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Stress Markings SUDHA

words ending with -ee [ultimate syllable last syllable] [cvv]
emplo'yee addres'see refe'ree absen'tee devo'tee exami'nee refu'gee trai'nee

Exception [ccvv]
a'gree de'gree

words ending with -neer [ultimate syllable - last syllable]

engi'neer profi'teer volun'teer auctio'neer pio'neer electio'neer ca'reer

words ending with -ette [ultimate syllable - last syllable]

ga'zette ciga'rette geor'gette kitche'nette

words ending with -que[ultimate syllable - last syllable]

u'nique o'blique cri'tique an'tique pictu'resque tech'nique

words ending with -aire[ultimate syllable - last syllable]

millio'naire billio'naire

words ending with -self [ultimate syllable- last syllable]

my'self her'self it'self them'selves our'selves him'self

words ending with -ever [ultimate syllable- last syllable]

how'ever what'ever who'ever when'ever

words ending with -ion [penultimate syllable - second syllable from last]
deco'ration *appli'cation exami'nation prepa'ration combi'nation 'station
gene'ration civili'zation obser'vation va'cation con'fusion inf or'mation
plan'tation conver'sation se'lection edu'cation congratu'lation agi'tation
*accu'sation calcu'lation 'nation 'question popu'lation af 'fection
'action aspi'ration contami'nation industrali'zation pol'lution vege'tation
organi'zation trans'lation for'mation accommo'dation

words ending with -ial [penultimate syllable - second syllable from last]

po'tential of'ficial es'sential 'social fi'nancial re'medial confi'dential

words ending with - ic [penultimate syllable -second syllable from last]

patri'otic sympa'thetic aca'demic 'logic his'toric fa'natic ter'rific spe'cific

cata'strophic ener'getic rea'listic enthusi'astic photo'graphic scien'tific


words ending with -ious / eous [penultimate syllable - second syllable from last ]

no'torious cere'monious de'licious am'bitious 'courteous cou'rageous ju'dicious

lu'xurious a'trocious fal'lacious 'conscious advan'tageous 'serious su'spicious

words ending with -ian [ ante penultimate syllable -third syllable from last]
mu'sician li'brarian co'median authori'tarian

words ending with -ical [ante penultimate syllable - third syllable from last]
his'torical 'optical 'practical me'chanical gram'matical po'litical 'cyclical

words ending with -ity [ante penultimate syllable - third syllable from last]
possi'bility stu'pidity te'nacity sim'plicity ne'cessity hu'mility curi'osity
mo'rality pub'licity visi'bility legi'bility oppor'tunity inferi'ority responsi'bility
a'bility ca'pacity inhu'manity re'ality natio'nality

words ending with -ize [ante penultimate syllable - third syllable from last]
'civilize 'symbolize 'emphasize 'authorize 'humanize

words ending with -logy [ante penultimate syllable - third syllable from last]
bi'ology zo'ology physi'ology tech'nology

words ending with -graphy [ante penultimate syllable - third syllable from last]
ge'ography bi'ography chore'ography

words with stress on first syllable [mostly nouns]

'apple 'danger 'criminal 'teacher 'audience
'business 'water 'answer 'forward 'woman
'nature 'sorry 'impulse 'poison 'capital
'doctor 'novel 'sudden 'fertilizer 'residence
'paper 'service 'happy 'sulphur 'village
'article 'teacher 'people 'chlorine 'adjective
'freedom 'final 'murmur 'atmosphere 'botany
'atom 'ceremony 'nothing 'shallow 'comfort
'interest ‘incident 'moment 'century 'courtesy
'common ‘bachelor 'license 'junior 'cinema
'damage ‘famous 'lawyer 'cotton ‘government
'centre ‘victory 'father
'knowledge ‘character



words with stress on second syllable

suc'cess bal'loon di'rect o'pinion a'gainst con'tainer
a'round be'fore Ju'ly in'crease for'give sa'lute
for'get ma'chine per'haps al'low cre'ated e'xcellent
ga'rage con'cern re'spect cer'tificate be'hind
en'joy a'round com'plain a'partment col'lector
pre'pare ho'tel e'mission i'magine mis'taken re'hearsal
de'scribe be'gin ex'pression to'morrow di'rector
a'dopt be'lieve com'plete con'tinue

stress after prefix

a'lone be'low ex'actly de'lay a'bout be'neath en'deavour a'broad
a'bove de'parture a'loud be'come re'sistant i'dea re'turn at'tempt
be'tween a'mazing cam'paign a'go a'far a'cross a'gain
be'friend al'though a'part be'cause a'sleep a'head a'fraid be'little
a'live ac'cording be’fore to’day

Compound noun [first syllable]

'toothpaste 'tea-party 'football 'bookshop 'postman 'grandmaster
'deadline 'hairbrush 'pickpocket 'breakfast 'metal box 'software
'supermarket 'crossword 'classroom ' grandmother 'bus station 'lifeboat
'rain-coat 'earthquake 'handshake 'seashore 'footprint 'schoolmaster
'airport 'aircraft 'lighthouse 'suitcase 'television 'anything

Compound verbs [second syllable]


Compound words [second syllable]

ten-'metre soft 'spoken short-'sighted old-'fashioned north'east right'handed
half'baked prime'minister post'mortem good'natured left'hand bus'ticket
bad'tempered post'graduate man'made after'noon mon'soon

words ending with teen [last syllable]

words ending with ty [first syllable]
'fifty 'thirty

Shift in the stress

e'conomy 'photograph
eco'nomic pho'tographer
econo'metrics photo'graphic

suffixes -age -ance -en -er -ess -ship

'carry 'carriage
at'tend at'tendance
'bright 'brighten
be'gin be'ginner
'actor 'actress
'scholar 'scholarship
‘perfect ‘perfectly

noun/adjective verb
first syllable second syllable
'protest pro'test
'insult in'sult
'convert con'vert
'export ex'port
'import im'port
'present pre'sent
'record re'cord
'absent ab'sent
'conduct con'duct
'survey sur'vey
'permit per'mit
'prospect pro’spect
'suspect su’spect
'contract con'tract
'convict con'vict
'conflict con'flict
'defect de'fect
'increase in'crease
'invalid in'valid
'object ob'ject
'product pro'duct
'project pro'ject
'rebel re'bel
'record re'cord
'contrast con'trast

indi'vidual im'portant so'ciety 'couresty acci'dental inde'pendent disa'greement


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