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MS set Consumable Booklet of Dr. Praveen Kumar Jha (Madhipura) : (English Version) Piease fill up the following informations :— Name... . Sex. Age.. . Religion... Caste... .. Rural / Urban... Education.. Type of Family. ... Family Income, Father's Occupation. INSTRUCTIONS Some statements are given in the pages’2, 3 & 4 where situations are such in which an individual has to solve his problems. Each statement contains five response alternatives—Totally disagree (1), Disagree (2), UNdecided (3), Agree (4) and Strongly agree (6) and these are separately shown vide ‘S' category on left side of statement and "" category on right side of statement. You have to go through these statements in the middle and tick mark (Vv). Your choices in any of the five cells (1) of response alternatives as given. For example, if your choice for a particular statement is Agree you have to tick mark the cell [1] below agree response. SCORING TABLE : Pages 2 3 4. Total Interpretation ‘$’ Category "T Category —— 4 Estd. 1985 @©: (0562) 355497 RAKHI PRAKASHAN 6/9, H.I.G, FLATS, SANJAY PLACE HOUSING SOCIETY, AGRA-282 002 2 | Consumable Booklet of C $1 ‘S' Category otal ade STATEMENTS Pisngree| Hare ied [Aare Ka 1. When confronted with a problem, | try to Judge it or try to understanding it from the OQ o000a0q bottom, 2. | prefer to analyse a problem ora ituation and ensure if any specific ‘meaning’ is emerging from the given QO aoaq0gQ facts 7 oo o Qa oO o og a 3. While solving a problem | draw a map at my mental level 4. Internally | develope a system where | Could collect and store the: informations after solving a problem. ‘When | am at work in course of solving a Problem, I find mysett talking loudly, 6. In Course of solving a problem. I first ‘concentrate on its important parts. 7. While solving a problem | take into accounts its different aspects and lay ‘down its limit 8. I consider a problem in a systematic and step-wise manner. 9, lexamine a problem inits totality before considering its parts separately. 10, The best and the most effective way to Solve a problem is to solve it logically and ‘conscientiously, 11. To combat a problem effectively, a man should take firm and bold steps, 12, For finding out a solution of a problem in its entirety, | carefully link its various parts and put them in a series, 13, Before taking steps for the solution of a problem I examine the relationship between the integral parts of the problem besides viewing it in totality, 14, I work with a presumption that solution of all the problems is pre-destined, 15. All problems are open and explicit in their ‘own shapes and they present many Probabilities for us. fees (2) ae el asl eee] oO o00o00og oO o00gqgq00g o.0 od oa og Qo a a ooog ooa a a ‘M0baeD) Consumable Booklet of C $/ [3 __ ‘s' Category Unde ‘eaaty | osagree |UNde;| agra [rar ded rota Agree STATEMENTS ‘I Category Totally" Disagree ree] U*de-| gran] To Disgrne Unde | Acree) foal oadcudd Oo a o Oo Qo 16. 17. 20. 21. 22. 23, 24, 25. 26. { collect all informations in my mental frame like a computer and then derive a lot of statistics by dissecting them into ‘several parts, | determine the most appropriate information which may solve the problem with accuracy, by using the images already present in my memory in the form of information. Before solving a problem try to plan and search the ways for finding out a solution. Normally | depend on perceptions, determination and non-verbal indications as auxilliary factors in the process of solving a problem. While solving a problem'| normally believe in facts and figures. While solving a problem, | think on the probable alternatives quickly and at the same time scrutinize,them as early as possible. | search for the additional information systematically and select the sources of information carefully. I contemplate various ways of solving a problem and alternative measures simul- taneously. In the process of solving a problem, first of alll identity the different factors which may create hurdles. ———-.— While analysing a problem it appears to. me that | move forward from the first step to the second and then start thinking backward or say, turn back to the first one again. While making a deep analyse of the problem, I'realise that | am moving “ systematically from one step to another, 27. Normally | inquire many sources of statistics and during the.process of searching ways of solution, my eyes spread on to many other informations, 4 | Consumable Booklet of CSI ‘S' Category Unde. cided Dtaree| Unde |aaran| Totaly STATEMENTS ‘V Category nae elded | 40 © 2001, All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is a violation of Copyright Aa Cognitive Style lwventory (CS) Er 28. When I am working at a complex Problem, | divide it into small units in order to make them accessible for solution, 29. In course of solving a problem, | apprehend that I trun back to the same logistics frequently and each time | get a different insight, 30, I'collect the given facts and sources of informations legally, logically and serially toa certain limit, 31. Generally | take into account the dimension of the problem and its jurisdiction so that a complete picture of the solution could be drawn, 32, When I seek a solution of a problem modus operandi is well-organised and quite extensive, ‘83. I solve a problem quickly and effectively without wasting much tirie on modalities, 34, Ihave a very good memory and have, due interest in mathematics. ~35. | am not bothered by uncertainties and incredibitities. 36. I consider myself and others credible and predictable, 37. | possess a number of ideas and | am inquisitive by nature, 38, It is my nature to keep away from momentary ideas with changes. 39. | look at myself as well as others as one who is ready to take risk. 40. | am never vexed by the ‘status quo’ because | feel novelty always proves to be better, Version, oo09g ooo ood oad oo0 goog ooeg ogocaog Bee

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