Literature Review On Motivation and Employee Performance

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Crafting a literature review on motivation and employee performance can be a daunting task for

many individuals. It requires extensive research, critical analysis, and synthesis of existing literature
to provide a comprehensive overview of the topic. With numerous studies, theories, and perspectives
available, sorting through the vast amount of information can be overwhelming.

One of the biggest challenges in writing a literature review is ensuring that all relevant studies are
included while maintaining a coherent narrative. It involves identifying key themes, trends, and gaps
in the literature to offer valuable insights into the relationship between motivation and employee

Moreover, literature reviews require a significant amount of time and effort to complete. From
conducting thorough literature searches to meticulously reviewing and summarizing each study, the
process can be time-consuming and labor-intensive.

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The association between Writing Proficiency and other factors is of significance, i.e., the moderate to
high positive correlations seen with Perfectionism (0.45), Learning Self-Efficacy (0.35), and
Motivation (0.40). The observed correlation coefficient of 0.25 between Perfectionism and Learning
Self-Efficacy (LSE) indicates a slight positive link. Knowledge of how different tasks in a job may
elicit different levels and types of motivation, and how these differences between tasks may
interplay, would enable practitioners to organize work in ways that maximize favorable outcomes of
motivation and minimize unfavorable outcomes. Housand BC, Housand AM (2012) The role of
technology in gifted students’ motivation. Besides known as public presentation reappraisal, it
officially paperss the accomplishments of an person with respects to put marks. Springer, Berlin
Yamane T (1967) Statistics, an introductory analysis, 2nd edn. In the following section on results,
differences in conceptualization and reasons for inclusion will be provided continuously. When
analyzing Perfectionism, it is seen that the Multidimensional Scale (MS) and Personal Standards (PS)
indicators have significant factor loadings, ranging from 0.85 to 0.90, respectively. The substantial
factor loadings highlight a strong correlation between the underlying concept of Perfectionism and
the observable indicators, thereby emphasizing their significant contributions to its assessment.
While tools are primarily used to achieve an external goal, toys are used for their own sake. Lazar et
al. ( 2006 ), and Eden et al. ( 2010 ) examined (stationary) computers in the workplace while the
growing mobile access to data plays a major role in a survey undertaken by Sinha and Arora ( 2015 ).
Other researchers follow the perspective of this model by viewing external aspects as restricting
motivation and performance (Demerouti and Bakker 2011; Karasek 1979 ). The construct is widely
being used in administrations with a position to obtain better consequences and improved public
presentations from the work force. This study provides important insights that educators,
policymakers, and practitioners may use in EFL education in China and other real-world language
learning environments. During this assessment, we find that that a large part of motivation research
has only marginally considered workplace technologies in their research. Abraham Maslow explored
a hierarchy of needs, from the most basic physical needs to the most internal needs for
selfactualization, and found that individuals respond to motivation that meets their lowest need at a
particular point in time. If the successful assessment system is established so there will be clear
purposes and aims, and will be able to implement reasonably. As China actively participates in
partnerships with overseas counterparts, proficient written communication in the English language
emerges as a crucial factor for achieving success in global endeavors. The paths between workplace
technologies and individual outcomes lack understanding (Parker and Ohly 2008 ). Having described
the quantity and structure of our 67 search results, we turn to the content of the publications in the
following sections. A sample size of 80 respondents was used for the study. This association suggests
that the personal urge to achieve perfection might act as a motivating factor that improves the quality
of written work. Religious affiliation is considered prosocial because it satisfies the need for
belongingness and upholds collective well-being through gatherings to worship, seek assistance, and
offer comfort within religious communities. They need someone to talk, to discuss ideas and to share
their happiness and other emotions. The study hypothesizes that: Hypothesis 2 Teacher’s motivation
positively affects their performance. This project explores the effects that motivation has on the job
performance of employees. Such concerns have raised questions such as the following: (1) Does pay
rise correlate with performance? (2) Are there other factors that ought to be considered in the nexus
between motivation and performance? (3) Are there any significant differences in the level of
performance among various age cohorts (4) Do educational background motivate teachers to perform
better. A comprehensive literature review on the The role of work and the characteristics of the
workplace have changed greatly in recent decades. Through this research, a deeper understanding of
the roles of competence, autonomy, and social relatedness, as well as social situations and cultural
values on work motivation, is achieved. The following policy suggestions are proposed to facilitate a
comprehensive and culturally aware approach to EFL education, promoting an atmosphere favorable
to language learning and mastery, i.e., Academia must engage in collaborative efforts with educators
in order to develop an EFL curriculum that effectively integrates culturally relevant subject matter
and instructional approaches. To stay competitive a company will have to keep its employees fully
involved in everything that is happening towards their business outcomes. The existing knowledge
gap presents an opportunity to explore the ways in which people from various cultural backgrounds,
such as EFL learners in China, participate in reflective practices.
University of Maiduguri; ISSN 1118-6224, Vol.2, No.1 The performance of an organisation depends
on its employees. This denotes that there is the belief that if an employee has work good, he or she
will go on on that gait. All documents published in peer-review journals, as conference papers, or as
accepted dissertations were included in initial screening. PDF Literature Review on Employee
Motivation employees, then the factors affecting work motivation, it is necessary to get a clear
analysis, and then for each factor, maximise the improvement of employee motivation, is the A Brief
Literature Review on Employee Motivation A Brief Literature Review on Employee Motivation.
Since humane orientation is correlated with philanthropy and promotes good relations, this cultural
value may enhance work motivation. The study finds compensation package, job design and
environment and performance management system to be positively significant factors in explaining
teacher’s motivation in the municipality. It was observed that tonss of unfavorable judgments were
pointed out by the directors, which lead to defensive behavior of the employees. Performance
appraisal rating can be considered as a technique that has a positive effect on work performance and
employee motivation. In order to optimize organizational end products it. This association suggests
that the personal urge to achieve perfection might act as a motivating factor that improves the quality
of written work. The association between autonomy and work motivation at different levels of
humane orientation. This study aims to provide significant insights into the metacognitive processes
that influence language learning outcomes among Chinese EFL learners. The main idea behind the
study of organisational behaviour is to apply a scientific approach towards the management of
human resources. I want to make my research on methods of public presentation assessment that
which methods are more utile and give best consequence to measure the public presentation of the
employees. What kind of motivation can best be used to increase employee performance. Wright
BM, Cordery JL (1999) Production uncertainty as a contextual moderator of employee reactions to
job design. J Multiling Multicultural Dev. 2023b.. Li C. Exploring L2 Motivational Dynamics among
Chinese EAP learners in an EMI Context from a Socio-cultural perspective. SAGE Open.
2023;13(2).. Wang L, Hamid MO. Journey towards an unreachable destiny: parental struggles in the
intergenerational transmission of Chinese as a heritage language in Australia. Many of these
publications used the term “motivation” to describe the relevance of the topic. Similarly, the job
design and working environment scale recorded a Cronbach alpha coefficient of 0.793. Performance
management on the other hand had a Cronbach alpha coefficient of 0.70, yet training and
development recorded a lower Cronbach alpha of 0.53, which meant it lacked internal consistency.
Mediated technologies still contain prescribed processes; however, the tool to be applied must be
chosen individually by the employee. The data collection involved administering a structured
questionnaire survey, ensuring reliability and accuracy. The survey utilized a Likert scale ranging
from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree) to assess various constructs, including
perfectionism, learning self-efficacy, motivation, writing skills, cultural influences, and self-
reflection. Employee Motivation: An Empirical Review and Focus on Future Research Directions
ABSTRACT This paper presents an empirical review and deep analytics of the latest researches done
on the concept of. Wiley, New York Methot LL, Phillips-Grant K (1998) Technological advances in
the Canadian workplace: an I-O perspective. Therefore, the literature review discusses the relevant
research that is useful to the objectives of this research project. Each extract was divided into 4
concentration groups. In their survey, they focused on managerial control of office space. Come
appraisal time and one of the most debated aspects of completing the fair-andsquare appraisal
revolves around what is 'measured' and what is achieved'. The study therefore, recommends that
management should liaise with GETFUND and other donor agencies such as Habitant International
to build residential accommodation for staff and institute end of year awards ceremonies to motivate
staff. This survey is performed every five years to explore changes in people’s values and perceptions.
Fluency in English has become more critical in academic, professional, and international contexts in
China as a result of the country’s rapid economic development and rising global significance. In his
survey on equity, Greenberg ( 1988 ) distributed status symbols, like remuneration and offices,
among sales managers. A cross-cultural analysis makes the findings more objective by minimizing
individual bias towards any particular culture. Divergent validity, examining the distinctiveness of
different latent variables, and convergent validity, assessing the extent to which indicators of the
same latent variable converge, were thoroughly estimated. One possible interpretation of this
opposite result is that, when the majority of the organization members recognize individuals’
competence, these individuals may perceive that it is not necessary to devote most of their time and
energy to work anymore. Cultural variables have a crucial role in influencing the expression of
perfectionistic impulses among Chinese EFL learners. The ease of use is determined by—among
other factors—an intuitive interface. 5 Discussion We examined publications from the fields of
psychology, management, educational sciences, and facility management. In explaining this
phenomenon, one would say that jobs that are rich in positive behavioral essentials such as
autonomy, task significance and identity and feedback contribute to employees’ motivation. The
final data included 32,614 respondents in 25 countries aged 18 and above. Sixteen (94.1%) had
complete PD and one (5.9%) had incomplete PD. Results Sixty patients with 132 levels of VCF
treated were evaluated. First, they have access to a platform to express their individual needs and
help select the workplace technology in a manner that achieves needs satisfaction. The primary
outcome was a modified Rankin Scale (mRS) score at 3 months. Their results show increased
satisfaction and motivation. Individuals who have a robust belief in their ability to succeed,
sometimes referred to as self-efficacy, are more likely to display increased levels of desire, active
participation, and, ultimately, enhanced performance in the acquisition of a new language. Accuracy
is the primary goal of any appraisal system. Front Psychol. 2022;13:1010010. Article PubMed
PubMed Central Google Scholar Nam BH, Yang Y, Draeger R Jr. In: Kanfer R, Chen G, Pritchard
RD (eds) Work motivation: past, present and future. The performance standards are quantified and
pegged against an individual evaluation which is essential for employee motivation. However,
workplace technology is not at the center of attention but can instead be perceived as “background
music” within these approaches. A talented employee who may appear to be underperforming could
be lost, or a lack lustre employee could be promoted in favour of someone with more potential. The
implications for Chinese and foreign language instructors, policymakers, and practitioners are
enormous. Data availability Data will be made available upon request to corresponding author. Safari
P. A critical reflection on (re) construction of my identity as an English language learner and English
teacher. In this paper AHP ( analytic hierarchy procedure ) to measure employee public presentation.
While many individuals may be motivated by academic ambitions, others may see English language
competence as a crucial factor in gaining access to global employment markets or pursuing foreign
educational prospects. Training implies constructive development in such Employee Development
Programs are designed to meet specific objectives, which contribute to both employee and
organizational effectiveness. Conceptual framework and hypothesis development In this section, the
study harmonizes the components of the SDT theory into a conceptual framework on motivation and
performance connection. Both socially related and unrelated individuals belonging to in-group
collective cultures tend to work harder for common goals. The standard of education continues to be
a major concern in the educational setup of Ghana. Miller et al. ( 2001 ) show that providing
choices—even on small and cost-effective features—can be applied successfully in many cases:
choosing and arranging furniture or personalizing one’s desk can have a positive effect on
motivation. 5.3 Agenda for further research While this paper provides only a partial examination of
the available literature, our structured approach offers a comprehensive picture of existing research.
It should also be emphasized here that these job satisfaction factors may pass as job motivational
factors and theorize that a highly motivated teacher may be related to the level of satisfaction. From
a comprehensive review of literature on earlier studies, it was found that the preceding researches
didn't make thorough endeavor to address the effects employee relation on employee performance.
With current technological advances, intensive technologies are on the rise. The emphasis on human
capital in organisations reflects the view that market value depends less on tangible resources,
Employee Performance Appraisals. The study employs a quantitative approach on a sample of 254
teachers from a population of 678 in the Effutu Municipality of Ghana, of which 159 questionnaires
were duly answered and returned (representing 62.6% return rate). Using multiple regression and
ANOVA, the study finds compensation package, job design and environment and performance
management system as significant factors in determining teacher’s motivation in the municipality. To
extinguish these negative things there is a effort with a computing machine based tool called Data
Envelopment Analysis ( DEA ) which is used in the on the job topographic point to measure the
public presentation of employees. It has been in the Centre of involvement for many Fieldss due to
the fact that it is a manner of determination, understanding and explicating the grounds why people
choose to act in a certain manner and the possible results that. Sage Publications Ltd Stafyarakis M
(2002) HRD and performance management. Motivation is one of the most significant ways to attract
and retain employees in an organization as well as to make them to do most productive and efficient
work. The result of the discriminant validity test indicates that all the two latent constructs have a
square root of AVE higher than its correlation with the other construct, as presented in Table 4. These
job motivation factors were significant predictors on job performance. Fluency in English is needed
to take advantage of the many worldwide possibilities presented by China’s rise to global
superpower status. The current study identified no qualitative studies investigating cross-task
motivation, and so a great potential avenue for understanding the phenomenon of fluctuating
motivation would be through theoretical development from such studies. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
coined the term “ flow ” in 1990 to describe a mental state in which a person is fully focused on a
task. The model exhibits a satisfactory fit to the observed data, as shown by the CFI value of 0.96
and the RMSEA value of 0.06. The inclusion of these indices, in addition to the component
loadings, serves to enhance the reliability and validity of the measurement model in accurately
capturing the psychological aspects that are being examined. The Matthew Effect advocates that
even if employees struggle to make good, their past assessment studies will know apart their
hereafter advancement. The mediating and moderating roles of the L2 motivational self system.
Therefore, the literature review discusses the relevant research that is useful to the objectives of this
research project. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. One
possible explanation for this is that, under an in-group collective society, people put more weight on
mutual relationships and encourage acts that may build up the solidarity of groups. Most of the
results though are from the 2000s and later, where the diversity of disciplines and origin increased.
The research utilizes a diverse sample from multiple universities across different regions of China,
incorporating demographic factors to encompass the varied characteristics within the EFL learner
community. The remaining question is then; how does situational motivation behave differently from
job motivation. At the same time, the very same technology also enables managers to monitor their
subordinates more closely and can increase the expectancy to be available at any time. Sixth, the
relationship between competence and work motivation is negatively moderated by religious
affiliation. J Educ Psychol. 2023.. Sadoughi M, Hejazi SY, Lou NM. Additionally, this study adds
considerably to language learning knowledge. To assess the measurement, convergent and
discriminant validity were tested. Therefore, job satisfaction and burnout levels can have significant
impacts on employee well-being and performance. Although a vast number of articles were screened,
choices were made both in choosing the appropriate keywords, choice of research domains, and
search systems, meaning that there is always a possibility that some studies were missed in the search
Housand and Housand ( 2012 ) also focus on training applications—placing emphasis on educational
purposes. Here, the focus of the studies was on the cognitive aspects of cross-task motivation, such
as memory ( Philippe et al., 2019 ) and attention ( Ratelle et al., 2005; Becker et al., 2019; Newton et
al., 2020 ). The study by Philippe et al. (2019) found that memories of need satisfaction predicted
increased self-determined motivation in a subsequent task, which supports a carryover effect of
motivation that is sustained by memory processes. Three studies all examined the effect of a sudden
loss of meaning in one task on motivation in a subsequent task. The findings revealed that a
significant relationship was found between motivation and job performance of employees at
Adamawa State University, Mubi. Adopting a survey design with well-structured questionnaire, we
collected quantitative data and analyzed same using descriptive and inferential statistics. In this
article 360 grade assessment has been discussed that it is really of import to give the feedback to the
employees about their public presentations. The importance of the English language as a method of
communication and a gateway to better professional and educational opportunities has created this
demand. The performance standards are quantified and pegged against an individual evaluation
which is essential for employee motivation. However, on the part senior and junior staff, it is only
free medical care they benefit from. In other words, both competent and incompetent individuals
tend to be more motivated at the workplace if they are affiliated with any religion, thereby
diminishing the influence of competence in work motivation. The Matthew Effect advocates that
even if employees struggle to make good, their past assessment studies will know apart their
hereafter advancement. In this paper, we present a novel combination of a neural inverse optimal
control via control Lyapunov function (CLF) combined with a kernel-based regularization learning
predictive algorithm (KAR) for optimal control of the blood glucose levels with a strong focus on
timely detection and prevention of acute debilitating and harmful hypoglycemic events. Download
Free PDF View PDF Free PDF Cytotoxic Test of Ethanol Extract of Bintaro Fruit and Peel (Cerbera
odollam Gaertn.) against Artemia salina Leach Larvae Ainun Rahma International Journal of Current
Science Research and Review Bintaro (Cerbera odollam Gaertn). The thesis is a literature research
and thus a review by the work of others. Employee Motivation and Productivity: a Review of
Literature and The objective of this paper is to conduct a literature review and analysis on theories
and empirical evidence on the relationship between employee motivation and organizational
productivity with a. The participants in the study had a moderate degree of perfectionist inclinations,
as indicated by a mean score of 3.75 and a standard deviation of 0.92 on a scale ranging from 2 to 5.
This results could be a fundamental step to improve working conditions. These terms represent a
rather general understanding including—but not focusing on—workplace technologies. Consenting
to these technologies will allow us to process data such as browsing behavior or unique IDs on this
site. Their explanation for this finding is in line with the finding of Shin and Grant (2019), as they
hypothesize that individuals may have picked the most interesting tasks at the beginning of the day,
reporting their motivation for these, and then followed up with less and less interesting tasks
throughout the day, before reporting their productivity and job satisfaction at the end of the day.
Relationship between perfectionism and EFL writing proficiency The idea of perfectionism in
psychology has gained prominence in the field of second language learning because of its profound
impact on students’ mental processes and academic outcomes. The performance standards are
quantified and pegged against an individual evaluation which is essential for employee motivation.
Lazar et al. ( 2006 ), and Eden et al. ( 2010 ) examined (stationary) computers in the workplace while
the growing mobile access to data plays a major role in a survey undertaken by Sinha and Arora (
2015 ). These observations provide valuable contributions to the broader understanding of the many
elements that impact the results of language acquisition. In addition, several researchers have used
the same measurement or dimension but with different wording (synonym). To browse
and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser.
Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and
institutional affiliations. It is worth noting that SDT differentiates between controlled motivation and
autonomous motivation. It is of great importance to an organization to recognize ways in which it
can use employee motivation to positively affect employee performance. Nevertheless, there needs to
be more cross-cultural analysis of these variables, particularly in relation to Chinese EFL learners.
In their Expanded Work Design Model based on the JCM, Humphrey et al. ( 2007 ) conducted a
meta-analysis with 259 studies and 219,625 participants. ICT in particular can provide smooth
processes and motivate through means efficacy (12) (Eden et al. 2010 ). Martin’s ( 2017 ) findings
point in a similar direction. With the understanding that every statistical approach is guided by certain
principles or in most cases what has come to be known as assumptions, a diagnostic check was
undertaken. The performance standards are quantified and pegged against an individual evaluation
which is essential for employee motivation. Efforts aimed at fostering cultural interaction, facilitating
open discourse, and cultivating mutual understanding among students have the potential to create a
pleasant environment that enriches the language-learning process. Maslow AH, Stephens DC (eds)
(2000) The Maslow business reader. Ford ( 1992 ) explains the connection as follows: “Because
humans are open systems whose existence, functioning, and development depend on material-energy
and information exchanges with relevant contexts, the environment is always an integral part of their
functioning” (Ford 1992 ). What people value and enjoy is influenced by many factors, including the
influence of different cultural backgrounds. The development of learning self-efficacy is also
influenced by educational contexts, which include instructional approaches, peer relationships, and
institutional support. The transgender teachers were foreign teachers who were here on an exchange
program. The construct is widely being used in administrations with a position to obtain better
consequences and improved public presentations from the work force. In addition to this, the
workplace has become increasingly complex, with more diverse dimensions ( Man and Lam, 2003 ).
A or Diploma from the training colleges, and master’s degree of the returned samples. Informed
Consent Statement Data availability statement, conflicts of interest. Vertebral body fractures (VCF)
are frequently encountered in osteoporotic patients. Finally, and towards putting into practice the
proposed model, a real case study, in the context of mining operations, is presented. In order to
decipher the complex nature of perfectionism, the research also uses Hewitt and Flett’s Psychological
Perfectionism Theory. Conclusions VP continues to be the choice for minimally invasive correction
of osteoporotic VCF. This model builds on SDT, utilizing the concepts of intrinsic and extrinsic
motivation, and differentiates between three levels of motivation: the global (personality) level, the
contextual (life domain) level, and the situational (task) level. So every organization should analyze
the motivational factors and strategies as well as employees expectations first and then it should
make a diagram or plan so that the organization can meet its target goals and objectives in the long
run through employee satisfaction. In these articles they have worked on to give the cognition to
healthcare professionals about troubles of engrafting an assessment system, including the deficiency
of guidelines on accomplishments and cognition required. However, arguments have been made that
traditional literature reviews lack rigor and replicability and that even when rigor is maintained, the
chosen methodology may not match the content of the material or the purpose of the contribution (
Tranfield et al., 2003; Snyder, 2019 ). People by and large act for a motivation and that is to
accomplish a specific aim. The Communication Breakdown at the workplace creates problems. This
paper attempts to highlight the importance of Strong Employee Relations at Workplace and the
Impact of these relations on the organisational success. PDF Employee Motivation and Institutional
Frameworks- A Literature Review A Literature Review Starting from the 1960s researchers have
shown great interest in motivation. Furthermore, Wylie (2004) recommends concentrating on
specific variations of intangible motivational tools such as celebrations of birthdays and other
important dates with the participation of whole team According to Thomas (2009) the main
challenge of motivation in workplaces is identifying what motivates each individual employee taking
into account his or her individual differences. Meng and Ouyang (2020) found that participants that
suffered the loss of meaningfulness in a task worked more than controls in a subsequent task, while
Wei et al. (2020) found that participants who experienced a sudden loss of meaning in a task had
higher autonomous motivation for a subsequent task. Brenner ( 1999 ) and Benson and Dundis (
2003 ) provide a very clear and holistic perspective on how technology contributes to need
satisfaction. This proposed framework is an extension of existing theories of motivation, both self-
determination theory ( Deci and Ryan, 1985 ) and the hierarchical model of intrinsic and extrinsic
motivation ( Vallerand, 1997 ). Moreover, work environment demonstrates a higher overall relevance
(after compensation) for the younger employees (Rozman et al. 2017 ). One of the reasons for this
might be that the ease in handling technology and the accompanying high speed of communication
make the younger generations seem more demanding.
The measurement model’s robustness was evaluated through various statistical assessments. Although
there is a great deal of interest in engagement, there is also a good deal of confusion. Current and
future technologies provide individualized solutions and applications, and therefore the opportunity
to address individual needs and motivation in the workplace. Appraisal truly began with the Second
World War where it was used to measure results. They reflect the office trends shifting away from
the individual office to open solutions with tele- and virtual working. The theory says that an
employee might be motivated when there is a belief that a better public presentation will ensue in a
good public presentation assessment which will assist in the realisation of personal ends. English as a
world opener in Chinese universities: fostering interculturally aware communities of learners in the
English reading classroom. At the same time, the very same technology also enables managers to
monitor their subordinates more closely and can increase the expectancy to be available at any time.
The primary goal of this study is to investigate cultural impacts on the links between psychological
aspects and writing abilities in the context of Chinese EFL instruction. This is against the backdrop
that teachers have for some time now complained about condition of service and with the passage of
FWSC bill, one would have thought that would have impacted on performance of teachers as it has
been proven that motivation leads to satisfaction and ultimately to high performance. Key informant
interviews and questionnaires were the methods of data collection for the study and SPSS software
was used to analyze data collected from the field. Some authors assume that the relationship between
workplace technology and motivation is determined by age. In: ASTD international conference
Bohlander G, Snell S, Sherman A (2001) Managing human resources. This study adds significantly
to the literature on cultural influences and language learning. One possibility for ensuring both a
comprehensive understanding of and a focus on technological aspects of the workplace is to classify
them in a taxonomy. Religious affiliation is considered prosocial because it satisfies the need for
belongingness and upholds collective well-being through gatherings to worship, seek assistance, and
offer comfort within religious communities. PDF Performance Appraisal on Employees' Motivation:
A. The construct is widely being used in administrations with a position to obtain better
consequences and improved public presentations from the work force. Download Free PDF View
PDF Free PDF The Role of Human Relations in Increasing Employee Performance Tati Hartati 2020,
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social
Sciences The background of this research was the low performance of the employee, which could be
seen from the non optimal task implementation, overdue task completion, and low discipline.
Assessing creativity with self-report scales: a review and empirical evaluation. Another approach for
classifying technology is to do so chronologically. The current study identified no qualitative studies
investigating cross-task motivation, and so a great potential avenue for understanding the
phenomenon of fluctuating motivation would be through theoretical development from such studies.
Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XII IPS 1 SMAN 15 Bandung, sedangkan instrumen
yang digunakan dalam teknik pengumpulan data adalah observasi, wawancara, catatan lapangan dan
studi dokumentasi. Overall, the focus still lies on Northern America, with more than half of the
authors working there, but widens to include other regions such as Europe, Southeast Asia, and
Australia—particularly after 2010 (see Fig. 2 ). These results reflect the growing interest in
motivating workplace design in developed countries. Training implies constructive development in
such Employee Development Programs are designed to meet specific objectives, which contribute to
both employee and organizational effectiveness. As research results are still fragmented and often
include overly specific technologies or overly general constructs, it is difficult to make an overall
recommendation. Kampschroer K, Heerwagen JH (2005) The strategic workplace: development and
evaluation. Wiley, New York Methot LL, Phillips-Grant K (1998) Technological advances in the
Canadian workplace: an I-O perspective. Here, mainly managerial recommendations view
technology as a potential reward to improve (extrinsic) motivation and employee retention (DeVoe
and Prencipe 2001; Houghton et al. 2018; Miller et al. 2001; O’Donovan 2002 ). The obtained Beta
coefficient of 0.30, accompanied by a p-value below 0.001, suggests that persons who possess high
personal standards and tend to be self-critical are more likely to have exceptional writing skills.

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