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"Torrential rain in Davao de Oro"

Torrential rain, or a torrential downpour, is any amount of rain that is

considered especially heavy. The term “torrential rain” is used to describe rain
that falls at a rate of at least 100 millimeters (4 inches) per hour. This is a very
high rate of rainfall, and it can cause serious flooding and other problems. The
intensity and duration of torrential rain can vary, but its impact is usually
profound, making it essential for people in affected areas to stay informed and
take necessary precautions to ensure their safety.

Cause: It is caused by the wet season's southwest monsoon winds, the area's
environment causing moist air to form heavy rain clouds, tropical cyclones, wind coming
from the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ), potential climate change impacts, and
local weather systems such as thunderstorms. These factors mostly meet to cause
severe rainfall incidents in the area.

Impact: The effects of torrential rain caused a lot of flooding in some parts of the
province and 6 people died and one was missing. The effects of the rain left people
without homes or any shelter to stay in all tho, they have places to evacuate to but it's
limited. The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC)
stated almost 100,000 residents were affected by the flood and landslides triggered by
the trough of a low-pressure area in the province. The most affected areas were the
mountainous municipality of Maragusan in Davao de Oro and they recorded 23
landslides that had happened in the span of weeks. The adjacent town of New Bataan,
where more than 10,000 people were evacuated from flooded homes. The national
disaster agency stated that more floods could occur in rivers in Lanao del Sur, where two
towns would be affected, and Maguindanao, where eight municipalities are threatened.

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