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GENERAL INFORMATION (CONT'D,) IMPRINTED WRITING INSTRUMENTS (Contd.) MINIMUM ORDER 26 sa!8.0f pon and boncil or Sof sry motel PRICING Pen roils mech bive, tna binck) 606 each Pent kiads 308 [per Rube, Frasers 306 perub0. MAILERS: _Avatable (or either single unitor sat a 138 each SHIPPING. ‘Wing neturents are ahisped F-0 8. lactory. Bradiord. PA ‘Alow ino woos production ta ce repait orders an seven, ‘neeks lone Lime for now orcers requiring & came fer enpraval TERMS “The temo hig or Ziepo wr tinginsrumonts are net 30 ays, IMPRINTED GOLF BALLS IMPRINT AREAS. ‘Ago bal isimerinad ines araas "in Jlarsote. called poles. The rica: quoted include tne morning 0! head copy on both ‘poles In.on@ or two Cato. ADDITIONAL COLORS & ARTWORK CHARGES Prices in!ude trademark imprint in one of two.0! the following ‘Mandard colors lack red, dark. blue, orton, nrannge, yellow, lightbive, brown srd¥ght brawn, Colors other ther thood ist stove are available at $45 por sree Onoda matin corn rare noc Frncumnark ha require moro nan two colars can te impr ned st £45 pot noditions| color, par order SAMPLE FOR APPROVAL Orders requiring nevi artuore will receive a tinssned product Ssuinple anor to Production at no-cnargo, No oder for naw artaork is binding untithe sample Bas been aparoved Wien a cetivary ‘eous'osa waiving of tha suluriesion ‘of 8 “Sample far Approva’, lease submit samole waiver ia ‘arking. To guarantee ealesection sed Hinighes artwork. com. prehonsirelayruiliasvuctionsandasacitycelartsbaimprinted, ‘Note: Na” Sumpie for Approval willbe sont on repent orders oF when the copy sscorposed of the ‘Styles of Lulleiag) shown on this sage: MINIMUM ORDERS ‘Tho absolute minimurs orcer for Zinpe SDX Galt Bal ragazen, REPEAT ORDER PRICING ‘Tho auantity invaived on each order determines orice UNIMPRINTED ZIPPO SOX GOLF BALLS: (Ne Company trademark) ‘Goi Salis wth Zippo SOX marking ony eadatia al $18 par dozen, Minimum onder tz doate. INDIVIDUAL BOXING Individual boxing Isavaietie 21 606 aozer. ‘SPECIAL BOXING The fop caver at the ane cogon bax can be imprinted with the Hdontica! copy that appears on ane al the poles of the oll bal, ‘The Imprint wil be about ve times the size tha is en the Bali ‘Qunntnties of 100 dozen and over NO CHARGE. 60 to 88 dozen = 266 per box. (minimum £0} ‘Tho thveg bal slaeves chin bo el her white or wit Ihe regular Zippo eopy and guarantee. INDIVIDUAL MAILING ‘Zippa can make inaividual malings of Go" baba 49 ball sleeves, ‘Srinngoe oan packs lor you, The hensing charge is 8 par Sddressed label whan supplea by yu, 108 par label when Zippo adarasses label Nilera.and posiagostre, MAILERS. Mailers (or 3 bal: leave ~ 56 each: ‘nailer torame dazen - 108 feoch, mailers tor GS 138 each ‘SHIPPING ‘Galt Bats and Goll Git Sots are shipped =O B. factory, Birastord FA. Allow 0 4 weoks croduction time for tennat forders ard ta G Weeks production time tor new orders wit ‘are. TERMS “Tors a’ sale for Zippy Goll Sis anc Goll Sots are netO0 devs. CREDIT INFORMATION ‘Should be supplied on at ardors ta avo ‘deaysin production Styles of available for rey ipo Metal roduc & Gal Ball UNIVERS abe * NEWS GOTHIC abe SOUVENIR abc * MEGARON abc * MEGARON ITALIC abc * MEGARON BOLD abc MEGARON BOLD ITALIC abe MEGARON COND. abc * MEGARGN COND. ITALIC atc * (MEGARON EX-BOLD COND. abo ALTERKATE GOTHIC abe * TECHNO abc * TECHNO ITALIC abe * TECHNO BOLD abc CENTURY abe* CENTURY ITALIC abe * CENTURY BOLD abe NEWTEXT BOOK abc TECHNO BLACK abc TECHNO BLACK COND EUROSTILE abc” AURORA BOLD abe Fuedviha abe* reacahsenipt abe Those followed by an asters ‘on galt bails, juction on ‘Those stvionelfattor-na are cely available w her Zippo aroducte fre ordered in avantity with the same copy, Pervonslizetion ie ‘availabe oniy In Alternate Gothic Styie ietteeing

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