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School LUMBANGAN NHS Grade Level 7



I. OBJECTIVES 1. Familiarize the different types of multimedia resources.

2.Identify the importance of their use and functions: and
3.Use correct and appropriate multi-media resources when orally giving information,
Instructions, making explanations and narrating events.
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine literature in the Period of Emergence as a tool to assert one’s
identity; strategies in listening to and viewing of informative and short narrative texts; word relationships and
associations; informative speech forms; and use of direct/reported speech, passive/ active voice, simple past and past
perfect tenses, and sentence connectors.
B. Performance Standards The learner transfers learning by: showing ways of asserting one’s identity; comprehending informative and short
narrative texts using schema and appropriate listening and viewing strategies; expressing ideas, opinions, and feelings
through various formats; and enriching written and spoken communication using direct/reported speech,
active/passive voice, simple past and past perfect tenses and connectors correctly and appropriately
C. Most Essential Learning Competency Use correct and appropriate multi-media resources when orally giving information,
Instructions, making explanations and narrating events in personal or factual recounts.
D. Enabling Competency

Appropriate Multimedia Resources



A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Final K to 12 MELC with CG Codes, p. 137
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR portal)
5. Other Learning Resources Laptop, PowerPointPresentation, Television, Pictures.


A. Preliminary Activities The teacher will greet the students.

The teacher will ask one student to lead the prayer
The teacher will ensure the readiness of the class by asking them to perform a fun creative applause.
The teacher will check the attendance of the class.
The teacher will give the 10 Word of the Day.
B. Review The teacher will prepare an activity entitled
1. Through PPT the teacher will prepare four (4) square illustrations, each illustration contain meaning and concepts
regarding the last topic.
2. Using a wheel of numbers the teacher will call 4 students to choose or pick one from the illustration.
3. The students that will be chosen will answer the question.
4. If the student doesn’t know the answer he/she will have a chance to call a friend to help him/her answer the

C. Establishing a purpose for the The teacher together with the students will have a game entitled:
lesson Guess what?
Word: MALL + TIE
D. Presenting examples /instances The teacher will ask the student to answer the following questions.
of the new lesson
1. What do you see in the first picture? What do you see in the second picture? What do you see in the third picture?
2. From these three pictures presented what do you think is our topic for today’s discussion?
3. Are you familiar with multimedia?
“Let’s find out if you already encountered multimedia before.
But before I gave you the meaning of multimedia I want you all to remember this question and later on we
will going to answer it.
4. It is possible to create a multimedia resources without technology?

Multimedia. It is concerned with computer-controlled integration of text, graphs, drawings, still and moving
images (video), animation, audio, and any other media where any type of information is represented, stored,
transmitted and processed digitally.
Multi- several/ many
Media- in the middle Sender INFORMATION Receiver

The teacher will show an example of picture

E. Discussing new concepts and The teacher will ask the students to analyze the given picture above by answering the questions:
practicing new skills #1
1. Is this picture is an example of multimedia resources?
2. Why it is an example of multimedia resources?
Remember that Multimedia should consist two or perhaps all types of communication or different multimedia
resources. What are those?
The teacher will let the students read the different multimedia resources with its meaning.
The teacher will also show an example under each of the multimedia resources
1. Text materials.
2. PowerPoint slides
3. Photographs and other still images.
4. Audio files.
5. Video presentations.
6. GiF’s / other forms of animation.

F. Discussing new concepts and The teacher together with the students will have an activity entitled:
practicing new skills #2
Where do I belong?
Before the teacher reveal and discuss the usability of the multimedia resources,
The teacher will ask the students to identify the usability of multimedia by categorizing the usage of each multimedia
resources, or where it can be use? To measure their idea of the concepts.

MULTIMEDIA It can be used in

RESOURCES Giving Giving instruction Making explanations Narrating events
1 Text with other / / / /
2 PowerPoint slides / / / /
3 Photographs/still / / / /
4 audio / / / /
5 video / / / /
6 Gif’s / Animation / /
The teacher will discuss the common file types, and how multimedia resources are used.


1. Text TXT
Text with other elements DOC, DOCX, PDF
2. PowerPoint Slides PPT, PPTX, PPTM, POT, POTX
3. images JPG, PNG, TIF, BMP,
4. audio MP3, WAV, WMA
5. video AVI, WMV, FLV, MOV, MP4
6. animation GIF, FLV

G. Developing mastery (Leads to The teacher will divide the class into 2 groups
Formative Assessment) ROLE- PLAYING (15 MINS)
The teacher will provide situation for each group, this situation will be presented by role-play.
Sit.1 For instance, I entered the room with the topic about the latest weather news regarding the strong typhoon.
Sit.2 you’re talking to a friend about the controversial Kathniel breakup and you want to inform and convince her about
the authenticity of that news.

The role-play should show and answer the following question:

1. What is the best multimedia resources should you use? WHY?


Concept - 50%
Delivery – 20%
Teamwork- 30%
TOTAL: 100%

H. Finding practical applications of The teacher will ask the students to share their experience of using some multimedia resources in their daily living by
concepts and skills in daily answering the question:
living Knowing what multimedia resources is, by any chance did you use one of them before?
In what instances or how?

I. Making generalizations and The teacher will ask the students to generalize the lesson through the following questions.
abstractions about the lesson
What is multimedia resources?
Give an example of multimedia resources.
J. Evaluation Multiple choice
Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer in your notebook.

1. What’s best multimedia resources can be use in analyzing the intensity of a typhoon?
a. text
b. audio
c. video
d. image
2. In making infographics what multimedia resources can you combine in able to create informative and creative
a. text, images and other elements
b. text, image, audio
c. text, image, video
d. Gif, powerpoint slides, video
3. You’re asked to narrate the events of the story maria makiling what multimedia resources best use?
a. still images
b. powerpointslide presentation
c. audio presentation
d. video presentation.
4. Your English Teacher will discuss new lessons about idioms, nowadays what commonly multimedia resources should
your teacher use as an instructional materials?
a. chalks and blackboard
b. still images
c. PowerpointPresentation slides
d. GIF
5. In the absence of an expensive camera to record, which of the following could be a better replacement?
a. radio
b. personal smartphone
c. digital camera
d. PowerPointPresentation slides
K. Additional activities for Is it a Fact or Bluff
application or remediation Directions: Write Fact if the statement is correct and Bluff if the statement is wrong.

______F___1. Audio is a presentation program developed by Microsoft.

______T___2. JPG, PNG, TIF,BMP is the common file type for IMAGES.
______T___3.GIF is abbreviation for Graphic Image Files
_____T____4. Multimedia is a broad term for combining multiple media formats.
_____F____5. Personal Smartphone can’t be used as a replacement to an expensive camera to record.


A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation.

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these

F. What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/ discover
which I wish to share with other

Prepared by:


Head Teacher I, English
Principal III

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