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Question 5 of 72

Sartorius is innervated by which of the following?

Obturator 13%

Femoral 76%

Ilioinguinal 5%

Tibial 2%

Sciatic 4%

Sartorius is innervated by the femoral nerve. It flexes, abducts, laterally

rotates the hip and flexes the knee.

Diagram illustrating position of Sartorius muscle

Image sourced from Wikipedia

For the exam you are expected to know the actions and innervations of
all the thigh muscles. You don't need to know origins and insertions.
When thinking about the thigh remember there are 3 compartments:
medial, anterior and posterior and as a rule of thumb they are supplied
by obturator, femoral and sciatic nerves respectively.

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Diagram illustrating position of Iliacus & psoas muscles

Image sourced from Wikipedia

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