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Minutes Session 6

First part of the session

-Finding place for the improvement:

What's good
- Everyone is well prepared
- The group work hard enough to find a particular solution or explanation
- People mostly feel comfortable in the tutorial group
- We trust each other’s contributions
What could be improved
- Try to find more solutions to one aspect, develop concepts more deeply
- Some of the people don’t speak enough, try to speak more and don’t be afraid to try
- Analyse topic more and more, to find more than one answer
- Disagree more, express our thoughts

Post Discussion Task

Key words:
- demographic trade
- wholesales customers
- nationalism

Defining problem
- Lego want to expand in China; however, they are not sure how to adjust to the local
- Why does Lego want to expand? - China is a big country and one of the biggest to
sell market
- Finding best strategy to adjust their company to local culture
- Internationalism
- Different cultures
- What are the challenges LEGO faces with an external environment?

Problems related to global expansion and finding solutions for them:

- Research-> explore the environment by the expert to make sure that products will be
adjusted to the potential customers
- Language-> in what language advertisements should be prepared and products
- Difference in products/marketing-> Advertisement should be adjusted to local
- Local employees-> making sure there will be people that could possibly work in the
- Cultural differences-> adjust Lego to local people, their beliefs, habit
- Price-> adjust price to local market
- Laws-> making sure that product is produced i
- Supplies-> easy access to the supplies
- Competition-> consider local market and any potential competitors

International (global) expansion is the long-term goal for the companies as this is an
expansive process that requires a lot of time and huge amounts of funds. Companies need
to prepare specific strategies in order to successfully complete expansion.

Organizational culture
- European values
- English (language)
Company culture- kinds of everything, how people dress, talk, rules, language etc.

Learning objectives:
- Find more about LEGO organizational culture
- Identify demographic trades
- What is the organizational culture - what role does it play to organizational and how it
- The best strategy to get to the Chinese market?
- Which strategies company could use to go global?
- What are the challenges to go global- international expansion?
- What is meant by the external environment - how does it affect managers?
- How other companies integrate China?
- Compare their strategies with their previous international expansions?
- How to decide when it is worthy to go international?
- What role does national culture effects organization?
- What are constating of the external environment?
- Which type of global business exist?
- What are the wholesales customers?

What to do for the next tutorial:

● Read chapter 3 – “Global Management” and 5 – “Constraints on Managers”.
● Read task 10
● Reflection on learning must be done before Sunday

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