MBA Final Project

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Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

1.1 Introduction of the Study
Organizations are obliged to provide employees with safe environment. Safety
protection of a person’s physical health. The main purpose of safety policies is the safe
interaction of people and work environment. Poor working condition affect employee’s
performance badly. Employees may find it difficult concentrate on work. It would be too taxing
for them to work for longer hours. Their health may suffer. Accidents and injuries may multiply
causing enormous financial loss to the company. A company with a poor safety records may
find it difficult to hire and retain skilled labor force.
The overall quality of work my suffer Many deaths, injuries; illnesses occur because of
safety ventilations, poor equipment design or gross negligence. The union carbide in Bhopal, for
examples, which killed over 4000peopel in1984, is considered by most experts to be the result
of equipment design flow, which could have been avoided. Union labor ministry’s record place
companies in Maharashtra and Gujarat as the most dangerous places to work. The biggest
offenders are generally from just mills, lead battery manufacturing, chemical units, textiles mills,
match and firework industry especially in shivakasi, automotive industry, sugar crushing units
mining, heavy construction, flour mills, etc.

1.2 Management Problem

Safety is an association with precaution. If you are health, safety &Environment officer for
your company. You know how challenging it is plan or forecast a safety budget. Especially when
you are analysing and referring to the data of your organization, and the hard truth and the reality
of the hazards and accidents that your employees have gone through, is on the papers with facts
and figures staring back at you.
1.3 Statement of Research Problem
Failure to identify these hazards and understanding their implications on the personal lives
of all staff in the factory will be consequential. Also, ensuring that regular monitoring and
review of these measures are important to examine their effectiveness. Nonexistence of these
measures hinders job performances and the employee suffers the ultimate consequence.
Employee attitudes play a significant part in health and safety. Most employees are not
committed to the idea of safety and fail to cooperate with safety initiatives. Hence making
safety measures become ineffective.

1.4 Objective of the Study

1) To study awareness of employees about health and safety management.
2) To study existing policies and provisions about health and safety management of the
3) To study opinions among the employees about provided health and safety

V.I.M.Peth 1
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

4) To study impact on work of employees about provided health and safety management
in organization.
5) To give necessary suggestion if required for health and safety management.
1.5 Scope of the Study
1) The research was focused on only organization that is RAJARAM SOLVEX
2) This study main on health and safety measures workers. The health and safety program,
causes of accidents and present situation focus on this study.
3) This study us useful for organization to find out deficiencies also with heal of the
organization can develop new strategies to prevent the accident percentage.
4) This study is useful for creating and maintains a work environment that is health and
safety for employees.

1.6 Importance of the Study

1) Health and safety measures are significant in reducing and preventing industrial
2) It is the satisfaction of employee about health and safety management.
3) Importance of health and safety is a great in influencing productivity and efficiency of
any organization.
4) Industrial health and safety programmers are useful and beneficial form the point of
view of both employees as well as employees as there a reduction in the rate of labor turnover,
absenteeism and occupational diseases.
5) It identifies the risk on job, to identify the mistakes.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

1) In some cases some information from employees of organization is kept secret, so
report is prepared in the absences of such information.
2) Employees have less time to provide information about subject because they are busy
in their work.
3) The workers may not disclose the true opinion so project because they are busy in their
4) The workers may not disclose the true opinion so project study is completed by
assuming that information give by workers is right.

1.8 Research Methodology

Research methodology is considered as the project. Without a proper well-organized
research plan, it is impossible to complete the project and reach to any conclusion. The project
was based on the survey plan and collected of data. The main objective or any limitations and
getting results.
A research methodology is a frame work or blue print for conducting the company research
project as for as its training is concern. It details the procedures necessary for obtaining the
information needed to a structure or solves the problem regarding the industrial training
program. A research design lays the foundation for conducting the project.

V.I.M.Peth 2
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

A good research design is to ensure the company is conducted effectively and efficiency.
Identifying the problem and research problem involve in the task specifying the information
requirement, developing the research design and research procedure, gathering the information,
analyzing the information and the interpretation in terms of the problem being tackled,
summarizing the finding, preparing the research report.
The research is a systematic gathering recording and analyzing the data about industrial
training program to facilitate decision making. The data are qualitative in nature and are
analyzed accordingly. The descriptive type of design was used in order to collect detailed
information about how company is serious about training do all workers train at their work,
how any small incident matters the company.
Therefore, research methodology is the way to systematically solve the research problem.
Research methodology not only the tasks of the methods but also logic behind the methods
used in the context of research study and it explains why a particular method has in the
preference of the other methods.

Data collection methods-
After the research problem, we have to and select which type of data is to research.

Sources of data
The data taken or collected from different sources to carry out the research is called source. In
particular research data is collected in two ways given bellow.
1) Primary Data
2) Secondary Data

1) Primary Data
Data gathered, assembled specifically for the research project at first hand is called
primary data. In this research primary data was collected through questionnaire and via one-
to-one interaction with the respondents.

1.8.1methods of collected of primary data

• Questionnaire
• Personal interview
• Observation

1. Questionnaire
The questionnaire was administered to the selected respondents. The question was asked to
the respondents and research recorded the answer. But in some cases respondents themselves
have filed the questionnaire. Questionnaire was circulated among the employee to obtain

V.I.M.Peth 3
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

2. Personal Interview
According to personal interview, depending upon the nature of problem, certain people who
are connected with the problem are approached and through the method of interview &
dialogue, information is obtained.
3. Observation
This method of observation consists in approaching to certain persons who are having
knowledge about certain aspect of problem of investigation. Here, company’s engineers, some
personnel managers were approached. The information extracted from them was very relevant.
All technical, technological aspects were clear after their investigation.
2) Secondary Data
Data that have been previously collected for some project other than the one at hand. Various
reports issued by companies are also useful secondary data. Some sources of secondary data
are as Follow Company’s website.
The secondary data is collected through internet, office documents, library magazines etc.
1. Sampling
For this study researcher selected random sampling method. In this technique every item
or unit of the domain has an equal opportunity for selection and personal bias or direction of
the investigator no way influence in these selection no items is selected on account of like or
dislike of the investigator and selection is left entirely to chance. This provides every item fair
and equal opportunity for selection.
1. Sample size
100 Respondents i.e. employees are taken for observation.
1.8 presentation of project
1. Introduction of Topic
2. Company profile
3. Objective
4. Research methodology
5. Data analysis
6. Finding and Suggestion

V.I.M.Peth 4
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Health and safety is a cross-disciplinary area concerned with protecting the safety and health
of people engaged in work or employment . The goal of safety and health programs is to foster
a safe and healthy work environment.

Health Management –
Though good health is necessary for any individual and there are various methods for
maintaining good health, it has received added attention in the case of industrial workers
because they are prone to certain occupational diseases caused by inherent working conditions
in some specific occupations. Therefore, management of health is a pre-requisite for workers
efficiency. So health management is required.
• To maintain and improve productivity and quality of work;
• To improve employee motivation and morale;
• To reduce spoilage and cost of operations;
• To reduce industrial unrest, indiscipline and accidents;
• To minimize absenteeism and turnover.

• Occupational Hazards-
Occupational hazards are conditions which may cause occupational diseases. These
hazards may be classified into chemical, environmental, psychological, mechanical, biological

Statutory Provisions Concerning Health-

Various statutory provisions concerning health have been made in chapter III sections 11 to 20
of the factories act 1948. These provisions are as follows;

1. Cleanliness-
Every factory shall be kept clean and free from effluvia arising from any drain or
other nuisance. The floor of every workroom shall be cleaned at least once in every week by
washing, using disinfectants. Where necessary or by some effective method.

2. Disposal of waste and effluents-

Effective arrangements shall be made in every factory for the treatment of waste and
effluents due to the manufacturing process carried on therein, so as to render them innocuous
and for their disposal.

3. Ventilation and Temperature –

V.I.M.Peth 5
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Effective and suitable provisions shall be made in every factory for securing and
maintaining in every workroom.
Adequate ventilation by the circulation of fresh air, Such temperature which well secures the
workers therein with reasonable conditions of comfort and prevents injury to health.

Drinking water-
In every factory, effective arrangements shall be made to provide and maintain at suitable
points conveniently situated for all workers employed therein a sufficient supply of wholesome
drinking water.

Safety Management-
Due to rapid industrialization mechanical, electrical, chemical and radiation Hazards
have increased at the workplace and industrial workers are exposed to such hazards which
result in accident on and off the problems of industrial accidents have drawn attention from
such disciplines as sociology, psychology and engineering.
Lapse of safety and its resultant impact accident may be defined as an unplanned
and uncontrolled event which causes injury to a person. A legal definition of the accident has
been provided by the factories act 1948 which states that accident is an occurrences in an
industrial establishment causing bodily injury to a person which makes him unfit to resume his
duties in next 48 hours
Causes of Accidents-
Accidents are caused by a combination of factors, each one of these may vary from
situation to situation accidents do not just happen they are caused heinrich concluded that 98
percent of accidents were caused either by unsafe action or unsafe mechanical or physical
condition or both and this could have been prevented.
Unsafe condition-
There are work related causes and the most frequent causes of accidents various work related
factors which cause accidents to occur are as follows.
Nature of Job-
Some jobs are more prone to accidents as compared to other. Eg- job of a crane operator as
compared to a foreman.
Nature of Machinery and Equipment-
Some machinery and equipment have high danger zones as compared to others eg- about
one third of accidents occur around hand-lift trucks, wheel borrows and other handling and
lifting equipment.
Poor Physical condition-
Poor physical condition prevailing at the work place causing accidents is of the following
types: 1) Hazards layout of plant and machinery.
2) Defective work procedures in and around machinery and equipment.
3) Defective machinery and equipment.
4) In adequate and fault safety devices.
5) Improper ventilation.
Unsafe acts-

V.I.M.Peth 6
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Unsafe acts are those activities which are not taken according to the prescribed standard or
procedures. Such acts are of following nature.
1) Operating without authority.
2) Failure in using safety devices.
3) Throwing materials on the shop floor carelessly.
4) Failure to listen warnings.
5) Operating machines at unsafe speed.
6) Making safety device inoperative by removing, adjusting or disconnecting them.
7) Using unsafe procedures in loading, placing, mixing and combining.
Safety Training-
There are two types of objectives associated with safety training.
1) To develop safety consciousness among employee and build up favorable attitudes in them
towards safety measures and precautions.
2) To ensures safe work performance on the part of each employee by developing skill in the
use and operating of safety equipment.
Safety Campaign-
It involves informing and motivating employee to observe safety in the organization such
activities includes putting posters, screening films and safety work and safety awards. Safety
posters with poignant and penetrating slogans may be put on the wall.
Safety Provisions Concerning Safety-
Various statutory provisions concerning safety have been made under sec21 to 40 of the
factories act 1948. The International Labour Organization (ILO) organized a tripartite technical
Conference in 194 to formulate a ‘Model Code’ of safety Regulations for Industrial
Establishment for the guidance of governments and industry. The code covers various areas of
unsafe conditions and unsafe acts In India. The factories act, 1948 lays down safety provisions
contained in sections 21 to 41. These provisions are obligatory on the part of industrial
establishments. A brief resume of these is presented as follows.
Sec 21 to sec 31 defines the precautions regarding machinery handling by the workers with
proper instruction and proper training.
Fencing of Machinery-
It is obligatory on the part of the management to fence machinery with guards of a
substantial construction. The same shall be constantly maintained and kept in its proper
position when any part of the machine is in motion or movement.
Work on or near machinery in Motion-
A trained adult male worker wearing tight fitting clothing should examine and operate
the machine in the motion. He should not handle a belt on a moving pulley more than fifteen
centimeter in width no young children or women should handle a machine which is in motion.
Employment of Adolescents on Dangerous Machines-
Young Persons should not be allowed to work on dangerous machines unless he has
been fully instructed as to the dangers involved and he has received sufficient training to work
on the machine under the supervision of a person having thorough knowledge and experience
of working on that machine.
Striking Gear or Device for cutting off Power-

V.I.M.Peth 7
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Every factory must provide suitable striking gear to move driving belt to and from fast and
loose pulleys which form part of transmission machinery. There should also be a locking device
to prevent accidental starting of transmission machinery to which the device is fitted.
Self-acting Machines-
No traversing part of a self-acting machine and no material carried there on shall be
allowed to run within a distance of 45 centimeters from any fixed structure which is not a part
of the machine.
Costing of New Machinery-
All machinery driven by power and installed in any factory after April 1949m every
set crew, bolt or key, spindle shall be sunk or securely guarded to prevent any danger further
all spur, worm and toothed or friction gearing while in operation shall be completely uncase
unless it is safety situated.
• Prohibition of Employment of Woman and Children near cotton Openers:
Women and children shall not be employed in any part of a factory for processing
cottons when cotton opener is in operation. However, women and children may be employed
in a room which is separated from opener.
• Hoists and Lifts-
In every factory, hoists and lifts should be in good condition and should be
examined once in every six months.
• Lifting Machines, Tackles, chains and Ropes -
Similarly, in every factory, lifting machines chains, ropes and lifting tackles must
being good construction and examined once in a year.
• Revolving Machinery-
In every room where grinding work is going on a notice indicating the maximum safe working
peripherals speed of the machine shall be affixed near it. Effective measures will also be taken
in every factory to ensure that the safe working peripheral speed of every revolving vessel,
cage, basket, flywheel, pulley, or similar other appliance driven by power is not exceeded.
• Pressure plants-
If in any factory any plant or its part is operated at a pressure above
atmospheric pressure, the pressure should not be allowed to exceed by taking effective
measures in this regard.
• Floors, Stairs and other means of Access-
In every factory, all floors, steps, stairs, passage and gangway shall be of
sound construction and be properly maintain.
• Pits, Sumps, Opening in floor-
If every company pits, sumps, fixed vessels, tanks, openings in the ground
or in the floor shall be securely covered.
• Excessive Weight-
No person shall be employed in any company to lift, carry or move any load so heavy as to be
likely to cause him injury.
• Protection of Eyes-

V.I.M.Peth 8
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Screen or suitable goggles shall be provided for the protection of persons

employed on or in immediate vicinity of mechanical or other processes which involves any
danger or injury to the workers eyesight.
• Precautions Against Dangerous Fumes-
No person shall be required to canter any chamber, tank, vat, pit, pipe, or other
confined space in any company in which Gas, fumes, vapor or dust is likely to be present to
such an extent as to involve risk to persons being overcome thereby, unless it is provided with
a manhole of adequate size.
• Precautions Regarding the Use of Portable Electric Light-
No portable electric light or any other electric appliance of voltage exceeding 24
volts shall be permitted for use inside the work place.
• Precautions in Case Of Fire-
In every company all practicable measures shall be taken to prevent
outbreak of fire and its spread both internally and externally.
• Safety Officers-
In every company (I) where in 1000 or more workers are ordinarily
employed or (ii)where in opinion of the state government, any manufacturing process or
operation is carried on which process or operation involves any risk of bodily injury poisoning
or disease or any other hazard to health.
The Other Acts covering statutory Provisions Of safety are-
• Mines Act 1952
• Plantation Labor Act 1961
• Bide and Cigar workers ( condition of Employment Act 1966)
• Contract Labor ( Regulation and Abolitions) Act 1970
• Motor Transport workers Act 1961
• Legal Aspects relating to “ Employee Safety”-
There are legal provisions too for undertaking safety measures. There are laws
covering occupational health and safety penalties for non-compliance have become quite sever.
The responsibility extends to the safety and health of the surrounding community too.
The civil law establishes the extend of damages or compensation under the
criminal law; sentences are prescribed under the pollution control laws. There is no ceiling on
the extend of liability.
• The various acts involved in Employee safety are as follows-
• The Factories Act 1984
• The Employees state Insurance Act 1948
• The Indian Explosive Act 1884
• The Explosive substance Act 1904
• The inflammable substance Act 1952
• The petroleum Act 1934
• The Indian Electricity Act 1910
• The Indian Boilers Act 1934
• The Fatal accidents Act 1885
Measures for Ensuring Safety-
Creating Safety Consciousness:

V.I.M.Peth 9
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

There are several techniques that can be used to try to persuade people at all levels
that safety makes sense. Safety makes sense. Safety campaigns can be useful in producing short
term as well as long term effect.
1) Safety Contests-
Safety contests and videocassettes that depict a set of circumstance to which
employee can readily relate could create good impact and convey the message effectively.
2) Strict discipline-
Conventional method has to lay down strict rules in relation to safe working
practice and to punish those who show deviant behaviour and do not confirm with the rules.
3) Discussion-
This could be positive approach involving participation of people to understand the way that
they view the question of safety.
4) Role Plays Techniques-
This is most effective way to change attitudes towards safety on a more long term basis as an
employee is encouraged to think himself into the role of another. All these methods and their
different combinations can help to create the will to be safe and this will achieve much to
reduce specific accident causation factors.

V.I.M.Peth 10
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.







Rajaram Solvex Limited is a Non-govt. company, incorporated on 10 May, 1991. It's a public
unlisted company and is classified as company limited by shares'. Company's authorized
capital stands at Rs 1100.0 lakhs and has 18.819572% paid-up capital which is Rs 207.02
lakhs. Rajaram Solvex Limited last annual general meet (AGM) happened on 23 Sep, 2017.
The company last updated its financials on 31 Mar, 2017 as per Ministry of Corporate Affairs

V.I.M.Peth 11
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

(MCA).Rajaram Solvex Limited is majorly in Manufacturing (Food stuffs) business from

last 30 years and currently, company operations areactive.

o Rajaram Solvex Limited Details-

Date of Incorporation 10 May, 1991

Status Active

Company Category Company limited by Shares

Company Sub-category Non-govt. Company

Business Activity Manufacturing (Food stuffs)

Authorized Capital 1100.0 lakhs

V.I.M.Peth 12
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Paid-up Capital 207.02 lakhs

Paid-up Capital % 18.819572


1. Company Objectives

“Objectives are the backbone of an organization. Any business without Ethics cannot
win the trust of the customer.

2. Vision
• “Quality and reliability is our motto”
• To create a healthy and a prosperous future for the generations to come.
• To share our knowledge with people around the globe, for a better tomorrow.
• To become consumer’s most trusted brand.

3. Mission

• Deliver satisfaction and quality assurance to our consumers using state of the art technology.

• Offer a work environment that inspires trust and loyalty in people.

• Engage in continuous efforts to explore new horizons in our business.


o 1991- On this year company is established and company grow rapidly.

V.I.M.Peth 13
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

o 1993- Company achieves its sales target and the company going to profitable mode.
o 2003- Companies profit is double than the previous year.
o 2005- Company achieves awards in the oil industry.
o Safety management award.
o Brands award.

Awards to the worker-

In the company the awards will be giving an weekly monthly and yearly.

• Best suggestion.
• Best employee of the year.
• Best overall equipment effectiveness.
• Best performance of the year.


Promotional messages are directed to the local population, rather than the mass market. In
practice, local marketing can take several forms. Many local businesses directly contact
consumers through mail, in-town events, local team sponsorships, or advertisements in the town

Organizations have been buffeted by political, economic, and public health factors largely
outside of our control for months now, accentuating our need to prepare for a range of
contingencies. Scenario planning allows us to envision possible future outcomes. Learn From
the Past to Meet the Future, Practice Scenario Implementation, Review and Revise Plans

V.I.M.Peth 14
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Name of directors Position

Mr. Bhagat rajaram patil Chairman

Mr. Prabhaati manikrao patil Director

Mr. Bhagat rajaram patil. Director

Mr. Jayant rajaram patil Director

Mr. Manikrao mohanrao patil. Director

Mr. Suresh maruti sawant. Director

Mr. Anandrao bajirao kakade. Director


It involves planning, organizing, and overseeing the organization’s processes to
balance revenues and costs and achieve the highest possible operating profit. An
operations manager is tasked with ensuring that the organization successfully converts
inputs such as materials, labor, andtechnology into outputs in an efficient manner.


Soya bean oil rajdhara oil is widely used oil and commonly called vegetable oil.
Soyabean rajdhara oil is very healthy food ingredient despite the bad publicity regarding
facts and oils in general. Rajdhara oil is very popular because it is cheap, healthy and has
a high smoke point. Rajdhara oil does not contain much saturated fat. Soyabean oil

V.I.M.Peth 15
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

contains no cholesterol. Saturated fat and cholesterol cause heart disease and mainly
found in products from animal origin such milk cheese and meat products.

Soyabean meal is used in food and animal feed, principally as a proten supplement,
but also as a source of metaboliable energy, soyabean meal is produced from the residue
left after oil extraction. Removal of the oil which is used mostly in food but also
industrial oil soaps and bio diesel involves crushing and either pressing or solent
extraction. Soya bean meal is heat treated during production to denature the trypsin
inhibitrs of soya bean which would otherwise interfere with protein digestion.


Operating Revenue INR 100 cr - 500 cr

EBITDA -35.34 %

Net worth 22.24 %

Debt/Equity Ratio 0.74

Return on Equity 7.88 %

Total Assets 30.48 %

Fixed Assets 7.76 %

Current Assets 78.44 %

Current Liabilities 41.96 %

rade Receivables -74.60 %

Trade Payables -19.60 %

Current Ratio 0.92


• They will make strategies and policies for employee’s satisfaction.

• Development of rural area latest technology and economic self efficiency.

V.I.M.Peth 16
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

• Being the best value provider for product and service.

• Development of economic condition of the company.
• Improve over all involvement of employee


V.I.M.Peth 17
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.


Q1. Do you know anything about the health and safety management?
Table No.-1
Sr. Particulars No. Of Respondent Percentage
No. (%)
1 Yes 70 70
2 No 20 20
3 At Some extent 10 10
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. - 1



20% Yes
At Some extent

Above table shows that awareness of employee’s health and safety management / measures.
Above graph shows that70% employees said that they are aware about health and safety management
where as 20%said no & 10%said at some extent.
Thus some of the workers are not having clear idea about health and safety management/measures.

V.I.M.Peth 18
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q2. Do you have the good drinking water in your organization?

Table No. – 2
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
1 Yes 95 95
2 No 5 5
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. – 2

drinking water




Above table shows that the good drinking water in the organization.
Above graph shows that 95% employees said that they have good drinking water in organization, where as
5% said no.
It is observed that good drinking water is has been provided in the organization

V.I.M.Peth 19
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q3. Which type of water facility provided by the organization?

Table No. 3
Sr. Particulars No. Of Respondents Percentage
No. (%)
1 RO Purifier Water 95 95
2 Third Party Water 00 00
3 Employees Bring Their own water 5 5
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. 3


RO Purifier Water

Third Party Water

Employees Bring There own




Above table shows that type of water facility provided by the organization.

Above graph shows that 95% employees said that they have provided RO Purifier water facility where as
5% said that they bring there own water.

It is observed that RO Purifier water facility is has been provided by the organization.

V.I.M.Peth 20
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q4. How you rate drinking water facility provided by organization?

Table No. – 4
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Percentage
Respondents (%)
1 Excellent 80 80
2 Good 10 10
3 Poor 2 2
4 Average 8 8
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. - 4

rate drinking water




Above table shows that the drinking water in organization.
Above graph shows that 80% employees said that good drinking water where as 8%employee said to
excellent, 10% employees said its poor & 2% employees said that its average.
Therefore most of the employees rated that organization has provided good drinking water.

V.I.M.Peth 21
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q5. Does organization has provided changing room facility?

Table No. – 5
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Respondent Percentage
1 Yes 90 90
2 No 10 10
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. – 5

changing room facility




Above table shows that the changing room facility.

Above graph shows that 90% employees are said that organization provided changing room facility
for employees where as 10% employees said no.

It is found that organization provided changing room facility for employees.

V.I.M.Peth 22
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q6. Does organization has provided enough numbers of toilets?

Table No. – 6
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Respondent Percentage(%)
1 Yes 100 100
2 No 0 0
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. - 6




Above table shows that the enough numbers of toilets.

Above graph shows that the 100% employees said that the organization provided enough numbers
of toilets.

It is observed that organization provided enough numbers of toilets for employees.

V.I.M.Peth 23
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q7. How you rate the toilet cleanliness and safety and hygienity?
Table No. – 7
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Percentage (%)
1 Excellent 80 80
2 Good 10 10
3 Poor 2 2
4 Average 8 8
100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. - 7

Rate Cleanliness of toilets


10% 2% Excellent

Above table shows that the rating of the toilet cleanliness and safety and hygienity.

Above graph shows that 80% employees are said that excellent of toilet cleanliness and safety
hygienity where as 10% said good, 8% said average & 2% employees said poor.

Therefore the excellent toilet cleanliness and safety and hygienity provided by organization.

V.I.M.Peth 24
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q8. Are catering staff adequately trained in food hygiene and healthy eating ?
Table No. – 8
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Percentage (%)
1 Yes 95 95
2 No 5 5
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. - 8

catering staff trained




Above table shows that the catering staff adequately trained in food hygiene and healthy eating.

Above graph shows that 95% employees are said that the catering staff adequately trained in food hygiene
and healthy eating where as 5% said no.

It is found that organizations catering staff adequately trained in food hygiene and healthy eating.

V.I.M.Peth 25
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q9. Are you satisfied with canteen facility?

Table No. – 9
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
1 Satisfied 70 70
2 Unsatisfied 20 20
3 At Some Extent 10 10
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. – 9

canteen facility


20% Satisfied
At Some Extent

Above table shows that employees satisfied with canteen facility.

From the graph it is observe that 70% employees are satisfied with canteen facility where as 20% are
unsatisfied , 10% employees are at some extent.

It is observed that most of the employees are satisfied with canteen facility.

V.I.M.Peth 26
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q10. How you rate the ventilation and overall working environment at your work place?
Table No. – 10
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
1 Excellent 65 65
2 Good 20 20
3 Poor 5 5
4 Average 10 10
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. – 10

65% Average

Above table shows that the rating of the ventilation and overall working environment at work place.

Above graph shows that the 65% employees said excellent ventilation and overall working environment at
work place where as 20% said good, 10% said average and 5% said poor.

It is observed that majority of employees said that excellent ventilation and overall working environment at
work place.

V.I.M.Peth 27
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q11. Does your organization provide you first aid facility at work place?
Table No. – 11
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
1 Yes 85 85
2 No 5 5
3 Don`t knows 10 10
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. - 11


Don`t knows


Above table shows that organization provides first aid facility.

Above graph 97% employees said that organization provide first aid facility where as 3% employee’s said
to no.

Therefore first aid facility has been provide to every department

V.I.M.Peth 28
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q12. Is organization provides you any insurance and medicalme policy?

Table No. – 12
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
1 Yes 100 100
2 No 0 0
3 Don`t know 0 0
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. – 12


Don`t know


Above table shows that rating first aid facility providing employee.

Above graph shows that 100%employees are said that excellent rating of first aid facility provided by the

Therefore excellent first aid facility provided by organization.

V.I.M.Peth 29
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q13. Are you satisfied with provision of insurance and medical policy?
Table No. - 13
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Respondents Percentage
1 Satisfied 25 25
2 Dissatisfied 25 25
3 At Some Extent 50 50
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No.- 13


50% Dissatisfied
At Some Extent


Above table shows that employees satisfied with first aid facility.
Above graph shows that 25% employees said satisfied with first aid facility where as 25% are dissatisfied
& 50% are at some extent.
It is observed that most of the employees are satisfied at some extent.

V.I.M.Peth 30
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q14. Do you feel depressed/ mental health related problem while working at work place?
Table No. – 14
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Percentage (%)
1 Yes 0 0
2 No 95 95
3 At Some Extent 5 5
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. - 14


At Some Extent


Above table shows that employees mental health related problem while working at work place.

Above graph shows that 95% employees said that they have no any mental health related problem while
working at work place where as 5% said at some extent.

It is observed that employees have no any mental health related problem while working at work place .

V.I.M.Peth 31
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q15. Does your organization provide assistance, advice and support to people who
experience a mental health/stress/depression problem?
Table No. – 15
Sr. Particulars No. Of Percentage (%)
No. Respondents
1 Yes - Medical Counsellor 100 100
2 No 0 0
Total 100 100
Source - Primary Data

Graph No. - 15


Yes - Medical Counsellor



Above table shows that the organization provide assistance, advice and support to people who experience
a mental health/stress/depression problem.

Above graph shows that 100% employees said that the organization provide assistance, advice and
support to people who experience a mental health/stress/depression problem.

It is found that organization can provide assistance, advice and support to people who experience a mental
health/stress/depression problem.

V.I.M.Peth 32
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q16. How you rate the provision made for mental health/ stress/depression problem?
Table No. – 16
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Percentage (%)
1 Excellent 70 70
2 Good 20 20
3 Poor 0 0
4 Average 10 10
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. - 16



70% Average

Above table shows that the rating for provision made for mental health/ stress/depression problem of

Above graph shows that 70% employees said that excellent provision made for mental
health/stress/depression problem where as 20% said good & 10% said average.

It is observed that excellent provision made for mental health/stress/depression problem of employees.

V.I.M.Peth 33
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q17. Do you know the organization safety policy?

Table No. – 17
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Percentage (%)
1 Yes 60 60
2 No 20 20
3 At Some Extent 20 20
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. - 17



20% 60% At Some Extent

Above table shows organization safety policies.

From the above graph it is observed that 60% employees said that yes for safety policies where as 20% employee’s
said that no & 20% said at some extent.

It is observed that most of the employees are aware of safety policies.

V.I.M.Peth 34
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q18. Does your organization provide you safety equipment on the job?
Table No. – 18
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Percentage
1 Yes 100 100
2 No 0 0
3 At Some Extent 0 0
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. - 18


At Some Extent


Above table shows that the organization provide safety equipment on the job for employees.

Above graph shows that 100% employees said that organization can provide safety equipment on the job.

It is observed that organization has been provide safety equipment on the job for employees.

V.I.M.Peth 35
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q19. Which types of safety equipment provided to employees?

Table No. - 19
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Percentage (%)
1 Hair cap 7 7
2 Shoes 8 8
3 Hand gloves 5 5
4 Mask 7 7
5 Safety Dress 3 3
6 All Of The Above 70 70
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. - 19

8% Hair cap
5% Shoes

7% Hand gloves
Safety Dress
All Of The Above

Above table shows that types of safety equipment provided.

From the above graph it is observed that 70% employee’s said that the all safety equipment provided, 3%
employees said that safety dress, 8% employees said that shoes ,7% employees said that mask, 5%
employees said that hand gloves and 7% employees said that hair cap.
It is found that all necessary safety equipment provided to employees.

V.I.M.Peth 36
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q20. Do you satisfied with safety equipment provided to you?

Table no. – 20
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
1 Satisfied 85 85
2 Dissatisfied 0 0
3 At Some Extent 15 15
Total 100 100
Source – Primary source

Graph No. – 20




At Some Extent



Above table shows that employees satisfied with safety equipment.

From the graph it is observe that 85% employees are satisfied with safety equipment where as 15%
employees at some extent.

It is observed that most of the employees are satisfied with safety equipment.

V.I.M.Peth 37
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q21. How are you rate the quality of provided safety equipment to employees?
Table No. – 21
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
1 Excellent 0 0
2 Good 90 90
3 Poor 5 5
4 Average 5 5
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. - 21

5% 5%



Above table shows that rate the quality of safety equipment.

From the above graph it is observed that 90% employees rating to good quality of safety equipment, 5%
employees rated to poor quality of safety equipment and 5% employees rating to average quality of safety

It is found that the good quality of safety equipment has been provided by the organization

V.I.M.Peth 38
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q22. Does organization conduct fire safety drill to get practical use of safety equipment?
Table No. – 22
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Percentage
Respondents (%)
1 Yes 95 95
2 No 0 0
3 Don`t know 5 5
Total 100 100

Graph No. - 22



Don`t know


Above table shows that organization can conduct any fire safety drill to get practical use of safety

From the above graph it is observed that 95% employees said that organization conduct fire safety drill to
get practical use of safety equipment & 5% employees said that don’t know.

It is observed that organization conduct fire safety drill to get practical use of safety equipment.

V.I.M.Peth 39
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q23. How frequently the safety equipment training program/drill is conducted?

Table No. – 23
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
1 Monthly 00 00
2 Quarterly 02 02
3 Half yearly 00 00
4 Annually 98 98
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. – 23


Half yearly


Above table shows that frequent the safety equipment training program is conducted.

From above graph it is observed that 98% employee’s opinion about annually for frequent the safety equipment
training program is conducted where as 2% employees are said that quarterly training program is conducted.

It is observed that annually safety equipment training program is conducted.

V.I.M.Peth 40
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q24. What are mostly used fire safety measures in organization?

Table No. – 24
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
1 Fire extinguisher 00 00
2 Fire alarms 00 00
3 Water sprinkler 00 00
4 Emergency exits 00 00
5 All of the above 100 100
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. - 24

Fire extinguisher
Fire alarms
Water sprinkler
Emergency exits
All of the above

Above table shows that the mostly used fire safety measures in organization.

Above graph shows that the 100% employees said all fire safety measures are mostly used in organization.

It is found that the all fire safety measures are mostly used in organization.

V.I.M.Peth 41
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q25. Is there any safety committee in this organization?

Table No. 25
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
1 Yes 95 95
2 No 00 00
3 Don`t Know 05 05
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. - 25


Don`t Know


Above table shows that any safety committee in our organization.

From above graph it is observed that 95% employees have given their opinion that any safety committee in our
organization & 5% employees said that not any safety committee in our organization.

It is observed that the safety committee has been established in the organization.

V.I.M.Peth 42
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q26. Is there any record of regular maintenance of machinery available?

Table No. – 26
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
1 Yes 100 100
2 No 00 00
3 Don’t Know 00 00
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. – 26


Don’t Know


Above table shows that the record of regular maintenance of machinery available in organization.

Above graph shows that the 100% employees shows that the record of regular maintenance of machinery.

It is observed that in organization there is record of regular maintenance of machinery.

V.I.M.Peth 43
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q27. Is there any provision of AMC for the machinery?

Table No. – 27
Sr. No Particulars No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
1 Yes 100 100
2 No 00 00
3 Don’t Know 00 00
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. - 27


Don’t Know


Above table shows that provision of AMC for the machinery.

From above table it is observed that 100% employees said that there is provision of AMC for the machinery.

It is observed that in organization there is provision of AMC for the machinery.

V.I.M.Peth 44
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q28. How many accidents has been occurred in organization in last 2years?
Table No. – 28
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
1 >5 20 20
2 >10 00 00
3 >15 00 00
4 Nil. No Accident 80 80
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. - 28

Nil. No Accident


Above table shows that many accidents has been occurred in organization.

Above graph shows that 80% employees said that nil-no accidents occurred in last 2 year in organization, 20%
employees said that >5 accidents occurred in organization.

It is observed that there were no major accidents happen in organization last 2 year.

V.I.M.Peth 45
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q29. What are causes behind the accidents occurs in the organization?
Table No. – 29
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
1 Unsafe act of workers 98 98
2 Unsafe conditions of machine 00 00
3 Unsafe environment 00 00
4 Lack of quality of safety equipment 00 00
5 None of the above 02 02
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. – 29

2% Unsafe act of workers

0% Unsafe conditions of
0% machine
Unsafe environment

Lack of quality of safety

None of the above


Above table shows that behind the accidents occur in the organization.

The above graph shows that 98% employees said that unsafe act of workers causes the accidents and a 2%
employee says that none the above causes the accidents.

It is observed that accidents which are occurs in the organization are due to unsafe act of workers.

V.I.M.Peth 46
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q30. Does your organization have appointed safety officer?

Table No. – 30
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
1 Yes 100 100
2 No 00 00
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. - 30





Above table shows that the organization have appointed safety officer.

From the above graph 100% employees said that organization have appointed safety officer.

It is found that organization have appointed safety officer.

V.I.M.Peth 47
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q31. Is the organization arranges training programs for health and safety?
Table No. – 31
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
1 Yes 95 95
2 No 00 00
3 Don’t know 5 5
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. - 31



Don`t know


Above table shows that arrange any training program for health and safety.

From the above graph it is observed that 95% employee said that organization arranges any training program
for heath and safety & 5% employees said that no.

It is observed that organization arrange training program for health and safety.

V.I.M.Peth 48
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q32. If any accident happens there is investigation policy available in organization.

Table No. – 32
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
1 Yes 100 100
2 No 00 00
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. - 32




Interpretation -
Above table shows that the if any accident happens there is investigation policy available in organization.

Above graph shows that 100% employees said that the if any accident happens there is investigation policy
available in organization.

It is observed that if any accident happens in organization there is investigation policy available.

V.I.M.Peth 49
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q33. Do you know anything about industrial safety week?

Table No. – 33
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
1 Yes 20 20
2 No 50 50
3 At Some Extent 30 30
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. - 33

At Some Extent



Above table shows that the awareness of industrial safety week.

From the above graph it is observed that 20% employees opinion that they are aware about industrial safety
week, 50% employees said to no & 30% employees’ said at some extent.

It is observed that majority of employees said that they are aware about industrial safety week.

V.I.M.Peth 50
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q34. Does your organization celebrate industrial safety week?

Table No. – 34
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
1 Yes 20 20
2 No 35 35
3 Don’t Know 45 45
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. - 34

Don’t Know

Above table shows that organization celebrate industrial safety week.

From above graph it is observed that 20% employees said that organization celebrate industrial safety week,
35% employees said that no & 45% employees don’t know for celebrate industrial safety week.

It is observed that organization should clear idea about celebration of industrial safety week.

V.I.M.Peth 51
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q35. Does your organization has taken the necessary safety precautions for Covid-19?
Table No. – 35
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
1 Yes 100 100
2 No 00 00
3 At Some Extent 00 00
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. - 35


At Some Extent


Above table shows that organization provided safety/ precaution facility as per covid-19 guideline.

Above graph shows that 100% employee’s said that organization provided for safety/precaution facility as per
covid-19 guideline.

It is observed that safety/ precaution facility of covid-19 guideline provided by organization.

V.I.M.Peth 52
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q36. Do you believe that workplace environment is safe for you?

Table No. – 36
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
1 Yes 100 100
2 No 00 00
3 At Some Extent 00 00
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. - 36


At Some Extent


Interpretation –
Above table shows that employees believe that workplace environment is safe or not.

From above graph 100% employees said that they believe that workplace environment is safe for them.

Therefore, it is observed that workplace environment is safe for employees.

V.I.M.Peth 53
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q37. What is your overall opinion about organizations health and safety policy?
Table No. – 37
Sr. No. Particulars No. Of Respondents Percentage (%)
1 Excellent 70 70
2 Good 25 25
3 Poor 00 00
4 Average 05 05
Total 100 100
Source – Primary Data

Graph No. - 37


25% Excellent

70% Average

Interpretation –
Above table show that overall opinion about organizations health and safety policy.
From above graph it is observed that organisation provided excellent health and safety policy.

V.I.M.Peth 54
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.


1. Thus some of the workers are not having clear idea about health and safety management/measures.(Table
2. It is observed that good drinking water is has been provided in the organization.(Table no-2)
3. It is observed that RO Purifier water facility is has been provided by the organization.(Table no-3)
4. Therefore most of the employees rated that organization has provided good drinking water.(Table no-4)
5. It is found that organization provided changing room facility for employees.(Table no-5)
6. It is observed that organization provided enough numbers of toilets for employees.(Table no-6)
7. Therefore the excellent toilet cleanliness and safety and hygienity provided by organization.(Table no-7)

8. It is found that organizations catering staff adequately trained in food hygiene and healthy eating.(Table
9. It is found that organizations catering staff adequately trained in food hygiene and healthy eating.(Table
10. It is observed that majority of employees said that excellent ventilation and overall working environment
at work place.(Table no-10)
11. Therefore first aid facility has been provide to every department.(Table no-11)
12. Therefore excellent first aid facility provided by organization.(Table no-12)
13. It is observed that most of the employees are satisfied at some extent.(Table no-13)
14. It is observed that employees have no any mental health related problem while working at work
place.(Table no-14)
15. It is found that organization can provide assistance, advice and support to people who experience a mental
health/stress/depression problem.(Table no-15)
16. It is observed that excellent provision made for mental health/stress/depression problem of
employees.(Table no-16)
17. It is observed that most of the employees are aware of safety policies.(Table no-17)
18. It is observed that organization has been provide safety equipment on the job for employees.(Table no-18)
19. It is found that all necessary safety equipment provided to employees.(Table no-19)
20. It is observed that most of the employees are satisfied with safety equipment. .(Table no-20)
21. It is found that the good quality of safety equipment has been provided by the organization.(Table no-21)

V.I.M.Peth 55
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

22. It is observed that organization conduct fire safety drill to get practical use of safety equipment.(Table no-
23. It is observed that annually safety equipment training program is conducted.(Table no-23)
24. It is found that the all fire safety measures are mostly used in organization.(Table no-24)
25. It is observed that the safety committee has been established in the organization.(Table no-25)
26. It is observed that in organization there is record of regular maintenance of machinery.(Table no-26)
27. It is observed that in organization there is provision of AMC for the machinery.(Table no-27)
28. It is observed that there were no major accidents happen in organization last 2 year.(Table no-28)
29. It is observed that accidents which are occurs in the organization are due to unsafe act of workers.(Table
30. It is found that organization have appointed safety officer.(Table no-30)
31. It is observed that organization arrange training program for health and safety.(Table no-31)
32. It is observed that if any accident happens in organization there is investigation policy available.(Table no-
33. It is observed that majority of employees said that they are aware about industrial safety week.(Table no-
34. It is observed that organization should clear idea about celebration of industrial safety week.(Table no-34)
35. It is observed that safety/ precaution facility of covid-19 guideline provided by organization.(Table no-35)
36. Therefore, it is observed that workplace environment is safe for employees.(Table no-36)

V.I.M.Peth 56
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.


1) It is suggested that if some people don’t know about health & safety management, organization should
arrange specific program for information about health and safety management.
2) Considering the pandemic situation company should provide health checkup facility on quarterly basis.
3) Oraganization should make the provision of insurance and medical policies to temporary employees.

V.I.M.Peth 57
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.


On a concluding note, the project work is carried out in Rajaram solvex limited islampur, focused on health
and safety management.
The success of every organization largely depends on human resources, human resource is the most vital
asset of the organization and managing and maintaining them is very important task of organization.
Health and safety management is essential because it is helpful to reduce the risk, because of the safety
measures, training and instructions, reduces the accidents at work place. It will also helpful to reduce the
conflicts between employees and employer.
In this project researcher has learn the position of health and safety in this organization. Also the researcher
has understood the opinion of the employees regarding Health and Safety in the organization.
It was a great experience for me to work in such big organization.

V.I.M.Peth 58
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Personal data –
Name –
DOB- Age-
Gender- Male/Female/Other
Department- Designation-
Appointment- 1) Permanent 2) Temporary 3) Contract Basis
Experience in this organization-

Q1. Do you know anything about the health and safety management?
a) Yes
b) No
c) At some extent
Q2. Do you have the good drinking water in your organization?
a) Yes
b) No
Q3. Which type of water facility provided by the organization?
a) RO Purifier water
b) Third party water supplier
c) Employees bring their own water
Q4. How you rate drinking water facility provided by organization?
a) Excellent
b) Good
c) Poor
d) Average
Q5. Does organization has provided changing room facility.
a) Yes
b) No
Q6. Does organization has provided enough numbers of toilets?
a) Yes
b) No
Q7. How you rate the toilet cleanliness and safety and hygienity?

V.I.M.Peth 59
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

a) Excellent
b) Good
c) Poor
d) Average
Q8. Are catering staff adequately trained in food hygiene and healthy eating?
a) Yes
b) No
Q9. Are you satisfied with canteen facility?
a) Satisfied
b) Dissatisfied
c) At some extent
Q10. How you rate the ventilation and overall working environment at your work place?
a) Excellent
b) Good
c) Poor
d) Average
Q11. Does your organization provide you first aid facility at work place?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Don`t know
Q12. Is organization provides you any insurance and medicalme policy?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Don`t know
Q13. Are you satisfied with provision of insurance and medical policy?
a) Satisfied
b) Dissatisfied
c) At Some Extent
Q14. Do you feel depressed/ mental health related problem while working at work place?
a) Yes
b) No
c) At some extent
Q15. Does your organization provide assistance, advice and support to people who experience a mental
health/stress/depression problem?

V.I.M.Peth 60
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

a) Yes- Medical Counsellor appointed

b) No
Q16. How you rate the provision made for mental health/ stress/depression problem?
a) a) Excellent
b) b) Good
c) c) Poor
d) d) Average
Q17. Do you know the organization safety policy?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Don`t know
Q18. Does your organization provide you safety equipment on the job?
a) Yes
b) No
c) At some extent
Q19. Which types of safety equipment provided to employees?
a)Hair cap b) Shoes
c) Hand gloves d) Mask
e) Safety dress f) All of the above
Q20. Do you satisfied with safety equipment provided to employees?
a) Satisfied
b) Dissatisfied
c) At some Extent
Q21. How are you rate the quality of provided safety equipment to employees?
a) Excellent
b) Good
c) Poor
d) Average
Q22. Does organization conduct fire safety drill to get practical use of safety equipment?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Don`t know
Q23. How frequently the safety equipment training program/drill is conducted?
a) Monthly
b) Quarterly
c) Half yearly

V.I.M.Peth 61
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

d) Annually
Q24. What are mostly used fire safety measures in organization?
a) Fire extinguisher b) Fire alarms
c) Water sprinkler d) Emergency exits
e) All of the above
Q25. Is there any safety committee in this organization?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Don’t know
Q26. Is there any record of regular maintenance of machinery available?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Don`t know
Q27. Is there any provision of AMC for the machinery?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Don`t know
Q28. How many accidents has been occurred in organization in last 2years?
a) >5
b) >10
c) >15
d) Nil. No accident
Q29. What are causes behind the accidents occurs in the organization?
a) Unsafe act of workers
b) Unsafe conditions of machine
c) Unsafe environment
d) Lack of quality of safety equipment
e) All of the above
Q30. Does your organization have appointed safety officer?
a) Yes
b) No
Q31. Is the organization arranges training programs for health and safety?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Don`t know

V.I.M.Peth 62
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Q32. If any accident happens there is investigation policy available in organization?

a) Yes
b) No
Q33. Do you know anything about industrial safety week?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Don`t know
Q34. Does your organization celebrate industrial safety week?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Don`t know
Q35. Does your organization has taken the necessary safety precautions for Covid-19?
a) Yes
b) No
c) At some extent
Q36. Do you believe that workplace environment is safe for you?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Don`t know
Q37. What is your overall opinion about organizations health and safety policy?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Don`t know

Any other

V.I.M.Peth 63
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.


1) Book Name of book Number Author publications

of Edition
1 Human Resource 9th Edition K. Ashwathappa Laszlo publication
2 Personal management 2nd Edition MemoriaC.b&Gankars.v Text & Case


V.I.M.Peth 64
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

V.I.M.Peth 65

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