Welding Lab Mark Allocation

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MANMIB1 Welding Lab Worksheet

Name and Surname………………………………Student No…………………….

Standard Welding Procedure and Safety Rules

Use the materials supplied to joint two metal piece shown on the attachment drawing
using Electric Arc Welding.

1) Wear protective clothing include welding helmet.

2) Welding Machine settings.
3) Place two metal piece to form T joint as shown on the Figure.
4) Use square to make sure that one piece is 900 to another piece.
5) Place welding rod on the electrode holder.
6) Weld both sides of the T.

Objective: To make a T-joint by joining two metal pieces/plates using electric arc
Drawing of the Welding Job
Marking Rubric for Job Quality
Obtained marks Allocated
1. Correct operating procedure and 10
setting of Welding Machine
2. Protective Clothing and safety 5
3. Both work pieces are square and 5
4. Quality of Welding on one side. 10
5. Quality of Welding on another side. 10
Total Marks 40

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