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Title: Mastering the Art of Crafting a Literature Review on Poverty in Nigeria

Crafting a comprehensive literature review on poverty in Nigeria is no easy feat. It demands

meticulous research, critical analysis, and a deep understanding of the complexities surrounding the
issue. From accessing numerous scholarly articles to synthesizing diverse perspectives, the process
can be daunting for even the most seasoned researchers.

The intricacies of writing a literature review lie not only in gathering relevant sources but also in
presenting a coherent narrative that contributes meaningfully to the existing body of knowledge. It
requires careful organization, clear articulation of ideas, and a synthesis of various viewpoints to
construct a robust argument.

One of the primary challenges encountered in this endeavor is the vast amount of literature available
on the subject. Sorting through a multitude of sources, ranging from academic journals to
governmental reports, demands considerable time and effort. Moreover, discerning the credibility
and relevance of each source adds another layer of complexity to the task.

Another hurdle is the need to critically analyze and synthesize the information gathered from
disparate sources. Integrating diverse perspectives and identifying key themes and trends amidst the
abundance of literature requires analytical rigor and scholarly acumen.

Furthermore, ensuring coherence and logical flow within the literature review poses a significant
challenge. Seamlessly connecting ideas, arguments, and findings from various sources while
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In the Northern Nigeria states, children experience physical, psychological, social and intellectual
development under this vulnerable condition thereby making them susceptible to mal-nutrition,
disease, abuse and exploitation. Critical Review of Poverty Reduction Programme in Nigeria:
Evidence from Sout. As the government of Nigeria faces development challenges that are key to
both welfare and improvements for it population and enhancement of the economy in particular, this
study act as a source of information on various ways of adopting effective measures of achieving
economic stability through an aspect of fiscal policy known as government expenditure. An
assessment of national poverty eradication programme on wealth creation in. The paper notes that
successive regimes in Nigeria have been introducing different programmes to alleviate poverty. Thus,
growth had practically no effect on poverty in Nigeria during the period under review. This is.
Abnormalities of hormones and inflammatory cytokines in women affected with p. Indian Farmers'
Protest 2020-2021: Using a Food Security Lens to Conduct a Th. Multivariate Analysis of Head
Count Per Capita Poverty Rate across the 36 Sta. However, the anticipated benefits of democracy
have been slow to emerge, and the new dispensation has failed to fulfill the expectations of many
Nigerians. An Insiders’ View of Electoral Politics and the Struggle for Electoral Reform. Nigeria’s
democratisation and decentralisation programmes, and policies to improve. It's like a masterclass to
be explored at your own pace. Many of them have to do with who lost power, who has gained power
and who is. By clicking “Accept All”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Unit root test
using the Augmented Dickey Fuller test was conducted to test for stationarity among variables
employed. In the Nigerian context, unemployment is a major cause of poverty which can be
eradicated through empowerment and wealth creation. For the theoretical significance of the overall
estimates, we evaluated the signs and the sizes of the. The study recommends that all economic
agents led and compelled by the government should engage all sectors of the economy equally so as
to create jobs and start-up business which will in turn raise output, raise factor returns and
consequently lead to sustainable pro-poor growth unaccompanied by income inequality. Paradise
Reforming Civil Military Relations for Sustainable Democracy in Nigeria - Iss. Unit root test using
the Augmented Dickey Fuller test was conducted to test for stationarity among variables employed.
Therefore, the government should work more on job creations by focusing more on the labour-
intensive sectors, basically, Agricultural and Industrial sectors. The state seems to have failed in
promoting the interests of its civil society and most citizens have lost interest in participating in the
activities of government. Where P? is a measure of poverty or the poverty gap index, z is the poverty
line, N is the total sample. Statistics Make data-driven decisions to drive reader engagement,
subscriptions, and campaigns. But investments in the region have, since 2009, been threatened by the
ongoing instability from Boko Haram militants. Time series data over the period from 1980 to 2012
were fitted into the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression equations using various econometric
techniques such as Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) unit root test, Phillips-Perron unit root test,
Johansen co-integration test, and Error Correction Mechanism (ECM) technique. The so-called
“trickle down” phenomenon, underlying the view that growth. Predictors and Incidence of
Kidnapping in Contemporary Nigeria: A Socio-Crimi. Griffin and Ghose 1979), most of these
studies have found an inverse relationship between growth and the.
A deeply researched empirical academic paper on the subject might reveal a more precise answer, but
even such research would potentially be constrained by lack of state-level time series data—spanning
decades—on development indicators and other correlates of poverty. Multivariate Analysis of Head
Count Per Capita Poverty Rate across the 36 Sta. For a country to excel in political, economic and
social development, poverty must be reduced and eradicated. Nigeria is now at a critical juncture in
her history. Download Free PDF View PDF A STUDY OF ETHNIC MILITANCY AND
Abstract Nigeria is characterized along a divided state in which major political issues are vigorously
contested along the lines of complex ethnic divisions. It also shows that there are various linkages
between the six key factors as well as enforcing feedbacks from the various dimensions of poverty in
Nigeria. Thus, increased internally generated revenue (IGR). Data was obtained from secondary
sources namely, World Bank archives, National Bureau of Statistics and a statistical website called
KNOEMA, using the appropriate instruments. The explanation could instead be to do with how
northern elites used oil revenue. Contrary to the widespread expectation that the inauguration of the
civilian administration would usher in democratic stability, the nature of the politics of the transition
program and the reluctance of the post-military regime to address the national question have led to
the resurgence of social groups that make demands for incorporation and empowerment. However,
the civil society in Nigeria has not had a good bargain with the state as poverty pervades the land
with dire consequences on the entire fabrics of society. An autoregressive distributed lag model was
built and estimated with the use of E-views version 10. The level poverty has also created extremist
and terrorist groups, some with religious coloration and some with ethnic and regional affiliations.
An assessment of national poverty eradication programme on wealth creation in. This paper is a
desktop research incorporating secondary data from relevant institutions and agencies. The paper
recommended that in order to have a sustainable economic development, there is need to formulate
policies that adequately link population trends with socioeconomic development. Add Links Send
readers directly to specific items or pages with shopping and web links. The Auto Regressive
Distributive Lag Bound Test for Co-integration was also employed while the Granger Causality test
was conducted so as to ascertain the causal relationship between variables. Agriculture Journal
IJOEAR A parametric debate of value added tax, economic growth and poverty reduction. Griffin
and Ghose 1979), most of these studies have found an inverse relationship between growth and the.
Increase of extreme poverty and hunger in the context of millennium developme. Research shows
that high rate of unemployment causes youth restiveness and gross devastation of human and natural
resources. Authorities - all due to entrenched discriminatory practices. Our research interest here is
tilted more to the casual factors of poverty as opposed to its effects because it is only when an illness
has been clinically diagnosed that the right medications could be administered. Most of this social
injustice happening to these children is justified under social, societal and religious traditions and
practices such include - child begging under Almanjiri Quranic School, Early Marriage and gender
imbalance in Education. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade
your browser. Engineering, Technology and Systems Journals PAPER SUBMISSION EMAIL.
Download Free PDF View PDF Journal of Enterprise and Development Has economic growth
reduced poverty in Nigeria. What resulted was a three-part series which offers a fascinating and
thought-provoking summary of major issues concerning the entrapments and seemingly endless
cycles of poverty.
Agricultural research raises productivity and reduces rural poverty: Emperica. Foster, J., J. Greer and
E. Thorbecke. (1984). “Aclass of decomposable poverty measures”. Engineering, Technology and
Systems Journals PAPER SUBMISSION EMAIL. The so-called “trickle down” phenomenon,
underlying the view that growth. Articles Get discovered by sharing your best content as bite-sized
articles. An assessment of national poverty eradication programme on wealth creation in. Although
some aspects of the Government’s macro-economic strategies, especially its. It covers the period of
years 1980-2009, and the data was mainly from CBN statistical bulletin. S.E. of regression
6.6954285 Akaike info criterion 6.80115. Download Free PDF View PDF Equidad y Desarrollo
Poverty and the Democratization Crisis in Nigeria: A Failure of the Social Contract JOSEPH
OLUTOYIN JIBOKU From the time of philosophers such as Thomas Hobbes, it has been made
explicit that the state and civil society exist under a mutual-reciprocal relationship. Kayode Fayemi
What's hot ( 14 ) Wim biz annual lecture paper women and politics- is the hand that rocks the. This
was done to ascertain which factor input was under intensive use in each sector. An Insiders’ View
of Electoral Politics and the Struggle for Electoral Reform. Employing poverty growth rate as the
dependent variable, Income level growth rate, Adult literacy Growth Rate, Government Expenditure
on Health Growth Rate and Misery Index Growth Rate were employed as explanatory variables.
Policy on Poverty Eradication regard poverty as a condition of: not having enough to. An
assessment of national poverty eradication programme on wealth creation in. It also shows that there
are various linkages between the six key factors as well as enforcing feedbacks from the various
dimensions of poverty in Nigeria. It is absolutely frustrating when one realizes the immense
potentials in Nigeria. The findings of the study reveals that High rate of illiteracy, coupled with low
family incomes stemming from unemployment and lack of good governance in Nigeria explains the
reasons for this menace. This series challenges many of the standard operating assumptions which
may well be invalid. Thus, with the improvement in growth rate of gross domestic product, poverty.
This study adopted a thematic approach, and data was collected at secondary sources. Examination
of the Impact of National Economic Empowerment and Development St. The paper reveals that
poverty is the major reason behind the failure of Nigerian democracy. But opting out of some of
these cookies may affect your browsing experience. At the state level, there is also the State Poverty.
The argument in this research sustains that any threat to life and property is a form of insecurity.
Among these variables however, parent education out-performs others as the most significant
determinant of child poverty in Nigeria. Impact of Low Social Spending on Human Development:
Regional Disparity in Utt. Based on our findings, the study recommends for poverty to be reduced,
there should be an improvement in the health sector, a check in the rising inflation and
unemployment rate in Nigeria and an improvement in human capital development through formal and
informal education.
Nigeria as one of the less-developing economies in the Sub-Saharan exhibits some characteristics
such as Low income (per capita income) inequality, poor health and inadequate education, high
population growth rate, high level of poverty and rising unemployment rate, etc. Authority were
reactive attempts to allay minority fears strongly captured in the. Equally, the average net primary
school enrolment in 1996 was. Social Posts Create on-brand social posts and Articles in minutes. On
his assumption of office in 1999, President Obasanjo inaugurated the Poverty. Insecurity has many
faces and has assumed an alarming proportion. But that story seems unlikely: after all, for long
periods of the time under investigation the north was politically dominant. To browse
and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser.
So Figure 5, below, should be viewed as a commitment to development spending, and not what
leaders in these states actually spent. For the theoretical significance of the overall estimates, we
evaluated the signs and the sizes of the. The Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA) method was
also adopted in Download Free PDF View PDF Poverty and Insecurity in Nigerian Democratic
Dispensation Oladayo Awojobi Download Free PDF View PDF. The results show that poverty in the
previous period, unemployment rate, exchange rate and lending rate have positive impact on poverty
in Nigeria. Download Free PDF View PDF Poverty in Nigeria Joseph Nwibo Download Free PDF
View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable.
Employing the OLS, it was observed that there exists a positive relationship between PCI (Per
Capital Income) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Nigeria. The above explains the lack of
importance attached to policy planning in the various. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized
as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities
of the website. Contrary to the widespread expectation that the inauguration of the civilian
administration would usher in democratic stability, the nature of the politics of the transition program
and the reluctance of the post-military regime to address the national question have led to the
resurgence of social groups that make demands for incorporation and empowerment. The central
claim is that Nigerian Dramatists expose these security challenges and often proffer solutions. The
above, in our view, returns our search to the patterns, texture and quality of. The results indicate that
GDP granger causes income inequality in Nigeria. Source: Federal Office of Statistics (FOS).
“Poverty Profile in Nigeria, 1980-1996”. States unless the institutional relationships are clarified.
Increase of extreme poverty and hunger in the context of millennium developme. This review is
offered as the first piece in the three-part series. Reforming Civil Military Relations for Sustainable
Democracy in Nigeria - Iss. The paper notes that successive regimes in Nigeria have been introducing
different programmes to alleviate poverty. The equivalent number of poor people rose from 39.2
million to 112.47 million (see Figure 1). Cookie Settings Accept All Reject All Privacy Policy
Manage consent. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website,
What future for Poverty Reduction and Eradication in Nigeria. Download Free PDF View PDF
Understanding Children's Experiences of Poverty: An Introduction to the DEV Framework Thomas
Feeny This paper argues that children experience poverty in three domains: Deprivation, Exclusion
and Vulnerability. QR Codes Generate QR Codes for your digital content. Wim biz annual lecture
paper women and politics- is the hand that rocks the. We also use third-party cookies that help us
analyze and understand how you use this website. For three consecutive years, 2000, 2001 and 2002,
it has maintained that unenviable position. It recommends a selfless leadership that will liberate the
people from the throes of poverty and give them the strength of moral character to make rational and
informed choice of leaders through the ballot. Nigeria’s case is pathetic because amidst natural
endowments and human resources in the country, the rate of poverty surges on a daily basis.
Predictors and Incidence of Kidnapping in Contemporary Nigeria: A Socio-Crimi. It also analyses
the political process of Nigeria and how it manipulates the youths in contributing to insecurity.
Insecurity has many faces and has assumed an alarming proportion. From the above table, we can
conclude that there is a long-run equilibrium relationship between the. Intellectuals In Politics And
Governance In Africa: The Lessons And Legacies. Thus, during most elections, Nigeria has
witnessed various forms of electoral malpractices and even post-election violence as experienced in
different parts of the country. Some studies have found a positive relationship, others a negative
relationship while some found no correlation between the two variables. The result reveals a
significant and positive relationship between. It is thus suggested that, aside boosting the GDP, an
increased effective government spending on education and public health facilities, as well as
programmes that are meant primarily for the non-privileged like children, women and the poor in
general, be provided for poverty and inequality to reduce. Government is poised to get policies and
processes right in this new era, although not. This study is an empirical analysis of economic growth
and income inequality in Nigeria. Equally significant is the development of educational and health
facilities to build the abundance of human resources available in the country. The study, therefore,
examines the state of social protection in Nigeria; the nature and crisis of vulnerabilities and risks
among children in Northern Nigeria; examines the existing children social protection in Nigeria and
the challenges faced in the execution. Time series data over the period from 1980 to 2012 were fitted
into the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression equations using various econometric techniques
such as Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) unit root test, Phillips-Perron unit root test, Johansen co-
integration test, and Error Correction Mechanism (ECM) technique. The North is currently
disadvantaged in this respect. Reforming Civil Military Relations for Sustainable Democracy in
Nigeria - Iss. National Assessment and Evaluation Committee (NAEC), the National Coordinating.
No question, oil-producing states in the South receive higher monthly federal allocations (50 percent
as of 1960-69; 45 percent as of 1971-75; and 13 percent from 1999-date), and also have higher IGRs
than states in the North. Alexander Decker Agricultural research raises productivity and reduces rural
poverty: Emperica. GDP and private investment have positive effects on poverty while inflation has
negative impact on poverty. But that story seems unlikely: after all, for long periods of the time
under investigation the north was politically dominant. The results suggest the GDP, CPI, population
growth and education are all true determinants of income inequality in Nigeria.

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