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Dialogue Skills Evaluation Table

Criteria Excellent Good Satisfactory Not Credited

Demonstrates a Demonstrates a
Demonstrates a Demonstrates a
sophisticated basic
solid limited
understanding understanding
understanding understanding and
Grammar and application and application
and application application of
of grammar, of grammar,
of grammar, grammar, with
with minimal to with occasional
with few errors. frequent errors.
no errors. errors.

Utilizes an Utilizes a wide Utilizes a limited

Utilizes a basic
extensive and range of range of
range of
varied vocabulary, vocabulary,
Vocabulary vocabulary,
vocabulary, effectively leading to
with some
enhancing the conveying repetition or
dialogue. meaning. ambiguity.

Speaks with
Speaks fluently Speaks with Speaks with
and naturally, some significant
Fluency with smooth hesitations, but hesitations,
affecting the
transitions maintains impeding the flow
flow of the
between ideas. overall fluency. of the dialogue.

Pronounces most words Pronounces many
some words
words clearly clearly and words unclearly or
unclearly or
Pronunciation and accurately, accurately, with with significant
with noticeable
with a native- minor pronunciation
like accent. pronunciation errors.

Engages the Engages the

Engages the
listener listener to some Fails to engage the
listener well,
effectively, extent, but with listener, lacking
Engagement with some
using limited variation in tone
variation in tone
appropriate tone variation in tone and expression.
and expression.
and expression. and expression.
Listens to the
Actively listens Listens to the Fails to listen to
other speaker to
to the other other speaker the other speaker
some extent,
speaker, attentively, with attentively, leading
but with
Listening demonstrating occasional to frequent
frequent lapses
understanding lapses in misunderstandings
and appropriate understanding or inappropriate
responses. or response. responses.
or response.

Fails to respond to
Responds to the Responds to the Responds to the
the other speaker
other speaker other speaker other speaker to
Responsivene effectively, adequately, with some extent,
hindering the
ss contributing to a some but with limited
development of a
meaningful contributions to contributions to
dialogue. the dialogue. the dialogue.

Mostly Partially
Fully complies
complies with complies with Does not comply
with the task
the task the task with the task
Compliance requirements,
requirements, requirements, requirements,
with Task addressing all
with some areas requiring more failing to address
needing attention to key aspects.
improvement. detail.
Monologue Evaluation Table

Criteria Excellent Good Satisfactory Not Credited

Demonstrates a Demonstrates a
Demonstrates a Demonstrates a
sophisticated basic
solid limited
understanding understanding
understanding understanding and
Grammar and application and application
and application application of
of grammar, of grammar,
of grammar, grammar, with
with minimal to with occasional
with few errors. frequent errors.
no errors. errors.

Utilizes an Utilizes a wide Utilizes a limited

Utilizes a basic
extensive and range of range of
range of
varied vocabulary, vocabulary,
Vocabulary vocabulary,
vocabulary, effectively leading to
with some
enhancing the conveying repetition or
monologue. meaning. ambiguity.

Speaks with
Speaks fluently Speaks with Speaks with
and naturally, some significant
Fluency with smooth hesitations, but hesitations,
affecting the
transitions maintains impeding the flow
flow of the
between ideas. overall fluency. of the monologue.

Pronounces most words Pronounces many
some words
words clearly clearly and words unclearly or
Pronunciatio unclearly or
and accurately, accurately, with with significant
n with noticeable
with a native- minor pronunciation
like accent. pronunciation errors.

Engages the Engages the

Engages the
listener listener to some Fails to engage the
listener well,
effectively, extent, but with listener, lacking
Engagement with some
using limited variation variation in tone
variation in tone
appropriate tone in tone and and expression.
and expression.
and expression. expression.
Speaks with Speaks with
Speaks with Speaks with low
some limited
confidence and confidence and
confidence and confidence and
conviction, conviction,
Confidence conviction, with conviction,
demonstrating a displaying
occasional displaying
strong command significant doubts
doubts or frequent doubts
of the topic. or hesitations.
hesitations. or hesitations.

Communicates Communicates Fails to
ideas to some
ideas clearly and ideas clearly, communicate ideas
extent, with
Clarity effectively, with some clearly, leading to
ensuring minor instances frequent
instances of
understanding. of ambiguity. misunderstandings.

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