguish
b) Run, Alarm, Contain, Extinguish
c) Rescue, Alarm, Carry, Escape
222)What is the acronym of PASS stands for?
a) Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep
b) Pull, Aim, Sweep, Squeeze
c) Push, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep
d) Push, Aim, Sweep, Squeeze
223)What are the effects of fire?
- Smoke – poisonous, smothering, cannot see. Most people are overcome
by smoke and fumes before fire burns the person.
- Fumes – poisonous, unconsciousness
- Burns – internal and external
- Asphyxiation – stop breathing
- Structural collapse – some of whole of building - crush people
224)What percentage of oxygen is required for burning?
(At least 16%)
225)What are the contents of air?
(Carbon dioxide, Nitrogen, Oxygen)
226)Which is the purest form of crude oil?
227)What are the methods of transmission of heat?
(Conduction, Convection, Radiation)
228)What do you mean by endothermic & exothermic reaction?
229)Burning plastic is really dangerous because:
a) It spits flames
b) It easily explodes
c) You need special firefighting equipment
d) It can give off toxic fumes
230)How to control electric fire?
231)What is fire extinguishing media?
232)What are the extinguishing methods?
233)To how many parts building is divided according to NBC 1983 & what are they?
234)What are the types of extinguisher?
235)What are the various parts of extinguisher?
236)Which powder is used in ABC type extinguisher?
237)What is the normal drill distance to use extinguisher?
238)What should be the angle of extinguishment while fighting fire?
a) 45o
b) 30o
c) 60o
d) 90o
239)What are the types of breathing apparatus?
240)What are the various parts of SCBA?
241)How much volume of air is inhaled by human lungs in 1 minute? 40ltr
242)Give time duration formula of SCBA.
243)Face mask of SCBA is present in pressure line.
244)How much pressure is maintained in low pressure line?
(7-8 bar).
245)What is the length of guideline?
246) What is the length of personal line?
247)What is the safety device of BA set?
(Warning whistle)
248)Which suit is used while using BA set?
(Fire suit, Aluminize asbestos suit, chemical).
249)What is the turnout of a fireman?
(Dangri, gum boot, helmet, BA set, torch, fireman axe, personal line)
250)What is exactly checked in BA set low line & high pressure line?
251)What is the fire safety measure used in latest advance lifts in the buildings?
252)What should be the fire safety measure used in cars or heavy passenger vehicles?
253)What is TTL?
254)What is the nozzle length of hose reel hose?
255)What is the function of Lug in female coupling?
256)Difference between delivery hose & suction hose.
257)Siphon tube is absent in which extinguisher? CO2
258)Inner container is present in which type of extinguisher? DCP
259)What is fire load giving its formula?
260)What is common IS code of extinguishment? 15683
261)What is the full form of:
i. CNG(Compressed Natural Gas)
ii. LPG(Liquified Petroleum Gas)
iii. PNG(Piped Natural Gas)
iv. LNG(Liquid Natural Gas)
v. CFT(Crash Fire Tender)
vi. SCBA(Self Contained Breathing Apparatus)
vii. VCE(Vapor Cloud Explosion)
viii. UVCE(Unconfined Vapor Cloud Explosion)
ix. CVCE(Confined Vapor Cloud Explosion)
x. BLEVE(Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion)
xi. UEL(Upper Explosive Limit)
xii. LEL(Lower Explosive Limit)
xiii. AFFF(Aqueous Film Forming Foam)
xiv. NFPA(National Fire Protection Association)
xv. TLV(Threshold Limit Value)
xvi. OISD(Oil Industry Safety Directorate)
xvii. FTA(Fault Tree Analysis)
xviii. ETA(Event Tree Analysis)
xix. FMEA(Failure Mode Effect Analysis)
xx. HIRA(Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment)
xxi. STEL(Short Term Exposure Limit)
xxii. NDT(Non Destructive Test)
xxiii. MIC(Methyl Isocyanate)
xxiv. TREMCARD(Transport Emergency Card)
xxv. TWA(Time Weighted Average)
xxvi. NIHL(Noise Induced Hearing Loss)
xxvii. IDLH(Immediate Danger to Life & Health)
xxviii. HAZOP(Hazard & Operability study)
xxix. MSDS(Material Safety Data Sheet)
xxx. PPE(Personal Protective Equipment)
xxxi. FFE(Fire Fighting Equipment)
xxxii. ISO(International Organization for Standards)
xxxiii. BIS(Bureau of Indian Standards)
xxxiv. MAH(Major Accident Hazard)
xxxv. DSU
xxxvi. PTO
262)For firefighting what should be the minimum pressure of water? 7 bar
263)What do you mean by deflagration?
264)What do you mean by detonation?
265)What is fire load?
266)Difference between fire & explosion.
267)Fire Service Day observed in memory of firemen who gave their lives in fighting the great
Bombay Dock blaze, falls on 14th April
268)Bureau of Indian Standard divides fire into__________classes. 4
269)Fire Services week is primarily observed to commemorate the selfless, heroic services of
those who gave their lives to save Bombay from devastation when explosives carried on
board the vessel exploded violently in the Bombay Docks. S.S Stikine
270)Which gas is known as hanging gas? Acetylene
271)What is added to LPG for smell to detect the leak from cylinder? Mercaptan
272)What should be the minimum frequency of fire drill to be conducted in an installation?
273)How many types of firefighting system are their based on modes of operation?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 3
d) all
274)Which is the passive fire protection system
a) Dampers
b) Hydrant system
d) DCP
275)How many type of water type extinguisher are their?
a) 3
b) 5
c) 1
d) none
276)What is I.S code of CO2 cartridge?
a) 4947
b) 4948
c) 2923
d) 940
277)What is cylinder color of water CO2 extinguisher?
a) Red
b) Yellow
c) Orange
d) Cream
278)What is hydraulic test of water CO2 extinguisher?
a) 17.5kg/cm2
b) 19kg/cm2
c) 16.5kg/cm2
d) All
279)What is the safe distance of extinguisher operation from fire?
a) 6 feet
b) 7 feet
c) 8 Feet
d) 4 Feet
280)Which is the safety device in fire extinguisher
a) Vent hole
b) Port hole
c) Syphon tube
d) None
281)How many type of foam extinguishers are their?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 1
282)How many types of powder used in DCP extinguisher?
a) 4
b) 3
c) 1
d) None
283)How many types of hose are their?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) All
284)In how many types the hose are rolled?
a) 4
b) 3
c) 1
d) All
285)How many types of coupling are used in delivery hose?
a) 2
b) 1
c) 4
d) 3
286)Which valve is used in sprinkler system?
a) Gate valve
b) Non return valve
c) Butterfly valve
287)Hydrant drill is carried out with how many people.
288)Hose drill is carried out with how many people.
289)What is adaptor in hose fittings and How many adaptors in hose fittings?
290)Mount & dismount command is used in which drill?
291)Ladder drill is carried out with how many people.
292)Pump drill is carried out with how many people.
293)Which fire equipment should always be there with firemen?
294)What is the full extension height of an extension ladder?
295)What is the color of assembly point sign board?
296)How many gram of cartridge is used in
i. 10 kg of DCP extinguisher
ii. 9 liter of water extinguisher
iii. ABC type stored pressure extinguisher.
297)What are the types of drill?
298)Suppose there is an electrical fire in 3rd floor of a building, what should be the procedure to
handle electrical fire?
299)What is the safety equipment’s in a fire extinguisher?
300)What is water hammer?
301)Which is the most common DCP used in extinguishers?
302)How to control oil fire?
303)What is the IS code of DCP?
304)What is the IS code of water expel type extinguisher?
305)What is the IS code of stored pressure DCP (ABC extinguisher)?
306)What is the vent hole diameter in fire extinguisher?
307)What is the port hole diameter in fire extinguisher?
308)What capacity of cartridge is used in 9 liter of water extinguisher?
309)What capacity of cartridge is used in 9 liter of DCP extinguisher?
310)Which gas is used as expelling agent in stored pressured type DCP extinguisher?
311)Which is the safety device in extinguisher?
312)Which hose is used in firefighting?
313)What is the diameter of male instantaneous coupling?
314)If you are working on fourth floor of construction site what precaution should be taken?
315)Explain working of fire men axe.
316)Explain working of fire ceiling hook.
317)Explain working of fire beater.
318) What are first aid firefighting equipment’s?
319) How many actions are performed in hose drill?
320) What is monitor?
321) What is the aim of squad drill?
322) What is the length of standard line in aluminum extension ladder?
323) Why strainer is used in suction hose?
324) What is the diameter of coupling in suction hose?
325) How does the carbon dioxide extinguisher extinguish the fire?
326) How does the DCP extinguisher extinguish the fire?
327) How does the foam extinguisher extinguish the fire?
328) How does the water extinguisher extinguish the fire?
329) What is pressure gauze?
330) What is the use of primer?
331) How many types of pumps are there?
332) Difference between Sprinkler system & spray system.
333) What is assembly point?
334) What is oxygen deficiency area?
335) What is the basic work of jockey pump?
336) Fire extinguishers are special pressurized devices that release chemicals or water to put
out a fire (True/False)
337) It is acceptable to store compressed gas cylinders in the upright position (True/False)
338) What is arson?
339) What is flame?
340) What is mobile van and what is its use?
341) What is watch room?
342) What is control room?
343) PASS stands for?
(Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep)
344) What kills most people in fires?
345) The reason you close the door on a fire is?
( To prevent smoke spread)
346) What are the emergency control procedures to be followed in case of sudden break out of
347) An extinguisher with an ABC rating is designed for use on which type of fire?
Class A
Class C
Class B
All of the above
348) Which of the following is true regarding a flammable gas fire?
Always extinguish the fire if a portable extinguisher is available
Never extinguish the fire regardless of whether a portable extinguisher is available
Only extinguish the fire if a spare extinguisher is available
Only extinguish the fire if you are capable of promptly turning off the supply of gas
349) If you have not received training in the use of portable extinguishers, what action should
you take when confronted with a fire?
Determine how to use the extinguisher by reading the instructions on the label
Call Fire Prevention Services and ask for instructions on how to use portable
Ask a co-worker for instructions regarding how to use the extinguisher
Evacuate the building and let the fire department extinguish the fire
350) Before choosing to fight a fire, which of the following questions should you ask?
Am I safe from toxic smoke and gases?
Do I have an escape route?
Do I have the right extinguisher?
All of the above
351) If you choose to fight a fire, where should you position yourself?
Outside the room to avoid being trapped by the fire
Next to a window so you can jump if your efforts to extinguish the fire are unsuccessful
Six to eight feet from the fire, between the fire and your escape route
As close to the fire as possible to ensure maximum efficiency of the extinguisher
352) How often should an extinguisher receive a visual inspection?
Once a day
Once a week
Once a month
Once a year
353) Which of the following extinguisher types will not have a gauge?
A Halon extinguisher
A carbon dioxide extinguisher
A multipurpose dry chemical extinguisher
All the extinguishers listed are provided with gauges.
354) Portable fire extinguisher are suitable for use on fires
a. Only in the initial stage.
b. On fire that have spread large areas.
355) When using water type extinguisher the jet should be directed
a. At the top of the flame.
b. At the base of the flame.
c. Into the flame.
356) A fire exit notice is colored:
a) Red
b) Blue
c) White with a red insert
d) Green
357) An external fire door should always open:
a) Inwards
b) Outwards
c) Sideways
d) All three
358) Manila rope are used in
a) Ladder
b) Crane
c) Lifting machine
d) All
359) What is I.S code of ladder
a) 4571
b) 9471
c) 4671
d) none
360) Ladder should be pitched at what angle?
a) 60o
b) 90o
c) 45o
d) 30o
361) How many types of building are their?
a) 9
b) 6
c) 12
d) 8
362) How many types of foundation are their?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 8
d) 1
363) How many types of wall are used in building?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 6
d) 8
364) How many types of road are their?
a) 5
b) 4
c) 3
d) 8
365) How many liters of water is used in a day by a person
a) 110-120ltr
b) 500ltr
c) 400ltr
d) all
366) How many types of hydrant are used in fire fighting
a) 2
b) 4
c) 8
d) none
367) How many man power are used in dragging system
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
368) How many types of ladder is used in Fire service
a) 4
b) 3
c) 1
d) 6
369) What is full form of TAC
a) Tariff Advisory Committee
b) Traffic Advisory Committee
c) Tarif Advisory Committee
370) How much percentage of oxygen is required for a living human being?
a) Above 6%
b) Above 22%
c) Below 6%
d) none
371) At what oxygen level the human being will die
a) 6%
b) 19.5%
c) 9%
d) 21%
372) If fuel is removed from a fire it is called as
a) Starvation
b) Remove fuel
c) Cooling
d) Cut off of heat
373) I.S code of CO2 gas
a) 307
b) 4947
c) 2878
374) What is the length of safety belt
a) 1.8m
b) 1.5m
c) 2m
d) 2.5m
375) You're in an office, and notice a smell of smoke, so you open the office door and see fairly
heavy smoke in the corridor, but no flames. You quickly close the door, and remember that
there's a fire exit about 50 feet away. What is your best way of getting to the exit?
A. Walk slowly on tip-toes, since the air is usually clearer near the ceiling.
B. Walk at your normal pace, but keep your eyes closed to prevent them
from becoming irritated by the smoke.
C. Hold your breath and run along the wall so as to minimize your time in the smoke.
D. Crawl along the floor, since the air is usually clearer near the floor.
376) In an automatic sprinkler system, when one sprinkler exceeds its temperature rating, how
many sprinklers begin to spray water?
A. Only the sprinkler which has exceeded its rating.
B. All sprinklers on that floor.
C. All sprinklers in the building.
D. None until the fire department hooks up to the Siamese connection and begins to
pump water.
377) In a non-automatic sprinkler system, when do sprinklers begin to spray water?
A. When a sprinkler head has exceeded its temperature rating.
B. When the fire alarm is activated.
C. When the FSD orders the sprinklers to be turned on.
D. When the fire department hooks up to the Siamese connection and begins to
pump water

378) Which of the following would be considered flammable? Since flammable means
"easily ignitable and capable of burning with great rapidity", the answer is
A. Flame proofed wool curtain. No, since it's been treated not to burn easily.
B. Puddle of gasoline
C. Thick piece of wood. Difficult to set a fire
D. Slab of concrete. Won't burn at all.
379) What kind of fire extinguisher is NOT allowed in kitchens?
A. CO2.
B. H2O. Water, which would spread the fire.
C. Dry chemical.
D. Foam.
380) During an inspection of the sprinkler system, you notice that the sprinkler heads in
one of the areas have all been painted the same color as the ceiling. What should
you do?
A. Have the paint on the sprinkler heads removed
B. Have the sprinkler heads repainted to their original color.
C. Have the sprinkler heads replaced. Paint may affect the temperature at
which they activate, and so may any chemicals used to remove paint, so
they'll have to be replaced.
D. Do nothing; the paint won't affect the operation of the sprinkler heads.
381). Conduction is heat transfer by
A. Movement of air or liquid.
B. Direct contact.
C. Heat waves.
D. All of the above
382) In an automatic sprinkler system where one sprinkler has exceeded its
temperature rating, how many sprinklers begin to spray water?
A. spray water if they get too hot.
B. All sprinklers on that floor.
C. All sprinklers in the building.
D. None until the fire department hooks up to the siamese connection
and begins to pump water.
383) When a sprinkler head is said to "have fused" it means that it
A. melted into a lump of metal.
B. is in a normal condition.
C. was exposed to the temperature at which it was designed to activate.
D. was exposed to freezing temperatures and must be replaced.
384) Diagrams required to be mounted in hallways which show elevators, fire exits,
etc. are called
A. blueprints. They're too detailed.
B. engineering diagrams. They're also too detailed.
C. floor diagrams.
D. "you are here" diagrams. That's not what they're called.
385) A multipurpose fire extinguisher can be used on
A. Class A and B fires
B. Class B and C fires
C. Class A and C fires
D. Class A, B and C fires.
386) Metal fire is also called as
a. Class B
b. Class D
c. Class E
387) Amongst the following which is any one of he wings of fire service
a. Professional
b. Exceptional
c. Executive
388) How many fire stations are under the supervision of Assistant Divisional Fire Officer
a. 2-3
b. 3-4
c. 4-5
389) Who comes under the Deputy Chief Officer?
a. Chief Fire Officer
b. Assistant Chief Fire Officer
c. Divisional Fire Officer
390) Who operates the pump in fire tender?
a. Fireman
b. Driver
c. Helper
391) Who operates the pump in fire tender?
a. Fireman
b. Driver
c. Helper
392) Who is the intermediate person between Station officer & crew?
a. Sub officer
b. Leading fireman
c. Fireman
393) What are the duties of Station officer?
394) What are the duties of Fire Service?
395) What do you mean by chain of command?
396) What are the responsibility & requirement of fire service?
397) What are the routine works at Station level?
398) Mention the offences in Fire Service.
399) Describe Wings of Fire Service Organization.
400) How many types of primer are used?
401) How many types of cooling systems are used in fire pump?
(Direct & Indirect)
402) How many faults are checked in pumps?
(Operating & mechanical)
403) How is pump tested?
404) How many types of pressure are observed in pump?
(Atmospheric & Gravitational)
405) How many types of Mechanical foam compounds are used?
(Protein, alcohol resistant, AFFF, High expansion)
406) What is the flash point of petrol?
407) What temperature is needed for sprinkler to operate?
408) What are the types of training that are given to the employees?
409) What is the diameter of extinguisher outer body?
410) How to control major oil fires.
411) Fire exit doors must be locked from (inside/outside)
412) In which direction the fire exit door should open?
413) What fire safety measures must be adopted in automobile service centers?
414) Which extinguishing media should be used in computer lab fire?
415) How many types of fire service knots are there?
416) How many types of lines are used in fire service and what are they?
417) How is hydrant tested or testing of hydrant?
418) What are types of knots?
419) What is occupational disease? How it differs from other diseases? Explain.
420) Whether occupational diseases are communicable or not? Justify your answer.
421) What is pre-employment medical examination?
422) What is first aid?
423) What is the objective of first aid?
424) Who is a first aider?
425) Difference between first aid & medical aid.
426) Which method of artificial respiration should be given to the pregnant lady?
(Eve Rocking method)
427) How to decide the priorities of the causalities?
428) What is Asphyxia? What are its causes?
429) What are the symptoms of asphyxia?
430) Give some e.g. of asphyxiants that causes asphyxia.
(Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, acetylene, argon, nitrogen, helium)
431) What is the first aid for asphyxia?
432) Nasal hair filters particles whose size goes beyond 10 microns. So, particles of respirable
range have a size less than 10 microns.
433) What is the appropriate heart rate of adult?
434) What is RBC & WBC?
435) How much quantity of blood is present in human body?
436) What is the procedure to control bleeding?
437) Where is carotid pulse located?
438) What is hemorrhage?
439) What is the work of kidney?
440) What is shock?
441) Which transportation method is used if causality is injured with both legs?
442) What is Rule of 9 in first aid?
443) What is splint?
444) What is CPR? When it is given to a victim?
445) How many types of artificial respiration are used generally by first aider?
446) Explain triangular bandage.
447) What do you mean by degree of burn and what are their types?
448) What are the golden rules for first aid?
449) How many first aid boxes will be required for a factory employing 2000 workers?
450) How much blood is collected during blood donation?
451) Why first aid training is essential for the industrial work force?
452) Difference between burn & scald.
453) What is the auditory & non auditory effect of noise on human body?
454) What is ORS?
455) How to make ORS at home?
456) For burns to the hand or feet, separate the fingers or toes with
a. Splint
b. Ice pack
c. Bandages
d. Dry, sterile dressings
457) An infant’s normal rate of breathing is
a. between 12 and 20 breaths per minute
b. between 20 and 30 breaths per minute
c. between 30 and 40 breaths per minute
d. more than 40 breather per minute
458) The normal rate of breathing for adults is
a. between 12 and 20 breaths per minute
b. between 20 and 30 breaths per minute
c. between 30 and 40 breaths per minute
d. none of the above
459) The normal pulse range for adults and adolescents is approximately
a. 30 to 60 beats per minute
b. 60 to 100 beats per minute
c. less than 30 beats per minute
d. greater than 100 beats per minute
460) What do we mean by Good Housekeeping?
Answer: Include:
- Do not allow rubbish/debris to build up.
- No build up of waste oil.
- Safe storage of items – Z beds not to be stored in corridors.
- No storage in fire risk areas e.g. plant/electrical rooms
- No storage near heat sources
- No storage in stairwells – to be kept clear at all times.
- Check ashbins regularly
461) What do we mean by Good Housekeeping?
Answer: Include:
- Do not allow rubbish/debris to build up.
- No build up of waste oil.
- Safe storage of items – Z beds not to be stored in corridors.
- No storage in fire risk areas e.g. plant/electrical rooms
- No storage near heat sources
- No storage in stairwells – to be kept clear at all times.
- Check ashbins regularly

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