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MEMBERS: David Garcia, Isabella Hernández, Jessica Hoyos, Juliana Jiménez

GENERAL OBJECTIVE: To understand the importance of wind energy as an alternative
energy source.
SPECIFIC OBJETIVE: To identify the role of the wind as a source of energy generation.
The reason for this project is to know and understand wind energy as a source of energy.
And thus, knowing the economic and environmental benefits of energy gives us through a
natural resource. Whit this we would bring energy to communities that are difficult to
access, contributing to society and the environment.

Currently the use of renewable energies is of great importance, since they are friendly to
the environment due to the use of general resources to generate them.

Marley Vanegas Chamorro in 2018 published an article for the Universidad del Atlántico
called The motor energy of the development of humanity. The main objective of this
research was to tell how in the last decade human beings are in a constant search for
alternatives that allow the development of new technologies to guarantee the sustainable
use of energy.

Ricardo Moreno, Enrique Quispe and López in 2018 published an investigation entitled
Sustainable Energy Development Scenario in Colombia 2017-2030. His main contribution
was to publicize how the plans on the efficient implementation of energy could be in the
future, generating an impact on society.

Víctor José Iguaran, Nayeli Mejía and José Peralta, in 2020 carried out an investigative
study called the hybrid system of alternative energies and its social perception in Alta
Guajira. The objective of this research was to be able to see through a field study how the
inhabitants of the area perceived the use of alternative energies in their indigenous

Due to the latest theoretical and scientific advances mentioned above, we can say that
the use of renewable energy is of vital importance for the conservation of the
environment and the development of areas that do not have energy.

 Cardozo Holman, Díaz Diego, Triana Yinna (2022). Innovation and implementation
of alternative energies in Colombia. Fundacion Universitaria Area Andina, Medellín,
 Marley Vanegas Chamorro (2018). The motor energy of the development of humanity.
Universidad del Atlantico, Barranquilla, Colombia.
 Ricardo Moreno, Enrique Quispe and López (2018). Sustainable Energy Development
Scenario in Colombia 2017-2030.
 Víctor José Iguaran, Nayeli Mejía and José Peralta (2020. The hybrid system of alternative
energies and its social perception in Alta Guajira.
 ACR Latinoamerica, Duván Chaverra (Enero 2022). Inagurado el parque eolico mas grande
de Colombia,

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