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Title: Mastering the Challenge: Crafting a Comprehensive Adoption Literature Review

Embarking on a literature review journey can be akin to navigating through a labyrinth of

knowledge. It requires meticulous planning, comprehensive research, and the ability to synthesize
diverse perspectives into a coherent narrative. However, when it comes to a specialized topic like
adoption, the task becomes even more daunting.

A literature review on adoption necessitates delving into a multitude of disciplines, including

psychology, sociology, law, and anthropology, among others. It involves exploring a vast array of
scholarly articles, books, case studies, and statistical data to gain a holistic understanding of the
subject matter.

One of the primary challenges of crafting an adoption literature review lies in the sheer volume and
complexity of available literature. The topic of adoption is multifaceted, encompassing various forms
such as domestic adoption, international adoption, foster care, kinship adoption, and more. Each facet
brings its own set of nuances, debates, and empirical findings, making it challenging to sift through
the vast sea of information.

Moreover, the landscape of adoption research is continually evolving, with new studies, theories, and
policy developments emerging regularly. Keeping abreast of the latest scholarship while ensuring a
comprehensive review of foundational literature requires both time and expertise.

Another hurdle in writing a literature review on adoption is the need for critical analysis and
synthesis. It's not merely about summarizing existing literature but also about identifying patterns,
contradictions, and gaps in knowledge. This demands analytical thinking, discernment, and the
ability to draw connections across disparate sources.

Amidst these challenges, it's understandable why many researchers find themselves overwhelmed
and in need of assistance. That's where ⇒ ⇔ comes in.

At ⇒ ⇔, we specialize in providing expert assistance with literature reviews on

adoption and a wide range of other topics. Our team of skilled writers and researchers possess the
knowledge, experience, and dedication to help you navigate the intricacies of adoption literature.

By entrusting your literature review to ⇒ ⇔, you can:

1. Save Time: Let us handle the exhaustive research and synthesis, freeing you to focus on other
aspects of your work.
2. Ensure Quality: Benefit from the expertise of our writers who are well-versed in the nuances
of adoption research and academic writing standards.
3. Gain Insights: Receive a comprehensive review that not only summarizes existing literature
but also offers valuable insights and critical analysis.
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Don't let the complexity of writing a literature review on adoption deter you from producing a stellar
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mastering the challenge of crafting a comprehensive adoption literature review.
This offers some safeguard to the interest of the parents. He may obtain the same by getting his
name registered on his child’s birth certificate, or he may enter a parental responsibility contract with
the mother of the child or through a court order, or he may have to see that PR is conferred on him.
Focusing on the issue, there is a need to consider other factors that might cause complications in the
Adoption process, such as the involvement of children requiring specialized parenting. Davis, F.D.
(1986). A technology acceptance model for empirically testing new end-user. The adopted children
must for example feel the parental love from their new parents and have their right and privileges
protected. Understanding customer satisfaction with technology-based service encounters. Journal
of. Consent of each parent is essential for placement of child’s as an adoption agency should get first
consent from the parents to place a child for adoption, and it is essential that consent should not be
withdrawn subsequently. However, there is an unmistakable covenant among human beings, not just
with the Church’s standpoint as regards developing human life, but also with the worries of the
Church about the outcomes of reproductive technologies for the married couple and the offspring.
Thus, from this line of argument, the human embryo is an integral stage of the person's development.
Malaysian Consumers’ Perspective, Asia Pacific Business Review, 3(1), 91-96. This is the primary
piece of legislation regulating the children's welfare principle. In retrospect, adoption is a
fundamental humanitarian practice that permits people to obtain children. Due consideration should
be given by the court also about the feelings and wishes of the child and shall refrain from making
an order of placement and adoption unless no other option is available.Thus, every initiative should
be undertaken to protect the child’s family and home associations8. Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived
usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of. With the advanced and dynamic growth of
technologies. Sheppard, B. H., Hartwick, J., Warshaw. P. R., (1998) The Theory of Reasoned Action:
A Meta-. Figure 3. The Theory of Reasonable Action (Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975). They thereafter fill
the official documents that govern the adoption of the child in their countries of birth before later
registering in their home countries as citizens of the new countries. Hollenbach, D. The Global Face
of Public Faith: Politics, Human Rights, and Christian Ethics. The implementation of subsequent
legislations on their relations thus becomes easier a trend that safeguards the interests of all the
parties involved in the process. The interests of the children should always overrule those of the two
parents. Lai, P. C. (2007). The Chip Technology Management Implication in the Era of Globalization.
Some of the challenges experienced in the Adoption process are long waiting periods, which appear
unreasonable to some families. Section 1 (2)23 specifies that if the welfare of child needs that the
consent of the parents to be waived off.24 In SB v County Council25, the Court of Appeal has
declined to apply an improved welfare test. As such, the children must enjoy equality in such
families despite the nature of the developments in the families after adoption arrangements since in
certain cases the parents later give birth. Thus, the court has to consider whether the applicant has
real hope for success for a leave and whether an adoption order would best serve the welfare of the
chid. However, among the most conspicuous disadvantages of the process are the heavy financial
implications and the possibility of conflicting laws governing adoption and the registration of people
in the different countries. Fishbein, 1980; Sheppard, Hartwick, and Warshaw, 1988) Theory of
Planned Behavior (Ajzen. Catholic Social Justice: Theological and Practical Explorations.
Figure 10. Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) (Venkatesh, Morris,
Davis and Davis. The contact is essential in making the children have a biological connection with
their biological parents thus influencing their relationship with their adopting parents. However,
children are not manufactured products or commodity that can be generated by machines. It requires
extracting the sperm of the husband after marriage and removing an egg from the ovary of the wife.
As per Dwyer (1994:1429), if a tussle arose between the state and the parents under this legal
domain, the courts would not have to balance the parent’s child-bearing rights with that of child’s
interest as the parents would not have such privileges. Colby (2001) further classified technology
consumers into five technology readiness segments of. After conception, any activity carried out on
the embryo that contravenes the life of the very embryo is an act which violates the right to life. This
is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. In
closed adoption, the biological parents do not interact with their children once they relinquish their
parental rights. These 90 fresh cause and effect topics will wow your teacher. Though the road to
adulthood may be difficult for these children, there are significant signals along the way and
opportunities to enhance the child's possibility of success. The results revealed that TAM 2
performed well in both voluntary and mandatory environment. A review of the current research on
openness in adoption. An open adoption permits such since the children interacts with their other
blood siblings and parents and therefore understands the arrangement from a tender age. In certain
cases, the adopting parents always have children of their own but for reasons best known to them
decide to adopt other children. Wildes, Kevin. Infertility: A Crossroad of Faith, Medicine, and
Technology. Barbara Bennett Woodhouse (1999:1256) maintains that parents have the parental
responsibility instead of parental rights. Lai, P. C. (2007). The Chip Technology Management
Implication in the Era of Globalization. The rise of gay marriages has contributed to the increase of
adoption cases since such parents cannot biologically bear children of their own. If you have a single
bun and are looking for a friend our pairing fee is 50. The author identifies whether cloning embryos
should be linked to reproductive cloning, or the two issues should be kept separate. On the other
hand, if she takes cocaine during delivery, that would reduce the pain but Amelia is likely to face
complications. Bagozzi, R.P. (2007) The Legacy of the Technology Acceptance Model and a
Proposal for a. In Re C (A Child) (Adoption: Duty of Local Authority)48, the court was of the view
that parental consent is to be dispensed with once the adoption process is regarded to be in the best
interest of the child. The process is grueling and requires the completion of paper works which
requires the evaluation of both the child’s and the foster parents background thus determining a
common ground between the two parties. Taylor, S. and Todd, P. A. (1995). Understanding
Information Technology Usage: A Test of. The foster mother is under obligation to seek the leave of
the court before she could make an application for an adoption order from a court under s 42 of the
Adoption and Children Act 2002 as the child had remained with the foster mother for less than 12
months. Order custom research academic papers from the best trusted company. Bennett Woodhouse
laments that law has the panorama of parenthood as not an ownership but as stewardship. Buy essay
online at professional essay writing service. 75 for a bonded pairtriplet 89 for single rabbit.
In developed countries, like Australia, there is an inclination to believe that all problems can be
surpassed with the appropriate technology. Modern adoption laws therefore safeguard the reunion
demands of the adoptees in case they decide to reunite with their families once they become adults.
Read the interesting persuasive speech topics in this post which can be used for various speeches
reports and seminars. S 1(5) of the Act 11speaks about the non-interventionist policy which connotes
that the court will pass order only if it feels that the things would become worse if it does not act.
The court or the agency should pay more attention to the child’s sex, age, environment and any of the
child’s traits which the agency or the court may consider appropriate. These laws embody the
dangers of reproductive technologies to human life, as identified by the Church—dangers to the
value of marriage, and dangers to human dignity.27. N case of a separation of the couples, the law
explains whatever happens to the children owing to the fact that they are part of the family. Since,
this study is voluntary; therefore the Shih and. Yang, K.C.C. (2005). Exploring factors affecting the
adoption of mobile commerce in Singapore. Additionally, the distance makes it difficult for the
biological parents or any other interested party to stalk and investigate n the ware bouts of the
children as interests may later begin conflicting thus complicating an adoption process. As per Dwyer
(1994:1429), if a tussle arose between the state and the parents under this legal domain, the courts
would not have to balance the parent’s child-bearing rights with that of child’s interest as the parents
would not have such privileges. Such rights and privileges include the right to love, affection and fair
treatment from the parents. The government safeguards such rights in the constitution thus giving
adopted children an advantage in case of a contravention of any of such rights. Overriding
significance should be given by the above to a child’s welfare for the whole of their life. Looking for
interesting cause and effect essay topics. Under ss 50,114(4) of the Adoption and Children Act 2002,
the definition of those who could adopt a child which includes unmarried couples also, and the 2002
Act3 has made the welfare of the adopted child as a paramount while in the 1976 Act 4, welfare of
the child was the first priority of an UK’s court. Buy essay online at professional essay writing
service. 75 for a bonded pairtriplet 89 for single rabbit. Both the proponents and the opponents of
the use of the technology share a common aspect in that there ought to be some limits placed on the
use of a human embryo. Parental consent can be overlooked under s 21(2) of the Act31 if the child is
already is under the compulsory state care due to the fact that of failure on the part of the parents to
offer reasonable care to the child. Such fertilization entrusts the life and identity of the embryo to the
power of doctors and biologists and establishes the domination of technology over the origin and
destiny of the human person.7. Being raised up in a culturally diverse setting may offer such children
with music, books, artwork or music which represents the child's race. Figure 10. Unified Theory of
Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) (Venkatesh, Morris, Davis and Davis. Fishbein, 1980;
Sheppard, Hartwick, and Warshaw, 1988) Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen. Among the modern
trends in an adoption process are open records. We use cookies to create the best experience for you.
Such cases are rampant in on foreign adoptions in which some countries may have weaker adoption
legislations thus necessitating the execution of social vices (Babb and Rita 32). Colby (2001) further
classified technology consumers into five technology readiness segments of. This article includes
topic questions videos and links to help you find out how and what to write. Among the most
common reasons given by adopting parents, include the failure of such couples to have children. B
fears that A will ill-treat the child once it is born.
He may obtain the same by getting his name registered on his child’s birth certificate, or he may
enter a parental responsibility contract with the mother of the child or through a court order, or he
may have to see that PR is conferred on him. The process is grueling and requires the completion of
paper works which requires the evaluation of both the child’s and the foster parents background thus
determining a common ground between the two parties. These rights are present for the advantages
of the child, and they are substantiated only to the magnitude that they facilitate the parent to
execute his duties towards the child. Information Technology System adoption (Venkatesh and Bala,
2008). Figure 5. Original Technology Acceptance Model (Davis, 1986). Bennett Woodhouse laments
that law has the panorama of parenthood as not an ownership but as stewardship. B fears that A will
ill-treat the child once it is born. Open adoption is one in which the biological parents can access their
children from their new parents. The child thus moves into the new family and does not interact with
his biological family again (Robinson 16). Focusing on the issue, there is a need to consider other
factors that might cause complications in the Adoption process, such as the involvement of children
requiring specialized parenting. Coleman, John. One Hundred Years of Catholic Social Thought:
Celebration and Challenge. Figure 2. Task-technology fit (Goodhue and Thompson, 1995). Lai P. C
(2006). The significant of E-business and knowledge-based Customer Relationship in. In such cases,
the agencies do not maintained detailed information about the children and readily issue them to the
organized cartels in other parts of the world. This is the need of the hour as there have been ever
increasing figures of children born outside the wedlock, and 2002 Act50 should be amended to offer
more recognition to the biological parent without parental accountability in the adoption process.
Though the road to adulthood may be difficult for these children, there are significant signals along
the way and opportunities to enhance the child's possibility of success. Keep on browsing if you are
OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. The biological parents monitor and visit his or her
child periodically. Malaysian Consumers’ Perspective, Asia Pacific Business Review, 3(1), 91-96.
Obviously, A’s violent character, if it is shown against the child, is bad-tempered and unacceptable.
The implementation of subsequent legislations on their relations thus becomes easier a trend that
safeguards the interests of all the parties involved in the process. Many Catholic scholars believe that
the Lower Tubal Ovum Transfer (LTOT) is moral. Among the negative trends of adoption include
child trafficking, several agencies have turned their operations into the illegal business of children
trafficking thus exposing such children to myriad social ills such as sex slavery and drug trafficking.
S 1(5) of the Act44 speaks about the non-interventionist policy which connotes that the court will
pass order only if it feels that the things would become worse if it does not act In Re: A (a child)
(adoption)45 case, the Court of the Appeal was of the view that though welfare of the child is a
relevant point under the 2002 Act46, it is not the dominant or paramount consideration. As stated
earlier, adoption is a contemporary necessity and some countries safeguard adoption as a human
right. In this type of adoption, the adopted child gets a chance to know her true biological parents
and the child can get occasional visits from the parents. Fortunately, the parental consent can be
overlooked only if a consent order is obtained from the court or when there is a significant harm to
the child’s welfare. However, parent’s right is at jeopardy as only under limited scenarios, the leave is
granted by the court for the revocation of a placement order33. The Church knows that not every
moral goal can be carried out through the law. Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived
ease of use, and user acceptance of.
As held in Webster v Norfolk County Council2, adoption is a process which engrosses the separation
of legal relation between the natural parents and a child thereby creating a new kinship with the
adoptive parents. Whether Child Welfare alone is to be given of a paramount significance thereby
disregarding the parental consent and the rights of the natural parents under the Adoption and
Children Act 2002? - An Analysis The law on adoption was completely transformed with the effect
from 30 December 2005 through the introduction of the Adoption and Children Act 2002 in UK. The
Adoption and Children Act 2002 tries to address the question of parental consent of the natural
parents and the question of the best interest of the child which are tackled at an early stage.
Nevertheless, the TPB in Chau and Hu (2002) noted that social. The Ethics of Embryo Adoption and
the Catholic Tradition. This is mainly to bring the English legislation in matching with the Article 3
and 19 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Child which demands member states
inter alia to make sure that the best interest of the child should be accorded paramount significance in
the contour of adoption. Use of Technology (UTAUT), Venkatesh, Morris, Davis and Davis (2003)
and Technology. Goodhue et al. (1995) assumed that the good fit between task and technology is to
increase the. Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing Research, International FDP on. While
they do not make the decisions, the government investigates the background of the new parents to
determine that they are capable of protecting and providing for the children they adopt. As per the
Adoption and Children Act 2002, if the welfare of a child requires it, the court can dispense with the
requirement of consent of the natural parent to the placement and adoption of their child. In this
case, Savalescu supports the killing of embryos arguing that killing is not bad as long as it results to
benefits to the living and to those at risk of dying. Catholic Social Justice: Theological and Practical
Explorations. Read the interesting persuasive speech topics in this post which can be used for various
speeches reports and seminars. N case of a separation of the couples, the law explains whatever
happens to the children owing to the fact that they are part of the family. In this case, it was held by
the House of Lords that when the child is really suffering or is probable to suffer, poignant hurt is
the juncture at which the local authority can initiate protective steps. Though the road to adulthood
may be difficult for these children, there are significant signals along the way and opportunities to
enhance the child's possibility of success. Lai, P. C. (2007). The Chip Technology Management
Implication in the Era of Globalization. Obviously, A’s violent character, if it is shown against the
child, is bad-tempered and unacceptable. The court or the agency should give due weight to feelings
and wishes of any of the relatives of the child or any such individual who is close relatives of the
child. TAM3, UTAUT as well and then discuss the TAM as framework for the novel technology of.
Stimulus Research Theoretical Hypothesis” (Lai, 2016). Such possibilities result in stress and trauma
to the adopting family. Henderson and Divett, 2003; Lu, Yu, Liu, and Yao, 2003; Lai and Zainal,
2014; 2015; Lai. Additionally, the children share equal inheritance rights from the adopting parents.
Aggrieved by the order of the County Court, the foster mother applied to the Court of Appeal which
consented to the appeal and permitted the foster mother to make an application for the leave to
apply for an adoption order. An open adoption permits such since the children interacts with their
other blood siblings and parents and therefore understands the arrangement from a tender age. If
uniqueness of the human embryos is an obstacle to destroying them, taking one cell of the embryo
and destroying the rest to get the stem cells for keeping this unique potential is possible, the
educators state. Figure 8. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM 2) (Venkatesh and Davis, 2000). An
open adoption is more convenient in the contemporary society.
James Dwyer asserts that the law centres on child’s rights instead of parental rights, and the law
could acknowledge the parents as child’s agents, with an accountability to assert rights of the child
and to safeguard the interests of the child. Modern Catholic Social Teaching: Commentaries and
Interpretations. On the other hand, if she takes cocaine during delivery, that would reduce the pain
but Amelia is likely to face complications. Lai P. C (2006). The significant of E-business and
knowledge-based Customer Relationship in. In addition, we also present discussion of studies that
focus on specific attributes of IFRS, and also provide detailed discussion of research design choices
and empirical issues researchers face when evaluating IFRS adoption effects. The contact is essential
in making the children have a biological connection with their biological parents thus influencing
their relationship with their adopting parents. Lai, P. C. (2014) “Factors influencing consumers’
intention to use a single platform E-payment. The results revealed that TAM 2 performed well in
both voluntary and mandatory environment. Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived
ease of use, and user acceptance of. Other recent studies examining the effects of IFRS on the
inclusion of accounting numbers in formal contracts point out that IFRS has lowered the
contractibility of accounting numbers. Additionally, the distance makes it difficult for the biological
parents or any other interested party to stalk and investigate n the ware bouts of the children as
interests may later begin conflicting thus complicating an adoption process. Yang, K.C.C. (2005).
Exploring factors affecting the adoption of mobile commerce in Singapore. In such scenario, the
court will consider whether B will be an unsuitable parent as she has a worry over the welfare of the
child, and also she does not possess any earlier bad parenting. We have also heard in one point to
another white family should not have a black child placed among them because they will not
understand how to take care of the child's hair. Modern adoption laws therefore safeguard the
reunion demands of the adoptees in case they decide to reunite with their families once they become
adults. Thus, the figure 11 also showed the “Design and Security. Reproductive technologies defy the
symbolic harmony of procreation, the sexual act, and marriage. Han, S. (2003). Individual adoption
of information systems in organisations: a literature review. Allen, John. The Future Church: How
Ten Trends are Revolutionizing the Catholic Church. Under section 52(1) of the 2002 Act22, parental
consent can be relaxed only under two scenarios viz. TAM3 using the four different types including
the individual differences, system characteristics. Gender, Social Influence, and Their Role in
Technology Acceptance and Usage Behavior. MIS. The author identifies whether cloning embryos
should be linked to reproductive cloning, or the two issues should be kept separate. The interests of
the children should always overrule those of the two parents. Section 52 of the Act21 explains the
procedure relating to consent. According to Lai (2016), the design and security are the stimulus. The
adopted children must for example feel the parental love from their new parents and have their right
and privileges protected. Information Technology System adoption (Venkatesh and Bala, 2008).
Additionally, the immense cultural difference exposes the children to suffer from extensive cultural
shock, which may interfere with their development and settling into the new country. It is easier and
more convenient to most couples owing to the ease of processing the papers owing to the similarity
of the laws applying to both parties.
It is somewhat acceptable, in fact laudable, to try to look for solutions to infertility. In such cases,
the communication and link between the two families breaks with the completion of the transfer.
Such possibilities result in stress and trauma to the adopting family. The Church argues that even the
honorable goals for which these reproductive technologies could be used cannot defend this form of
damaging research and testing on procreation.17. James Dwyer asserts that the law centres on child’s
rights instead of parental rights, and the law could acknowledge the parents as child’s agents, with
an accountability to assert rights of the child and to safeguard the interests of the child. Davis, F. D.
(1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of. Figure 4. The first two
factors are the same as Theory of Reasonable Action (Fishbein and Ajzen. Being raised up in a
culturally diverse setting may offer such children with music, books, artwork or music which
represents the child's race. In the United States and many other developed economies, the adoption
process is detailed in order to ensure that an adopted child becomes a legitimate family member.
Davis, F.D. (1986). A technology acceptance model for empirically testing new end-user. If you have
a single bun and are looking for a friend our pairing fee is 50. Parental Rights At the time of child’s
birth, if parents are married, then, both get automatically parental rights and accountabilities over the
child- until a court order deprives the same from one or both. Shih and Fang (2004) also examined
the adoption of internet. This requires relocating the woman’s egg outside a clog in the fallopian tube
in order to assist conception.20 The Gamete Intra-Fallopian Transfer (GIFT) is another procedure, but
more morally questionable. The process is hectic and more complicated but present several
advantages over domestic adoption (Bharat 51). Let us write or edit the literature review on your
topic. The local authority, for the best reasons known to them acted swiftly before the foster mother
could apply for leave and obtained a placement and care order from the Family Proceedings Court.
In case of divorce, one of the parents may have the chance to lose his accountabilities and rights.
Later, the child was given to another adopter thereby neglecting the wishes the foster mother. A
number of theories have proposed to explain consumers’. Among the modern trends in an adoption
process are open records. Competing Models. Information Systems Research, 6, 144-176. The results
revealed that TAM 2 performed well in both voluntary and mandatory environment. Under this
scenario, the court will not endeavour to issue an order merely the threshold yardsticks are met. This
comprises any choice by the court about the waiver of permission by parent or to pass an order under
section 26 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002 for a contact order. In our society adoption is
looked at rather skeptically. Figure 7. Final version of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
(Venkatesh and Davis, 1996). Catholic Social Justice: Theological and Practical Explorations.
Additionally, the children share equal inheritance rights from the adopting parents. Since, this study
is voluntary; therefore the Shih and.

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