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Your Royal Highness –ваша королівська величність- used when speaking about or to a royal

person, especially a prince or princess

What the bloody hell are you doing here,Diana?Sorry,I mean … Your Royal Highness.

Understanding – розуміння- knowledge about something, based on learning or experience

Gary, Your Royal Highness? We have a thing between us,an understanding.

Seal – печатка- sealed documents are closed so that they can only be read by a certain person or at a
certain time; a mark that has a special design and shows the legal or official authority of a person or

Insisting – наполягати - to say firmly and often that something is true, especially when other people
think it may not be true; to demand that something should happen

And she was very insistent that everyone joins in.(getting-weighed,scales).They gave me to you
because I insisted. Because I’m too weak to insist on black.

Blanket – ковдра - a cover for a bed, usually made of wool

I will have more blankets delivered.Why don’t they just turn up the heating instead burying
everyone in blankets.

Hilarious – веселий,смішний - extremely funny and causing a lot of laughter

Who gave you this big,hilarious coat?

Storeroom – комора,склад - a room where goods are stored; a room for keeping things in while they
are not being used

It is from the storeroom,Ma’am.

Drawing room – вітальня - a room, especially in a large house, where you can entertain guests or

The family are all gathered in the drawing room for the sandwiches.

Scarecrow – опудало - an object in the shape of a person that a farmer puts in a field to frighten
birds away

I’d actually forgotten all about the scarecrow until today.

Coal – вугілля - a hard black mineral which is dug out of the ground and burnt to produce heat

You two are both gonna get coal for Christmas.

Boarded up – заколочений,забитий дошками - to cover a door or window with wooden boards

Can we go to the house where you used to live? It’s boarded up.

Get cross with sb – злитися - to make someone angry by opposing their plans or orders

Do you like them getting cross with you?

To contrast the pearls – для контрасту- something that will stand out against the background of

Should be black.Black,to contrast the perls.

Rumours – чутки - information or a story that is passed from one person to another and which may
or may not be true

All rumours of my disintegration confirmed.

Hush,hush – тихіше - used to tell people to be quiet; to stop shouting, talking

Prepare the tureens,warm the bowls.Please.Hush,hush. No noise.

Saucer – блюдце - a small round plate that curves up at the edges, that you put a cup on

Fingers out of saucers,you sons and you daughters of bitches.

Regiment – полк - a large group of soldiers, usually consisting of several battalions

I was an officer.In a regiment called the Black Watch.

Fuss – метушня,галас - anxious behaviour or activity that is usually about unimportant things;
attention or excitement that is usually unnecessary or unwelcome

Oh,she really does make a fuss this one,doesn’t she?

Encounter – випадкова зустріч - to meet someone without planning to

Ma’am,according to the rules,if we have an encounter,we have to report it.

Miracle – диво,чудо - something very lucky or very good that happens which you did not expect to
happen or did not think was possible

What would that be like?That would be miracle.We’re never had a miracle before.

Coddled eggs – варені яйця - an egg that is gently cooked whole in a small dish that's placed in a hot
water bath.

This will be followed by coddled eggs with cream sauce,Scottish kippers,brown and white toast.

Scottish kippers – копчений оселедець - a herring (=type of fish) that has been preserved using
smoke and salt

This will be followed by coddled eggs with cream sauce,Scottish kippers,brown and white toast.

Simmered herring roe – тушкована ікра оселедця - herring eggs eaten as a food which cook
something slowly by boiling it gently

Accompanied by simmered herring roe,roasted muffins,quince jelly.

Quince jelly – желе з айви - a soft sweet food made from fruit quince juice and gelatin quince

Accompanied by simmered herring roe,roasted muffins,quince jelly.

Cloudberry sauce – морошковий соус - a thick cooked liquid that is served with food to give it a
particular taste which are made of a small orange fruit similar to a blackberry that grows on a bush
with white flowers

The turkey and the goose will be accompanied by the following:plum sauce,bread sauce,cranberry
sauce,cloudberry sauce,potato,carrots and spinach.

Parsnip – пастернак - a vegetable with a thick white or yellowish root

Parsnips,again organic.

Mince pie – пиріг з фаршем - a pie filled with mincemeat, especially one that people eat at

We have souffle d’abricots, bread and butter pudding, a christmas pudding,chocolate yule log,plum
pudding,mince pies, raspberry crockets.

Raspberry croquets – малинові крокети - a small round piece, covered in breadcrumbs, and cooked
in oil with a raspberry twist

We have souffle d’abricots, bread and butter pudding, a christmas pudding,chocolate yule log,plum
pudding,mince pies, raspberry crockets.

Pheasant – фазан - a large bird with a long tail, often shot for food, or the meat of this bird

What happens to the pheasants that my son will be shooting?

Oddness – дивацтво - different from what is normal or expected, especially in a way that you
disapprove of or cannot understand

They’re laughing.At all the oddness and all the scandals.

Alley – алея - a narrow street between or behind buildings, not usually used by cars

We were in an alley,about to cross.

Bullet – куля- a small piece of metal that you fire from a gun

In that moment,the bullet hit him.Back of the head,out through his nouse.

Oath – присяга,клятва - a formal and very serious promise

Then I rememberd my oath.We all make an oath of loyalty to the Crown.

Tamed – приручений- a tame animal or bird is not wild any longer, because it has been trained to
live with people

He was talking about some horse that his father had bought at the fait that couldn’t be tamed.

Floorboards – дошки підлоги - a board in a wooden floor

The stairs and the floorboards , they are rotten.

Rotten – гнилий - badly decayed and no longer good to use

The stairs and the floorboards , they are rotten.

Insane – божевільний - completely stupid or crazy, often in a way that is dangerous

If I ever do become Queen,what wii I be?Insane?

Muslin bedsheets – муслінові простирадла - a sheet that you put on a bed, that you sleep either on
top of or underneath which are made of a very thin cotton cloth used for making dresses and

Remember salt cellars will lie down with the spices on muslin bed sheets.

Feather – пір’я - one of the light soft things that cover a bird’s body
And everyone would start wearing feathers just like yours. I’ll have a pheasant feather in my hat.

1. She was a member of the British royal family. She was the first wife of Charles, Prince of Wales
(later King Charles III) and mother of Princes William and Harry. the most famous woman in the
world, the pre-eminent female celebrity of her generation: a fashion icon, an image of feminine
beauty, admired and emulated for her high-profile involvement in AIDS issues, and the international
campaign against landmines. During her lifetime, she was often referred to as the most
photographed person in the world.

2. born Diana Frances Spencer was born on July 1 1961 – 31 August 1997

3. She was born Park House, Sandringham, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom. Diana Frances Spencer
was born as the youngest daughter of Edward Spencer, Viscount Althorp, and his first wife, Frances
Spencer, at Park House on the Sandringham estate.

4. She was the fourth of five children of John Spencer, Viscount Althorp (1924–1992) and Frances
Spencer, Viscountess Althorp (née Roche; 1936–2004).

5. She became known as Lady Diana after her father later inherited the title of Earl Spencer in 1975

6. Prince Charles met Diana in 1977, while dating her sister.

In fact, when the heir to the throne was first introduced to the future Princess of Wales during a
grouse hunt at Althorp, the Spencer family home, in November 1977, he was there with her older
sister, Sarah.

7. On February 3, 1981, in both the show and in real life, Charles proposed to Diana in the nursery at
Windsor Castle. The Prince proposed on 6 February 1981, & Lady Diana accepted, but their
engagement was kept secret for the next few weeks. Their engagement became official on 24
February 1981.

8. Twenty-year-old Diana became Princess of Wales when she married the Prince of Wales on 29 July
1981 at St Paul's Cathedral.

9. Diana gave her sons wider experiences than was usual for royal children. She rarely deferred to
Charles or to the royal family, and was often intransigent when it came to the children.

10. In 1989, Diana confronted Camilla about the affair with Charles at a friend's sister’s birthday
party. Diana recalled the exchange in a series of recordings later published in Morton's book: “I said,
'I know what's going on between you and Charles, and I just want you to know that.

11. Diana lost the style "Her Royal Highness" and instead was styled Diana, Princess of Wales. As the
mother of the prince expected to one day ascend to the throne, she continued to be regarded as a
member of the royal family and was accorded the same precedence she enjoyed during her

12. In the early hours of 31 August 1997, Diana, Princess of Wales, died from injuries sustained
earlier that day in a car crash in the Pont de l'Alma tunnel in Paris, France.
Lady Diana Frances Spencer, (July 1, 1961–August 31, 1997) was the first wife of Charles, Prince of
Wales. From her marriage in 1981 to her divorce in 1996, she was called “Her Royal Highness The
Princess of Wales”.After her divorce, officially, she was called Diana, Princess of Wales. An iconic
presence on the world stage, Diana, Princess of Wales was noted for her pioneering charity work. Yet
her philanthropic endeavours were sometimes overshadowed by her difficult marriage to Prince
Charles. During her lifetime, she was often referred to as the most photographed person in the

Early years of Princess Diana

Diana Frances Spencer was born as the youngest daughter of Edward Spencer, Viscount Althorp, and
his first wife, Frances Spencer, at Park House on the Sandringham estate.

Diana was educated at Riddlesworth Hall in Norfolk and at West Heath Girls’ School in Sevenoaks,
Kent, where she was regarded as an academically below-average student, having failed all of her O-
level examinations. Diana was a talented amateur singer, excelled in sports and reportedly longed to
be a ballerina. Diana’s family, the Spencers, had been close to the British Royal Family for decades.
Her maternal grandmother, Ruth, Lady Fermoy, was a longtime friend of, and a lady-in-waiting to
Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother.

The Prince’s love life had always been the subject of press speculation, and he was linked to
numerous women. Nearing his mid-thirties, he was under increasing pressure to marry. In order to
gain the approval of his family and their advisors, any potential bride had to have an aristocratic
background, could not have been previously married, should be Protestant and, preferably, a virgin.
Diana fulfilled all of these qualifications.

Wedding of Prince Charles and Princess Diana

Buckingham Palace announced the engagement on 24 February 1981. The wedding took place at St
Paul’s Cathedral in London on Wednesday 29 July 1981 before 3,500 invited guests and an estimated
1 billion television viewers around the world. Upon her marriage, Diana became Her Royal Highness
The Princess of Wales and was ranked as the third most senior royal woman in the United Kingdom
after the Queen and the Queen Mother.

The Prince and Princess of Wales had two children, Prince William of Wales on 21 June 1982 and
Prince Henry of Wales on 15 September 1984.

Princess Diana – Break up of Marriage with Prince Charles

In the mid-1980s her marriage fell apart, an event at first suppressed, but then sensationalised, by
the world media. Both the Prince and Princess of Wales allegedly spoke to the press through friends,
accusing each other of the blame for the marriage’s demise. Charles resumed his relationship with
Camilla Parker Bowles, whilst Diana became involved with James Hewitt and possibly later with
James Gilbey, with whom she was involved in the so-called Squidgygate affair.

The Prince and Princess of Wales were separated on 9 December 1992; their divorce was finalised on
28 August 1996. The Princess lost the style Her Royal Highness and instead was styled as Diana,
Princess of Wales. However, since the divorce, Buckingham Palace has maintained that Diana was
officially a member of the Royal Family since she was the mother of the second and third in line to
the throne.
Princess Diana Charity work

Starting in the mid-to-late 1980s, the Princess of Wales became well known for her support of charity
projects, and is credited with considerable influence for her campaigns against the use of landmines
and helping the victims of AIDS. In April 1987, the Princess of Wales was the first high-profile
celebrity to be photographed knowingly touching a person infected with the HIV virus. Princess Diana
also made clandestine visits to show kindness to terminally ill AIDS patients. According to nurses, she
would turn up unannounced, for example, at the Mildmay Hospice in London, with specific
instructions that these visits were to be concealed from the media.

Princess Diana and Landmines Campaign (Принцеса Діана і протипіхотна кампанія)

Perhaps her most widely publicised charity appearance was her visit to Angola in January 1997,
when, serving as an International Red Cross VIP volunteer [1], she visited landmine survivors in
hospitals, toured de-mining projects run by the HALO Trust, and attended mine awareness education
classes about the dangers of mines immediately surrounding homes and villages. The
pictures of Diana touring a minefield, in a ballistic helmet and flak jacket, were seen worldwide. Her
interest in landmines was focused on the injuries they create, often to children, long after the conflict
has finished. She is widely acclaimed for her influence on the signing by the governments of the UK
and other nations of the Ottawa Treaty in December 1997, after her death, which created an
international ban on the use of anti-personnel landmines.

Death of Princess Diana

On 31 August 1997, Diana was involved in a car accident in the Pont de l’Alma road tunnel in Paris,
along with her friend and lover Dodi Al-Fayed, and their driver Henri Paul. Fayed’s bodyguard Trevor
Rees-Jones is the only person who survived the wreckage. The death of the Princess has been widely
blamed on reporters who were reportedly hounding the Princess and were following the vehicle at a
high speed. Ever since the word paparazzi has been associated with the death of the Princess.

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