Strategy Last Tutorial

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Chapter 1

- Competitive advantage
- Mission
- Vision
- Product orientated
- Customer orientated- more flexible, easier to
adapt to external environment

Chapter 2

Analysis - intended strategy

Formulation-unrealised strategy
Implementation-bottom-up strategy/emergent strat-

Share holders and stake holders

Share holders and stock holders are the same

Functional strategy- how different departments implement different strategy

Chapter 3
PESTEL analysis of external factors use to determine what they can expect in the future, to see op-
portunities and threats and how to respond

Task environment
- Everything you can control/influence on external environment (
General environment
- What manager don’t have influence
on external environment (exchange
rate, inflation)

Poter’s five forces

- Use to establishing profit potential
- Threat of entry or substitutes, barg-
ing power or suppliers/buyers

Perfect competition- lower profit mar-

Monopolistic competition - a lot of
companies (more competition)
Oligopoly- few companies, (jak oli-
garchy, duże i mało ich)
Monopoly- can set their own price, high barriers of entry
Strategic groups

Chapter 4
- Tangible- can touch
- Intaglio - cant measure their value, can be estimated, not financial statements. Cant touch
- Valuable
- Not valuable and other have it: competitive disadvantage
- Valuable: move to rare
- Rare
- Not rare: parity competitive advantage
- Rare: move to imitate
- Costly to Imitate
- Not costly: temporary competitive advantage
- Not costly: move to organise
- Organise to capture value

- Help to see do we have sustainable competitive advantage

- Strengths
- Internal
- Weaknesses
- Internal
- Opportunities
- External
- Threats
- External

Chapter 5

Measure competitive advantage

- Accounting probability (backwards, no intangible assets)
- Shareholders value creation
- Economic value creation
Types of business models
1. Razor razor
2. Subscription
3. Pay as you go
4. Freemium
5. Ultra low cots
6. Wholesale
7. Bundling
8. Agency - keep commission from sale or a product or service
Chapter 6

1. Differentiation strategy-create different products which differentiate from others

- Value drivers-costumers service, complements
- Cost divers-input costs, curve effect-learning curve (more you produce more you learn lower
the costs, better the better you are based on internal factors), experience curve (external as-
pects that cause decrease costs like process and innovation or extra lessons), economies of
2. Cost leadership-decrease cost
3. Blue ocean strategy V>C part of the market that all ready exits that hasn’t been funded yet
(part of the existing market)
4. Red ocean strategy

Chapter 7

Industry life cycle

1. Introduction
2. Growth
3. Shakeout - moving from product to …
4. Maturity
5. Decline

Crossing the chasm- moving from one stage to another

Innovation types

Platform business-find seller though platform like FB

Pipe line-find a sale directly
CAGE framework
- Cultural
- Administrative
- Geographical
- Economic
How similar companies are similar
Distance between host and home countries measuring expansion
Small distance (higher differences)-high chance of success
Big difference(low differences)-low chance of success

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