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CHAPTER 1 DAY ONE Gameboard, Math Quiz Show,Poematics, And Etc….

The facilitators
are me, mr. Ahmad Ditucalan the president
the day of december 11, 2023 was
the day the math variety show was
announced. This day was the time Of the math club, and miss
students decide to participate in Sittie Ashiya Mamangconi
the event by joing the competion. students from section apollo.
During this day the students had This day was the day the
been very busy preparing for the student who attended an event
event while attending to class in south korea came back.
since it was not yet the time of Unfortunately the first thing
the event. So, students usually they encountered in the school
just stay at their classroom to is the event it seems like some
study well some of the students students are just so unlucky.
does study. Well this was the day students just doing their own Most of the students just took
thing such as playing mobile games talking about something not this day as a normal day what
academic relate well some students does talk about academic students usuallly experienced.
relate since I am one of them this was also the day the first Well some of the students mostly those who participated in
meeting of the facilitator deciding the flow of the program recycle and creating polyhedron started looking for the materials
including the organizer of the program prof. Haylon D. Ditucalan. needed for making a polyhedron or making something using
This is the start of the preparation for the said event. This was recycle material. Most of the students who started looking for
also the day students are applying to some of the competition the things they need are students from section apollo while
categories such as Math Dance, Recycle, Creating Polyhedron, Math secion ares and hermes are not yet prepared to do their jobs
properly. This day was also the day students from section ares
who participated in the math song started to make
using the tire that is used to keep the flower outside the
lyrics. The same with the students from the otherbuilding
the grade 10 level. Well the section hermes also did a
ares was a bit ahead on time they started and finished.
great job since they used plastic to make a chair and a table how

CHAPTER 2 DAY TWO magneficent.

This day was the day

students started to work This day is the day students
since they have no more who participated in the quiz
time to chit-chat so they show started to study well
had to start working. Due to this is ILS the world of
the lack of manpower we geniuses where you can see
decided to add more students studying
students to facilitate the mathmatics just for the quiz
event. Since this day is the show that will be held only
day two most of the for grade 10 students but
students started working unfortunately all the grade
such as the students from 10 section doesn’t have a
section apollo who participated in recycle have managed to make an same math teacher so the section poseidon and zephyrus wasn’t
big process since this day they were able to finished most of the able to join since they are the section who have a different
work the only thing they haven’t finished is sticking them together teacher to us. All of the students have started their works only
and making the actual object.while the students from other section those students from section ares who participated in the creating
havent not yet finished anything at all since they only started looking polyhedron since they lack of manpower and materials. Also the
for the material they had to go outside the campus just to find the students who participated in the math dance have started looking
materials but the students from section ares are smart enough to for ongs and making some step that could be related to
mathematics since it is not allowed to dance that have
is notdone
a very good job for keeping up with apollo. I would say
to math. Students from section ares have alreadythey
are atheir
very hardworking students, well ares wouldn’t just stand
choreography the only problem would be about memorizing
still they the
made a big improvement mostly the student who
steps. Well all the boys from section ares have noparticipated
choice to join
in academic related such as poematics or mathtula since
math dance since there are only 10 boys students they
ares. memorized their lyrics.but we lack of time so the

CHAPTER 3 DAY THREE students who participated in creating polyhedron and recycling

Day three the most hectic

day, and the worst day of have barely finished half of
the time of preparation. their work. This was also
Well this day was the day the day the students who
students started to do participated in traditional
their work deliberately poster making and digital
since they thought the the poster making started to
event would happen in make their posters at the
Thursday. And they only room beside the principals
have one day left to finish office. They have shown
their models.the students from section ares who participated in much more progress since
creating polyhedron didn’t finish their polyhedron so they got they started their works it
scolded by the theacer for not being cooperative and being lazy. So seems like they are capable of making it work and they haven’t
they had to finish their models to past it by 5pm. This day was the known that the date was change to Friday. This is also the day
day the talent of apollos are shown since they are the section who we decided who will be the mc for the evet since most of the
made an big impression on us since they are able to finish as many as students who are willing have already tried and we want to let
they can they’ve shown what they are capable of. Even the hermes others have the opportunity to make their dream come true. We
decided that the mc will be four and they sre divided
by the
to buy it in one store due to lack of stocks. But atleast we
time Miss Allyha Khadija Alug and Mr. Abdulrahman
to buy it all although I need to lower my pride sinnce we
for morning time. And Miss Sittie Hainie Macaindig
bargain the products. Fortunately we managed to bargain.
Henzeliah Taratingan have become the afternoon And
alsoofthis is the day us boys students from ares decided to
ceremony. Well they are capable because they arememorize
chosen bythe choreo in one go and fortunately we manage to do
Prof. Haylon D. Ditucalan. Well, this is is the end of
day because most of us are fast learners so it is easy and
three of the preparation. the choreo wasn’t that hard at all.


The fourth day where the event is
supposed to happen yet it was
moved due to an lack of time in
preparation of cleaning the gym who
the peaci students have used. Well
they took their time so we lost our
time. Day four is the day the
facilitators have again hold a
meeting in the faculty office. We
decided what to buy for the event
such as the awards and the
certificates and ond papers and white board markers for the quiz
On the afternoon of the day four we had a rehearsal so we need to
show. So I decided to go to commercial to buy the materials and I
comply all of the participant who will perform in th stage excluding
came with my long lasting bestfriend Mikhaellah Barani from section
tha poster making, polyhedron, recycling, and gameboards. The
apollo. We decided to buy those I one store although we didn’t
students who participated in the performing categories had to
rehearse including the mc. This time we had to prepare everything
can’t stop going to the stage to clarify the question so it
in advance to make sure we won’t be pressure on the final day.was
Wehard to deal with it. Fortunately, we managed to
also have to design the stage which didn’t take long since many
correct it properly the event was mastered by Miss Alug
students have helped designing the stage most those in technical
and Mr. Pangcoga. All the morning performers managed
committee I am very thankful of them for helping us designing
showcase their talents. Yet due to the date since it
stage. And also to Prof. Hainie D. Ditucalan thank you for helping
was fridsy we had to be off at early as possible because
the students to design the stage. This day is the last day. we need to pray in the masjid. So, I had to go to fail

CHAPTER 5 FINAL DAY khair to pray but unfortunately after we prayed, I slept

The day what everyone has

in the fail khair so I wasn’t able
waited for. This day is the
to come to school as early as
day where the event
possible and I had to go to
happens. In early morning
jareed’s house to practice again
we had to go to school to
the steps and make sure to
prepare the gym and all the
memorize. When we came back
things needed and start
to the gym we had to encounter
the program with a themes
a problem because I was late and
of mathematics voyage
didn’t manage to print all the
across discipline. The event
needed files so we had to ask
started at more than 8am
someone to print for us and
and started with the quiz
fortunately the math club president is willing so we had no choice
show time. This one is the
since it was an emergency. We did manage to finished the file and
most complicated since we
also the performers, it was the time for the looking of poster
have incountered a technical problems and students just
making and recycling and creating polyhedron. After that it was
on announcement time and this is the worst part since
I managed
hsd so to make more friends through socializing more. I will
many problems that we encountered mostly in quizuse
knowledge to help organize an event if we have to because I
but thank god we solved it properly now it was thecan
thewith teamwork we can accomplish a bigger success, it can
math dance to perform and we were the deconf because
help us Apollo
have a confident in leading a communitee and with this event
was first and then ares and then Hermes. They showed
we canashare
a happy memories and a good memories we left in grade
dance and a good view though but unfortunately, we
10 managed
that way to
we can have a better future than who we are now.
win because of our hardwork and determination to win and feel

Well, we managed to finish the event successfully and now we are
writing a reflection. Well, though we encountered a problem but we
didn’t stop and let it ruin us but we fought and manage to survive I
believe that through this event we will be able to work on something
together and make it a success just like this event. Even during the
day 1 we already had a problem composing a song memorizing a step
and even making a difficult choreo we still managed to show it off the
world. My reflection since day one would be hardwork makes success
and teamwork makes a person feel more confident. We could observe
in this event and the whole week of preparation that the students
really want this event to happen snce it is the first time it was held
ever since I came here in ILS so, might as well try it to be the first
person to celebrate with. With this evet we can now have a knowledge
to use for the next upcoming event that needs help. Because of this
Submittd by: Salumabao, Mohammad
Sahabie L.
Submitted to: Prof. Haylon D. Ditucalan

January 07, 2024


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