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Journal of Environmental Management 249 (2019) 109362

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Research article

A comparative life cycle assessment for sustainable cement production in T

Simge Çankaya*, Beyhan Pekey
Department of Environmental Engineering, Kocaeli University, Kocaeli, 41380, Turkey


Keywords: Recently, a considerable increase has occurred in cement manufacturing, which is a highly energy intensive,
Alternative fuel and raw material resource consuming, and carbon emission industry based on industrialization and urbanization. In order to
Cement minimize the adverse effects from this industry on climate change, ecosystem quality, human health, and re-
Clinker sources for cement production, it is very important to assess the potential environmental impacts of the cement
Environmental impact
production process. In this study, a comparative life cycle assessment (LCA) of cement production with tradi-
Life cycle assessment
tional raw material and fuel (traditional scenario [TS]) and alternative raw material and fuel (alternative sce-
nario [AS]) usage were performed in accordance with International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
14040 and 14044 standards. The scope of the study was determined as “cradle to gate” including raw material
acquisition, transportation, and manufacturing stages. The functional units were 1 ton of clinker and 1 ton of
cement. SimaPro 8.0.4 software was used for the LCA, and impact assessment was carried out using the IMPACT
2002 + method. As a result of the LCA for clinker production, the overall environmental impact was reduced by
approximately 12% in the AS. According to damage assessment, the effects on climate change, human health,
ecosystem quality, and resources decreased 1.4%, 27%, 10%, and 11%, respectively. The use of alternative fuel
and raw material had approximately 3% positive impact on overall environmental burden of clinker production.
Considering cement types, the lowest environmental impacts were determined for CEM IV and CEM II based on
trass usage.

1. Introduction has increased by 46% over the past decade in Turkey (TCMA, 2018).
Clinker production is the most important stage of cement produc-
Cement production is a complex process that includes the use of a tion in terms of energy input and emission potential (EEA, 2016). While
high quantity of raw materials and fuels (petroleum coke, coal, natural approximately half of CO2 emissions related to clinker production is
gas, fuel oil, biomass or some wastes) and energy (electricity and heat) derived from the combustion of fossil fuels, remaining portion is de-
in addition to auxiliaries, air, and water (Valderrama et al., 2012; rived from the calcination of limestone (Gürsel, 2014). Additionally,
Galvez-Martos and Schoenberger, 2014), and as a result of this raw sulfur dioxide (SO2) and other sulfur compounds, dust, volatile organic
material use and processing, this process has a significant environ- compounds (VOC), polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans
mental impact (Georgiopoulou and Lyberatos, 2018). Although cement (PCDDs and PCDFs, respectively), metals and their compounds, hy-
production causes the formation of wastewater, solid waste, and noise, drogen fluoride (HF), hydrogen chloride (HCl), carbon monoxide (CO),
the main environmental issues are associated with energy consumption and ammonia (NH3) have been listed as being related to cement pro-
and air emissions (Schorcht et al., 2013. Approximately 5%–7% of total duction (BAT, 2013).
global anthropogenic CO2 emissions and 3% of total greenhouse gas In order to reduce emissions, conserve non-renewable fossil fuels,
emissions are derived from cement production (Galvez-Martos and save fuel costs, and avoid the negative impacts of waste incineration
Schoenberger, 2014). Additionally, it accounts for approximately and landfilling, some options have been offered such as reducing
12–15% of the total industrial energy use worldwide (Aranda-Usón clinker/cement ratio, using wastes as raw material or fuel, and im-
et al., 2012). proving the current technology (Stafford et al., 2016a; Hasanbeigi et al.,
Turkey is the fourth largest cement producer in the world (USGS, 2012). Among them, alternative fuel and raw material (AFR) usage
2017). There are 52 integrated cement plants, and cement production (which is called co-processing) is practiced in many countries

Corresponding author. Department of Environmental Engineering, Kocaeli University, Kocaeli, Turkey.
E-mail addresses: (S. Çankaya), (B. Pekey).
Received 11 December 2018; Received in revised form 4 April 2019; Accepted 3 August 2019
0301-4797/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Çankaya and B. Pekey Journal of Environmental Management 249 (2019) 109362

worldwide. The most common wastes are refused-derived fuel (RDF), to analyze and understand key parameters that can reduce GHG emis-
residual oil, used tires, plastic waste, sewage sludge, solvent, waste sions from the Turkish cement and concrete manufacturing. Abuşoğlu
paint, waste paper, wood, and agricultural biomass (Lamas et al., 2013; et al. (2017) have performed comparative LCA for existing sewage
Ariyaratne, 2009). Refuse-derived fuel (RDF) is the homogenous por- sludge incineration plant based on a fluidized bed combustor (FBD) and
tion of municipal solid waste (MSW) and is preferred as an alternative a hypothetical cement kiln facility using sludge as a secondary fuel.
fuel due to its high calorific value, low moisture content, and low ni- Hacıyusufoğlu et al. (2017) have also performed a comparative LCA for
trogen and sulfur contents in comparison to fossil fuels (Hasanbeigi cement and concrete production using RDF as an alternative fuel. Our
et al., 2012; Rahman et al., 2015). Residual oil is a hazardous waste that study has a novelty in terms of investigate environmental impacts of the
originates from automotive, railway, marine, farm, and industrial use of dried sludge, RDF, and residual oil as a secondary fuel in clinker
sources. Recently, it has been increasingly used in cement kiln because and cement production. The study is based on data collected from a
of its high calorific value (33–41 MJ/kg) and minimal processing costs. cement plant in Turkey. A “cradle-to-gate” LCA of clinker and cement
However, this oil is more concentrated with heavy metals, sulfur, production for traditional scenario (TS) and alternative scenario (AS)
phosphorus, and total halogens in comparison to crude-based heavy were performed with SimaPro 8.0.4. In the scope of this study, not only
fuel oils (Rahman et al., 2015; Ariyaratne, 2009). Dried sludge is also global warming potential (GWP) was assessed, but also a total of 15
used as an alternative fuel in cement kilns. Although dried sewage impact categories, including acidification, eutrophication, mineral ex-
sludge usage in cement kilns presents the multiple advantages of fuel traction, and others, were considered. Additionally, an uncertainty
and raw material reduction and environmental savings on human analysis that has been applied in a limited number of studies was per-
health, ecosystem, and resources, sludge drying is highly energy-in- formed to determine the significance of the results based on a Monte
tensive because of various complications associated with it. Energy Carlo simulation.
consumption of sludge drying process varies widely according to the
type of technology used (Valderrama et al., 2013; Jungbluth et al., 2. Material and methods
2007). Therefore, it is significant to assess the environmental impact of
a drying process before implementing it (Ariyaratne, 2009; Haque et al., A case-specific LCA was used to assess the environmental impacts of
2015). different cement types in Kocaeli, Turkey by following the International
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is one of the most common methods, Organization for Standards (ISO) 14040 and 14044. LCA is divided into
and it addresses the environmental aspects and potential environmental four main stages according to the ISO 14040: (1) goal and scope defi-
impacts (such as resource use and release to water, air, and soil) nition; (2) inventory analysis; (3) life cycle impact assessment; and (4)
throughout a product's life cycle from raw material acquisition through life cycle interpretation.
production, use, end-of-life treatment, recycling, and final disposal
(“cradle to-grave”) (ISO 14040).
Recently, environmental impacts of clinker and cement production 2.1. Details of cement plant
have been evaluated using LCA method by different researchers.
Georgiopoulou and Lyberatos (2018) have evaluated the environmental The selected cement plant is the largest plant in Turkey with a 4
impacts of the use of alternative fuels (RDF, TDF, and biological sludge) million tone/year production capacity and three dry process rotary
and they have concluded that RDF is the most environmentally friendly kilns with multistage-preheaters and pre-calciners. It is an integrated
option. In another scientific study, LCA was performed to compared the cement plant which has a three quarry of limestone (2) and marl (1).
environmental impact of urban sewage sludge use as alternative fuel or Four different types of cement are manufactured in the plant and in-
raw material in clinker production (Valderrama et al., 2013) and the clude CEM I, CEM II, CEM IV, and OWC. The percentage of clinker and
results indicated that fuel substitution represents a significant en- other additives needed to produce one ton of cement are presented in
vironmental improvement compared to the raw material substitution. Table 1. Cement production consists of four main stages in the plant: (1)
Hong and Li (2011) have also concluded that the sewage sludge in raw material preparation; (2) raw meal mills; (3) clinker burning; and
cement production had little or no effect on reducing the overall en- (4) cement grinding. The thermal energy needed to produce one ton
vironmental impacts. Many researchers have also compared the best clinker is 3337 MJ in cement kiln.
available technologies with building scenarios. Song et al. (2016) have Sustainable production is accomplished through sludge drying
suggested the installation of heat recovery and cogeneration system to technology, waste heat recovery (WHR) technology (18 MW/h of ca-
reduce the environmental impact of electricity consumption in cement pacity), and RDF feeding system (5 t/hour of capacity) in the plant.
production. On the other hand, many studies have compared the en- Sewage sludge, which has a moisture content of 80% (maximum), is
vironmental impacts of different cement products (Huntzinger and dehydrated and granulated in the sludge drying plant before being used
Eatmon, 2009; Feiz et al., 2015; Yang et al., 2017). in clinker production. The plant was started in 2009 and its capacity is
In Turkey, only a few studies have approached AFR usage in the 250 t of wet sludge per day. This is the first plant in Turkey in terms of
cement production sector with an LCA according to our knowledge energy recovery and integration with the cement sector. The process
(Hacıyusufoğlu et al., 2017; Çankaya and Pekey, 2018; Abuşoğlu et al., consists of three main sub-systems: (1) thermal energy recovery; (2)
2017 , Morsali, 2016; Gürsel, 2014). Gürsel (2014) have conducted LCA drying process, and (3) alternative fuel usage. A dried sludge with a
calorific value of 2500–3500 kcal/kg and moisture content of 10% (w/

Table 1
The amount of clinker and other additives and electricity consumed to produce 1 ton of cement.
Scenario Cement Type Clinker (%) Gypsum (%) Limestone (%) Trass (%) Electricity (kWh)

TS CEM I 0.93 0.06 0.01 – 109.85

CEM II 0.83 0.06 0.01 0.10
CEM IV 0.71 0.06 0.01 0.23
OWC 0.92 0.05 0.03 –
AS CEM I 0.92 0.05 0.03 – 114.67
CEM II 0.77 0.05 0.04 0.15
CEM IV 0.55 0.05 0.03 0.37
OWC 0.95 0.05 – –

S. Çankaya and B. Pekey Journal of Environmental Management 249 (2019) 109362

Fig. 1. System boundaries of “cradle to gate” cement production, including material flow and emissions (Adapted from Huntzinger and Eatmon, 2009).

w) is used as alternative fuel in clinker production. Inputs and outputs a substitution rate of 0.09% (by thermal energy) for RDF and sub-
of the sludge drying system are shown in supplementary material stitution rate of 0.2% (by mass) for alternative raw materials were used.
(Table A1). The WHR plant was started in 2013, and it provides ap- Therefore, the 2007 scenario was considered as the TS. In 2013, a
proximately 25% of electricity consumption of the cement plant. thermal substitution rate of 3.5% (by thermal energy) for alternative
fuels (dried sludge, RDF, and residual oil) and a substitution rate of 1%
2.2. Goal, scope and functional unit (by mass) for alternative raw materials were used. Additionally, WHR
system was taken into operation in the year of 2013. Therefore, this
First, system boundaries were determined, and a functional unit was scenario was considered as the AS. Details of inputs and outputs of both
chosen in order to define the goal and scope of the LCA study. The goal scenarios are presented in supplementary material (Table A2).
of this study was to assess and compare the environmental impacts of RDF production in a sorting plant, in which RDF was selected and
two different scenarios in cement production to reduce traditional fuel prepared for fuel use, and transport to the cement plant was also in-
and raw material usage: (1) TS (in 2007) ) and (2) AS (in 2013). cluded in this study. The composition of RDF and electricity con-
The scope of this LCA was determined as a cradle to gate approach, sumption to produce RDF was obtained from the literature. RDF con-
which goes from the raw material supply and preparation to cement tains 66% waste textile, 17% waste paper, 13.3% waste plastic bags,
grinding/packaging (Fig. 1). Four types of cement are produced in the and 3.6% polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic. The calorific value
plant, but clinker is the same for all cement types. Therefore, two dif- of the RDF used in this study was 4000 kcal/kg (Kara et al., 2009). The
ferent functional units were used in this study: (1) 1 tone clinker (from amount of electrical energy in order to produce 1 ton of RDF was ac-
mining process to clinker production) and (2) 1 tone cement (for ce- cepted as 373.4 kWh (Grzesik and Malinowski, 2016). The transporta-
ment grinding/packaging process) as proposed by some researchers tion distance of RDF was obtained from the cement plant.
(Garcia-Gusano et al., 2015a; Li et al., 2015). The LCA approach was Air emissions (CO, NO, NO2, and particulate matter) from cement
performed for four processes: (1) raw material preparation; (2) raw production facilities which were stated in Table A2 as output, and air
meal mills; (3) clinker burning; and (4) cement grinding. emissions (H2S, NH3, VOC, NO, and NO2) from sludge drying plant
Transportation of all raw materials and fuels were also included in which were stated in Table A1 as output were provided through direct
this study. Infrastructure and facilities are excluded because their im- measurement from the cement plant.
pact was too small.

2.4. Life cycle impact assessment

2.3. Life cycle inventory analysis

The IMPACT 2002 + method, which is a combination of four

For the life cycle inventory analysis, site-specific data were obtained
methods (IMPACT 2002; Eco-indicator 99, CML, and IPCC), was se-
from the plant. Additionally, Ecoinvent and USLCI databases were used
lected in order to assess the environmental impacts of clinker and dif-
for inventories when necessary. Electricity production is obtained from
ferent cement types in this study. It is based on a structured midpoint-
natural gas (28.5%), coal (36.4%), hydropower (22.4%), wind (6.3%),
and damage-oriented approach of life cycle impact assessment
geothermal (2.3%), solar energy (2.4%) and other sources (1.6%) in
(Frischknecht et al., 2007; Humbert et al., 2014). The mid-point impact
Turkey (EMRA, 2018). Data of electricity production mix for Turkey
categories evaluated in this study were carcinogens, non-carcinogens,
was obtained from Ecoinvent database. Limestone and clay quarrying
respiratory inorganics, ionizing radiation, ozone layer depletion, re-
data were obtained from USLCI database. Trass, which is used as an
spiratory organics, aquatic ecotoxicity, terrestrial ecotoxicity, terres-
additive in CEM II and CEM IV, refers to natural pozzolan in this study.
trial acidification/nutrition, land occupation, aquatic acidification,
The life cycle impact assessment tool SimaPro 8.0.4 (Pre
aquatic eutrophication, global warming, non-renewable energy, and
Consultants, 2008) was used to identify the environmental impacts of
mineral extraction. The end-point impact categories were human
inventory elements, build the product assemblies and life cycles for
health, ecosystem quality, climate change, and resources. Additionally,
clinker and four different cement products.
normalization and weighting, which are optional stages to facilitate the
Data for 2007 and 2013 were used to determine and compare the
interpretation of results, were performed (ISO 14040).
environmental impact of AFR usage in cement manufacturing. In 2007,

S. Çankaya and B. Pekey Journal of Environmental Management 249 (2019) 109362

2.5. Uncertainty analysis The highest adverse effects of raw material usage were seen with
respect to the mineral extraction impact category. Mineral extraction
Uncertainty analysis is a systematic procedure used to quantify the was significantly influenced by raw material usage (91%). Additionally,
uncertainty introduced in the results of a life cycle inventory analysis about 85% of aquatic ecotoxicity, 84% of terrestrial ecotoxicity, 53% of
due to the cumulative effects of model imprecision, input uncertainty, respiratory organics, 52% of land occupation, 40% of ionizing radia-
and data variability (ISO, 14040). Huijbregts (1998) stated that there tion, 34% of non-carcinogens, and 32% of ozone layer depletion can be
were six different uncertainties and variabilities: (1) parameter un- associated with raw material usage (Fig. 2).
certainty; (2) model uncertainty; (3) uncertainty due to choices; (4) Electricity consumption contributes to environmental categories
spatial variability; (5) temporal variability; and (6) variability between such as carcinogens (80%), respiratory inorganics (62.5%), and non-
objects and sources. Although a range of available approaches for un- carcinogens (48.4%), which are generally associated with human
certainty analysis have been reviewed by researchers in the LCIA phase, health. Additionally, it also contributes a minor amount of non-re-
and among them, the Monte Carlo simulation, is a stochastic model, newable energy (27%).
was the most commonly recommended. Monte Carlo simulations have Transportation has adverse effects on land occupation, ionizing ra-
now been built into commercial LCA software such as SimaPro (PRé- diation, ozone layer depletion, and respiratory organics (ranging from
Consultants, 2004); nevertheless, it is still only applied in few LCA 16% to 24%).
studies (Güereca et al., 2015; Guo and Murphy, 2012). Fossil fuel usage (such as petroleum coke, lignite, fuel oil, and
In this study, an uncertainty analysis was performed with a Monte natural gas) for producing clinker adversely affects non-renewable en-
Carlo simulation in order to estimate the uncertainties and compare the ergy (59%), aquatic eutrophication (81%), and ozone layer depletion
significance of the results for both scenarios. Because the site-specific (29%) as can be seen in Fig. 2.
information did not contain any uncertainty ranges, an uncertainty In order to determine the significance level of production stages in
analysis was conducted with the data from statistical sources. The re- terms of environmental aspects, normalization and weighting were
quirements of an uncertainty analysis are 1000 iterations and a 95% performed, and the results are presented in Fig. 3. When Fig. 3 was
confidence interval (CI). examined, it was determined that clinkerization generates 60% of
overall environmental burden followed by electricity consumption
3. Results and discussions (27% of overall environmental burden). There is no important effect of
AFR usage in TS because the substitution was too low.
3.1. Life cycle impact assessment for clinker production
3.1.2. Alternative scenario (AS)
3.1.1. Traditional scenario (TS) The characterization results of 1 ton of clinker production for the AS
The characterization results of the 1 ton of clinker production are were presented in Fig. 4. The environmental burdens were assessed and
presented in Fig. 2. The environmental burdens were assessed and in- interpreted for seven production categories: (1) clinkerization (calci-
terpreted for six production categories: (1) clinkerization (calcinations nations and fuel burning); (2) raw material usage; (3) alternative raw
and fuel burning); (2) raw material usage; (3) electricity consumption; material usage; (4) electricity consumption; (5) transportation; (6) fuel
(4) transportation; (5) fuel usage (including refinery operations); and usage; and (7) alternative fuel usage.
(6) AFR usage. As can be seen in Fig. 2, clinkerization shows a high It is conspicuous that clinkerization has adverse effects on GWP,
contribution to global warming (93%), terrestrial acid./nutri. (77%), terrestrial acid./nutri., and aquatic acidification in a manner similar to
and aquatic acidification (62%). This result is compatible with Güereca the TS (Fig. 4). GWP was mostly affected by clinkerization (94%) in
et al. (2015), who determined that the kiln process presented high accordance with other studies (Güereca et al., 2015; Galvez-Martos and
contributions to GWP, acidification, eutrophication, and photochemical Schoenberger, 2014; Valderrama et al., 2012; Chen et al., 2010;
oxidation. Huntzinger and Eatmon, 2009; Stafford et al., 2016a).

Fig. 2. Characterization results of 1 ton of clinker production for the traditional scenario (TS).

S. Çankaya and B. Pekey Journal of Environmental Management 249 (2019) 109362

Fig. 3. Single scores of different production stages for the TS.

Concerning aquatic acidification, it was determined that 1.05 kg raw material usage (13%), electricity (6.5%), and transportation
SO2-eq and 61% of this value (0.68 kg SO2-eq.) was derived from (4.6%). This result is compatible with the results of scientific studies
clinkerization, 16% from electricity consumption, 12% from raw ma- performed by Güereca et al. (2015); Huntzinger and Eatmon (2009),
terial usage, and 2% from fuel usage. Stafford et al. (2016b) also con- and Genon and Brizio (2008), who state RDF co-processing in cement
cluded that clinkerization yields a high contribution to acidification kilns reduces the acidification potential because RDF generates lower
potential (48%), which is compatible with results from this study. It is nitrogen (NOx) and sulfur oxide (SOx) emissions than coke (Güereca
also stated in the literature that most of the SO2 emissions arise from et al., 2015).
the kiln due to fuel combustion and processing of the raw materials in It was conspicuous that alternative raw material usage has a positive
the kilns (Stafford et al., 2016b). impact on land occupation, ionizing radiation, aquatic ecotoxicity,
Terrestrial acid./nutri. potential, calculated as 6.75 kg SO2-eq, is ozone layer depletion, carcinogens, and non-carcinogens. The results
mostly influenced by clinkerization (5.3 kg SO2-eq; 75%) followed by showed that substitution rate of 1% for alternative raw material reduces

Fig. 4. Contribution of each processing stage to the impact categories.

S. Çankaya and B. Pekey Journal of Environmental Management 249 (2019) 109362

27% of land occupation, 24% of ionizing radiation, and 24% of aquatic according to the process contribution analysis in SimaPro. Process
ecotoxicity. contributions of carcinogens (a) and non-carcinogens (b) are presented
Fossil fuel usage (such as petroleum coke, lignite, fuel oil, and in Fig. 6.
natural gas) to produce clinker adversely affects non-renewable energy A considerable decrease (24%) has also been determined with re-
(66%) aquatic eutrophication (85%), and ozone layer depletion (40%) spect to ozone layer depletion as can be seen in Table 2. Ozone layer
based on mining and refinery activities. depletion occurs if the rate of ozone destruction is increased due to
Electricity consumption contributes to 76% of carcinogens and 58% anthropogenic emissions of recalcitrant chemicals containing chlorine
of respiratory inorganics. Approximately 20% of the renewable energy or bromine atoms, and it is measured as CFC-11 eq. (Stafford et al.,
category is associated with electricity consumption. This ratio was de- 2016b). For TS, the adverse effect of clinker production on ozone layer
termined as 59% for TS. The reason for this reduction as determined in depletion was evaluated as 2.52E-06 kg CFC-11 eq., and 29% of this
the AS is likely due to an environmental saving of electrical energy from value (7.3E-07 kg CFC-11 eq.) was associated with fuel usage. For AS,
using the WHR system. Because technology used in the cement pro- ozone layer depletion was evaluated as 1.92E-06 kg CFC-11-eq., and
duction industry mainly affected energy saving and emissions released, 52.6% of this value (1.01E-06 kg CFC-11 eq.) was associated with fuel
WHR system is considered as a valuable alternative approach to im- usage. Güereca et al. (2015) stated that petroleum coke produces
proving overall energy efficiency and sustainability in cement industry chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) emissions during their manufacture at the
(El Atasi, 2013). In the cement plant selected in this study, approxi- refinery. In this study, although ozone layer depletion associated with
mately 25% of total electrical energy to produce clinker supplies with fuel usage increased, a total ozone layer depletion impact category
the WHR system and the plant saves on purchased electricity in terms of decreased significantly for AS. This decrease may result from less or no
environmental and economical. In the literature, WHR used in cement use of fossil fuels, depending on AFR usage. In the literature, it was
production reduced 20% of fossil fuel usage and 8% of CO2 emissions determined that ozone layer depletion derived from the 1 ton of clinker
(Benhelal et al., 2013). Song et al. (2016) also determined a 4% re- production ranged from 5.11E-04 to 6.40E-08 (Güereca et al., 2015;
duction for GWP with using WHR system. In this study, waste heat Valderrama et al. 2012, 2013; Saade et al., 2015; Georgiopoulou and
recovery reduced GWP by approximately 1%. With the use of the WHR Lyberatos, 2018; Aranda-Usón et al., 2012) in accordance with this
system in 2013, the plant reduced all mid-point impacts from ap- study.
proximately 1% (global warming) to 32% (carcinogens). Land occupation was associated with traffic area (road, rail net-
Normalized and weighted impacts of 1 ton of clinker production are works), mineral extraction sites, dump sites, arable land, forests, con-
presented in Fig. 5. According to Fig. 5, clinkerization constitutes 67% struction sites, and industrial areas in SimaPro software. The con-
of overall environmental burdens followed by electricity consumption tribution of the processes associated with land occupation for TS and AS
(22%). It was detected that AFR usage has a 3% positive impact on is presented in Fig. 7. According to Fig. 7, marl mining, lignite mining,
overall environmental burdens. and transportation caused important environmental loads to land oc-
cupation for both scenarios. Fly ash, which is used as alternative raw
3.1.3. Comparison of scenarios and process contribution analysis material, is the main reason for the reduction in the land occupation
The characterizations results of two scenarios are comparatively category for AS.
presented in Table 2. According to Table 2, all impact categories de- It is conspicuous that the mineral extraction category increased
creased, except for mineral extraction. Non-carcinogens, carcinogens, significantly (61%) in AS. The contributors to this category are pre-
and land occupation decreased significantly. sented Fig. 8. As can be seen from Fig. 8, bauxite mining is the highest
Electricity consumption caused the maximum environmental load contributor to mineral extraction. This result can be explained based on
with respect to carcinogens and non-carcinogens. Calcareous marl the incremental increase in the amount of bauxite needed to produce 1
usage also produced an important environmental load with respect to ton of clinker and change of bauxite supply chain according to Fig. 8
carcinogens. However, RDF, dried sewage sludge, and fly ash usage and a contribution analysis.
caused a significant reduction in both carcinogens and non-carcinogens The dominant mid-point impact categories after normalization were

Fig. 5. Single scores of different production processes associated with the alternative scenario (AS).

S. Çankaya and B. Pekey Journal of Environmental Management 249 (2019) 109362

Table 2
Life cycle impact assessment mid-point of a 1 ton clinker.
Impact category Unit TS (2007) AS (2013) Change (%)

Carcinogens kg C2H3Cl eq 1.78E+00 8.46E-01 −52.6

Non-carcinogens kg C2H3Cl eq 4.72E-01 −1.17E+00 −349
Respiratory inorganics kg PM2.5 eq 5.83E-01 4.36E-01 −25.3
Ionizing radiation Bq C-14 eq 1.71E+02 1.21E+02 −29.2
Ozone layer depletion kg CFC-11 eq 2.52E-06 1.92E-06 −23.9
Respiratory organics kg C2H4 eq 2.83E-02 2.23E-02 −21.0
Aquatic ecotoxicity kg TEG water 9.75E+03 7.99E+03 −18.0
Terrestrial ecotoxicity kg TEG soil 2.59E+03 2.48E+03 −4.29
Terrestrial acid/nutri kg SO2 eq 8.41E+00 6.75E+00 −19.8
Land occupation m2org.arable 9.94E-01 5.80E-01 −41.7
Aquatic acidification kg SO2 eq 1.33E+00 1.05E+00 −21.2
Aquatic eutrophication kg PO4 P-lim 1.08E-01 1.04E-01 −3.56
Global warming kg CO2 eq 8.90E+02 8.78E+02 −1.40
Non-renewable energy MJ primary 2.17E+03 1.93E+03 −11.3
Mineral extraction MJ surplus 6.91E+00 1.12E+01 +61.8

Fig. 6. Process contribution of carcinogens (a) and non-carcinogens (b).

determined as global warming, respiratory inorganics, non-renewable reduction can be explained with the use of WHR in AS. It was also
energy, and terrestrial ecotoxicity. Major process and substance con- determined that non-renewable energy and terrestrial ecotoxicity are
tributors in mid-point and end-point impact are also given in Table 3. related to mining operations for both scenarios.
While a high level of climate change category is substantially associated Considering the results in terms of end-point impact, the relation-
with CO2, fossil (approximately 99% for both scenarios), high level of ship between electricity process and human health, raw material
human health category is related to particles and NO2 according to the quarrying operations, and ecosystem quality, clinker production pro-
contribution analysis (Table 3). Electricity contribution in global cess and climate change, and lignite mining and resources is quite re-
warming was determined as approximately 5% (42.3 kg CO2 eq./ markable.
t.clinker) for TS and 3% (28.5 kg CO2eq/t.clinker) for AS. This The normalized results of end-point impacts are also shown

Fig. 7. Process contribution of land occupation to TS (a) and AS (b).

S. Çankaya and B. Pekey Journal of Environmental Management 249 (2019) 109362

Fig. 8. Process contribution of mineral extraction for TS (a) and AS (b).

Table 3
Major process and substance contributions in mid-point and end-point impact.
Scenario Stage Category Substance (% contribution) Process (% contribution)

AS Mid-point Global warming CO2, fossil (99.7%) Clinker production (95.9%)

Electricity, medium voltage, TR (3.25%)
Respiratory inorganics Particulates, < 2.5 μm (61.1%) Electricity, medium voltage, TR (56.4%)
Non-renewable energy Coal, brown (69%) Lignite, mine operation (63.9%)
Terrestrial ecotoxicity Aluminium (86.3%) Limestone quarry operation (42.1%)
End-point Human health Particulates, < 2.5 μm (61.3%) Electricity, medium voltage, TR (57.6%)
Nitrogen dioxide (25.2%)
Ecosystem quality Aluminium (62.7%) Calcareous marl production (33%)
Limestone quarry operation (31.7%)
Climate change CO2, fossil (99.7%) Clinker production (95.9%)
Resources Coal, brown (68.6%) Lignite, mine operation (63.5%)
TS Mid-point Global warming CO2, fossil (99.6%) Clinker production (92.6%)
Electricity, medium voltage, TR (4.75%)
Respiratory inorganics Particulates, < 2.5 μm (62.8%) Electricity, medium voltage, TR (62.4%)
Non-renewable energy Coal, brown (62.9%) Lignite, mine operation (51.5%)
Terrestrial ecotoxicity Aluminium (79.1%) Calcareous marl production (59.7%)
End-point Human health Particulates, < 2.5 μm (61.8%) Electricity, medium voltage, TR (62.6%)
Nitrogen dioxide (22.6%) Clinker production (20.8%)
Ecosystem quality Aluminium (53.9%) Calcareous marl production (44.7%)
Climate change CO2, fossil (99.6%) Clinker production (92.6%)
Resources Coal, brown (62.7%) Lignite, mine operation (51.3%)

comparatively in Fig. 9 for both scenarios. Climate change constitutes 3.6% with a thermal substitution of 20% RDF.
about 55% of overall environmental burdens, and human health con- In this study, climate change (CC) effects were determined as 890 kg
stitutes about 35% of overall environmental burdens for TS. These va- CO2-eq/clinker and 878 kg CO2-eq/t.clinker for TS and AS, respectively.
lues are 61% and 29%, respectively, for AS. The results indicate that the The result shows that AFR usage saves 12 kg CO2-eq per ton of clinker
impact associated with climate change and human health made sig- produced. These values are compatible with other scientific studies. In
nificant contributions to the overall environmental impact. This result the literature, the GWP derived from 1 ton of clinker production with
is compatible with those reported in the literature (Ali et al. 2014; Ruan traditional methods ranged from 790 kg CO2-eq to 1243 kg CO2-eq
and Unluer, 2016; Abuşoğlu et al., 2017). (Valderrama et al. 2012, 2013; Panahandeh et al., 2017; Aranda-Usón
The reduction on damage to human health, ecosystem quality, re- et al., 2012; Güereca et al., 2015; Boesch et al., 2009; Boesch and
sources, and climate change was evaluated as 27%, 10%, 11%, and Hellweg, 2010). On the other hand, for 1 ton of clinker production with
1.4%; respectively. Climate change effects derived from clinker pro- alternative methods (AFR usage or alternative technology usage), GWPs
duction were assessed by a number of researchers, and different values range from 780 kg CO2-eq to 938 kg CO2-eq. per ton clinker according
were determined according to the waste type, substitution rate, and to the literature (Valderrama et al. 2012, 2013; Panahandeh et al.,
process type. Aranda-Usón et al. (2012) determined an approximate 2017; Güereca et al., 2015).
10% reduction in climate change effect per ton clinker production with
dried sludge usage (thermal substitution rate of 5%). Boesch et al. 3.2. Life cycle impact assessment of cement production
(2009) determined a 0.3% reduction for climate change effect after co-
processing 20 kg dried sewage sludge. Some of the studies investigated The comparative characterization results of different cement types
RDF use as an alternative fuel to produce clinker (Panahandeh et al., for the two scenarios are given in Table 4.
2017; Strazza et al., 2011; Stafford et al., 2016a; Güereca et al., 2015). According to the TS results, CEM IV has generally low adverse im-
Panahandeh et al. (2017) evaluated the GWP of 1 ton of clinker with a pact on the environment, because of the low clinker:cement ratio
5% RDF substitution as 790 kg CO2-eq. Güereca et al. (2015) also de- compared with other cement types. It has the lowest contribution to
termined the reduction of GWP for 1 ton of clinker as approximately carcinogens, respiratory inorganics, ozone layer depletion, aquatic

S. Çankaya and B. Pekey Journal of Environmental Management 249 (2019) 109362

Fig. 9. Damage assessment results for TS and AS.

ecotoxicity, terrestrial ecotoxicity, terrestrial acid./nutri., aquatic For the AS, it was determined that CEM IV presented the lowest
acidification and eutrophication, global warming, non-renewable en- contribution to carcinogens, respiratory inorganics, aquatic and ter-
ergy, and mineral extraction. In contrast, it presents a high contribution restrial ecotoxicity, terrestrial acid./nutri., aquatic acidification and
to non-carcinogens, ionizing radiation, and land occupation. eutrophication, global warming, non-renewable energy, and mineral
When the GWP of cement was taken into account for TS, it was extraction similar to that seen in TS. In contrast, CEM IV presented a
determined CEM I has the highest GWP (850 kg CO2 eq./t.cement). This high contribution to ionizing radiation and land occupation followed by
value was 766, 666, and 841 kg CO2eq/t.cement for CEM II, CEM IV, CEM II. This situation can be explained by the mining and transporta-
and OWC, respectively. CEM IV has the lowest GWP. tion process of trass which is used as additive in CEM IV.
According to the damage assessment results, climate change, human In order to investigate the contribution of additives, transport, and
health, resources, and ecosystem quality constitutes 49%, 41%, 8.7%, electricity consumption of cement grinding/packaging process, con-
and 1.3% of overall environmental burdens for CEM I and OWC, re- tribution analysis was conducted and the results were given in
spectively. These values were 47%, 43%, 9.2%, and 1.4% and 48%, Supplementary material (Table B1). According to this table, trass has
42%, 9.2%, and 1.35% for CEM II and CEM IV, respectively. 4.34% and 1.57% contribution to overall environmental burden of CEM

Table 4
Characterization results of different cement types (per ton cement).
Impact category Unit OWC (TS) OWC (AS) CEM IV (TS) CEM IV (AS) CEM II (TS) CEM II (AS) CEM I (TS) CEM I (AS)

Mid-point impacts:
Carcinogens kg C2H3Cl eq 2.34E+00 1.80E+00 2.10E+00 1.57E+00 2.24E+00 1.96E+00 2.36E+00 1.76E+00
Non-carcinogens kg C2H3Cl eq 5.70E-01 −9.29E-01 5.88E-01 −2.91E-01 5.79E-01 −6.01E-01 5.77E-01 −8.95E-01
Respiratory inorganics kg PM2.5 eq 7.16E-01 6.69E-01 6.08E-01 4.91E-01 6.70E-01 6.58E-01 7.25E-01 6.53E-01
Ionizing radiation Bq C-14 eq 1.84E+02 1.49E+02 1.94E+02 1.70E+02 1.90E+02 1.63E+02 1.88E+02 1.46E+02
Ozone layer depletion kg CFC-11 eq 2.67E-06 2.27E-06 2.67E-06 2.29E-06 2.68E-06 2.35E-06 2.71E-06 2.22E-06
Respiratory organics kg C2H4eq 3.08E-02 2.72E-02 3.08E-02 2.74E-02 3.09E-02 2.84E-02 3.12E-02 2.67E-02
Aquatic ecotoxicity kg TEG water 9.99E+03 8.66E+03 8.63E+03 6.74E+03 9.39E+03 8.10E+03 1.00E+04 8.58E+03
Terrestrial ecotoxicity kg TEG soil 2.65E+03 2.62E+03 2.41E+03 2.16E+03 2.55E+03 2.47E+03 2.67E+03 2.58E+03
Terrestrial acid/nutri kg SO2eq 8.11E+00 6.90E+00 6.66E+00 4.67E+00 7.49E+00 6.01E+00 8.20E+00 6.71E+00
Land occupation m2org.arable 1.08E+00 7.35E-01 1.40E+00 1.32E+00 1.23E+00 9.90E-01 1.11E+00 7.22E-01
Aquatic acidification kg SO2eq 1.36E+00 1.18E+00 1.16E+00 8.70E-01 1.27E+00 1.09E+00 1.37E+00 1.15E+00
Aquatic eutrophication kg PO4 P-lim 1.06E-01 1.09E-01 8.51E-02 6.85E-02 9.73E-02 9.35E-02 1.08E-01 1.06E-01
Global warming kg CO2eq 8.41E+02 8.64E+02 6.66E+02 5.29E+02 7.66E+02 7.21E+02 8.50E+02 8.38E+02
Non-renewable energy MJ primary 2.30E+03 2.25E+03 2.00E+03 1.69E+03 2.18E+03 2.10E+03 2.33E+03 2.19E+03
Mineral extraction MJ surplus 6.57E+00 1.09E+01 5.47E+00 6.95E+00 6.11E+00 9.17E+00 6.65E+00 1.06E+01
End-point impacts:
Human health DALY 0.00051 0.00047 0.000434 0.000348 0.000477 0.000465 0.000516 0.00046
Ecosystem quality PDF.m2.yr 31.05468 29.10121 27.96735 23.74615 29.7369 27.25878 31.33507 28.63683
Climate change kg CO2eq 840.7388 864.2397 665.5409 528.883 765.8461 720.7201 849.8529 837.5508
Resources MJ primary 2307.301 2262.569 2008.392 1697.826 2182.32 2109.707 2332.889 2199.719

S. Çankaya and B. Pekey Journal of Environmental Management 249 (2019) 109362

IV and CEM II; respectively. Transport of additives has the lowest the two scenarios are comparatively presented in Fig. 10. It was de-
contributions on overall environmental burden for each cement pro- termined that overall environmental burden of each cement type de-
duct. It also determined that the highest contribution to carcinogens creased in AS in comparison to TS. The highest reduction was de-
was related to the electricity consumption needed to produce 1 ton of termined in CEM IV (20%) followed by CEM I (6%), CEM II (4%), and
CEM II according to the contribution analysis. Contribution of elec- OWC (2%).
tricity consumption of cement grinding/packaging process for CEM II As can be seen in Fig. 10, climate change decreased in AS com-
was found as higher than other cement products (Table B1). parison to TS for CEM I, CEM II and CEM IV. The highest reduction was
When the GWP was taken into account for AS, it was determined determined for CEM IV (21%). These values were 1.4% and 5.8% for
that OWC had the highest GWP (864 kg CO2 eq./t.cement). This value CEM I and CEM II, respectively. On the contrary, the ecopoint of cli-
was 838, 721, and 529 kg CO2eq/t.cement for CEM I, CEM II, and CEM mate change increased for OWC in AS comparison to TS. This result can
IV, respectively. A number of studies have indicated that each tone of be explained by the clinker:cement ratio. While the clinker:cement ratio
cement releases 572–972 kg CO2 into the atmosphere (Garcia-Gusano of OWC was 0.92 in TS, it was 0.95 in AS. The decrease in human health
et al. 2015a, García-Gusano et al., 2015b; Feiz et al., 2015; Chen et al. category was determined as 11%, 3%, 20%, and 8% for CEM I, CEM II,
2010, 2015; Stafford et al., 2016a; Song et al., 2016; Moretti and Caro, CEM IV, and OWC, respectively. While decreases in ecosystem quality
2017; Boesch and Hellweg, 2010; Huntzinger and Eatmon, 2009). The were 9%, 8%, 15%, and 6%, decreases in resources were 6%, 3%, 15%,
variability of the CO2 amount released into the atmosphere may depend and 2% for CEM I, CEM II, CEM IV, and OWC, respectively.
on a wide variety of factors such as cement type produced, clinker:ce-
ment ratio, alternative technologies, and AFR usage. 3.3. Uncertainty analysis
According to the damage assessment results for AS, climate change,
human health, resources, and ecosystem quality constituted 51%, 39%, The results of the uncertainty analysis were given in Supplementary
8.7%, and 1.2% of overall environmental burdens for CEM I and OWC, Material (Appendix C). Uncertainties for mid-point impacts of TS and
respectively. These values were 47%, 42%, 9%, and 1.3% and 46%, AS were given in Table C1 and Table C2; respectively. Mineral ex-
43%, 9.7%, and 1.5% for CEM II and CEM IV, respectively. traction, land occupation, and toxicity related impacts have high degree
When the characterization results of cement types for the two sce- of uncertainty for TS. Considering AS, human health related impacts
narios were compared, it was determined that almost all environmental (carcinogens and non-carcinogens) have also high degree of uncertainty
impact categories (except from mineral extraction) showed a decrease in addition to the toxicity related impacts. On the contrary, the un-
in AS compared to TS. Carcinogens and non-carcinogens impact cate- certainties on respiratory inorganics, terrestrial acid./nutri., and
gories decreased significantly. In contrary, mineral extraction increased aquatic acidification are relatively low for both scenarios.
in various ratios from 27% (CEM IV) to 66% (OWC) in AS. According to Results of Monte Carlo simulation for comparing TS and AS were
the inventory and contribution analyses, this result may be explained presented in Figure C1. It remarked that AS is always better for non-
by the increasing amount of bauxite used per ton of cement. carcinogens (100%). Additionally, AS preceded TS with respect to the
When impact categories were assessed based on cement types, the carcinogens (85%), land occupation (73%), and ionizing radiation
highest reductions were generally seen with respect to CEM IV. Global (70%) categories. On the other hand, it was only better by 49% and
warming, aquatic eutrophication, non-renewable energy, and terrestrial 33% of the iterations for terrestrial ecotoxicity and mineral extraction.
ecotoxicity reduced by 21%, 29%, 16%, and 10%, respectively, for CEM When damage assessment results were examined (Figure C2), it was
IV. However, these values ranged from 1% to 5% for the other cement determined that AS preceded TS with respect to human health and
types (CEM I, CEM II and OWC). While terrestrial acid./nutri., aquatic resources (71% and 62%, respectively). However, there was no sig-
acidification, and aquatic ecotoxicity reduced by 30%, 25%, and 22% nificant difference between the two scenarios for climate change and
for CEM IV, respectively, they ranged from 12% to 20% for other ce- ecosystem quality.
ment types. The results showed that global warming, aquatic eu-
trophication, non-renewable energy, terrestrial ecotoxicity, terrestrial
acid./nutri., aquatic acidification, and aquatic ecotoxicity decreased 4. Conclusions
depending on the decrease in the amount of clinker to produce 1 ton of
cement. Besides, the lowest reductions for ionizing radiation and land In this study, the environmental impact of clinker and cement
occupation were determined for CEM IV and CEM II (12% and 5%, production was assessed from a life cycle perspective comparatively
respectively). It is thought that this result could be associated with trass with two scenarios: TS and AS. GWP, respiratory inorganics, and non-
usage and transportation processes needed to produce CEM IV and CEM renewable energy were determined as the most significant impact ca-
II. tegories according to the normalization results. It is concluded that
Overall environmental burdens (mPt) of different cement types for changing the traditional materials and fuels by alternative materials
and fuels at a 3% substitution rate lead to a 12 kg CO2-eq/t.clinker

Fig. 10. Comparison of overall environmental burdens (mPt) of different cement types.

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