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The world shifts, and I hear the loading of a new world; a soft buzzing that makes my body seem

like its humming.

An odd thing.

But then, after a few seconds, music chimes in my ear, and I can breath again. I don't open my eyes yet, just
listening to the sounds around me for a minute.

I can hear the sounds of crashing waves, and I can smell salt, so maybe an ocean? I might be near an ocean, which
will be good for fishing and getting other resources.

I hear the calls of foxes and wolves, so near a spruce forest probably.

I reach down with my gloved hands and feel the earth; soft grass to the touch, so I'm on plains. I can get plenty of
flowers from that, and seeds, seeds are good as well... but flowers...

ahem, anyways, I'm probably near an ocean, on a plains, and near a spruce forest.

"alright," I say, "lets see how long it takes for us to make friends."

And I open my eyes.

The sight was actually very pretty, with mountains- mountains, hell, that is great, cobble straight away- and an
ocean stretching far before me. I slowly turn my head, taking in what is to be my home for a while. Below me and
behind me are the plains I had felt, I smile at the blue flowers I could see in the distance. I see a little beach to my
left and make my way over to it, taking in the spruce forest I had predicted behind it, trees cluttering the space
behind my little beach.

"hm, can clear that out later..." I say, leaning down by the water, dipping my hands in, clearing them of the grime
and soot from the last server. The water is cool, but not freezing, good.

"Okay!" I exclaim, turning around to look at the woods behind me, flexing my fists, "Get ready my dear friends."

I make it over to a little tree, brushing my way to the center of the tree and punching at it, instantly wincing at the
pain, "fuck! Its been too long..." and i continue, punching at the wood until it falls to the ground.

The pain in my hands had receaded when they became acclimated to getting wood with no tools. After it falls I step
back, taking in my red fists and the little tree in front of me, "alright, little one, you're still helping the world." And I
huff a breath, before putting an arm underneath it and holding it tight, standing up and dragging it out to the

I drop it and run to the ocean, putting my hands in to cool them down. The salt almost makes me hiss but I stay
quiet, rubbing my hands together under the water and sitting down, looking up at the sun. "God, it's been so long.
When was the last time I used my fists?" I question myself, which only brings my thoughts to my friends back at the
last server.

They were probably wonderng where I had went- no, I had left a note, they would know I left to find somewhere
else more quiet. No, they would know and they would move on, just like they did when my brother died, after all,
death and people leaving is quite common there.
So, even though I left, I would have to just move on, just like they will.

"Which starts with making some tools." I once again mutter to myself, standing up and making my way to the little
spruce tree.

I take all of the sticks off of it and make some planks, making a table to craft on and scratching in the runes with a
sharper stick. I then go to make a pickaxe and an axe. I also make a little box with the thicker part of the tree; a
chest. With all of that done I turn around with a smile on my face, and notice a sheep next to the hill leading to the
plains, "I could use some food," i say to myself before, running up to the sheep and raising my axe, it looks at me
and i bring the axe down, chopping the things head almost cleanly off, blood flying to my cardigan and jeans. I
grimace and slice down again, chopping the sheep's head off as it starts to slowly fall to the ground. "... need a
garden then." I say to myself, wiping the blood on my loose honey-coloured cardigan.

I pick up the sheep's head my the ears, ignoring the squish of the ground as I walk by it's body. truely, I think its
gross, my friend Jack liked killing things a lot more then me or Chris, but I'm all alone now, so I'll have to do it
myself until someone else comes along. I walk back down to the beach as fast as I can, not wishing my pretty beach
to have a... a lot of blood on it, I guess. I then dump the head in the water, watching for a few seconds as drowned
race to it. I could use it, but everything I have from the body will be plenty enough for me alone.

And once again I race across my beach and onto the hill to the plains, looking over the body that was still gushing
blood all over the ground. "I'm gonna need to find a place for all of them to be killed, this is gross..."

Honestly it'll still be gross with somewhere to murder them, but at least it'll be contained and I'll not have bloody
grass until it rains. but for now this will have to do, this spot.

So, with that thought in mind, I move down and start to cut the wool at its root with my axe. "Shears. Shears soon."
I promise myself, "Oh, fuck, I haven't got a firepit!" I realise soon enough, which was conincidentally right after I
had finished scouring the sheep's body of all the wool I could.

so thats cool, I guess. I pop up, and head back to my beach, the wool still in hand. "Umm, what time is it?" and I
once again, look up at the sun, not even half way down, "Good, good good." I toss the wool to my little chest,
before running to the forest. "Stones? Um, just little stones, just a temperary fire, gotta make a house sometime."

And I find plenty; there are a bunch of little ponds that have stones in them that I could heft out. I got at least
thriteen stones the size of my fists, and two the size of both fist combined. "Where's a good spot though?" I ask
myself, once I had gotten back to the beach, "ooh, this place needs a name!" I exclaim, forgetting the task at hand,
"Um, I want it to have something with solid..."

And that, is because of my skin, see, I wasn't named "Jelly" for nothing, my skin is always a little slimy, and it also
kind of smells like jello (a sticky, fruity, jiggily semi-solid snack thingy that someone made after the war) too.
Everyone liked being around me during the wars because they all smelled like shit but I smelled like food, which
made them hungry, me upset because now I'm surrounded by people who smell like shit, and also made me a
specific target during that war, mostly because I was smellable about half a mile away, but also because I was
probably the favourite out of all the children and it would absolutely destory literally everyone in the camp- at least
thats what I was told.

So, the word "solid" in my homes name would be pretty funny, to me at least. "Solidification? That sounds nice! it
sounds as if Im to become solid while I'm here... pretty accurate to be honest."
So, my little nation is then dubbed, "Solidification".

"Oh," I laugh to myself after looking in my inventory for signs (which i nearly always have on me), "no signs! Eh, I'll
get some later, what to work on now?" and I look around, spotting the little pile of sticks and rocks I had made into
a little pile, "Oh, right, fire first, then sheep-pers!" And I bounce my way over to the shabby pile of stones.

I dig a hole in the sand, assorting the stones so they cover the bottom of the pit and the sides, making sure that no
sand falls through the cracks. I then heft the little stciks left over the tree into the hole and brush off my hands.
"Um," I say, dragging out the "m", "No idea how the fuck to make a fire! Wonderful!"

Which, this is half true, yes, I knew the basics of making a fire, but it takes work, and I kind of just want to chill out
for a bit; its still morning and I'm tired out, not having done this much work in a while. But, alas, if I want to eat well
and have a place to sleep tonight, I must keep going.

So, Fire! Okay... Fuck, I don't remember how to make a fire. I have wood, but I don't have

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