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Pancake Day, or Shrove Tuesday, is a special day celebrated in many countries

around the world. It is celebrated in English-speaking countries like the UK,
Ireland, Australia and Canada. In France, the USA and other countries, it is called
'Mardi Gras' or 'Fat Tuesday'. On this day many people eat pancakes.

Pancake Day is always on a Tuesday in February or March. It is the day before

Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent. Lent is a period of 40 days before Easter when
people traditionally stop eating rich foods like butter and eggs, so to use them up
they made pancakes from these ingredients on Shrove Tuesday.

Another tradition on Pancake Day in the UK is pancake racing. The tradition of

pancake races started in Olney, Buckinghamshire. According to a story, a
housewife made pancakes on Easter Sunday in 1445. Then she heard the church
bells. She was worried because she was late for church, so she ran to church with
her pan and pancake in her hand! Now, Olney’s pancake race is famous. All the
competitors are housewives. They must toss the pancake three times as they run to
the church. Then they must serve their pancake to the bell-ringer and receive a kiss
from him.

Put down the following words into your vocabulary:

Shrove |ʃrəʊv| отпускать грехи, исповедовать прощенное

Ash |æʃ| зола, пепел

Ash Wednesday-первый день поста

Lent |lent| великий пост

Toss |tɒs| бросать,подкидывать

Serve |sɜːv| подавать, обслуживать

Bell-ringer |ˈbelˌrɪŋər| звонарь

Answer the questions:

1) What is the other name of the Pancake Day?

2) How do we call this day in other countries?


3) What do people usually do on Ash Wednesday?


4) What is Lent?__________________________________________________________

5) What do people do during this period?


6) What is the main tradition on Pancake Day in the


7) What happened on Easter Sunday in 1445?_____________________________________

Complete the sentences:

1) Pancake Day, or ______ Tuesday, is a special day _______ in many countries around the

2) In France, the USA and other countries, it is called ________ or _________ .

3) Pancake Day is always on ______ in February or March. It is the day before _______ ,
the start of _____ .

4) _____ is a period when people traditionally stop eating ______ like butter and eggs.

5) They make pancakes from these _______ on _______ Tuesday.

6) Another tradition on Pancake Day in the UK is _________ _________.

7) According to a ______ , a housewife made _______ on Easter Sunday in 1445.

8) She was ______ because she was _____ for church, so she ran to church with her _____
and _______ in her hand!

9) Now, ______ pancake race is famous.

10) They must ______ the pancake three times as they _____ to the church.

11) All the competitors are __________ .

12) Then they must ______ their pancake to the ________ and _______ a kiss from him.

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