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Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Technology

Bachelor of Engineering Technology (BEngTech):

Engineering: Industrial.

Laboratory guide

ThermoFluids 1B [THFMIB12]
Lecturer: Dr SL Gqibani

Venue: G313, John Orr Building, DFC

Compiled by: Mr. W. M. Tlali

Date Revised: July 2021

This is the
experiment’s report

Delete this note!


Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment
Doornfontein Campus

Title: …………………………………………………
Your Names
(Student Number)

A Semester ……………….. Report submitted

in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the module



Engineering: Industrial

LECTURER: …………………………
Date: ………………………………….

Table of Contents
Important Information .................................................................................. 4
General Safety Precautions ........................................................................ 4
Laboratory Rules ........................................................................................ 5
Laboratory Report Format and Marking Rubric ........................................... 6
Experiment 1: Bernoulli Demonstration ....................................................... 9
Bernoulli Demonstration (Convergent Flow)................................................ 9
1.1. Objective ....................................................................................... 9
1.2. Procedure ................................................................................... 10
1.3. Results ........................................................................................ 11
Bernoulli Demonstration (Divergent Flow) ................................................. 12
1.1. Objective ..................................................................................... 12
1.2. Procedure ................................................................................... 12
1.3. Results ........................................................................................ 13
Experiment 2: Marcet Boiler ...................................................................... 14
2.1. Objective: .................................................................................... 14
2.2. Apparatus ................................................................................... 14
2.3. Introduction: ................................................................................ 15
2.4. Procedures: ................................................................................ 16
2.5. Questions:................................................................................... 17
2.6. Attachments: ............................................................................... 18
Experiment 3: Steam Separation .............................................................. 19
3.1. Objective ..................................................................................... 19
3.2. Apparatus ................................................................................... 19
3.3. Theory ........................................................................................ 20
3.4. Procedure ................................................................................... 22
3.5. RESULTS AND CALCULATIONS: ................................................. 22

Important Information
 All laboratory reports are due for submission one week after conducting the
 All laboratory reports are to be submitted individually.
 Laboratory reports must be typed. Hand-written laboratory reports will not be
 An average of 50% must be obtained for the laboratory mark to be admitted into
the main exam
 Laboratory reports will be assessed according to the marks allocation given lab
format and marking rubric below.
 Students must read laboratory instructions and prepare for the practical before
coming to the laboratory. Evidence of poor preparation may result in a student
being asked to leave the laboratory.
 Students who missed the scheduled lab session, will be given 2nd chance and the
marks will be kept to 50% if they obtained more than 50% in their reports.
 Students who are late won`t be allowed in the laboratory.
 Plagiarism is not allowed.

General Safety Precautions

 What to do

o Ask if in any doubt.

o Help to keep gangways clear.
o Keep your bench and working area tidy.
o Find out the position and type of fire appliances available.
o Report all accidents to your supervisor.

 What not to do

o Do not block the doorway.

o Do not run.
o Do not play practical jokes.
o Do not touch any equipment or try out machines unless authorized.
o Do not leave rubbish lying about.
o Do not walk under suspended loads.
o Do not attempt to give first aid unless you are competent to do so.
o Do not throw things around.
o Do not rave, talk or walk unnecessarily or fiddle with other apparatus
inside the laboratory.

Laboratory Rules
1. The posted safety rules in the labs must be strictly observed.
2. Students must prepare for the practical session.
3. Students must wear protective clothing.
4. Sandals, open-top footwear and dangling jewellery are not allowed in the lab.
5. No eating, drinking, or smoking is allowed.
6. After completing an experiment, lab equipment used must be put back in its
rightful place.
7. Report all accidents immediately. A first aid kit and fire extinguisher is available in
the laboratory for emergencies only.
8. All students must actively participate in performing the experiments, and should
also take an active role in writing all extra information provided during lab work.
9. Be sure to know in which group you are placed and attend the practical as
scheduled on your schedule sheet.
10. If you do not attend a practical a doctor’s certificate must be handed to the
lecturer within three days after the practical session.

Laboratory Report Format and Marking Rubric

Typed laboratory reports must be prepared, and will be assessed, using the topics
presented below.
The Laboratory report will be marked out of 100, as follows:



3/3 2/3 1/3 0/3

Used the
Used the recommended
Used the recommended Title page but Title page
Title Page (3) recommended title page but added own used is not
Title page. some elements graphics and acceptable
are missing. is not

3/3 2/3 1/3 0/3

Statement of
Statement of
originality is
Statement of originality is There is no
Statement of unclear, and
originality is unclear, but the Statement of
originality (3) the structure is
clear. writing is originality.

3/3 2/3 1/3 0/3

Acknowledgem ment is There is no
Acknowledgement Acknowledgem ent is clear but unclear and acknowledge
s (3) ent is clear. some elements the structure is ment to the
are missing. not piece.

3/3 2/3 1/3 0/3

Table of Table of
Table of
contents is contents is There is no
contents to
Table of contents computer manually Table of
experiment is
(3) generated but generated is contents to the
the writing is not piece.
unclear. acceptable.

10/10 6/10 3/10 0/10


Statement in
Used words, as Statement in
Stated in own own words,
stated in the own words,
Objective of the words, the does not
Lab sheet on distorts the
experiment (10) purpose of the explain the
purpose of the purpose of the
experiment purpose of the
experiment experiment

10/10 6/10 3/10 0/10

Poor Theory
Good Theory with many Theory with
Theory/Backgroun with majority of equations almost no
d (10) equations and missing and correct
equations and
diagrams. few or no elements

2/2 1½/2 1/2 0/2

Listed the No List of the Does not
equipment and Listed the equipment but describe the
described the equipment and used diagrams apparatus of
apparatus in used a few or pictures. use diagrams
apparatus (2)
own words and relevant or pictures.
used relevant diagrams or
diagrams or pictures.

3/3 2/3 1/3 0/5

Personalised Does not use
Described what Described what the reported
Procedure and was done using was done using Description of speech.
apparatus (3) reported text in the lab what was
speech. sheet. done.

3/3 2/3 1/3 0/3

All the All the All the
All the observations observations observations
observations Tabulated but Tabulated but Tabulated,
Tabulated, and implied data implied data and implied
Observations (3)
implied data not accurately not data do not
accurately determined. determined. represent
determined. experimental

3/3 2/3 1/3 0/3


Does not
Indicates Indicate the
Indicates the
clearly the formulas and
formulas but
formulas used does not
does not follow The Analysis
Data Analysis 1 and step-by- follow a step-
a step-by-step of data does
Mathematical step procedure by-step
procedure of not work at all
manipulation (3) of calculating procedure of
calculating one as required.
one set of calculating
set of tabulated
tabulated one set of
results tabulated

Data Analysis 2 (3) 3/3 2/3 1/3 0/3

Data Analysis 3 (3)
3/3 2/3 1/3 0/3
Data Analysis 4 (3)
3/3 2/3 1/3 0/3
Data Analysis 5 (3)
3/3 2/3 1/3 0/3
Data Analysis 6 (3)
3/3 2/3 1/3 0/3
Data Analysis 7 (3)
3/3 2/3 1/3 0/3
Data Analysis 8 (3)
Graph 3/3 2/3 1/3 0/3

Data Analysis 9 (3)

3/3 2/3 1/3 0/3

8/8 6/8 4/8 0/8

Detailed Detailed
There is some There is little
reference reference
referenced or no
discussion is discussion is
Discussion and discussion but referenced
done correctly done, some
conclusions (8) most salient discussion.
and salient core elements
points are
points are are not
highlighted. elaborated.

5/5 3/5 1/5 0/5

Information is Information is Information is
Information is
cited properly cited but not not cited or is
References (5) cited, but has
and in IEEE or formatted cited
Harvard format. correctly. incorrectly.



Experiment 1: Bernoulli Demonstration

Bernoulli Demonstration (Convergent Flow)

1.1. Objective

To investigate the validity of the Bernoulli Equation.

1.2. Experimental Apparatus

Figure 1: F1-10 Hydraulic bench.


1.3. Procedure

1. Readings should be taken at least for 3 flow rates.

2. Take the first set of readings at the maximum flow rate
3. Then reduce the volume flow rate to give the h1 – h5 head difference
of about 50mm
4. Finally repeat the for one further flow rate, set to give the h1 – h5
difference approximately halfway between that obtained in the
above two tests.
5. Take readings of h1 – h8 manometer when the levels have steadied.

Note: You should carry out a timed volume collection, using the volumetric
tank, to determine the volume flow rate. This is achieved by closing the ball
valve and measuring (with a stopwatch) the time taken to accumulate a
known volume of fluid in the tank, which is read from the sight glass. You
should collect the fluid for at least one minute to minimize timing errors

1.4. Results

Table 1: Experimental Results

Amount of
h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h7 h8 Time
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (s)

1 280 235 195 150 100 170 165 210 60 8

2 245 220 205 180 160 185 180 215 60 6

3 210 200 170 180 165 175 180 205 60 4


Bernoulli Demonstration (Divergent Flow)

1.1. Objective
To investigate the validity of the Bernoulli Equation.

1.2. Procedure
1. Readings should be taken at least for 3 flow rates.
2. Take the first set of readings at the maximum flow rate
3. Then reduce the volume flow rate to give the h1 – h5 head
difference of about 50mm
4. Finally repeat the for one further flow rate, set to give the h1 – h5
difference approximately halfway between that obtained in the
above two tests.
5. Take readings of h1 – h8 manometer when the levels have

Note: You should carry out a timed volume collection, using the volumetric
tank, to determine the volume flow rate. This is achieved by closing the ball
valve and measuring (with a stopwatch) the time taken to accumulate a
known volume of fluid in the tank, which is read from the sight glass. You
should collect the fluid for at least one minute to minimize timing errors

1.3. Results

Table 2: Experimental Results

Amount of
h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h7 h8 Time
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (s)

1 225 180 135 100 90 280 220 285 60 9

2 235 215 185 190 185 265 235 265 60 6

3 235 230 225 225 225 250 240 250 60 3


Experiment 2: Marcet Boiler

2.1. Objective:
The main goal of this experiment is to obtain a balance relationship between
temperature and pressure of saturated steam for water at all pressure levels
between atmospheric pressure and 10 bars (150 lb/in2). Then, the
experimental value for the slope of the graph (dT/dP)SAT is compared to the
theoretical value found in the steam table.

2.2. Apparatus

Figure 2: Marcet boiler apparatus.


2.3. Introduction:

Thermodynamics is defined as a study related to the transfer of heat and

work between a system and its surrounding, undergoing a process causing
any of the properties of the system change.
An ideal gas obeys the equation of state that relates the pressure, specific
volume or density, and absolute temperature with mass of molecule and the
gas constant, R.
PV 

However, real gas does not absolutely obey the equation of state. A few
changes on the ideal gas equation of state allow its application in the
properties of real gas.
When energy increases within water, the increasing of activities among the
molecules enables the increase in the number of molecule escape from the
surface until an equilibrium state is reached. The state of equilibrium
depends on the pressure between the water surface and steam. At lower
pressure, the molecules become easier leaving the water surface while less
energy required in achieving the state of equilibrium (boiling point). The
temperature where equilibrium occurs at a given pressure level is called
saturated temperature.
The Marcet Boiler is used to investigate the relationship between the
pressure and temperature of saturated steam in equilibrium with water at all
temperature levels between the atmospheric pressure and 10 bars. The
experimental slope (dT/dP)SAT obtained is compared to the theoretical value
determined through calculation from the steam table. Clausius-Clapeyron
 dT  Tv fg
  
 dP  SAT h fg

 dT  T (v f  v g )
  
 dP  SAT h f  hg

and hf + hfg = hg  hfg = hg - hf


 dT  T (v f  v g ) Tv g
    as vg >> vf
 dP  SAT h fg h fg

in which, vf = specific volume of saturated liquid

vg = specific volume of saturated vapor
hf = enthalpy of saturated liquid
hg = enthalpy of saturated vapor
hfg = latent heat of vaporization

2.4. Procedures:

1. Connect the unit to the power supply to provide a heating rate of

2kW to the electrical heater.
2. Open the level valve open and switch on the power supply.
3. Set the temperature 'setpoint' to 1800C.
4. Wait for the steam output through the level valve to ensure that
there is no air trapped in the boiler.
5. Close the level valve and continue heating until the maximum
gauge pressure reaches 8 bars.
6. Warning: Don't remove filler plug or open level valve when the
device is pressurized.
7. Decrease the temperature 'setpoint' to room temperature in which
the electrical heater will be off.
8. Record all temperature readings at different pressure settings of
the boiler when the boiler is heated and cooled.

2.5. Questions:

1. Complete Table 1 attached.

2. Plot the graph of temperature, T, versus absolute pressure, P.
3. Plot dT/dP versus P and Tvg/hfg versus P on the same graph.
4. Compare and discuss the graph plotted from experimental data to
that calculated from the steam tables data.
5. Discuss any discrepancy and sources of error of the experiment.
6. Why is it necessary to ensure that there is no air trapped within
the device at the beginning of the experiment?
7. Discuss the liquid and vapor behaviour observed through the
experiment and list some examples of its industrial applications.

2.6. Attachments:

Atmospheric pressure : _____________ bar

Atmospheric temperature : _____________ (0C)

Table 3: Data Collected and Calculated Results

Measured Calculated
Pressure, P
Temperature, (°C) Slope, Slope,
dT/dP Tvg/hfg

Gauge Abs. Incr. Decr. Aver. Aver.

0 0 0
( C) ( C) ( C) (0K)

Experiment 3: Steam Separation

3.1. Objective

The objective of this experiment is to determine the dryness fraction of wet


3.2. Apparatus
Steam bench:
a) Steam generator
b) Separating and throttling calorimeter
c) Measuring Beaker

Separating Throttling
Calorimeter Calorimeter

Steam Pressure Thermometer


Steam Inlet


Separated Water Cooling Water

M1 Out

Cooling Water



Figure 3: Schematic diagram for the separating and throttling Calorimeters.

3.3. Theory

The separating calorimeter is a vessel used initially to separate some of the

moisture from the steam, to ensure superheat conditions after throttling. The
steam is made to change direction suddenly; the moisture droplets, being
heavier than the vapor, drop out of suspension and are collected at the
bottom of the vessel.

The throttling calorimeter is a vessel with a needle valve fitted on the inlet
side. The steam is throttled through the needle valve and exhausted to the
condenser. Suppose M kg of wet steam with a dryness fraction of x (state A)
enters the separating calorimeter. The vapour part will have a mass of xM
kg, and the liquid part will have a mass of (1-x)M kg. In the separating
calorimeter part of the liquid, say M1 kg will be separated from the wet steam.
Hence the dryness fraction of the wet steam will increase to x1 (state B)
which will pass through the throttling process valve. After the throttling
process the steam in the throttling calorimeter will be in superheated state
(state C).

T P1

A B P2
T1 ● ●


Figure 4. T-S diagram of the separating and throttling calorimeter.

From the steady flow energy equation.

Q – W = hC - hB
Since throttling takes place over a very small distance, the heat transfer is
negligible, i.e.,
Q = 0. Then the steady flow energy equation for the throttling process
hC = hB
Hence, enthalpy after throttling = enthalpy before throttling
hC = hf1 + x1 hfg1

If the pressure of the steam before throttling, the pressure and temperature
of the steam after throttling, are known the value of x1 can be calculated using
steam tables.

Dryness Fraction = Mass of dry steam

Mass of mixture

x 1 M2
Therefore, X=
M1  M2

Where, M2 is the mass of condensate.

3.4. Procedure

1. Start the boiler and supply steam to the separating and throttling
calorimeter unit.
2. Start the cooling water flow through the condenser.
3. Open steam valve and allow the steam to flow through the
calorimeters to warm through the steam.
4. Open the throttle valve and adjust to give a pressure at exhaust of
about 5cm Hg measured on the manometer.
5. Drain the separating calorimeter.
6. Start the test and take readings at 2-3 minutes intervals.
7. When a reasonable quantity of condensate is collected measure
the quantity of separated water and the quantity of condensate.


Using the average values, obtain the specific enthalpy of steam at (state C)
hence calculate the dryness fraction of incoming steam. Also calculate the
specific enthalpy of incoming steam.


Reading values

Steam pressure in main P1 (bars)


Steam pressure after throttling P2 (bars)

Temperature of main T1 (oC)

Temperature after throttling T2 (oC)

Quantity of Separated water m1 (kg)

Quantity of condensate m2 (kg)

Atmospheric pressure Pa (bars)

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