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Cosmology & Astronomy

Light year : Distance traveled by light in 1 year

Luminosity : Total power radiated from a star

L sun = 3.83 × 10

Measured in W

Standard Candle : An Astronomical object of known luminosity

Radiant Flux Intensity (F)

The amount of radiation measured on Earth. By the time the radiation reaches the Earth

F ∝ 2

F =

Measured in W m −2

Stellar radii
radii of a star
rate of radiation depends on:

1. surface area
2. surface color
3. temperature (E ∝ K

Wien's displacement Law

As the Temperature increases, the wavelength corresponding to the maximum intensity decreases

λ max -> Wavelength corresponding to the maximum intensity

T =
λ max

k = 2.9 × 10 mK

T1 λ1 = T2 λ2

Stephen - Boltzmann Law

2 4
L = 4πσr T

L -> Luminosity
σ -> 5.67 × 10 8

r -> Radius of the star

T -> Surface Temperature

Big Bang Theory

Red Shift
Doppler Effect

Δλ Δf v
= =
λ f c

Hubble's Law
the speed of a receding star depends on the distance away from the star

v = H0 d

H0 -> Hubble's Constant (2.4 × 10 −18


Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

At any point in space Microwave Radiation

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