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Section: IT-03
Roll No:2206050


Shreya Bose
School of Computer Engineering,KIIT University,Bhubaneswar-751024,Odisha

Drug manufacturing and sewage purification process efficiency can solely be affected by the physio chemical properties of
chemical fluid.complex fluid greatly affects the speed of greatly effects rising bubbles and lifetime of bubbles in directly
proportional recaliberate the food sewage purification. nanoparticles and surfactant greatly affects the velocity of bubble
rising and also the vicocity of fluid. this perception we take mixed dispersion liquid of nanoparticles SiO2 and surficant
(SDS) in order to study the entire process of bubble rising and how it impacto gas-liquid interface, its repture and to read
the dynamics of bubble impact in a compex fluid study the
morpholigcal change of rising bubble rising velocity and life time of the bubbles a crucible of ultrapure water liquid pool is
taken in which it is formed that the surfactant molecules are distributed and it also affects the liquid film surrounding the
bubble reducing the viscority between bubble and liquid surface timing is also reduced. this
phenomenon reduces the rising of velocityof bubbles and the latency of drainage process also increasing in the liquid
surface thus the enchancing the life time of bubbles.the liquid covered with SiO2 causes a reticulate structure to form on
the bubble film which can slow down the process of bubble discharge and increase the
bubble lifetime.

Keywords: Bubble; Nanoparticles; Rising Velocity


In order to maintain structural shape of materials boiling is of atmost importance to remove the excessive heat which while
working with heat exchanges which uses high mach jet engines or microfluid.Over the past few decades, several
theories/models have been postulated to understand, control, and manipulate the boiling.
Over the years, researchersextended this foundation work to develop sophisticated models or correlations for CHF
One of those successful models is Zuber’s hydrodynamic instability model.The bubble dynamics, i.e., nucleation, growth,
and detachment of bubbles from the heated surface, significantly influence the boiling heat transfer and CHF. For example,
bubble coalescence at higher heat flux favors the formation of stable vapor film over the boiling surface, which hinders the
heat transfer rate and early CHF [1-4]. Despite its ambiguity, bubbles are considered as the potential scientific tool in
contemporary science and technology; Vapour bubbles in boiling are of no exception.The process of bubble rising and
impact with the gas-liquid interface is definitely complex.

The addition of surfactants or covering nanoparticles at the gas-liquidinterface can significantly increase the bubble
lifetime, which is mainly because the surfactant and nanoparticles can slow down the speed of bubble liquid film discharge
to the liquid poolThe ascent of bubbles through a liquid medium facilitates heat and mass transfer processes. Bubbles act
as carriers of energy and mass, impacting the overall efficiency of processes such as boiling, chemical reactions, and heat
exchange. Understanding the heat and mass transfer mechanisms during bubble rise is crucial for optimizing these
processes in various engineering applications [5-7]. The interaction between the bubble and the liquid phase plays a
pivotal role in determining the rate and efficiency of these transfer processes.Beyond technological applications, the rise of
gaseous bubbles in liquid pools has implications in natural environments and biological systems. In aquatic ecosystems,
bubbles contribute to gas exchange processes, influencing oxygen levels and nutrient distribution.Understanding the
ecological impact of gaseous bubbles is crucial for preserving the health of marine ecosystems. Additionally, in biological
systems, the interaction between bubbles and living organisms can have both positive and negative effects. Exploring
these perspectives broadens the scope of our understanding of gaseous bubble dynamics.Studying gaseous bubble
dynamics requires a combination of experimental techniques and modeling approaches. Experimental methods, including
high-speed imaging, particle image velocimetry, and acoustic techniques, provide valuable insights into the physical
phenomena. Numerical models, such as computational fluid dynamics simulations, enable researchers to explore complex
interactions at various scales[6]. Comparing and contrasting these experimental and modeling approaches enhances the
robustness of our understanding of gaseous bubble dynamics and allows for the validation of theoretical predictions.
In hydraulic systems, cavitation is a common concern that can lead to severe damage[10].

repetitive nature of this process results in erosive damage to surfaces, leading to pitting and material
degradation.Engineers and researchers focus on mitigating cavitation effects through design modifications, such as
optimizing flow patterns, using specialized materials, and employing anti-cavitation coatings. Understanding the dynamics
of bubble-induced cavitation is crucial for ensuring the reliability and longevity of hydraulic systems[6-7].Cavitation is a
phenomenon characterized by the formation and collapse of vapor-filled cavities in a liquid. When gaseous bubbles
experience rapid changes in pressure, such as a sudden drop, they can reach a critical size where the internal pressure
becomes insufficient to sustain the bubble. This leads to the violent collapse of the bubble, creating shock waves, microjets,
and high temperatures in the surrounding liquid. The occurrence of cavitation has profound implications across various
industries, from hydraulic systems to medical applications[8-10].Focusing on the force balance, we overview the impact of
porous surfaces, surface wettability and roughness, nanofluids, surfactants & additives, and external electric & magnetic
fields on the bubble dynamics.


The rise of gas bubbles in liquid pools is a ubiquitous phenomenon with significant implications across various disciplines,
including chemical engineering, environmental science, materials science, and even medical applications. Understanding
and predicting the behavior of rising bubbles is crucial for optimizing industrial processes, designing efficient gas-liquid
reactors, and interpreting natural phenomena like volcanic eruptions and sea foam formation.

Extensive research has explored the factors influencing bubble behavior, focusing on:

Bubble size and shape: Smaller bubbles generally rise faster due to their lower buoyancy and drag forces. However, larger
bubbles can experience shape distortions due to internal circulation and surface tension, impacting their rise dynamics.

Figure 1: Bubble shape distortion

Liquid viscosity: As liquid viscosity increases, the resistance to bubble movement intensifies, resulting in slower rise velocities. This
effect is particularly relevant in processes involving viscous fluids like oils and polymers.

Gas type and density: The density difference between the gas and liquid plays a crucial role in determining the buoyant force acting
on the bubble[9-10]. Lighter gases like helium will experience a significantly higher buoyant force compared to denser gases like
carbon dioxide, leading to faster rise velocities.

Surface tension: Surface tension acts at the bubble interface, influencing its shape and stability. High surface tension liquids tend to
form more spherical bubbles that rise more readily compared to those with lower surface tension, where bubbles may exhibit
irregular shapes and slower rise velocities.Several theoretical models have been developed to predict the rise velocity of gas bubbles,
each with varying levels of complexity and accuracy. movement. Some of the most commonly used models include:

Stokes' law: This model applies to small, spherical bubbles at low Reynolds numbers and predicts a linear relationship between
bubble diameter and rise velocity.Hadamard-Rybczynski equation: This model accounts for the non-spherical shape of larger bubbles
and provides a more accurate prediction of rise velocity at higher Reynolds numbers.Clift-Grace model: This comprehensive model
incorporates the effects of bubble sizeshape, and Reynolds number, offering a broader range of applicability.Despite the availability
of these models, discrepancies can exist between theoretical predictions and experimental observations[12-14]. This highlights the
need for further research to refine existing models and develop new ones that account for various complexities involved in bubble
rise dynamics.


This experiment aims to investigate the relationship between bubble rise velocity and liquid viscosity, a crucial factor influencing
bubble behavior in diverse applications[11]. By controlling the flow rate of the gas source and measuring the rise velocity of bubbles
in different liquid viscosities, we can achieve the following objectives:Validation of theoretical models: Compare the experimentally
obtained rise velocities with those predicted by established models like Stokes' law, Hadamard-Rybczynski equation, and Clift-Grace
model[12]. This will allow us to assess the accuracy of these models and identify potential limitations under specific experimental

Quantify the effect of viscosity: Determine the quantitative relationship between liquid viscosity and bubble rise velocity. This can be
achieved through data analysis and fitting the data to appropriate models.

Gain deeper insights: Observe and analyze the behavior of rising bubbles at different viscosities. This may reveal unexpected
phenomena or deviations from theoretical predictions, potentially leading to new discoveries and further research avenues[15].

By achieving these objectives, we can contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of bubble rise dynamics and its
dependence on liquid viscosity. This knowledge can be applied to:
Improve existing industrial processes: Enhance the efficiency of gas-liquid reactors, optimize mixing and mass transfer processes, and
develop new technologies for gas-liquid separation[19].

Design environmentally friendly technologies: Develop efficient methods for capturing and storing greenhouse gases and design
cleaner industrial processes with reduced emissions.

Advance fundamental scientific understanding: Gain deeper insights into interfacial phenomena and fluid mechanics, leading to new
discoveries and applications in various fields.


Figure 1: Experimental Setup

Experiment Setup for Rising Gas Bubble in Liquid Pool


Transparent container (e.g., glass cylinder, acrylic tank)

Liquid (e.g., water, glycerin, oil)

Gas source (e.g., air pump, gas cylinder with regulator)

Tubing (e.g., polyethylene, silicone)

Flowmeter (optional)

Ruler or measuring tape

Camera or video recording device (optional)

Light source (optional)


Fill the container with the desired liquid to a known height.

Attach the flowmeter to the gas source if using.

Connect the tubing to the gas source and adjust the flow rate to obtain bubbles of the desired size.

Bubble generation:Gently introduce the tubing into the liquid, ensuring the open end is submerged at the bottom of the
container.Start the gas flow and adjust the flow rate to achieve a single, steady stream of bubbles rising through the liquid.Observe
the bubble behavior and record data as needed.

3.1 Bubble Formation

Bubble formation initiates with nucleation, a process where gas pockets form within the liquid. Nucleation can occur through various
mechanisms, each with its distinct characteristics. Homogeneous nucleation involves the spontaneous formation of gas bubbles
without the influence of external factors[12]. This typically occurs when the liquid reaches a critical supersaturation state, leading to
the abrupt formation of vapor clusters. On the other hand, heterogeneous nucleation involves the presence of foreign particles or
surfaces that catalyze bubble formation. These particles provide sites for gas molecules to accumulate, reducing the energy barrier for
nucleation[16]. Understanding the interplay between homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation is vital for predicting bubble
initiation under different conditions.

3.2 Bubble Rise Dynamics

The ascent of gaseous bubbles within liquid pools is governed by a complex interplay of physical forces. Buoyancy, drag forces, and
interactions between bubbles and the liquid phase all contribute to the trajectory and velocity of rising bubbles. Buoyancy, arising from
the density difference between the gas inside the bubble and the liquid, propels the bubble upward. Drag forces, influenced by the
bubble's size and shape, act in opposition to buoyancy. The dynamics of bubble interactions, including coalescence and breakup,
further contribute to the overall behavior of rising bubbles[17-18]. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for predicting bubble
behavior in diverse environments.

Figure 2: Bubble impact on different gas-liquid interface and its rupture process

3.3 Effect of Bubble Size and Shape

Bubble size and shape are critical factors influencing the rise dynamics of gaseous bubbles. Smaller bubbles experience higher drag
forces relative to buoyancy, affecting their ascent rate[17]. The shape of the bubble can also impact its stability and interaction with
surrounding bubbles. Additionally, variations in size and shape can lead to different modes of bubble coalescence or breakup,
influencing the overall behavior of bubble populations within a liquid pool[20-21]. Investigating these factors provides a deeper
understanding of the intricacies of gaseous bubble dynamics.

3.4 Influence of Liquid Properties

The properties of the liquid phase exert a significant influence on gaseous bubble dynamics. Viscosity affects the resistance to bubble
motion, with higher viscosity hindering bubble rise. Surface tension influences bubble shape and stability, impacting the overall
dynamics of the rising process. Density variations in the liquid also play a role in buoyancy forces. Exploring the relationship between
these liquid properties and bubble behavior provides valuable insights into the nuanced nature of gaseous bubble dynamics in
different liquid environments[18].

3.5 Heat and Mass Transfer during Bubble Rise

The ascent of bubbles through a liquid medium facilitates heat and mass transfer processes. Bubbles act as carriers of energy and mass,
impacting the overall efficiency of processes such as boiling, chemical reactions, and heat exchange. Understanding the heat and mass
transfer mechanisms during bubble rise is crucial for optimizing these processes in various engineering applications. The interaction
between the bubble and the liquid phase plays a pivotal role in determining the rate and efficiency of these transfer processes[22-23].


The mechanisms of gaseous bubble formation are multifaceted, encompassing nucleation, cavitation, thermal effects, and unique
phenomena such as sonoluminescence. Each mechanism operates under specific conditions, and understanding their interplay is
essential for predicting and controlling bubble formation in diverse environments and applications[22]. Ongoing research in this area
continues to unveil new insights into the intricate processes governing the birth of bubbles in liquid pools.

A fascinating aspect of bubble formation is sonoluminescence, where bubbles oscillate in response to acoustic waves, emitting flashes
of light during each compression phase. This phenomenon is a result of the rapid compression and adiabatic heating of the gas within
the bubble during acoustic cavitation. Sonoluminescence has been a subject of intense research due to its intriguing nature and
potential applications in fields such as medicine and material science[22]. Investigating the coupling of acoustic waves with bubble
formation provides valuable insights into the physics of sonoluminescence and its practical implications.In microgravity environments,
such as space or during free fall, bubble formation follows distinct mechanisms due to the absence of buoyancy-driven effects.
Understanding how bubbles form and behave in microgravity is essential for space-based applications, such as life support systems and
fluid management. Factors such as capillary effects, surface tension, and fluid dynamics play a more pronounced role in microgravity
conditions, influencing the size and distribution of bubbles[23-24]. Investigating bubble formation in microgravity provides insights into
the challenges and opportunities for designing systems that operate beyond Earth's gravitational influence.


This comprehensive review provides a detailed exploration of the rise of gaseous bubbles in liquid pools, covering fundamental
mechanisms, dynamics, influencing factors, and applications. By integrating knowledge from diverse disciplines, this review aims to
contribute to the ongoing dialogue in the scientific and engineering communities and inspire further research in this fascinating and
multifaceted field.

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