Living Organisms

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Living Organisms and Their Surroundings EXERCISE CEU GUE DIRECTIONS : Complete the following statements ‘with an appropriate word/term tobe filed in the blank spacers) 1, The specific feature that enables a plant or an animal to live in a particular habitat is called 2. Soil, water and air are the of habitat factors 3. The habitat of plants animals that live in water arecalled habitat 4. Living things produce more of their own kind through 5. Brown colour of Lion helps it to hide in dry ‘grasslands while hunting, thusit isa DIRECTIONS : Read the following statements and write your answer as true or false, Fish can see in water. 2. Indesert trees, leaves shape them as spines and stem becomes green to produce food. 3. Cactus plant live in so much heat and very less water, because of acclimatization, 4. Mountainsare not terrestrial habitat, 5. Some plants like pitcher plant have pitcher with lid, This has grown as adaptation, 6. Buffalo sweats heavily. 7. Dolphinsare the most wise aquatic animals that's why they are friendly with human, 8 Animals adapt according to abiotic constituents ‘whereas plants cannot adapt 9. Allliving things reproduce. 10. Living things die in cold conditions. DIRECTIONS : Each question contains statements given in owo columns which have to be matched. 1 Column 1 ‘Column 11 (A) Bird (p) Desert adaptations (B) Cockroach (q) Nocturnal (©) Camet (©) Xerophyte (D) Cat (s) Volant adaptation (&) Cactus () Terrestrial 2 Column 1 Column 1 (A) Excretesmall urine (p) Snow leopard {B) Webbed feet (@)_ Predators (C) Animalshave thick () Help in fur on its body swimmingin including feet & tocs water (D) Highly divided leaves (s) Camel (E) Animal which eat (1) Aquatic other animals submerged plant (Ora ok DIRECTIONS : Give answer in one word or one sentence 1 Whatare predators? 2, Name two plants found on mountains 3. Whats the function of gills? 4. Write one characteristic feature of fish that helps it to live comfortably in water. ‘5. Whats called as the ship of desert? 6 Whatis the name of land habitat in which plants ‘and animals live? 7. Doplants also excrete? 8 Whatisthe nameof water habitat in which plants and animals ive 9. What isa prey? Living Organisms and Their Surroundings ® enable aliving being livein its surroundings (b) RETECOXNI Waste products are removed by this process © LuMisiT All living things respond to these Because ofthis we find ‘organisms ofthe same kind Because ofthis we find ‘organisms ofthe same kind 2 Using the following words, write the habitat of cach animal given inthe figures (a) to (4), Grassland, Mountain, Desert, Pond, River (@) ROUCDPR. ENTOI @ 3. Classify the following habitats into terrestrial and aquatic types, Grassland, Pond, Ocean, Rice field 4. Why is reproduction important for organisms? | 4S. _Paheli has a rose plant in her garden. How can she increase the number of rose plants in the garden? 6. Whydodesert snakes burrow deep into the sind during the day? 7. Write the adaptation in aquatic plants due to which (submerged leaves can bend in the flowing i) eaves can float on the surface of water. 8. Mention one adaptation present in thefallowing animals (In camels to keep their bodies away from the heat of sand, (ii)_In eogs to enable them to swim, (Gi) In dolphins and whales to breathe in air ‘when they swim near the surface of water 9. Some desert plants have very small leaves Whereas some others have only spines. How ddoes this benefit the plants? 10. Like many animals although a car also moves butitis not considered asa living organism, Give 2-3 reasons. 11, Whatarethe adaptive eatures ofa lon that help, iin hunting? COT 1. Explain, why speed is important for survival in the grasslands for animals that lve there, 2. Whydoesa fish die when kept outside of water? EXERCISE CR 2 DIRECTIONS : This section contains multiple choice questions. Each questions has 4 chotces (a, (©), (0) and (d) ou of which only one is correc. T._ Sclect the characteristics that a plant adapt to survive in desert (@) its Leaves are modified into spines (b) its stem is covered with thick waxy layer (©) its root penetrate deep into the ground (@) All of the above The adaptations observed in animals living in ‘mountain habitat are/is (a) theyhave thick skin and fur (b)they have scales on their bodies (6) Both the above (d)_ None ofthe above Which of the following is not a long term adaptation? (a), Feathers in abird (b)_ Tanning of skin (©) Prehensile tail (@) Streamlined body [= _ SCIENCE 4 nh Polar bear lives at (@) north pote only (6) south pole only (©) both north pote and south pole (4). both at nom pol, south pole and also some forests Select a process in which theres no increase in amount of carbon dioxide in at (@) Breahing (©) Respiration (6) Photosynthesis (@)_ Decay of vegetation ‘Which ofthe fllowing sare terrestrial habitats? (3). Forests, (b) Grasslands (©) Desert (@) Alot these Which ofthe following ars biotic components ofahabita? (@) Lion () Tiger (©) Plants (@) Allo these From amongst the fllowing,seleet the abiotic components @ Air Gi) Heat (@) (i)and Gi) only () Gi) and (i) only (©) Git) and iv) only (4) All ofthese Germination means (@) the beginning of growth of a seed afer a peri of dormancy (©) the bepinning ofa new plant from a seed (©) Bosh the above (@) None ofthe above The long legs of camel (2), help it to move fst (©) help itto keep its body away from heat of sand (help itt defend tse from its enemies (4) _Allof te above In desert plants, the process of photosynthesis (ii), Water (Gv) Sunlight is carried out by (a) eaves (b) roots ()_ stems. (@) branches In trees of mountain region, we generally find that (@) they are cone shaped (b)_ they have non-sloping branch ()_ they have needle like leaves (2) only (a) and (6) are correct 1B. 1” 20, 2. 2. A snow leopard (a) has thick fur on its body but not on its feet & toes (b) has thick fur on its body including its feet and toes (6) Both the above (@)_ None of the above Select an animal whose body i not streamlined. However when they move in water they make the body shape streamlined. (a) Squid (b) Octopus (c) Both of these (4) None of these Which of the following is correct for frogs? (a), They usually have ponds as their habitat. (b) They have strong front legs. (©), Both the above (@) None of these ‘An instrument used for measuring the rate of transpiration isa (a) Potometer ——(b)Klinometer (©) Hygrometer —(d)Osmometer ‘The sugar and starch content in leaves would be at its lowest (a) at mid moming (b) nearly afternoon (6) inearly evening (@) atdawn The rest period which many seeds undergo before they begin to grow is called (a) Viability (b) Germination (©) Pollination (4) Dormancy ‘An example of a predator isa (a) mouse (©) ion (©) rabbit (@) deer (On land the frog respires mainly by means ofits (a) skin (©) lungs () gills (@) mouth Ia green leaf ofa land plant is immersed in water, which of the following processes do not take place? (a) Respiration (b) Photosynthesis (©) Transpiration (@) None of these ‘The adaptation that helps a polar bear to locate its prey is (a) its very trong sense of smell (b) its long, curved and sharp claws (c)_ its white fur that is not easily visible in the snowy white back ground (2) ayer of ft under its skin EBD_7 bs 11, Dolphins and whales donot have gills yet they breathe in water, How? 12, What isa habitat? 13, What do you understand by excretion? En ed DIRECTIONS : Give answer in 2-3 sentences 1. What features made crocodiles so adaptabl live on earth forthe longest time? 2. Whatare the features in fish that makeit suitable to livein water? 3. (a) Whattype of adaptation is ound in adeer, ‘hat helps it to see in all the directions? (b) How does exchange of gases take place inan earthworm? 4. Which components are included in biotic and abiotic components? 5. What isan adaptati 6 What do the biotic and abiotic components include? SCIENCE 7. How much time does adaptation take to occur? How do rats and snake escape from the intense hheat of the desert? How do yaks and snow leopard protect themselves from extreme cold? 10, Write any three features that a deer has toprotect itself from its predators. 11, How adaptations help an organism to survive? 12, How is a camel adapted for the desert Long Answer Type Questions DIRECTIONS : Give answer in 45 sentences. 1. Where us cactus mostly found? How is itadapted to survive in such habitat? 2. Define the following (i) Prey (ii) Predators (iil) Acclimatization (Gv) Adaptation (Stimuli 3. List the common characteristics of the living things, EXERCISE liveon land are called habitat. (©) Thehabitats of plants and animals that live in water are called habitat, (@) Soil, water and air are the ___ factors of aababitat (©) Changes in our surroundings that make us respond to them, are called 4. Which ofthe things in the folowing list arenon- living? Plough, Mushroom, Sewing machine, Radio, Boat, Water hyacinth, Earthworm Give an example of a non-living thing, which shows any two characteristics of living things 6. Which of the non-living things listed below, were once part ofa living thing? Butter, Leather. Soil, Wool, Electric bulb, Cooking oil, Salt Apple, Rubber 7. List the common characteristics of the living things. 8 Explain, why speed is important for survival in the grasslands for animal that Live there aed Unscramble the given words below to get the correct word using the clues given against them. (a) SATPADAOINT Specific features or certain habits which 807 38. Exchange of gases in plants uke place through 46. a tiny pores on leaves called () holes (b) stomata () veins (a) None of these Earthworm breathes through @) gills (by skin (©) lungs (a) stomata ‘The structure marked X in the given picture is involved in| (2) Exchange of gases during respiration (b)_ Release of water (©) Exchange of gases during photosynthesis (@) Both (a) and (e) A plant that loses very little water through transpiration and has very small leaves is adapted to which of the following habitats? (@) Mountain regions (b) Grasslands (©) Forests (@) Deserts ‘The type of habitat that is very cold and windy and in some areas of which snowfall accurs in winters is (@)_ mountain regions (b) grasslands (6), forests (a) desens ‘An animal that live in grasslands, has strong teeth for chewing hard plant stems and has long cars to hear movement of predators is (@) Lion (b) Tiger (c) Deer (a) Allofthese Its an aquatic animal. It has no gills. They breathe in air through their nostrils or blow holes. It is (®) Dolphins (b)._ Octopus (©) Both ofthese (a) None ofthese ‘The stems of plant are long, hollow and light, and its root are much reduced in size. It is ‘adapted to which one ofthe following habitats? (a) Desert (by Terrestrial (©) Aquatic {d)_ None of these a. 5. SCIENCE Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct? (a), Ponds, swamps and lakes are examples of aquatic habitats, (b) There is novariationsin the habitats located in different pants of the world (©) A biotic community consists of a single population. (@)_ Sunlight and heat are biotic components of habitat Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct? (a), The body structure of a camel helps it to survive in a desert, (b) The dung of camel is dry, (6) Camels do not sweat, (@) All ofthe above Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct? (a) Xerophytes refers to desert plants and animals (6) Thereare no roots in desert plants. (c) Desert plants do not show the process of ‘transpiration (4) Inmountains regions we see different kinds ‘of adaptations at different heights. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct? (a) Lions have tong claws in their back legs. (b) Deer live in forests. (c) Mountain goat has weak hooves. (@) All ofthe above Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct? (a) Sca animals can move easily in water ‘because they have a streamlined body. (b) The body of octopus is streamlined. (©). The body of squids is streamfined. (@) All of the above ‘The aquatic plants are buoyant because (a) their stems are soft and spongy containing ir eavities (b) they have hotlow stalk and huge dis like leaves which help theplant to float on water (©) Both the above (None of these How does burrowing habit help desert animals tosurvive hot and dry conditions? (a), The holes and burrows are comparatively cooler and moist (b)Byremaining in bucrows daring day time (©) Both the above (@) None of these EBD_71 2. m. 2. Mh ‘Which ofthe following adaptation is not shown by polar bear? (@) Its body is streamtined, (b)_Ithas two thick layers of fr (©), Ithas long, curved and sharp claws. (@)Ithas.a layer of fit under the skin, Select the incorrect statement. In cactus plants, (2). the process of photosynthesis is generally carried out by leaves. the process of photosynthesis is generally carried out by stems, (©) thester is covered with athick waxy layer. (@) All ofthe above In which ofthe following animals the breathing process is similar to that of human beings? (@) Cows. (b) Earthworm (©) Fish (@) None of these In earthworm the process of breathing eccurs ()_ through its nose (b) through its skin (©) through its mouth (@) None of these Respiration i plants take place () only during day time (b) only during night time (©) dayand night (2) only in presence of sunlight Frog belongs to which category? (0) Terrestrial (b) Aquatic (©) Amphibious (@) Aerial Frog catches its pery with thehelp of. (a) teeth (b) legs (©) mounth (@) ton ‘What type of leaves are present in submerged plants? (@)_ Spinous (b) Narrow, long and thin (©) Thick (@) Having layer of wax like substance Horse: Terrestrial: Tortoise (a) Terrestrial (b) Aquatic (c) Amphibious (d)_ Vertebrate Plants do not move from one place to another in search of food and shelter. Some plants like ‘Mimosa (Touch-me-not) show leaf movements. ‘A sunflower always faces the sun. From the above paragraph what can be concluded?” (@)_ Plants can move their body parts ) m7 (b)_ Plants response to stimulus (©) Plants show locomotion (@) Both (a) and (b) When a seed is buried in the soil, in which direction will its root and stem grow? Root Stem (a) Towardsearth Away from earth (b) Away from earth Towardsearth (©) Towardsearth —Towardsearth (4) Avay from carth Away from earth ‘A camel is a desert animal. It shows many ‘Adaptations. Which ofthe following statements (P,Q, R& S) is incorrect? -Ithas a hump where fat is stored. Q- Itcan stay without water for long time, R= Itsweats alot S-Itexcretes large amount of urine. (a) Ponty (©) Qooly ©) P&Q (@ R&S ‘A plant shows the following features (i) roots are reiuced in size i) stems are long (ii) stems have spaces {v) leaves are large and flat ‘To which category does this plant belong to? (a) Polar region (b) Desert (©) Rainforest (@) Oceans Sun ‘The plant shows, (a) Phototropism ——(b)- Geotropism (©) Photosynthesis (d)_ Respiration ‘Small changes take place in the body of single ‘organism over short period to overcome small problems due to changes in environment is called (a) Habitat (b) Adaptation (©) Acclimatization — (@). Habit PI] $$ SCIENCE o. n. nm ™. 15. ‘Which of these plants have long, hollow and light stems and light broad leaves floating on (@) Cactus (b) Oak (@) Water lily (a) Fungi Frog shows many adaptations to survive on land and in water. Which of these following statements (P, Q, Rand S) does not hold true? P. They have webbed feet Q. They havestrong hind legs R. Theyhave scales on their bodies S. They breathe through moist skin (@) PandR (b) Qands (©) Pands (a) only R Read the feature ofa plantas given below. (Leaves are needle like Gi) Trees are conical ii) Branches are sloping ‘To which of these habitats does this plant belong? (0), Desert, (b) Aquatic (©) Mountain (@) Greenland Suppose you accidently touch hot kettle. You ‘would inmediately remove your hand. The {instant removal of hand is called (®) quickreaction ——(b)_ response (©) stimulus (@)_ pain reaction Living beings are characterized by all except ~ (2), Locomotion (b)_ Reproduction (©) Crystallization (@)_ Respiration Which of the following is not an example of response to stimulus? (2), Closing of leaves of mimosa plant when touched (b) Watering in mouth a the sight of good food (©) Acchick hatching from an egg. (2), Shutting ofeyes when something is thrown suddenly in our direction ‘Which one the following in not correct about excretion? (@) Excretion occurs in plants (b) Excretion oceurs in plants and animals (6), Secretion is a method of excrai (@) Excretion is a method of getting rid of ‘excess Water. ‘Choose the odd ete out from below with respect toreproduetion, (0) seeds of potato (b) Roots of peepal tree (©) Buds of potato (@)_ Eggs of snake 77. Although living things dc, their kind continues tolive on earth. Which characteristic makes this possible (a). Respiration (b) Movement (©) Reproduction (@)_ Excretion 78. Anaxganism Phas hair on itsbody. Ithas given birth to young ones that feed on their mothers ‘milk. Which organism isp"? (a) Lizard (b) Frog (©) Rabbit (d)_ Crocodile 79. cow gives birth tocalfand a chicken las eggs. ‘Which characteristie feature of living things is proved by the given statements? (a) Allliving things respond to stimuli (b)_Allliving things grow (©) Allliving things reproduce (2) Some living things reproduce. ‘The earth has so many diffrent types of plants and animals. Which word least deseribes the above statement? (a). Division (b). Similarity (©)_Diversity (d) Tropical BE DIRECTIONS : Read the following two statements ‘carefully and choose the correct options. TG)_Trecs like oaks, pinesan dewdarsare found inplains, (i) Trees found on mountains are different from those found in plains. (a) (i)iscorrect but (i) is false (b) i) is correct but (i) is false (©) Both are correct (a) Both are false 2 (i) Various kind of organisms are found in ‘every kind of places. Gi) There are no living organisms in the ‘openings of volcanoes. (2) (jin correct but (i) in false (b) (i) im correct but (i) in false (©) Both are correct (@) Both are false 3) Accamel has long legs sothat theycan reach total trees. (Gi) ‘Theyexcrete dry dungs so as tostore water. (a) (3)in corzect but (i) in false (b) Gi) in correct but () in false (©) Both are correct (@) Both are false BD_71 53, How many parts are there ina stamen? @ 1 6) 2 © 3 wa 54, How many parts are there in a pistil? @1 3 © 4 ws 55. How many mid-ribs are there in a leaf? @ 1 2 © 3 4 56, Which term means ‘Adjustment to ‘eavitonment"? (a) Habitat (b) Adaptation (©) Hibernation (@) Aestivation 157. The following isa list of some plants and the habitat in which they live. Which one is mismatched? (a) Cactus-hot and dry places (b). Mango-marshy areas (©) Coconut-rot and damp places (@)_ Pinus-cold and hilly areas ‘58, Which ofthe following things are parts ofthe ‘environment? (a) Only biotic components (b). Only abiotic components (©) Both biotic and abiotic components (@)_Only plants and animals ‘59, Which pair is incorrectly paired? (a) Camel-desert (b). Polar bear-snow (©) Germs-air (@) Whatestiver (60, Which of the following is an abiotic component of habitat? (a) Soil (b)- Bacteria (©) Tulsi (a) Snake 61, Study the figure given below” Terestiat abit Foret a o. Which ofthe following can be represented by 1 (a) Ocean (b) Island (©) Grassland (@) Snowland Which organisms depends on abiotic ‘components for food? (a) Plants (b) Fish (©) Birds (d) Insects Look at the following statements, Which adaptation helps the camel to survive inthe hot and dry desert thas a layer of fat under its skin 1 stores ft in its hump It stores water in its long neck (Gy) It seeps during day and is ative at night (¥) Ithas long legs @) and (iv) (©) ii)and(v) Indentify the odd one out (a) Desert-dolphin (bo) Terrestrial-girae (©) Aquatic-deer (@) Terrestrial-whale Which adaptation helps a cactus plant to survive in hot desert? (a) Leaf reduced to spine (b)_ Stem Mat and leat tke (©) Roots not dap growing (2) Both (a) and (b) ‘Which characteristics protect an animal against cold weather? ‘Thinskin ‘Thick skin ‘Thick layer of fat under skin and (i) only (Gi) and (ii only (i)and (i) only (i), ii) ana (ii) In which habitat can the animals move very fast? (a) Ocean (b) Forest (©) Mountains (@). Grassland Which animal ean be grouped in *Z"? (b)- Gi, vy and (y) (@) Gii)and Gv) Animals at Animals that live on land live in water (a) Shark (b) Bird (o) Frog (@) Tiger 69} stent 1”. 0. a. (©) Both are correct and (ii) is correct explanation of @) (¢) Bothare incorret (4d) Gis correct but (i) is incorrect. (©) Dolphins come out to the surface of sea ‘water fom time to time (i) Dolphinshave blowioleson their heads to breathe (2) (and Gi) are corret but Gi isnot correct explanation of) (©) Both are correct and (ii) is correct explanation of i) (©) Bosh ae incorrect (4) Gi correct but Gi) is incorrect. (@ Aquatic plants have roots that are deeply pencteated in sil. (ii) The leaves are narrow and ean float on water. (2) (incorrect but iin fase (©) i) in correct bt (in false (©) Botharecorect (4) Bor are alse © Frogshave strong font legs that help them in keaping (i) They have webbed fet that help them to walk on land @)_Allliving things need food to survive Gi), Food gives energy toearry out various life processes (Gi) Plants prepare their ov food and animals depend on plants and other animals for food. (2) (iseoret but (©) (i) iscorrect bt () and (i (6) Gi iscorret but i) and (i) are false (@)_Allare correct (@)_Allliving things donot grow: Gy. Alliving things respite Gi) Plants respire during daytime. (@) Gis correct but i (©) i) icorrct but (i) and (i (©) Gi) iscorrect but (i) and ¢ «@ Plants do not respond to stimuli, only animals respond. (i) We shut our eyes when swe move from a dark place toa bright sunlight area (©) Gimcorret but iin false (©) Gi) im coret but (in false (©) Both arecomect (4) Bosh are false 22, (i) Some plants store their waste products within thei pars Gi) Some plants remove waste products as secretions (a) (iin correct but (i) in false (b) Gi) in correct but () in false (©) Both are correct (a) Both are false 23. (i) All animals do not reproduce their own kind, = Al plants reproduce through seeds Animals undergo different modes of reproduction (a) Gis correct but (i) and (ii) are false (b) Gi) is correct but (i) and (ii) are false (©) Git) is correct but (i) and Gi) are false (@) Allare correct. 24, (4). Plants donot show any kind of movement. (Gi) Noting things ike cr, bus and claude ‘move on their own (Gil) Animats move trom place to place and also show body movements (2), (jis correct but (i) and (il) are false (b) Gi) is correet but () and (ii) are false © @ 25, (i) All living things have some common characteristics. Gi) Non living things may not show all these ‘characteristics at the same time. (a) (iin correct but (i) in false (6) Gi) in correct but () in false (©) Both are correct (@) Both are false MOM eee DIRECTIONS : Carefully observe the following pictures and answer the questions. ‘What adaptations do the organism shown figure have? (@) Stronghack legs (b) Webbed feet (©) Both (a) and(b) (a) None of these Living Organisms and Their SUIT OLN. fat] 4 » (Fish has a boat shaped body to swim in ‘waterline Gi) Fish breathe through special organs called fins. (ii) Scales help in taking in dissolved oxygen ()- (@ is correct but (i) and (ii) ae false (b) Gi is correct but () and (ii) ae false (©) Gi) is correct but (i) and (i ae false (@) Allare correct (A camel is suited to live ina desert Gi) Different animals are adapted to their surroundings indifferent ways. (2) Gand (i) are correct but (i) is not correct explanation of (i) () Both are correct and (ii) is correct explanation of (i) (©), Both are incorret. (8), (is correct but (i) is incorrect. (Forests, grassland, deserts. mountains are terrestrial habitats Gi) Plants and animals that five on tand are called terrestrial animals (2) Gand (i) are correct but (i) is not correct explanation of) () Both are correct and (ii) is correct explanation of) (©) Bathare incorrect (4) Giviscorect but (i) is incorrect. (The living components of a hab called abiotic components. (id) Plantsand animals are biotic eomponemts (2) (incorrect but iin false (6) Gi) im core but (in false (6) Both are correet (2) Both are false (Seeds kept in refrigerator and dark room fail 10 germinate Water and iy ir are necessary for seeds 10 @ tion of (i) () Both are correct and (ii) is correct explanation of (i) (¢) Both are incorrect. (@) (is correct bat (i) is incorrect. (Animals adapt to different abioti factors in similar ways, ‘Animals which adaptto changes die while those which cannot adapt survive. (0), G@and (i) are correct but (i) is not correct explanation of (i) (iy 13. o © @ 0 Gi) @ () © @ 0 iy @ ) © @ o “iy @ o © @ 0 (i) @ } © @ o “i co) O} © @ 0 (iy « Both are correct and (ii) is correct explanation of i) Both are incorrect (4) correct but (i) is incorrect. ‘Acactus has tem that functions lke a leaf, ‘The leaves are reduced to spines. (4) im correct but (i) in false (Gi in correct but (i) in false Both are correct Both are false ‘Trees growing on mountain have needle shaped leaves to prevent loss of water ‘through transpiration ‘Snow animals have thick skin to keep them, (4) im conrect but (i) in false Both are false ‘Trees growing on high mount sloping brancties and are eae shaped Rain water and snow can easly slide off the sloping branches, {ian (i) are correct but (i) i not correct explanation of) Both are correet and (ii) is correct explanation of) Both are incorrect. Ais correct but (iis incorret. ‘A mountain goat cannot run up the rocky slopes of mountains. ‘A mountain goat has weak nooves. (i) and (i) are correct but (ji) i ot coeret explanation of) Both are correet and (ii) is correct (4) correct but (i) is incorrect. ‘A deer has long ears and eyes on the side ofits head. Speed of deer helps it to run away from danger. {and (i) are correct but (i) is not correct explanation of (i) Both are correct and (ii) is correct explanation of (i) [Both are incorrect. (is correct but (i) is incorrect. ‘Octopus and squids donot have streamline Streamline bodies helps animals to move easily in water. (@)and (i) are correct but (i) isnot correct explanation of (i) 2 Thepiimt shown i iturin dee plat (4) Bath (Dandi (0) Bah) and Gi) Whdhotihe Bloneychiesnic dost (@) Baht and th (@) Ale tee Mp nive deere? Satins having sean! Bais &. = ¢ 6): me a ie (2 Sesemscontad waht way ner Benen coved wh ik © OA @) Owe Vico (6) Both Aand B (a) None of these (@) All of the above 3. Look at the pictures below and tell which of the following is correct? {6 Look at the following picture. Which animals ‘can he found in the place shown in the picture? — (a) Camel and Goat (b) Tiger and Leopard (©) Polar bear and Snow leopard (@) Shark and Giraffe 7. Look at this animal, Itean survive without water for many days. which adaptation hes itt live without water? 0 wy (2) Gijand (i) have deserts as their habitat (b) Gi) ives in forest (¢)_ (ii) has grassland as its habitat (@)(), (i) and Gi) have mountain range as their habitat " hele 4. Which of the following animals have no (a)_Long legs (0) Hump sills? (©) Big eyeleshes —(@)-drydung 8% Observe the following fish in an aquarium. Fish have slippery scales on their bodies. What is the function of scales? 0 w (a) To breathe and eat (b) To protect their body and move easily in water (©) Tomove fast and exerete ay (d) Tochange directions and maintain balance Living Organisms and Ther Suroundings =a) ZAGS o& U Cloud Paper (0), They ll have streamlined body () ‘They al have backbone 0 (©) They all are equatie OO <5 (4) They all lay egas. of Plant Rocks Seeds (a) Rocks and paper (b) Car and cloud (©) Plantand seeds (d)_Seedand colud 20, Which of the following things were once part of ie aliving thing? ‘There are plans living in water oo. They have Tie Te a leaves that are adaptd to diferent conditions R Some leaves can easily bend in flowing water. ‘Which adaptation help them bend in water? (@). Broad big leaves on (b)_ Narrow ribbon like eaves (6) Divided leaves v (@) Needle like leaves (@) P,RandT @) PORT 17, The plantin the given figure responds to (© RQRU @ STR _¥_ =) DEI ber eed 4 DIRECTIONS: Maich Columns [ith Hand select ie /\ the correct answer using the code given below ay ~~ TCoumet —_Coumn tr () Touch (b) Water (A) Casuarina (—) Mountains (© Gravity (@) Sunlight (B) Pine (@) Pains 18, Look atthe following figure, which method of ——_(C) Neem (©, Sea beach reproduction is shown below. (D) Cactus (3) Desert @) A>sBonC op Dog (b) A+ Bom C+qDos (©) A>qGBosCopDor (@) A>pB>qgConDos 2 Column 1 Column 1 = = (A) Organisms (p) Surroundings gs (B) Habitat (@) Salty (©) Saline (©) Way of iving (a) Seeds (b)- Young ones {D Hone (ines (©) Bud (@) Cutting 9. What does the figure given below represent? rome dioxide Re —— ‘oo ES ; "Trees and — Food and Oxygen @ ©) © Biotic components only Abiotic components only Interdependence between animals and plants (@) Interdependence between animals. Look at the rats and snakes hiding in burrows. In which habitat will you see such burrows? 4. (0), Ponds (b) Polar region (©) Ocean (a) Desert MM. Look at this plant. Identify P and Q. (a) Pstomata,Q leat —(b) P stem, Q leat (©) Pleat, Qstem ——(d)_Pbranch, Quit 12, Under what climatic conditions will the following trees grow. (a) hotandhumid ——(b)_ cold and snowy (©) cold and dry (@) botand dry Look at these animals, Which adaption helps them to survive in their habitat? (2) Long clows in the front legs (b) Long ears (©) Thick skin and long hair (@) Thin skin and shor hair Look atthe following animals, Who is the prey and the predator? @) Ppray. Qprey (b) P prey, Q predator (0) Predator, Q prey (@) Predator, Q predator Look atthe following animals. What isthe common character in these animals? kK &

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