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Chapter # Forest


It means that the resources should be used in such a way that not only the
present generation benefits from them, but the future generations also continue
to benefit from them.

Sustainable Forestry:

Sustainable forestry means that forests are utilized in such a way that they remain
productive for a long time. When mature trees are cut, new saplings are planted.
If this is not done forests will be depleted exposing the soil for soil erosion.
Therefore re-afforestation is necessary for sustainable forestry. This will ensure
supplies of wood will be available for a long time in future.


Q1# State two effects of deforestation in mountain areas?


 Soil erosion.
 Siltation in dams.

Q2# Explain how soil erosion could be controlled in mountain areas?

Answer: The soil erosion can be controlled by afforestation to hold back the soil.
It can also be done by terracing and contour ploughing.

Q3# There has been deforestation within the areas with natural forests. How has
this caused problems for:

a) Communication in the mountain areas.

b) Hydro-electric power supplies.

a) Deforestation in mountain areas causes landslides. Roots of trees bind and

hold the soil. Trees also check surface run-off of rain water. When hill sides
are cleared of trees the soil gets soaked with water and a portion of the hill
slips downwards which can block the roads. In this way communication is
b) After deforestation rain water carries down large amount of silt by surface
run-off. The silt accumulates in the reservoirs of dams and reduces water
storage capacity of the dams. The life of the dam is reduced. Reduced
amount of water in the reservoir affects and decreases power generating
capacity of the hydroelectric power station. The silt may choke the tunnels
leading to the turbine and may damage the machinery.

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