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Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

BEng-Tech: Industrial
Industrial Engineering Laboratory Handbook
Engineering Work-Study B1 [EWSMIB1]
Mrs Y Mawane
Time Motion Study Lab Two

Compiled by: K Sineke

Date Revised: September 2023
Important Information

 An average of 50% must be obtained for the laboratory mark to be admitted into the
main exam
 Laboratory reports will be assessed according to the marks allocation given lab format
and marking rubric below.
 Students must read laboratory instructions and prepare for the practical before coming
to the laboratory. Evidence of poor preparation may result in a student being asked to
leave the laboratory.

 Lab Rules
o Lectures should hand out lab schedules to the students in advance so that they
know when they should go for labs.
o Students are not allowed to stand outside the labs whilst the other session is in
o Students will never be allowed to access the lab without their lecture.
o Students should arrange with their lectures if they did not make it for the labs.
o Follow all instructions while present in the lab.
o Students may not be left unsupervised in the labs
o Do not put any bags on the desks
o No eating or drinking in the lab
o No horse playing in the lab
o Strict silence must be observed at all times
o Do not enter this venue when a laboratory session is running unless given
permission by the lab technician
o Do not plug any personal flash drives on any equipment
o Do not install any unauthorised software on the lab computers
o Do not touch any equipment in the lab without express authority from the lab
o Do not temper with any equipment or electrical fittings
o Do not attempt to repair or remove any components from any
o Report any naked electrical wiring or electrical faults immediately to the lab
o Report any malfunctioning equipment or any unsafe conditions/practises to the
lab technician
o All machines should be operated strictly during lab sessions and under
o Ask if in doubt

Compiled by: K Sineke Date Revised: September 2023
Laboratory Report Format and Marking Rubric

Typed laboratory reports must be prepared, and will be assessed, using the topics presented
Scheme Rubric Grading Marks
Elements Elements clearly shown, the start and
end (4) /4
Method 1, Random Correct STs (3), Total ST (1)
stacking /4
Method 2, Pegs stacked Correct STs (3), Total ST (1)
with 2 hands from the edge /4
to the centre. From the top
Method 3, Stacked with 2 Correct STs (3), Total ST (1)
hands from the bottom
center going outwards /4
Improved Method , Students came with improved
Improved stacking method Inventory (2) method (2) Correct STs /
(3), Total ST (1) 8
Graph Graph depicts a clear comparison of
the 3 methods (3). Heading (1) axis (3)
Conclusion Which method yields fastest time(1)
which method is ergonomic (1) reason
(2) /4


a. 1 stop watch
b. 36 pegs
c. 1 pegboard
There would be some penalties if students lose any pieces of the pegboard given to

Compiled by: K Sineke Date Revised: September 2023
Follow the below instructions. Use the stop watch to conduct your lab experiement.
1. Use the following 3 methods tabulated below to conduct your time studies and the 4th
one should be the improved inventory and method decided amoung your group.

Inventory Method
1 Placed on one side of the Pegs stacked randomly just
pegboard fill the peg board
2 Pegs placed on the bottom Pegs stacked with 2 hands
side of the pegboard
3 Equally devided on 2 sides of Stack 2 pegs from the centre
the pegboard going outside from the

1.1. Use the time sheets below to record your elements. Each row stacked is your
element irrespective if you have used two hands or not.
1.2. Your elements should indicate clearly the start and the end. Your element is
measured from the moment you pick up your first peg to the point you put the
last peg on each row.
1.3. During the experiement record only the elements and the watch readings.
(Time the process continuously and use split to separate the elements)
1.4. Each element should not be less than 6 seconds and more than 20 seconds in a
case of an experienced worker and should not be less than 2,4 seconds for a more
experienced worker.

Method 1
Elment Description WR ST
6pegs stacked at rondom. 6.65 6.65
6pegs stacked at rondom. 14.24 7.59
6pegs stacked at rondom. 21.43 7.19
6pegs stacked at rondom. 27.86 6.43
6pegs stacked at rondom. 34.92 7.06
6pegs stacked at rondom. 42.47 7.55

TOTAL 42.47
WR = Watch Reading ST = Subtracted Time

Compiled by: K Sineke Date Revised: September 2023
Method 2
Elment Description WR ST
Pegs stacked from edge to center per row. 4.59 4.49
Pegs stacked from edge to center per row. 11.15 6.56
Pegs stacked from edge to center per row. 16.53 5.38
Pegs stacked from edge to center per row. 24.19 7.66
Pegs stacked from edge to center per row. 28.39 4.20
Pegs stacked from edge to center per row. 33.29 4.90

TOTAL 33.29
WR = Watch Reading ST = Subtracted Time

Method 3
Elment Description WR ST
Pegs stacked from center to edge per row. 3.36 3.36
Pegs stacked from center to edge per row. 7.46 4.10
Pegs stacked from center to edge per row. 12.85 5.39
Pegs stacked from center to edge per row. 18.08 5.23
Pegs stacked from center to edge per row. 24.21 6.13
Pegs stacked from center to edge per row. 26.97 2.76

TOTAL 26.97
WR = Watch Reading ST = Subtracted Time

Improved Method
Element Description WR ST
3.66 3.66
7.52 3.86
11.83 4.31
16.78 4.95
20.94 4.16
24.51 3.57

TOTAL 24.51
WR = Watch Reading ST = Subtracted Time

2. Calculate the subtracted times for each element on the above provided time sheets.
2.1. Below are the ratings that should be used when calculating the basic times.

Compiled by: K Sineke Date Revised: September 2023
Rating Scales Description
0 No activity
50 Very slow, clumsy, fumbling movements;
operative appears half asleep, with no
interest in the job
75 Steady, deliberate, unhurried
performance, as of a worker not on piece
work but under proper supervision; looks
slow, but time not intentionally wasted
while under observation
100 Standard Brisk, business like performance, as of an
rating average qualified work on piece work;
necessary standard of quality and
accuracy achieved with confidence
125 Very fast; operative exhibits a high degree
of assurance, dexterity and coordination
of movement, well above of an average
trained work.
150 Exceptionally fast, requires intense effort
and concertation, and is unlikely to be
kept up for long periods; a “virtuoso”
performance achieved only by a few
outstanding workers,

Subtracted time formula

ST= WR 2-WR 1

3. Draw a combined graph that can be used to compare between the first 3 methods
used. All your claculations and graphs should be on excel and then transferred to
a word document.
4. Conclude on which method yields the fastest times and which one is ergonomic and

Report format
 Re-design the cover page
 Use font size 12
 Use Times New Romans

Compiled by: K Sineke Date Revised: September 2023
 1.5 line spacing
 No page borders
 Use normal margins
 Your headings must be bold and numbered
 All your diagrams and tables must be labelled
 Use the same design of the provided cover page below

Compiled by: K Sineke Date Revised: September 2023
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Bachelors of Engineering Technology (BEng-Tech):
Industrial Engineering
Engineering Work-Study B1 [EWSMIB1]

Group No:
Surnames and Initials Student Number

Submission Date:

Compiled by: K Sineke Date Revised: September 2023
Compiled by: K Sineke Date Revised: September 2023

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