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I think the values of a person are a great deal of his of her overall personality.

It defines the way to

behave and how he or she interacts with the society. In my case one of the most important values
of all is trust. Trust for me is the ultra mmost important aspect behavior and relationships and its
really difficult to achieve and very easy to lose.

Other value that is important for mi is oppeness to talk, and the ability to listen. Is like In the forest
the different animals stay quiet in order to study the territory and the possibilities they have to
thrive etc.

Performance anxiety when giving a presentation.

What would you do differently.

- I had worked really hard.

 As a cellist. I felt really uncomfortable that concert.
 So I will strive to set all the details in advance

Suggestions would you give to another person in order to overcome stage fright.

 made myself as comfortable as I can. Clothes, (no so fancy, acconding to the weather,
prevent the freezing AC or the heat if it is a outside place.)
 Stay hydrated and breath
 Set the stage as precisely as you can.
 Prepare yourself but rest a couple of hours before the time. By doing some leisure activity
So you can feel.
 Keep in mind the visualization of the situation exactly as it is so you connect with the
acceptance of the present moment exactly as it is.

Focus to deliver a presentations that captures the

audience attention. 3 mitutes with grab attention tecqhiquess

 Best strategy to learn a language

 Is it possible to live internetless.
 Technology makes people lonely
 Leadership cannot be tought.


I’l like to start By Telling a story … OR TWO

 The person who practice a language and in three years started working as a teacher in
 There is a person who is really well prepared in his field. And had a interview to move to a
better paid and mre interesting department

or two. I am fully convinced.

Buid in technique
 Familiariza with the sound of the language. In order to try to produce in later.

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