Ill-Health and Poverty A Literature Review On Health in Informal Settlements

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Title: Ill-Health And Poverty: A Literature Review On Health In Informal Settlements

In the realm of public health, the correlation between ill-health and poverty remains a persistent and
pressing concern, particularly within informal settlements. The complexity of this relationship
necessitates a thorough examination through the lens of literature review.

Undertaking a literature review on health in informal settlements is a daunting task. It involves

navigating through a vast array of scholarly articles, research papers, and reports spanning various
disciplines such as public health, sociology, urban studies, and economics. The challenge lies not only
in accessing relevant literature but also in synthesizing diverse perspectives and findings to construct
a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

This process demands meticulous attention to detail, critical analysis, and the ability to discern key
themes, trends, and gaps in existing research. Moreover, the interdisciplinary nature of the topic
requires a nuanced approach to incorporate insights from different fields and perspectives.

One of the primary difficulties encountered in writing a literature review on health in informal
settlements is the sheer volume of literature available. Sorting through an extensive body of work to
identify seminal studies, current debates, and emerging trends can be overwhelming. Additionally,
ensuring the credibility and reliability of sources is essential to maintain the integrity of the review.

Furthermore, synthesizing complex information into a coherent narrative while maintaining academic
rigor poses another challenge. It requires skillful organization and articulation to present findings,
theories, and empirical evidence in a manner that is accessible yet academically robust.

Amidst these challenges, accessing professional assistance can prove invaluable. ⇒
⇔ offers specialized services tailored to meet the unique needs of literature review writing. Our
team of experienced researchers and writers are well-equipped to navigate the complexities of the
topic, ensuring a comprehensive and well-crafted review that meets the highest academic standards.

By availing our services, researchers can save time and effort while guaranteeing a high-quality
literature review that provides valuable insights into the relationship between ill-health and poverty
in informal settlements. With ⇒ ⇔, researchers can confidently navigate the intricate
landscape of scholarly literature and contribute meaningfully to the discourse on this critical public
health issue.
The ramifications could include a deleterious effect on the health of Americans relative to their peers
in other countries, but the panel found little empirical evidence to support this. Unusually low
physician productivity would not, therefore, appear to contribute to the U.S. health disadvantage. It
presents, in a comparative framework, similarities and differences in objectives, the actors involved,
design aspects and functional modalities between the Health Equity Funds. Naidoo and wills (2000)
explains how all this then leads to physiological factors that impact on health like stress and
depression, high blood pressure, heart disease and obesity which then ends up costing the National
Health service thousands and thousands of pounds each year. This allows for the easy spread of
diseases such as cholera, diarrhoea, dysentry, gastroenteritis, salmonella, typhoid, and parasites such
as intestinal worms. This paper reviews four hospital-based Health Equity Funds in Cambodia and
draws lessons for future operations. Although there is a range of initiatives from radio broadcasts to
free condoms to try to halt its spread, for those to late to benefit from them is quite a different story.
This relationship is financial: the poor cannot afford to purchase those things that are needed for good
health, including sufficient quantities of quality food and health care. Data are available for
comparing cancer survival rates, which are generally higher in the United States, but cancer survival
is confounded by lead-time and length biases introduced by screening (Ciccolallo et al., 2005), a
more common practice in the United States than elsewhere. U.S. patients may live longer after their
cancer diagnosis simply because the disease is detected at an earlier stage, not because death is
delayed. In most European countries, organized breast and cervical cancer screening programs can
use these databases to mail periodic screening invitations to all women in the target age group
(Howard et al., 2009). Use of such registries in Sweden and other countries has been shown to
improve health outcomes, often at lower cost (Larsson et al., 2012). This is partly due to the costs of
seeking health care, which include not only out-of-pocket spending on care (such as consultations,
tests and medicine), but also transportation costs and any informal payments to providers. This
definition emphasises a patient’s social context, their psychological well-being (including their
thoughts, beliefs and emotions), as well as the biological and physiological processes of an illness.
Our review of literature on health in the informal settlements notes that, with greater attention to the
multi-faceted needs of low-income communities, governments can create interventions to ensure that
urban centres fulfil their enormous potential for health. For example, the behavioral sciences have
developed elegant theoretical frameworks for understanding the complex influences on human
behavior (Glanz et al., 2008), and economists have proposed human capital models to explain the
tradeoffs people make to optimize their “health capital” (Galama and Kapteyn, 2011). We estimated
the mean costs of accessing healthcare, the incidence of catastrophic health expenditures (CHE) and
the progressiveness and equity of health expenditures. The life-course framework casts health as a
developmental process influenced by multiple nested social, environmental, and biological spheres
that continually interact over the course of one’s life and shape the quality and nature of each
person’s growth, health, and development (Halfon and Hochstein, 2002). Although research in
genetics, molecular biology, developmental neurobiology, psychology, economics, and sociology is
only beginning to elucidate the causal pathways that link. LegalMeetings in Action Exploring the
LegalMeetings Room. Living conditions of the poor, especially in slums, can be very filthy and are
perfect breeding grounds for many types of diseases and health problems. Slum-dwellers often do
not have access to a clean source of drinkable water and are surrounded by waste and sewage matter,
with no access to sanitation services. It ’ s commonly believe that r elative poverty is c aused by w
age diff er entials and t ax cuts f or richer people. This information would have relevance to tobacco
and obesity-related diseases that claim excess years of life in the United States or to higher death
rates from alcohol, other drugs, and transportation-related injuries (see Chapters 1 and 2 ). Using
data from the urban samples of 85 Demographic and Health Surveys and modeling living standards
using factor-analytic MIMIC methods, we found that the neighborhoods of relatively poor
households are more heterogeneous than is often asserted. The findings are of relevance to a wide
range of programme areas including: access to employment, welfare benefits, chronic illness self-
management (Expert Patients Programmes) and ethnic minority disadvantage. The resulting first
principal component, hereafter referred to as neighborhood deprivation, accounted for 51 to 73% of
the total variability across eight study areas. The report explores the links between long-term ill-
health and three inter-related areas: employment, welfare benefits and social participation and social
support. Although specific results varied with the health indicator chosen, Or et al. (2005) found that
the productivity of U.S. physicians was typically near the middle of the range. More data are
available for comparing health care systems across countries. The Netherlands, which ranks highly on
many surveys by the Commonwealth Fund, has historically had shorter life expectancy than some
other comparable countries. Bambra concluded that access to health care is much more market
dependent in the United States than in other countries and therefore makes access to care more
susceptible to the socioeconomic status of the patient. Out of necessity, this chapter focuses on the
“keys under the lamppost”—the health system features for which there are comparable cross-
national data—but the panel acknowledges that better data and measures are needed before one can
properly compare the performance of national health care systems.
These patterns may be relevant to understanding some of the health problems documented in Part I
that are more common among American youth than among their peers in other countries. In other
words, how do the conditions presented by family, community, and national environments get under
a person’s skin to affect health. This form of poverty can mostly be defined in relative terms where
children fail to benefit from what is taken for granted by the average child because the family
income falls short of the average within their country. Impact of Shocks Estimates of chronic and
transient poverty Programs to address chronic and transient poverty. The key dynamic trajectories of
health, risk factors, socioeconomic circumstances, and physical and institutional environments are all
integrally linked and cannot be decomposed in a reductionist fashion. This section discusses several
measures of the quality of public health and medical care systems: immunizations, health. Wagner
and colleagues (1996) were among the first to document the importance of coordination in managing
chronic illnesses. The 2,565 local health departments in the United States operate under highly
disparate resources and authorities (National Association of County and City Health Officials, 2011).
Increasing efficiency of care to reduce total consumption of care, e.g. by limiting “irrational drug
prescribing,” strengthening the referral system, or improving the quality of providers (especially at
the lower level). Later, it moves on building a meaningful relation between the public services
delivery and the Health equity. Relative poverty is a term used to describe when a person has an
income lower than the average in. Despite being a hard-worker, if an unexpected expense comes up,
such as a surprise medical bill or if her fridge breaks, she will be unable to cope. However, the
subjective construct (perceived neighborhood quality) is most strongly associated with health and
mediates associations between health and the objective constructs (neighborhood disadvantage and
affluence). Results Examples of how World Bank projects have improved health coverage for the
poor and reduced financial vulnerability include: The Rajasthan Health Systems Development
Project resulted in improved access to care for vulnerable Indians. The reasons for this are complex,
as my examples have highlighted through examples, as there are so many factors that can hinder any
progress being made that will improve the experiences children have of these two adversities. An
earlier OECD analysis reported that the U.S. 1-year case-fatality rate from stroke was higher than
the OECD average (Moon et al., 2003). Decisions made by government officials, business leaders,
voters, and other stakeholders affect access to health care, the location of supermarkets, school lunch
menus, crime rates, public transportation. The same applies to the staffing of medical helicopters,
which differs in the United States. The Mekong Regional Health Support Project helped the
government of Vietnam to increase access to (government) health insurance from 29% to 94%
among the poor, as well as from 7% to 68% among the near-poor. This evolution reflects decades of
technological advancement and shifting. Breaks stuff for fun and profit:) Intrigued by operating
system internals. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. These areas lack formal
government recognition, and residents typically face multiple socioeconomic, environmental and
political exclusions that all contribute to ill health. The report explores the links between long-term
ill-health and three inter-related areas: employment, welfare benefits and social participation and
social support. The paper argues that irrespective of the model of health insurance being
implemented these dimensions of access govern the poor and the poorest household decisions about
enrolling in a health insurance scheme and utilizing heal. Introduction. Ilja van Sprundel Works for
Suresec Working with unix for a few years. The Commonwealth Fund gives equal weight to each
measure; some weighting is probably warranted, but an empirical basis is lacking to know which
characteristics patients value more highly or are more predictive of health outcomes. This
interdependence is illustrated by two barriers to trauma care services in the United States—lack of
health insurance and the geography of the United States—both of which may affect survival and
rehabilitation (Greene et al., 2010). Conversely, other evidence hints at an iatrogenic effect in which
higher intensity of health care is associated with more unfavorable health outcomes (Fisher et al.,
2003). The principle is as follows: an independent fund identifies the poorest people and pays the
health facilities for the services they provide to them.
Better healthcare cannot be achieved without reducing poverty, and poverty cannot be eliminated
without better healthcare. Marmot, Wilkinson and Pickett all agree in their reports that there is a
social gradient in health. The. LegalMeetings in Action Exploring the LegalMeetings Room.
However, there are many other ways you can support some of the poorest and most marginalised
communities that we work with. Yet we recognize that the two might be interconnected in ways that
the field is only beginning to understand. The essay is also very well-written and well-structured
overall. In 1995, the World Health Organization (WHO) tried to find the answer to this question.
The causes for such health disparities are multi dimensional. Both public health and clinical medicine
are also concerned with primary and secondary prevention. 1 The health of a population also
depends on other public health services and policies aimed at safeguarding the public from health
and injury risks (Institute of Medicine, 2011d, 2011e, 2012) and attending to the needs of people
with mental illness (Aron et al., 2009). There. In most European countries, organized breast and
cervical cancer screening programs can use these databases to mail periodic screening invitations to
all women in the target age group (Howard et al., 2009). Use of such registries in Sweden and other
countries has been shown to improve health outcomes, often at lower cost (Larsson et al., 2012). Not
only is this very unhygienic, the urine and faeces are dumped into water supplies from which
everyone drinks from. Health Equity Funds attempt to improve access to health care services for the
poorest by paying the provider on their behalf. We have argued that the people who are most
affected must have a more influential role in setting priorities and making decisions, helping to
ensure that limited resources are well targeted and can address longstanding inequalities. A person
with a functionalist view would believe that. In 2021, financial struggles are more apparent than ever
due to the coronavirus pandemic and. Do household and neighborhood living standards influence
health. The Black Report, commissioned by James Callaghan of the Labour Government, questioned
how. This will then take the essay to the final section where it will emerge that health does play a
pivotal role in development overtime and so developing countries need to deal with it by reducing
poverty levels. Common examples include Antibiotics for infection Suturing for lacerations. For
example, the United States has a very large economy and a large geographic footprint. At 3.7 million
square miles, its land mass is much larger than any other high-income country but Canada (United
Nations, 2012b) and it encompasses large rural expanses, although comparable cross-national data on
the urban-rural mix are limited. 1 The United States is also a much younger nation than most.
SOURCE: Adapted from Schoen et al. (2009b, Exhibit 6, p. w12). However there is an even bigger
problem, as a lack of resources to control the spread of this epidemic, is also having an impact on
children’s experiences. More recently there are benefits like, Child Tax and Family Working Tax
Credit designed to boost incomes in line with the national average to help eradicate poverty, by the
year 2020. (UK Parliament 2000 Book 4 chapter 2 p71) In theory steps like these should improve the
lives of children. Moreover, these problems are reported in large numbers by insured and above-
average income patients. Although ill health is having an effect on children in the north relating to
pollution and obesity for example, it is the south that is particularly vulnerable to diseases that are
often preventable with the right intervention. Find any document from Microsoft Word, PDF and
powerpoint file formats in an effortless way. Find any document from Microsoft Word, PDF and
powerpoint file formats in an effortless way. A number of factors distinguish the United States from
other countries, but their contribution to the nation’s health is unclear. Digital image. Save the
Children. Web.. Chronic Malnutrition and Child Survival Infographic. Methods This scoping review
presents a narrative synthesis and descriptive analysis of studies conducted in urban areas of LMICs.
Comparing the quality of public health services in the United States to that of other countries is
difficult due to the lack of comparable international data on the delivery of core public health
functions. 12. Deficiencies in ambulatory care in the United States bear little on the large number of
deaths from transportation-related injuries. Long-standing population-based cancer registry systems
with national coverage (often regionally organized) and with virtually complete case follow-up exist
in all Nordic countries, the United Kingdom, and many Baltic and central European countries
(Quinn, 2003). Poverty is both a cause and a consequence of poor health. Such comparisons require
a close examination of interrelated determinants of trauma care (e.g., health insurance coverage),
socioeconomic and policy contexts (discussed in later chapters), and differences in geography (see
Box 4-2 ). Lengths of stay in the United States are shorter than those in other countries and may
contribute to higher readmission rates (see Baker et al., 2004). In 1902, a social in ves tiga tor named
Seebo hm R owntr ee wrot e a book on his s tudy of pov erty in Y ork. Dawwas and colleagues
(2007) compared outcomes for. This scenario is especially true for chronic diseases like diabetes and
heart failure, which claim lives decades after problems with cardiovascular risk factors and glycemic
control first appear. Information AI Chat Unit 18 Poverty and Health Journal Entry Graded
Distinction. This chapter reviews this question: it explores whether systems of care are associated
with adverse health outcomes, whether there is evidence of inferior system characteristics in the
United States relative to other countries, and whether such deficiencies could explain the findings
delineated in Part I of the report. These can be spent where the need is greatest, helping
communities that would otherwise have nobody else to turn to. In a 2010 Commonwealth Fund
survey, only 70 percent of U.S. adults reported being confident or very confident that they would
receive the most effective treatments (e.g., drugs, tests) if they were seriously ill (Schoen et al.,
2010). Patients in all countries but Norway and Sweden expressed greater confidence. When four or
more physicians were involved, 45 percent of U.S. patients reported a medical test or record
coordination problem, compared with 21-35 percent in the seven comparison countries (Schoen et
al., 2009b). Find any document from Microsoft Word, PDF and powerpoint file formats in an
effortless way. A recent Institute of Medicine (2011e) report indicated the lack of adequate data to
evaluate the health of the American public or the performance of governmental public health
agencies and recommended bold transformation of the nation’s health statistics enterprise. However,
numerous studies have shown the failure of these exemption strategies: either they are not applied,
or they benefit those who are not poor. Perhaps those who never thought they would be in that
position will. Pharmacotherapy and control of blood pressure and serum lipids are above the average
for comparable countries. The report explores the links between long-term ill-health and three inter-
related areas: employment, welfare benefits and social participation and social support. Many
different approaches are shown to improve access to the poor, using targeted or universal approaches,
engaging government, nongovernmental, or commercial organizations, and pursuing a wide variety
of strategies to finance and organize services. We focus here on the following measures of the quality
of chronic illness care: achieving treatment targets, case fatality rates, other clinical outcomes, and
proxies for health care quality. More recently there are benefits like, Child Tax and. However it fails
to take into account how children experience the effects of poverty, which can depend on local, and
global economic or political issues, as well as the general social inequalities that can exist. Americans
seem less confident than people in other countries that the system will deliver the care they need.
Naidoo and wills (2000) explains how all this then leads to physiological factors that impact on
health like stress and depression, high blood pressure, heart disease and obesity which then ends up
costing the National Health service thousands and thousands of pounds each year. Issues such as
treatment delay, health illiteracy, and differential rates of follow-up and access to rehabilitation
services have been implicated as potential reasons for the worse quality of care and worse outcomes
among uninsured patients. The same applies to the staffing of medical helicopters, which differs in
the United States. Poverty very often prevents children from gaining a proper education, which
makes it harder for them to find well-paid employment in the future. SOURCE: Adapted from
Schoen et al. (2009b, Exhibit 6, p. w12).
Figure 3-1 shows one such model, which was adopted for Healthy People 2020, the federal
government’s national health objectives (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2012a). In
dev eloping coun tries, the highest c ause of pov erty is though t to be subsis t ence agriculture. Many
in well-developed countries are at risk of poverty. Functionalist theory argues the differentiation in
social class exist to serve a. Give examples of bad news Explain the 6 Steps (SPIKES) Model.
Compared with Americans, larger proportions of the populations of Austria, Sweden, Denmark,
Finland, and Norway live in predominately rural areas. Only three OECD countries—Chile, Mexico,
and Turkey—provide less coverage than the United States (OECD, 2011b). Using inspiration from
Charles Booth and his classification of poverty (Figure 1), the book classifies. Chapter Outline. The
Global Context: Poverty and Economic Inequality around the World Sociological Theories of
Poverty and Economic Inequality Consequences of Poverty and Economic Inequality. Patient and
household costs associated with a TB diagnosis in Lilongwe. With statistics that reveal 80% of the
world’s population live in the south, yet only own a quarter of the wealth according to UNICEF
Human Development Report in 1997 (Book 4 chapter 2) highlights the need to gain a better
understanding of these two issues, both locally and globally together if we are ever to succeed in
securing children’s rights as laid out under the UNCRC and indeed for those children not protected
by its laws. However in practice there are issues that aggravate this process highlighting how the
effects of poverty are still not fully understood at a local level. BMJ, (2021). Covid-19 has presented
a global problem which will have untold damage on people in many different. In 2021, financial
struggles are more apparent than ever due to the coronavirus pandemic and. Methods This scoping
review presents a narrative synthesis and descriptive analysis of studies conducted in urban areas of
LMICs. Strategy The World Bank’s work in the area of health equity and financial protection is
defined by the 2007 Health, Nutrition and Population Strategy. We categorised studies as conducted
only in slums, city-wide studies with measures of wealth and conducted in both slums and non-slums
settlements. A per son with a fu nctionalist view w ould believ e that those who are able to g ain
higher educa tion and build upon their skill s are, ther ef or e, more deserving of higher paid jobs and
ar e of higher class in so ciety. This in turn will promote a healthier living although it can be seen as
discrimination as individuals in poverty or unemployment still will not have the means to pay for the
healthcare visits resulting in poor health and diseases increasing, having a detrimental effect on the
health and wellbeing within society. At the same time, to guarantee access to health care for
everyone, recommendations were issued that exempted the poorest from paying for services. In
particular, questions used on surveys such as those conducted by the Commonwealth Fund, which
are widely cited in this chapter, have unknown correlations with health outcomes and may have
variable meanings across countries. They can encourage healthy behaviors, but other factors exert
greater influences on diet, physical activity, sexual habits, alcohol and other drug use, and needle
exchange practices (Woolf et al., 2011). Pediatricians can remind parents to secure their children in
car seats, but they cannot control motor vehicle crashes. Government. Typically, Governments who
believe in the benefit of state welfare for people with ill. New in-depth qualitative material and
secondary analyses of national datasets are used to examine the ways in which long-term ill-health
impacts upon poverty.A free pdf is available at This report presents findings from a new
investigation into the experiences of individuals living with long-term ill-health and their families.
Click here to buy this book in print or download it as a free PDF, if available. Finally, Chapter 8
addresses how all these factors might be influenced at the macro level by the societal context of life
in America, ranging from life-style to policies, governance, and social values. For example, increases
in smoking during the first half of the 20th century and in obesity in the second half were largely
period effects that touched adults of all age groups and eventually extended to adolescents and
children as well. Even before the outbreak of Covid-19, child poverty. A conspicuous problem in the
United States is the lack of universal health insurance, something recent reforms have sought to
address, but deficiencies in access and quality are pervasive and plague even insured and high-
income patients. Notably, U.S. patients with complex care needs—insured and uninsured alike—are
more likely than those in other countries to complain of medical costs or defer recommended care as
a result. You can set up a direct debit, or make a one-off donation through this website.
Yet we recognize that the two might be interconnected in ways that the field is only beginning to
understand. Identification and Discussion of the Public Health Roles of Nurses, or Heal. If an area
has a poor health service than it is more likely that death rates are higher through disease and health
will be effected. Download Free PDF View PDF Bonfring Health Equity in Developing Countries:
A Need for Effective and Responsive Public Service Delivery to Improve Access to Health Services
Bonfring International Journal In developing countries, there exist health disparities, due to various
social inequalities prevailing among several socially disadvantaged groups. In 2021, financial
struggles are more apparent than ever due to the coronavirus pandemic and. However, Chapter 6
does address the important topic of gene-environment interactions and the potential role of
epigenetics as a causal pathway for social and environmental influences on health. The Lalorde
report published in 1974 helped identify four fields of health that can be improved these are:
Genetics and biological factors which determine an individual’s disposition to disease, lifestyles
factors in which health behaviours contribute to illness, environmental factors like housing or
pollution and the health services provided. The paper further treats the mechanism of public service
delivery as a mean to improve the access to health. Later, it moves on building a meaningful relation
between the public services delivery and the Health equity. This allows for the easy spread of
diseases such as cholera, diarrhoea, dysentry, gastroenteritis, salmonella, typhoid, and parasites such
as intestinal worms. Health Equity Funds attempt to improve access to health care services for the
poorest by paying the provider on their behalf. Using the Community, Crime and Health Survey
(CCH), based on a representative sample of Illinois households with linked census tract information,
we find that, with adjustment for personal socioeconomic status, residents of socioeconomically
disadvantaged neighborhoods have significantly higher levels of physical impairment than do
residents of more advantaged neighborhoods. Finally, Chapter 8 addresses how all these factors
might be influenced at the macro level by the societal context of life in America, ranging from life-
style to policies, governance, and social values. In some countries, patients are more likely to report
problems. For example, Sweden consistently ranks among the healthiest countries in the OECD, but,
in the Commonwealth Fund surveys, its patients were more likely than U.S. patients to report
problems with chronic illness care. The Black Report, commissioned by James Callaghan of the
Labour Government, questioned how. Both time and distance have been shown to inversely affect
survival from major trauma in rural areas (Durkin et al., 2005; Grossman et al., 1997; Howell et al.,
2010). An analysis in the 1990s reported that emergency response time, scene time, and
transportation time to the hospital were longer for rural victims of major trauma than for urban
victims. Trauma victims transported by helicopter have lower mortality rates than those conveyed by
ground transportation (Sullivent et al., 2011). Both public health and clinical medicine are also
concerned with primary and secondary prevention. 1 The health of a population also depends on
other public health services and policies aimed at safeguarding the public from health and injury
risks (Institute of Medicine, 2011d, 2011e, 2012) and attending to the needs of people with mental
illness (Aron et al., 2009). There. Policies and investments supporting cleaner transport, energy-
efficient housing, power generation, industry and better municipal waste management would reduce
key sources of urban outdoor air pollution. Differences in medical error rates between countries have
an independent association with breakdowns in care coordination (Lu and Roughead, 2011). The
United States had the 10th highest ratio—higher than all Western European countries. Second, to
mitigate underadjustment of unmeasured confounders, they employed a fixed-effects modeling
strategy to account for unobserved nontime-varying heterogeneity. Rela tive po verty is a t erm used
to descri be when a per son has an income l ower than the a v erag e in their community. Structural
equation models indicate that subjective and objective constructs are both related to health.
Correspondence to assignment brief of Unit 18 Poverty and Health for Access to Higher Education.
However, quality appears to drop off in the transition to long-term outpatient care. U.S. patients
appear more likely than those in other countries to require emergency department visits or
readmissions after hospital discharge, perhaps because of premature discharge or problems with
ambulatory care. Research on developmental plasticity is examining the mechanisms through which
social and environmental exposures become biologically embedded or reversed during critical
periods (Gluckman and Hanson, 2006; Gluckman et al., 2008, 2010). For example, sustained stress is
thought to affect the brain and the neuroendocrine and immune systems (see Chapter 6 ). The
capacity of different countries to collect appropriate data and to do so -systematically—using
consistent sampling procedures, data collection techniques, coding practices, and measurement
intervals (e.g., annually)—is challenging for practical reasons and limited budgets. This will then
take the essay to the final section where it will emerge that health does play a pivotal role in
development overtime and so developing countries need to deal with it by reducing poverty levels.
Each of these has its own disciplinary paradigms, arenas of debate, agreed canons and particular
epistemological positions. For example, the absence of green space today may be the product of
zoning decisions two decades ago.

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