A Guide To Child Employment

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Hours of Employment Please Remember

Term time
z The work permit provides legal protection for
both employer and young people in the event of A Guide to Child
an accident
During term time children may work a maximum of
12 hours per week. This includes: z Unless the young person has a work permit he/ Employment
z a maximum of two hours on school days and she may not be covered by your employer’s
Sundays liability insurance. Information for Parents
z a maximum of five hours on Saturdays for 13
to 14 year olds, or eight hours for 15 to 16 Offences and Employers
year olds If a child is employed in contravention of the law, the
employer and any other person (other that the child, Children & Young Persons Act 1933 to 1963
School holidays but could include a parent) by whose act or default Education Act 1944 to 1996
During school holidays 13 to 14 year olds may the child’s unlawful employment is attributable, is Children Act 1792 to 1998
work a maximum of 25 hours per week. This liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding level 3 on West Berkshire Council Byelaws
includes: the Standard Scale (£1000).
z a maximum of five hours on weekdays and
Remember; Work Permits are specific to the YOUNG
z a maximum of two hours on Sunday
PERSON, the EMPLOYER, the PLACE OF WORK and Introduction
the TYPE and HOURS the young person is employed
During school holidays 15 to 16 year olds may to do. If any of these change, please inform us, as a The above Laws and the Byelaws of West Berkshire Council
work a maximum of 35 hours per week. This new work permit will need to be issued. regulate the employment of children. This is to ensure that young
includes: people are not exploited, and that their health, development and
z a maximum of eight hours on weekdays and Further Information education are not put at risk. An employer or a parent will be
guilty of an offence if the law is broken.
Saturdays You can download work permit application forms
z a maximum of two hours on Sunday from www.westberks.gov.uk or visit
www.nncee.org.uk (National Network for child
employment and entertainment). For further advice
Other restrictions on child employment
about any matters regarding child employment
Children may not work: Please contact the Education Welfare Service
z without a work permit issued by the Education All part-time employment of young people of school
Welfare Team We are committed to being accessible to everyone. age are subject to the above laws and byelaws of West
z during school hours If you require this document in an alternative format Berkshire Council.
or translation, please call the Education Welfare and
z before 7.00 am or after 7.00 pm Safeguarding Service, on 01635 551111. Please note that: This includes all pupils still in National
z for more than one hour before school Curriculum Year 11 (GCSE year), even if they are already
West Berkshire Council 16.
z for more than four hours without taking a
Education Welfare and Safeguarding Service,
break of at least one hour The regulations still apply until the last Friday in June in the
Market Street,Newbury
z without having a two week break from any Berkshire, RG14 5LD school year when the pupil becomes 16.
work during the school holidays in each
calendar year T 01635 551111
E childemployment@westberks.gov.uk

Employment Means Health and Safety at work z The work permit will be issued and sent to the
parent/carer of the applicant. A copy will be
A young person is EMPLOYED if he/she assists in a Before employing a young person, the employer sent to the employer.
trade or occupation, which is carried out for profit – must carry out a risk assessment. This must take z Note: West Berkshire Council can only issue
even if the young person is not receiving payment or into account: work permits for those young people working
reward for the employment. z the young person’s age and therefore their within West Berkshire.
inexperience and immaturity
Jobs that do not require a permit z factors within the work place that could pose Prohibited employment
risks to health and safety, eg hot surfaces,
Young people doing odd jobs for neighbours, or on chemicals, carrying of heavy loads. No child of any age may be employed:
work experience organised by the school do not z In a cinema, theatre, disco, dance hall,
need a work permit. The employer must give parent(s)/carer(s) nightclub.
information about the risks identified in the z To sell or deliver alcohol
Regulations of Employment assessment and any control measures which
z To deliver milk
have been put in place. No young person may be
z Young people must be 13 years old to be able z To deliver fuel and/or oils
employed in any work out of doors unless wearing
to work part-time.
suitable clothing. z In a commercial kitchen
z 13 year olds are only allowed to be employed
doing light work i.e. shop work, newspaper z To collect or sort refuse
delivery. Applying for a work permit z Any work more that 3 meters above ground/
z There are certain jobs that it is illegal for a z Employers must complete a work permit floor level
young person to do (please see PROHIBITED application form stating the work the young z Harmful exposure to biological or chemical
EMPLOYMENT section). person will do, the hours etc. The young agents
person’s parent/carer must countersign this
z There are different working hours allowed z Exposure to adult material/situations
for 13 to 14 year olds and for 15 and 16 year unsuitable for children
olds. (please see HOURS OF EMPLOYMENT z These forms can be obtained from the
z Telephone sales
section). Education Welfare Service, West Berkshire
Council – see back page for contact details.. z Slaughterhouse, any part of a butcher’s shop
z All young people in employment must be and other premises connected with killing of
given a 1 hour ‘rest period’ after 4 hours of z Employers must have carried out a risk
livestock, butchery, preparation of carcasses
consecutive work. assessment, please see above.
or meat for sale
z All young people from the age of 13 until they z The Education Welfare Service will check the
z Attendant/assistant in fairground/amusement
reach Compulsory School Leaving Age can following:
arcade or any other premises used for
only be employed if they hold a work Permit - The proposed employment is lawful; public amusement by means of automation
issued by the Local Authority. In West Berkshire - The young person’s health, welfare or ability machines, games of chance or skill or similar
this is issued by the Education Welfare Service to take full advantage of his/her education devices.
on behalf of the Local Authority. would not be jeopardised; A permit can z Personal care of residents of any residential
be refused or revoked if the employment care home or nursing home.
is likely to be harmful to their education,
safety, health or development. THE SALE OF ALCOHOL IS PROHIBITED

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