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Hello, good day to everyone. In this video you will see a small presentation about my personal life.

I am Alejandro García Duarte, I am 34 years old, and I will soon turn 35 on March 18. I currently
live in the city of Barranquilla; I have a wife and a son. My wife is a pediatrician, her name is
Ángela Muñeton and she is 36 years old, and my son David is 9 years old and is in fourth grade at
the Liceo de Cervantes School, which by the way is a Bilingual school and we are guiding him to
master the English language.
Now I will talk about my profession. First of all, I am a software engineering student, I am in the
2nd semester but I am looking at some classes for the third semester because my idea is to finish my
degree early. In addition to this I have some project management and English courses (without
certification). In my project management course, I obtained a diploma from the University of
To continue, I will tell you about my work, I am currently working in a multinational company that
has its main office in Germany, by the way I was there in 2022 receiving training and getting to
know the country, sorry for the comment but it was important for me. In this company I work as an
IT consultant which consists of managing the entire project with our first client in Colombia, my
main activities are: conducting training, receiving all the requirements, analyzing new
functionalities, and talking with our developers to find the best way to present them in our software.
For this job, the English language is very important because my bosses do not speak Spanish and
our main language to communicate is English.
Before continuing with another part of my life I would like to explain how I learned English. This
was during the pandemic when we were sent home from my last job and I started playing video
games online with a friend and he spoke to another gamer in English better than me, so I looked for
a personal teacher and in a year or less I improved the way I spoke and wrote. That was one of the
best decisions I made because it helped me do the interview at this company and I've been here for
two and a half years now.
Now I will tell you how often I buy certain things for myself or my family. If we refer to shoes, we
are buying them frequently, for example I have between 22-23 pairs of shoes and my wife has more
than me and for video games I sometimes buy them.
For books and coffee, we almost never buy it and my wife usually buys makeup. And we rarely buy
home furniture only when something is damaged.
I hope this little introduction helps you get to know me a little more.

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