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How Humans

Affect The
By: Saleh Mroue, Lucas Hollingworth and
Omar Shahine.

Do people always have a negative impact on

the environment?

Humans impact the environment in a negative way when the activities do not take into
consideration the impact on the world's natural ecosystem. Human activities can endanger
species, but humans can also protect endangered species and preserve wildlife. A new
global study has pooled together evidence to show that humans significantly altered land,
contributing to Earth's transformation, as long as 10,000 years ago.

Source: CNN

He-y, Come On Ou-t!

The story “Hey Come On Ou-t” is about Japanese villagers that discover a hole where a
typhoon had washed out a shrine. A man threw a pebble in and it never hit the bottom, and
the scientist and other people of the city couldn't figure out the hole.

Affect human’s have on the environment in this story:

1. They threw plastic down the hole

2. They completely disregarded the fact that there was a shrine there, and all the danger
that it could cause.
Image Summary
Eagle Tracking at Follensby Pond Omar

The book talks about how the eagles immigrated from one place to
another so they can continue living.

1. The bald eagle has been a national symbol of the United States
since 1782. But by the mid-1900s, decades of habitat destruction,
hunting, and the use of pesticides, such as DDT

The eaglets traveled by boat across Alaska’s open waters to meet

an airplane that \was waiting to take them to the continental United
States. Endangered Species Unit rushed the birds to their new home
at Follensby Pond. Follensby Pond was chosen as the perfect site
for this eagle restoration project because of its habitat, abundant
food sources, and isolation In 1975

Turtle Watchers

Turtle Watchers" is a poem by Linda Hogan that recounts the early life of sea turtles and an
encounter that the author has years later with a turtle.

1. Years later, swimming in murky waters a sea turtle swam beside me both of us
watching as if clasped together in the lineage of the same world

Nature is what We see

The poem praises the beauty and wonder of the natural world while also arguing that
human beings lack the ability to fully understand, categorize, and describe that world.

1.“Nature” is what We see—

The Hill—the Afternoon—

Squirrel—Eclipse—the Bumble bee—

Nay—Nature is Heaven—

The Sparrow

In the poem, the sparrow serves as a symbol of hope and determination. Despite its small size and seemingly
insignificant existence.

1.Come fluttering earthward from above,

To settle on life’s window-sills,

And ease our load of earthly ills;

But we, in traffic’s rush and din

Too deep engaged to let them in,

With deadened heart and sense plod on,

Nor know our loss till they are gone



In conclusion, humans do usually have a negative impact on the environment despite some
of the texts described above, depicting them as having good influence on the environment.

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