Animal Monitoring and GPS Syste1

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COSC 0283
REG NO: EDS1/44654/21
Y2S1 CONTACT: 0798342261/0743539794

I OTIENO FREDRICK OUMA hereby declare that the information in this document is my
original gathering authentic work. The content of this document has never been previously
submitted to any other university or institution for higher degree award to the best of my

Confirmation by the supervisor

I ……………………………………………………….. confirm the content of this document has
not been presented anywhere else to the best of my knowledge.
Signature ………………………. Date …………………………..


This thesis is my original work and has not been submitted for a diploma/Degree in any other University.

Otieno Fredrick Otieno.
This Proposal has been submitted for examination with our approval as the university supervisors.


I would like to recognize Chuka University for giving me another chance to enroll for my
Diploma Course. Despite all the challenges Chuka University has provided me with more
equipped knowledge in academic area in the field of Computer Science as a technological course
mind expansion.


To the grace and generous blessing of God Almighty, I attribute the successful completion of
the seminar. It is my duty to respectfully offer our sincere gratitude to all the people who have
kindly offer their valuable support, guidance. I would like to extend my heartiest thanks to the
management of our college, who provided me with necessities for the completion of the
seminar. I would like to express my deep gratitude to MR TONNY MUNENE, our
Coordinator, who has been a source of motivation to all the staffs and students of our college.
I feel highly privileged in making a mention of MR MARTIN MUTHOMI for his co-
operation and help.
I deeply and wholeheartedly thank DR GRACE for her extreme valuable advice
and encouragement. It would be a grave error if we forget to take a mention of my seminar
guide MS MWAKA PAULINE MWANZA, whose constant persistence and support
helped me in the completion of the seminar. Last but not the least, we thank all others and
especially our classmates who in some-way or other helped us in successful completion of
this work.


A prototype of smart animal health monitoring system based on IoT for real time monitoring
of the physiological parameters such as body temperature, heart rate and rumination with
surrounding temperature and humidity has been developed. Various sensors mounted on the
body of animals gives the information related to their health status and user can be easily
access those data using the internet. We have used raspberry pi3 as core controller which has
inbuilt Wi-Fi, it processes the data sensed by various sensor and displays on the monitor and
forwards to the cloud. User can access the information from anywhere using internet and an
android app.
GPS , GPRS and AI technology is to be used for positioning the location of animals and the
and the animals movement from one location to the other. This will clearly detect the issues
that might arise in animal health.




GPS is one of the technologies that are used in a huge number of applications today. One of the
applications is tracking animal a keeps regular monitoring on them.
This tracking system can inform you the location and route travelled by animal, and that
information can be observed from any other remote location. It also includes the web application
that provides you exact location of target.
This system enables us to track target in any weather conditions. This system uses GPS and GSM
technologies. A method for tracking animals using a terrestrial system similar to GPS is
presented. This system enables simultaneous tracking of thousands of animals with transmitters
that are lighter, longer lasting, more accurate and cheaper than other automatic positioning tags.
In recent times, the livestock farmers faced cattle health problems around the world because of
continuous rise in air temperature in the troposphere. The variations in temperature on animals
health has harmful effect leading to diseases such as foot and mouth disease, swine fever. This
unit consists of two types of sensors such as temperature sensor, heart beat sensor.
These sensors are used to measure the signals from the human body such as heat signal,
heartbeat. After measurement, these analog signals are converted into digital signals and
compared with the actual signals. If any discrepancy occurs between the measured signals and
the actual signals, then it is considered as an emergency. The ARM7 LPC2148 processor plays an
important role in controlling all the devices.
It has an inbuilt A/D convertor.
GSM transmitter is used to transmit the signals from the sensors which are controlled by the
ARM7 microprocessor. GPS system is used to locate the position of the soldier. It is very helpful
for the army station to rescue the soldier as soon as the emergency signal is received.
The ARM7 family includes the ARM7TDMI, ARM7TDMI-S, ARM720T, and ARM7EJ-S
processors. The ARM7TDMI core is the industry’s most widely used 32-bit embedded RISC
microprocessor solution. The heart of system is microcontroller which will access the data. In
our project ‘ARM’ controller is used. To measure temperature of soldier there will be a
temperature sensor. To convert the output of sensor into electrical form we will use signal
conditioning (transducer). As controller operates only on digital data, so this analog data is to be
converted into digital form by using ADC inbuilt in ARM processor. So the output of the signal
conditioner circuit is directly connected to ARM processor.


In recent time, the livestock farmer faced cattle health problems around the world because of
continuous rise in air temperature in the troposphere.
The variation in temperature on animals health has harmful effect leading to diseases such as foot
and mouth disease, swine fever, bovine spongioform encephalopathy (mad cow disease), bovine
rhinotracheitis, squamous cell carcinoma, warts, web tear, necrotic pododermatitis,
polioencephalomalacia, hypomagnesaemia, clostridia disease and hypoglycemia ,who report
stated that the severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus (SARS-CoV) is said to be an
animal virus that spread easily to other animals and have also affected human being directly.
The evidence of humans getting infected is first reported in the Guangdong province of southern
China in 2002 and since then till 2003 the 26 countries across the globe reported infections
caused by SARS.
This has resulted in the economic loss to the tune of approximately 2% of the total East Asian
GDP (gross domestic product). For these reasons a system is needed to be in place for
continuously monitoring the animal health and to control and prevent the eruption of diseases at
large scale.


There is no product in the market for the real time animal health monitoring. Mostly veterinary
staff checks the physiological parameters through manually. Currently livestock farmer’s faces
lot of problem on monitoring the health of livestock and thus modifications are being persistently
recommended in instrumentation. Mostly available system focuses only on heart rate
measurement to predict of the animals


The circuit that we are using makes this system automatic, novel design goal of the animal health
monitoring system with a capability to monitor heart rate, body temperature, and rumination with
surrounding temperature and humidity. This information provide to veterinary staff
The following objectives are likely to be focused and achieved at the end of the project. The
main aim of this project is to develop an animal health monitoring system (AHMS) which is
capable to the measuring of body temperature, rumination, and heart rate parameters with
environmental parameters (surrounding temperature and humidity) & tracking position of


Human cannot able to identify the actual health problem related to Animals, so this project will
helps to diagnosis the Health Problem of Animals. There will be the possibility of robbery of
Animals so Tracking provision of Animals is involved in this system.


The animal health monitoring system has the following main components:- Gsm & Gps, Power
supply (3.3v) , Probes ,Connection probe ,Transistor ,Light Emitting Diode , Diode, Capacitor,
Resistors keill softer etc.


The animal health monitoring system designed in this project diagnosis the Health Problem of
Animals . However, Human cannot able to identify the actual health problem related to Animals,
so this project will help to us. There will be the possibility of robbery of Animals so tracking
provision of Animals is involved in this system.
It helps in the efficient diagnosis of health problems for animal & track the position of animal.
Hancock- proposed a wireless sensor network, GPS collars and satellite based animal behavior
monitoring and also proposed the environmental impact. They are combined the ground based
sensors and sensed satellite images for realize the animal landscape interactions.
Allen- propose the heat stress versus cow behavior and also define the behaviour is a valuable
parameter for the milk production.
Lovett-proposed an infrared thermography measurement technique for cattle. The proposed
technique is helpful for examine the cattle foot and mouth disease. Stewart- defined an infrared
thermography based indirect stress measurement of dairy cows.
Krishnamurthi- X-Ray computed tomography based imaging for small animals and they are
study of physiologic measurement reproducibility. With all these advancement in research the
real-world application of the proposed system has not been done yet. There is no product in the
market for the real time animal health monitoring. Mostly veterinary staff checks the
physiological parameters through manually. Currently livestock farmer’s faces lot of problem on
monitoring the health of livestock and thus modifications are being persistently recommended in
instrumentation. Mostly available system focuses only on heart rate measurement to predict of
the animals.
Literature review reveals that the wearable systems for real time animal health monitoring are a
key technology in helping of the veterinary staff and measuring parameters can provide very
accurate information of the animal health. In behalf of this the livestock health care would be
In this project, we have reported a novel design goal of the animal health monitoring system with
a capability to monitor heart rate, body temperature, and rumination with surrounding
temperature and humidity.
It has a variety of features such as high speed, energy efficient, miniaturization, and intelligence,
new materials at lower cost, portability, and high performance.
Krishnamurthi was proposed X-Ray computed tomography based imaging for small animals and
they are study of physiologic measurement reproducibility. With all these advancement in
research the real-world application of the proposed system has not been done yet.
There is no product in the market for the real time animal health monitoring. Mostly veterinary
staff checks the physiological parameters through manually. Currently livestock farmer’s faces
lot of problem on monitoring the health of livestock and thus modifications are being persistently
recommended in instrumentation. Mostly available system focuses only on heart rate
measurement to predict of the animals.
Literature review reveals that the wearable systems for real time animal health monitoring are a
key technology in helping of the veterinary staff and measuring parameters can provide very
accurate information of the animal health. In behalf of this the livestock health care would be
On the other section Anuj et al. have designed and developed a prototype of Animal Health
Monitoring System(AHMS) for monitoring the physiological parameters of the livestock.
Anushka et al. [3] have proposed Smart health monitoring system for animals using Zigbee
Sensor modules.In this system various sensor modules have been used for continous monitoring
of rumination, body temperature, heart rate and environmental temperature.
Wietrzyk and Radenkovic et al. [7]-[9],[28] defined the animal health surveillance system
based on ad hoc wireless sensor network determined that the livestock farmers can take
preventive measures at the initial stage to reduce the propagation of diseases with the help of
measured data. Chao et al. [10] presented and developed an Animal monitoring algorithm for
providing better environment and healthcare to strays as well as to enhance their
adoption rate. They used Arduino to build Wireless Sensor Network, RFID (Radio Frequency
Identification) to distinguish strays and IoT (Internet of Things) for connectivity to internet.
Nadimi et al. [11]-[13] presented a 2.4-GHz ZigBee-based mobile ad hoc wireless sensor
network (MANET) for the classification and surveillance oflivestock behaviour. They
demonstrated some advantages such as energy efficiency, better communication reliability, least
rate of pocket loss. Hopster et al. [16] have presented two techniques for
monitoring stress in cattle. They have used “polar spot tester (PST)” and “lectrocardiograph
(ECG)” to propose the system and also provided the output of their study. They have realized
that “PST” is an appropriate methodology for the heart beat measurement of cattle and assessed
that the apposite factor for the animal behavioural study is heart rate.
Hugo et al. [17] designed a system to identify animals in the livestock with following
specifications like low cost, energy efficient, and robustness. Jacky
et al. [18] developed a “Mobile Monitoring System based on RFID” to handle the cattle
efficiently with the help of “dynamic information retrieval, location identification and behavior
analysis over a wireless network”.Ji-De et al [19] presented the technique with an embedded
system utilising “IoT sensors”. The system consists of smart infrastructure which
measures different parameters and communicate among themselves. Huircan et al. [20] presented
cattle monitoring in cropping fields based on a zigbee and utilized the scheme of localization in
WSN. Lovett et al. [21] presented a measurement technique using “infrared thermography” for
detecting “foot-andmouth disease” of livestock. Their study was foccussed at estimating infrared
thermography as a screening technique for FMDV-infected animals and its attainable usage in
the identification of suspected cattle for sampling and confirmatory diagnostic testing during
FMD outbreaks.
Janzekovic et al. [27] presented a polar sport tester (PST) based heart rate monitoring
technique for cattle. The parameters which are used for detection of disease for different animals
are body temperature and heartbeat rate. Ariff et al. [29]-[30] proposed and developed “Livestock
information system (LIS) on Android Smartphone” for real time monitoring of state of health of
animals. In the developed device, Smart mobiles use bluetooth technology for
communicatingand processing the data of sensors. It also demonstrates the physiological
parameter like heartbeat and temperature of the animals in real time.
The real-world application of the presented system has not been done yet in despite of all
these improvements in research. At present we do not find any animal health monitoring device
in Indian market which can monitor on the go. Physical factors of animals are being examined by
veterinary doctors most of the times manually. At present livestock farmer’s encounters so many
difficulties on monitoring the animal health so there is an imperative need of transformation of
theoretical information to practical systems. At present systems to measure health parameter of
animals mainly concentrate on measuring heartbeats to predict status of fitness of cattle.
The survey of literature discloses that the vital technique to gather precise data of animal health
can be a set up of hardware and software which can be mounted on the body of animal and can
be remotely accessed. The set up can be very efficacious for veterinary doctors to prescribe
proper medication at right time which can reduce the cost of treatment. Moreover the livestock
health care would become affordable and cheap for farmers.

Wireless sensor networks (WSN) invariably employ sensing from spatially distributed
autonomous nodes. With a little jugglery of sensors, micro-controllers, radio transceiver and
an energy source, low-power and inexpensive sensor nodes (we’ll simply call them nodes)
can be made to cooperatively monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as
temperature, sound, vibration, pressure, motion etc. at different locations. The task becomes
more challenging when the nodes are mobile. To further question the engineering effort is the
case, where the node’s power supply should be sufficient for it to last years. Hence the
acquisition, accumulation and relay of data impose a great challenge on the WSN's design
viz. the strict energy constraints. The recent past has seen a wide variety of WSN applications
namely Habitat monitoring, Seismic Detection, Environmental monitoring, Health
monitoring systems etc., of which mobile nodes, dynamic network topology, communication
failure, limited power supply, harsh environmental conditions are few of the varied
challenges. To address the issues in animal monitoring and to understand the complex
relationship of animals with their surrounding, scientists had to collect the required data
manually by visiting the site. In some cases the search was made easier by tagging the animal
with radio transmitters to relocate them easily, but yet the seemingly bigger part of the
picture remained un-addressed: the efficient data collection. There are numerous reasons why
it is difficult and not advisable to visit the site frequently. Firstly, studying the species without
avoiding human contact is almost impossible. Frequent human visits or disturbances affect
the species in ways unknown. Secondly, keeping track of animal activity in the dark after
dusk become more of an adventure than an experiment or a study. Finally, it is not only time
consuming but also money intensive job to keep track of animal migration as well as its
feeding habits without using dedicated low cost sensor networking equipment.
An automated system would thus be desired, equipping natural spaces with numerous
networked sensor nodes to enable long-term data collection at times (even at night), scales
and resolution which are very difficult if not impossible, to achieve by manual monitoring. It
also allows collecting data without disturbing the ecology and yet represents a substantially
more economical method for conducting long term studies than traditional one. Significant
proofs of concepts and previous attempts to monitor wildlife movement and habitat have
been made like the ZebraNet and Great Duck Island Experiment. Learning from the
experiences of the aforementioned, wildcense is an attempt on the same footprint, designed
to have lower power consumption, better range, varied environment sensing features and
more robust data backup system. We briefly mention here some of the previous work.
Wildlife monitoring: ZebraNet is a classic example of WSN, using GPS to monitor the
behavior of zebra. Wildcense is a completely new design of the nodes based on different
frequency of communication and using various additional sensors to get insight into the
animal migratory pattern. Another major difference is the migratory path is not restricted and
can span over thousands of kms.
Other applications and deployments: In 2002, an attempt was made to study the habitat and
population of birds on Great Duck Island. It deployed 43 motes for the same. Energy
Scavenging: In the past numerous attempts have been made to scavenge energy for sensor
network node from environment. Prometheus is one such example of it, which uses energy
storage elements, such as super capacitor, and intelligence of microcontroller to efficiently
harvest energy from solar cells. Prometheus deploys two stage storage systems with super-
capacitor at primarily level and lithium battery at secondary level.
wildCENSE is a WSN system which attempts to monitor the behavior and migration
patterns of Barasingha (Swamp Deer). System being designed can be suitable for many more
species of medium to large size. Equipped with a GPS, Radio transceiver and various other
sensors, the hardware is designed to support the needs of wildlife monitoring. The captured
data can be provided to the wildlife researchers for their research and study purposes. It will
be helpful to them to understand the needs of the endangered species, and the relationship
these species share with the surroundings. The paper fundamentally discusses the hardware
and software design architecture of the wildCENSE system at the node, base and network
levels. In particular, it embodies the issues and constraints, which were met during the design
and testing of the system. Section 2 of the paper discusses the design parameters taken into
account for wildCENSE. Qualitatively and quantitatively the system is described in Section
3. Section 3.1 and 3.2 cover the hardware and software ends of the system, while 3.3 details
the energy management. Experience gained, System performance and our field testing results
are covered in Section 4. Finally we conclude by enumerating the challenges and experience
gained from inception to tracking.


5.3.1 LPC2148 Microcontroller
The LPC2141/42/44/46/48 microcontrollers are based on a 16-bit/32-bit ARM7TDMI-
SCPU with real-time emulation and embedded trace support, that combine the microcontroller
with embedded high-speed flash memory ranging from 32 kB to 512 kB. A128-bit wide memory
interface and unique accelerator architecture enable 32-bit code execution at the maximum clock
rate. For critical code size applications, the alternative16-bit Thumb mode reduces code by more
than 30 % with minimal performance penalty. Due to their tiny size and low power consumption,
LPC2148 is ideal for applications where miniaturization is a key requirement, such as access
control and point-of-sale. Serial communications interfaces ranging from a USB 2.0 Full-speed
device, multiple UARTs, SPI, SSP to I2C-bus and on-chip SRAM of 8 kB up to 40 kB, make
these devices very well suited for communication gateways and protocol converters, soft
modems, voice recognition and low end imaging, providing both large buffer size and high
processing power. Various 32-bit timers, single or dual 10-bit ADC(s), 10-bit DAC, PWM
channels and 45 fast GPIO lines with up to nine edge or level sensitive external interrupt pins
make these microcontrollers suitable for industrial control and medical systems
5.3.2 GPS Modem:
We have used GPS modem to retrieve and longitude and latitude of the location. This GPS
modem communicates using serial communication with the microcontroller. GPS modem sends a
bunch of data to the microcontroller. The global Positioning gadget (GPS) is a space-primarily
based navigation system that provides region and time data in all weather conditions, anywhere
on or near the Earth in which there may be an unobstructed line of sight to 4 or more GPS
satellites. The device presents crucial competencies to army, civil, and commercial users around
the sector. the us government created the machine, maintains it, and makes it freely accessible to
everybody with a GPS receiver. The USA started the GPS assignment in 1973 to triumph over
the restrictions of previous navigation structures integrating thoughts from numerous
predecessors, which include a number of categorized engineering layout studies from the
Nineteen Sixties

5.3.3 GSM Modem:

We have used GSM modem to send SMS to the user or we can say to the forest officer. We need
to insert a GSM sim card into this GSM modem. GSM modem also communicates with
microcontroller using serial communication. It receives various commands from microcontroller
which are used to send SMS. The GSM (worldwide gadget for cellular communication) is a well
known developed by way of ecu Telecommunication standards Institute to explain protocols for
2nd technology virtual cellular networks utilized by cellular phones. in this gadget GSM is used
for acquiring data from the controller if landslide will occur. The system is used for sending facts
received from the controller to the associated number. This module is used broadly inside the
international . This GSM modem is a notably bendy plug and play quad band GSM modem for
direct and smooth integration to RS232. supports functions like Voice, facts/Fax, SMS,GPRS and
incorporated TCP/IP stack.

5.3.4 Temperature Sensor:

We have used temperature sensor to detect the body temperature of animal. Temperature sensor
is an analog sensor. Which means it gives variable voltage as per the variation in the body
5.3.5 Comparator: The output of temperature sensor is in analog format but microcontroller is
not able to read analog voltage. It requires digital input of digital data. For this purpose we have
used a comparator between temperature sensor and microcontroller. The function of comparator
is to give high or low output if the temperature is above or below the threshold level respectively.
This comparator has a fixed voltage to its negative terminal. And at its positive terminal we give
output of temperature sensor. So whenever the temperature crosses threshold level then
comparator gives low output to the microcontroller.
5.3.6 LCD Display:
It is used to show various messages on LCD. Although LCD does not have much use in actual
application but still it is really very useful for testing purpose and while developing this project.
Because we can show various messages like: Sending SMS or we can display longitude and
latitude of current location on LCD display. We also display temperature and heart bit on LCD

Features of LCD 16*2

1) 5 x 8 dots with cursor
2) Built – in controller (KS 0066 or Equivalent)
3) +5V power supply (Also available for +3v)
4) 1/16 duty cycle
5) B/L to be driven by pin1, pin2 or pin 15, pin 16 or A.K(LED)
6) N.V.

Commands Used In LCD:

01: Clear display screen
02: Return home
04: Decrement cursor (shift left)
06: Increment cursor (shift right)
05: Shift display right
07: Shift display left
08: Display off, cursor off
0A: Display off, cursor on
0C: Display on, cursor off
0E: Display on, cursor blinking
0F: Display on, cursor blinking
10: Shift cursor position to left
14: Shift cursor position to right
18: Shift entire display to left
1C: Shift entire display to right
80: Force cursor to beginning of first line



The Barasingha is native to India and Nepal. Once it populated throughout the basins of the
Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers, as well as parts of central India reaching out till the river
Godavari. But in past few decades its population has declined significantly listing them as
endangered species by IUCN from 1984 to 1996 and as vulnerable since 1996 [4]. Wildlife
researchers while surveying Jhilmil Tall (Uttaranchal) area came across some 30 heads of the
Barasingha on February 3, 2005 [5]. Trails indicate that they might have migrated across the
Nepal border. But yet their exact migratory path is unknown; hence it is important to monitor
their movement and protect them. wildCENSE is an attempt towards discovering this path along
with helping the researchers know more about their habitat. The input for the design of the
system came from wildlife researchers. In the system proposed, specially designed light-weight
collar, with sensor node attached, would be put on the animal. These collars would collect data
about the desired parameters from the vicinity of the animal. The data may then be sent to other
nodes or the base station, depending on the availability of either (base station getting a
preference in case of both being available).
The prime requirement is to track the migratory movement of the animal which is done using a
Global Positioning System (GPS). Besides the location, the animal's habitat and its ambient
environment parameters are of interest. Also a study of the animal’s activities viz. the grazing
patterns of the animal needs to be recorded. Since the area under surveillance is large, the
acquired data needs to be propagated on a node to node basis until it is transferred to a base
station. Lastly the system needs to run continuously for a minimum of 12 months, so the power
supply design and its usage need optimization.
Positional Logs: The GPS reading needs to be accurate and precise, in view with the
migration pattern of the animal. As researchers specify, a location reading every 3 hours would
be enough to draw a close enough movement track of the animal over a year.
Ambient Environment: With the animal covering a lot of ground during its migration over
the year, the researchers also need to monitor the environment in which the animal dwells and
grazes. Sensors for measuring the temperature, humidity, and light as well as animal activity are
embodied in the system.
Data Transmission and Recovery: To collect the dispersed data for analysis by the
researchers, it needs to be transmitted to the base station(s). Since the Barasingha has a fairly
large movement track it is not possible to equip the entire region with numerous base stations. To
address this issue, the data needs to be moved through the network, employing node to node
communications as was attempted in Zebranet. In order to compensate for high latency, the node
has a large external flash to accommodate data generated on the node as well as acquired through
peer interaction. Section 3.1 discusses the communication in more detail.
Energy harvesting: The nodes need to be alive for a minimum of a year, tracking the
migration path, avoiding any human intervention. Their only contact is the wireless link with
other nodes or the base station as the case may be. Also, since there is a limitation on the weight
of the node, a bulky power supply is forbidden. Hence, the node needs to have lightweight power
back up system. Given that the animal will mostly be in large fields under open skies, the
required power supply could be equipped with solar energy harvesting features. With careful
energy management policy, supplemented by harvesting, the energy requirements can be easily
2.2 System Overview
Broadly the wildCENSE system is divided as in Figure 1, namely the hardware, related system
software and drivers, middleware servers with data logging and web hosting services and finally
the browser based visualization software.
1) Hardware Architecture
The complete sensor node along with the battery recharging system is in the form of a collar
to be worn by the animal. Hardware system architecture of wildCENSE node is as depicted
in Figure 2. The design issues as discussed in Section 2 have been carefully met. Each
component has been carefully selected based on earlier prototypes to meet accuracy, power,
voltage compatibility and cost considerations. The components that make up a single node
are as follows:
Micro-controller – ATMega1281V, with 128K bytes program memory, is the core
processing unit of our design. It has 4K bytes of EEPROM and 8K bytes of SRAM. The
availability of 2 USART ports enables independent communication of GPS and Radio
transceiver with the core processing unit simultaneously.
This allows us to remove the multiplexing overhead as described in the software section 3.2.
The internal resonator is not accurate enough for serial communication, so an external crystal
of 1.83728 MHz is used. (limiting baud error to zero percent [7]).
Real Time Clock - DS3231 [8] - For node discovery, all the nodes need to wake up at the
same time requiring them to be synchronized. External RTC is required to accurately
synchronize these nodes. It also generates periodic interrupts to wake up the micro-controller
from its “Power Down” sleep mode. Features like extreme accuracy, integrated temperature
compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO), I2 C interfacing at different baud rates make the
device ideal for this application. Any mismatch in the time in the system (between two
interacting nodes) can cost a lot of power in network synchronization. RTC running on
different nodes are skewed due to the environment. To maintain the accuracy of node to node
communications, the RTC is synchronized by the GPS device every five days, keeping the
clock skew within 1 sec. GPS – Lassen iQ GPS Receiver with antenna [9] – It has a small
footprint, low energy consumption (89mW at 3.3V) in active mode. To achieve high
accuracy, it uses twelve processing channels to track the GPS satellite signals. Lassen iQ
GPS supports the required NMEA protocol with GPRMC message format, which contains all
the required information namely date, latitude, longitude and time. It serially communicates
with the microcontroller at 4800 bps. Our GPS is used in On/Off mode since readings are
taken every 3 hours. To utilize “Warm start” feature of GPS, we use a battery backup
mechanism. Radio Transceiver – XBee-Pro [10] - This Digi-Key communication module is
based on ZigBee/IEEE 802.15.4 standard. It operates at 2.4GHz (only freely available ISM
band in India), providing a range of more than a kilometer. While using this frequency results
in higher power consumption for same range compared to 900 MHz, we gain in terms of
much higher data rate and smaller compact antenna. Low cost, low power and ease of use are
among the other advantages. It also provides five sleep modes to meet various needs of
different applications. We use lowest power sleep mode as it is not a time but power critical
system. Delay of few milliseconds of wake up are well within the system’s tolerance
Memory - ATMEL AT45DB16B Data flash.
A high memory storage is required to complement the long latency of communication
between the base and the node. For our WSN, a node needs to collect data from its peers,
asking for a higher memory capacity. AT45DB16B, with SPI interfacing looks quite
promising for the scenario. An operational in-house developed file system [12], based on
UCBs Matchbox file system [13], is being used, which makes the storage system simple and
efficient. Additional sensors - To collect the ambient environment parameters of the animal,
the node mostly incorporates digital sensors, as from the experiences of Great Duck Island
Experiment [1]. The humidity sensor has an inbuilt heater to evaporate absorbed water.
Among the set of sensors are the Sensirion’s SHT11 [14] which is a digital temperature and
humidity sensor (Resolution: 0.01°C and 0.05% RH). This sensor is shielded by a cap (IP67
standard) which lets it sense the environment but at the same time protects it from the same.
We use a high sensitivity digital light sensor from TAOS, TSL2561t [15]. To monitor the
activity of the animal an analog accelerometer from Freescale Semiconductor MMA6270QT
[16] is used. This data along with the position logs provides more insight into the migration
pattern of the animal as well as its micro-climatic preferences. The node has been designed
employing numerous noise reduction techniques. To reduce the ADC noise, a LC filter
(L=10mH and C=0.1uF) has been added to the ADC pins of the micro-controller. Also, the
AVCC is connected to the main power supply without any in between fan out lines, to reduce
noise [6]. The whole PCB has copper pouring to keep the noise at a minimum level as also to
dissipate any heat generated by the node. Figure 3 depict the node. The size of the node is 5 x
6cm2, weighing only 34gms. Including the power supply (Liion battery with solar charging
mechanism), the total weight of the system, excluding the collar is less than 300gms (using 4
Li-Ion cells weighing 148 gms).

2)Software Architecture
Addressing the main design constraint, the energy; wildCENSE software implements
effective scheduling and synchronizing of events. The node is kept in sleep/inactive mode for
most of the time. Desired data is collected from sensors and GPS on the basis of periodic
interrupts generated by a real time clock (RTC). The accuracy of the RTC helps the node in
synchronization during node to node interactions as also with the base. GPS samples are
taken every 3 hours and the wake up of respective sensors is scheduled every ten minute.
Since the Radio transceiver, GPS and external flash memory are on separate ports namely
USART0, USART1 and SPI, we can afford to use them simultaneously. While the GPS is
switched on and tries to get a fix, a radio transmission could be achieved if another node/base
is discovered in the vicinity. The pointers to current read/write data segment on the flash are
stored in the EEPROM of the micro-controller. This is advantageous in restart situations (e.g.
a watchdog reset), the pointers to data segment can be retrieved from EEPROM. All of the
nodes wake up at the same time and the data exchange process is initiated, once the
node/base discovery is done. Data transferred to the base station is successively deleted from
the nodes. The communication baud rate between the micro-controller and radio transceiver
is set to be 57600, though a higher baud rate of 115200 is supported by this radio transceiver.
Our test results show better data reliability at the lower baud (57600) and hence the trade-off.
3)System Energy Management
WSN energy requirements are by far the most critical and important design
considerations. In case of wildlife monitoring the scenario becomes more challenging, where
a trade-off is needed between the weight of the node and its energy requirement. In this
section we discuss our techniques for energy management, at the software level and the
hardware level as well for wildCENSE. An instance of the node’s power consumption is
shown in Figure 4. The details of energy consumption calculation are given in part C of this
A. Hardware Level Energy Management
The desired node is populated by number of sensors along with other peripheral including
RTC, external flash memory and radio transceiver. Designing a simple power supply for such
complex system was a challenge. All components and sensors were carefully selected to have
low energy profile and almost similar input supply range with 3.3V as the common voltage.
The system is powered by a re-chargeable Li-ion battery, which can safely have voltages
from 2.7 V to 4.2 V. Solar power is being added to further enhance the node life.
Also the unused pins and digital input buffers are configured as output pins and disabled
respectively, to minimize their energy leakage. The decision of using a common voltage
(3.3V) not only made the power supply for the node simple but also saved lots of energy,
which otherwise, would have been wasted in regulating it for different voltages. To utilize the
battery energy to the maximum, a DC/DC converter, TPS63001 buck booster from Texas
Instruments [17], is used. It provides a constant 3.3V output with a maximum of 1.8A of
current; being rated up to 96 percent efficient.
B. Software Level Energy Management
wildCENSE employs “Power Down” sleep mode of the micro-controller for the time the
node is inactive, thereby saving substantial amount of energy. Another option could be to use
a dual clock scheme instead of sleep mode, but while using an external Real Timer Clock, we
are able to save the required power in our “Power Down” sleep mode itself. The Power
Down mode features putting everything to a complete shutdown, including the clock source
and typically consumes less than 10uA of current with “Watchdog” enabled at 3.3V. Brown-
out detector remains the only analog module in terms of power consumption during a sleep
mode state [18]. But since even this module is not required in our design we have turned it
permanently off ensuring further lower powered “Power Down” sleep mode. Another power
saving mode, the “Power Save” sleep mode is employed when smaller delays are required
between processing and reading sensors.
Along with microcontroller other peripheral are also put to sleep mode to minimize
energy usage. The GPS is switched off while the node is in sleep mode. This is implemented
by the use of power switch, TPS2092 [19]. The application being not very time critical gives
us the opportunity to put the radio transceiver in lowest power mode which consume about 5
times less power than the other modes.
C. Node lifetime estimation
Table 1 explains the power requirement of various components of the node. The following
assumptions have been taken in estimating the energy requirements of the node for it to survive
minimum of one year.

• The node takes measurements every 3 hrs.

• It is assumed that most of the time, the Barasingha, would be under open skies, getting a
clear GPS lock.
• The node tries to discover other nodes/base every hour, synchronized by the RTC. • Only 70
percent of the total rated Li-ion battery energy has been assumed usable [20].
• Lastly, we assume that a node per day will receive a maximum of 7 pages from its peers and
transfer one page to the other. In a month’s time the node will transfer all its content to the
With the above assumptions and using the stated hardware, the node requires a total of
13.5mAh energy per day or 7040 mAh in a year. To meet the above requirements, Li-ion
battery pack of 8Ah capacity is sufficient. Solar charging would further improve the life time
of nodes.
In the Table 1 we will represents Transmit mode by “Tx”, Receive mode by “Rx” and
Power Down by “PD”. The average current (in milli Ampere) requirements of components in
different modes are given in Column 4. Column 5 “T” gives the typical time (in sec) taken by
sensors and other peripheral to take single reading. Last column i.e. “C” is the per day
current requirements (mAh) of components in different mode.
In order to test our system in a real environment we deployed one of our sensor nodes on a
cow in the nearby forest. The woods simulated the final deployment area.
Testing was done on the domestic animal instead on wild animal at this stage (before deploying
on final species) since at this stage we are testing our device and it’s important to be able to
deploy and retrieve the node easily. This is not possible once we deploy it on wildlife.
Verification of data obtained equally crucial at this stage, which can be easily done on domestic
Trial 1(Aug 22, 2008) - A collar belt along with the node and power supply was prepared
and care was taken to ensure the radio transceiver and GPS were facing perpendicular to the
node towards the sky.
For testing purposes, we programmed the node to take reading every 3 minutes and try to
communicate with the base station after every 30 minutes. Among the major problems faced, we
found that battery drained quickly due to sleep mode not being activated. The belt designed was
loose making the node shift from side to side of the neck, resulting in skewed neck movement
readings and also increasing the fixing time of GPS. The ambient environment sensors were put
on one end of the node; hence with the node shifting sideways, the sensing became more
localized and got affected due to the body of the animal.
Trial 2 (Sept 2-4, 2008) - In the second field trial (shown in Figure 5), we rectified all the
shortcomings of the previous trial. An improvisation in the belt was made. The battery pack was
hung at the lower end and the node at the top, resulting in the node being always at the top. Also
a provision to attach the node with the horns of the animal was made to further make its location
static from the cow’s reference frame. This trial continued for 46 hours without any human
intervention and data was collected and uploaded to our servers via the base station.
Figure 6 shows the data collected with the visualization software developed using Google Map
APIs. We have expanded an instance to get readings of various sensors at that point. The
readings were counter checked by manual readings which were taken from a distance. Also our
GPS readings were within a precision of 15 m, which is well within the tolerable range of 50 m.
Readings from various sensors are depicted in Figure 7. The sensor data closely co-relates to
the ambient environment readings which were taken manually for verification. Temperature
readings varied around 30 to 45 °C as local to Gujarat state. Light sensor data is scaled on the
secondary axis varying from 0 to 25000 lux.


• Turn on the power supply
• Cheek that Tank empty or not
• If Tank empty Controller (Decision Making based on water level)
• If Tank empty then turn on the Motor
• If Tank full then turn off the Motor
• Repeat same process at that Tank is empty
Diptrace is an electronic schematic capture and simulation program which is part of a suite of
circuit design programs. Diptrace is one of the few circuit design programs to employ the
original BerkeleySPICE based software simulation. Diptrace includes, as well as integrated
import and export features to the Printed Circuit Board layout software in the suite, Diptrace.
Diptrace is widely used in academia and industry for circuit’s education, electronic schematic
design and simulation.


KEIL was founded in 1986 to market add-on products for the development tools provided by
many of the silicon vendors. Keil implemented the first C-compiler designed from the ground-up
specifically for the 8051microcontroller.
Keil provides a broad range of development tools like ANSICcompiler, macro assemblers,
debuggers and simulators, linkers, IDE, library managers, real-time operating systems and
evaluation boards for 8051, 251, ARM, and XC16x/C16x/ST10 families.
In October 2005, Keil (Keil Elektronik GmbH in Munich, Germany, and Keil Software, Inc. in
Plano, Texas) was acquired by ARM. The Keil Compilers support all 8051, 251, C16x/ST10, and
ARM compatible devices. However, there are various meanings to "support", all of which are
explained below.
The Keil Compiler generates code for any device that is compatible with the 8051, 251,
C16x/ST10, or
ARM microcontrollers. The only exception to this would be a device that has removed or altered
instruction set. However, that device would no longer be a compatible part.
When you start a project using the Keil uVision IDE, you must select a chip from the Device
Keil constantly updating the database and adding new parts. To ensure that you always have the
database, you may download the latest updates from the Keil Website.
If the latest software's Device Database does not include the part you use, you may add a Device
Database entry we may refer to UVISION: ADDING CUSTOM PARTS TO THE DEVICE
DATABASE for more information. The Device Database is simply a way to specify the default
compiler, assembler, and linker settings. For new devices, you may simply copy the settings for a
Each microcontroller has its own unique set of Special Function Registers. The SFRs for a chip
MAY be
identical to those of another device. Keil Software provides custom header files that define the
SFRs for
almost every 8051, 251, and C16x compatible device. However, there may be new devices for
which we
have not yet created a header file. That does not mean that this chip is not supported. Creating
files for new devices is easy.
On occasion, new devices have architectural changes that require new instructions or addressing
to be added to the compiler, there are only a few such devices. In most cases, these devices offer
a 100%
compatible mode of operation. Typically, we are able to add compiler support before these chips
available. Sometimes, however, this is not the case. When support is not yet available, you may
these new devices in the compatible mode of operation. When support is integrated into the
assembler, and linker, the device database will be updated with the appropriate controls.
Once you compile, assemble, and link your program, you will need a method of testing it. The
uVision IDE supports two distinct methods of program testing: simulation and target debugging.
In simulation, Keil Software or the silicon vendor has created a DLL that simulates the on-chip
peripherals of the selected device. With over 350 devices in the database, it is impossible to
simulation support for all of them. However, it is our goal to simulate as many as possible. Even
complete simulation is not available, partial simulation (base timers, counters, interrupts, and I/O
are supported. To discover what on-chip peripherals for a particular chip are simulated, check the
Device Database.
Target debugging allows you to run your program on your target hardware. There are several
different ways to do this. Each utilizes an interface DLL that is created either by Keil Software or
by the silicon vendor or by the emulator vendor. The method of target debugging is via
debugging hardware (JTAG, OCDS, Serial) that is built into the chip. Companies like Triscend,
Infineon, and Cygnal all have built-in debugging solutions. Contact your silicon vendor to see if
they have uVision Debugger Drivers for their parts.
In the last few decades, the quality of farming has immensely transformed with small sized,
intensively labour based farms being replaced by much larger autonomous and industrialised
farms. With these changing conditions, animal welfare becomes an increased concern.
Conventionally, an experienced herdsman would take care of a comparatively fewer cattle and
would have direct contact with them, while, on modern automated farms, very few people look
after a large number of cattle, hence decreasing the direct contact with them. Thus, this creates a
greater need to monitor the animal’s health.
In last two decades, researchers have developed several applications for sensor technology.
The commonly researched fields in sensor technology are robotics, defence and military,
industrial production processes, entertainment, which are comparatively less urgent than other
bigger global issues such as natural disasters, determination of non-sustainable resources, health
monitoring disease control, and many more.
Development of sensor system for animals has been limited, considering the use of sensors
on them and the amount of influence they have on the daily aspects of our life. In the agenda of
future research and development in sensor technologies, an increased emphasis should be given
to these topics too. Hence, in this sense, this paper will focus on the determination and mapping
of diseases in dairy cattle to the relevant sensors.
There are numerous types of technologies that have been in practice for effective health
monitoring, be it for humans or animals. Sensor is a device that measures a physiological or
behavioral parameter (related to the health or estrus) of an individual cow and enables
automated, on-farm detection of changes in this condition that is related to a health event (such
as disease) and requires action on the part of the farmer(such as treatment).
Sensors fall into two categories: Attached and Non-attached.
A. Attached sensors:
They may be on-cow sensors that are fitted on the outside of the cow’s body, or in-cow sensors
that are inside the body (e.g., rumen bolus or implant).
B. Nonattached sensors:
They are off-cow sensors that cows pass by, over, or through for measurement. Two distinct
forms of nonattached sensors are in-line and on-line sensors. In-line sensors take measurements
in a continuous flow of product from the cow. The only available option for in-line measurement
is in the milk line. On-line sensors automatically take a sample (milk, for example,) that is
analysed by the sensor. [1]
Since the 1980s, a lot of work has been put into developing sensors that measure several
parameters from an individual cow.
The initial work recognised an individual cow followed by sensing electrical conductivity of
milk and activity Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Sensing Technology, Sep.
2-4, 2014, Liverpool, UK 266 measurement using sensors like accelerometer and pedometers.
[1] The sensor systems development may be described in 4 levels:
(I) method that compute something about the cow (e.g., activity);
(II) Interpretation that abridge change in the sensor data (e.g., increased activity) to fabricate
information about the status of the cow (e.g., estrus);
(III) Integrate information where sensor data is supplemented with other data (e.g., financial
information) to advice for produce (e.g., whether or not to inseminate cow); and
(IV) The decision making depends on the farmer or the sensor system may do it autonomously
(e.g., inseminator is called for).
[1] Four levels are defined here that describe the degree to which the sensor system informs the
farmer. The sensor itself is only the first step in a sensor system. The second step is to use the
sensor data in an algorithm that provides information about the health of the individual cows. In
this step, it is possible to combine sensor data with non-sensor data about cow history.
[2] As more sensors become available and are tested more extensively, a need has risen for a
clear overview of what sensors have been tested, how advanced the systems are, and the quality
of the produced data, information, and devices.
Such a structured overview is currently lacking within the scientific literature. As the idea of
sensor research is to provide farmers with tools to improve their cow health management, the
central question in research regarding sensors should concern what value (meaning the economic
value, but also the usefulness for risk management and making labour easier) the sensor system
adds to the farmer’s decision making. [1]


In order to aid the farmer, sensor systems have been developed to automatically determine the
physiological and behavioural indicators. These indicators (or features or parameters) are used as
input for subsequent data analysis methods. The existing approaches for sensor-based data
acquisition could be classified in two categories:
A. Non-invasive
1) Immobile sensors located in the barn:
Cows in a barn usually have a repetitive daily routine, i.e. they are at known locations at fixed
times (during milking and feeding). Therefore, sensors can be placed at fixed locations where the
cows regularly have to pass. Typical sensors of this type are temperature measurements of the
udder [3] or of the face in an automatic milking station. Another example is the measurement of
breath composition [4].
Another kind of immobile sensors are surveillance cameras. When the typically occupied area is
in the field of view of the camera, it can continuously provide information for the cows in the
herd [5]. However, the reliability of this information is limited by the “optical” conditions in a
barn: The similarity between the background and the cow's body colour hinders the detection of
the cows. The ability of these systems for a long term identification of cows is still limited. In
general, the benefit of this “immobile sensor” approach is that only one or a few sensors are
required to monitor a herd.
The disadvantage is the limitation of available data sets: Physiological indicators are well
assessed in this way. The availability of behavioural indicators is, however, limited (and better
recorded on longer time intervals). Another disadvantage is the significant temporal gaps
between observations (similar to the case of qualitative observations by the farmer) which
prevent quick reactions by the farmer.
2) Mobile sensor boxes attached to the cow (external sensors):
In order to monitor cows throughout a day, the most reliable way is to attach sensors at
individual cow (e.g. by a neck collar or an ankle ribbon). Typical sensors of this kind are
accelerometers, pedometers, vibration sensors, thermometers for temperature measurements (at
hypodermal level), humidity sensors (at skin level), etc.
Pedometers are cheap and simple sensors that give insight in the activity status of a cow. Recent
scientific applications were used to identify oestrus behaviour with good prediction capabilities
[6]. Pedometers are also part of more complex sensor system. In [7], a pedometer for three
measurement parameters (activity, lying time, and temperature) including a real-time watch and a
changeable measuring the time interval was developed. The purpose of the system was the
identification of oestrus cycle times. In principle, the system may also identify several illnesses
(according to the authors). This however was not yet confirmed by experiments.
Recently, low-cost and infrastructure-less GPS positioning sensors have been used to
identify different motion states of cows [8]. The GPS sensors were attached to the animals’
collars. They aimed at identifying the following activities: eating, seeking, walking, lying and
standing. For these activities, the average classification success rate of around 85% was
achieved. Therefore, the classification ability is promising but the rate is yet too low for practical
applications. However, the success rate could be significantly increased by an integration of
additional sensor signals (e.g. accelerometers).
Another class of sensors, MEMS-based accelerometers, are currently the most promising
candidates for providing reliable data for activity monitoring. They offer an excellent
compromise between contradictory technological conditions: Continuously high data rate on one
side, low power consumption, on the other hand, (not to mention low costs for this type of
sensor). The usage of accelerometers in activity monitoring in cows was proposed many years
ago (see different patent application dating back to the 1990s, e.g. [9]). Recent advantages in the
design of accelerometers, especially in the field of MEMS-based, accelerometers, has notable
improved the reliability of measured data sets. In a recently published paper, an analysis of state
of the art sensors for activity analysis has been conducted [10]. Good experimental results were
already achieved with (rather simple) heuristic classification approach. Even better results are
feasible when using multiple sensors at different positions (e.g. in order to differentiate between
head and body movements).
The advantage of this type of sensors is a continuous observation of the dairy cows.
Especially the class of modern MEMS-based accelerometers is a promising candidate for
successful commercial systems, presumably in combination with additional mobile sensors. The
disadvantages are an increased effort for accessing the sensor data as well as an
increased danger of damages to the sensor boxes (due to the movements of the cows in the barn).
Both disadvantages are controllable by modern engineering.
B. Invasive
1) Mobile sensor boxes swallowed or implanted to cow
(internal sensors): High precision measurements of some physiological parameters require
sensors that reside within the cow (e.g. in the rumen, under the skin). Typical sensors of this kind
are thermometers for measuring the core body temperature or vaginal pressure during birth [11].
Sensors for measuring the electrical conductivity [12] and the pH-value [13] [14] [15] of
rumen fluid are another examples.The advantage of internal sensors is reliable measurement
values that are unaffected by external conditions, in combination with continuous observation of
the cows. The disadvantages are difficulties for reusing sensor, limited
application time of the sensors due to the required energy and (at least for some sensor types) the
placement inside the cow. Especially in the field of activity monitoring, mobile internal
sensors only have limited added value when compared to
mobile external sensors.Each sensor system is described using five categories referring to the
used technique, collected data, used algorithms, and performance. The first three categories
provide a brief summary of the technical aspects of the device: type of sensor (1) sensor location
(with respect to the cow); (2) type of measurements (3) Alerts given by the sensor are
compared with the gold standard (4) which describes the occurrence of an event in reality [16].
The relation between the gold standard, sensor data, and possible data additional to
the sensors’ data that does not originate from the sensor under study (non-sensor data); (5) is
described by an algorithm. [1]


The following health events will form the basis of this study as they all have a negative impact
on cow health and welfare and on farmer profitability by increasing calving-to-conception
intervals and reducing milk yield components.
1) Mastitis
Mastitis is a swelling of the breasts gland and tissue in the mammary gland and is a leading
endemic disease of dairy cattle. It produces an immune response to bacterial invasion of
the teat canal by various bacterial sources on the farm and may also happen as a consequence of
chemical, mechanical or thermal injury to the udder.
4.5 Proposed Solution
In this paper we have proposed an “IoT based smart Animal Health Monitoring System”. In this
system critical parameters affecting cattle health like body temperature, heart beat and
rumination are continuously monitored. The core controller can
process the sensed values of sensors. The raspberry PI 3 model can be used as a core controller
which is WiFi inbuilt and database can be created on cloud using IoT so sensed data can be
found on internet from anywhere. Farmer or dairy owner can access the information using an
android app in mobile. An email can also be sent to farmer so that farmer can get the data easily
and can monitor the health of his cattle. This regular monitoring of animals health will help the
farmers and dairy owners to know about the disease at its initial stage only and hence animal can
be given proper treatment and in this way it will help to reduce the mortality loss and other
economic losses. Thus this system can be quite helpful and crucial for the welfare of farmers
who practice mixed agriculture. Data of database at cloud can be shared to “Department of
Animal Husbandry, Dairing & Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmer’s Welfare, Govt. of
India and different educational institutions and vetenary hospitals”. These data can help the
government in making animal healthcare policies and can help the government in better
targetting to specifically affected areas. It will also help in reaserch and devlopement in vetenary
4. Resources Requıred

4.1 Hardware Used:

The hardware is composed of the Sensor module, Analog to digital converter (ADC) and
Raspberry Pi module.
4.1.1 Sensor module
Sensors have many functions, like detection, collection, calculation and routing of surrounding
data. These are used for real-time monitoring of various health parameters. Such type of sensors
will be mounted on the cattle’s body, which will
continuously monitor the health parameters of the cattle like heartbeat rate, body temperature and
rumination and sends output in the type of electrical signs. These signs are then compared to a
standard limit of normal values. The Sensors like “body temperature sensor, heart beat sensor
and rumination sensor” are used in the IoT based smart animal health monitoring system. These
sensors are connected to the ADC (analog to digital converter) and raspberry pi. So sensor
module will be mounted at the body of cattle so that critical parameters affecting cattle health
like body temperature, heart beat and rumination will be continuously monitored with the help of
different sensors discussed below. DS18B20 Body Temperature Sensor Cable
DS18B20 sensor is utilised to measure the body temperature of the cattle. There are a numbers of
infections which can occur in cattle when the core temperature of the animals changes. So it is
necessary to monitor body temperature. The usual cattle temperature is 38.50C-39.500C.The
diseases related with body temperature lower than normal are milk
fever, poisoning, indigestion etc. and when the temperature is more than 41oC, diseases occurs
are anthrax, influenza and foot and mouth disease.
DS18B20 has unique 1-wire interface which enables it to communicate with devices easily. It
can measure temperatures from -55°C to +125°C (-67oF to
+257oF). Heartbeat Sensor
The rate of heart beats per minute (BPM) is the critical factor in evaluation of health. Normally
in a fit cow the heart beats in the range of 48 to 84 times in a minute. Multiple diseases and
uneasiness causes fluctuation in BPM. “Heartbeat Sensor is a welldesigned plug-and-play heart-
rate sensor”[15]. It is an analog sensor but raspberry pi does not support analog
sensors so an “analog to digital converter (ADC: MCP3008)” is used. The sensor is interfaced
with ADC then to Raspberry Pi. Rumination Sensor Module
Rumination is directly linked to the health status of animals. They stop ruminating normally as
soon as they start feeling uneasy due to physical problem or some disease. So it indicates that
animal is normal and health. Its also a part of the digestion in animals.Normally an animal
ruminates almost “one third of a day (9-10 hours). The variation in rumination signifies
the disease like food digestion, mastitis, metabolic calving disease etc. Moreover the coming
back to normal rumination is fantastic signal of successfulness of treatment. The monitoring of
rumination of the cattle is required because it can give quite precise status of the health of
5. Hardware Implementation
5.1 Interfacing Diagram
5.2 Procedure Followed

The health parameters of animals are measured by sensors (Temperature Sensor, Heartbeat
Sensor and Rumination Sensor) interfaced with MCP3008 and Raspberry Pi.
a) After measuring data, i.e. in the normal range/ out of normal range, the data is sent to
“ThingSpeak” using internal Wi-Fi of RPi.
b) Registration is done on the ThingSpeak Cloud and channel is being created for collection of
the data. The Data from the sensors is sent to the Cloud where it is displayed graphically.
c) A mobile app in the end user’s mobile device then talks to the cloud by connecting to it and
the information regarding the health and wellbeing of animal is known to the user.
Fig. 5: Flow Diagram of the IoT based Smart Animal
Health Monitoring System
5.3 Results Obtained
The Codes when run on raspberry Pi have given the
measured body temperature in degree Celsius and
degree Fahrenheit, heartbeat in Beats Per
Minutes(BPM) and rumination in terms of movement
in X, Y, Z-directions. The displayed data at the
console are forwarded to ThingSpeak cloud by Wi-Fi
based on IEEE 802.11 standard .User can access those
data from anywhere using internet and android app on
their mobile. By careful observation of the available
information at cloud of ThingSpeak user can easily
diagnose the health status of animal.


This paper presents an operational prototype for wildlife monitoring using WSN. wildCENSE
is compact, accurate and does energy efficient sensing. Besides being energy efficient, it
provides detailed position logs with a very high accuracy. The software protocols and the
hardware implementation have all been carefully crafted to optimize the systems energy
requirement. Though units like the GPS and Radio transceiver consume considerable energy,
utilizing the solar recharging mechanism, node lifetime would be enhanced.
We would now proceed to deploy nodes on Cheetal (Spotted Deer) and test node to node
communication as well as reliability of nodes to survive in harsh conditions. This is being done
since our target animal Barasingha is in endangered species list and permission to deploy nodes
on them are very rare and we cannot afford to experiment on them. This trial would also give
wildlife researchers a glimpse into social behaviour of Cheetal. Once we are satisfied with this
trial, we would proceed to deploy nodes on Barasingha. This system would be useful on many
other wildlife species and would be tried out by WII researchers, whenever opportunity comes

To develop an animal health monitoring system This is aim of this project (AHMS) which is
capable to the measuring of body temperature, and heart rate parameters with environmental
parameters . We are add more sensors to monitor health parameter.
The core goal of the research paper is to design and develop “a prototype of an IoT based
smart animal healthcare monitoring system”. The developed system is capable of real-time
monitoring the body temperature, heartbeat and rumination with the help of
Raspberry Pi3 (with inbuilt Wi-Fi) MCP30008 (analog to digital converter), body temperature
sensor, heartbeat sensor and rumination sensor. The displayed data at the console are forwarded
to ThingSpeak cloud by Wi-Fi based on IEEE 802.11 standard .User can access those data from
anywhere using internet and android app on their mobile. By careful observation of
the available information at cloud of Thing Speak user can easily diagnose the health status of
animal. If there is any abnormality he can consult veterinary staff and treatment can start at initial
stage which can be cured easily reducing the treatment cost.The research work could further be
enhanced by determining the QoS parameters of the obtained results. The developed novel
prototype may also be implemented with the help of Raspberry Pi 0, as its quite cheap compared
to raspberry pi3. The practical implementation can be done on mass scale in different cow
shelters. Moreover we will use GSM module also to send text to farmers and owners for real
time monitoring of animal health.

1) This Method is Fast & Conventional
2) Does not Required to Human Attention.
3) This is Completely independent.
4) Economically benefit .
5) Check environmental Humidity & temperature.

1) Wild life Animal Tracking.
2) Domestic Purpose to Detect Pet Animal.
3) In Criminal Cases Many Time We See That Police Department uses Dog To Find Out Trace
Of Criminals.
4) In Dairy Animal Monitoring.
5) During recess, indicate the animal location & health monitor.


We are to add more sensors to monitor health parameter. However, other similar mote
architectures and mobile phone technologies are also applicable, e.g., RFID and GPRS/EDGE;
Iphone, WP7, Blackberry, and Badamobile devices which require further investigation. In
addition, due to the time consuming (several hours) in practical measurement, we do not run
multiple tests for power consumption evaluation, and that is for further study.

[1] B. Vallat and E. M. Bernoth, “Manual of diagnostic tests for aquatic animals” 4th Edition,
2003, Int. Des Epizooties, Paris, France. ISBN: 92- 9044-563-7.
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