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Assessment Nursing Plan of Care Expected Outcome Evaluation


Subjective Cues: Knowledge Independent: After 1 hour of client After an hour of health
Deficit related teaching, the patient and teaching, the patient
• “What am I suppose to home care, • Encourage the patient and family members will be and family members
to do at home?” follow-up and family members to able to: were able to:
support verbalize concerns
• “Kailan ang follow • Explained the signs and • State understanding • State
up check up ko?” symptoms of infection for of discharge understanding
which to observe at home. process of discharge
• Demonstrated the proper • State the time and process
Objective Cues: surgical wound care and date of follow up • State the time
dressing. check up and date of
• Patient pacing • Identify signs and follow up check
hallway Dependent: symptoms of up
infection • Identify signs
• Explained the importance • Return demonstrate and symptoms
of diet restrictions the proper of infection
techniques in • Return
Collaborative: wound care demonstrate the
• Verbalize proper
• Explained the name, understanding of techniques in
indication, dose, frequency, home medications wound care
contraindications and side and its importance • Verbalize
effects of home understanding
medications. of home
medications and
its importance

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