Email Writing

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Introduction to Email


Learn the art of composing effective and impactful emails for various

AA by Aaditya Aryan
Understanding the Purpose of the


1 Clarity is Key 2 Targeted Communication

Understand the primary objective Identify the specific audience and

before drafting the email. tailor the content accordingly.

3 Engaging the Recipient

Consider the impact you want to achieve with the email.

Structuring the Email: Dos and Don'ts

Do's Don'ts

Use clear and concise language with a logical Avoid using slang or unclear abbreviations.
Avoid writing lengthy paragraphs or
Address the recipient in a friendly and overwhelming the reader with information.
professional manner.
Crafting a Compelling Subject Line

Be Specific Communicate the purpose clearly in limited


Avoid Clickbait Ensure the subject accurately reflects the

email’s content.
Writing an Engaging Opening

Grab Attention Establish Connection Encourage Engagement

Create an intriguing opening to Establish rapport and initiate a Invite a response or action from
captivate the reader. personal connection. the recipient.
Conveying the Message Effectively

Be Clear and Concise

1 Get straight to the point and avoid ambiguity.

Use Bullet Points Wisely

2 Present key information in a scannable format.

Closing with Impact and Call to


Reiterate the Key Points Add a Clear Call to Action

Recap the main message for clarity. Guide the recipient on the next steps or
response expected.
Tips for Professional and Polite Tone

1 Stay Courteous

Always use polite language and respectful phrasing.

2 Avoid Sarcasm or Humor

Humor can be subjective, and sarcasm may be misinterpreted.

3 Seek Feedback

When in doubt, request a colleague’s opinion before sending an important


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