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Last night I was walking home, next to the river Dzierżęcinka, when

something stranger happened to me.

The evening was already approaching. I decided to go to the store to

buy Christmas gifts for my family. However, I had to walk through a

nearby park as the main street had been stuck in a strange car

accident. Apparently, The Christmas spirit came to Koszalin, but no one

wanted to believe the story of this accident. This spirit gave the person

he met incredible knowledge about the dream gifts of loved ones. As I

passed the river, I thought about the presents I'm going to buy. The

moonlight reflected in the river's water. Unexpectedly I heard a

strange sound from behind my back. I slowly turned around to see if

anyone was following me. I saw a big flash and after I went blind a

small and unusual figure. It turned out to be gingerbread, allegedly,

the spirit of Christmas.

 Who are you?- I asked him.

 You can call me: "The Spirit Of Christmas".

 I see! You caused a nearby accident!

Gingerbread was very surprised at my words because a ghost only

appears when someone needs his help. The newcomer told me that I

am the first person he has visited this season. I figured the earlier
incident had not been a coincidence. We immediately set off to look for

the perpetrator.

After many hours of searching, we finally got a break. An elderly lord

told us a historical legend about the false Spirit of Christmas that

makes it difficult for all people to buy gifts for loved ones. At that

moment, I felt everything start to fall into place. We immediately ran to

the hideout of the genuine sprite to try to predict where the impostor

might be. When we were entering his shelter, we saw a dark

apparition. Gingerbread pulled the lever, which sprinkled glitter all

over the room. Thanks to this, we could easily catch the ghost. After we

captured the trickster, we asked him why he was trying to steal the

plans for the holidays. He said nothing but stared at me strangely.

Then an evil spirit vanished, leaving dark dust behind it. The Christmas

Spirit thanked me for saving Christmas. He gave me a magic list with

gifts that my loved ones dreamed of and transferred me back to

Dzierżęcinka river. Afterwards, I bought gifts for my family.

Returning home, I couldn't concentrate because I was thinking all the

time about what had just happened.

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