Next Generation Telework A Literature Review

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Title: Mastering the Challenge: Crafting a Literature Review on Next Generation Telework

Embarking on the journey of crafting a literature review on next-generation telework is akin to

navigating through a vast sea of scholarly works, theories, and evolving paradigms. It's a meticulous
process that demands time, patience, and a keen analytical eye. The landscape of telework is
constantly evolving, propelled by technological advancements, societal shifts, and organizational
dynamics. In this dynamic environment, synthesizing existing research and insights into a cohesive
narrative requires finesse and expertise.

The difficulty lies not only in the sheer volume of literature available but also in the need to critically
evaluate each source, discerning its relevance, credibility, and contribution to the overarching theme.
Next-generation telework encompasses a broad spectrum of topics, ranging from remote
collaboration tools and virtual team dynamics to the psychological effects of telecommuting and the
implications for organizational structures. Navigating this diverse terrain requires a comprehensive
understanding of multidisciplinary perspectives and methodologies.

Moreover, crafting a literature review entails more than just summarizing existing research. It requires
synthesizing disparate ideas, identifying patterns and gaps in the literature, and offering meaningful
insights that contribute to the existing body of knowledge. This process demands not only scholarly
rigor but also creativity and a knack for storytelling. A well-crafted literature review should not only
inform but also engage and inspire readers, offering new perspectives and avenues for further

For those grappling with the complexities of writing a literature review on next-generation telework,
⇒ ⇔ stands as a beacon of support and guidance. Our team of experienced writers
specializes in synthesizing complex research and crafting compelling narratives that meet the highest
academic standards. With a keen understanding of the nuances of telework and a commitment to
excellence, we can help you navigate the challenges of crafting a literature review with confidence
and clarity.

Don't let the daunting task of writing a literature review deter you from exploring the fascinating
world of next-generation telework. Trust in ⇒ ⇔ to guide you through the process,
ensuring that your literature review is not only comprehensive and insightful but also a testament to
your scholarly prowess. Reach out to us today and embark on your journey towards academic
Telework, in particular, allows employees to work anywhere and anytime. The read-aloud tool reads
text aloud for you, highlighting the text as it is being read. An empirical investigation of the career
advancement prospects of telecommuters. As more employees desire work-life balance (sandwich
generation, gen Y wanting more flex-. Teleworkers can’t work remotely if they can’t access. Reinsch
Business, Sociology 1997 Employees who had become telecommuters at several corporations in the
mid- Atlantic region of the United States were surveyed and interviewed. Expand 134 PDF 1
Excerpt Save An Empirical Investigation of the Impact of Individual and Work Characteristics on
Telecommuting Success Ozgur Turetken Abhijit Jain Brandi Quesenberry Ojelanki K. Orlikowski
Susan V. Scott Sociology, Business 2008 Abstract We begin by juxtaposing the pervasive presence of
technology in organizational work with its absence from the organization studies literature. You can
do video conferencing so that we can see each. Who teleworks remains elusive, but research suggests
that male professionals and female clerical workers predominate. Both plans give you full access to
the library and all of Perlego’s features. Campbell, Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic Information and
communication technologies (ICT) have had, and continue to have, a profound impact on the way
work is organized, undertaken and managed by organizations and their employees. By using this
service, you agree that you will only keep content for personal use, and will not openly distribute
them via Dropbox, Google Drive or other file sharing services. In this paper, we develop an
explanatory model of organizational adoption of teleworking. Expand 4 Save Applying technology
to work: toward a better understanding of telework T. As such, telework is one of the most radical
departures from standard working conditions in the suite of flexible work practices now gaining
widespread acceptance. A summary is not available for this content so a preview has been provided.
We then turn our attention to factors that contribute to a successful telework experience:
characteristics of the job, characteristics of the employee, and characteristics of the employee's
manager(s). Guimaraes P. Dallow Business 1999 The benefits of telecommuting have been
recognised by government and business organizations throughout the world. Neufeld Business 1999
131 Save An investigation of selected variables affecting telecommuting productivity and
satisfaction Richard I. Hartman C. Stoner R. Arora Business 1991 While telecommuting has
received considerable attention in recent years, most of the discussion is descriptive and the
empirical investigations have been limited. We conclude by identifying the implications of what we
do know for theory and practice. By analysing online debates related to Yahoo!’s decision to ban
telework for its employees, this study surfaces aspects currently overlooked by telework research.
Expand 5 Highly Influenced 3 Excerpts Save Telecommuting's past and future: a literature review
and research agenda S. Siha R. W. Monroe Business, Computer Science Business Process
Management Journal 2006 TLDR The literature to identify the substantive work is explored, the state
of this phenomenon as of to date is examined, particularly the failure and success factors, to provide
valuable insight to the practitioners and research directions to researchers. In order to support
successful adoption of telework by organizations it is important to move away from re- search
stacking up evidence for or against telework. Based on an analysis of an extensive online debate
following Yahoo’s decision to ban telework, we identify important issues associated with telework in
practice and con- trast them with their presence in extant literature. Pratt Business, Computer
Science 1984 166 Save The alternative workplace: changing where and how people work. M. Apgar
Business Harvard Business Review 1998 TLDR The author examines this new frontier of where and
how people work, the combination of nontraditional work practices, settings, and locations that is
beginning to supplement traditional offices. We then use this framework to develop a model and a
series of propositions concerning the adoption of different forms of teleworking. GovLoop More
from GovLoop ( 20 ) How is GovLoop Transforming Learning for Government. HP, making
products that help you make a difference; it matters. Kanellopoulos Economics, Sociology Journal of
Enterprise Information Management 2011 TLDR The paper seeks to propose a telework taxonomy
for the poor and research questions that trigger future empirical research on poor teleworkers and
provides a foundation for future research directions in the teleworking domain for thepoor.
Expand 34 PDF 1 Excerpt Save The Impact of Extent of Telecommuting on Job Satisfaction:
Resolving Inconsistent Findings T. Golden J. F. Veiga Business, Psychology 2005 Although popular
management wisdom has suggested that telecommuting enhances job satisfaction, research has found
both positive and negative relationships. Neufeld Business 1999 131 Highly Influential 6 Excerpts
Save Telework: Towards the Elusive Office U. Huws W. B. Robinson S. Robinson Law, Business
1990 262 Highly Influential 6 Excerpts Save Employees' Perspectives on One Dimension of Labour
Flexibility: Working at a Distance H. Instead what is required is a more nuanced ex- amination that
seeks to contribute to better understanding of work practices and the support for suc- cessful
approaches to telework. As more employees desire work-life balance (sandwich generation, gen Y
wanting more flex-. The show centers on a family living in the futuristic world of 2062. Some
recommendations concerning the management of telecommuting in organization are provided.
GovLoop More from GovLoop ( 20 ) How is GovLoop Transforming Learning for Government.
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Carousel Next What is Scribd. The world featured flying cars, robotic maids and machines that could
do the impossible, cooking dinner in an instant, pressing the laundry and walking the dog with the
push of a button. Find out more about the Kindle Personal Document Service. GovLoop would like
to acknowledge the efforts of the following members of the GovLoop team who contrib-. Strategies
to manage temporal and physical boundaries among self?employed teleworkers. Expand 7 Save
DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Solomon Nyaanga Chris Ehiobuche Business, Economics 2006 This
paper presents telecommuting as a strategic option for the raising problems of office space and traffic
jams in developing countries. A research and practice agenda for the “always on” culture. We have
over one million books available in our catalogue for you to explore. These findings suggest that the
diversity of the nature of work undertaken by knowledge workers and perceived differences in the
suitability of different tasks for telework are of critical importance for understanding telework from
a practice perspective. In order to support successful adoption of telework by organizations it is
important to move away from re- search stacking up evidence for or against telework. Baard Adele
Thomas Business 2010 Orientation: Virtual working arrangements present possible benefits to
organisations and their employees. Pratt Business, Computer Science 1984 166 Save The alternative
workplace: changing where and how people work. M. Apgar Business Harvard Business Review
1998 TLDR The author examines this new frontier of where and how people work, the combination
of nontraditional work practices, settings, and locations that is beginning to supplement traditional
offices. At the moment all of our mobile-responsive ePub books are available to download via the
app. The perfect storm of factors that will influence telework going for-. This study therefore
contributes to better understanding of telework and paradoxical findings in telework research. Only
13% of respondents are facing cultural resistance to. Orlikowski Susan V. Scott Sociology, Business
2008 Abstract We begin by juxtaposing the pervasive presence of technology in organizational work
with its absence from the organization studies literature. Who teleworks remains elusive, but research
suggests that male professionals and female clerical workers predominate. Semantic Scholar is a free,
AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. Expand 88 PDF
2 Excerpts Save Defining a Conceptual Framework for Telework Research John Campbell C. Learn
more here. What is the difference between the pricing plans. Expand 26 Highly Influenced PDF 4
Excerpts Save Resilience through digitalisation: How individual and organisational resources affect
public employees working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic Carolin Fischer J. These
developments are not simply extending earlier temporal and spatial boundaries of work; they are
profoundly changing the nature of work itself.
Autonomy, control, and spatiotemporal scaling in telework. Expand 7 Save VIRTUAL
DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Solomon Nyaanga Chris Ehiobuche Business, Economics 2006 This
paper presents telecommuting as a strategic option for the raising problems of office space and traffic
jams in developing countries. Expand 80 1 Excerpt Save Organisational adoption of telecommuting:
Evidence from a developing country Eric Ansong R. LEAD DESIGNER: Jeff Ribeira, Senior
Interactive Designer. Expand 34 PDF 1 Excerpt Save The Impact of Extent of Telecommuting on
Job Satisfaction: Resolving Inconsistent Findings T. Golden J. F. Veiga Business, Psychology 2005
Although popular management wisdom has suggested that telecommuting enhances job satisfaction,
research has found both positive and negative relationships. Zyl Jan Hendrik Kroeze Computer
Science Americas Conference on Information Systems 2014 TLDR This paper attempts to deepen
the understanding of transdisciplinarity as a means of overcoming (or extending) prevailing
disciplinary undertakings, and notes the disciplinary competencies that underpin transdisciplinary
approaches. Katz Business, Computer Science Information Manager (The) 1987 59 Highly
Influential 10 Excerpts Save Managing from Afar: Performance and Rewards in a Telecommuting
Environment Mary Molina Fitzer Business 1997 Off-site work arrangements are becoming the norm.
The main reason for the low percentage is that employees feel culturally pressured to work in the
office by supervisors who are not comfortable managing remote professionals. Website language
selection impacts menus and navigation. Some recommendations concerning the management of
telecommuting in organization are provided. McDonald Business 2007 Telework is a workplace
arrangement in which employees have some degree of flexibility in work location and hours. To gain
a better understanding of the changing nature of work and the implications for organizations and
employees, we conducted a literature review that identified in total 24 different advantages and
challenges of telework. Pinsonneault M. Boisvert Semantic Scholar Semantic Scholar's Logo Figure
2 of 3 Stay Connected With Semantic Scholar Sign Up What Is Semantic Scholar. In our review of
this literature, we seek answers to three questions: who participates in telework, why they do, and
what happens when they do. Expand 34 PDF 1 Excerpt Save The Impact of Extent of
Telecommuting on Job Satisfaction: Resolving Inconsistent Findings T. Golden J. F. Veiga Business,
Psychology 2005 Although popular management wisdom has suggested that telecommuting
enhances job satisfaction, research has found both positive and negative relationships. Ngwenyama
Business, Economics IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 2011 TLDR How employee
tenure, work experience, communication skills, task interdependence, work output measurability, and
task variety impact telecommuter productivity, performance, and satisfaction after taking into
account the impact of communication technologies is studied. However, that cultural bias against
telework is shifting as technology makes it easier to stay connected to colleagues and work-related
information. HP, making products that help you make a difference; it matters. The effects of family
demands and flexible work arrangements in the Netherlands. Expand 17 Highly Influenced PDF 4
Excerpts Save Factor Analysis of Individual Outcomes for Teleworkers John Campbell J. Semantic
Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI.
Olson Sophia B. Primps Computer Science 1984 TLDR It is tentatively concluded that work at home
will not become a widespread trend, but there is sufficient interest in its use as a flexible work
option in special cases that it should be examined more closely. We conclude by identifying the
implications of what we do know for theory and practice. Top telework benefits deal with a
combination of productivity and. In this paper, we develop an explanatory model of organizational
adoption of teleworking. Ngwenyama Business, Economics IEEE Transactions on Professional
Communication 2011 TLDR How employee tenure, work experience, communication skills, task
interdependence, work output measurability, and task variety impact telecommuter productivity,
performance, and satisfaction after taking into account the impact of communication technologies is
studied. EDITORS: Steve Ressler, Founder and President,Andrew Krzmarzick, Director of
Community Engagement. Neufeld Business 1999 131 Save An investigation of selected variables
affecting telecommuting productivity and satisfaction Richard I. Hartman C. Stoner R. Arora
Business 1991 While telecommuting has received considerable attention in recent years, most of the
discussion is descriptive and the empirical investigations have been limited. GovLoop would like to
acknowledge the efforts of the following members of the GovLoop team who contrib-. Pinsonneault
M. Boisvert Semantic Scholar Semantic Scholar's Logo Figure 1 of 3 Stay Connected With Semantic
Scholar Sign Up What Is Semantic Scholar.
Guimaraes P. Dallow Business 1999 The benefits of telecommuting have been recognised by
government and business organizations throughout the world. The perfect storm of factors that will
influence telework going for-. Close this message to accept cookies or find out how to manage your
cookie settings. Investor Presentation Medirom Healthcare Technologies Inc. By using this service,
you agree that you will only keep content for personal use, and will not openly distribute them via
Dropbox, Google Drive or other file sharing services. Gaskins Jaime B. Henning Business,
Psychology Occupational Health Science 2021 TLDR “avoid commute” emerged as the most
frequently reported motive with “tend to family demands” and “productivity” among the ten
categories emerged from the qualitative data. They are no longer out of sight out of mind, because
technology allows them to remain present. We propose a multivariate approach that is able to
differentiate the various forms of teleworking. Neufeld Business 1999 131 Save An investigation of
selected variables affecting telecommuting productivity and satisfaction Richard I. Hartman C.
Stoner R. Arora Business 1991 While telecommuting has received considerable attention in recent
years, most of the discussion is descriptive and the empirical investigations have been limited. To
browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to
upgrade your browser. Website language selection impacts menus and navigation. An empirical
investigation of the career advancement prospects of telecommuters. Instead what is required is a
more nuanced ex- amination that seeks to contribute to better understanding of work practices and
the support for suc- cessful approaches to telework. We then turn our attention to factors that
contribute to a successful telework experience: characteristics of the job, characteristics of the
employee, and characteristics of the employee's manager(s). Guide to Managing the Presidential
Management Fellows (PMF) Application Proce. We do this as a means of integrating the current
literature on the incidence of teleworking and to provide a theoretical grounding and framework for
understanding differentials in the growth of teleworking in different organizations, industries and
countries. Technology is viewed as the primary driver behind telework. As such, telework is one of
the most radical departures from standard working conditions in the suite of flexible work practices
now gaining widespread acceptance. Please use the Get access link above for information on how to
access this content. Zyl Jan Hendrik Kroeze Computer Science Americas Conference on Information
Systems 2014 TLDR This paper attempts to deepen the understanding of transdisciplinarity as a
means of overcoming (or extending) prevailing disciplinary undertakings, and notes the disciplinary
competencies that underpin transdisciplinary approaches. GovLoop is headquartered in Washington,
D.C., where a team of dedicated professionals shares a common. Expand 34 PDF 1 Excerpt Save
The Impact of Extent of Telecommuting on Job Satisfaction: Resolving Inconsistent Findings T.
Golden J. F. Veiga Business, Psychology 2005 Although popular management wisdom has suggested
that telecommuting enhances job satisfaction, research has found both positive and negative
relationships. Heales Business, Computer Science 2008 TLDR This research builds on earlier
conceptual work provided by the Systems-Based Framework for Telework and the Telework
Behaviour Model and revealed that telework during normal office hours affected perceptions of
effectiveness and collegiality, while telework undertaken outside of normal working hoursaffected
perceptions of professionalism and self-assurance. Expand 88 PDF 2 Excerpts Save Defining a
Conceptual Framework for Telework Research John Campbell C. Expand 142 2 Excerpts Save An
empirical evaluation of the impacts of telecommuting on intra-organizational communication Linda
Duxbury D. Ithaca, NY: Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies, Cornell University. To
maximize positive outcomes, we recommend evidence-based guidelines for organizations with regard
to 1) selecting and preparing employees for telework, and 2) managing their use of this flexible work
practice. However, even in this futuristic world, George still. LEAD DESIGNER: Jeff Ribeira,
Senior Interactive Designer. By using this service, you agree that you will only keep content for
personal use, and will not openly distribute them via Dropbox, Google Drive or other file sharing

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