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Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing

Developing a new understanding of markets: reinterpreting the 4Ps

Håkan Håkansson Alexandra Waluszewski
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Håkan Håkansson Alexandra Waluszewski, (2005),"Developing a new understanding of markets: reinterpreting the 4Ps",
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol. 20 Iss 3 pp. 110 - 117
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Mosad Zineldin, Sarah Philipson, (2007),"Kotler and Borden are not dead: myth of relationship marketing and truth of the 4Ps",
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Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 24 Iss 4 pp. 229-241

Ronald E. Goldsmith, (1999),"The personalised marketplace: beyond the 4Ps", Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol. 17
Iss 4 pp. 178-185
Mohammed Rafiq, Pervaiz K. Ahmed, (1995),"Using the 7Ps as a generic marketing mix: an exploratory survey
of UK and European marketing academics", Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol. 13 Iss 9 pp. 4-15 http://

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Developing a new understanding of markets:
reinterpreting the 4Ps
Håkan Håkansson
Norwegian School of Management, Sandvika, Norway, and
Alexandra Waluszewski
Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden

Purpose – Arising from systematic empirical observations’ aims to fulfil the need to review and refine existing market models and tools.
Design/methodology/approach – The article includes a critical analysis of existing marketing models, which mainly originate from the marketing mix
(the 4Ps) model, which in turn has a clear micro economic “allocation of resources” background. Today, it is argued there are important changes in how
markets work and what kind of marketing problems companies meet. Marketing is much more about dealing with dynamic issues where interaction is a
key mechanism and where the value of resources are not given but can be developed. The basic marketing problem in many situations is consequently
more about the development of resources than the allocation of them.
Findings – The 4Ps can still be a useful starting-point in many analyses but then the model has to be reframed including how the 4Ps are
conceptualized. In a first reinterpretation attempt, promotion (in terms of interaction) and place appear to be more essential for the creation of value,
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and product and price more an outcome of the same process.

Originality/value – The paper is a strong argument for an increased interest in developing new and alternative approaches to marketing where
dynamic processes, including creation of resources and value, are focused.

Keywords Marketing models, Economic processes, Market system, Resource management

Paper type Conceptual paper

An executive summary for managers can be found at “knowledge-driven society” (Drucker, 1993) to “cause-
the end of this article. related marketing”.
When we compare the number of themes penetrated by the
current state-of-the-art in marketing with those in the mid-
Introduction twentieth century, the development must be considered as
In 1967, when Philip Kotler presented his now widely-famous overwhelming. Since the “4Ps” was launched in the 1960s,
book Marketing Management, neither academic nor business marketing has been transformed from a rather restricted and
audiences were spoiled with approaches offering serious practical oriented set of models, to an established research field
analyses of the concept of marketing. Since then we have resting on solid theoretical ground. Or, as Achrol and Kotler
witnessed a dramatic increase in academic involvement in this (1999, p. 146) conclude: “In the relatively short period of a half
field. When, in the mid-1960s, the American Marketing century, marketing has made several transitions, from seller of a
Association (AMA) launched the Journal of Marketing firm’s output to key player in shaping a firm’s products,
technologies, marketing policies, and strategic direction.”
Research, devoted specifically to marketing issues, the
Despite a generous borrowing from cognitive psychology
association’s membership numbered about 3,000. By the
and sociology (Lehman, 1999), the development of marketing
end of the century this figure had increased tenfold.
analytical tools shows a high fidelity to its theoretical spring.
Meanwhile the successive ten editions of Philip Kotler’s
Starting out from the elegant, strict and simple traditional
work were developed and adapted to more current trends in
economic assumptions, the continuous development has
marketing, and they were accompanied by an extensive supply
closely adhered to the general path of economic theory, and
of marketing literature. Today marketing is represented in
especially the development of the transaction cost school.
everything from textbooks to a wide variety of research
Though the supply of a well-filled assortment of analytical
journals, covering issues from how marketers can handle the
tools for marketing issues has been applauded, displeased
voices are increasingly heard. The main source of this
The Emerald Research Register for this journal is available at distrustfulness is the misfit between the elaborate research tool and the empirical area where it is supposed to be used. It
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at is, says Graham (1993, p. 10) with an “almost embarrassing haste” that marketing has been applied in new empirical areas

This article is a summary of the introduction and concluding section of

Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
20/3 (2005) 110– 117
Rethinking Marketing: Developing a New Understanding of Markets,
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited [ISSN 0885-8624] Hakansson, H., Harrison, D. and Waluszewski, A. (Eds), Wiley,
[DOI 10.1108/08858620510592722] Chichester, 2004.

Developing a new understanding of markets: the 4Ps Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
Håkan Håkansson and Alexandra Waluszewski Volume 20 · Number 3 · 2005 · 110 –117

without considering its underlying assumptions. Although indirect interdependencies. The attempt is more modest: to
marketing in general can be characterised by a conscious work take some first steps on a journey towards a new
aiming at postulation, testing and refinement of market- understanding of marketing by identifying some important
behaviour theories, this was achieved, as Day and Montgomery characteristics of contemporary exchange that need to be
(1999, p. 12) underline, at the price of “narrow bodies of captured and investigated. The inevitable starting point for
empirical generalizations”: “Some narrowing of the scope is such endeavours is the marketing mix model. Whether or not
inevitable if the inquiry is to be tractable within the budget and it fits with the empirical world, it is obvious that the “4Ps” in
data that are available. There is less excuse for the propensity Kotler’s versions – a work once named “one of the 50 top
to rely on a single method to test complex, wide-ranging business books all time” by Financial Times – has influenced
theories with many interdependencies.” The long tradition of our thinking about marketing in a very distinct way. By
reducing the empirical body has created a misfit that is starting out from the marketing mix model and its underlying
embedded into the key assumptions of the marketing concept: assumptions and comparing it with some basic trends in the
the central but passive role of the customer and the one-way market of today, it is possible to identify some aspects that
directed nature of the exchange process. Or, as Day and deserve a deeper consideration.
Montgomery (1999, p. 3) phrase it, the marketing paradigm
that emerged became coloured by “a loose consensus that What’s missing in the “4Ps”?
consumer choice, exchange and, especially the four Ps
(product, price, place and promotion), dictated important The elegant “4Ps” or marketing mix model, first presented as
questions for the field”. the theory of parameters by Rasmussen (1955), and then
Scholars engaged in empirical studies of exchange seem to developed by McCarthy (1960) and finalised by Kotler
agree. Deep interactions between active sellers and buyers (1967), grew out of economic theory and also embedded
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seems to be a phenomenon as old as economic activities some of its key assumptions into the marketing analysis tool.
themselves as illustrated by economic anthropologists like From its origin, the marketing mix was a resource allocation
Sahlins (1974; 2004), Gudeman (2001) and Wilks (1996). model, resting on the assumption that the relevant resources
From scholars in economic history we know that exchange involved in the exchange process, including the products, are
has always been an issue of more or less deep interaction, homogeneous, i.e. the economic value is independent of how
whether it concerns the supply of steam engines in the they are combined. With this underlying assumption, the
eighteenth century (Lindqvist, 1984) or electricity allocation problem first shows up as an issue of how much to
construction in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries allocate to marketing in total. The next issue is to decide how
(Hughes, 1983). However, since the last decades of the much to allocate to each of the different means – which in the
twentieth century the handling of these interfaces has changed marketing mix model are the “4Ps”; product, price, place and
shape and interaction has become even more complicated. If promotion. In order to work, the model has to add another
marketing has always been an issue of exchange, as Bagozzi important assumption: that there is a linear dependency[1]
(1974) argues, these processes have emerged into much more between the resources put into a mean and the outcome. In
intricate patterns involving groups of companies and other words, each mean must be assumed to have a specific
organisations on both the supply and user sides. As Piore influence on the outcome.
and Sable (1984), among others, have made us aware, the Without the assumptions of homogeneity and specific one-
buying-selling interaction has transformed from being able to directed dependency the model could not provide the
be handled within a few interfaces by highly integrated marketing actor with the possibility of finding an optimal
companies, to include direct and indirect interaction between solution between means and outcome; how to find an optimal
several related and specialised units. According to Achrol and amount of resources to spend on marketing, or an optimal
Kotler (1999, p. 146): “Business networks are not entirely division of these resources between the means (or customer
new, but there has been a rapid evolution in their number, segments, products or geographical markets). The homogeneity
form and complexity” and one-directed dependency are also a prerequisite in order to
Thus, while the academic world engaged in expanding the estimate the trade-off in terms of curves. Since these
theoretical toolbox of economic theory and, “made progress assumptions are shared with traditional economic theory,
on theory testing” (Day and Montgomery, 1999, p. 12), the these analytical tools fit nicely with each other.
marketing organisations themselves were struggling with However, there is the problem of the fit between the model
fundamental changes in the exchange process. However, and the basic characteristics of the empirical world. As was
instead of opening the door for an empirical world argued above, there is a lot of evidence that the empirical
characterised by increased interdependencies, the answer issues of marketing are far from being so simple and
from the theoretical marketing world was to continue to “limit straightforward as assumed in the model world. Instead
the nature of exchanges” in order to make it “properly within these observations suggest that marketing includes much
the domain of marketing”. (Graham 1993, p. 2). By this more of active counterparties, of creation of exchange of
action, marketing might have fallen into the trap that can be resources, with features that are never fully known. It is
described by one of the most well-known aphorisms credited marketing issues that, per definition, are characterised by the
to Mark Twain: “If the only tool you have is a hammer, you presence of dynamics, uncertainties and interdependencies.
tend to approach every problem as if it were a nail”. The most radical implication for marketing in such a context
The aim of this article is not to clear out all peculiarities of is, says Achrol and Kotler (1999, p. 146), “the shift from
how marketing issues presents itself in the contemporary being an agent of the seller to being an agent of the buyer,
empirical world. Neither is it to deliver a finished tool-kit for from being a marketer of goods and services to being a
handling marketing issues in a business world characterised customer consultant and a manager of his or her saleable
by active buyers and sellers engaged in handling direct and consumption assets.”

Developing a new understanding of markets: the 4Ps Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
Håkan Håkansson and Alexandra Waluszewski Volume 20 · Number 3 · 2005 · 110 –117

If a basic characteristic of business life is interaction assumption is based on a static economic world where
concerning how to create supply and use of heterogeneous allocation is the key issue (as in the marketing mix model), the
resources (Penrose, 1959), and if these processes create alternative produces the opposite view – exchange deals with
sediments in terms of development of relationships and the dynamic creation of new solutions. Furthermore these
embedding of resource features beyond the borders of alteration forces tend to express themselves in many
companies, there is a severe need for a theoretical point of dimensions, something that certainly makes great demands
reference reflecting these characteristics (Håkansson and on both the construction and the use of analytical tools.
Waluszewski, 2002). Since the early 1970s, IMP Dynamics is a compulsory feature of exchange; the question is
researchers[2] and relationship marketing researchers have how it will appear, and if we are able to grasp this appearance.
argued that such characteristics are not exceptions but typical Or, as Van de Ven et al. (1999, p. 4) underlines, if dynamics is
features of business life. What these three decades of deep dealing with “living systems”, then we cannot investigate
empirical studies of business exchange, carried out in several these issues with theories resting on assumptions that “stages
different political, geographical and economical contexts, of equilibrium” or “quasi-stable stages of equilibrium” are
have drawn attention to is that interaction affects both human ever possible to occur.
beings and the resources involved in these processes as well as A dynamic approach raises several issues. One is how the
the economic outcome. These interaction processes concern view of marketing activities interacts with both what
how to create a supply and use of resources that are not given, researchers are able to see and what marketing actors are
and hence their value is therefore dependent on how they can able to perform. If marketing actors apply an interactive
be combined with other resources. This means that market perspective to exchange, both the possibility of creating
exchange presents itself as a process where the economic change and directing it in a certain way increase. It also draws
actors consider each other both as subjects and objects. attention to the deep interaction between actors on both the
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None of these observations is trivial from a theoretical point supply and user sides of an exchange interface, including the
of view, since they challenge the basic assumptions of essential role of this process in product development. In other
traditional economic theory, and the two important words, how the dynamic features of exchange can be utilised
cornerstones in the marketing mix model identified above, in the creation of customer value and how the purchasing side
the resource homogeneity and one-directed dependency contributes to the value creating process.
assumptions. Thus, if we agree with the empirical In sum, if we suspect that the resources exchanged in
observations of interaction and how it appears in business marketing processes are heterogeneous, i.e. their values are
life, then we also have to abandon the idea that marketing is dependent on how active counterparts can create combinations
an affair between autonomous units exchanging that can be embedded into their different business activities,
homogeneous resources. In other words, we have to change there is an urgent need to incorporate dynamics into marketing
the view of what companies can do in a dramatic way; we can theory. This need is not due to any indication that the general
no longer assume that companies are mainly searching for level of change should be higher today than fifty or one
optimal allocations of given resources. With interaction hundred years ago, or that resource heterogeneity should be a
between subjects concerning heterogeneous resources as a new or increasing phenomenon. However, what obviously has
basic point of reference, we have to regard company life as changed is the patterns of resources, which have been
opportunity driven: companies will try to develop non-given combined and embedded into highly integrated structures
resources through interaction with active counterparts in that stretch beyond the borders of companies and organisations
order to create economic values. (Piore and Sable, 1984). Due to actors’ conscious endeavours
Furthermore, with this basic point of reference the to develop new technological solutions and efficient production
understanding of how business activities can be captured is structures, increasingly intricate patterns of related resource
also dramatically changed. If we assume that interaction interfaces are created. These are the result of interaction
between conscious and active subjects concerning processes that often stretch over numbers of company and
heterogeneous resources occurs in, and presumably also organisational borders, where predecessors of related resources
characterises, business life, then we have to develop research systematically try to influence each other. Such interaction
tools capable of addressing the fact that companies are living processes have both short and long term effects. They are
in a world of movement and change. Or, as Scott (2003, p. 23) creating specific new solutions that can be embedded into the
puts it: “If structures exist it is because they are continually existing structure, but are also preparing the ground for larger
being created and recreated, and if the world has a meaning, it investments and structural changes.
is because actors are constructing and reconstructing But, if empirical observations of marketing call forth a world
intentions and accounts, and thereby their own and the of interdependent actors systematically interacting about the
others’ identities.” Thus, investigating marketing is trying to ways partially unknown resources can be combined to create
capture an empirical world that is not at all given but value, why then has the static “4Ps” model proved such a
constructed by the involved companies who are constantly fantastic vitality? There must be something more in this
wrestling with the issue of how to combine and activate vigorous model than its ability to supply the market analysts
resources beyond company and organisational borders. It is with simple guidelines of how to cope with allocation issues.
trying to capture a world in motion. One explanation behind the vital force of the “4Ps” model is
that it clearly identifies four important issues from an empirical
perspective. The model draws rings around the exchanged
If marketing is dealing with dynamics
product and three related aspects; its price, the place where it is
To point out that a resource homogeneity assumption needs available and the promotion with which it is brought forward.
to be replaced with a resource heterogeneity assumption can Any interpreter of marketing would most likely agree that these
at a first glance appear as rather trivial. But, while the first four features are important ingredients in the exchange

Developing a new understanding of markets: the 4Ps Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
Håkan Håkansson and Alexandra Waluszewski Volume 20 · Number 3 · 2005 · 110 –117

process, whether viewed from an academic or business in other combinations. This implies that a product will always
perspective. What is more interesting, however, is that the be exposed to suggestions of change from actors engaged in
“4Ps” appear quite differently, when considering them from an handling interfaces where it is combined with other resources
assumption of resource heterogeneity versus homogeneity. on both its supply and user side. And, whenever changed or
just activated in another way, the product will create tension
Products – given solutions or open in both directly and indirectly related interfaces. In other
words, embedding a product into supply and user interfaces
opportunities? means embedding a source of dynamics into them.
When making empirical observations of exchange, the The empirical pictures produced with an investigation tool
product must be regarded as one of the most visible resting on a resource heterogeneity assumption also
indications of what is going on. In the marketing mix emphasise that the exchange of a product is nothing that
model, the product is also credited with the role of being the takes place in isolation, but in a context full of restrictions and
basic resource involved in the exchange process. Assuming possibilities. The features and the value of a product can be
resource homogeneity, the product is treated as given but also developed with the engagement of the producing company,
as being generic in nature. Consequently, the product is seen due to interaction with purchasing functions of the using side,
as the result of a production system from which its features the technological development functions of several directly or
and value are independent, and it is regarded as an input in a indirectly related companies, and different functions of
user system that affects neither its features nor its value. In independent intermediaries, such as distributors. Since the
other words, there is no need to pay attention to the system product has to fit into all these structures, it is exposed to a
that handles the product’s supply and use. Instead the focus wide variety of complementary or contradictory demands.
can be concentrated on how the product is composed and This means that a product never has the same role in the
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presented by the producing company. In comparison to the different structures it is related to due to its supply and use.
marketing mix model’s other Ps, however, this first one is Consequently, a product’s features and value are always a
supposed to have a distinguished position in the exchange result of compromises between different requests.
process. The homogeneous and solitary product is given the In this perspective, the marketing mix model’s reduction of
double role of being a basic parameter determining the the product to a given, basic parameter of the boundaries of
borders of the market and a means that, in combination with the market, appears as rather unfair. Although it is possible,
the other three Ps, has a direct influence on the outcome. and also probable, that some actors choose to see the product
An interactive perspective grounded in assumptions of as a given, it can simultaneously be treated as a variable by
resource heterogeneity does not deny that a product can be an other actors, with the possibility of being developed due to
important parameter of the market conditions and a means in how it is combined with other resources.
the exchange process. However, what is problematic is to When searching for new tools for marketing analysis, a key
reduce the complexity of the product to being no more than aspect seems to be the need to grasp the dynamic features of a
this; something like cutting out a small, static slice of product, i.e. the opportunities, restrictions and tension it
something much bigger, which includes a wide variety of carries with it or is exposed to. It must be possible to identify
dynamic aspects. When the features of a resource such as a the interfaces between a focal product and other resources
product are not regarded as given, but created in interaction, related to its supply and use and what is happening in them.
neither its features nor its value in the exchange process can be This means that the research tool has to allow the investigation
determined from the product itself, nor from the producing of the role of the product both as an individual resource and as
companies’ perspective. If, as Penrose (1959) puts it, the value part of larger systems. This is similar to what was articulated in
of a resource is determined by “the services it yields”, both the the innovation literature (e.g. von Hippel (1998)), in studies of
features and the value of a product are issues of how it is technological development (e.g. Rosenberg (1994); Hughes
combined with other resources and of how the results of these (1998); van de Ven et al. (1999)) and by scholars dealing with
combinations are actively embedded into the structures related technological interdependencies (e.g. Stabell and Fjeldstad
to the supply and user sides, respectively. (1998)). Such models would allow the study of both how the
Thus, in this perspective the product is much more than a product is viewed and the effect of this view: if the product is
given unit, which the supply and user structures automatically treated as a given, subordinate to other technical or social
are adapting to free of cost. Instead, the product appears as a resources, and thus handled as an outcome of and compromise
carrier of both opportunities and restrictions, and therefore between other interaction processes. Alternatively, if the
also tensions. Its features and value are created in interaction product is given a more dynamic role in the exchange
processes that can involve technical resources, such as the use process, forcing the development of both itself and other
of internal and external distribution and production facilities, technical and social resources directly and indirectly related to
as well as internal and external social resources such as skills its supply and use. In other words, we need a marketing
of human beings embedded into business units and business analysis tool that allows for the investigation of both restrictions
relationships. It is impossible to find an optimal solution to and opportunities when heterogeneous resources, and the
how to combine a product and other related resources when business actors’ conscious work with them, are included in the
they are characterised by heterogeneity. However, by actively product exchange process.
relating resource combinations on the supply and user side to
the product, several of these resources, including the product, Price – the only element that does not produce
can be developed. This process is far from automatic or cost
free, but can lead to a conscious, directed development of
related resources. This increases their value in certain When considering how pricing is approached in the marketing
combinations, and decreases the likelihood of value creation mix model, once again the heritage from economic theory

Developing a new understanding of markets: the 4Ps Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
Håkan Håkansson and Alexandra Waluszewski Volume 20 · Number 3 · 2005 · 110 –117

becomes clear. Due to the resource homogeneity assumption, Kotler (2003, p. 505), it is the “Marketing channels are sets of
it is solely through its price that a product can contribute to interdependent organizations involved in the process of
creating revenue. Kotler (2003, p. 470) comments: “Price is making a product or service available for use or
the only element in the marketing mix that produces revenue; consumption.” Since the distribution channel is a cost and a
the other elements produce costs.” According to traditional means that can create a certain outcome, attention is directed
economic theory, however, a company does not have to worry to how to balance it by choosing between different kinds of
about price. The price of a product is independent of any internal or external channel solutions and creating a suitable
individual user’s preferences, and by how the product is mix between it, the price, and the promotion of the product.
combined with other resources. The price is given by the In accordance with its heritage from traditional economic
interplay between supply and demand. Whenever there is a theory, in the marketing mix model’s interpretation the
pure market situation, the company cannot affect the price, chosen channel is regarded as having no influence on the
but has to be a price taker. In the marketing mix model, resources distributed through it. Although distribution
however, companies are supposed to be able to modify the scholars have opened up the perspective to include
price in order to create an optimal mix between market share, questions like how to reduce uncertainty and handling
revenue and profit. It is generally assumed that the business power-dependency, the place issue is still dealt with as a
actors are working in a market characterised by monopolistic “how-to-handle-distance” problem as a creator of costs and
competition. not of benefits.
When applying an interactive resource heterogeneity The place issue includes more than the question of how to
perspective, however, the price appears no longer as the connect a given supply with a given demand, as has been
only element that produces revenue. Any resource, be it a articulated by scholars engaged in cluster and industrial
product, a production facility, a business unit or a business district research. Although these research traditions represent
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relationship, can be used to both reduce costs and create a rather wide variety of approaches, emphasizing the role of
benefits. Furthermore, the possibility of increasing the value competition as well as co-operation, they share the common
of a product by changing the way it is combined with other understanding that place is not only a cost driver, but includes
resources on both its supply and user sides implies that the features that can create benefits. These benefits are mainly
price is not necessarily driven by the market, but can be one of seen in the learning processes that can occur within special
several dimensions affected by resource interaction. This places, within districts or clusters where the traditional,
means that the price can always be influenced by directly or anonymous market exchange due to proximity has been
indirectly related business actors. Thus the price can be replaced by interaction and relationships. The localisation of
affected by active counterparts’ engagement in resource related industries within clusters facilitates knowledge
interaction. This is a phenomenon that is also familiar to spillover. Thus, according to industrial district and cluster
accounting theory scholars; how companies actively build scholars, these islands of dense relationships in an otherwise
physical and social resource combinations with the aim of traditional market appear as important sources of knowledge
influencing not only costs, but also the value of these useful in product development and value creation.
resources, and thereby the price. An interactive perspective, resting on a resource
A second key aspect when searching for new tools for heterogeneity assumption, agrees with the understanding
marketing analysis seems to be the need to grasp the dynamic that the place issue is much richer than simply being a cost for
features of price, i.e. how an active confronting of resources bringing the product from the producer to the user. However,
can affect it. Instead of being driven just by the intersection of place-related qualities are nothing that grows out of special
the demand and supply curves, the price of a product or any geographical areas where the traditional market exchange is
other resource appears also as a function of how it is played out in favour of relationships. Whether or not there is
embedded into the structure of its producer and user sides. any geographical proximity between the parties engaged in the
This implies, for example, that a structure where the business exchange process, the activated resources are characterised by
actors consciously are directing and combining resources in place related features. Any resource, a product, a production
relation to each other, i.e. a network-like structure, can create facility, a business unit or business relationship, can include
a lower price for a certain product compared to a structure place related features. These can be both costs and benefits,
behaving in accordance with the traditional market exchange. depending on how resources are combined. This
Thus, a marketing analysis tool has to allow for the understanding has important consequences for how to view
investigation of how the price is created by the business functions that in a traditional perspective are treated as being
actors engaged in developing resource combinations. For solely a cost and a means, such as the distribution channel.
example, how price is an integral part of how physical Like any resource involved in the exchange process, these
resources (products and production facilities) and social resource combinations appear as important sources for the
resources (business units and business relationships) are development of new features of resources and thus for the
combined within and beyond company and organisational creation of economic benefits.
borders. Consequently, since the resources involved in the market
exchange process involves different functions of different
Place – a cost for connecting supply with demand companies and organisations in different locations, creating
an economic value of place can be regarded as an issue of
or a source for value creation?
identifying and developing new combinations. How can
In the marketing mix model the place issue is equal with features of a product, some production facilities including a
handling a distribution channel that brings the given product distribution channel, some business units and business
to its potential users, and the main task is to link an existing relationships be combined in new ways to create economic
supply with an existing demand. Or, to use the wording of benefits? In this perspective a company’s or a group of

Developing a new understanding of markets: the 4Ps Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
Håkan Håkansson and Alexandra Waluszewski Volume 20 · Number 3 · 2005 · 110 –117

companies’ creation of economic benefits can also be a result coordinated development pattern is created that stretches
of their skill to transfer and transform physical and social over the borders of companies and organisations.
resources, available elsewhere, as their ability to take Communication in terms of interaction is considered as a
advantage of locally available resources. Place appears as a fundamental mechanism in the market exchange process. It is
heterogeneous phenomenon, created by each company at a process that:
each place, through its way of combining local and distant .
Constructs the structure behind an exchange interface. It
resources. Thus, place must be approached as a dependent is through interaction that a certain resource combination
variable – something a company can reduce to a cost issue – (a product and the structures behind its production and
or actively try to utilise in the exchange process.4A third key use) is created.
aspect when searching for new marketing analysis tools seems .
Holds together the structure behind an exchange
to be the need to understand the dynamic features of a place, interface. It is through interaction that the structures
i.e. how place related features interact with the resources that responsible for the production and use of a certain
are activated in the exchange process. Such a research tool has resource combination are co-ordinated, adapted and
to allow for the investigation of place as an object of analysis made more efficient.
in itself. In other words, how can it be used consciously by .
Develops the structure behind an exchange interface. It is
business actors in order to reduce costs and create benefits. through interaction that the resources related to the
production and use of a certain resource combination are
Promotion – a cost for one-way communication confronted and recombined, i.e. that new features and
economic values are created.
or a double-sided value creation process?
Hence, from a resource heterogeneity perspective, interaction
The promotion issue is, in the marketing model’s
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appears to be crucial for the transformation of physical and

interpretation, a question of how to send a message about a
social elements to resources with an economic value.
given product to potential users. Promotion or
Interaction has a double role in this process; it is essential
communication, according to Kotler (2003, p. 563) is a
both in the creation of economic resources and in the creation
must “companies must also communicate with present and
of market exchange. Crediting interaction with such an
potential stakeholders, and the general public, Every company
is inevitably cast into the role of communicator and importance (instead of reducing it to a one-directed
promoter”. Like the price and place elements, promotion is promotion issue) implies that the issue of creating an active
not supposed to have any effect on the features of the communication between the business actors should be on the
products involved. Nor is the promotion endeavour top of the marketing agenda. As soon as the knowledge of the
considered to have any influence on the structure that is resource involved in exchange is incomplete, business actors’
related to the production and use of the promoted products. active and conscious engagement in resource interaction
Assuming resource homogeneity, promotion appears as an appears as an essential element in the value creation process,
issue of how to create an optimal mix of communication tools and as an infinite source of dynamics. This stresses the
in order to get a product’s message from the producer to the importance of considering the role and the features of social
user. Although feed-back is ascribed an important role in this resources. Both business units and business relationships can
process, its content is mainly considered as evidence of how be more or less consciously adapted for identifying and
well the company has succeeded in communicating a certain handling interactive issues. An interesting complication
message. concerns how to interact with predecessors of indirectly
If a resource homogeneity assumption ascribes a related resource interfaces, i.e. those that are not available
distinguished position in market exchange to the product, a through existing business relationships.
resource heterogeneity assumption gives the promotion or A fourth key aspect when searching for new marketing
communication element an extraordinary role in these analysis tools seems to be the need to grasp the dynamic
processes. In the latter perspective promotion appears as features of promotion and communication, i.e. the role of
muchmore than a directed means that, to a certain cost, can interaction and the effects on both economic resources and
be used to send a message about a product from a given the market exchange process.
supply to a given demand. First, promotion or Thus, it has to allow the investigation of interaction in
communication is assumed to be a double-sided process, business actors’ handling of the interface between physical
i.e. it is approached as interaction. This interaction is not and social resources. We need a research tool that facilitates
restricted to a focal exchange interface, but can also involve the investigation of how interaction shapes and directs
predecessors of directly and indirectly related resources. features of physical and social resources and how this
Thus, interaction takes place within companies, beyond the influences their economic values.
borders of companies and also beyond the borders of visible
relationships. Four distinctly different Ps that can all contribute
Second, interaction creates sediments in terms of features
to the creation of benefits
of both the physical and social resources involved. This
process is far from the assumption of a generic “knowledge To summarise, when considering the 4Ps from an interactive,
spillover” described above. Instead, it is a process whereby resource heterogeneity perspective, the empirical issues they
direct and indirect resources are confronted and recombined, represent still appear as extremely important characteristics in
thus creating new features of physical resources such as the market exchange process. However, what also becomes
products and production facilities and/or social resources clear is how distinctly different the “4Ps” present themselves
such as business units and business relationships. Since these from a resource heterogeneity perspective. If the “4Ps” in the
resources are developed in interaction, a directed and latter perspective have any genuine commonality, it is that

Developing a new understanding of markets: the 4Ps Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
Håkan Håkansson and Alexandra Waluszewski Volume 20 · Number 3 · 2005 · 110 –117

they are all carriers of opportunities and restrictions, and thus Here companies and individual marketing managers can be
are important sources of dynamics. But, they appear in a important lead users.
completely different logic, as the following short discussion The second implication regards the general focus.
reveals[3]. Marketing has been quite activity oriented and the main
Two “Ps” appear as essential in the creation of economic focus has been on designing and performing marketing
resources and market exchange: activities. If, as is argued in this article, resource development
1 Promotion, or rather interaction, appears as the elixir of life is central then marketing must become much more devoted to
in the market exchange process. It is promotion in terms them. Not just the products that always have been central but
of interaction concerning the features and abilities of also how products and facilities are related to each other and
resources that gives rise to the creation of economic value to important organisational resources. It is especially the
and market exchange. latter – the interfaces between technical and organisational
2 Place appears as the elixir of life in the value creation resources – that seems to have a large potential for the future
process. It is through identifying and combining features development.
of resources at different locations that are related through
the market exchange process, i.e. products and
production facilities (including distribution channels) in Notes
business units and business relationships, that new
economic values can be created. 1 Including the decreasing marginal return.
2 See e.g. Håkansson (Ed.) 1982; Håkansson and Snehota,
Two “P’s” appear as embedded in the logic of promotion and 1995; Håkansson and Waluszewski, 2002; and www.
place: for an overview.
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1 Price appears as an outcome of the structure that has been 3 For a more thorough discussion, see Håkansson and
created in the promotion and place processes. It is Waluszewski (2004).
through relating the structures responsible for the
production and use of a certain resource combination
that the price is created. Through such processes price can
even become lower as compared to a situation when there References
is a pure market solution.
2 Product also appears as an outcome of the structure that Achrol, R.S. and Kotler, P. (1999), “Marketing in the
has been created in the promotion and place processes. network economy”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 63 No. 4,
The product is created through the structures that are pp. 146-63.
responsible for its production and use, which Arndt, J. (1979), “Toward a concept of domesticated
consequently are of utmost importance in the product markets”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 43, Fall, pp. 69-75.
development process. However, to solely focus upon Bagozzi, R.P. (1974), “Marketing as an behavioral system of
products seems too narrow a perspective. Another exchange”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 38, October,
physical resource of great importance in the product pp. 77-81.
creation process is the production facility. Furthermore, Day, G.S. and Montgomery, D.B. (1999), “Charting new
social resources such as business units and business directions for marketing”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 63
relationships are also of great importance in this process. No. 4, pp. 3-13.
Graham, P. (1993), “Marketing’s domain: a critical review of
Although the “4Ps” appear in a completely different shape the development of the marketing concept”, Marketing
when approaching them from an interactive, resource Bulletin, Vol. 4, pp. 1-11.
heterogeneity assumption, they still defend the distinguished Gudeman, S. (2001), The Anthropology of Economy:
role in the marketing process that Arndt (1979) credited them Community, Market and Culture, Blackwell Publishing,
with some decades ago. However, they appear in a different Oxford.
logic, and consequently there is a need for new tools to Håkansson, H. (Ed.) (1982), Industrial Marketing and Purchasing
analyse them. In this perspective, it is easy to agree with Hunt of Goods: An Interaction Approach, Wiley, New York, NY.
(1994), who argues for a “critical pluralism” within marketing Håkansson, H. and Snehota, I. (Eds) (1995), Developing
research. But, as Day and Montogmery (1999, p. 12) Relationships in Business Networks, Routledge, London.
underline, if these conceptual pluralisms ever will appear is a Håkansson, H. and Waluszewski, A. (2002), Managing
responsibility not only of individual researchers, but of a Technological Development: IKEA, the Environment and
larger research community: “Here, the marketing journals, Technology, Routledge, London.
the editors, and reviewers can nurture and encourage the Håkansson, H. and Waluszewski, A. (2004) in Håkansson, H.,
development of diverse approaches and points of view.” Harrison, D. and Waluszewski, A. (Eds), Rethinking
Marketing: Developing a New Understanding of Markets,
Managerial implications Wiley, Chichester.
Hughes, T. (1998), Rescuing Prometheus: Four Monumental
There are two different types of managerial implications that Projects that Changed the Modern World, Vintage Books,
this paper gives rise to. The first is the importance of New York, NY.
practioners in the development of new theoretical approaches. Hunt, S.D. (1994), “General theories and the fundamental
There are obvious reasons why this work should start out explananda of marketing”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 47
from important empirical observations or phenomenon. This No. 4, pp. 9-17.
regards not least the existence and characteristics of dynamic Kotler, P. (1967), Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning
processes, value increasing resource developments and so on. and Control, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

Developing a new understanding of markets: the 4Ps Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
Håkan Håkansson and Alexandra Waluszewski Volume 20 · Number 3 · 2005 · 110 –117

Kotler, P. (2003), Marketing Management, 11th the products, are homogeneous, and that economic value is
(International) ed., Pearson Education Inc., Upper Saddle independent of how they are combined. The model also
River, NJ. assumes that there is a linear dependency between the
Lindqvist, S. (1984), Technology on Trial: The Introduction of resources put into each of the 4Ps and the outcome. In other
Steam Power Technology into Sweden, 1715-1736, Almqvist & words, each of the 4Ps is assumed to have a specific influence
Wiksell, Stockholm. on the outcome.
McCarthy, J.E. (1960), Basic Marketing: A Managerial
Approach, Irwin, Homewood, IL. The reality of marketing today
Penrose, E.T. (1959), The Theory of the Growth of the Firm, Today’s marketing, however, deals much more with dynamic
Basil Blackwell, Oxford. issues where interaction is a key theme. Marketing now often
Piore, M.J. and Sable, C.F. (1984), The Second Industrial involves groups of companies and organizations on both the
Divide: Possibility for Prosperity, Basic Books, New York, NY. supply and user sides, and although such business networks
Rasmussen, A. (1955), Pristeori eller Parameterteori, are not entirely new, their number, form and complexity have
Handelshøjskolens Forlag, Copenhagen. evolved rapidly. Investigating marketing involves trying to
Rosenberg, N. (1994), Exploring the Black Box: Technology capture an empirical world that is not a given, but is
Economics and History, Cambridge University Press, constructed by the companies involved, who are constantly
Cambridge. wrestling with the issues of how to combine and activate
Sahlins, M. (1972/2004), Stone Age Economics, Routledge, resources beyond company and organizational borders. In
London. today’s marketing, the value of resources is not given but
Scott, R.W. (2003), “Reflections on a half-century of developed.
organizational sociology”, Annual Review of Sociology,
Downloaded by Erciyes University At 01:07 18 January 2015 (PT)

Vol. 30, pp. 1-21. A new look at the 4Ps

Stabell, C. and Fjeldstad, Ø. (1998), “Configuring value for Despite these changes, the 4Ps can be a useful starting point.
competitive advantage: on chains, shops and networks”, But the model needs to be reframed, including how each of
Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 19 No. 5, pp. 413-37. the 4Ps is conceptualised. Hakansson and Waluszewski
Van de Ven, A., Polley, D., Garud, R. and Venkataraman, S. attempt to make such an interpretation. The authors put
(1999), The Innovation Journey, Oxford University Press, forward the idea that promotion and place appear to be
Oxford. essential for the creation of value, and product and price
Von Hippel, E. (1998), “Economics of product development appear more of an outcome of the same process.
by users: the impact of ‘sticky’ local information”, Promotion, or rather interaction, is key to the market
Management Science, Vol. 44 No. 5, pp. 629-44. exchange process. It is promotion in terms of interaction
Wilks, R.R. (1996), Economics and Cultures: Foundation of concerning the features and abilities of resources, that gives
Economic Anthropology, Westview Press, Boulder, CO. rise to the creation of economic value and market exchange.
Place is key to the value creation process. New economic
values can be created through identifying and combining
Further reading
features of resources at different locations that are related
Håkansson, H., Harrison, D. and Waluszewski, A. (2004), through the market exchange process – that is, products and
Rethinking Marketing: Developing a New Understanding of production facilities, including distribution channels, in
Markets, Wiley, Chichester. business units and business relationships.
Price is created through relating the structures responsible
Executive summary and implications for for the production and use of a certain resource combination.
Through such processes, price can even become lower as
managers and executives
compared to a situation where there is a pure market solution.
This summary has been provided to allow managers and executives The product is created through the structures that are
a rapid appreciation of the content of the article. Those with a responsible for its production and use, which consequently
particular interest in the topic covered may then read the article in are of utmost importance in the product development
toto to take advantage of the more comprehensive description of the process. However, to focus solely upon products seems too
research undertaken and its results to get the full benefit of the narrow a perspective. Another physical resource of great
material present. importance in the product creation process is the production
Marketing has made several transitions over the last 50 facility. Resources such as business units and business
years, from seller of a firm’s output to key player in shaping a relationships are also of great importance in this process.
company’s products, technologies and strategic direction.
The importance of resource development
Hakansson and Waluszewski urge that marketing must be
The marketing mix model increasingly devoted to resource development. Managers
Despite these changes, most of the research tools used to should emphasise how products and facilities are related to
analyse marketing problems have developed out of the each other and to important organizational resources. In
marketing mix model – and particularly the 4Ps of product, particular, the interfaces between technical and organizational
price, place and promotion – launched in the 1960s. The resources seem to have large potential for future development.
marketing mix model has a clear micro-economic “allocation (A précis of the article “Developing a new understanding of
of resources” background. It rests on the assumption that the markets: reinterpreting the 4Ps”. Supplied by Marketing
relevant resources involved in the exchange process, including Consultants for Emerald.)

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