Literature Review Table Sample

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Title: Crafting a Comprehensive Literature Review Table: A Guide for Researchers

Welcome to our guide on crafting a comprehensive literature review table. If you're a researcher or
student embarking on the journey of writing a literature review, you're likely aware of the significant
challenges it presents. One of the key components of a literature review is the organization and
synthesis of existing research, and creating an effective literature review table can streamline this

Writing a literature review is no easy feat. It requires meticulous research, critical analysis, and
synthesis of a vast amount of scholarly literature. Additionally, organizing the information gathered
from various sources in a coherent and meaningful way can be daunting.

A well-structured literature review table serves as a visual representation of the existing research
within your field of study. It allows you to categorize and compare different studies based on various
criteria such as research objectives, methodologies, key findings, and limitations. However, creating
such a table requires careful planning and attention to detail.

At times, the sheer volume of literature available on a topic can overwhelm researchers, making it
challenging to identify the most relevant studies and extract pertinent information. Moreover,
ensuring accuracy and consistency in documenting details from each source adds another layer of
complexity to the process.

To alleviate the burden associated with crafting a literature review table, we recommend seeking
assistance from professionals who specialize in academic writing services. ⇒ ⇔
offers expert guidance and support to researchers and students alike, helping them navigate the
intricacies of literature review writing with ease.

By outsourcing your literature review needs to ⇒ ⇔, you can save time and energy
while ensuring the quality and accuracy of your work. Our team of experienced writers understands
the nuances of academic writing and can assist you in creating a literature review table that meets
the highest standards of excellence.

In conclusion, writing a literature review is undoubtedly a challenging task, but with the right
support and resources, it becomes more manageable. If you're struggling with crafting a literature
review table or any other aspect of your research paper, consider reaching out to ⇒
⇔ for professional assistance. Let us help you turn your ideas into a compelling and well-organized
literature review that showcases your expertise in your field of study.
You send regular project updates to investors or clients. Space for comments. As a measure of the
magnitude of effect, for dichotomous outcomes the table will usually provide both a relative
measure (e.g. risk ratio or odds ratio) and measures of absolute risk. Also there may be other
'Instructions to Authors' provided by the journals or organisations in which you plan to publish.
While extracting all relevant information is important, such templates should be tailored to meet the
needs of the individuals’ review. This depends on your university’s specific requirements, so it’s best
to check with them. Most Cochrane Reviews on the effects of interventions will include some type
of statistical synthesis. Such an approach would indicate a flawed methodology because EFA and
CFA should not be conducted on the same sample. Here, we offer five tips for authors of the review
articles, relevant to all types of reviews, for creating useful and relevant literature summary tables.
These methods may also be more prone to errors in data entry than some of the more automated
methods. A review of a clearly formulated question that uses systematic and explicit methods to
identify, select, and critically appraise relevant research, and to collect and analyse data from the
studies that are included in the review. Content from these tools can often be exported to
spreadsheet or database software as well. This template is for the write-up of the actual literature
review chapter, whereas the catalog is for use during the literature sourcing and sorting phase.
Building a Summary Table or Synthesis Matrix The table helps you organize and compare
information for your systematic review, scholarly report, dissertation or thesis Synthesis Matrix.
Define inclusion and exclusion criteria The PICO (or PICOC) acronym stands for population,
intervention, comparison, outcomes (and context). You can find both long and short APA simple
report content on health, science, history, and so much more. Here is an example of a table that
summarizes the characteristics of studies in a review, note this table could be improved by adding a
column for the quality score you assigned to each study, or you could add a column with a value
representing the time period in which the study was carried out if this might be useful for the reader
to know. However, the quality of reviews is also contingent on rigorous data extraction and synthesis,
which require developing literature summaries. But hold on! Don’t quickly jump to the conclusion of
a Book review. As soon as you save a version of the template, just add, remove, or alter any info for
that record, and you’ll have the new work done in a fraction of this time. Rockville (MD): Agency
for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2008 Apr. We will review some of the tools you can use
for data extraction, the types of information you will want to extract, and the options available in the
systematic review software used here at UNC, Covidence. Himmelfarb Library recommends using
RefWorks to manage your references. The cleanly-formatted Google Doc can be downloaded as a
fully editable MS Word Document (DOCX format), so you can use it as-is or convert it to LaTeX. It
contains 3 sections: Instructions to authors Additional supporting material Appendices with
calculations and examples This material is intended as a practical supplement to the advice in the
Cochrane Handbook. Software to help you create coded data extraction forms from templates
include: Covidence, DistillerSR (needs subscription), EPPI Reviewer (subscription, free trial), or
AHRQ's SRDR tool (free) which is web-based and has a training environment, tutorials, and
example templates of systematic review data extraction forms. This categorization determined which
studies were eligible for each comparison (e.g. counselling versus usual care; single or multi-
component strategy). If you are conducting an analytical review with a meta-analysis to compare
data outcomes from several clinical trials you may wish to computerize the data collection and
analysis processes. Systematic review standards are elements that should be reported in any
published systematic review. If you want to further explain the literature review, you can enlighten it
here. The PICO of the included studies (determined at the review stage) is what was actually
investigated in the included studies.
Walden Departments, Centers, and Resources Departments Academic Residencies Academic Skills
Center Career Services Customer Care Team Disability Services Field Experience Literature review
table template Military Services Office of Student Experiential Learning Services Student Affairs
Student Success Advising Writing Center. Relational databases (such as Microsoft Access) can help
you extract information from different categories like citation details, demographics, participant
selection, intervention, outcomes, etc. Keep in mind that the exact requirements for the literature
review chapter will vary between universities and degree programs. These are typically minor, but
it’s always a good idea to double-check your university’s requirements before you finalize your
structure. Few studies or sparse data, or both, may lead to different groupings of interventions,
populations or outcomes. A review of a clearly formulated question that uses systematic and explicit
methods to identify, select, and critically appraise relevant research, and to collect and analyse data
from the studies that are included in the review. These documents allow you to compile details about
your sources, such as the foundational theories, methodologies, and conclusions; begin to note
similarities among the authors; and retrieve citation information for easy insertion within a
document. The available templates may be in the form of a table, chart or a structured framework
that extracts some essential information about every article. Also there may be other 'Instructions to
Authors' provided by the journals or organisations in which you plan to publish. You can find a few
annotated samples on this page. A basic check is to ensure the same qualitative findings (e.g.
direction of effect and statistical significance) between the data as presented in the review and the
data as available from the original study. Many recent critical appraisal checklists (eg, Mixed
Methods Appraisal Tool) discourage review authors from assigning a quality score and recommend
noting the main strengths and limitations of included studies. Using the Research Table This is an
example of a research table, in which you provide a basic description of the most important features
of the studies, articles, and other items you discover in your research. From Lab to Literature:
Exploring the Roadblocks Physicians Navigate in Publishing Their Research Levels of evidence-
based medicine in mass gathering public health and emergency medicine literature review A clinical
literature review of effective supervision in clinical practice settings Comments are closed. You can
also add or alter the columns to look for shared study populations, sort by level of evidence or source
type, etc. Your job, when you assemble this information, is to develop a snapshot of what the
research shows about the topic of your research question and assess its value (both for the purpose of
your work and for general knowledge in the field). This depends on your university’s specific
requirements, so it’s best to check with them. Preferred reporting items for systematic review and
meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015 statement Strategic Publishing RV2 Checklist To help
make informed decisions before publishing, MQ has developed the RV2 checklist to assist with
selecting appropriate peer-reviewed journals. The authors provided a rationale for the change and
noted that it was a post-hoc decision. 9.3.5 Synthesize the characteristics of the studies contributing
to each comparison (step 2.5) A final step, and one that is essential for interpreting combined effects,
is to synthesize the characteristics of studies contributing to each comparison. Methods for the
statistical synthesis are described in Chapter 10, Chapter 11 and Chapter 12. 9.2 A general
framework for synthesis Box 9.2.a A general framework for synthesis that can be applied irrespective
of the methods used to synthesize results Box 9.2.a provides a general framework for synthesis that
can be applied irrespective of the methods used to synthesize results. For a meta-analysis of
Randomized trials you should represent the meta-analysis visually on a “forest plot” (see fig. 2).
Here is another example of a meta-analysis forest plot, and on page 2 a description of how to
interpret it. Writing a systematic review and meta-analysis will help identify a researcher’s field of
interest since they are published in high-impact journals and receive many citations (3). Most
Cochrane Reviews on the effects of interventions will include some type of statistical synthesis. The
secret to creating an effective search strategy is to strike a balance between sensitivity and precision.
Choose the pieces of information you want to collect from each study. More in-depth comparison of
the benefits and limitations of each extraction tool can be found in the table below. You can see a
more complete list of options in the Systematic Review Toolbox. We refer to conceptual contribution
as a description of how the article’s key results contribute towards the development of potential
codes, themes or subthemes, or emerging patterns that are reported as the review findings. Where
possible, however, both relative and absolute measures of effect should be provided. Chapter 2
defined three types of PICO criteria that may be helpful in understanding decisions that need to be
made at different stages in the review: The review PICO (planned at the protocol stage) is the PICO
on which eligibility of studies is based (what will be included and what excluded from the review).
The commonly used information may include authors, purpose, methods, key results and quality
Yes, it’s important to acknowledge and discuss literature that presents different viewpoints or
contradicts your hypothesis. The tables included information about authors, country, purpose, study
design, setting, sample characteristics, sampling technique, method of. The examples described in
this section illustrate approaches for making this process more transparent. 9.3 Preliminary steps of a
synthesis 9.3.1 summarize the characteristics of each study (step 2.1). A starting point for synthesis is
to summarize the PICO characteristics of each study (i.e. the PICO of the included studies, see
Chapter 3 ) and categorize these PICO elements in the groups (or domains) pre-specified in the
protocol (i.e. the PICO for each synthesis). It is a well-known and well-respected multinational non-
profit organisation that promotes, funds, and disseminates systematic reviews and meta-analyses on
the effectiveness of healthcare interventions (2). It’s also possible that translations will be needed.
Define inclusion and exclusion criteria The PICO (or PICOC) acronym stands for population,
intervention, comparison, outcomes (and context). It is suggested that authors maintain a list of all
checked research, including reasons for inclusion or exclusion. Absolute and relative magnitude of
effect (if both are appropriate). The available templates may be in the form of a table, chart or a
structured framework that extracts some essential information about every article. You will be able
to get a quick price and instant permission to reuse the content in many different ways. Always cite
your sources correctly and paraphrase ideas in your own words while maintaining the original
meaning. PRISMA Statement PRISMA Elaboration and Explanation Document Moher D, Shamseer
L, Clarke M, Ghersi D, Liberati A, Petticrew M, et al. Most systematic reviews are expected to have
one summary of findings table. A general framework for synthesis can be used to guide the process
of planning the comparisons, preparing for synthesis, undertaking the synthesis, and interpreting and
describing the results. The description of interventions can be structured using the Template for
Intervention Description and Replication (TIDIeR) checklist, for example (see Chapter 3 and Table
9.3.a ). Table 9.3.a illustrates the use of pre-specified groups to categorize and label interventions in
a review of psychosocial interventions for smoking cessation in pregnancy (Chamberlain et al 2017).
You might like to include on the data extraction form a field for grading the quality of the study, see
the Screening for quality page for examples of some of the quality scales you might choose to apply.
Especially important in a systematic review is the objective, methodologically sound and
reproducible retrieval of the evidence strategies devised by a trained and experienced
information scientist. This is a reporting checklist for systematic literature reviews and meta-analyses
that specifies what information should be included in each portion of a high-quality systematic
review (6). Other more detailed guidelines and criteria, such as the Consolidated Standards of
Reporting Trials (CONSORT), as well as articles with recommendations for improving quality in
RCTs and meta-analyses for psychological intervention, are available (4). RJ’s position is supported
by the NHMRC Cochrane Collaboration Funding Program and Cabrini Institute. 9.7 References
Chamberlain C, O’Mara-Eves A, Porter J, Coleman T, Perlen SM, Thomas J, McKenzie JE. Evidence
level 1 (Table 3.1). RCTs, controlled clinical trials, controlled before-and-after studies, interrupted
time series from 1966 to 1998 (levels 2, 3, 4). Microsoft Products (UNC Information Technology
Services) Cochrane RevMan RevMan offers collection forms for descriptive information on
population, interventions, and outcomes, and quality assessments, as well as for data for analysis and
forest plots. The number is up to you; again, you can alter this table by adding or deleting columns to
match what you're actually looking for in your analysis. Finally, the conclusion should summarize the
whole review in a reasonably convincing manner. Here are some analogies to help with the concept
of synthesis. Keep track of the decisions the team makes and the reasoning behind them. Words8
Pages. Situation Reflection ( words) Introduction. Ref. They come together to make a unified sound
(synthesis). How Do You Make A Summary Of Findings Table For A Systematic Review. Tabulation
of extracted data from studies allows assessment of the number of studies contributing to a particular
meta-analysis, and helps determine what other statistical synthesis methods might be used if meta-
analysis is not possible.
Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are
essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. A bibliography of the included
studies should always be created, particularly if you are intending to publish your review. Use a
Research table to compile the main info you need about the items you find in your research -- it's a
great thing to have on hand as you take notes on what you read. Your job, when you assemble this
information, is to develop a snapshot of what the research shows about the topic of your research
question and assess its value (both for the purpose of your work and for general knowledge in the
field). Tabulation of study characteristics aids the examination and comparison of PICO elements
across studies, facilitates synthesis of these characteristics and grouping of studies for statistical
synthesis. To achieve this aim, they used a convenience sample of 150 participants and performed
exploratory (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) on the same sample. Other more detailed
guidelines and criteria, such as the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT), as well
as articles with recommendations for improving quality in RCTs and meta-analyses for psychological
intervention, are available (4). Gold R, Hollombe C, Bunce A, Nelson C, Davis JV, Cowburn S,
Perrin N, DeVoe J, Mossman N, Boles B, et al. Dealing with effect size multiplicity in systematic
reviews and meta-analyses. We describe the preliminary steps undertaken before performing the
statistical synthesis. You’re also welcome to convert it to whatever format works best for you, such
as LaTeX or PDF. The number is up to you; again, you can alter this table by adding or deleting
columns to match what you're actually looking for in your analysis. The study descriptor table shows
information about the characteristics of included studies, like study design, study region, participant
information, etc. Publications Account settings Browse Titles NCBI Bookshelf. The Theoretical
Literature Review Example in this section elaboratively describes how theoretical literature should
function. Tip 1: provide detailed information about frameworks and methods Literature summary
tables are not only meant to provide an overview of basic information (authors, country, purpose and
findings) about included articles, but they should also provide detailed information about the
theoretical and conceptual frameworks and the methods used in the included article. What types of
literature reviews can this template be used for. Analyse and Interpret results The Review Manager
(RevMan) software, endorsed by the Cochrane Collaboration, is one example of a statistical
programme that can measure effect sizes for meta-analysis. Related Resources. Visit the WriteCast
podcast player and select Episode Disability Services Any concerns about accessibility of materials
on this site or compatibility with assistive technology should be addressed to disability mail. The
secret to creating an effective search strategy is to strike a balance between sensitivity and precision.
Can I include literature that contradicts my hypothesis. Tip 3: write conceptual contribution of each
reviewed article While reading and evaluating review papers, we have observed that many review
authors only provide core results of the article included in a review and do not explain the
conceptual contribution offered by the included article. Figure 2 offers an example of a literature
summary table. 4. Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses. This table
presents a high-level summary of the characteristics that are most important for determining which
comparisons can be made. As soon as you save a version of the template, just add, remove, or alter
any info for that record, and you’ll have the new work done in a fraction of this time. Tip 2: include
strengths and limitations for each article Critical appraisal of individual articles included in a review
is crucial for increasing the rigour of the review. In qualitative reviews (reviews synthesising results
of qualitative studies), this information is beneficial for readers to recognise the underlying
philosophical and paradigmatic stance of the authors of the included articles. You will be able to get
a quick price and instant permission to reuse the content in many different ways. You can download
it in MS Word format or make a copy to your Google Drive.
But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. It is also vital that
methodological and conceptual limitations and strengths of the articles included in the review are
provided because not all review articles include empirical research papers. You can find our full
collection of templates here. Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer
reviewed. Narrative reviews are mostly descriptive, do not require a systematic search of the
literature, and concentrate on a subset of studies in a field selected based on availability or author
preference. Always cite your sources correctly and paraphrase ideas in your own words while
maintaining the original meaning. Test the data collection table (optional).? Collect (extract) the
data.? Review the data collected for any errors.? For accuracy, two or more people should extract
data from each study. You can review the sample matrixes to see a completed form or download the
blank matrix for your own use, literature review table template. You need to fill in all of the columns
for each study you find to properly review the available evidence. It’s also necessary to discuss the
review’s weaknesses, the results’ applicability (generalizability), and the findings’ implications for
patient care, public health, and future clinical research (5). Five tips for developing useful literature
summary tables for writing Literature summary tables are not only meant to provide an overview of
basic information (authors, country, purpose and findings) about included articles, but they should
also provide detailed information about the theoretical and conceptual frameworks and the methods
used in the included article. Guide Sections - Table of Contents If you're new to this methodology,
check out the video and resources below. There are circumstances under which a meta-analysis is not
possible, however, and other statistical synthesis methods might be considered, so as to make best
use of the available data. A summary table helps you record the main points of each source and
document how sources relate to each other. In qualitative reviews (reviews synthesising results of
qualitative studies), this information is beneficial for readers to recognise the underlying
philosophical and paradigmatic stance of the authors of the included articles. Good synthesis is about
putting the data gathered, references read, and literature analyzed together in a new way that shows
connections and relationships. ( Shellenbarger, 2016 ). They come together to make a unified sound
(synthesis). The conceptual contribution of this research article could be that experiential learning is
one way to teach compassion to nursing students, as supported by case studies and reflective logs.
It’s simpler to delete information than add it in, so err on the side of adding also rather than too little.
This is a crucial step, and one that review authors need to address carefully. Most systematic reviews
are expected to have one summary of findings table. Turn recording back on Connect with NLM
National Library of Medicine 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20894 Web Policies FOIA HHS
Vulnerability Disclosure Help Accessibility Careers What’s Included: Literature Review Template
This template is structure is based on the tried and trusted best-practice format for formal academic
research projects such as dissertations and theses. First, in quantitative (reviews synthesising the
results of quantitative studies) and mixed reviews (reviews synthesising the results of both
qualitative and quantitative studies to address a mixed review question), it allows the readers to
assess the congruence of the core findings and methods with the adapted framework and tested
assumptions. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2008 Apr.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017; 2: CD001055. Systematic review standards are
elements that should be reported in any published systematic review. It also includes a grade of the
quality of evidence; i.e., a rating of its certainty. Such an approach would indicate a flawed
methodology because EFA and CFA should not be conducted on the same sample. Tabulation of
extracted data from studies allows assessment of the number of studies contributing to a particular
meta-analysis, and helps determine what other statistical synthesis methods might be used if meta-
analysis is not possible. Elo’s result 2023: Return on investment increased to 6 per cent and cost effi.
Most commonly this is the statistical combination of results from two or more separate studies
(henceforth referred to as meta-analysis) of effect estimates. Covidence allows you to create and
publish a data extraction template with text fields, single-choice items, section headings and section
subheadings; perform dual and single reviewer data extraction; review extractions for consensus; and
export data extraction and quality assessment to a CSV with each item in a column and each study
in a row. A summary table helps you record the main points of each source and document how
sources relate to each other. The examples described in this section illustrate approaches for making
this process more transparent. 9.3 Preliminary steps of a synthesis 9.3.1 summarize the characteristics
of each study (step 2.1). A starting point for synthesis is to summarize the PICO characteristics of
each study (i.e. the PICO of the included studies, see Chapter 3 ) and categorize these PICO
elements in the groups (or domains) pre-specified in the protocol (i.e. the PICO for each synthesis).
The day I walked into my first day of third grade I was excited. Five tips for developing useful
literature summary tables for writing Literature summary tables are not only meant to provide an
overview of basic information (authors, country, purpose and findings) about included articles, but
they should also provide detailed information about the theoretical and conceptual frameworks and
the methods used in the included article. Chapter 5: Collecting Data (Cochrane Handbook) A
Practical Guide to Data Extraction for Intervention Systematic Reviews (Covidence) Click on a type
of data extraction tool below to see some more information about using that type of tool and what
UNC has to offer. If you are writing a narrative review to summarise information reported in a small
number of studies then you probably don't need to go to the trouble of coding the data variables for
computer analysis but instead summarize the information from the data extraction forms for the
included studies. PDF Preparing Summary of Findings (SoF) Tables of this document is to provide
instructions for authors on preparing Summary of Findings (SoF) tables in reviews. GRADE
(Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluations) is a transparent
framework for presenting summaries of evidence. (PDF) Five tips for developing useful literature
summary tables for Data were extracted using the summary tables in Excel. Numbers of participants
and studies addressing these outcomes. Steps of a Systematic Review Tools: Steps: PICO template.
1. Id entify your research question. The main intervention strategy in each study was categorized
into one of six groups: counselling, health education, feedback, incentive-based interventions, social
support, and exercise. Related Resources. Visit the WriteCast podcast player and select Episode
Disability Services Any concerns about accessibility of materials on this site or compatibility with
assistive technology should be addressed to disability mail. Authors will need to assess whether the
measurement methods or tools used within each study provide an appropriate assessment of the
domains ( Chapter 3, Section 3.2.4 ). A next step is to group each measure into the pre-specified time
points. Use of a search summary table to improve systematic review search Publishing a search
summary table in all systematic reviews would add to the growing evidence base about information
retrieval, which would help in determining which databases to search for which type of review (in
terms of either topic or scope), what supplementary search methods are most effective, what type of
literature is being included, an. You can create evidence and summary tables to describe study
characteristics, results, or both. Research and Synthesis Table Templates This Excel workbook
includes simple templates for creating research tables and synthesis tables. Editing a template
requires much less time than formatting some thing from scratch. Himmelfarb Library recommends
using RefWorks to manage your references. The aim of developing these literature summary tables is
to provide the reader with the information at one glance. By way of example, if you want to send
freelance writers a contributor arrangement, modifying a standard contract template (rather than
composing a new contract every time) guarantees you won’t leave out the crucial clause regarding
possessing the content as soon as you’ve paid for it. Omitting this information from a summary
could lead to the inclusion of a flawed article in the review, thereby jeopardising the review’s rigour.
Cochrane RevMan 5.0 Download RevMan for Non-Cochrane Reviews (Cochrane Training) Survey
or Form Software (Qualtrics, Poll Everywhere) Survey or form tools can help you create custom
forms with many different question types, such as multiple choice, drop downs, ranking, and more.
The table helps you organize and compare information for your systematic review, scholarly report,
dissertation or thesis Synthesis Matrix. Keep track of the decisions the team makes and the reasoning
behind them. This standardization includes applying the labels and terminology used to articulate the
PICO for each synthesis ( Chapter 3 ), and structuring the description of PICO elements. Literature
Review Matrix 2 This PDF file provides a sample literature review matrix. Tabulation of extracted
data from studies allows assessment of the number of studies contributing to a particular meta-
analysis, and helps determine what other statistical synthesis methods might be used if meta-analysis
is not possible. This is the reason, many literature reviews are mistily focused.

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