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Write an essay comparing and contrasting Small families and Big families

(Positive and Negative aspects)

As we all know families have greatly changed with the past of time. In the
past they used to be larger than nowadays. Small families or big families
both have their positive and negative aspects.

Living in a small family can have positive and negative aspects not only for
parents but also for children. Parents can enjoy time together with
children and dedicate much time to each child .In addition children can
enjoy their parent’s full attention but this is different when having a lot of
siblings. What is more it is easier for parents to find resources for the
whole family and children can benefit from having their own bedroom and
favourite things in contrast it can be difficult when having a lot of children.
But we can see some negative aspects in small families too. Children can
be more selfish because they are not used to share things and sometimes
they can be lazy because they are not used to help as children in big
families do.

In contrast living in a big family also has also some good and bad points.
First, children of big families are used to share and to grow helping each
other with their siblings. They are helpful and social. But they have to
share bedrooms and sometimes help with house hold activities. They are
never alone. For parents it is more difficult to fulfill all children attention,
needs and desires. The budget is also a problem when they have a lot of
children. They have a little privacy.

In conclusion living in a small or big family can be wonderful and lovely or

difficult, it depends on the way we can solve small problems to face life or
the way we enjoy the big moments.

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