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Title: The Challenge of Crafting a Comprehensive Bleaching Literature Review

Crafting a literature review on the topic of bleaching poses a unique set of challenges for researchers
and students alike. As an integral part of academic writing, a literature review requires a thorough
exploration and synthesis of existing scholarly works relevant to the subject matter. However,
navigating the vast sea of literature on bleaching, whether related to environmental processes, textile
industry practices, or dental procedures, can be an overwhelming task.

One of the primary difficulties lies in the sheer volume of literature available, spanning across
various disciplines and perspectives. Researchers often find themselves grappling with a multitude of
studies, articles, and books that may vary in quality, relevance, and methodology. Selecting the most
pertinent sources and extracting valuable insights becomes a meticulous process that demands time
and expertise.

Moreover, the dynamic nature of scientific research means that new studies and findings are
constantly emerging. Staying updated with the latest information while maintaining the coherence of
the literature review adds an additional layer of complexity to the task. Researchers must sift
through a continuous influx of publications to ensure their review reflects the current state of
knowledge on bleaching.

Another challenge involves synthesizing diverse viewpoints and methodologies into a cohesive
narrative. The literature on bleaching spans various fields, from environmental science to materials
engineering, and synthesizing these perspectives requires a nuanced understanding of each discipline.
Integrating contrasting viewpoints and presenting a well-rounded analysis demands not only time but
also a deep comprehension of the subject matter.

To address these challenges and ensure the creation of a high-quality literature review on bleaching,
researchers and students may consider seeking assistance from professional writing services. ⇒ ⇔, in particular, offers specialized support in crafting literature reviews, providing
access to experienced writers with expertise in diverse fields. By availing the services of ⇒ ⇔, individuals can save time, alleviate the stress associated with information
overload, and receive a meticulously crafted literature review that meets academic standards.

In conclusion, the difficulty of writing a literature review on bleaching arises from the vast and
dynamic nature of the available literature, the need for continuous updates, and the challenge of
synthesizing diverse perspectives. For those seeking expert assistance, ⇒ ⇔ stands as
a reliable platform, offering specialized support to streamline the process and deliver a well-
structured and insightful literature review.
Bleaching agents commonly used and hydrogen peroxide and carbamide. Friends, 1 participant
disclosed her older brother had been using creams and soaps. The study sets out to examine the early
constructs of racism, to determine If the impacts. Another external symptom of major discussion is
the result of using mercury a harmful toxic chemical used to bleach skin. An example of bolstering
existing management is a recommendation to establish Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in areas of
low thermal stress to protect reefs that are not as exposed to temperature anomalies (Mumby 2008).
The oxidation-reduction reaction that takes place in. Targeting multiple, synergistic stressors were
found to be more effective, including reducing land-based pollution (Brown et al 2013, Heller et al
2009). Steneck RS, Arnold SN, Mumby PJ. 2014. Experiment mimics fishing on parrotfish: insights
on coral reef recovery and alternative attractors. Adam, T, R Schmitt, S Holbrook, A Brooks, P
Edmunds, R Carpenter, and G Bernardi. 2011. Herbivory, Connectivity, and Ecosystem Resilience:
Response of a Coral Reef to a Large-Scale Perturbation.” PLoS One 6, no. 8. Aeby, G, M
Hutchinson, and P MacGowan. 2009. Hawaii’s Rapid Response Contingency Plan for Events of
Coral Bleaching, Disease or Crown-of-Thorns Starfish Outbreaks. Discussion This effort synthesized
evidence for five restoration strategies that managers could pursue following a bleaching event:
preventing additional damage to coral, controlling algae overgrowth, stimulating new coral
settlement, stimulating coral regrowth, and replacing dead coral. Further to the resistance to mete out
appropriate penalties to the usual suspects known. Winning With Writing Curriculum Review: For
Homeschool. I would like to acknowledge the support and guidance operated by the African
Education. In sociology, anthropology and cultural studies, a subculture is a group of people with a
culture (whether distinct or hidden) which differentiates them from the larger culture to which they
belong (Jefferson, 1993). A restoration effort in the Philippines following a dynamite blast used
plastic mesh to secure loose substrate and found that coral recruitment and percent coral cover
increased within 3 years (Raymundo 2007). It is important to ensure that larval sources maintain a
diverse gene pool to the settlement area (Hansen 2003). Reduction of Harmful Human Activities In
addition to the creation of MPAs, it was also recommended to reduce human activities that harm
corals. The plan outlines a framework for responding to bleaching events, primarily by monitoring its
effects and communicating the results to stakeholders and the public (Aeby et al 2009). Suding,
Loretta L. Battaglia, Valerie Eviner, et al. 2014. Resilience in Ecology: Abstraction, Distraction, or
Where the Action Is. Lastly, it has been found that anthropogenic effects are more influential for
early coral life stages, so focusing on land-based pollution may also be a strategy (Baskett 2010). 4.
Replacing Dead Coral Replacing the coral killed by a bleaching event with new coral from another
location is a relatively novel active restoration method. These aremuch easier to handle for applying
tothecropsthansolidcomposts,whicharebulkyandheavyandneedsoil incorporation. Not sure if they
actually become satisfied because it is grounded in a feeling that. Effect of bleaching on tooth
structures and dental adhesives. Therefore, the application of suppressive composts and its
mechanismneedsvalidationonvarietyofcrops. Bleaching solutions used: 30%-35% H2O2 available in
10ml prepacked. The Social comparison theory (Festinger, 1954) is the idea that there is a drive
within individuals to look to outside images in order to evaluate their own opinions and abilities.
Mooij, and Russell E. Brainard. 2015. An Integrated Coral Reef Ecosystem Model to Support
Resource Management under a Changing Climate.” Edited by Chaolun Allen Chen.
Withreferencetothediseasesuppressiveabilityofthesecompostextracts, Edwardsetal.
(2004)mentionedthatthestudyofNakasoneetal. (1999)reported thataqueousextractsofvermicomposts
inhibitedthemycelialgrowthofBotrytis cinerea,Sclerotinia sclerotum,Corticiumrolfsii,R. Context-
specific information on recovery rates of Hawaiian coral species need to be synthesized.
Theunderlyingmechanism There are several benefits of AMF colonization in plants, mainly the
increase innutrientuptake (SmithandRead2008).Despite this, still there is an
ambiguitythattheAMFhasanydirectinvolvementinthehost’sdefencesignaling against phytopathogens.
With further oxidation these products are modified to hydrophilic, non. An important note is that
most of these papers discussed multiple recovery strategies. Therefore skin bleaching not only
damages the skin, but put people who are so called victims of the epidemic in various unacceptable
social situations. A total of 207 papers were reviewed as part of this effort. Those in the medical
profession explain that this condition occurs from allergic dermatitis or irritant dermatitis (abnormal,
extensive and often local inflammation of the skin). This effort represented the world’s first climate
change initiative taken by the aquarium industry. A list of potential management interventions were
analyzed as well as a list of pressing research questions. Types of Recovery Strategies A smaller
portion of the papers (74 papers, 36%) discussed a more specific recovery strategy (Figure 2).
Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous
Carousel Next What is Scribd. Marine and Freshwater Research 50, no. 8: 839. Hoeke, R, R
Brainard, R Moffitt, M Merrifield, and W Skirving. 2006. The Role of Oceanographic Conditions
and Reef Morphology in the 2002 Coral Bleaching Event in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.
Usually bilateral and affects multiple teeth in both the arches. Crusader brand Soap, fashion Fair fast
Action, Motivate. Thailand instrumented a similar policy closing 18 popular dive sites for 14 months
(Tun et al 2010). Theyalsodemonstratedgreaterdiversityofbeneficialmicroorganisms in the
vermicompost than in the compost. The Department of Marine and Coastal Resources in Thailand
held a workshop to develop a coral reef management strategy in response to the coral bleaching crisis
(Yeemin et al 2014). It has also been found that MPAs have high rates of coral loss following a
bleaching event and recovery rates inside and outside of protected areas have been mixed
(Ateweberhan et al 2011, McClanahan 2009). According to Erik Erikson Psychosocial Development
theory stage 5 (Identity vs. The Protection of Parrotfish Parrotfish (Scaridae) and their role in the
removal of algae from coral reefs following disturbance have been a focal point for the scientific
community. The use of these creams as argued by Pirouzi can achieve a uniformed skin toned but is
describe as skin bleaching when the chemical is actually overused. Some of the responses relate to
the literature review“Fanons”. Clinical reports and histologic studies have shown that intra-coronal.
Persadsingh identifies ingredients that are used outside of original content such as Mercury which he
said is a toxic chemical and Hydroquinone which is used in medicine by dermatologist and doctors
but should not be used carelessly due to the harmful side effects of these chemicals (Persadsingh,
2009). The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of hydrogen. London, complained
about“Late divers and Blackamoors brought into the realme, of. Marshall, Paul, and Heidi
Schuttenberg. 2004. A Reef Manager’s Guide to Coral Bleaching. Further research statistically
associated people who bleached their skin with the identified sub-cultures due to the high frequency
of individuals who are members of the named Page 12. It is found through out the tooth but greatest
concentration is in the dentin. Additionally, herbivores are not a panacea, as they have been found to
only be able to protect 10-30% of a structurally complex reef. This is beginning to take place as
additional regions including Australia and the South Pacific experience extreme bleaching events in
2016. The participants indicated that they found: Their Children, Themselves, Lauren Hill.
Even when significant coral has been lost, reduction in extraction through fisheries management has
maintained populations in the absence of coral (Friedlander et al 2014). The views of 10 women
who practised skin bleaching Use. On the Great Barrier Reef, a certain coral species was found to
recover quickly (less than one year) due to rapid regeneration and competition with invasive algae
(Diaz-Pulido et al 2009). Give rise to discrimination One of our most controversial examples
involves the depiction of class bias and the classification of skin bleaching as one of the newly
emerging sub-cultures in Jamaica especially among teenagers (Hope, 2006). Jamaica Observer.
Pirouzi, P. (2009). Canadian encyclopedia of Dermatology. All five types of papers were represented
in the review. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel
Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Superego identity is the accrued confidence that the outer
sameness and continuity prepared in the future are matched by the sameness and continuity of one's
meaning for oneself, as evidenced in the promise of a career (Erikson, 1968). Perhaps the best
definition of what is skin bleaching can be derived from a previous research done by world leading
dermatologist Dr. Amina Mire in her article, “Skin bleaching: Poison, Beauty, Power and the Politics
of the Color Line” (Mire, 2001). Smoking, tea, coffee, and chewing tobacco stain teeth. Awareness
of skin diseases associated with use: Cancer, Collagen damage, mental. I also recognised that
dealing with sensitive issues. Lastly, it has been found that anthropogenic effects are more influential
for early coral life stages, so focusing on land-based pollution may also be a strategy (Baskett 2010).
4. Replacing Dead Coral Replacing the coral killed by a bleaching event with new coral from
another location is a relatively novel active restoration method. In sociology, anthropology and
cultural studies, a subculture is a group of people with a culture (whether distinct or hidden) which
differentiates them from the larger culture to which they belong (Jefferson, 1993). Dental bleaching
can be used to correct many tooth discolorations. These. In a forethought Dr. Ntambwe’s research
was skewed towards determining Page 4. A smaller portion of the papers (74 papers, 36%) discussed
one of the five recovery strategies. In a more recent study, Elmer and Ferrandino (2009) Page 7.
Sites had to meet four criteria: 1) low to medium resilience relative to other sites, 2) high levels of
anchor damage, 3) high usage and good visibility to the public and 4) high accessibility for managers
and rangers to install buoys. P. 18.21 Skin Tone More Important Than Educational Background for
African. The chromogen changes color after binding to the tooth. It would be appreciated if you
could respond to the following questions relating to the. These images may be a reference to
physical reality or in comparison to other people. Information (FOI) asking set questions about the
effectiveness of their monitoring and. In modern Jamaica there are various sub-cultures, these may
appear in the form of. It can be inferred that the suppressive nature of vermicompost extracts against
variouskindsofpathogenhasabiologicalnatureratherthanchemical. Page 12. It begins by defining skin
bleaching as the use of skin lightening chemicals to change skin color, though some argue it can be
used to treat conditions like vitiligo. Organic
amendments(OA)andsymbioticorganismssuchasarbuscularmycorrhizalfungi (AMF) which are
conventionally used as fertilizer supplement have, in recent decades, been considered as potential
disease management agents also. Reduction of Harmful Human Activities In addition to the creation
of MPAs, it was also recommended to reduce human activities that harm corals. The purpose of the
report is for collective response to address the concerns, the practise.
Mantachitra, S. Plathong, P. Nuclear, W. Klinthong, and M. Sutthacheep. 2012. Impacts of Coral
Bleaching, Recovery and Management in Thailand. In Proc. 12th Int. Coral Reef Symp., Cairns,
Australia, 2012. Causey, Alan M. Friedlander, et al. 2009. Climate Change, Coral Reef Ecosystems,
and Management Options for Marine Protected Areas. Gomez et al 2014 collected fragments from
unaffected reefs in the Phillippines following a bleaching event and transplanted them to the
damaged area. WIOMSA Book Series No. 9. McClanahan, Tim R., Simon D. Donner, Jeffrey A.
Maynard, M. Aaron MacNeil, Nicholas A. J. Graham, Joseph Maina, Andrew C. Types of
Management Actions Slightly more than half (52%) of papers mentioned some type of management
action. In Kenya, fisheries closures did not fare better than open areas (McClanahan 2009). Care
must be taken to use light, intermittent pressure and carefully monitor. Please include what you were
doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. This
effort sought to outline types of restoration strategies present in the literature, synthesize evidence of
support relevant to each strategy, and describe specific instances of management interventions
following bleaching events. Pirouzi highlighted that skin bleaching may be used for more than just
its negative attributes; skin bleaching agents may be used to clear dark spots such as moles,
birthmarks and vitiligo which is death of the cells responsible for skin pigmentation. Marshall, Paul,
and Heidi Schuttenberg. 2004. A Reef Manager’s Guide to Coral Bleaching. After 20 weeks, high
rates of survival (80-95%) were maintained. This Health problem has not gained any critical
publicity, other. Research conducted in Africa also identifies the effect of causing onchynerosis in
which there is the development of ugly dark spots on the skin caused by the deposition of melanin -
the pigment of the skin deep in the second layer of the skin. Anterior primary teeth are susceptible to
discolouration by systemic. PLoS ONE 8, no. 6. Carassou, L, M Leopold, N Guillemot, L Wantiez,
and M Kulbicki. 2013. Does Herbivorous Fish Protection Really Improve Coral Reef Resilience.
Barber surgeons, after abrading the enamel with coarse metal files, applied “aqua. Participants
engaged in the research practising skin bleaching were women of African. In a forethought Dr.
Ntambwe’s research was skewed towards determining. Figure 7 Transplanted corals in the
Phillippines, described in Gomez et al 2014 Figure 8 Dead coral skeleton following a beaching event,
photo: Kristina Tietjen Page 12. Why is skin bleaching such a prevalent tendency amongst students
between the age group 16-25? Page 3. Mechanism: The irritating chemical diffuses via unprotected
dentinal. Note: white women's obsession with tanning is no different from black women's. Based on
this evidence, managers that are faced with the need to implement recovery strategies should
consider two main questions: is there capacity for natural recovery of the system. Treat all of the
etched and bleached surfaces with a neutral sodium fluoride. Extending gratitude to Cares of Life
and the “Whatdotheyknow”team”supporting the. Brown, Yves-Marie Bozec, Carolina Castro, Iliana
Chollett, Karlo Hock, et al. 2015. Anticipative Management for Coral Reef Ecosystem Services in
the 21st Century. Recovery strategies were stimulating new coral settlement, stimulating coral
regrowth, replacing dead coral, preventing additional damage to coral, and controlling algae
overgrowth (Table 3). Page 6. The interviews were delivered by phone; the user participants were
unknown to me. This. The disclosure below from Southwark Trading Standards is cause for concern,
In New Caledonia, no connection was found between protection status of a reef, coral recovery, and
macroalgal development following a bleaching event (Carassou et al 2013). Selecting and farming
bleaching-resistant species is a relatively new phenomenon, but it is gaining momentum for
Caribbean corals (Aswani et al 2015). The literature emphasizes that not all herbivores may have an
equal effect on the rates of coral recovery and that managers need to target those species, functional
groups, and sizes that have the greatest impact (Adam et al 2015, Cernohorsky et al 2015, Bonaldo
et al 2014, Bellwood et al 2006). Reducing sediment and nutrients were in the top five actions
recommended by coral bleaching and management experts in multiple studies (DAR 2016,
McClanahan 2012). Andrew as this sub-culture is rapidly developing especially with students
between the ages 16-20. Nevertheless, this variable inconsistent result isdifficulttoexplain. Mercury
poisoning is known to cause neurological and kidney damage and may also lead to psychiatric
disorders (pg. 9). The abundance of external symptoms is therefore understated by (Anderson et. The
study sets out to examine the early constructs of racism, to determine If the impacts. Sydney:
Adventure Work Press. Hauet, T. (2006). Skin lighthening-From the advantages to disadvantages.
Townsville, Qld.: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. Maynard, J. A., P. A. Marshall, J. E.
Johnson, and S. Harman. 2010. Building Resilience into Practical Conservation: Identifying Local
Management Responses to Global Climate Change in the Southern Great Barrier Reef. It was
strongly suggested to place these protected areas surrounding reefs that have naturally lower
vulnerability to bleaching events (Anthony et al 2015, Magris et al 2015, Pandolfi 2015, Magris et al
2014, Maynard et al 2012, Ban et al 2011, Baskett et al 2010, Keller et al 2009, McClanahan et al
2007, Obura 2005, Hansen et al 2003, West 2003, Done et al 2001, Westmacott 2000, Wilkinson
1992). The creation of areas closed from all human exploitation through a network of Marine
Protected Areas (MPAs) was discussed (Rogers et al 2015, Aeby et al 2009, Dodge et al 2008), but
the need for new approaches for exploited areas outside of MPAs were also acknowledged (Mumby
and Steneck 2008, Dodge et al 2008). Structured Questionnaire and email survey to the Trading
Standards departments of. After three years, they documented successfully increasing the coral
cover and fish became attracted to the new reef. Black community within a short time scale and
afford community members anonymity, It. Maynard, Jeffrey A., Steven McKagan, Laurie
Raymundo, Steven Johnson, Gabby N. In this age everybody wants a perfect dentition with
sparkling white teeth. Now this. The next action was to create a poster which was distributed by
email, and hard copy to. Bleachers often find themselves in a delicate situation as quite often their
decision to use bleaching cream to create an uneven skin tone is not a socially accepted moral in
Jamaica. The report sought to gather information on the issue, raise the profile by informing the.
Major gaps between the science of coral reef resilience and the management of reefs facing the
effects of climate change have been identified, including operational examples of adaptation
principles, guidance on the selection and integration of science recommendations, implementation of
management strategies supporting resilience, and the pairing of science recommendations with
ecological evidence (Magris et al 2014, McClanahan et al 2012, Heller et al 2009, Hughes et al
2003). The question of using skin bleaching products reported that 3 knew someone that used. Diaz-
Pulido, G, L McCook, S Dove, R Berkelmans, G Roff, D Kline, S Weeks, R Evans, D Williamson,
and O Hoegh-Guldberg. 2009. Doom and Boom on a Resilient Reef: Climate Change, Algal
Overgrowth and Coral Recovery. Another external symptom of major discussion is the result of
using mercury a harmful toxic chemical used to bleach skin. They reported that the effect of compost
on peroxidase activity in cucumber was more pronounced after plant infection. Ainsworth, C and P
Mumby. 2015. Coral-Algal Phase Shifts Alter Fish Communities and Reduce Fisheries Production.
RachelPearson36 Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-World Look, present.
Airwater sprays is used as coolant and maintain the tooth in hydrated state. This effort sought to
outline types of restoration strategies present in the literature, synthesize evidence of support relevant
to each strategy, and describe specific instances of management interventions following bleaching
events. Page 5. This technique applied light to the labial surface of the tooth to be.

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